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Name : _________________________________ Score Signature

Class : Primary 3_______ ( A / B / C ) TEACHER PARENTS

Date : ________________________________
Subject : Religion WS 1(Unit/ Theme 1)
Teacher : Mr. Rio

I. What is Family (15 points)

Draw a cross (+) if the sentence is true. Draw a circle (0) if sentence is not true!
___________A family is a group of people living together in a home.
___________A family is people who need one another.
___________Family may be binded by blood ties or adoption.
___________Each family is unique.
___________God sent Jesus to us so that we would learn how to live in a family.
___________We want to be like Jesus to show love for our family.
___________We call Jesus, Mary, and Joseph the Holy Family
___________Jesus grew up in a town called Bethlehem.
___________Joseph was not a carpenter.
___________The Holy Family had some sad times, too, just as all families do.
___________Jesus loved His family. He listened to them and obey them.
___________Jesus is a friend of rich families only, thats why they receive most of
His gifts.
___________Poor families are lazy thats’s why Jesus has stopped helping them.
___________Jesus wants us to pray for all families in the world.
___________Your family is a small unit of the Church.

II. Gods Word (3 points)

Commandment love disciples

“Now I give you a new ____________: love one another. Just as I have loved you,

so you also must _____________ one another. By this everyone will know that
you are my ________________, if you have loved for one another.”
(John 13:34-35).

III. Create a prayer for your family (7 points)

Acknowledged by:

Anom Ferawati

Vice Principal - Academic

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