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Ultimate Guide to Handling Shit Tests

50 Cool Comebacks to Drive Her Wild!!!

By Artisan

Table of Contents

Why Do Women Test Men? 3

She Will Test You Until You’re Dead 4
Basic Principles 4
Ways of Handling Congruency Tests 5
I Have a Boyfriend 9
I Don’t Give Out My Number 10
I Have to Go 10
Bitchiness and Blowouts 11
Insults 12
General Questions 13
Non-Verbal 14
Non-Compliance (rejects your kiss) 14
Random 15
Jumping Through Her Hoops 16
Free Resources, Texting Girls and Personal Coaching 17

Why Do Women Test Men?

There are 3 main reasons a woman will “test” a man.

#1. She has a legitimate reason

She may actually have a boy friend or she may actually really be in a hurry and needs
to get back to her friends. Not all women just make up excuses. A lot of them really do
have other things going on that are more important than talking to you or giving out
her number. So just deal with it and except it. Don’t be butt-hurt, instead be genuinely
happy for her that she has a boyfriend. Remember, abundancy mentality!

#2. Defense system (aka bitch shield)

Beautiful women get approached all the time. Especially out at night when lame guys
have liquid courage. Could you imagine how annoying that must get? Women need a
defense system to weed out the guys that aren’t worth their time. So, if a girl back-
turns you at a bar, it might just be her defense system at work. If you can interrupt her
defense pattern in such a way that shows you are unaffected by her behavior then you
are ‘in’ and it will actually (most of the time) make her attracted to you.

#3. She’s interested in you and wants to test for congruency

Have you ever thought that she might actually be into you and she just wants to make
sure you’re not full of shit!? That’s right, she might be testing to see if you’re really as
cool/confident as you seem. The best way to find out for sure is to do or say something
that will try to throw you off your game. If you aren’t thrown off by her test, then the
attraction will skyrocket. If, however, you get offended or seem affected by what she
did or said, you will lose attraction.

A good example of failing her congruency test is you go in for a kiss and she turns her
head and you respond with, “hey what’s wrong I thought you liked me?” GAME OVER.

Whatever the reason is that she gives you an objection does matter so much. What
matters is how you handle it. All you really have to do is….

She Will Test You Until You’re Dead

Women test men for life.

Yes, that’s right. It never ends. Well, until you are dead that is. Even in a relationship.
Even when you are married. Your women will still test you. WHY? Because, it’s her way
of feeling your strength and power as a man. She’s a woman and she wants to feel
your masculine strength. It turns her on. One reason so many relationships fail is
because the man responds the wrong way to a woman when she just wants to feel his
strength. Instead the man gets mad and is affected by her.

Don’t be mad or upset that a woman is testing you. She is doing you a favor. She wants
you to be a man. She wants you to be masculine. She wants you to be confident and
unaffected. She wants you to be her rock. Overcoming a “shit test” is the fastest way to
spark high levels of attraction and arousal in a woman because it shows you are a real

So next time a woman gives you a test you should be excited because she just wants to
feel your masculine power as a man so she can be more attracted to you. Learn to love
the shit test. In fact, from here on out we are no longer calling them “shit tests”, we
are calling them “congruency tests”. Why? Because, congruency tests sound like a good

Basic Principles

#1. Don’t be affected by her congruency test

Nothing a woman says or does should throw you off because you are a sold man. You
are like a rock. Nothing can break you, not even a woman telling you to “fuck off!”
Nothing phases you because you are a high value man who gets his worth and value
from himself…not some random girl at a club. Be non reactive when a random beautiful
woman says something that surprises you because you really don’t care about her that
much. She hasn’t done anything to win your approval yet so why would you care if she
says something unexpected or mean? I have one word for you….“ignore”.

#2. Managing tension

Women love tension. Think about it, women love drama right? Drama is tension. When
a woman seduces a man does she just tear at him like a savage beast? Well, maybe in
porno. No, she teases him, makes him think she’s gonna take her panties off but then
she pulls them back up. She creates tension.

Men, however, generally want to release tension. When a woman tests us it creates
tension and most men have the tendency to break the tension right away. Instead,
have fun with the tension. Amplify the tension. Dance with the tension. And introduce
more tension. An example would be when a girl says, “I have a boyfriend” and you
respond by looking her straight in the eyes and say, “and now you also have a
lover….shhh we won’t tell him.”

