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Carbon Tetrachloride–Induced Cirrhosis in Rats: Influence

of the Acute Effects of the Toxin on Glucose Metabolism


In animal models, conflicting results on the effect of occur in as many as 10% to 15% of cirrhotic patients.2,3
cirrhosis on glucose metabolism have been reported. Furthermore, the majority of nondiabetic cirrhotic indi-
The use of various toxins as well as differences in experi- viduals are characterized by hyperinsulinemia in the
mental protocols may be responsible for these contro- fasting state4,5 and excessive insulin response to an
versial data. However, differences may also be explained oral or intravenous glucose load.6,7 Insulin resistance
by the fact that glucose metabolism has been evaluated
following different time intervals after cessation of the
thus appears as the main feature of glucose metabolism
toxic injury. Therefore, we have performed intravenous in human cirrhosis.8,9 It is well accepted that hepatic
glucose tolerance tests, euglycemic hyperinsulinemic insulin sensitivity is maintained in cirrhosis,7,10 and
clamps (at 2, 6, and 30 mU/kgrmin insulin infusion rates), that the main site of insulin resistance in human cir-
and determination of peripheral tissue glucose meta- rhosis is skeletal muscle (decreased glycogen synthe-
bolic index (by [3H]2-deoxy-glucose injection) in rats sis), although other tissues such as the white adipose
treated for 10 weeks with carbon tetrachloride, either 3 tissue may also play a significant role in other diseases
days (acute group) or 2 weeks (delayed group) after the and species. At the cellular level, insulin resistance
last CCl4 dose was administered. Cirrhosis was con- most likely involves a postreceptor defect,2,8 but the
firmed by liver histological analysis, and by a 22% (P exact nature of this defect remains unknown.
õ .05) decrease in 13C-aminopyrine demethylation. In the
Although studies based on human subjects are likely
acute group, whole-body glucose disposal was decreased
at the highest insulin infusion rate only (19.7 { 1.2 vs. to give the most relevant information, animal models
23.4 { 1.2 mg/kgrmin in controls, P õ .05). In contrast, of cirrhosis are still clearly needed to investigate in
results of the delayed group were not different from con- more detail the mechanisms of impairment in glucose
trols at any insulin infusion rate. Peripheral tissue glu- metabolism. Although animal models of cirrhosis are
cose metabolic index was significantly decreased in all scarce and often unreliable,11 many attempts have been
muscles tested in the acute group compared with con- made in the past to study metabolic alterations of cir-
trols. A significant decrease of glucose utilization was rhosis using animal models obtained with various tox-
found in some but not all muscles in the delayed group ins administered by many different routes and follow-
but was less pronounced than in the acute group. In ing variable schedules.12-15 Many conflicting results
conclusion, this study showed that insulin sensitivity in have been reported, depending on the toxin used to
cirrhotic rats is time-dependent with regard to the last
CCl4 administration. These results must be taken into
induce cirrhosis, and the delay observed between the
account when using this experimental model of liver cir- end of induction treatment and the metabolic experi-
rhosis. (HEPATOLOGY 1996;23:582-588.) mentations. In recent years, the most popular model
has been the carbon tetrachloride–induced cirrhosis in
rats.14-16 Although this model has already been used
Glucose intolerance in liver disease was recognized for metabolic studies,15,17,18 no attempt has been made
as far back as 1906, when Naunyn1 coined the term so far to clearly evaluate the influence of CCl4 toxicity
‘‘hepatogenous diabetes.’’ In the clinical setting, glucose on glucose metabolism, and thus the relevance of this
homeostasis is often impaired; diabetes mellitus may model to the study of the mechanisms of insulin resis-
tance in human cirrhosis.
After a careful evaluation of morphologic and meta-
Abbreviations: ABT, aminopyrine breath test; GIR, glucose infusion rate; bolic criteria needed to confirm the presence of cirrhosis
WAT, white adipose tissue; IBAT, interscapular brown adipose tissue. after chronic phenobarbital and CCl4 treatment, we ex-
From the Laboratoire de Physiologie and Unité de Recherche Associée, amined the following in this study: (1) glucose tolerance
Centre National de Recherche Scientifique D1341, Université Claude Bernard
Lyon 1, 69373 Lyon cedex 08, France.
by intravenous glucose tolerance tests; (2) whole-body
Received March 29, 1995; accepted October 3, 1995. insulin sensitivity by the euglycemic hyperinsulinemic
Supported by a research grant from Inbiomed International, 10bis rue A. clamp technique; and (3) insulin-stimulated glu-
Lumière, 69008 Lyon, France, and from Fondation Mérieux, Lyon, France. cose uptake by peripheral tissues, by injection of
Address reprint requests to: François Mion, M.D., Laboratoire de Physiolo- [3H]2-deoxyglucose during euglycemic-hyperinsulin-
gie Lyon-Nord, 8, avenue Rockefeller 69373 Lyon cedex 08, France.
Copyright q 1996 by the American Association for the Study of Liver
emic clamps, to determine the possible sites of insulin
Diseases. resistance (skeletal muscle and white and brown adi-
0270-9139/96/2303-0025$3.00/0 pose tissues).

