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Filipinos are known for its rich culture and abundant traditions, but people

nowadays are influenced by several foreign cultures due to global changes and

biodiversity. Changes happening presently are rapidly occurring to metropolitan

areas but those changes are gradual in far flung areas of the Philippines, thus old

culture are still evident in community areas. Despite the effort of Philippine

government to improve the health care delivery system of the country health

traditions are still evident in the community area thus the presence of increasing

percentage of both communicable and non-communicable diseases.

Many variables influence a person’s health status, beliefs and behaviors

or practices. These factors may or may not be under conscious control. People

can usually control their health behaviors and can choose to be healthy or

unhealthy, thus several theories or models of health beliefs and behaviors have

been developed to help determine whether an individual is likely to participate in

disease prevention and health promotion activities. Health beliefs ( Kozier,2012 )

are defined as the concepts about health that an individual believes are true.

These beliefs may or may not be founded on fact.

Health Beliefs Among Residents of Selected Barangays of Unisan, Quezon…

It is in this context that the researcher decided to undergo this study

because as a registered nurse for almost 9 years she have seen a lot of cases

which are mild to severe cases in forms such as a simple fever leading to benign

febrile seizure, a simple cough leading to moderate to high risk pneumonia and a

punctured wound leading to tetanus infection. Those simple diseases led to

chronic one because parents and significant others first consultation happened to

be in an “albolaryo” and most of the time diseases are treated in a wrong way. An

example of health belief practices that the researcher have seen are in the

course of high grade fever there are patches of an unknown leaf put at the

forehead of the patient and in other body parts with pain, as well as patient is not

allowed to take some bath because as far as their belief is concern it may only

make the fever more severe. In lined with this the researcher has gained interest

in studying about health beliefs and practices of selected residents in Unisan,

Quezon for us healthcare provider to help the community correct those beliefs

that are not helpful in the course of treatment to a certain illness.

Meleja Z. Alpuerto, RN 2
Health Beliefs Among Residents of Selected Barangays of Unisan, Quezon…

Theoretical Framework

Figure 1. The Health Belief Model

Individual Perceptions Modifying Factors Likelihood of Action

variables Perceived benefits of
Sociopsychologic preventive action minus
variables perceived barriers to
Structural variables preventive action

Susceptibility Perceived threat Likelihood of taking
and Perceived recommended
Seriousness preventive health

Cue to action

The Health Belief Model by Rosentock (1974) will be utilized as framework of

the study. The model had the assumption that good health is an objective

common to anybody. The model predicts the people who would or would not use

measures to predict disease. The model was modified by Becker (1974) and

included the components such as individual perceptions, modifying factors and

variables likely to affect initiating action.

Meleja Z. Alpuerto, RN 3
Health Beliefs Among Residents of Selected Barangays of Unisan, Quezon…

The relationships among the HBM concepts are easy to understand and easy to

relate to practice. The first component is individual perceptions, this phase

includes three aspects; perceived susceptibility, perceived seriousness and

perceived threat. The second component of health belief model is modifying

factors this aspects includes the following:, demographic variables,

sociopsychologic variables and structural variables. The last component of health

belief model is the likelihood of action under this component is perceived benefits

of the action and perceived barriers to action.

The researcher was guided with these models and concepts presented in

conducting this study. This also serves as a guide for the researcher in

formulating the theoretical paradigm

Meleja Z. Alpuerto, RN 4
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Demographic profile of
the respondents:
 Sex
 Age
 Educational
Attainment  Data Collection
 Monthly Income thru
 Religion Questionnaire Proposed
 Data community action
Perception on Health Interpretation plan.
Beliefs in terms of the and Analysis
following: using
 Statistical
 susceptibility Technique
 seriousness
 benefits
 barriers

Figure 2. Research Paradigm on the “Health Beliefs among Residents of Selected

Barangays in Unisan, Quezon: Basis for a Proposed Community Action Plan”

The framework shows variable being studied in this research paper. The

first box covers the input which includes the demographic profile of the

respondents in terms of age, sex, highest educational attainment, monthly

income and religion. The second box is the process phase which explains the

research variable and it includes the analysis on the significant difference on the

health belief practices among residents of Unisan, Quezon, when respondents

are grouped according to their demographic profile. Lastly, the output of the

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Health Beliefs Among Residents of Selected Barangays of Unisan, Quezon…

study was to a proposed community action plan based on the findings of the


Statement of the Problem

This proposed study in health beliefs among residents of Unisan, Quezon

seeks to answer the following problems:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 sex;

1.2 age

1.3 highest educational attainment;

1.4 monthly Income;

1.5 religion?

