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The Fisher Valley College

“A Christ Centered Institution”

#5 M.L. Quezon St., Hagonoy, Taguig City
College of Computer Studies


Today’s generation, technology has been arose and become one of the needs of every each

one us in terms of socializing, communicating, browsing and etc. Technology also makes our life

easier in terms of our different responsibility in our everyday lives. Before the technology has been

popularized, there is such room that most of us has been forgotten to be used. In fact library is

the first technology who help people to browse and give knowledge to the people. Library can be

defined as a room full of knowledge where people can also browse. But in that case we all know

without the help of our technology library will function slowly, so we want to have a fastest way of

giving people a knowledge with the help of technology and also the library. And it will be good to

the librarian and also to the people who want use the library instead.

A Computer is an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary

form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program. Computer is composed of

hardware and software, and can exist in a variety of sizes and configurations. The term hardware

refers to the physical components of your computer such as the system unit, mouse, keyboard,

monitor etc.

The Fisher Valley College
“A Christ Centered Institution”
#5 M.L. Quezon St., Hagonoy, Taguig City
College of Computer Studies

Management of Technology is interdisciplinary fields that integrate science, engineering

and management knowledge also with practice. Technology Management is set of management

disciplines that allow organizations to manage their technological fundamentals to create

competitive advantage. The main focus on technology part for manager is to create wealth.

Technology management requires deep understanding of life cycles of technology, product,

process and system.

Library system is a business which is focused on the practical application of people

that want to rent or read in the library. It is an important business that can help the schools

or anyone who want to use the library. These also can make the people works easier,

efficient and do a lot more.

This system improves their manual transaction and manages the school benefit

from customizing this system where the paper-based system is transformed into

automatically generating reports of transactions without doing it manually. This is a great

way to do business because it is a great help to be a smooth and orderly process.

The Fisher Valley College
“A Christ Centered Institution”
#5 M.L. Quezon St., Hagonoy, Taguig City
College of Computer Studies


The Fisher Valley College is owned by Atty. Ronald R. Yap and Mrs. Rebecca M.

Yap, Located at #5 M.L. Quezon St., Hagonoy, Taguig City. The Fisher Valley College

is the name given to the school because of our Lord Jesus Christ's mandate us to be

"Fisher of Men" and because of its strategic location, within the fishing village of

Taguig, Metro Manila.

During their first Board meeting on October 7,1986 at the residence of Atty. and

Mrs. Ronald R. Yap at # 43 Constellation St. Bel-Air Village II, Makati city. The founders

agreed to contribute their efforts toward developing the children through quality

education. On November 25, 1986 the Articles of incorporation of the School for

Elementary up to College level, was approved by the Securities and Exchange

Commission under sec REG. #136699.

The first (3) years of existence was a great challenge to the people behind this

institution of learning. The kindergarten and Elementary Departments were given full

government recognition (No. P-0015 and No. E-0010 series 1991) by the Department of

Education, Culture and Sports, And a High School Department was added. The High

School Department also received Government recognition on March, 1 1995.

The Fisher Valley College
“A Christ Centered Institution”
#5 M.L. Quezon St., Hagonoy, Taguig City
College of Computer Studies

On May 30, 1993, the board of trustees applied for a change of institutional was

name from Fisher Valley School to Fisher Valley Academy, Said application was

approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on July 7, 1993. A college

Department with many academic offerings to choose was opened in June 1996.

The name Fisher Valley Academy was change to The Fisher Valley College and

approved by the SEC on January 16, 1996. In 1997 The Fisher Valley College had a

branch in Camaman-an, Cagayan de Oro City. And in 2011, the C5 Annex was opened

initially offering two year vocational courses. Now it has expanded to a new four-story


It is the wish of the founders that with GOD’s help one day, they can look back and

see that their schools produced professionals who by then are pillars of the nation. For

all these, all the glory and honor are given to the almighty GOD

For those who are looking for good and quality teaching and love of GOD, Go study

in The Fisher Valley College enjoy and learn with a class.

The Fisher Valley College
“A Christ Centered Institution”
#5 M.L. Quezon St., Hagonoy, Taguig City
College of Computer Studies


1.3.1 General Problem

 How to design, develop and implement a system

1.3.2 Specific Problem

 How to design, develop and implement a system that will record the

information and list of items?

 How to design, develop and implement a system that will manage

the records and books through its users provided by security


 How to design, develop and implement a system that will make

general reports more efficient and fast?

