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Team Building

Managing the Norms of Informal Groups in the Workplace

Jeff Lane was at his wits end. As a newly appointed production manager, he had tried virtually
everything to get his work group to come up to production standard. The equipment was operating
properly, and the group had the training and experience to meet expectations, yet it was not perform-
ing well. What was wrong? And what could he do to correct the situation?
Managers and supervisors frequently face such
a dilemma-standards that should be met but aren’t for
what seems like no apparent reason. What Jeff Lane and
other managers/ supervisors sometimes fail to realize is
that within every organization there are often informal
group pressures that influence and regulate individual
Informal groups formulate an implicit code of ethics
or an unspoken set of standards establishing acceptable
behavior In Jeff ’s department, the informal group may
have established a norm below that set by the organization,
subtly exercising control over its members regarding the
amount of output.

The dynamics of informal groups spective of the formal group, norms

Informal groups almost always arise generally fall into three categories-
if opportunities exist. Often, these positive, negative, and neutral. In
groups serve a counter organizational other words, norms either support,
function, attempting to counteract the obstruct, or have no effect on the
coercive tendencies in an organization. aims of the larger organization.
If management prescribes production For example, it the informal
norms that the group considers un- group in Jeff ’s shop set a norm
fair, for instance, the group’s recourse supporting high output, that norm
is to adopt less demanding norms and would have been more potent than
to use its ingenuity to discover ways in any attempt by Jeff to coerce compli-
which it can sabotage management’s ance with the standard. The reason
aims of this article imposed standards. is simple, yet profound. The norm is
Explore the dynamics of informal workgroups in Informal groups have a pow- of the group members own making,
the workplace erful influence on the effectiveness and is not one imposed upon them.
of an organization, and can even There is a big motivational difference
subvert its formal goals. But the between being told what to do and
Define the key dynamics in informal workgroups informal group’s role is not limited being anxious to do it.
to resistance. The impact of the If Jeff had been aware of group
Illustrate these dynamics with a number of informal group upon the larger dynamics, he might have realized
examples of how they may operate formal group depends on the norms that informal groups can be either
that the informal group sets. So the his best friend or his worst enemy.
Suggest a 3–step approach to improve existing informal group can make the formal He should have been sensitive to
group norms organization more effective, too. the informal groups within his
A norm is an implied agree- area and he should have cultivated
ment among the group’s member- their goodwill and cooperation and
ship regarding how members in the made use of the informal group
group should behave. From the per- leadership.
That is, he should have People need to belong, to be many of these characteristics are
wooed the leadership of the in- liked, to feel a part of something. similar to those of formal organiza-
formal group and enlisted the Because the informal group can tions, others are unique. One attri-
support of its membership to withhold this attractive reward, it bute of informal groups is rotational
achieve the formal organization’s has a tool of its own to coerce com- leadership.
aims. The final effect of his ac- pliance with its norms. The informal leader emerges
tions might have been positive as the individual possessing qualities
or negative, depending upon the Identity and self esteem that the other members perceive as
agreement or lack of it between Groups also provide a means of critical to the satisfaction of their
the informal group and himself. developing, enhancing, and con- specific needs at the moment; as
Harnessing the power of firming a person’s sense of identity the needs change so does the leader.
informal groups is no easy task. and self-esteem. Although many Only rarely does a single individual
The requirements include: organizations attempt to recognize possess all of the leadership char-
• an understanding of group these higher needs, the nature of acteristics needed to fill the various
dynamics and, some jobs-their technology and needs of the group.
• an ability to bring about environment-precludes this from Unlike the formally appointed
changes in informal group happening. The long assembly line leader who has a defined position
norms that positively rein- or endless rows of desks reinforce a from which to influence others, the
force the formal organiza- feeling of depersonalization. informal leader does not possess
tion’s goals. formal power. If the informal leader
As a starting point, managers Stress reduction fails to meet the group’s expectations,
and supervisors should at least Another function of groups is to he or she is deposed and replaced
be aware of the reasons behind serve as an agent for establish- by another. The informal group’s
informal group formation and the ing and testing social reality. For judgment of its leaders tends to be
properties and characteristics of instance, several individuals may quicker and more cold-blooded than
these groups. share the feeling that their super- that of most formal groups.
visor is a slave driver or that their
Formation of informal groups working conditions are inadequate. Supervisory strategies
Individuals are employed by an By developing a consensus about The supervisor can use several strate-
organization to perform specific these feelings, group members are gies to affect the leadership and har-
functions. Although the whole able to reduce the anxiety associated ness the power of informal groups.
person joins an organization, at- with their jobs. One quick and sure method of chang-
tention is usually focused on the ing a group is to cause the leader to
partial person, the part of the indi- All for one, one for all change one or more of his or her
vidual doing the job. Because peo- Finally, the informal group serves as characteristics. Another is to replace
ple have needs that extend beyond a defense mechanism against forces the leader with another person.
the work itself, informal groups that group members could not re- One common ploy is to sys-
develop to fill certain emotional, sist on their own. Joining forces in tematically rotate out of the group
social, and psychological needs. a small group makes the members its leaders and its key members.
The degree to which a group feel stronger, less anxious, and less Considering the rotational nature
satisfies its members needs deter- insecure in the face of a perceived of leadership, a leader may emerge
mines the limits within which threat. who has aims similar to the formal
individual members of the group As long as needs exist that are goals of the organization. There are
will allow their behavior to be not served by the formal organiza- problems with this approach, how-
controlled by the group. tion, informal groups will form to ever. Besides the practical difficul-
fill the gap. Since the group fills many ties of this, such strategy is blunted
Sense of belonging important needs for its members, it by the fact that group norms often
Several major functions are served influences member behavior. persist long after the leader has left
by informal groups. For example, the group.
the group serves as a means of sat- Leadership of informal groups A less Machiavellian ap-
isfying the affiliation needs of its Informal groups possess certain proach is for the supervisor to be
members for friendship and sup- characteristics that, if understood, alert to leaders sympathetic to the
port. can be used to advantage. While supervisor’s objectives and to use

