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Shear strength of unsaturated soils and its applications in

geotechnical engineering practice

Conference Paper · November 2009


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1 author:

Sai K. Vanapalli
University of Ottawa


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Unsaturated Soils – Buzzi, Fityus & Sheng (eds)
© 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-80480-6

Shear strength of unsaturated soils and its applications in geotechnical

engineering practice

S.K. Vanapalli
Civil Engineering Department, University of Ottawa, Canada

ABSTRACT: Several investigators over the last 50 years have contributed to our present understanding of the
shear strength of unsaturated soils (SSUS). Many advances have been made during this period with respect to the
measurement, interpretation and prediction/estimation of the SSUS. The focus during the last fifteen years has
been directed more towards the development of simple techniques for predicting or estimating the SSUS because
experimental procedures are time consuming, need elaborate equipment, and require highly trained personnel.
Shear strength is a key engineering property required in the design of several geotechnical structures such as
the shallow and deep foundations, earth structures including excavations and the stability of slopes. However,
limited studies are reported in the literature with respect to the applications of the SSUS in practice. This paper
provides a brief background of the SSUS and details of how our present understanding can be extended for
several geotechnical applications.

1 INTRODUCTION interpreting the engineering behavior of unsaturated

soils (Fredlund & Rahardjo 1993).
The effective stress equation proposed by Terzaghi Several investigators were aware of the influence of
(1936) laid a foundation towards the establishment of suction on the shear strength of soils prior to the devel-
geotechnical engineering as one of the independent opment of the mechanics of saturated soils (Haines
fields of civil engineering. The difference between 1925, Fisher 1926). However, the influence of suc-
total stress, σ and pore-water pressure, uw (i.e. σ  = tion is generally ignored in conventional geotechnical
σ − uw ) is defined as the effective stress. The effec- engineering practice extending the conservative
tive stress equation from a continuum mechanics stand assumption that the soils are saturated. In this paper,
point of view is an independent stress state variable background information related to our present under-
(SSV ) that can be used as a tool for rational explana- standing of the shear strength of unsaturated soils
tion of the engineering behavior of saturated soils. The (SSUS) that evolved over the last 50 years is suc-
Mohr-Coulomb theory along with the effective stress cinctly summarized. In addition, details of how our
equation formed a framework in the interpretation of present understanding of the SSUS can be extended
the shear strength of saturated soils (SSSS). The bear- for several routine geotechnical applications are
ing capacity of shallow and deep foundations, the pres- detailed.
sures against retaining walls, depth of excavations and
the stability of slopes are estimated or determined rou-
tinely in geotechnical engineering practice using the 2 BACKGROUND
effective or total shear strength parameters based on
the assumption that the soils are in a state of saturated Bishop (1959) proposed an effective stress equation
condition. for unsaturated soils and suggested that it can be used
Many soils in nature are more commonly found in for interpreting the SSUS extending the same philos-
a state of unsaturated condition; particularly in arid ophy as Terzaghi (1943) used for the SSSS.
and semi-arid regions. Also, expansive soils, col-
lapsible soils, residual soils and compacted soils that τ = c + [(σn − ua ) + χ (ua − uw )] tan φ  (1)
are conventionally categorized as problematic soils
are typically unsaturated soils. Unlike saturated soils where, τ is shear strength of unsaturated soil, c is
which need only one independent SSV (i.e. σ − uw ) to effective cohesion, φ  is effective internal frictional
interpret the mechanical behavior of saturated soils, angle, (σn − ua ) is net normal stress, (ua − uw ) is
two independent SSVs; namely, net normal stress, matric suction; and χ is parameter dependent on the
(σ − ua ) and matric suction (ua − uw ) are required for degree of saturation (between 0 and 1).

Bishop et al. (1960) and Bishop & Donald (1961) the water content (either gravimetric water content or
determined the SSUS and interpreted them using volumetric water content or degree of saturation) is
Eq. (1). Jennings & Burland (1962) suggested that commonly referred as the Soil-Water Characteristic
Eq. (1) may pose some limitations to simultaneously Curve (SWCC). The SWCC is also referred in the lit-
interpret the mechanical behavior of unsaturated soils erature as the Soil-Water Retention Curve (SWRC) or
(i.e. for explaining both the shear strength and volume Soil Moisture Curve (SMC). Detailed discussions of
change behavior). Bishop & Blight (1963) reevaluated how SWCC can be used as a tool in the prediction
the proposed effective stress equation (i.e. Eq. (1)) and of the SSUS are discussed in several publications in
noted that, ‘‘a variation in matric suction, (ua − uw ) greater detail (Fredlund et al. 1996, Vanapalli et al.
did not result in the same change in effective stress as 1996a, Barbour 1998).
did a change in net normal stress, (σ − ua )’’. Several Both Eq. (1) and (2) are widely used in the inter-
investigators realized that the influence of (σ −ua ) and pretation of the experimental results of the SSUS.
(ua − uw ) should be considered as independent SSV s There are several other approaches available in the
for interpreting the engineering behavior of unsat- literature for interpreting, predicting or estimating the
urated soils (Bishop & Blight 1963, Burland 1964, SSUS including the critical state soil mechanics (see
1965, Matyas & Radhakrishna 1968). Table 1). Several different philosophies were used by
Fredlund & Morgenstern (1977) research work laid these investigators towards the common goal of bet-
a foundation towards using two independent SSVs, ter understanding the SSUS over the last 50 years.
(σ − ua ) and (ua − uw ) for explaining the unsaturated The contributions of these investigators were useful to
soils behavior. Fredlund et al. (1978) extended this better our present understanding of the SSUS.
approach and proposed an equation for interpreting
the experimental results of the SSUS:
τ = c + (σn − ua ) tan φ  + (ua − uw ) tan φ b (2) STRENGTH OF UNSATURATED SOILS