2. What are the health beliefs of the respondents in terms of:

2.1 perceived susceptibility;

2.2 perceived seriousness;

2.3 perceived benefits of preventive action;

2.4 perceived barrier to preventive action?

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Health Beliefs Among Residents of Selected Barangays of Unisan, Quezon…

3. What are the differences in the health beliefs of the respondents?

4. What is the relationship between the health beliefs of the respondents

demographic profile?

5. What possible community action plan can be developed?


1. There is no significant difference in the health beliefs to the demograpic profile

of the respondents.

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study upon proper treatment of data, and

conceptualization will be helpful and can give extensive display of worth to the

following group of people:

Local Government Unit and Non-Governmental Organization, findings

of the study can be used to purpose other action plan needed by the community

especially in terms of health and living.

Members of the healthcare team, nurses, midwives, physicians, and

barangay health worker the findings of this study will help them know those

health beliefs essential and not essential. More so, it will also help them towards

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assessing further other factors that halt the community, family, and individual in a

certain group to access healthcare services.

Rural Health Unit Team, the findings of this study can be a basis for

making health teaching guide to increase the level of awareness among

communities in terms of prevention of diseases and rehabilitation after a disease.

Community, residence of Unisan, Quezon the findings of this study will

provide proper knowledge to them to correct false health belief and maintain

those health beliefs that are acceptable in managing common diseases through

this initial actions. Furthermore the community action plan as an output of this

study will also provide significant framework in solving those improper health

beliefs that the community are still practicing despite risk and harm towards once


Hospital Staff, this study can find them to adopt the community action

plan as a program to further enhance hospital services and other management

tactics for the improvement of dissemination of information.

Future Researcher, this study can be a source of related literature and

studies for further study about health beliefs in the community, furthermore the

output of this study can also be used as a guide to develop or enhance

community action plan based on what the community will need.

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Scope and Limitation

The study will focus on the health belief among residents of selected

barangays of Unisan Quezon in terms of perceived susceptibility, perceived

seriousness, perceived benefits and perceived barriers. The health belief will be

correlated to the respondents’ demographic profile in terms of age, sex,

educational attainment, monthly income and religion. The study will be conducted

the first quarter of 2019. The study will be used as basis for a proposed

community action plan.

Definition of Terms

Community Action Plan. This is a systematic, organize and problem based lay-

out of a plan specifically aimed to solve a certain community health problem. This

is written based from the findings of the study and focuses on how to avoid false

health beliefs present in the community that sometimes trigger the occurrence of

a fatal disorder.

Demographic profile. This is the term used to describe the specific and

baseline data that will be coming from the respondents in order to anticipate and

know if the existing problem can be caused by the life status of the respondents.

This is composed of sex, age, highest educational attainment, monthly income

and religion.

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Perceived Seriousness. This is the term used to describe how the respondents

see the intensity and the degree of a certain illness and how this thinking affects

their beliefs and practices.

Perceived Susceptibility. This is used as how the respondents thinks of an

illness and how high the chances of alleviating the course of illness when the

respondents first follows their health beliefs and practices.

Perceived Benefits. This is used in the research to elaborate how the

respondents will get something in return if their health beliefs and practices will

be performed first before the right medical way of treatment.

Perceived Barriers. These are hindrances that halt the respondents to obey

follow first their health beliefs and practices because some of them thinks of any

other way or some has other illness and the respondents are aware that following

first those health belief and practices might brought up a more serious damage.

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This chapter presents a discussion of some relevant studies as well as

some review of related literature that includes foreign and local concepts that are

review of significant input to the context of this study. They give direction to the

study and substantially support the major thrust of this research.

Related Literature

The public health nurse does not function in a vacuum, she is working

within a system with teamwork and as a member in order for the nurse to

function efficiently and effectively understanding of the health care delivery

system must the first thing to do. In relation with this public health nurse must

properly relate with the dynamics of the political, organizational structure

surrounding the individuals’ position in the health care system. More so public

health care is an essential health care made universally accessible to individuals

and families in the community by means of acceptable to them through their full

participation and at a cost that the community and the country can afford at every

stage of development.

