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Mikayla Burge

CSIS 1030


Algorithms Are Taking Over The World


I think that it is amazing that we have come so far with learning how to apply algorithms
to things such as on Wall Street. I do however think that we need to be prepared for it to make a
mistake just in case something like that of the trillion dollars that was lost in the flash crash of
2010 happens again. I’m not saying we can always prevent things like that from happening,
because let's face it, there is no way to know for sure the millions of different ways that
something can go wrong. However, I do think we should have a fall back just in case, or at least,
something to catch these slip ups. I believe it is very smart what the marketing companies have
done to be able to catch other humans attention to what they like. People get to see and hear
what they like and the companies make a big profit from it.
My thoughts on using these algorithms in anything, is that we should have some sort of
cap, or limit, to where these bots can be used. If we do not put some restrictions on it, it might
make the things we find interesting, such as sports, uninteresting. Who will pay for tickets to a
game? Who will pay the players who work day and night to better themselves for our
entertainment? How can they afford to pay the bills at the stadiums? These are issues we could
face if we don’t provide a set of rules. If we continue down this path without limits, many jobs
could be taken over, such as the automatic pharmacy they have in California. It is amazing that
it made so little mistakes, however, how many people with degrees will be out of jobs? Many
years of a person's life is wasted because of a machine, and this is just the beginning. The only
jobs left to perform would be the ones who make these algorithms, and those who can fix them.
For me personally, it does affect how I use social media. I don’t often post personal stuff
online, and don’t like using too many different social platforms. I dislike knowing anything I say
or do is used to benefit the companies. I don’t like it when I look something up online, or even
talk about something, and then for the next couple of weeks, that is all im seeing on my
facebook page, or any social media page. I believe that It is very manipulative when it comes
down to it. Having my life be influenced so much by something like that is something I never
thought would happen. I never knew that companies could be using my recorded conversation
to do other things, rather than just for training or for the “higher ups” in the company to look
over. I think that many of these algorithms that are being used can be passed as being okay
and being helpful. However, I think that we are getting to the point where these algorithms can
start to be hurtful to people.

Link to Tedx:

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