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PHYSICAL REVIEW A 70, 032104 (2004)

Symplectic quantization, inequivalent quantum theories, and Heisenberg’s principle

of uncertainty
Merced Montesinos*
Departamento de Física, Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Avenida IPN No. 2508,
07000 Ciudad de México, Mexico

G. F. Torres del Castillo†

Departamento de Física Matemática, Instituto de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 72570 Puebla, Pue., Mexico
(Received 28 January 2004; published 14 September 2004)

We analyze the quantum dynamics of the nonrelativistic two-dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator in
Heisenberg’s picture. Such a system is taken as a toy model to analyze some of the various quantum theories
that can be built from the application of Dirac’s quantization rule to the various symplectic structures recently
reported for this classical system. It is pointed out that that these quantum theories are inequivalent in the sense
that the mean values for the operators (observables) associated with the same physical classical observable do
not agree with each other. The inequivalence does not arise from ambiguities in the ordering of operators but
from the fact of having several symplectic structures defined with respect to the same set of coordinates. It is
also shown that the uncertainty relations between the fundamental observables depend on the particular quan-
tum theory chosen. It is important to emphasize that these (somehow paradoxical) results emerge from the
combination of two paradigms: Dirac’s quantization rule and the usual Copenhagen interpretation of quantum

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.70.032104 PACS number(s): 03.65.Ta, 03.65.Ca

I. INTRODUCTION Born-Jordan relations or simply canonical commutation rela-

tions [3–5]
The usual textbook treatment of the Hamiltonian formu-
lation of dynamical systems consists in writing the equations
of motion 关q̂i,q̂ j兴 = 0, 关q̂i,p̂ j兴 = iប␦ij, 关p̂i,p̂ j兴 = 0, 共5兲

q̇i = f i共q,p兲, ṗi = gi共q,p兲, 共1兲 which are the quantum version of Eqs. (3). In Eq. (5), the
“hat” over each symbol indicates the operator corresponding
for autonomous systems in the form [1,2]
to the variable under consideration and the square bracket 关,兴
⳵H ⳵H indicates the commutator of operators. For most dynamical
q̇i = , ṗi = − , i, j = 1,2, . . . ,n, 共2兲 systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom the spe-
⳵ pi ⳵ qi
cific representation of these operators does not matter, on
where H is “the Hamiltonian of the system,” the variables account of the Stone-von Neumann theorem [6] (neverthe-
共qi , pi兲 are canonically conjugate to each other in the sense less, an exception where the theorem does not apply is the
that system of a “particle in a box”). It is important to emphasize
that the standard procedure to go from the classical to the
兵qi,q j其 = 0, 兵qi,p j其 = ␦ij, 兵pi,p j其 = 0, 共3兲 quantum realm, known as canonical quantization [3], is not
completely free of ambiguities. Among them one has the
with 兵,其 the Poisson bracket defined by
choice of the measures on the several Hilbert spaces in-
⳵f ⳵g ⳵f ⳵g volved and sometimes some ambiguities in the ordering of
兵f,g其 = − , 共4兲 the product of operators. Even though these ambiguities are
⳵ qi ⳵ pi ⳵ pi ⳵ qi
important, they are not relevant for the present discussion
where from now on Einstein’s sum convention over the con- and they are mentioned just for completeness in the descrip-
tracted indices is understood. tion of canonical quantization.
If the classical system admits the Hamiltonian formula- Coming back to the classical dynamics and before men-
tion previously mentioned, then the standard recipe to go tioning the ideas developed in this paper, it is convenient to
from its classical to its quantum dynamics from the canonical remind the reader that the equations of motion (2) can be set
point of view consists in finding an irreducible representation in the form
for the fundamental operators which satisfy the Heisenberg-
ẋ␮ = ␻␮␯ , ␮, ␯ = 1,2, . . . ,2n, 共6兲
⳵ x␯
*Electronic address:

Electronic address: with 共x␮兲 = 共q1 , q2 , . . . , qn , p1 , p2 , . . . , pn兲 and

1050-2947/2004/70(3)/032104(8)/$22.50 70 032104-1 ©2004 The American Physical Society