The concept of Primary Health Care ( PHC ) is characterized by

partnership and empowerment of the people that shall permeate as the core

strategy in the effective provision of essential health services that are community

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based, accessible, acceptable and sustainable at a cost which the community

and the government can afford.

The World Health Organization (2008) defined health as the state of

complete physical, mental and social well-being not merely the presence or

absence of a disease. The health of individuals and communities are to a large

extent, affected by a combination of many factors. A person’s health is

determined by his circumstances and environment. It is inappropriate therefore to

blame or credit the person’s state of health to himself alone because he is

unlikely able to directly control many of these factors however, knowledge of

these factors is important in order to effectively promote health and prevent


Similarly, Nightingale (1860), as cited in Kozier and Erb’s (2012), defined

health as a state of being well and using every power the individual possesses to

the fullest extent.

According to Kozier and Erb’s (2012), health is not complete without

defining wellness. They defined wellness in different basic aspects namely self-

responsibility an ultimate goal, a dynamic, growing process, daily decision

making in the areas of nutrition, stress management, physical fitness, preventive

health care and emotional health and most importantly the whole being of an


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Anspaugh (2008), proposed seven components of wellness. In order

to realize optimal health and wellness, people must deal with the factors within

each component; physical, social, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, occupational

and environmental.

According to Cuevas, F. et al. (2008), primary health care was declared

during the First International Conference on Primary Health Care held in Alma

Ata USSR with the goal of “Health for all by the year 2000”, and this was adopted

during the presidency of Ferdinand Marcos, on 1979 with the goal of “Health in

the Hands of the People by 2020”, in connection with this the current mission and

vision of the Department of Health was inspired through this stating that DOH

vision is “Filipinos are among the healthiest people in Southeast Asia by 2022,

and Asia by 2040”, while its mission is “To lead the country in the development of

a people – centered, resilient and equitable health system.

In lined with this Kozier and Erbs (2012), stated that countless conflicts in the

health care delivery arenas are predicted on cultural misunderstandings.

Although many of these understandings are related to universal situations, such

as verbal and non-verbal language misunderstandings, the conventions of

courtesy, sequencing of interaction, phasing of interaction, objectivity, and so

forth, many cultural misunderstandings are unique to the delivery of nursing care.

Spector, (2004), as cited in Kozier and Erbs (2012), explained further that

the aspects of mind, body and spirit are in constant flux and change over time,

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yet each is completely related to the others and also related to the context of a

person. The context includes the person’s family, culture, work, community,

history and environment.

According to Hadyn Luke (2013), the health belief model (HBM) is a

psychological formulation developed to explain health -related at the level of

individual decision making.

Furthermore, Vicki Simpson’s Journal (March 2015 ) entitled “Models and

Theorist to Support Health Behaviour Intervention and Program Planning”

explained that health belief model is one of the oldest models of health behaviour

but is very relevant when discussing health behaviour change. This model

addresses the readiness to act upon several individual beliefs.

In connection to the statement above Elizabeth Boskey, Phd as reviewed

by Susan Olender, MD (October 26, 2016) explained that health belief moodel is

based on the theory that a person’s willingness to change their health behaviours

is primarily due to the following factors:

Perceived Susceptibility – this explained that people will not change their

health behaviours unless they believe that they are at risk if acquiring a disease.

An example of this is those individuals who do not think that they are at risk of

acquiring HIV from unprotected intercourse are unlikely to use a condom.

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Perceived Severity - the probability that a person will change his/her

health behaviours to avoid a consequence depends on how serious he or she

considerate the consequence to be. An example of it is if a person is young and

in love he is unlikely to avoid kissing his sweetheart on the mouth just because

he has the sniffles, and he might get his cold. On the other hand, he probably

would stop kissing if it might give you Ebola. Similarly people are less likely to

consider condoms when they think STDs are a minor inconvenience. That’s why

talk about sex increased during the AIDS epidemic. The perceived severity

increased enormously.

Perceived Benefits – it is difficult to convince people to change behaviour

if there isn’t something in it for them. Example: Your father probably won’t stop

smoking if he doesn’t think that doing so will improving his life in some way. A

couple might not choose to practice safe sex if they don’t see now it could make

their sex life better.

Perceived Barriers – it is one of the major reasons why people don’t

change their health behaviours it is primarily because people think that doing so

is going to be hard. Sometimes it’s not just a matter of physical difficulty but

social difficulty as well changing your health behaviours can cost effort money

and time. An example of this scenario explained that if everyone from office goes

out drinking to cut down on their alcohol intake still presence of alcohol intake

intention still exists second, if someone thinks that condoms are sign of distrust in

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a relationship that someone may be hesitant to bring them up, thus perceived

susceptibility is lacking leading to high risk of having infected by the disease.