#3. Do the unexpected

She’s expecting you to give up….so don’t give up you fool! Do what she doesn’t expect
like go in for a kiss. She says, “I have a boyfriend” and you say, “well that deserves a
hug.” Think she’d expect that?

Doing or saying something she doesn’t expect breaks her set pattern or routine and
creates attraction.

Ways of Handling Congruency Tests

#1. Ignore anything that doesn’t help you

Why would you talk about ANYTHING that isn’t going to serve the pick up?


Her: “I have to go”

You: “Oh That reminds me…”

You: “Cool tattoo, what does that tattoo mean?”

Her: “I got it when my fiancé died”
You: “What does that other tattoo mean?”
Note: You are actually doing her a favor because she doesn’t want to talk about
how her fiancé died!

#2. Agree and Absurdify

You never want to logically get in an argument with her. That just plain isn’t attractive.
Instead, agree with it because that’s not what she’d expect. And then blow it out of
proportion because it’s funny and humor can diffuse almost any situation!


Her: “I don’t give out my number.”
You: “Of course you don’t, we’ll just have to use telepathy”

Her: “I don’t give out my number”

You: “It’ll be ok, I’m just gonna call you 50 times a day”
(a guy who really calls a girl 50 times a day would never admit it)

Her: turns her back on you

You: “You do that so well. I have a little sister and she gets hit on all the time so
you have to teach me so I can show her. Is it like this?” (Turn in such a way that
makes fun of her)

Her: “No I can’t go with you”

You: “My God, how refreshing...Someone who can say no... So many people
have trouble saying no...they give all those lame excuses like….”

Her: “I have a boyfriend”

You: “Of course but I’m from the boyfriend replacement agency and I’m sorry to
inform you that he’s broken up with you”

BONUS: NLP Formula for Agree and Absurdify (credit Vince Kelvin)

Step 1: Agreement - Talk about what “is”.

- Use “I understand…” or “of course…”

EXAMPLE: “I understand you don’t give your number away…” or “of course you have a

Step 2: Negation - Talk about what “isn’t”.

- Use “and its not like…”

EXAMPLE: “And its not like I’m asking you to passionately make out with me”
EXAMPLE: “ And its not like we’re going to have hot passionate sex all night long…”

Step 3: Suggestions - Talk about “how” it isn’t

- Use positive statements “…make out passionately…”

EXAMPLE: “…start to hang out just like lovers, and make out passionately…”

Step 4: Negotiation - Talk about how it could be.

- Use “but if we did…” or “but if you would…”

EXAMPLE: “but it would be fun to at least get to know each other a little bit more…”

Step 5: Direction or Restriction - Talk about what will be.

- Use “So I tell you what…” or “so lets at least…” or “but if we did have sex you’d have
to promise me you wouldn’t become a sex crazed nympho stalker.”
EXAMPLE: “So I tell you what, lets at least find a way to be in touch and briefly chat
some more…”


“I understand you have a boyfriend, and its not like we’re going to have hot passionate
sex right here in public, yet it’d be fun…to at least hang out as friends”

#3. Turn it around on her

Blame it all on her…in a fun playful way of course.


Her: “I have a boyfriend”

You: “Slow down, you’re already thinking about me as boyfriend material, jeez?”

Her: “Here’s my card”

You: “what! your business card? That’s lame. no thanks, give me your number”

Her: “You’re such a dick”

You: “Yeah but you love dick I can tell”

Her: “I don’t like your shirt”

You: “Well it doesn’t like you either”

Her: “Are you gay?”

You: “I don’t think so…lets find out” (then go in for a kiss)

Her: “You’re not my type”

You: “You don’t seem like the type that has a type”

#4. Canned

Think about this, if your 7-year old cousin said, “you look gay,” would you say, “shut up
you bitch!” NO, of course not. You’d say, “aw that’s cute, who taught you that?”
because you’re unaffected by it right? It didn’t hurt your feelings because she’s just a 7-
year old. So treat the girl testing you like she’s your 7-year old cousin.


“You are just too adorable”

“What are we gonna do with you?”

“Hold out your hand” (smack it) “Bad girl”

#5. Genuine

Sometimes if she’s being super rude then you could just be genuine and tell her how
she’s acting.