共 ␻ ␮␯兲 = 冉 冊
−I 0
, 共7兲
gives rise to the following questions: what are the conse-
quences in the quantum theory of choosing alternative sym-
plectic structures on the phase space of the theory when the
where 0 and I are n ⫻ n matrices [1]. Also, Eq. (4) acquires pairs 共qi , pi兲 are not necessarily canonical ones from the very
the form beginning? Is it possible in such cases to build a mathemati-
cally “consistent” quantum theory? If the answer is in the
⳵ f ␮␯ ⳵ g affirmative, does it make sense physically? In this paper, we
兵f,g其 = ␻ , 共8兲
⳵ x␮ ⳵ x␯ are going to try to answer these kinds of questions.
At first sight it might appear that this way of approaching
from which Eq. (3) can be rewritten as
quantum mechanics is the one of geometric quantization [7].
兵x␮,x␯其 = ␻␮␯ . 共9兲 Nevertheless, there, people frequently choose a symplectic
structure in such a way that 共qi , pi兲 are canonical coordinates
Thus, from this perspective, the coordinates 共x␮兲 locally label to start with the quantization program.
the points of the phase space ⌫ of the system where dynam- Here, as we mentioned, we are not interested in keeping
ics takes place, the Hamiltonian H is a real function defined 共qi , pi兲 as canonical coordinates but exactly the other way
on ⌫, and the definition of the Poisson bracket is equivalent around, we want to analyze the quantum theories that emerge
to the introduction of a symplectic structure ␻ from Dirac’s quantization rule (10) when alternative sym-
= 21 ␻␮␯ dx␮∧dx␯ on the phase space, where the matrix 共␻␮␯兲 plectic structures (defined with respect to the same set of
is the inverse matrix of 共␻␮␯兲. The two-form ␻ is nondegen- coordinates of phase space) are taken into account. To inves-
erate, i.e., ␻␮␯v␯ = 0 implies v␮ = 0 which means that there tigate this point, the quantum dynamics of the two-
exists the inverse matrix 共␻␮␯兲. Also, ␻ is closed, i.e., dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator is analyzed in this
⳵␮␻␯␥ + ⳵␯␻␥␮ + ⳵␥␻␮␯ = 0 which is equivalent to the fact that paper. In particular, it is shown that several quantum theories
the Poisson bracket satisfies the Jacobi identity [1,2]. can consistently be built from alternative symplectic struc-
Therefore, it is clear that the symplectic geometry is the tures associated with the same classical system and that the
geometric structure underlying the Hamiltonian formulation corresponding quantum theories are not equivalent in the
of mechanics [1,2]. Moreover, Eqs. (6) are covariant in the sense that the expectation values for the operators (observ-
sense that they maintain their form if the canonical coordi- ables) associated to the same physical entity do not agree
nates are replaced by a completely arbitrary set of coordi- with each other in all these quantum theories. Moreover, it is
nates in terms of which 共␻␮␯兲 need not be given by Eq. (7). shown that Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle in the usual
It should be remarked that even in the standard formulation way that it is normally stated does not hold. In our opinion,
of Lagrangian or Hamiltonian mechanics one always has the these results are just a reflection of the fact that the notions
possibility of using completely arbitrary coordinates in the involved in quantum mechanics are not expressed in a “co-
configuration or in the phase space; the usual procedure con- variant way” but they are tied to the case when 共qi , pi兲 are
sists in finding first the expression for the Lagrangian or the canonical coordinates as we discuss in Secs. III–V.
Hamiltonian function making use of an inertial reference
frame and then make the desired coordinate transformation.
In a similar way, one can retain the original coordinates II. FREEDOM IN THE SYMPLECTIC DESCRIPTION
共qi , pi兲 and still write the original equations of motion (1) in OF CLASSICAL DYNAMICS
the Hamiltonian form (6), but now employing alternative
symplectic structures ␻␮␯共x兲, distinct to that given in Eq. (7), Before going into the quantum theory, it is convenient to
and by taking as Hamiltonian any real function on ⌫ which is review the classical dynamics of the nonrelativistic two-
a constant of motion for the system. This means that the dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator which will be used
writing of the equations of motion of a dynamical system in as a toy model to study the consequences on the quantum
Hamiltonian form is not unique (see Sec. II). It is pretty theory of choosing symplectic structures alternative to the
obvious that any description of the dynamics for a given usual one. The dynamics of this system is given by the equa-
classical system from the symplectic point of view is math- tions of motion,
ematically and physically acceptable.
However, it is a priori far from being obvious whether or
not the various quantum theories emerging from the combi- px py
nation of Dirac’s quantization rule ẋ = , ẏ = ,
m m
关f̂,ĝ兴 = iប兵f,g其 共10兲
with alternative symplectic structures are mathematically and ṗx = − m␻2x, ṗy = − m␻2y, 共11兲
physically equivalent to each other in the generic case.
Again, in Eq. (10), the “hat” over each symbol indicates the
operator corresponding to the classical variable under con- where the overdot stands for the time derivative with respect
sideration. Therefore, 兵f ˆ , g其 is the operator corresponding to to the Newtonian time t, m is the mass, and ␻ is the angular
兵f , g其. In particular, the combination of these two ingredients frequency. The solution to the equations of motion (11) is