As explained by Rosenstock and Becker, “Health Belief Models” includes

three major factors those are individual perceptions, modifying factors and

likelihood of action. The first component is individual perceptions, this phase

incudes three aspects; first is perceived susceptibility, this explained that in an

individual’s mind setting if the presence or occurrence of a certain phenomenon

runs as a familial course such as a family history of past disease like

hypertension, diabetes mellitus and many other genetically inherited diseases

was perceived as a health alarming condition an person might feel the need to

further take good care of his or her own personal health because he consider

himself at high risk situation because inherited diseases can be owned.

Perceived seriousness is the second component of individual perception under

health belief model, which tends to explains the perception of an individual

towards the degree of illness that he might acquire, does the illness can cause

death or does it have serious consequences? A good example of this is the

spread of a measles outbreak which was presently alarming lately specially in the

Mindanao area where according to the latest news excerpt from www.abs- last December 4, 2018 there are reported cases of death from

measles outbreak in the mentioned area, having said so, further spread of

measles in other neighbour town can be viewed as the general public’s

perception on how serious measles is. The last component is the perceived

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threat according to Becker the perceived susceptibility and perceived

seriousness combined to determine the total perceived threat of an illness to a

certain individual.

The second component of health belief model is the modifying factors this

aspects includes the following; first is the demographic variables these are; age,

gender, race, and ethnicity. Second, sociopsychologic variables it is the social

pressure or influence from peers or other reference groups’ example having self-

help or vocational groups may encourage preventive health behaviours even

when an individual motivation is low, expectations from other may motivate

people. Third component is structural variables, according to Becker, the

knowledge about the target disease and prior contact with it is considered as

structural variables that are presumed to influence preventive behaviour. Lastly,

cues to action can either be internal or external. Feelings of fatigue,

uncomfortable symptoms or thoughts about a condition of an ill person whom an

individual knew were considered as internal cues while external once are those

advertisements or news heard or saw which has something to do about the

degree of an illness.

Furthermore, the last component of health belief model is the likelihood of

action under this component is, perceived benefits of the action and perceived

barriers to action. Perceived benefits of the action explained that when an

individual has gain awareness over a serious occurrence of a thing he will take

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actions in order not to acquire a certain disease. An example of perceived benefit

to action is when a middle-aged man maintains regular exercise and maintains

balanced food consumption in order to avoid acquiring hypertension, and other

chronically ill diseases. On the other hand perceived barrier to action was

explained by Becker as stated in Kozier and Erb’s (2012), as those actions

conducted by an individual to halt achievement of health promotion behaviour.

An example of this is when a post stroke patient does not feel the need of

compliance to regular rehabilitation treatment because he feels that it is costly

that he rather spends money in buying other things than in spending it to

rehabilitation sessions.

More so, Philippine Journal of Nursing ( December 2014 ) entitled “

Filipino-American Nurses Knowledge Perceptions, Beliefs and Practice of

Genetics and Genomics” study findings describe the knowledge, perceptions,

beliefs, practices and genomic education of Filipino-American Nurses. The

findings provide empirical evidence that Filipino-American Nurses are in need of

educational opportunities to improve their knowledge on genetics and genomics,

which should improve their clinical practice. This paper identifies a number of

resources that can assist learners at every level to improve their knowledge

about genetics and genomics. Additionally, findings from this study will assist

PNAA in planning future educational programs that will incorporate topics on

genetics and genomics.

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This chapter presents the method of research, population sample and

sampling technique, description of respondents, research instrumentation, data

gathering procedure and statistical treatment.of data.

Research Design Used

The descriptive correlational study design will be utilize to determine the

health belief of the respondents and its relationship to their demographic profile.

According to Polit & Beck (2008) descriptive correlational is an interrelationship

or association between two variables, that is, a tendency for variation in another.

Researchers often focus on understanding the causes of behaviours,

conditionsand situations; sometimes they are better able to simply describe

relationship than to comprehend causal pathways. The aim of descriptive

correlational research is to describe relationships among variables rather than to

infer cause and affect relationships.

The comparative research design will be utilize to compare the health

belief in terms of perceived susceptibility, perceived seriousness, perceived

benefits and perceived barriers.