The shear strength contribution due to matric suc- Donald (1957) was probably the earliest investiga-
tion, φ b was initially assumed to be linear based on the tor who modified the conventional direct shear testing
analysis of experimental results published in the liter- apparatus and determined both the SWCC (Figure 1(a))
ature prior to 1978, which were mostly conducted on and the shear strength (Figure 1(b)) behavior of four
clayey type of soils over a limited range of suction different sands. This pioneering research work was
(i.e. typically lower than 200 kPa). As many fine- undertaken at the University of Melbourne, Mel-
grained soils do not significantly desaturate nonlin- bourne, Australia under the supervision of Aitchison.
early in this suction range, a reasonable approximation The nonlinear variation of shear strength with respect
was made and the variation of shear strength with to matric suction over a range of 0 to 30 kPa and the
respect to matric suction was represented by an aver- relationship between the SWCC and the shear strength
age constant slope, tan φ b . This concept was similar was presented.
to using a constant slope, tan φ  for interpreting the No attempt was however made to provide a relation-
SSSS. The tan φ b value was found to be lower than ship or propose a semi-empirical technique to predict
tan φ  for many tested unsaturated soils. Comprehen- the variation of the shear strength with respect to
sive experimental studies by several investigators con- matric suction using the SWCC as a tool. More details
ducted over a large suction range using more elaborate of Donald & Aitchison’s work on the SSUS and com-
testing equipments have shown that the shear strength parisons of the measured and predicted shear strength
variation with respect to suction beyond a certain value behavior using various semi-empirical equations are
was nonlinear (Escario & Sáez 1987, Gan & Fredlund summarized in another paper of this conference
1988). The shear strength increases at the same rate (Vanapalli & Lacasse 2009).
as for an increase in total stress up to a certain suc- Other early experimental studies reported in the
tion value (i.e. φ b = φ  ), which from later studies literature were undertaken at the Imperial College,
was recognized to be equal to the air-entry value of London using conventional triaxial equipment with a
the soil (Fredlund & Rahardjo 1993). Soils begin to porous ceramic disk sealed to the base of the triaxial
desaturate when the suction values are greater than cell pedestal. The pore-water pressures were measured
the air-entry value and the shear strength contribution by balancing the pressure in the measuring system in
due to suction becomes less than φ  (i.e. φ b < φ  ). the range of 0 to 90 kPa using a null indicator (Bishop
These observations led to the development of several 1961).
mathematical and semi-empirical models to predict the Bishop & Donald (1961) adopted a different tech-
nonlinear variation of shear strength with respect to nique such that the SSUS can be tested over a suction
suction. The relationship of the variation of water con- range (i.e. 0 to 200 kPa) by using a bubble pump which
tent with respect to suction was used as a tool in these facilitates the removal of diffused air from the ceramic
studies. The relationship between the soil suction and disk.

Table 1. Various approaches for interpreting, predicting or estimating the shear strength of unsaturated soils
(summarized from Vanapalli 1994, Vanapalli & Fredlund 2000, Garven & Vanapalli 2006, Garven 2009).

Author Equation Approach Eqn.

Bishop (1959) τ = c + [(σ − ua ) + χ (ua − uw )] tan φ  Stress Partitioning (1)

χ: variable which is related to the degree of saturation approach for
interpreting the
Fredlund et al. τ = c + (σ − ua ) tan φ  + (ua − uw ) tan φ b Independent (2)
(1978) SSVs approach
for interpreting
the SSUS
Graecen (1960) τ = [σn + (ua − uw )] tan φ  (1 − na ) Empirical (13)
na : percentage of air voids approach
σ n : applied stress
Sridharan τ = f [σ − uw − R − A] Soil mineralogy (14)
(1968) R: net repulsive pressure
 net attractive
(σ1 − σ3 )f
Satija (1978) = a + (σ3 − ua )f tan α + (ua − uw )f tan β Statistical analysis (15)
2 approach
a: intercept
α: arctangent of coefficient associated with (σ 3 − ua )f
β: arctangent of coefficient associated with (ua − uw )f
(ua − uw )f : matric suction at failure
Lamborn τ = c + (σ − ua ) tan φ  + (ua − uw ) θw tan φ  Prediction using (16)
(1986) θ w : volumetric water content the SWCC
Lytton (1995)
Karube (1988) q = M  [p + f (ua − uw )] Elasto-plastic (17)
p, q: net total mean stress and deviator stress model (CSM)
Peterson (1988) τ = c + (σ − ua ) tan φ  + Cψ Extension of (18)
Cψ : apparent cohesion due to suction Hvorslev’s
Abramento & τ = c + (σ − ua ) tan φ  + α (ua − uw )β Empirical (19)
Carvalho α, β: fitting parameters approach
(1989) using fitting
τ o + τb
Escario & Juca tan φ  ((ua − uw )m − (ua − uw ))2.5 Empirical (20)
(1989) (ua − uw )m approach
+ (τ + τb )2.5 = (τm + τb )2.5 (2.5◦
(ua − uw ): the suction at maximum shear strength ellipse)
τ 0 : shear strength when suction = 0 kPa
τ m : is the maximum shear strength
τb : the difference between maximum shear, τm , and the
total height of the ellipse, b, that has been fit to
experimental points
Toll (1990) q = Ma (p − ua ) + Mw (ua − uw ) Critical state soil (21)
Ma : total stress ratio mechanics
Mw : suction ratio
Lu (1992) τ = c + (σ − ua ) tan φ  + Ps tan φ  Assumption: (22)
Ps : swelling pressure of the soil (= χ (ua − uw )) Swelling pres-
sure is a function
of suction


Table 1. (Continued)

Author Equation Approach Eqn.

Wheeler & q = Mp + μ(ua − uw ) Elasto-plastic (23)

Sivakumar (1995) M , μ(ua − uw ): slope and intercept model (CSM)
Röhm & Vilar (1995) q = c + (p − ua ) tan α  Empirical (24)
c : relative cohesion dependent upon the change in suc- approach
tion and net normal stress (determined by regression
to experimental data)
tan α  : angle of shearing resistance determined from
regression to experimental data
Shen (1996) τ = c + (σ − ua ) tan φ  + (ua − uw ) Empirical (25)
1 approach
× tan φ 
1 + d (ua − uw ) using
d: fitting parameter fitting
θw − θr
Vanapalli et al. (1996): τ = c +(σ − ua ) tan φ  +(ua − uw ) (tan φ  ) Prediction using (26)
General Equation θs − θr the SWCC
θw : volumetric water content
θr : volumetric water content at residual suction
θ s : volumetric water content at saturation
Vanapalli et al. (1996) τ = c + (σ − ua ) tan φ  + (ua − uw ) ( κ ) (tan φ  ) Prediction using (27)
Fredlund et al. (1996): : normalized volumetric water content defined by the SWCC and
κ equation (= θ w /θ s ), which is also equal to degree of fitting param-
saturation eter κ
Öberg & Sallfors τ = c + (σ − ua ) + S (ua − uw ) tan φ  Prediction using (28)
(1997) S: degree of saturation the SWCC
Bao et al. (1998) τ = c  + (σ − ua ) tan φ  + (ua − uw )  Prediction using (29)
log (ua − uw )r − log (ua − uw ) the SWCC
× (tan φ  )
log (ua − uw )r − log (ua − uw )b
(ua − uw )r : residual suction value
(ua − uw )b : air entry value
Khalili & Khabbaz τ = c + (σ − 
 ua ) tan φ +η(ua − uw ) Prediction using (30)
(1998) (u a − uw ) air-entry value
× tan φ  from the
(ua − uw )b
η: fitting parameter SWCC and
fitting param-
eter η
Yu et al. (1998) τ = c + (σ − ua ) tan φ  + (ua − uw ) Empirical (31)
1 (ua − uw )
+ approach
tan α β using fitting
α: rate of suction change per unit of shear strength parameters
contributed by the suction and the SWCC
β: shear strength at the suction value of 1,000,000 kPa.
Rassam & τ = α + σ tan φ  + (ua − uw ) tan φ  − φ  [(ua − uw ) Empirical (32)
Williams (1999) − (ua − uw )b ]β approach
α, β: fitting parameters using the
SWCC and
fitting param-

Xu & Sun (2002) τ = c + (σ − ua ) tan φ  + m(1−ζ ) (ua − uw )ζ tan φ  , Fractal (33)