px0 兵x,py其1 = 1, 兵y,px其1 = 1, 共19兲

x = x0 cos ␻t + sin ␻t,
which is the same as
px = − m␻x0 sin ␻t + px0 cos ␻t, ␻1 = dpy∧dx + dpx∧dy 共20兲

py0 [cf. Eqs. (15) and (16)].

y = y 0 cos ␻t + sin ␻t, Case (3) The equations (11) can also be obtained from
共x␮兲 = 共x1 , x2 , x3 , x4兲 = 共x , y , px , py兲,

冢 冣
py = − m␻y 0 sin ␻t + py0 cos ␻t, 共12兲 0 0 −1 0
where x0 = x共t = 0兲, y 0 = y共t = 0兲, px0 = px共t = 0兲, and py0 = py共t 0 0 0 1
共 ␻ ␮␯兲 = , 共21兲
= 0兲 are the initial data (at t = 0) of the dynamical variables 1 0 0 0
for the system. 0 −1 0 0
Case (1) Usual viewpoint of symplectic dynamics. The
standard treatment found in textbooks about the writing of and
the equations of motion (11) in the Hamiltonian formalism
(6) is to consider that the points of the phase space ⌫ = R4 are 共py兲2 − 共px兲2 1
labeled by the coordinates 共x␮兲 = 共x1 , x2 , x3 , x4兲 = 共x , y , px , py兲 H = S2 ª + m␻2共y 2 − x2兲, 共22兲
2m 2
in such a way that 共x , px兲 and 共y , py兲 are canonical pairs.
From this point of view, Eqs. (11) can be set in the form (6) or, equivalently, the nonvanishing Poisson brackets are
兵x,px其2 = − 1, 兵y,py其2 = 1, 共23兲

冢 冣
0 0 1 0
which is the same as
0 0 0 1
共 ␻ ␮␯兲 = 共13兲
−1 0 0 0 ␻2 = − dpx∧dx + dpy∧dy 共24兲
0 −1 0 0
[cf. Eqs. (15) and (16)].
and Case (4) Similarly, the equations of motion (11) can be

冉 冊
obtained from 共x␮兲 = 共x1 , x2 , x3 , x4兲 = 共x , y , px , py兲,
1 共px兲2 共py兲2

冢 冣
H = S0 ª + m ␻ 2x 2 + + m␻2y 2 , 共14兲
2 m m 1
0 − 0 0
or, equivalently, the nonvanishing Poisson brackets are m␻
兵x,px其0 = 1, 兵y,py其0 = 1, 共15兲 共 ␻ ␮␯兲 = 0 0 0 , 共25兲
which is the same as 0 0 0 − m␻
␻0 = dpx∧dx + dpy∧dy. 共16兲 0 0 m␻ 0
Alternative viewpoints of symplectic dynamics. As ex- and
plained in Refs. [8,9], it is not mandatory to interpret 共x , px兲
and 共y , py兲 as if they were per se canonical coordinates, and H = S3 ª ␻共xpy − ypx兲, 共26兲
many other choices of the pair 共␻ , H兲 where ␻ is a symplec-
tic structure and H is a Hamiltonian are allowed. The follow- or, equivalently, the nonvanishing Poisson brackets are
ing three pairs were introduced in Ref. [9]:
Case (2) The equations of motion (11) can be set in a 兵x,y其3 = − , 兵px,py其3 = − m␻ , 共27兲
Hamiltonian form (6) by taking 共x␮兲 = 共x1 , x2 , x3 , x4兲 m␻
= 共x , y , px , py兲,
which is the same as