  | Informal Group Norms

them toward the betterment of the Informal group cohesiveness to increase the groups cohesiveness
formal group’s effectiveness. Still A third characteristic of informal deliberately devising situations that
another method is to attempt to groups is group cohesiveness-the put one group into competition
‘co-opt’ informal leaders by absorb- force that holds a group together. with another. If this gambit is care-
ing them into the leadership or the Group cohesiveness varies widely fully controlled the solidarity that
decision-making structure of the based on numerous factors-includ- results may bring a higher level of
formal group. Co-opting the infor- ing the size of the group depen- performance.
mal leader often serves as a means dence of members upon the group The danger of this strategy is
of averting threats to the stability of achievement of goals status of the that the supervisor may be unable
the formal organization. group and management demands to control the reaction of the group.
Remember, though, a leader and pressures. For example group The ploy could backfire bringing
may lose favor with the group be- cohesiveness increases strongly competition and dissension within
cause of this association with man- whenever the membership per- the group.
agement, and group members will ceives a threat from the outside.
most likely select another leader. This threat produces the high anxi- Informal group norms–unspo-
ety that strong group cohesiveness ken rules
Communications of informal can help reduce. The final characteristic of infor-
groups (the grapevine) If the supervisor presses the mal groups is their establishment
Another characteristic of the infor- group to conform to a new orga- of norms. As we discussed earlier,
mal group is its communications nizational norm that Is viewed as a norms keep a group functioning as
network. The informal group has threat to the security needs of group a system instead of a collection of
communications processes that are members The group will become individuals.
smoother and less cumbersome than more unified in order to withstand Norms are of great impor-
those of the formal organization. the perceived threat. Thus manage- tance to the informal group in con-
Thus its procedures are eas- ment can limit its own effectiveness trolling behavior and measuring the
ily changed to meet the commu- by helping to increase the group’s performance of members. Because
nication needs of the group. In cohesiveness. With the passing of norm violations threaten a group’s
the informal group, a person who the threat the group tends to lose its existence, departures from the norm
possesses information vital to the cohesiveness. usually carry severe sanctions. The
group’s functioning or well-being is Perhaps paradoxically the members must either conform or
frequently afforded leadership status most dangerous time for group co- sever their group affiliation.
by its members. Also, the centrally hesion is when things are going well. The latter action is unlikely,
located person in the group is in the Supervisors can use the factors that especially if the individual values
best position to facilitate the smooth affect group cohesiveness to increase group membership to satisfy certain
flow of information among group their own effectiveness. needs. Two points are important to
members. note about the norms of informal
Knowing about informal Involvement in decision mak- groups.
group communication the supervi- ing process • First, where both formal and
sor can provide a strategically placed For instance a supervisor can in- informal norms exist, the in-
individual with information needed volve the informal group members formal norms transcend the
by the group. This not only enhances in the decision-making process. In- formal. At moments when
the stature of this individual perhaps put from group members will not norms conflict with organi-
elevating him or her to a leadership only reduce their feeling of alien- zational objectives, organiza-
position but also provides an effi- ation but also improve communi- tional effectiveness suffers.
cient means of distributing informa- cation between the supervisor and • Second, members of an infor-
tion. Providing relevant information subordinates thereby reducing po- mal group may be unaware
to the group will also help foster tential conflict. that the norms of the group in-
harmony between the supervisor Where group participation in fluence their behavior. Norms
and the informal group. decision making is not practical the are particularly potent because
By winning the cooperation of supervisor should carefully explain without knowing it members
informal group leaders the supervi- the reasons to play down what might would not even think of act-
sor will most likely experience fewer be seen as a threat to the group. In ing otherwise-norms are that
grievances and better relationships. some cases the supervisor may want ingrained into their behavior