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Population Frame and Sampling Scheme

The data gathered by the researcher is based from the total number of

population from selected 6 barangays of Unisan Quezon which is 7,277 out of

this total monthly report there are 120 numbers of patients consulting at the

health center regularly. The researcher will only utilize the 100 patients from

selected barangays of Unisan, Quezon. This is computed using Slovin’s formula,

more so, the respondents were chosen using convenience random sampling

method wherein the respondents are drawn from that part of the population

Research Instrument

The researcher used a questionnaire in a form of a checklist. The

questionnaire was developed based from related literature cited in journals,

books, and some health belief practices of the community excerpt trough actual

experience of the respondents.

In order for every respondent to fully understand the questions being ask

the researcher instrument was translated into Filipino. The questionnaire was

divided into two parts. The first part was primarily written to gather information on

the respondent’s demographic profile as to age, sex, and highest educational

attainment, monthly income and religion.

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More so, the second part of the questionnaire tends to identify the

respondents health belief perceptions in four determinants which are perceived

susceptibility, perceived barriers, perceived benefits and perceived seriousness.

The questionnaire survey contained items from which the respondents selected

choices using a scale of 1-4, 1 being the lowest with strongly disagree to 4 being

identified as strongly agree.

The researcher sought the approval of the research adviser for the drafting

of the research paper and questionnaire. After editing of the instrument revisions

were made to correct some errors. The revised draft of questionnaire was

presented to an authority for validation. The questionnaire was validated by at

least three experts. The research instrument undergo a pilot study which will be

distributed to selected residents of neighbour town 10 respondents from

Agdangan, Quezon and 10 respondents from Padre Burgos, Quezon who were

not part of the actual sample. After the pilot testing and verification, of the

research instrument the formulated research instrument will be checked by the

members of the panel and they will approve it. After doing so, the questionnaire

will be ready for distribution with the respondents.

Data Gathering Procedure

The study will be conducted from January to February 2019. Following the

final revision of the research instrument, a letter addressed to the Municipal

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Health Officer of Unisan, Quezon, and a courtesy call from the Municipal Mayor

of Unisan, Quezon and a letter from selected barangay captains of each selected

barangay in Unisan, Quezon will be addressed also to let them know that their

residents will be subject to a research study.

First process includes formulation, validation and administration of the

constructed questionnaires. The researcher then, assessed the respondents’

health belief perceptions in four determinants which are perceived susceptibility,

perceived barriers, perceived benefits and perceived seriousness doing so the

researcher went on several methods of gathering information through browsing

the internet, reading related studies and literature, journals and magazines and

different books. The researcher will conduct a pilot testing administration of

questioners in selected respondents in order to gather additional information that

might possibly help in final formulation of the final questionnaire. After the

formulation of the final research material it will be validated by the researcher’s

adviser. On the second process it will involve gathering of questionnaires, tallying

results, application of statistical treatment to be use and the interpretation of the

calculated results. Lastly the main output is the creation of a community action

plan. After the distribution of questionnaires retrieval will follow, data will be

collected, interpreted and analysed and application of statistical tool will be use.

Statistical Treatment of Data

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The data that will be gather will undergo tabulation, categorization, analysis and

interpretation using several statistical tools which are:

First, in order to identify the total number of sample the researcher used

the Quota sampling is based on the researcher’s judgement and is considered a

non-probability sampling technique.

The total number of monthly outpatient consultation in selected health

centers on Unisan, Quezon is 120 clients using the formula set above the

number of sample computed was 90, so this study will use a total sample of 90

as the respondents of this study.

Second frequency distribution method was used to answer problem

number one (1) which was employed to identify the demographic profile of the

residents of Unisan,Quezon in terms of age, sex, highest educational

attainment, income, and religion. The number obtained was converted to

percentage which is computed according to the following formula:

𝑃= x 100


P is the sample percentage of the respondents

f is the frequency or total of respondents per group

n is the total number of respondents

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On the other hand, to answer problem number two (2) which seeks to

weighted arithmetic mean was utilized, whether the respondents are strongly

agree, agree, disagree and strongly disagree in practices of the health beliefs in

Unisan, Quezon. The WAM is a mean where there is some variation in the

relative contribution of individual data values to the mean.

Furthermore, the scores obtained in the weighted mean were properly

interpreted based on the scale set by the researcher. Continuous scale was used

to describe the computed assessment.