冢 冣
0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0 ␻3 = m␻ dx∧dy + dpx∧dpy 共28兲
共␻ 兲 = , 共17兲 m␻
0 −1 0 0
−1 0 0 0 [cf. Eqs. (15) and (16)].
Some remarks follow:
and (1) It is important to recall that the alternative Hamilto-
px p y nians are just constants of motion, that do not correspond nor
H = S1 ª + m␻2xy, 共18兲 are they required to correspond to the energy of the system,
as it can be easily verified combining each Hamiltonian func-
or, equivalently, the nonvanishing Poisson brackets are tion with the Poisson bracket proposed in each case or by


using the equations of motion (11) directly. Moreover, the sically a noncommutativity between the coordinates 共x , y兲
energy is conserved in each case because it is a constant of and between the momenta 共px , py兲.
motion.1 By using Eq. (12) it is possible to compute the corre-
(2) The equations of motion do not uniquely determine a sponding symplectic structures on the physical phase space
single pair 共␻ , H兲 formed by a symplectic structure ␻ and a ⌫phys whose points are labeled by the coordinates
Hamiltonian H. In the present case, the triples 共⌫ = R4 , ␻ 共x0 , y 0 , px0 , py0兲. One gets
= ␻␮ , H = S␮兲, ␮ = 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 give rise by means of Eq. (6) to
the same equations of motion (11). Therefore, phrases in- ⍀0 = dpx0∧dx0 + dpy0∧dy 0 ,
volving an absolute connotation like “the Hamiltonian of the
dynamical system” are not correct because there is not a ⍀1 = dpy0∧dx0 + dpx0∧dy 0 ,
single Hamiltonian for a dynamical system, rather, there are
many of them [10,11].2 In addition, to state that x and px
⍀2 = − dpx0∧dx0 + dpy0∧dy 0 ,
(same for y and py) “do not commute classically” is, on
account of the previously displayed symplectic structures,
also not correct because the commutation or not (in the Pois- 1
⍀3 = m␻ dx0∧dy 0 + dpx0∧dpy0 , 共29兲
son bracket sense) is not something intrinsic to the variables m␻
x and px but it depends on the symplectic structure chosen.3
(3) The fact of having several symplectic structures ␻␮ respectively. Obviously
should not be interpreted as a reflection of Darboux’s theo- ⍀ ␮ = 共 ␾ t兲 *␻ ␮, ␮ = 0,1,2,3, 共30兲
rem [2], which applies once a symplectic two-form has been
defined on a manifold of even dimension. Here, there is no with ␾t : ⌫phys → ⌫ given by Eq. (12), i.e.,
such fixed symplectic structure from the very beginning, ␾t
rather, one is defining four alternative symplectic structures 共⌫phys,⍀␮兲→ 共⌫, ␻␮兲, ␮ = 0,1,2,3. 共31兲
from the very beginning.
(4) It must be emphasized that even if the symplectic Thus, even when the evolution in t is a “canonical transfor-
structure ␻ were fixed to be (13), there would still be an mation” there exists to our disposal the freedom to choose
ambiguity in the definition of the Hamiltonian H, a constant the symplectic structure in the target (in ⌫) with the corre-
a might be added to H to get a new Hamiltonian H + a. The sponding symplectic structure on the source (in ⌫phys) with
converse is also true: if the Hamiltonian H were fixed to be respect to which the “abstract transformation” given in Eq.
(14), there would still be several ways of choosing the sym- (12) becomes canonical [see Eq. (31)].
plectic structure ␻ in such a way that these choices, via Eq. In summary, there are many ways of making the descrip-
(6), reproduce the equations of motion (11) (see Refs. [8,9] tion of classical dynamics from the symplectic viewpoint, we
for more details). have just listed four of them, and all of these choices are
(5) Note also that the difference among the several sym- mathematically and physically allowed. The reader interested
plectic structures is not a change of coordinates, the coordi- in the description of the nonrelativistic two-dimensional har-
nates 共x␮兲 = 共x1 , x2 , x3 , x4兲 = 共x , y , px , py兲 that label the points monic oscillator (as well as of any other dynamical system
of the phase space ⌫ = R4 are the same in all cases, what with first class constraints only) from the parametrized point
changes is the choice of the pair 共␻ , H兲 formed by a sym- of view (which is also covariant in the sense that the New-
plectic structure ␻ and a Hamiltonian H. tonian time t is treated on the same footing as the other
(6) Note that the Hamiltonian S0 is bounded from below configuration variables) can see Ref. [12], in particular if
while the Hamiltonians Si , i = 1 , 2 , 3 are not. he/she wants to understand the consequences on the con-
(7) The symplectic structure of the case (4) implies clas- straints formalism of the fact of having various symplectic
structures (with respect to the same set of coordinates) on the
extended, on the constraints surface, and on the reduced
A real function f defined on the phase space ⌫ is a constant of phase spaces associated with the same dynamical system.
motion if and only if df / dt = 0. Therefore, to check if a function f is
a constant of motion one needs to use the equation of motion only
without having to choose a particular Hamilton H and its corre- III. INEQUIVALENT QUANTUM THEORIES
sponding symplectic structure ␻. Of course, if one makes a choice
of the pair 共H , ␻兲, then one can also use this knowledge to check it. In the preceding section, several forms of describing the
Note that the alternative symplectic matrices 共␻␮␯兲 of the cases classical dynamics of the system (11) from a symplectic
(2), (3), and (4) are not obtained from the matrix 共␻␮␯兲 of the case point of view were displayed. Now the idea is to explore, in
(1) by making the matrix product of the latter by a matrix K, i.e., to the framework of symplectic quantization,4 the quantum
write the equation of motion in a Hamiltonian form it is not re- theories that emerge from each of these symplectic structures
quired that the alternative symplectic matrices 共␻␮␯兲 are obtained under consideration. It will be shown that, in the context of
by making the matrix product of (7) by another matrix K. the so-called Copenhagen interpretation, the quantum theo-
Morever, to state that “dynamical variables referring to different
degrees of freedom do always commute” is not correct. The conse-
quences of this in the quantum theory and its relationship with We think that it is more appropriate to use the term symplectic
Heisenberg’s principle of uncertainty will be discussed later in this quantization instead of canonical quantization when, as in the
paper. present cases, 共x , px兲 and 共y , py兲 are not always canonical pairs.


