CBSE: Assessment of Speaking and Listening Skills (ASL) : Class - IX Code IX-L-03 Listening Test Task - 1

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CBSE: Assessment of Speaking and Listening Skills (ASL)

Class - IX Code IX-L-03

Time: 40 min Max Marks: 20

Task – 1 4 marks
You will hear some tips on protecting mobile phones from damage. Read the notes below,
then listen to the tips and complete the notes with one or two words only. You will hear the
recording twice.
Protecting Your Mobile Phone
1. First, ___________ the battery and the SIM card without delay.
2. Keep the phone switched off and protect its _______________.
3. Next, ______________ the phone with a cloth.
4. Let it dry out completely, then ____________ it.

Task – 2 5 marks
You will hear a conversation between a girl and her cousin about the migration of
Monarch butterflies. Read the statements below, then listen to the conversation and
choose five of the options A-H which are correct. Write the letters in the blank boxes.
You will hear the recording twice.
Which of the following statements are true?
A. Some Monarch butterflies travel over three thousand miles.
B. Migratory Monarch butterflies leave a country forever.
C. These butterflies have striking red and black colours.
D. Monarch butterflies outside North America remain where they are.
E. Only one generation of Monarch butterflies lives longer.
F. Young Monarch butterflies are taught their migratory flight path.
G. A particular plant determines the movement of these butterflies.
H. Baby Monarch butterflies are milky white and brown in colour.
Central Board of Secondary Education Trinity College London

Task – 3 5 marks
You will hear five short extracts of people expressing their opinions about public
speaking. Read the statements below, then listen to the extracts and match each
statement A-G to each speaker 1-5. There are two statements you do not need. You will
hear the recordings twice.
Statements Speaker No.
A. A speaker who knows his topic really well is valued.
B. The tone and delivery of a speech can make a great impact.
C. Planning is a must for successful public speaking.
D. Public speaking requires effective body language.
E. You should be a good actor to be a good public speaker.
F. Your speech should reflect your personality and inner confidence.
G. A good speech must have variety to hold interest.

Task – 4 6 marks
You will hear a speech about online books. Read the questions below, then listen to the
extract and choose ‘a’ or ‘b’ or ‘c’ for each question. You will hear the recording twice.

1. The speaker believes education has changed because

a. virtual schools are gaining popularity.
b. technology has entered the field.
c. e-textbooks have been introduced.

2. The speaker feels that school libraries

a. balance their selection of fiction and research books.
b. maintain a select list of research and technical books.
c. are unable to update selections according to needs.

3. The speaker says when people search online, they

a. waste time and energy.
b. reproduce work carelessly.
c. take shortcuts without real benefits.

4. According to a survey, the growth potential of online bookstores is

a. encouraging.
b. limitless.
c. balanced.
Central Board of Secondary Education Trinity College London

5. Online bookstores design and sell books creatively

a. to meet different customer requirements.
b. to fight competition from other stores.
c. to build an identity of their own.

6. The speaker ends his speech on

a. an angry note.
b. a confused note.
c. an undecided note.

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