 How to design, develop and implement a system that will provide a

good quality services to the user?

The Fisher Valley College
“A Christ Centered Institution”
#5 M.L. Quezon St., Hagonoy, Taguig City
College of Computer Studies


1.4.1 General Objectives

 Having a hard time experience in their daily transactions consumes

more time and is difficult for them to do. Library System is a fully

computerized system that was designed to help the school or any library

in encoding and monitoring the actions made in their daily transactions.

1.4.2 Specific Objectives

 To design, develop and implement a system that will record the

information and list of items.

 To design, develop and implement a system that will manage the

records of library system through its users provided by security


 To design, develop and implement a system that will make general

reports more efficient and fast.

 To design, develop and implement a system that will provide a good

quality services to the user.

The Fisher Valley College
“A Christ Centered Institution”
#5 M.L. Quezon St., Hagonoy, Taguig City
College of Computer Studies



 Microsoft Visual
Basic.Net 2008
 MS SQL 2005
 At least
Windows 7 or

 Dual Core 3.0
GHz or higher
 At least 2000GB
or higher free LIBRARY
space on Hard SYSTEM

 Librarian
 Teacher MODIFIED
 Developer Source:

The Fisher Valley College
“A Christ Centered Institution”
#5 M.L. Quezon St., Hagonoy, Taguig City
College of Computer Studies



The Fisher Valley College Library System (TFVCLS) requires at least as Windows

7 Operating system (OS). It also requires at least Dual Core 3.0 GHz or higher

microprocessor, at least 2GB RAM and 200GB free space or higher on Hard disk.

Microsoft Visual Basic.Net 2008 will be used as its programming language and MS SQL

2005 for its database. People ware is the most important factor because every system

needs administrator and users.


Modified Waterfall model is the software process applied in developing this system.

It has six phases - requirements, design, implementation, testing, deployment and

maintenance. In this software process the use of software tools allows software engineer

to specify the characteristics at higher level and the tools generate code based or

specification. In this software process more time is given in design and testing to increase


The Fisher Valley College
“A Christ Centered Institution”
#5 M.L. Quezon St., Hagonoy, Taguig City
College of Computer Studies

The 1st phase is requirements. In this phase, all the client requirements about the website is

gathered and prepare a SRS document. Requirements like there is one registration page, one

login page, user profile page, products view page, product buy, add to cart , Billing. All the

requirements are clear, documented and well understood.

The 2nd phase is design. What type of programming language php,java or .net or what type of

database is used to develop the website is planned in this phase.

The 3rd phase is Implementation. Once the programming language is finalized the coding is

begin in the Implementation phase and small units are prepare like all the pages are coding one

by one.

The 4th phase is testing. All the pages are integrated or linking with each other and performing

system testing to check the functionality of the website it is according to the customer requirement

or not.

The 5th phase is Deployment. Once the website is completed it is deployed in the customer

system for the acceptance.

The 6th phase is maintenance. If any issue is come after deploying the website then patches are

released to resolve those issues.


The Fisher Valley College Library System (TFVCLS) will be the output. This will be the

product of developer’s study that will someday be implemented.

The Fisher Valley College
“A Christ Centered Institution”
#5 M.L. Quezon St., Hagonoy, Taguig City
College of Computer Studies



File Maintenance:

 Category Maintenance – module where can manage each level for

security purposes.

 Book Maintenance – module where can manage the category of the


 Teacher Maintenance – module where can manage the unit type to be

used by the products

 Student Maintenance – module where can manage discounts.


 Search

 Borrowing module

 Returning module

 Teachers information

 Students information

The Fisher Valley College
“A Christ Centered Institution”
#5 M.L. Quezon St., Hagonoy, Taguig City
College of Computer Studies


 Borrower’s Report - the list of those who borrow a book/s.

 Returnee’s Report - the list of those who returned a book/s.

System Utilities:

 Audit Trail

 Account recovery

 Backup and Restore Database


 The system cannot print receipt for those who will borrow a book.

 The system have no book reservation for the borrowers.

 The system is not online.

The Fisher Valley College
“A Christ Centered Institution”
#5 M.L. Quezon St., Hagonoy, Taguig City
College of Computer Studies


 Owner

The owner tends to get the benefit do the process of work and time lesser and can

perform tasks faster and more accurate because of the system. The system will

provide the help to manage and monitor the transactions inside the library.

 To the Library

The library users can easily find books and login, by not finding one by one each



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