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Notes :-

(i) The rates given below are labour rates unless otherwise stated.

(ii) Unless otherwise stated, the labour rates include rehandling of materials within 100 m.

Sr. No. Description Unit Rate

1 2 3 (Rs.)
26.1 Laying linking and packing tramway tracks. m 12.00

26.2 Linking B.G track including packing, straightening and levelling. m 39.00

Note :- Carriage of tramway track will be paid according to rates in chapter

No. 5.

26.3 Linking points and crossing complete with level fastening. each 1800.00

26.4 Bending and straightening B.G rails with jim-crow. m 6.00

26.5 cutting Girders with Hack-saw.

(a) Upto 300 mm depth. cut 60.00

(b) Above 300mm to 450mm depth. cut 114.00

26.6 Drilling holes in girders. each 8.00

26.7 (a) cutting of copper sheets 15mm, thick flashing. m 60.00

(b) Fixing copper flashing into position. m 24.00

26.8 Assembling 40 mm. pressure pipes. m 9.00

26.9 Boring and fixing 40 mm pressure pipes. m 60.00

26.10 Boring for hand-pump in clay fitting strainer and pipe.

(a) Upto 75mm dia bore.

(i) From 0 to 15 m. m 78.00

(ii) Exceeding 15 m but upto 30 m. m 198.00

(iii) Exceeding 30 m. m 294.00

(b) Above 75mm dia bore but not exceeding 100mm.

(i) From 0 to 15 m. m 99.00

(ii) Exceeding 15 m but upto 30 m. m 246.00

(iii) Exceeding 30 m. m 294.00

26.11 Boring hand-pump in soil with admixture of shingle.

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Sr. No. Description Unit Rate
1 2 3 (Rs.)
(a) Upto 75mm dia bore.

(i) From 0 to 15 m. m 138.00

(ii) Exceeding 15 m but upto 30 m. m 246.00

(iii) Exceeding 30 m. m 294.00

(b) Above 75mm dia. but not exceeding 100mm dia. bores

(i) From 0 to 15 m. m 156.00

(ii) Exceeding 15 m but upto 30 m. m 294.00

(iii) Exceeding 30 m. m 345.00

26.12 Hand pumps

(a) Pulling out pipe and filters. m 24.00

(b) Lowering pipe in the hole up to 40mm dia. m 24.00

(c) fixing head including clamps and handle. each 120.00

26.13 Fixing F.I gauges flush with masonry including cost of hooks. m 99.00

26.14 Fixing handles to iron rammers including cost of handles. each 30.00

26.15 cutting down trees, filling holes and levelling of ground, lopping
branches trimming, removal not exceeding 100 m stacking clearing

(a) girth up to 60 cm each 150.00

(b) girth more than 60 cm. but up to 120 cm. each 270.00

(c) girth more than 120 cm. but up to 180 cm. each 540.00

(d) girth more than 180 cm. but up to 250 cm. each 900.00

Note :- (i) The girth is to be measured 1.25 m above ground level.

(ii) When stumps are grubbed up in addition, take rates as double

the above rates for trees cut and grubbed. payment for
grubbing will only be made when specially ordered by the Sub-
Divisional officer in cases where it is essential to remove the

(iii) Trees requiring to be cut will normally be sold as they stand,

the purchase price including the purchasers liability to cut or
grub and remove the tree from Govt. Land.

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Sr. No. Description Unit Rate
1 2 3 (Rs.)
(iv) Where these have not been sold, the trees cut and removed
will be the property of the Govt.

26.16 Felling trees, cutting and stacking fuel wood from plantation. qtl 39.00

26.17 Splitting fuel wood. qtl 63.00

26.18 Burning charcoal including loading and unloading and repairs to kiln. per qtl of 162.00

26.19 supply of wooden bumping posts including labour for cutting from each 60.00
canal or road plantation making and fixing at site.

26.20 Supply of wooden pegs for levelling work from canal or road 100 nos 150.00
plantation 40 mm to 50mm dia and 15cm to 23 cm long.

26.21 Supply of wooden pegs for alignment work, 40 cm long 75mm dia 100 nos 600.00
from canal or road plantation.

26.22 Supply of bamboo jhandies 3 m to 3.5 m including iron shoes and each 150.00
flags 40 cm Square painted black and white.

26.23 (a) Supplying flags 40 cm. square for Jhandies. each 30.00

(b) Shoes for Jhandies including fixing. each 18.00

26.24 Supplying tripod with flages including iron shoes and flag 40 cm. each 270.00
square and bamboo painted black and white.

26.25 Sweeping chimney flues. each 30.00

26.26 Fixing glass pieces on top of walls. m 39.00

26.27 Making a chulah in cooking range (Indian style) each 150.00

26.28 Supplying and fixing clerestory window cord cotton up to 6 m height. each 42.00

26.29 Making Sirki Sarkanda Temporary Godown, 3mx3m with walls 2.5m each 2400.00
height 1½ brick thick burnt bricks laid dry, excluding the cost of
bricks, but including the cost of other materials.

26.30 Water allowance.

(a) for concrete, brick masonry in lime or cement mortar

(i) Where lead involved is 800 m to 1.6Km cum 21.00

(ii) Where lead involved is above 1.6Km to 2.4 Km cum 42.00

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Sr. No. Description Unit Rate
1 2 3 (Rs.)

(b) For plastering in lime or cement mortar, pointing, flooring :-

(i) Where lead involved is 800 m to 1.6Km sqm 3.00

(ii) Where lead involved is above 1.6Km to 2.4 Km sqm 6.00

Note :- The above rates are payable only where water is not available locally
and where fixing of hand pump is neither feasible nor practically
possible due to small amount of work and where water is actually
carried by carts or by mechanical transport.

26.31 Making temporary culverts. each 600.00

26.32 Digging pits and fixing distance marks or boundary stones. each 15.00

26.33 Supplying manure or compost, including carriage of 100 m. cum 381.00

26.34 Ploughing two times. hectare 2670.00

26.35 Filling 200 litres drums with diesel oil (not payable to diesel dealer) each 12.00

26.36 Jungle clearance. hectare 960.00 to


26.37 Ordinary jungle clearance of both banks of running distributaries,

minors and drains with discharge upto 9cum/s including boundary
road :-

(a) Discharge upto 1.5 cum/s km 1248.00 to


(b) Discharge exceeding 1.5 cum/s but upto 4.5 cum km 1920.00 to

(c) Discharge exceeding 4.5 cum/s. km 2496.00 to


26.38 Jungle clearance on running canals and branches, and drains with
discharge more than 9 cum/s.

(i) Light km 7680.00

(ii) Medium km 9600.00

(iii) Heavy km 19200.00

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Sr. No. Description Unit Rate
1 2 3 (Rs.)
Notes for (i) The rates are applicable to areas acquired for new canals, and
Item No. drains, extension of channels and for construction of roads
26.36 to and Buildings.

(ii) The rate is to be decided by the Executive Engineer according

to density of jungle to be cleared.

(iii) The rates of item Nos. 26.36 to 26.38 are for estimating
purposes only.

26.39 Filling loose cement bags in empty cement bags weighing, sewing bag 3.00
and stacking with in 30m.

26.40 Filling cement bags with steam coal or kankar lime, sewing including cum 87.00
cost of string.

26.41 Stencilling and bundling empty cement bags. 100 nos 36.00

26.42 Tempering of Kassies, Belchas, Khurpas and pick axes. each 15.00

26.43 Stencilling (Height of stencil not less than 7.5cm) of bitumen and 100 nos 75.00
other drums.

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