ζ = 2D/3 − 1 approach
D and m: fractal dimensions

Table 1. (Continued)

Author Equation Approach Eqn.
a1 (ua − uw )
Miao et al. (2002) τ = c + (σ − ua ) tan φ  + Empirical approach (34)
1 − a1
1+ (ua − uw ) using fitting
pa parameters
Pa : atmospheric pressure (101.3 kPa)
a1 : fitting parameter
Rassam & Cook τ = c + (σ − ua ) tan φ  + (ua − uw) tan φ  Empirical approach (35)
(2002) (ua − uw )r tan φ  − τSr using the SWCC

[(ua − uw )r − (ua − uw )b ]β and fitting param-
tan φ  ((ua −uw )r −(ua −uw )b ) eters
× [(ua − uw ) − (ua − uw )b ] tan φ (ua −uw )r −τSr
Aubney & Lytton τ = c + (σ − ua ) tan φ  + f1 (ua − uw ) θ tan φ  Empirical approach (36)
(2003) f1 : factor ranging from 1 to 1/θ
(ua − uw )
Lee et al. (2003) τ = c + (σ − ua ) tan φ  + Empirical approach (37)
a3 + b3 (ua − uw ) using fitting
1 1
a3 = , b3 = parameters
tan φ  Cmax
Cmax : ultimate increment of apparent cohesion
(ua − uw )
Schick (2004) τ = c + (σ − ua ) tan φ  + Empirical approach (38)
a2 + b2 (ua − uw ) (hyperbolic
a2 = tan(φ  − 90), b2 = tan β2 = 1/τus function)
Tekinsoy et al. τ = c + (σ − ua ) tan φ  +tan φ  [(ua − uw )b + pa ] Mathematical (39)
(2004) (ua − uw ) + pa function
× ln
τ = c + (σ − ua ) tan φ  + (ua − uw )b
Xu (2004) Fractal approach (40)
× (ua − uw ) tan φ ,  ζ = Ds − 2 
  (ua − uw )
Jiang et al. (2004) τ = c + (σ − ua ) tan φ + tan φ  DEM* and the (41)
a + d (ua − uw ) SWCC
a, b: parameters (dimensionless)  
S − Sr
Jiang et al. (2004) τ = c + (σ − ua ) tan φ  + 1 − σeqm (tan φ  ) DEM* and the (42)
100 − Sr SWCC
σeqm : generalized equilibrium stress
Lee et al. (2005) τ = c + (σa − ua ) tan φ  + (ua − uw )b tan φ  DEM * and the (43)
+ [(ua − uw ) − (ua − uw )b ] θ κ [1 + λ (σn − ua )] tan φ  SWCC
κ, λ: fitting parameters
Matsushi & τ = σ  tan φ  + Ce−μθw Exponential (44)
Matsukura e: void ratio function
(2006) C, μ: hypothetical maximum value of cohesion at θ = 0
and coefficient related to susceptibility of strength
Vilar (2006) τ = c + (σ − ua ) tan φ  Hyperbolic model (45)
(ua − uw ) with one measured
1 1 1 experimental data
+ − result
tan φ  τm − c (ua − uw )m tan φ 
τ m , (ua − uw )m : measured maximum cohesion and suction
Shen et al. (2008) τ = c + (σ − ua ) tan φ  + s tan φ  : s ≤ ssa Elasto-plastic (46)
τ = c + (σ  − ua ) tan φ

 model (CSM)
+ tan φ  ssa + (ssa + 1) ln : s ≥ ssa
ssa + 1
ssa : saturation suction

* DEM = Distinct Element Method (introduced by Cundall & Strack 1979).

with the measuring system to flush out diffused air
from below the ceramic disk (i.e. high air-entry disk)
(Bocking & Fredlund 1980). Such a procedure enables
a more reliable measurement of volume change of the
specimen. More design details and experimental pro-
cedures for determining the shear strength using the
modified triaxial and direct shear equipments is avail-
able in Fredlund & Rahardjo (1993) and Fredlund &
Vanapalli (2002).
The double wall triaxial cell has also been used
by several investigators as it facilitates in the reli-
able measurement of the volume change behavior of
unsaturated soils. The first double wall cell triax-
ial equipment was developed by Bishop & Donald
(1961). Several researchers in later and recent years
used more sophisticated designs of the double wall
triaxial equipment (Wheeler 1988, Ng et al. 2002,
Aversa & Nicotera 2002, Nishimura et al. 2007, Oh &
Vanapalli 2008a).

3.2 Modified biaxial test apparatus

The shear strength parameters can be determined
more reliably using specialized equipment such as the
modified biaxial triaxial tests (Schanz & Alabdullah
2007) to interpret the bearing capacity of continu-
ous footings, stability analysis of long retaining walls
and embankments which fail in plain strain loading

Figure 1. (a) SWCCs and (b) variation of shear strength 3.3 Modified ring shear test apparatus
with respect to suction for four sands (modified after Donald
1957). The main advantage of the modified ring shear testing
device over other devices (i.e. modified direct, triax-
ial, biaxial shear test) lies in determining the shear
The axis translation technique introduced by Hilf strength behavior over an unlimited displacement of
(1956) was used by later investigators to modify the the specimen. This technique allows determining both
conventional testing equipment to measure the SSUS. the peak and residual shear strength behavior of unsat-
This technique was useful to reduce the cavitation urated soils (Vanapalli et al. 2005). This is possible
problems significantly. More details of the axis trans- because the shearing deformations are circumferential
lation technique in unsaturated soils testing are avail- such that geometry of the shear surface is not affected
able in Vanapalli et al. (2008). by the shearing process. In addition, multistage test-
ing can be conducted on the same specimen without
any restriction of shear displacements. The design can
also allow for the measurement and/or control of vol-
3.1 Modified triaxial and direct shear tests
ume, water content and matric suction of specimens. In
Conventional triaxial and direct shear testing equip- other words, SWCC information can be derived contin-
ments were modified to accomodate axis translation uously even during the shearing stage of the specimen
technique such that the effective SSUS can be deter- (Vanapalli et al. 2005, Infante Sedano 2006).
mined over a large suction range (Ho & Fredlund 1982,
Escario & Sáez 1986, Gan & Fredlund 1988). A long
3.4 Hydro-mechanical behaviour of unsaturated
period of time is required to achieve uniform matric
suction condition in the test specimen prior to the
determination of the shear strength. Also, significantly More recently, Gallipoli et al. (2003), Wheeler et al.
long period of time is required for shearing the test (2003), Tarantino & Tombalato (2005), Infante Sedano
specimen. The pore-air diffusion occurs through water et al. (2007) and Laloui et al. (2008) have proposed
due to long period of testing. A diffused air-volume coupling of hydro-mechanical behaviour of unsatu-
indicator (DAVI ) is commonly used in conjunction rated soils (HMUS). Different equipment which