ries are not equivalent in the sense that the mean values of 1 i共xp +yp 兲/ប
the operators (observables) associated to the same physical 具x,y兩px,py典 = 具x兩px典具y兩py典= e x y . 共36兲
classical entity do not agree.
The description of the quantum dynamics for the system Moreover, the representation of the operators given in Eq.
will be given in the Heisenberg picture. Thus, the quantum (34) is unitarily equivalent to
mechanical relations analogous to those given in Eq. (12) are
ប ⳵
given by x̂共t兲 = x cos ␻t + sin ␻t ,
m␻i ⳵x
x̂共t兲 = x̂0 cos ␻t + sin ␻t,
m␻ ប ⳵
p̂x共t兲 = − m␻x sin ␻t + cos ␻t ,
i ⳵x
p̂x共t兲 = − m␻x̂0 sin ␻t + p̂x0 cos ␻t,
ប ⳵
ŷ共t兲 = y cos ␻t + sin ␻t ,
p̂y0 m␻i ⳵y
ŷ共t兲 = ŷ 0 cos ␻t + sin ␻t,
ប ⳵
p̂y共t兲 = − m␻y sin ␻t + cos ␻t , 共37兲
i ⳵y
p̂y共t兲 = − m␻ŷ 0 sin ␻t + p̂y0 cos ␻t. 共32兲
obtained by using
So far, on the right-hand side of Eq. (32) the operators x̂0, ŷ 0,
ˆ ˆ
p̂x0, and p̂y0 are “abstract,” i.e., the concrete commutation Ô共t兲 = eiS0t/បÔ共t = 0兲e−iS0t/ប , 共38兲
relations satisfied by them have not, at this stage, been speci-
fied. Moreover, the specification of the algebraic relations and Eqs. (33) and (34), i.e., Eq. (37) is the concrete version
satisfied by them gives rise precisely to distinct quantum of Eq. (32) after the use of Eq. (34).
Case (2) Similarly, the quantum theory built from the
theories. Let Ô共t = 0兲 be any of the fundamental operators x̂0, triple 共⌫ = R4 , ␻ = ␻1 , H = S1兲 is defined by a representation of
ŷ 0, p̂x0, or p̂y0. The corresponding quantum theories emerging the algebra,
from each of the symplectic structures are the following.
Case (1) The quantum theory emerging from the triple 关x̂0,p̂y0兴 = iប, 关ŷ 0,p̂x0兴 = iប, 共39兲
共⌫ = R4 , ␻ = ␻0 , H = S0兲 is defined by a representation of the
in agreement with Eq. (19). Let the Hilbert space be F
= L2共R2 , d␮ = dx dy兲 then
关x̂0,p̂x0兴 = iប, 关ŷ 0,p̂y0兴 = iប, 共33兲 ប ⳵
x̂0 = x, p̂x0 = ,
associated with Eq. (15). Let the Hilbert space be the space i ⳵y
of square-integrable functions in R2, F = L2共R2 , d␮ = dx dy兲,
then ប ⳵
ŷ 0 = y, p̂y0 = 共40兲
i ⳵x
ប ⳵
x̂0 = x, p̂x0 = , is a Schrödinger representation of the fundamental operators
i ⳵x
which satisfies (39) [cf. Eq. (34)]. Again, the relationship
between the coordinate and momentum basis can be obtained
ប ⳵ from
ŷ 0 = y, p̂y0 = 共34兲
i ⳵y
x̂0兩x,y典 = x兩x,y典,
is a Schrödinger or coordinate representation of the funda-
mental operators which satisfies (33). In addition, the rela- ŷ 0兩x,y典 = y兩x,y典,
tionship between the coordinate and momentum basis can be
obtained from p̂x0兩px,py典 = px兩px,py典,