∑ 𝒇𝒘
WAM = 𝒏


WAM is the weighted arithmetic mean

∑ 𝑓𝑤 is the sum of the product of the frequency and weight

n is the total number of responses per item

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The obtained weighted mean was interpreted through the use of the following


Weighted Point Range of Weighted Point Description

4 3.26-4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.51 – 3.25 Agree

2 1.76 – 2.50 Disagree

1 1.00 – 1.75 Strongly Disagree

To determine the significant difference in the health beliefs of the respondents

when grouped according to demographic profile in terms of age, sex, highest

educational attainment, monthly income, and religion the F- test for three or more

group comparison in ANOVA or analysis of variance.

F – Test Formula in Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑛−𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑝 𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒
𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛−𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑝 𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒

Where F is the ratio, between - group variance is the group mean and within –

group variance is the sum of squared distances divided by the error DF.

This was used to test if two or more groups of research instruments differ from

each other significantly in one or more characteristics. In this treatments, we

compare the P value to the significance level assess the null hypothesis.

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Significance level; denotes as ɑ or alpha, of 0.05 works well. The significance

level of 0.05 indicates a 5% risk of concluding that a difference exist

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Data Analysis and Interpretation

This chapter shows analysis of all gathered data and information that has been

tallied by the researcher. It will also provide understanding and interpretation of

results that are statistically treated and checked.

Table 1. Health Beliefs among Selected Residents of Unisan, Quezon as to

Perceived Susceptibility.

Questions: Descriptive
4 3 2 1 WAM

1. I know that heart disease is

38 31 12 9 3.09 Agree

2. I know that too much alcohol

65 20 3 1 3.67 Strongly Agree
intake is action builds hepatitis

3. I know that currently HIV or AIDS

during pregnancy has a harmful 68 16 5 1 3.68 Strongly Agree

effect on the fetus

4. I know that Tuberculosis is 71 16 2 1 3.74 Strongly Agree

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contagious especially if left untreated

5. I know that having high blood

pressure is dangerous and will 56 29 4 1 3.56 Strongly Agree

produce different disease

6. I know that currently Hepatitis B

during pregnancy is dangerous for 60 26 3 1 3.61 Strongly Agree

the baby

7. I know that vaccination is deal to

prevent various diseases a person 68 19 2 1 3.71 Strongly Agree

Total Weighted Average Mean = 3.50 Strongly Agree

The health beliefs among selected residents of Unisan, Quezon are first

measured through finding out how do respondents answered questions about

perceived susceptibility. This table shows that when it comes to perceived

susceptibility in about health beliefs of residents in Unisan,Quezon the lowest

weighted mean is 3.09 which means that in Likert Scale interpretation

respondents “strongly agreed” that the knowing that heart disease is hereditary.

In contrast, the highest weighted mean is the agreed upon is the question “I know

that Tuberculosis is contagious especially if left untreated” having a score of


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Table 1 also shows the result of other questions which are 3.68 weighted

average mean the second to the highest perceived susceptibility the harmful

effect of the fetus during pregnancy if you have HIV or AIDS. Second to the

lowest weighted average mean falls on the dangerous for the baby during

pregnancy whose mother having Hepatitis B with the score of 3.61.Moreover, the

total weighted average mean for this first determinants of health beliefs among

residents in Unisan, Quezon is 3.50 which means that residents in

Unisan,Quezon “strongly agree” that perceived susceptibility affects their health

beliefs and practices.

The analysis above is supported by the statement of Rosenstock and

Becker, about “Health Belief Models” , this explained that in an individual’s mind

setting if the presence or occurrence of a certain phenomenon runs as a familial

course such as a family history of past disease like hypertension, diabetes

mellitus and many other genetically inherited diseases was perceived as a health

alarming condition an person might feel the need to further take good care of his

or her own personal health because he consider himself at high risk situation

because inherited diseases can be owned.

Moreso, Elizabeth Boskey, Phd(2016) defined perceived susceptibility by

stating that people will not change their behavior unless they are aware of how

will it affects them.

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Table 2. Health Beliefs among Selected Residents of Unisan, Quezon as to

Perceived Seriousness.