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HEPATOLOGY Vol. 23, No. 3, 1996 MION ET AL. 583

These tests were performed in rats with liver cirrho- tration and 2, 5, 7, 10, 15, 30, and 45 minutes thereafter to
sis induced by 10 weeks of CCl4 treatment, either 3 measure plasma glucose (Glucose Analyser II, Beckman) and
days (acute group) or 2 weeks (delayed group) after the insulin concentrations by radioimmunoassay (CIS Biointer-
last CCl4 administration. national, Gif/Yvette, France).
Euglycemic-Hyperinsulinemic Clamp Studies. They were
MATERIALS AND METHODS carried out according to the technique of Kraegen et al.22
Vascular catheters were inserted just before the study, under
Animals. Male Sprague-Dawley rats (Iffa-Credo, L’Ar- pentobarbitone anesthesia. Rats were infused with human
bresle, France), weighing 180 to 220 g, were housed in indi- neutral insulin (Actrapid HM, 40 U/mL, Novo Industries,
vidual cages kept at 217 to 257C under 12-hour dark/light Denmark) while maintaining blood glucose at basal level (6
cycles, with free access to standard laboratory chow and tap mmol/L). Insulin was continuously infused at either 2, 6, or
water. Animals received humane care in compliance with our 30 mU/kgrmin (in 0.9% saline and 1% bovine fatty acid–free
institution’s guidelines. serum albumin), at 16.6 mL/min for 2 hours to achieve steady
Cirrhosis was obtained after a 10-week treatment by ad- plasma insulin concentrations. Blood samples of 25 mL were
ministration of phenobarbital in the drinking water (350 mg/ obtained at 5-minute intervals to determine plasma glucose
L) and weekly CCl4 gavages; the toxin was administered in levels and of 100 mL at 0, 60, and 120 minutes of the clamp
increasing doses based on individual body weight variations, to measure plasma insulin concentrations. To maintain eu-
as described by Proctor and Chamtara.16 The weekly CCl4 glycemia, glucose at different concentrations (5%-50%) was
schedule was chosen as the best treatment regimen based on infused at variable rates using a peristaltic roller pump, the
a previous study showing that hepatic lesions were maximal delivery of which was controlled after each clamp. The needed
for this dosage.19 glucose infusion rate (GIR) plateaued between 60 and 120
Control animals did not receive phenobarbital or CCl4 . minutes (GIR60-120= in mg glucose/kgrmin) and was consid-
They were matched with treated animals based on body ered as a measure of the whole-body glucose utilization.
weight. Peripheral Tissue Glucose Metabolic Index. Glucose up-
Metabolic experiments were performed in CCl4-treated take by individual tissues was estimated as the ‘‘tissue glu-
rats and controls. One set of cirrhotic rats (referred to as the cose metabolic index.’’22 Briefly, 45 minutes before the end of
acute group) were studied 3 days after the last CCl4 dose, the clamp, the glucose analogue 2-[1,2-3H]-deoxy-D-glucose
when the hepatotoxic effects of CCl4 are still present19; the (32.5 mCi; Isotopchim; Ganagobie-Peyruis, France) and [U-
second set of cirrhotic rats (referred to as the delayed group) C]-saccharose (4 mCi; DuPont de Nemours, Les Ullis,
were studied 2 weeks after the administration of the last France) were administered intravenously together as a bolus,
CCl4 dose to minimize the acute effects of the treatment. The in 250 mL of saline solution containing 0.25% albumin. Fifty-
presence of cirrhosis was confirmed in all treated animals microliter plasma samples were collected at 0, 2, 5, 7, 10, 15,
used in this study by measurement of the relative liver, tes- 20, 30, and 45 minutes after the administration of the tracer
tes, and spleen weights, used as markers of cirrhosis and bolus for estimation of the plasma radioactivity disappear-