include modified direct, triaxial or ring shear tests shows the initial stress state for IU test. If the specimen
can be used for determining the HMUS. Several new is sheared immediately after the application of the con-
equipments which facilitate innovative modifications fining pressure (i.e. IU test), shear strength in terms of
are now available to address challenges associated total stress conditions will be equal to τ IU . However,
with the measurements of SSUS, HMUS and unsatu- if air is allowed to drain after applying confining pres-
rated soil testing (Rampino et al. 1999, Matsuok et al. sure without any change in water content (i.e. Ie U test),
2002, Hoyos et al. 2006). the volume of the specimen will decrease. The vol-
ume change in the specimen is mainly due to decrease
in the air voids. Such a loading condition also leads
4 DIFFERENT TYPES OF SHEAR STRENGTH to an increase in the degree of saturation accompa-
TESTS FOR UNSATURATED SOILS nied with a decrease of suction value in the specimen.
Point B indicates the initial stress state of the Ie U
Bishop et al. (1960) studies show how different types test, which has lower initial suction value than IU
of tests can be conducted to determine the SSUS. More test by ψ at the same confining pressure (Figure 2).
comprehensive details of different tests and testing Hence, if only the initial suction values of the speci-
procedures are summarized in Fredlund & Rahardjo mens are taken into account, the shear strength from IU
(1993). These tests can be divided into two main cate- tests (τ IU ) will be higher than that obtained from Ie U
gories by taking account of both loading and drainage tests (τ IeU ). Figure 3 shows the variation of undrained
conditions (i.e. drained and undrained loading condi- shear strength with confining pressure for IU, Ie U
tions). tests for unsaturated soil and CU test for saturated soil
(i.e. CU _sat).
4.1 SSUS under drained loading conditions
(Effective stress approach)

The shear strength parameters determined from con- IU : shear strength of an unsaturated

specimen from IU test
solidated drained (CD) tests are used in the assessment b
IeU : shear strength of an unsaturated
of the long term stability of geotechnical structures. specimen from IeU test
cs : cohesion including the effect
Many investigators focused on determining the SSUS of suction
in the suction range of 0 to 500 kPa as this range is
Shear Stress,

IU <
of significant interest to the practicing geotechnical IU

IU =


engineers. Long period of time and elaborate test- ' A IU > IeU
ing facilities are required for determining the shear
strength parameters from CD tests. Due to this rea-
( 3)f
son, most investigators focused on the development of
empirical or semi-empirical techniques to estimate or c'
predict the effective SSUS. Normal stress,

Figure 2. Possible Mohr circles for IU and Ie U tests (from

4.2 SSUS under undrained loading conditions Oh et al. 2008).
(Total stress approach)
Limited number of studies were undertaken to inter-
pret the SSUS extending the SSVs approach in terms w = 16.4%
Oh et al. 2008
of total stresses (i.e. undrained loading conditions) 300
(Mitachi & Kudo 1989, Vanapalli et al. 1999a, IeU
Colmenares & Ridley 2002, Oh et al. 2008). Two CU_sat

different types of tests can be carried out to obtain 200

the undrained SSUS; that is IU (i.e. Isotropic confine-
ment under undrained condition, undrained shear),
and Ie U (Isotropic confinement under drained con- 100
dition, allowed to come to Equilibrium, Undrained
shear) test.
Oh et al. (2008) conducted IU and Ie U tests on stat- 0
ically compacted Kaolin. The results showed that the 0 100 200 300 400 500

shear strength obtained for relatively dry soil speci- Confining pressure (kPa)
mens where drainage of air is not permitted prior to
undrained shear (i.e. IU test) is significantly lower Figure 3. Variation of shear strength with confining pres-
than Ie U . This phenomenon can be explained using the sure for unsaturated specimens (modified after Oh et al.
Mohr circles for both tests shown in Figure 2. Point A 2008).

4.3 Constant water content tests The pore-air pressure can be assumed to be
atmospheric and the test results can be interpreted
Constant water content (CW ) test can be used to sim-
assuming constant matric suction. Eq. (3) can be used
ulate the case where the pore-air is under drained
in practical applications to determine the contribution
condition while the pore-water is undrained condition
of matric suction towards undrained shear strength,
(Rahardjo et al. 2004, Vanapalli et al. 2005, Thu et al.
φ b , knowing the unconfined compressive strength,
2006, Infante Sedano et al. 2007). The stability of
σ 1/2 and matric suction, (ua − uw ) of the soil along
unsupported vertical trench in unsaturated soils can
with the effective shear strength parameters, c and φ  .
be reliably estimated when the shear strength parame-
ters from CW tests are used rather than CD tests results
(Vanapalli et al. 2009). More details on this topic are 4.5 Other types of shear strength tests
discussed in a later section of the paper.
Vanapalli et al. 2005 provide details of different types
of shear strength tests such as Constant load with con-
4.4 Unconfined compression tests stant water content (CLW ) tests, Constant volume with
Geotechnical engineers are aware that it is the matric constant water content (CVW ) tests, Constant load
suction which holds the soil together in unconfined with constant suction (CLS) tests and Constant volume
compression tests (Fredlund & Rahardjo 1993). The with constant suction (CVS) tests that can be con-
independent contribution of matric suction towards the ducted using modified ring shear tests. More details
undrained shear strength is not consciously consid- and discussions on these types of tests along with the
ered in conventional analyses. The matric suction in test results are summarized in Infante Sedano et al.
an unsaturated fine-grained soil (UFG) is a function of (2007).
the in-situ pore-water pressure and the change in pore-
water pressure resulting from the stress relief during
sampling. Due to this reason, the measured undrained 5 COMPARISON OF THE DIFFERENT TYPES
shear strength must be interpreted taking into account OF SHEAR STRENGTH TESTS
the influence of matric suction.
Vanapalli et al. (1999) proposed a method to Geotechnical engineers are interested in understand-
estimate φ b with respect to matric suction using uncon- ing the differences in the shear strength behavior under
fined compression tests results for unsaturated fine- different loading and drainage conditions. Figure 5
grained soils assuming a planar shear strength envelope shows the SSUS obtained using CD tests (modified
(Figure 4). direct shear equipment; Vanapalli et al. 1996a, b),
unconfined compression tests (Vanapalli et al. 2007)
and CU tests (modified triaxial shear equipment,
tan φ b Oh & Vanapalli 2008a) for identical Indian Head till
σ σ1  specimens.
(cos φ  + sin φ  tan φ  ) − tan φ  − c The trends of results shown in Figure 5 may not
= 2 2
(ua − uw ) be along similar lines for other unsaturated soils as
(3) many parameters influence the SSUS. The influence

CD (Measured, Vanapalli et al. 1996)

UC (Measured, Vanapalli et al. 2007)


100 CU (Measured, Oh and Vanapalli 2008)

Shear strength (kPa)
uw suc
Shear Stress,

(u atric

a -



0 100 200 300 400 500
c' Suction,(u a- u w ) (kPa)
Net normal stress, ( n- ua)
Figure 5. SSUS from consolidated drained (CD), uncon-
Figure 4. Three-dimensional representation of unconfined fined compression (UC), and Consolidated Undrained (CU )
compression test expressed in terms of stress state variables. tests.

of some of these parameters on the SSUS is discussed shows minimum shear strength. However, at relatively
in the next section. higher water content (w = 27.0%), the rate of strain
effect is negligible.