Questions: Descriptive
4 3 2 1 WAM

1. I know the risk of first aid treatment at

48 30 10 2 3.38 Strongly Agree

2. I know the risk of go to quack-quack

doctors first before going to hospital when 35 44 10 1 3.26 Strongly Agree

I am sick

3. I know the risk of always drinking

herbal meds rather than prescribed 30 34 24 2 3.02 Agree


4. I know the risk of still using bigkis to tie

30 33 25 2 3.01 Agree
around an infant umbilical area

5. I know the risk of allowing my child to

21 38 27 4 2.84 Agree
take a bath everytime she/he is sick

6. I know the risk of applying garlic on a

34 27 26 3 3.02 Strongly Agree
bitten wound cause by a rapid animal

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7. I know the risk of tying above a rope

on a bitten area caused by a rabbid 33 23 27 7 2.91 Agree


Total Weighted Average Mean = 3.06 Agree

In the data gathered in table 2, the highest weighted average mean is 3.38, the

respondents know the risk of first aid treatment at home this indicates that the

respondents strongly agree on the question. In contrast respondents only agreed

that it is risky allowing a sick child to take a bath because it gets 2.84 weighted

average mean which is the lowest in this determinant question. The total average

mean shows 3.06 results interpreted as agreed. This explains that the

respondents agreed how perceived seriousness of an action may affect their

health belief status and practices. This result is related to the definition of Susan

Olender, in 2016 about the probability that a person will change his/her health

behaviours to avoid a consequence depends on how serious he or she

considerate the consequence to be. An example of it is if a person is young and

in love he is unlikely to avoid kissing his sweetheart on the mouth just because

he has the sniffles, and he might get his cold. On the other hand, he probably

would stop kissing if it might give you Ebola. Similarly people are less likely to

consider condoms when they think STDs are a minor inconvenience. That’s why

talk about sex increased during the AIDS epidemic. The perceived severity

increased enormously.

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Moreover, the result of this second identifier is in line with the study of

Rosenstock and Becker, about “Health Belief Models” which tends to elaborate

perceived seriousness as the second component of individual perception under

health belief model, which tends to explains the perception of an individual

towards the degree of illness that he might acquire, does the illness can cause

death or does it have serious consequences? A good example of this is the

spread of a measles outbreak which was presently alarming lately specially in the

Mindanao area where according to the latest news excerpt from www.abs- last December 4, 2018 there are reported cases of death from

measles outbreak in the mentioned area, having said so, further spread of

measles in other neighbour town can be viewed as the general public’s

perception on how serious measles is.

Table 3. Health Beliefs among Selected Residents of Unisan, Quezon as to

Perceived Benefits.

Questions: Descriptive
4 3 2 1 WAM

1. I eat salty and fatty foods 54 31 32 22 2.21 Disagree

2. I drink alcohol beverages 7 23 33 27 2.11 Disagree

3. I do regular exercise routine 25 47 16 2 3.06 Agree

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4. I always consult a doctor whenever I Strongly

38 43 8 1 3.31
am sick Disagree

5. I know the importance of safe sex Strongly

53 33 3 1 3.53
practice Agree

6. I take maintenance medications Agree

41 31 13 5 3.20

7. I avoid stressful habits Strongly

47 37 4 2 3.43

Total Weighted Average Mean = 2.98 Agree

Perceived Benefits is the third determinants to know the health beliefs practices

among selected residents of Unisan, Quezon as excerpt from different health

belief models. In connection with this, Table 3 shows a 2.98 total weighted

average mean which can be interpreted based on the Likert Scale as agree,

which means that most of the respondents considered perceived benefits in

terms of their health beliefs. The highest weighted average mean is 3.53, among

all the seven questions in this table the respondents always practiced safe sex

habit. More so, the lowest score from this row is 2.11 which implicates that this is

the least practiced perceived benefits of the respondents, most of them seldom

drink alcoholic beverages which is very good result. Other than that, second most

practiced health beliefs is avoiding stressful habits which got 3.43 weighted

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average mean, followed by always practiced consulting a doctor whenever they

are sick with 3.31 weighted average mean and among second to the lowest

weighted average mean is eating fatty and salty food with 2.21 result which is

somehow not good because respondents still perceived that doing so is

beneficial act.

The study of Elizabeth Boskey, Phd as reviewed by Susan Olender, MD (October

26, 2016) which is the Health Belief Model explanation, defined perceived

benefits – it is difficult to convince people to change behavior if there isn’t

something in it for them. Example: Your father probably won’t stop smoking if he

doesn’t think that doing so will improving his life in some way. A couple might not

choose to practice safe sex if they don’t see now it could make their sex life

better. Thus this explanation supported the result of this study determinants in

table 3.