portal hypertension17; gross macroscopic appearance and his- ance curve. At the end of the clamp (insulin infusion rate of
topathological examination of the liver obtained at the end 30 mU/kgrmin), rats were killed by cervical dislocation and
of experiments; and determination of serum aspartate amino- the following tissues rapidly removed: diaphragm, muscles
transferase activity and total bilirubin concentration on a of the hindlimb (extensor digitorum longus, tibialis, soleus,
Cobras automatic analyzer (Roche, Neuilly, Seine, France). plantaris, and gastrocnemius), white adipose tissue (WAT)
[13C]-Aminopyrine Breath Test. The test was used to moni- (epididymal and retroperitoneal), and interscapular brown
tor the decrease of hepatic metabolic capacity induced by adipose tissue (IBAT). These tissues were immediately
the chronic CCl4 treatment.19,20 In treated animals, the 13C- weighed and frozen until subsequent analysis. Tissue and
aminopyrine breath test (ABT) was performed at week 1, 3, plasma samples were solubilized in 2 mL potassium hydrox-
5, and 10. Four milligrams per kilogram of body weight of ide (3%) at 657C in a shaking water bath for 2 hours. To
[N,N-dimethyl-13C2]-aminopyrine (99 Atom% 13C; Tracer reduce quenching, 100 mL of hydrogen peroxide (30%) was
Technologies, Somerville, MA) were injected intraperitone- added to the vials which were kept at 657C for an additional
ally; the 13CO2 enrichment in breath samples was measured 1 hour. Ten milliliters of scintillant (Insta-Gel; Packard, Mer-
by GC-isotope ratio mass spectrometry,21 and the increase iden, CT) was then added and double-isotope counting per-
(related to basal values) of cumulative 13CO2 excretion during formed in a scintillation counter (SL 3000 Intertechnic; Kon-
30 minutes was calculated according to the trapezoidal rule tron, St-Quentin, France). Quench corrections were applied
and expressed in atom per excess (APE 13Cr30 minutes). The on external standard. The extracellular volume of each tissue
test was performed just before the next CCl4 administration sample was measured using 14C-saccharose and was used
to avoid the inhibitory effect of CCl4 on aminopyrine demeth- to calculate the intracellular [3H]2-deoxyglucose-6-phosphate
ylation.19 The ABT was also performed in control rats body- content (C*m(T) dpm/g at T Å 45 min), according to the method
weight–matched with rats treated with CCl4 for 1 week and of Hom et al.23 Glucose uptake (ng glucose/mgrmin) was then
10 weeks, the control rats being administered phenobarbital calculated as the ‘‘tissue glucose metabolic index’’ (Rg)22:
in the drinking water for 1 week before the test.
Intravenous Glucose Tolerance Tests. The animals were Cm*(T)
Rg Å dt
fasted 16 hours before the intravenous glucose tolerance
tests. After intraperitoneally-administered pentobarbital an- 0
esthesia, two polyethylene catheters (EO 3403, Biotrol, Vil-
leron, France) were inserted, one into the right jugular vein, where C*p is plasma H-2DG (dpm/mL) and Cp is plasma glu-
and the other into the left carotid artery. The carotid catheter cose (mg/mL).
was used for blood sampling and the jugular for intravenous Statistical Analyses. All experimental data in the text or
infusion. 0.5 mg/kg of body weight of glucose were injected, in figures are expressed as mean { SEM. The results between
and 125-mL blood samples were taken before glucose adminis- groups were examined by one-way ANOVA, and a Fischer’s

5p0b$$0028 02-20-96 20:13:36 hepa WBS: Hepatology


TABLE 1. Liver, Spleen, and Testes Weight (related to body

weight), Serum Bilirubin, and Aspartate Amino
Transferase Levels in Control, Acute Cirrhotic,
and Delayed Cirrhotic Rats
Acute Delayed
Controls Cirrhosis Cirrhosis