STRENGTH OF UNSATURATED SOILS 6.2 Matric suction and net normal stress
Figure 7 shows the variation of shear strength with
Several factors such as the soil type, soil gradation, respect to matric suction under different values of net
stress state, soil structure, density, rate of strain, stress normal stress for Indian Head till (Vanapalli et al.
state and soil mineralogy influence the shear strength 1996a). The air-entry value of the soil increases with
of unsaturated soils. Some of the key factors are dis- increasing net normal stress. This is attributed to the
cussed below: fact that the desaturation of the specimen under higher
net normal stress starts at higher matric suction values
6.1 Rate of strain since the void ratio along with the coefficient of per-
meability of the specimen decreases with increasing
Research works of Donald (1961) and Bishop & applied stress.
Henkel (1962) provide valuable information on influ- Figure 8 shows the variation of shear strength with
ence of the strain rate on SSUS. This information can respect to matric suction for different net normal stress
be used to ensure equilibrium conditions with respect values (Vanapalli et al. 1996b). The results of this
to dissipation of pore pressure towards reliable deter- study show that the slopes of the net normal stress
mination of the SSUS. Fredlund & Rahardjo (1993) and shear strength relationship (i.e. effective internal
provides a comprehensive summary of rate of strain friction angle, φ  ) are approximately the same irre-
that should be used for determining the effective SSUS. spective of the matric suction values. In other words,
However, limited information is available in the liter- matric suction does not influence the effective internal
ature with respect to strain rates for determining the friction angle, φ  . These results support the procedures
total stress parameters for unsaturated soils. Oh et al. followed for predicting the SSUS using the SWCC and
(2008) carried out Ie U tests on statically compacted the effective SSSS parameters (i.e. c and φ  ).
unsaturated Kaolin using seven different strain rates
(i.e. 1.52, 0.23, 0.51, 1.14, 0.076, 0.0030, and 0.00061
mm/min) under a confining pressure of 200 kPa. The 6.3 Molding water content (i.e. structure)
results showed two distinctive behaviors (Figure 6). At The variation of shear strength for the specimens com-
large rate of strain higher than 0.23 mm/min, the shear pacted at different water contents (i.e. different struc-
strength decreases with decreasing rate of strain. This tures) with respect to matric suction with a net normal
behavior is similar to that of saturated soils (Fakher stress of 25 kPa is shown in Figure 9.
et al. 1999, Katti et al. 2003). However, for low rate At any particular matric suction, the shear strength
of strain, the shear strength increases with decreas- of a specimen with respect to wet of optimum condi-
ing rate of strain). Nishimura & Vanapalli (2005) also tions show higher shear strength compared to optimum
showed similar trends in results for the specimens and dry of optimum specimens due to influence of
tested at a high suction value (i.e. 39,000 kPa). The
specimens tested at a rate of strain of 0.23 mm/min
Initial water content = 16.3 %
Optimum condition
Dry density = 1.80Mg/m3
Net normal stress
Shear strength (kPa)

w = 16.4%, = 2915 kPa = 200 kPa
w = 21.5%, = 1417 kPav 32 kPa
Shear strength (kPa)

200 w = 27.0%, = 505 kPa 50 kPa

150 100 kPa 75 kPa

25 kPa
150 100
Oh et al. 2008
100 Predicted

50 0 100 200 300 400
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Matric suction (kPa)
Rate of strain, (mm/min)
Figure 7. Variation of shear strength with matric suction
Figure 6. Variation of shear strength with rate of strain under different net normal stresses (modified after Vanapalli
(0.00061 ≤ ε̇(mm/min) ≤ 1.52) (from Oh et al. 2008). et al. 1996a).

Matric suction, (u a - uw)
which is of more practical interest to the conventional
Initial water content = 13%
Dry of optimum conditions geotechnical engineers.
50 kPa Dry density = 1.73 Mg/m3
200 100 kPa
Shear strength (kPa)

200 kPa
350 kPa
150 500 kPa
Several investigators proposed different techniques
50 using empirical, semi-empirical, or computational
procedures for the estimation or prediction of the SSUS
(see Table 1). Many of the models use SWCC as a tool
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 for predicting the SSUS. The SWCC is convention-
ally measured using the pressure plate in low suction
Net normal stress, ( n - u a ) (kPa)
and vapor pressure technique in high suction range
(Fredlund & Rahardjo 1993, Vanapalli et al. 2004).
Figure 8. Variation of shear strength with net normal stress As the soil moves from a saturated state to drier con-
under different matric suction (modified after Vanapalli et al.
ditions; the distribution of soil, water, and air phases
change as the stress state changes. The SWCC typi-
cally has three zones (i.e. boundary effect zone, transi-
150 tion zone and residual zone of unsaturation) as shown
Net norma l stres s = 25 kPa in Figure 10(a) (Vanapalli et al. 1999b). During the
Wet of optimum
125 process of desaturation, the wetted area of contact
Shear strength (kPa)

between the soil particles decreases. The suction as

100 a stress state contributes to shear strength along the
wetted area of contact of soil particles. In other words,
there is a relationship between the rate at which shear
Dry of optimum strength changes in unsaturated conditions and the
wetted area of water contact between the soil particles
or aggregates which can be derived from the SWCC.
As the suction of a soil increases due to desat-
uration conditions, the shear strength will increase
0 100 200 300 400 500 in a linear fashion up to the air-entry value of the
Matric suction, (u a - uw) (kPa) soil. This is the point where the pores of a saturated
soil begin to desaturate. In the linear regime, φ b is
Figure 9. Variation of shear strength with matric suction the same as φ  . Once the soil starts to desaturate,
under the same net normal stress (i.e. 25 kPa) (from Vanapalli there is a nonlinear increase in the shear strength. The
1996b). shear strength contribution due to suction, φ b is less
than the angle of shearing resistance, φ  (Point A in
matric suction on more inter-aggregate contact area Figure 10(b)). The rate of increase in the shear strength
points (Vanapalli et al. 1996a, b). contribution starts decreasing with an increase in suc-
It is beyond the scope of this paper to address tion value (i.e. φ b reduces). In this non-linear regime,
how various other parameters such as density, volume φ b gradually decreases and the SWCC can be used as
change behavior, dilatancy, mineralogy influence the a more effective tool to describe how φ b varies with
drained and undrained SSUS. Some of these aspects an increase in suction values. In the residual zone of
are addressed in greater detail in Vanapalli et al. unsaturation, the shear strength may increase, decrease
1998, Oh et al. 2008, Zhan & Ng 2006, Houston or remain constant depending on the type of soil and
et al. 2008, Alabdullah & Schanz 2009). Also, the the amount of drainage that takes place from the soil
shear strength behavior in high suction range (i.e. pores (Figure 10(b)).
greater than 1500 kPa) is not discussed in this paper.
More details of shear strength behavior in high suction
7.1 Effective shear strength
range are available in Cui & Delage 1996, Vanapalli
& Fredlund (2000), Vanapalli et al. 2000, Blatz & Early studies reported in the literature show that the
Graham (2000), Blatz et al. (2002), Nishimura & effective shear strength of coarse-grained soils starts
Vanapalli (2005) and Nishimura et al. 2008(a, b). The to decrease beyond residual suction value (Donald
focus of the studies presented in this paper is directed 1957) (see Figure 1 and Figure 10(b)). Such a behav-
more towards the shear strength behavior in the matric ior was also observed for fine-grained soils when they
suction range of 0 to 500 kPa, as it is the suction range were tested over a large suction range (Escario &