x̂0兩x,y典 = x兩x,y典, p̂y0兩px,py典 = py兩px,py典, 共41兲

and Eq. (40) from which, after normalization,
ŷ 0兩x,y典 = y兩x,y典,
1 i共xp +yp 兲/ប
具x,y兩px,py典 = 具x兩py典具y兩px典= e y x 共42兲
p̂x0兩px,py典 = px兩px,py典, 2␲ប
[cf. Eq. (36)]. Note that we have, in this case, something that
p̂y0兩px,py典 = py兩px,py典, 共35兲 might be called a “crossed Fourier transform” in the sense
that a packet sharped in the x direction spreads out in the py
and Eq. (34) from which, after normalization, direction (same for y and px). Moreover, by the Stone-von


Neumann theorem the operators given in Eq. (40) are uni- ប ⳵

tarily equivalent to p̂x共t兲 = − m␻x sin ␻t − cos ␻t ,
i ⳵x
ប ⳵
x̂共t兲 = x cos ␻t + sin ␻t , ប ⳵
m␻i ⳵y ŷ共t兲 = y cos ␻t + sin ␻t ,
m␻i ⳵y
ប ⳵
p̂x共t兲 = − m␻x sin ␻t + cos ␻t , ប ⳵
i ⳵y p̂y共t兲 = − m␻y sin ␻t + cos ␻t , 共49兲
i ⳵y
ប ⳵ with the unitary transformation given by
ŷ共t兲 = y cos ␻t + sin ␻t ,
m␻i ⳵x ˆ ˆ
Ô共t兲 = eiS2t/បÔ共t = 0兲e−iS2t/ប , 共50兲
ប ⳵ and taking into account Eqs. (45) and (46), i.e., Eq. (49) is
p̂y共t兲 = − m␻y sin ␻t + cos ␻t , 共43兲
i ⳵x the concrete version of Eq. (32) in the present case.
Case (4) Finally, the quantum theory associated with the
obtained by using
triple 共⌫ = R4 , ␻ = ␻3 , H = S3兲 is built from a representation of
ˆ ˆ the algebra
Ô共t兲 = eiS1t/បÔ共t = 0兲e−iS1t/ប , 共44兲
and Eqs. (39) and (40), i.e., Eq. (43) is the concrete version iប
关x̂0,ŷ 0兴 = − , 关p̂x0,p̂y0兴 = − iបm␻ , 共51兲
of Eq. (32) in the present quantum theory. m␻
Case (3) In the case of the triple 共⌫ = R4 , ␻ = ␻2 , H = S2兲
in agreement with Eq. (27). However, this case is a little bit
the quantum theory is defined by a representation of the al-
different from the cases (1), (2), and (3). There, indepen-
dently of the case, the operators p̂x0 and p̂y0 commute. This is
关x̂0,p̂x0兴 = − iប, 关ŷ 0,p̂y0兴 = iប, 共45兲 also the case of the operators x̂0 and ŷ 0. This fact was used to
build a “coordinate” and “momentum” basis and their inter-
in agreement with Eq. (23). Let the Hilbert space be F connection was displayed in all cases. But now, p̂x0 and p̂y0
= L2共R2 , d␮ = dx dy兲 then do not commute anymore (same for the operators x̂0 and ŷ 0).
Thus, in the present case, it is not possible to build a com-
ប ⳵
x̂0 = x, p̂x0 = − , mon basis for these operators as before. Nevertheless, it
i ⳵x makes sense to talk about a Schrödinger or “coordinate rep-
resentation” for the operators involved. By this, we mean
ប ⳵
ŷ 0 = y, p̂y0 = , 共46兲 x̂0 = x, p̂x0 = m␻y,
i ⳵y
is a Schrödinger representation of the fundamental operators iប ⳵ ⳵
which satisfies (45) [cf. Eq. (34)]. Once again, the relation- ŷ 0 = , p̂y0 = iប , 共52兲
m␻ ⳵ x ⳵y
ship between the coordinate and momentum basis can be
obtained from which satisfies Eq. (51). This representation for the operators
is, by means of the Stone-von Neumann theorem, unitarily
x̂0兩x,y典 = x兩x,y典, equivalent to