Body weight (g) 478 { 23 480 { 15 472 { 8

Liver (g/kg bw) 28.4 { 1.2 46.5 { 3.7*† 35.1 { 1.2*
Spleen (g/kg bw) 1.9 { 0.2 3.6 { 0.4* 3.1 { 0.2*
Testes (g/kg bw) 8.2 { 0.4 6.9 { 0.5* 6.8 { 0.2*
Bilirubin ( mmol/L) 3 { 1 35 { 7*† 2.5 { 1
AST (IU/L) 55 { 4 342 { 36*† 134 { 7*

NOTE. The results represent the mean { SEM of 7 to 23 sepa-

rate experiments.
Abbreviations: bw, body weight; AST, aspartate aminotransfer-
* Significant difference between controls and cirrhotic rats.
† Significant difference between the acute and delayed groups of
cirrhotic rats (P õ .01).

post-hoc test was used for group comparisons. Statistical sig-

nificance was set at P õ .05.
RESULTS FIG. 2. Evolution of 13C-aminopyrine breath test during chronic
phenobarbital-CCl4 treatment to obtain cirrhosis. The breath test
Evaluation of Cirrhosis in CCl4-Treated Animals. was also performed in body weight–matched controls after 1 week
Morphological and biological data of control and of phenobarbital treatment (n Å 10 for each point). *, Significant
treated rats are shown in Table 1. Cirrhosis was con- difference in treated rats between one and 5 and 10 weeks of CCl4
firmed in all treated animals by histopathological anal- treatment. †, Significant difference of the ABT between rats after 10
weeks of CCl4 treatment and body weight–matched controls.
ysis. Nodules of hepatic parenchyma were clearly delin-
eated by thick fibrous bands (Fig. 1). Ascites was absent
in all cirrhotic animals in the delayed group, whereas
it was present in some cirrhotic rats of the acute group. and to the ABT of controls of similar body weight
Finally, the results of ABT performed after 10 weeks (031%) (Fig. 2).
of CCl4 treatment was significantly decreased when Glucose Tolerance Tests. After a 16-hour fast, basal
compared with the initial ABT results performed in the plasma glucose and insulin levels were not different in
same animals at the beginning of treatment (022%) the acute (n Å 6) and delayed (n Å 6) cirrhotic rats,
compared with controls (n Å 5) (plasma glucose, 6.1
{ 0.2 and 6.7 { 0.1 vs. 6.4 { 0.2 mmol/L; plasma insu-
lin concentration, 13.2 { 3.1 and 13.0 { 1.7 vs. 12.5
{ 0.8 mU/L, respectively). The plasma glucose re-
sponse curves after intravenous administration of 0.5
g glucose/kg BW were identical in cirrhotic rats of the
delayed group compared to controls (Fig. 3A). The
shape of the glucose response curve was similar in the
acute group; however, the area under the curve of the
incremental plasma glucose between 0 and 45 minutes
was decreased in the acute cirrhosis group compared
to the delayed group and controls (126.2 { 4.3 vs. 193.5
{ 6.5 and 213.7 { 5.8 mmol/Lr45 min, respectively; P
õ .05). The percentage of variations of plasma insulin
concentration over baseline was similar in the three
groups of rats (Fig. 3B).
Whole-Body Glucose Utilization During Euglycemic-
Hyperinsulinemic Clamps. Plasma insulin levels mea-
sured during the last hour of the clamp are summarized
in Fig. 4A (n Å 7 to 8 rats for each group and each
FIG. 1. Histological section of the liver of a CCl4-treated rat, ob-
tained 2 weeks after the end of treatment. Nodules of hepatocytes value of clamp). Plasma insulin concentrations were
are separated by thick fibrous bands, defining the typical aspect of greater in the acute cirrhosis group, reaching statisti-
cirrhosis. (Hematoxylin and eosin; original magnification 160.) cal significance at 2 and 30 mU/kgrmin insulin infu-

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HEPATOLOGY Vol. 23, No. 3, 1996 MION ET AL. 585

FIG. 3. Evolution of (A) incremental plasma glucose levels and (B) percentage of variation of plasma insulin concentration over baseline
after an intravenous glucose load (0.5 g/kg body weight) in controls, and in the delayed and acute groups of cirrhotic rats.