100 '
Transi tion (ua - uw) b

Shear strength,
: air entry value
Degree of saturation, S (%)

suction value
Residual zone b

40 of

Air-ent ry
20 value (ua - uw) b (ua- uw) 1 (ua- uw) 2 (ua- uw) 3

Suction (ua - uw)

1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000
Figure 11. Variation of φ b with respect to suction.
Suct io n (kPa)

Linear Non linea r

Regime Regime Eq. (7) can be written by substituting the shear
(b) strength contribution due to suction at saturated con-
ditions (i.e. φ b = φ  when S = 1) which implies that
Shear strength

Plast ic Clays
A = φ.
< '
φb = S κ φ or tan φ b = S κ tan φ  (7)
= ' Cohes ionl ess
Soils (Sands )
This equation can also be applied over the entire
Strength at range of degree of saturation. The above concept can
be extended to rewrite Eq. (2) as below (Vanapalli et al.
Matric suction, (ua - uw) (kPa) 1996a, Fredlund et al. 1996).

Figure 10. (a) SWCC showing different zones and (b) the τ = c + (σn − ua ) tan φ  + (ua − uw ) (S κ ) tan φ 
variation of shear strength of unsaturated soils in various
zones of unsaturation for different soils.

Juca 1987, Vanapalli & Fredlund 2000, Vanapalli Eq. (8) can be used for predicting the shear strength
et al. 2000). This characteristic behavior implies that behavior of unsaturated soils over the entire range of
the φ b value for all soils continuously change (i.e. suction (i.e. from fully saturated to dry condition).
decreases) beyond the air-entry value as the suction A differential equation form can be written to
value increases (i.e. φ1b → φ2b → φ3b ) (Figure 11). In explain the experimental behavior of unsaturated soils
as below.
other words, the φ b value is a function of the suction
value and can be written as:
tan φ b =
1 d(ua − uw )
φb ∝ (4)   (9)
f (ua − uw ) d(S κ )
= (S κ ) + (ua − uw ) tan φ 
d(ua − uw )
Eq. (4) can be rewritten as given below based on the
fact that the degree of saturation also decreases with
increasing suction value. Eq. (9) indicates that at suction values close to
the residual state conditions, the net contribution
φ b ∝ f (S κ ) (5) of matric suction causes a reduction in the shear
strength of sandy soils since S is small and the value of
[d(S κ )]/[d(ua − uw )] is negative. Vanapalli et al.
The constant, κ is a parameter that can be used to (1996a), Fredlund et al. (1996), Vanapalli et al. (1998b),
provide a good fit between the measured shear strength and Vanapalli et al. (2000a) provide evidence with
data and predicted values derived from the SWCC. their experimental studies and using other investiga-
Eq. (6) can be obtained from Eq. (5) by removing tors experimental results in the literature to support
the proportionality relationship using constant A. this behavior for fine-grained soils.
The fitting parameter κ value is required for pre-
φb = S κ A (6) dicting the SSUS using the effective shear strength

parameters (c and φ  ) (i.e. Eq. (8)). Vanapalli & is one of the key reasons for differences in the predicted
Fredlund (2000) provided a relationship between the and measured shear strength values using different
fitting parameter, κ and plasticity index, Ip using five models. Also, standard protocols were not used by
data sets of shear strength as below: all investigators for measurement of the SUSS.
Vilar (2006) suggests using a simple hyperbolic
κ = −0.0008(Ip2 ) + 0.0801(Ip ) + 1 (10) model with one measured experimental data result to
estimate the SSUS more reliably (Eq. (45)). Similar
Garven & Vanapalli (2006) expanded the data of types of approaches were proposed by Vanapalli &
compacted soils and proposed a new relationship Catana (2005) and Catana et al. (2006) to reliably
(Figure 12) as given below. estimate the SWCC of coarse and fine-grained soils
respectively using one measured data point. Such
κ = −0.0016(Ip2 ) + 0.0975(Ip ) + 1 (11) approaches cannot be considered as prediction meth-
ods as some test results are necessary. However, stud-
From Eq. (10) and (11), it can be seen that a fitting ies with limited tests or other simple tests would be of
parameter κ = 1 is required for predicting the shear value as they significantly improve our confidence in
strength of unsaturated soils with plasticity index, the prediction or estimation of the SSUS.
Ip = 0 (i.e. sandy soils).
Oliviera & Marinho (2003) have analyzed the shear 7.2 Undrained shear strength
strength behavior of several expansive soils and sug-
gested a different equation as below: Oh & Vanapalli (2009) proposed a simple model to
predict the variation of shear strength of the unsat-
κ = −0.0044(Ip2 ) + 0.22455(Ip ) + 0.9715 (12) urated fine-grained (i.e. UFG) soils with respect to
suction using the shear strength of unconfined com-
In spite of significant contributions from various pression test results for saturated condition (i.e. cu(sat) )
researchers, to date there is no model or equation that and the SWCC as given below.
is available in the literature that can reliably predict  
or estimate the shear strength of all unsaturated soils (ua − uw ) ν
cu(unnsat) = cu(sat) 1 + (S )/μ (13)
(Garven & Vanapalli 2006). Such a behavior can be (Pa /100)
attributed to the use of SWCC which is measured using
conventional procedures without the application of any where, cu(unsat) , cu(sat) = shear strength under unsat-
stress. Also, the shear strength behavior is influenced urated and saturated conditions, respectively, and ν,
by various parameters such as volume change behav- μ = fitting parameters.
ior due to loading or stress history, type of soil, shear Eq. (13) is proposed on the assumption that the
strength response during shearing including dilation. undrained shear strength, cu(unsat) is half the uncon-
Infante Sedano (2006) studies support these obser- fined compressive strength of unsaturated soils
vations which show that the SWCC measured using (i.e. φ = 0 concept). The φ = 0 concept is fre-
conventional procedures and the SWCC relationship quently used for total stress analyses in assessing
derived from the water content and suction relation- the stability of embankments, slopes and foundations
ships after shearing can be significantly different. This located on saturated fine-grained soils. The design of
pavements and the assessment of the ultimate bearing
capacity of clays are two other examples that often
A. Red Silty Clay F. Botkin Silt utilize the undrained shear strength. This assump-
B. Madrid Gray Clay
C. Adams Clay
G. Ste. Rosalie Clay tion may not be fully valid for the UFG soils due to
H. LD Dhanauri Clay
D. Indian Head Till (dry of opt.) I. HD Dhanauri Clay different drainage conditions compared to saturated
E. Indian Head Till (opt.)
Fitting parameter ,

5 K. Nanyang Clay soils. However, Oh & Vanapalli (2009) showed that

= -0.0016 ( Ip )+0.0975 ( Ip)+1
φ = 0 concept can be conservatively extended tow-
ards estimation of bearing capacity of the UFG soils.
3 C
Oh & Vanapalli (2009) analyzed the unconfined
D,E compression tests results for six different UFG soils
2 and proposed the relationship between the fitting para-
G meter μ and plasticity index IP (Figure 13, Eq. (14)).
0 μ = 2.1088e0.0903(IP ) (14)
0 10 20 30 40 50
Plasticity index, Ip A value for the parameter, ν equal to 2 can be used
in the prediction of the variation of unconfined com-
Figure 12. Relationship between κ and IP (from Garven & pressive strength with respect to suction using Eq. (13)
Vanapalli 2006). for the UFG soils.

