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HINDUSTAN AERONAUTICS LIMITED KORAPUT DIVISION, PO.: SUNABEDA, DIST.: KORAPUT-763002, ODISHA Advertisement No.: HALIKPTIAdvt. No.: 03/2015 ‘ADMIT CARD Sub. Written Tet Admit Card or Seloction of Technician on Tenure Basie piecseanin Name & Addeess your self ‘TUNA GARADA. attested recent SWARASWATI NAGAR, NEAR DAMBAGADAPO.SEMILIGUDA PS. passport size ‘SEMILIGUDA,KORAPUT Orissa, 764036 colour photograph ‘Applicaton No. HAL000002056 [Roll No. 19267 Name of Post ‘Technician (Fitter) on Tenure Basis Candidate Namo ‘TUNA GARADA Category SC-Scheduled Caste [Date of Birth #8. Apr-1994 Date of Examination 29th Nov 2015 ‘Time of Examination 10:00 Hrs to 12:30 Hre venue of Examination BN international College ‘Tamando, Near Panchayat Office, Bhubaneswar, 752054 Doar cansidat, 1. This has reference to your on ine application forthe subject post 2. You are roquosted to appsar for Writen Tact a tho venuo on th dato, ime as mentioned above. 3. You shauld reach the Examination Venue 30 minutes before the scheduled time. No candidate wil bo allowed into Examination Cente 30 minutes atthe scheduled time. 4. Candidate wil ot be allowed to leave examination hal til completion ofthe Whitten Test. He/She should remain sented unt OUR Anawer Shest & Question Socket callectes bythe Iniglator 5. You should afi passpor size recent colour photograph on the Admit Card This Admit Cord should be brought to Examination Venue and to be handed oar to the ewig. 6. You aro requited to bing one ofthe Photo [dentity Catd (orginal) mantioned a¢ under, along with a Xerox copy of Photo Kentty Card whichis duly self altasted to surrender to the hngilator [Voters D card / Dreng License / ‘Aachaar Card / Passport / PAN Car / ID Card (by Cantraltate Gast /PSU for their employeas) / 1D carts (by Government Agencies authonzes) / 1D Cards (by Golege/insttute where last studied) 7. Your canddarire ‘or the Writen Testis prowsional and is subject to fuling the preseribed age, educational uaifications and other conditions stipulated in our Acverisomant ‘8, This Admit Catd is iesued purely onthe basis ofthe details funshed by you inthe Online Application Fm, whichis subject to 2 detaled scrutiny and ifat any stage of recutmert, any discrepancy found or any paticlars fumished {te found to be mcomector you do not hil the shoiiky entaia as preserbec im the advertisement. your candidature 1s lable to be cancelled and you wile cisqvaliad forthe selection ‘9. Candidates are advised 0 take a photocopy ofthe Admit card and retain the copy with them for faure reference ‘Yours corially for Hindustan Aeronsutics Limited onan tne cane Inipirs Home & Sone DES (8 Kshre ma ‘Manager (HR-TM) INSTRUCTIONS FOR WRITTEN TEST 1. Te folowing ae some intuctons regardng Wrst et 3 Candiales are ret alowed to etry ary pape. notes, books, cakulalors, mobile phones, smart wateh, scanning devices, Pager & any eletical gacgels Inthe evaminaton hal. fay eanddae {ound using ein possesseon of such unaumnorsed msteral or mgugingnsopying or mpersonston tr acoptng ia means ts abe tobe summery asquaitea and may be suerte to penal action o. Streyfolow the Instuetons gen by Center Supernindent/ Room Inigator and insttuctons (en onthe Questo Bookot. c. Pleats ensure that tie Queston Booklet glen {0 you Is of same post you applied for. Any ciscrepancy may please be brought mmedatey 19 the atenton of fie mvgiaiorbelore sar ‘averng the Questions «¢. Youmist beng Blue Slack Ball Point Pen forine wonen test Alter tcring te examina, handover compete Quostion Sooke and OMR Answer Sheet the inigllor DO NOT carry the Question Boowet oF any part Inereot To Ousige ie examination room. Dong 50's. punshable offence + The Winten test wihbe 912% nous duraton. The Witten Test wi bein nr parts comering of lige Choe Questions Wid) Par-rull const of 20 questons on General Auaceness. Parl wl canst oF questing on engisn & Reasoning Frei wnt consn a 700 questons on Me oncornes Trade. Earn question caries one rare ane Mere sro negave Ware 2. Each Gueston i Toloved by 4 oplons ie. A B.C. D. YoU have To noose the corecLBest option ana tnark your option wih Blach/Blue Ball Point Pen ih the OMR Anse Shee! and nol inthe Question Sooaet 2 Compiteycarken the CIRCLE so that ne alphabet inside the ele not we {1 Gamen GNLY OH CHC. orenth angue as snow nthe example eo you darken more than one Gre at ane wi ot be eventos Wrong Methods correct Method CCOo @000 5. Mark answer only in te soace provided. DO NOT make any slray marks anywhere on the OMR Answer Sheet. DO NOT fold of urinkle the OWR Answer Shei. Rough work should not be done on the OMR Answer Sheet, Use your Question Booklet for the purpose of rough work a\_loeee: 1 Se 8 1OGOGOSHHOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOOOSS| I PQOHQOLQOHOVHHEHOVYIOHOIOIOOSIOOS| 19OHHIDOIHHNOOOSOOSOOSOGONIOOSOSOG i PQOHOQII|HOVH}OSHOQIIOQSIOISOSOOOS iseadeseaesessvssssessesvessezess| enue i 5 12OGODOIOOQOOOSOOQOOOSOSONIOOSOSOG 1GOOGOOIHOVOGSOOHIOOOIOISOSOOOS baeSeSeaeeeeSereczeereesEnsaeess| 1 2 1GDOSHHGOSSHHOSHSOOGOSSSSOSSS| QQOGODHHOOGHOVYOHHOGYHOGOSG| eee pel EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ° ° | | e| ‘Caavaton Boosh. a 1QOOSOSOOGOOOHOOOSOHEOQOSOOSOOSS| 3 2O20099999099IOHOIOIOISIOOS| SAMPLE Su Pbe Spree ees suasesessasussss| OMR ANSWER SHEET OOo 1990O99OGGHOIOOSOOOS| 'OO0m 1OBOOIHOOHHOOOOOHOAS| @OOO2BMO2OLQOQIZIOOV“O“SI“™O“IOOE| la@oaoallaooaa: B 1@ 19 ODHHHOHHGHHHOSOOSS] fa ek gaaaanasgee tanagassussssess 29.90 ||o0a000||ooa. 2000 eon J 1. Mano en ce red ough we sb ete Sone entate {ae ofthe D@ OO OOOO ||0OGO0O|O90909) 9 @8 0099 ||000003|0009: ao

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