sion rate. In the delayed group, plasma insulin levels ward decreased Rg versus controls, although this differ-
were significantly greater than in the control group at ence did not reach statistical significance. Finally, Rg
30 mU/kgrmin, but not different at physiological insu- was significantly lower in diaphragm and tibialis in
lin infusion rates (2 and 6 mU/kgrmin). the acute versus delayed group; Rg also tended to be
Glucose infusion rates (GIR60-120) needed to maintain lower in the other muscles of the former group.
basal plasma glucose concentration (6 mmol/L) are pre-
sented in Fig. 4B. In the acute group, the GIR60-120 was DISCUSSION
significantly greater than in the control group at 2 mU/ In our study, chronic oral phenobarbital-intragastric
kgrmin insulin infusion rate, and lower at 30 mU/ CCl4 treatment produced a typical liver cirrhosis as
kgrmin (P õ .05). In contrast, no difference was found described by Proctor and Chamtara.16 The cirrhosis
between the delayed and the control groups. was confirmed by morphological and histological data
Thus, in the range of physiological plasma insulin obtained at the end of experiments for each rat. The
concentrations (20-100 mU/L), insulin sensitivity was decrease of ABT results at the end of CCl4 treatment
identical in the three groups of rats; the higher was also confirmative of the efficacy of this protocol to
GIR60-120 found in the acute group at 2 mU/kgrmin obtain a significant reduction of the liver functional
insulin infusion rate is explained by higher plasma in- mass.19,20
sulin concentrations. At supraphysiological doses of in- Thus, this animal model might allow the study of the
sulin infusion (30 mU/kgrmin), insulin resistance was mechanisms of cirrhosis-induced alterations of glucose
evident only in the acute group. metabolism. However, CCl4 , besides its well-known
Glucose Metabolic Index in Individual Tissues. The hepatotoxicity, also has acute toxic effects on many or-
glucose metabolic index (Rg) was considered as repre- gans, including kidneys24 and pancreas,12,25 that could
sentative of insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in differ- interfere with the metabolic effects of cirrhosis. Fur-
ent types of tissues (muscles and adipose tissue). The thermore, the time dependency of CCl4 acute hepato-
results of glucose uptake in these peripheral tissues toxicity is well known,19 and the results of metabolic
obtained at 30 mU/kgrmin insulin infusion rate for studies could vary depending on when these are per-
controls and cirrhotic rats (acute, n Å 7; delayed formed after the last CCl4 administration. To study a
groups, n Å 8) are shown in Fig. 5. The Rg in epididymal possible interference of the acute effects of the toxin,
and retroperitoneal WAT was identical in the three metabolic studies were performed in CCl4-adminis-
groups of rats. In IBAT, the Rg was similarly decreased tered cirrhotic rats at two different schedules after the
in the acute and delayed cirrhosis groups compared end of treatment. In one group of rats (acute group),
with controls (P õ .05). With regard to muscles, the metabolic experiments were performed only 3 days
diaphragm, the only working muscle under our experi- after the last CCl4 administration; in this situation,
mental conditions, showed the highest Rg , whereas glu- rats are clearly ill, body weight loss is maximal at that
cose uptake was in the same range for all resting mus- time (around 10%), ascites may be present, and liver
cles. There was a significant decrease of glucose uptake functions are still severely depressed because of direct
in all muscles tested in the acute group compared with CCl4 hepatotoxicity.17,19 In a second group of cirrhotic
controls. In the delayed cirrhosis group, Rg was signifi- rats (delayed group), experiments were performed 2
cantly lower in diaphragm, tibialis, and gastrocnemius; weeks after the end of treatment; rats have regained
in the other muscles tested, there was a tendency to- some weight at that time, and CCl4 and its toxic metab-

5p0b$$0028 02-20-96 20:13:36 hepa WBS: Hepatology


olites have been cleared out of the organism.26 The

choice of control rats is difficult with this chronic treat-
ment model; using sham-treated animals would have
given a control group with higher body mass, a situa-
tion that by itself could produce significant differences
in glucose metabolism.13 Thus, we decided to use as
controls untreated animals matched for body weight
with CCl4-treated rats.
Our results showed that neither acute nor delayed

FIG. 5. Variations of the glucose metabolic index (Rg , represent-

ing glucose uptake) in different muscles, white and brown adipose
tissues, in controls, acute and delayed groups of cirrhotic rats, at 30
mU/kgrmin insulin infusion rate. The vertical bars represent the
mean of seven to eight separate experiments for each group. *, Indi-
cates a significant difference between controls and cirrhotic rats. †,
Indicates a significant difference between cirrhotic rats in the acute
group versus the delayed group.