Her: “Fuck off”

You: “Oh I get it. You probably act this way all the time. And I bet most people
by it. But I don’t by it. I bet you act all rude to people and a lot of people
think you’re a bitch, but I think you’re like a candy all hard on the outside
and all soft on the inside. You just have to act this way because there are
so many lame guys hitting on you (point away so she doesn’t associate
you with ‘lame guys’) and you get sick of it. But I’ll tell you what, I’ll give
you one more chance.”



Her: “I have a boyfriend”
You: “I know I'm from the boyfriend replacement agency. He can’t make it”

Her: “I have a boyfriend”
You: “He's mine you bitch” (said in a feminine tone)

Her: “I have a boyfriend”

You: “I have a math test”
Her: “huh? So?”
You: “I thought we were naming things we could cheat on”


You: "Do you want me to call you?"
Her: "I have a boyfriend"
You: "That's not what I asked you"

Her: “I have a boyfriend”
You: "Come on, sneak away with me right now…”

Her: “I have a boyfriend”

You: “Oh I was so worried you’d never find someone. Your family and friends
they all thought it was hopeless…”

Her: “I have a boyfriend”

You: “And now you also have a lover. That's pretty impressive. Shhh we won't
tell anyone it'll be our little secret. He can buy you all the shoes and
jewelry you want, and I'll do all the things your boyfriend is too afraid to
do to you.”

Her: “I have a boyfriend”
You: “Would he be mad that I’m hitting on you?”
Her: “Well yeah”
You: “Well it sounds like you need a new boyfriend”


Her: “I don't give out my number”
You: “Why? we're just gonna have mad passionate text all night long. Are you
textually active?”

Her: “I don’t give out my number”
You: “Wow finally a girl that can say ‘no’. That’s actually refreshing.”


Her: “I don’t give out my number”
You: “Oh my god you poor dear, then you must not have any friends huh? I’ve
never met anyone with zero friends before. Ok, I’ll tell you what, I’ll be
your first friend, but you have to promise you don’t go all crazy calling me
all the time…promise?”


Her: “I have to go”
You: “No, what u have to do is X” (X=find a way for us to be in touch, tell me
something cool about yourself in 33 words or less, etc)
Credit: Vince Kelvin

Her: “I have to go”

You: “Change of plans you’re coming with me”

Her: “I have to get back to my friends”
You: “Your friends they left you. They hired me I'm a male escort. So what do
you want to do the rest of the night? I expect a big tip”

Her: “I have to go”
You: “Perfect so do I. Let’s at least exchange numbers and if you’re cool on the
phone, maybe we’ll hang out”

- 10 -
Her: “I have to go”
You: “Of course you have to go, it’s not like I’m going to seduce you right here in
the store in front of everyone. But, if I do…hang out with you we’ll have
to get to know each other first.”



Her: “Get lost”
You: “Let's play ‘Who's The Most Stuck-Up Tonight’, congratulations so far you’re

Her: “Sorry you’re not our type”

You: “Oh I didn’t think you were the type that had a type”

Her: Snood remark
Me: “So sorry your highness, please forgive me” (sarcastic tone)
Credit: Vince Kelvin

Her: “Sorry, we’re having a conversation here”
You: "Come on you can do better than that, at least give me a good ‘Fuck You’.
I'm a big boy I can handle it"

Her: “Sorry you’re not our type”
You: “Listen Hun, you need to lower your standards the way I just did”

Her: Continually saying “no” to your requests

You: “Well better luck next time” and walk away

Her: Being feisty
You: “You guys are feisty like the powerpuff girls”

- 11 -
Her: “Fuck off!”
You: “Oh I get it, I bet you act this way all the time but I don’t buy it. I bet
people think you’re a bitch but deep down your as sweet as a piece of
candy that’s hard on the outside and soft on the inside. You just have to
act this way because you get hit on a lot. Its ok I understand. I’ll give you
another chance.”


Her: “Do your parents know you’re gay”? (“Yes” is a bad answer and “No” is a
bad answer)
You: “Aw you’re cute”

Her: Insult
You: "weak" or "wow" and look unimpressed

Her: Insult
You: "Aaaaaaand you’re done"


Her: “Are you gay or something?”
You: “Oh my god….I’m…well I’m not sure. I need to find out! Come here.” (Go in
for a kiss)

Her: “You’re not funny”

You: “Your face is not funny”

Her: “You’re X” (X=stupid, gay, lame, ugly, etc.)

You: “Your face is X”

Her: Insult
You: Fake high-five. Go for high five and then when she’s about to high five you
back look away and scratch your head.