Informal Group Norms |  

Changing informal group
A supervisor should attempt to en-
courage norms that positively affect
the formal organization’s goals, and
to alter those that are negative. If
Group norms profile
this is accomplished, the informal
group/ team will direct its energies -100% -50% 0% 50% 100%
toward desired goals.
How can a supervisor bring
about a positive change in a group / Organizational / personal pride
team’s norms?
Once a group / team has de-
veloped its norms, they are strictly
enforced until changed. But norms Performance / excellence
change frequently because the group
/ team must be responsive to changes
in its environment for self-protec-

Desired level
tion. When a perceived change oc- Teamwork / communications
curs in the environment that affects
the group / team, it tightens, eases,
or changes it norms.
There are three stages to fos- Leadership / supervision
tering group / team norms that are
congenial to the organization.

First Stage
The first stage involves determin- Profit / cost effectiveness
ing what the group/ team norms
are, and then getting group/ team
members to recognize their exis-
tence and influence. Colleague / associate relations
This can often be accom-
plished by observing the behavior
patterns of the group / team, inter-
viewing group / team members, or Customer / client relations
asking the group/ team to identify
its own norms.
As we noted, people frequently
respect and follow norms uncon- Innovativeness / creativity
sciously. Helping define norms is
useful because it assists the group /
team in clarifying its thinking and
frees members from behavior patterns Training / development
that they may not really wish to follow
in the first place.
When group / team members
actually become aware of nega- Candor / openness
tive norms, they commonly reject
them and seek alternative modes of
behavior. And the supervisor can’t
begin to change negative norms
to positive ones until group / team
members first become aware of their

  | Informal Group Norms

Second Stage This process emphasizes the cre-
Once the group/ team’s norms are ation of positive norms through
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identified, the next stage is to mea- cooperative effort that benefits
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survey instrument, to measure your team communications and trust, of this article for a classroom
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team member should then be asked are negative, they can negate the apply and there is a minimum order
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scale should be used, so that the process of change is a tool by additional handouts of this article, click
actual (averaged) responses can be which a supervisor can deal with
evaluated against a desired level, for
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the informal group/ team stresses
that exist within the organiza- Purchase
As shown in the ‘Group norms tion and that tend to de-motivate
profile’ graphic, the responses can employees.
be averaged and plotted in order to By fostering positive group
obtain a norm profile. norms, a supervisor can harness Contact: Cliff F. Grimes
The difference between where the power of informal groups and
the group / team is and where it release the energies of such groups
should be, represents a normative to work together much better as a Ph: +44 (0)1946 82 3191
“gap.” These gaps provide a start- team to achieve desired goals.
ing point for determining where Cliff F. Grimes
changes should occur. Copyright © All rights reserved. 2000

Third Stage
The final stage is to bring about nor-
mative change. A systematic change
process consists of six steps:
1. Demonstrate the importance
of norms in achieving orga-
nizational and group/ team
2. Create positive norm goals
through cooperative effort.
3. Establish normative change
4. Determine a plan of action
to bring about change.
5. Implement and monitor the
change strategy.
6. Review the effectiveness of
the strategy periodically and
modify where necessary.

Informal Group Norms |  

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