10000 load will be predominant (Poulos & Davis 1974,
3 (I P
Agarwal & Rana 1987). Figure 14 shows the variation
0. 0

e of measured matric suction with depth and typical data
1000 .10 88 from the test tank for an average matric suction value
= 2 0.99
Fitting parameter,

2 =
(Pineda and
Colmenares 2005) R of 6 kPa.
Red Cotton soil
Based on the model footing tests results, Vanapalli &
100 Botkin silty soil
(Vanapalli et al., 2000)
(Babu etal., 2005)
Mohamed (2007) proposed an equation (Eq. (15)) to
Clayey soil
predict the variation of the bearing capacity of unsatu-
Chen (1984) rated soils with respect to matric suction using the
saturated shear strength parameters (i.e. c and φ  )
Indian Head till
(Vanapalli et al., 2007)
and the SWCC.
0 20 40 60 80
qu = [c + (ua − uw )b (tan φ  − S ψ tan φ  )
Plasticity index, IP
+ (ua − uw )AVR S ψ tan φ  ]Nc
Figure 13. Relationship between plasticity index, IP and     
Nq B
the fitting parameter, μ (from Oh & Vanapalli 2009). × 1.0 + + 0.5Bγ Nγ
Nc L
× 1.0 − 0.4 (15)
IN GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING where, ψ = fitting parameter, B, L = width and
PRACTICE APPLICATIONS length of a footing, Nc , Nq , Nγ = bearing capacity
The design of both shallow and deep foundations for Figure 15 provides comparisons between the mea-
drained and undrained loading conditions, the stabil- sured and predicted bearing capacity values for sand.
ity of slopes, and the critical depth of excavations are The results of the study by Vanapalli & Mohamed
based on the saturated shear strength parameters in (2007) are encouraging since there was good agree-
conventional geotechnical engineering practice. The ment between the measured and predicted bearing
remainder of the paper provides a succinct background capacity values.
of how our present understanding of the SSUS can be Lins et al. (2009) extended the approach proposed
extended for interpreting and predicting the bearing by Vanapalli & Mohamed (2007) (i.e. Eq. (15)) to
capacity of unsaturated soils in drained and undrained provide comparisons between measured and predicted
loading conditions. Also, some details are provided bearing capacity tests results using a model continuous
of how SSUS behavior can be extended in the design (i.e. strip footing) assuming plain strain loading con-
of pile foundations. Lastly, a simple method is dis- ditions. The saturated shear strength parameters were
cussed to estimate the critical height of vertical trench
in unsaturated soils is presented.

8.1 Bearing capacity of unsaturated soils 3 Tensiometer 4 Model footing

(drained loading conditions) P

Mohamed & Vanapalli (2006) carried out model foot-
ing tests to determine the variation of bearing capacity B

of an unsaturated sand under drained loading con- 7 kPa

ditions using two different footing sizes (i.e. 100 × Average
10 mm
100 mm and 150 × 150 mm). A specially designed suction value
150 mm

bearing capacity tank (900 × 900 × 750 mm) which

4 kPa
has provisions to simulate fully saturated and unsat- 300mm 2 kPa
urated conditions was used for conducting the tests.
The matric suction value at the center of gravity of the 500mm 1 kPa
matric suction distribution diagram in the depth zone 600mm
from 0 to 1.5B (B = width or diameter of footing)
region was considered as the average value of matric
suction in the analysis of the results (Vanapalli & Figure 14. Variation of measured matric suction with depth
Mohamed 2007, Vanapalli et al. 2007). This is the for an average matric suction of 6 kPa in the stress bulb zone
zone of depth in which the stresses due to the applied (modified after Mohamed & Vanapalli 2006).

determined from biaxial tests (Schanz & Alabdullah 1400
Matric suction = 6 kPa
2007). The results of the study also suggest a reason-
1200 1.1 ' = 39.0
able comparison between the measured and predicted elastic

Applied stress (kPa)

bearing capacity values (Figure 16). 1000
Oh & Vanapalli (2008b) proposed a methodology
to estimate the bearing capacity and settlement in
unsaturated sandy soils by predicting the stress ver- 600
sus settlement behavior. In addition, finite element
analyses were also undertaken using the model footing 400
test results (Mohamed & Vanapalli 2006) to simulate 200 FEM '= 35.3
the stress versus settlement behavior in unsaturated Proposed (Oh & Vanapalli 2008)

sandy soils. The proposed method and finite ele- 0

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
ment analysis were performed using elastic—perfectly
plastic model. The predicted bearing capacities and Settlement (mm)
settlements from the proposed method and finite ele-
ment analysis were compared with the model footing Figure 17. Comparison of stress versus settlement behavior
test results. There was good agreement between the obtained from the model footing tests, the FEA and idealized
behaviour (modified after Oh & Vanapalli 2008).
measured and the predicted results (Figure 17).
The simple method proposed by Oh & Vanapalli
(2008b) is promising and can be applied to unsaturated
soils in conventional geotechnical engineering prac-
1200 tice. The proposed method needs only conventional
(Vanapalli and Mohamed 2007)
soil properties such as the effective cohesion c , effec-
tive internal friction angle φ  , modulus of elasticity,
Bearing capacity, qu (kPa)

Esat and the SWCC.