- 12 -

Her: “How old are you”?
You: “You tell me first”
Her: “I’m only 18”
You: “Oh you’re way too old for me” or “oh my god you’re over the hill” (if she's

Her: “What's your age?”

You: (answer)
Her: “Wow you’re old”
Me: “Yeah it's fucking scandalous”
Credit: James Marshall

Her: “Where are you from”?
You: “I'm not from around here. I need a green card. Let's get married. I’ll be
your trophy husband. Are you ok with sex only 3 times a day”?

Her: “What do you do”?
You: “I'm a professional pick pocketer. Your panties, they’re mine.”

Her: “Where are you from”?
You: “I'm just a product of your imagination I'm not even real. You have a crazy
imagination. Let's see how crazy you really are….”

AMOG (alpha male of the group)

AMOG: Comes into your set.

You: "Hey man I'll pay you a hundred dollars right now to take these girls away
from me", then flex and say "ladies what do you think of these huge
muscles", point to the AMOG and say, "I'm gonna hire you to be my X"
X=bodyguard, website designer, etc.

- 13 -
AMOG: “You’re gay”
You: “No, I’m straight. My boyfriend’s gay”

AMOG: “You’re gay”

You: “Sorry man you’re not my type”


Just look at her like 'are you serious? Do you not see how cool I am?' or 'are you from
mars because every woman here wants me'

If she whines or complains play mini violin or make a tear gesture.



Her: “We're not having sex, I just met you”
You: “I have to wake up early besides I have whisky dick” (then keep escalating)


Her: “I don't have sex on the first date”
You: “Oh my god I'm so flattered, I'm gonna be your first. Seriously I like you, I
want to be close to you but we don't have to go all the way”

You: Go in for a kiss
Her: Turns away
You: "You’re adorable, you don't know how to kiss, you’re out of practice don't
worry I will help you"


You: Go in for a kiss
Her: “Wow what are you doing?”
You: Look confused and say, “I don’t know, you must have put some sort of spell
on me. I knew it, you’re some sort of hypnotist that puts spells on poor
suspecting guys”

- 14 -
Her: Says or does something you don’t like
You: "That's it you’re cut"

You: “Come over here”

Her: “I can’t”
You: “You are losing major cool points. I like girls that are X.” X=the opposite
behavior of what she’s doing, adventurous, spontaneous, etc.

Her: Non-responsive
You: "Hmm you guys need some shots then come find me"

Her: Continuously says “no”
You: “Finally I met my match someone that can say ‘no’. But you'll change your
mind I'm very persuasive/charming”


Her: Turns her back when you open
You: “Nice, you have to teach me that. My sister is way too nice and talks to
everyone. I need to show her how to do that. Is it like this?” (turn your
back on her and mock her behavior)

“If you don't start behaving I'm putting you on timeout”

“That’s minus 10 cool points”

“Go like this”, proceed to hold out your hand until she mimics you. Then slap her
hand and say “the next one will be on your ass”

“Come on don’t be gay”


Her: “You just hit on my friend”
You: “What can I say I'm a man of good taste”

- 15 -
You: “You’re cute”
Her: “Thanks”
You: “Don't thank me I didn't make you….although I do have a lot of god-like
Note: this is not a congruency test just a demonstration of a clever way to

You: “Cool hat”

Her: “Thanks”
You: “Don’t thank me I didn’t make it…although I do have a sense of
appreciation for it”
Credit: Vince Kelvin
Note: this is not a congruency test just a demonstration of a clever way to


Her: “Are you a pick up artist?”
You: “Really? Is that the best you got? Lame!”


Her: “Buy me a drink”
You: “What do I get?”
Her: She responds
You: “Come on you can do better than that”


Her: “Buy me a drink”
You: “Sure you get the first round I’ll get the next round”

Her: “Will you X?” X=buy a drink, buy diner, lend money, etc.
You: “I don't X, let's get to know each other then take it from there”

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Free Resources, Texting Girls and Personal Coaching

Pick Up Artist Academy (The Ultimate Monthly Mastery Program)

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Go to to register NOW for FREE.

Please do not share this link with anyone else.

- 17 -
The Ultimate Guide to Texting Girls

Ever stare at your phone wondering, “what do I text this girl?” Now you can always
know exactly what to text a girl to get her attracted to you and go for a date every
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your values or integrity.

Visit Now.

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