Furthermore, perceived benefits of the action explained that when an individual

has gain awareness over a serious occurrence of a thing he will take actions in

order not to acquire a certain disease. An example of perceived benefit to action

is when a middle-aged man maintains regular exercise and maintains balanced

food consumption in order to avoid acquiring hypertension, and other chronically

ill diseases.

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Table 4. Health Beliefs among Selected Residents of Unisan, Quezon as to

Perceived Barriers.

Questions: Descriptive
4 3 2 1 WAM

1. I do first aid treatment at home 29 35 19 7 2.96 Agree

2. I go to quack-quack first before

8 28 37 17 2.30 Disagree
going to hospital when I am sick

3. I always drink herbal meds rather

7 30 37 16 2.31 Disagree
than prescribed medicine

4. I still use “bigkis” to tie around an

15 23 31 4 2.67 Agree
infant umbilical area

5. I don’t allow my child to take a

19 29 27 15 2.58 Agree
bath everytime she/he is sick

6. I apply garlic on a bitten wound

14 29 22 25 2.36 Disagree
cause by a rabid animal

7. I tie a rope on the bitten area

17 30 26 17 2.52 Agree
above caused by a rabid animal

Total Weighted Average Mean = 2.52 Agree

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This table 4 explains the last determinants on identifying the result of the last

variable which is the perceived barriers. It can be seen from the table above that

based from the respondents answers they are aware that going to the quack-

quack doctor first before going to a hospital whenever they are sick got the least

weighted average mean having a score of 2.30, this means that they agreed on it

and they perceived the action as a barrier in practicing health beliefs. On the

other hand, the highest weighted average mean is 2.96 respondents viewed that

doing first aid treatment at home was a perceived barriers in their health belief

practiced. The total general weighted average mean is 2.52 which means that

the respondents agreed that all 7 perceived barriers questions affects their health

belief practices.

The results above were supported by the last component the perceived threat

according to Becker the perceived susceptibility and perceived seriousness

combined to determine the total perceived threat of an illness to a certain

individual. On the other hand perceived barrier to action was explained by Becker

as stated in Kozier and Erb’s (2012), as those actions conducted by an individual

to halt achievement of health promotion behaviour. An example of this is when a

post stroke patient does not feel the need of compliance to regular rehabilitation

treatment because he feels that it is costly that he rather spends money in buying

other things than in spending it to rehabilitation sessions.

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Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations


The study conducted by the researcher entitled Health Belief Among

Selected Residents of Unisan, Quezon that has been conducted between the

months of December to February 2019 was conducted in order to come up to a

community action plan to help provide raise awareness among residents to

change or somehow correct some false health beliefs that exist and evident in

the community that can cause harm and endanger someone else’s life.

The study used a descriptive type of research through the application of

checklist questionnaire with descriptive analysis scale using Likert Scale as the

main tool in collecting and obtaining data from the chosen respondents, there are

total number of 90 respondents consists of male and female, results of this study

will be used as a basis in developing a community action plan.


After several periods of study and analysis the researcher therefore

concluded that those selected residents of Unisan, Quezon chosen to be the

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subject of this study are aware on the impact of practiced health belief in terms of

the four determinants of health belief model which are perceived susceptibility,

perceived seriousness, perceived benefits and perceived barriers. The

researcher further concluded that the community action plan must focused

mostly on health teaching implementation that will enhance the community’s

awareness on factors that affects those perceived barriers that may not or may

create confusions to them. More so, the last conclusion is that health belief

model created great impact and develop big help to community people in terms

of changing the things on how they perceived an action in terms of its degree of

seriousness and how beneficial it is to their individual health.


Based from the findings and conclusions, the following are hereby

recommended by the researcher:

1. The respondents which is the residents of Unisan, Quezon must be familiarize

with the simplest explanation of health belief model, for them to gain full

understanding on the four aspects of this model the perceived susceptibility,

perceived, seriousness, perceived benefits and perceived barriers.

2. In order to raise understanding on what health belief practices should be

maintain and what should be eliminated the residents of Unisan,Quezon must

practice and utilize the community action plan developed by the researcher.

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3. Community Health Workers including barangay health workers, midwives,

community health nurse, and community physician must take full implementation

on their policies, programs, and other health related activities, that may help

monitoring health education practices in the community.

4. For the future researchers this graduate school thesis can be used as source

of other literature for further study, as well as improvement and enhancement of

the developed community action plan can be done.

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