cirrhotic rats were glucose intolerant. Basal plasma

glucose insulin concentrations were identical in con-
trols and treated rats (acute and delayed), in accor-
dance with previous reports.18,27 In contrast, Naka-
mura et al.12 found a decreased insulin content in the
pancreas of CCl4-treated cirrhotic rats, whereas ele-
vated plasma levels of insulin and glucagon were ob-
served in studies of thioacetamide-induced rat cirrho-
sis.25,28 These variations may be partially caused by the
toxin used to induce cirrhosis rather than by cirrhosis
itself; CCl4 and thioacetamide have been shown to in-
duce profound changes in relative pancreatic weight
and hormonal contents.12,25 In vitro basal and stimu-
lated releases of insulin from isolated pancreatic islets
were found to be decreased in CCl4-treated cirrhotic
rats,28 a finding that could explain the discrepancy be-
tween basal plasma insulin concentrations in rat and
human cirrhosis. Another interesting finding of the in-
travenous glucose tolerance test studies was the de-
creased plasma glucose response curve found in the
acute group, compared with the delayed group and con-
trols, without any significant difference in insulin re-
sponse. This may relate to the toxic effects of CCl4 ;
when tested 3 days after CCl4 administration, rats are
still severely ill and have been fasting for most of this
period. Glycogen contents are extremely low in most
tissues,17 and thus the injected glucose must be avidly
taken by peripheral tissues, explaining the decreased
FIG. 4. Plasma insulin levels (upper panel) obtained during the hyperglycemic response in this group.
last hour of the euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamps in control rats Euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp studies were
and in the acute and delayed groups of cirrhotic rats. In the same performed to measure insulin resistance in cirrhotic
groups of rats, GIR needed to maintain steady euglycemia (6 mmol/
L) between 60 and 120 minutes after the beginning of euglycemic rats. At physiological plasma insulin concentrations
hyperinsulinemic clamp studies. *, Indicates a significant difference (20-100 mU/L), the only difference in GIR between the
versus controls; 7, between the two groups of cirrhotic rats. three groups was an increase in the acute group at 2

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HEPATOLOGY Vol. 23, No. 3, 1996 MION ET AL. 587

mU/kgrmin insulin infusion rate, probably related to almost reached statistical significance (0.053 { 0.002
the higher plasma insulin levels obtained in this group. vs. 0.046 { 0.002; P Å .072). Thus, insulin resistance
The increased plasma insulin concentration in the cannot be completely ruled out in the delayed cirrhosis
acute group may be caused by the profound inhibition group.
of liver metabolism induced by CCl4 toxicity, thereby In conclusion, our results show that impairment in
increasing the inability of cirrhotic livers to metabolize glucose metabolism in CCl4-cirrhotic rats depends on
insulin.29 Thus, at low insulin infusion rates, insulin the delay observed between the last administration of
sensitivity was normal in both acute and delayed cir- the toxin and the metabolic studies. Acute lesions in-
rhotic rats, a result in agreement with Meyer-Alber et duced by CCl4 administration can modify insulin sensi-
al.,18 who did not find any difference in GIR in CCl4- tivity; the relevance of this experimental model for the
induced cirrhotic rats tested 3 to 4 days after the last study of glucose metabolism in liver cirrhosis is thus
CCl4 administration and control rats. At a supraphysio- questionable. Its inadequacy for the study of other met-
logical insulin infusion rate (30 mU/kgrmin), there was abolic pathways has already been suggested.36,37
a striking 30% decrease of total body glucose disposal
in the acute group of cirrhotic rats, whereas the GIR Acknowledgment: The authors thank F. Berger,
values of the delayed group were similar to controls. M.D., for the analysis of pathological liver specimens,
These results are also in accordance with those re- M. F. Brassard and F. Lascaux (Inbiomed), for their
ported by Meyer-Alber et al.,18 but in sharp contrast diligent analysis of isotopic breath samples, and M.
with those obtained in human cirrhosis, in which insu- Rousseau, Ph.D., (Inbiomed), for her continuous sup-
lin-mediated glucose disposal is mainly reduced at port.
physiological plasma insulin concentrations,6 and insu- REFERENCES
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