600 8.2 Bearing capacity of unsaturated soils

(undrained loading conditions)
400 Measured (100 x 100 mm)
Predicted (100 x 100 mm) The behavior of the UFG soils below footings can be
Measured (150 x 150 mm)
200 Predicted (150 x 150 mm)
interpreted using a punching shear failure mechanism
(Schnaid et al. 1995). For a punching shear failure,
0 the slip surfaces below footings do not extend to the
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
ground surface but instead restrict to vertical planes
Matric suction, (ua - uw) (kPa) as shown in Figure 18. This characteristic behavior
indicates that the bearing capacity of the UFG soils
Figure 15. Comparison between the measured and pre- is governed by the compressibility of the soil below
dicted bearing capacity values (modified after Vanapalli & a footing (i.e. soil A-A’-B-B’ in Figure 18; hereafter
Mohamed 2007). referred as soil block). When the soil block, A-A’-B-B’
is compressed due to the stress applied by a footing the
1000 soil around the soil block acts as confining pressure. In
Lins et al. 2009 Measured other words, the bearing capacity of the UFG soils can
Predicted be represented as a function of a compressive strength
Bearing capacity (kPa)

800 (Vanapalli and Mohamed 2007)

of the soil block.
By extending this concept, Vanapalli et al. (2007)
600 proposed a simple method to predict the variation of
the bearing capacity of the UFG soils using uncon-
400 fined compression tests results for unsaturated soil
specimens. The proposed equation takes the same
form as Skempton (1948) equation for interpreting
the bearing capacity of saturated soils under undrained
loading condition (Eq. (16)).
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Matric suction, (ua - uw) (kPa) qult(unsat) = 1 + 0.2 NCW (16)
2 L
Figure 16. Comparison between the measured and pre-
dicted bearing capacity versus matric suction under plane where, qult(unsat) = ultimate bearing capacity for an
strain loading conditions (modified after Lins et al. 2009). unsaturated soil, qu(unsat) = unconfined compressive

Load shaft resistance of piles in sands and silty soils. The
results show that the shaft resistance of the tested piles
is significantly higher under unsaturated conditions
A A' compared to saturated conditions both in compression
and tension. Therefore, a technique for estimating the
Footing shaft resistance of test piles under unsaturated condi-
tions is presented taking account influence of matric
suction extending conventional β method. The contri-
bution of matric suction to the total shaft resistance
was found to be around 50% of the total shaft capac-
ity in silty soil but almost negligible in clean sand.
B B'
(Eq. (17)). The shaft resistance contribution due to
matric suction Q(ua − uw ) can be predicted using the
Figure 18. Failure mechanism in unsaturated fine-grained
soils below a footing (Oh & Vanapalli 2009).
SWCC and the saturated shear strength parameters.

Qfus = Qf + Q(ua − uw )
= β (π dL)

+ (ua − uw ) (S κ )(tan φ  ) πdL
Predicted B.C (kPa)

205 kPa
100 kPa
160 kPa
300 where β = coefficient, γ = unit weight of soil, d =
perimeter of pile, L = embedded length of pile, S =
Predicted B.C
degree of saturation, κ = fitting parameter.
55 kPa
200 = Measur ed B.C Mohamed & Vanapalli (2009) conducted cone pen-
R2 = 0.93 etration tests (CPT s) in a specially designed tank at the
University of Ottawa to experimentally investigate the
100 variation of bearing capacity of sand with respect to
matric suctio n matric suction. The results showed dramatic increase
= 0 kPa of the cone tip resistance under unsaturated conditions
0 while the sleeve friction was almost negligible.
0 100 200 300 400 500
The comparison between the resistances obtained
Measured B.C (kPa) from the CPT s and the bearing capacity results from
the model footing tests (Mohamed & Vanapalli 2006)
Figure 19. Comparison between the measured and the under similar conditions show that the bearing capacity
predicted bearing capacity values (from Vanapalli et al. estimated in stress influence zone (i.e. 150 mm from
2007). the surface for both CPT and model footing test) was
approximately the same (Figure 20).
strength for an unsaturated soil, NCW = bearing capac-
ity factor with respect to constant water content con-
dition. 1000
CPT (Mohamed & Vanapall i 2009)
To verify the validity of the proposed method,
or cone resistance, qc (kPa)

Model footing test (100 mm x100 mm)

Vanapalli et al. (2007) carried out model footing (B × 800 (Vanapalli & Moh amed 2007)

L = 50 × 50 mm) tests on statically compacted UFG

Bearing capacity, q

soils for five different suction values (i.e. 0, 55, 100, 600

160, 205 kPa) using specially designed equipments.

The results showed that there is a good agreement 400

between the measured and the predicted (Eq. (16))

bearing capacity values as shown in Figure 19. 200

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
9 BEARING CAPACITY OF PILE Matric suction, (ua - uw) (kPa)
Figure 20. Comparison between the cone resistance from
Vanapalli & Eigenbrod (2009) carried out model pile the CPTs and the bearing capacity from PLTs tests with
load tests in both saturated and unsaturated sands to respect to matric suction (modified after Mohamed &
interpret the contribution of matric suction towards the Vanapalli 2009).

TRENCH IN UNSATURATED SOILS Significant advancements were made during the last
50 years since the pioneering research work in the area
Recent studies related to the stability of an initially of SUSS by Bishop (1959). Later studies by Fredlund
unsaturated trench (Whenham et al. 2007, Tomboy et al. (1978) laid a foundation for interpreting the SSUS
et al. 2008) and a compacted unsaturated embankment in terms of independent SSVs. The research under-
(Oh & Vanapalli 2008a) show that failures are likely taken by various investigators has contributed towards
to occur due to the loss of matric suction associated better understanding the SSUS. The focus of research
with infiltration conditions prior to reaching saturated since First International Conference on Unsaturated
condition. In other words, the conventional stability Soils in 1995 has been two folds: (i) to determine the
analysis approach using the principles of saturated soil SSUS using different types of innovative equipment,
mechanics may not be always conservative and may and (ii) proposing simple models for estimating or pre-
not be reliable for analyzing the stability of slopes or dicting the SSUS. Shear strength is a key engineering
trenches in unsaturated soils. property required in the design of several geotechni-
Vanapalli et al. (2009) performed stability analysis cal structures. However, limited number of practical
for a full scale instrumented test trench at the site of applications and case studies are available in the lit-
BBRI at Limelette, Belgium (Whenham et al. 2007). erature that implements our present understanding of
The analysis was conducted for four different sce- the SSUS. This paper provides a brief summary of the
narios such as i) initial condition (immediately after SSUS and how it can be applied in the design of shal-
excavation), ii) saturated condition, iii) first localized low and deep foundations, earth structures including
failure, and iv) general failure. excavations. However, most of the studies summarized
The active earth pressure for the unsaturated soils, in this paper are based on model studies conducted on
σ a was estimated using two different types of shear a limited number of unsaturated soils. More large scale
strength parameters (c , φ  from CU tests for saturated and field studies on different unsaturated soils would
soils and cCW from constant water content tests) as be valuable.
given below. The practicing engineer is interested in a framework
that is simple and runs parallel to their understanding
 of the conventional geotechnical engineering princi-
σa = γ zKa − 2 c + (ua − uw )S κ tan φ  Ka (18)
ples. In other words, our future research focus should
 be based on extending conventional techniques that are
σa = γ zKa − 2 c + (ua − uw ) tan φub Ka
well known in geotechnical engineering practice for
= γ zKa − 2cCW Ka (19) implementing our present understanding of the SUSS.

where Ka = active earth pressure coefficient, c, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

φ bu = cohesion and angle indicating the rate of increase
in shear strength relative to matric suction, respectively The author would like to thank the Natural Science and
from CW tests. Engineering Research Council for providing finan-
When an UFG soil fails at a relatively fast rate in cial support for conducting the research. The help
field conditions, the pore-air is under drained condi- received from Dr. Won Taek Oh in the preparation
tion while the pore-water is under undrained condition. of the figures, formatting and editing of this paper is
This drainage condition can be simulated using the sincerely acknowledged.
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