ŷ 0兩x,y典 = y兩x,y典, x̂共t兲 = x cos ␻t + y sin ␻t,

p̂x0兩px,py典 = px兩px,py典, p̂x共t兲 = − m␻x sin ␻t + m␻y cos ␻t,

iប ⳵ iប ⳵
p̂y0兩px,py典 = py兩px,py典, 共47兲 ŷ共t兲 = cos ␻t + sin ␻t ,
m␻ ⳵ x m␻ ⳵y
and Eq. (46) from which, after normalization,
1 i共−xp +yp 兲/ប ⳵ ⳵
具x,y兩px,py典 = 具x兩py典具y兩px典= e 共48兲 p̂y共t兲 = − iប sin ␻t + iប cos ␻t , 共53兲
x y
⳵x ⳵y

[cf. Eq. (36)]. As expected, on account of the Stone-von via

Neumann theorem, the operators given in Eq. (46) are uni- ˆ ˆ
Ô共t兲 = eiS3t/បÔ共t = 0兲e−iS3t/ប , 共54兲
tarily equivalent to
and Eqs. (51) and (52), i.e., Eq. (53) is the concrete version
ប ⳵ of Eq. (32) in this case.
x̂共t兲 = x cos ␻t − sin ␻t ,
m␻i ⳵x Inequivalence of the quantum theories. So far, four math-


ematically consistent quantum theories have been obtained predictions with experimental outcomes. We have either of
by using Dirac’s quantization rule, which is a cornerstone of the following:
quantum mechanics. In each of these theories, evolution in t (a) nature prefers just one of the various quantum
is a unitary transformation. Now, according to Heisenberg’s theories in the sense that only one of these quantum theories
picture of quantum mechanics if the system is left (prepared) matches the experimental data. Even if this were the case,
on by means of a certain experimental arrangement in the there would still be something missing in the theoretical for-
state 兩⌿典 (which might be even a wave packet) at t = 0 then malism whose knowledge might allow us to pick up a par-
ticular quantum theory and discard the remaining ones solely
具⌿兩Ô共t兲兩⌿典 共55兲 on theoretical grounds, i.e., we would need to specify that
yields the expected (central) value in the distribution of the hypothetic rule that would allow us to single out the “right”
corresponding physical quantity associated with the observ- quantum theory and also to uncover the fundamental cause
of this, or
able Ô共t兲 if that quantity were to be measured at time t. At (b) all the quantum theories are mathematically and
first sight it might appear that the numerical value of the physically viable. From this perspective, one would be as-
expectation value (55) for certain (and fixed) observable Ô共t兲 suming that there should exist a (yet unknown) covariant
is the same in all the four quantum theories under consider- quantization scheme without the need of restricting ourselves
ation, after all Eq. (32) which is required to compute (55) to the use of a particular symplectic structure as a starting
has, apparently, the same functional form for all of these point to build the quantum theory. Nevertheless, due to the
theories. However, this is not so for the simple reason that in fact that the expected values computed in each theory are
each of the quantum theories described above the fundamen- numerically distinct, this would mean that there should exist
tal operators x̂0, ŷ 0, p̂x0, and p̂y0 act very differently on the a (yet unknown) criterion whose knowledge and its imple-
state 兩⌿典 in which the system was prepared on because such mentation would lead to the same theoretical predictions
operators have quite distinct representations on account of (which will match the experimental data) no matter which
the specific algebraic relations they must satisfy in each symplectic structure were chosen from the very beginning.
theory. For instance
iប ⳵
m␻ ⳵x

iប ⳵
x cos ␻t − sin ␻t , The consequences of having various quantum theories
m␻ ⳵y built from the implementation of Dirac’s quantization rule to
the various symplectic structures for the fundamental vari-
iប ⳵ ables x, y, px, and py are much stronger when several uncer-
x cos ␻t + sin ␻t ,
m␻ ⳵x tainty relations coming from such quantization schemes are
analyzed. To appreciate this, it is convenient to remind the
x cos ␻t + y sin ␻t, 共56兲 reader that the physical meaning of the observables x̂共t兲, ŷ共t兲,
p̂x0共t兲, and p̂y0 is the same in spite of the specific represen-
are the corresponding operators associated to the observable tation the operators acquire in each one of the theories under
x̂共t兲 in the quantum theories (1), (2), (3), and (4), respec- study.
tively. Therefore, the various quantum theories are inequiva- The nontrivial products of quantum uncertainties in the
lent in the sense that the expectation value (55) of the fun- measurement of x̂共t兲, ŷ共t兲, p̂x共t兲, and p̂y共t兲 are, in each theory,
damental operators Ô共t兲 computed by using one quantum given by
theory is not the same expectation value than the one ob- Case (1),
tained with any other of the quantum theories analyzed
above when the system is prepared in the state 兩⌿典 (same for
all theories). Note that this inequivalence between the vari- ប ប
ous quantum theories does not arise from an ambiguity in the ⌬x⌬px 艌 , ⌬y⌬py 艌 . 共57兲
2 2
order of the operators as usually happens when there are
several quantum theories associated to a single classical Case (2),
theory. The origin of the inequivalence comes from (1) the
various quantum theories emerging from the implementation
of Dirac’s quantization rule to the several symplectic struc- ប ប
⌬x⌬py 艌 , ⌬y⌬px 艌 . 共58兲
tures chosen to make the classical description and (2) keep- 2 2
ing the interpretation that the state in which the system is
prepared on by the experimental arrangement has the same Case (3),
functional form in all the quantum theories.
From the previous discussion it is clear that, at this stage,
theoretical consistency in the construction of the quantum ប ប
⌬x⌬px 艌 , ⌬y⌬py 艌 . 共59兲
theories does not provide a unique way of relating theoretical 2 2


Case (4), the application of Dirac’s quantization rule to these alterna-

tive symplectic structures yields inequivalent quantum theo-
ប បm␻ ries in the sense that the expectation values for observables
⌬x⌬y 艌 , ⌬px⌬py 艌 . 共60兲
2m␻ 2 representing the same physical quantity are different. How-
ever, we think that it should be possible to build a quantiza-
Once again, from (a) and (b) of Sec. III either nature prefers
tion scheme which matches experimental outcomes no mat-
a single quantum theory or the sets of product of uncertain-
ter if the 共qi , pi兲 are or not canonical. After all, nature should
ties given in Eqs. (57)–(60) are just a reflection of the fact
that the standard uncertainty relation is not expressed in a not care which type of symplectic structure one uses to de-
covariant way. scribe it. Experimental results should be independent of each
Moreover, from Eq. (32) one has, just to list an example, particular choice of symplectic structure. Thus, our philo-
sophical position is closer to the point (b) of Sec. III. Finally,
1 the consequences of choosing different pairs 共␻ , H兲 formed
关x̂共t兲,x̂共t⬘兲兴 = sin ␻共t⬘ − t兲关x̂0,p̂x0兴, 共61兲 by a symplectic structure ␻ and a Hamiltonian H in field
theory (where expansion on harmonic oscillators is fre-
which means, according to the standard interpretation of quently done) as well as on classical and quantum statistical
quantum mechanics, that the variable x̂共t兲 can be monitored mechanics are not explored, but deserve to be done. Also, the
without affecting its evolution in the framework of theories possibility of choosing alternative symplectic theories in re-
(2) and (4) but not in the quantum theories (1) and (3) (see p. alistic theories such as general relativity or string theories
380 of Ref. [13]). and the consequences of this fact on their quantum theories
should be investigated.
In the symplectic viewpoint of dynamics it is possible to
make the description of a dynamical system without having The authors thank Abdel Pérez-Lorenzana for very fruit-
the necessity of restricting ourselves to the case where 共qi , pi兲 ful discussions on the topics of this paper. This work was
are canonical pairs. The various quantum theories built from supported in part by the CONACyT grant 43939-F.

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