Regulations On Competition TPU Postdoc As An Equivalent of Doctoral Studies

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on competition «TPU Postdoc as an equivalent of doctoral studies»

General Provisions
1.1. The Regulations on competition “TPU Postdoc as an equivalent of doctoral studies”
(hereinafter - the Regulations) determine the procedure for organizing and holding the
Competition organized within the framework of the Competitiveness Improvement Program of
Tomsk Polytechnic University (hereinafter – the Competition).
1.2. For the purposes of these Regulations, the postdoc is understood as the winner of the
Competition (a citizen of the Russian Federation, a foreign citizen) who is employed by Tomsk
Polytechnic University according to the established procedure as a research fellow in order to
carry out research activities within research groups (research projects) as a leader.
1.3. To participate in the Competition, persons shall hold a PhD or candidate of science’
degree, have international peer-reviewed publications and have an H-index (Scopus) no less
than 2. The Competition is open for TPU staff members, including those who work on doctoral
thesis at the TPU doctoral studies.
1.4. The Competition is organized by the TPU Division of Vice-Rector for Research and
Innovation (hereinafter – the Division).
1.5. The Competition is held in Russian and English.

Competition Procedure
2.1. The timing of the Competition, the number of research fellow positions for postdocs,
the composition of the Competition commission are approved by the order of Rector and
posted on the website in the research activity, postdoctorate section.
2.2. In order to find and attract the most talented candidates for postdoc positions, the
Recruitment and Staff Development Office of the Human Resources Division recruits
candidates for declared positions using Russian and international resources.
2.3. In order to participate in the Competition, applicants for the postdoc position must,
within the timeframe indicated in the announcement of the Competition, send an application
form in Russian according to the requirements (Appendix 1 to the Regulations), for foreign
citizens - in English, at
2.4. After the deadline for submission of applications, the packages of documents are
referred to the commission for the Competition «TPU Postdoc as an equivalent of doctoral
studies» (hereinafter - the Competition Commission).
2.5. The composition of the Competition Commission is approved by the order of TPU
2.6. Applications that fail to meet the Competition requirements are not considered.
2.7. The decision on the winners of the Competition is made by the TPU Competition
Commission on the basis of the analysis of the application materials, relevance, novelty and
significance of the candidate's research topic, and is drawn up in the form of a protocol which
is submitted for approval by the Scientific and Technical Council (hereinafter - STC) of the
2.8. The winners of the Competition are approved on the basis of the decision of the STC
by the order of Rector.
2.9. The winners of the Competition receive funding for the development of a research
project in accordance with these Regulations.

Working Conditions of Postdocs

3.1. The winners of the Competition are selected on a competitive basis for the position of
a research fellow - postdoc according to the established procedure.
3.2. Labor relations of TPU and a research fellow are regulated by a fixed-term
employment contract. The term of the employment contract is not more than 4 years.
3.3. In employment of the Competition winners, a performance-based contract shall also
be concluded in accordance with the current Regulations on the management of the
performance-based contract system for academic staff of Tomsk Polytechnic University.
3.4. Performance of indicators of the performance-based contract and of annual indicators
of a research group is a prerequisite for the work of a research fellow – postdoc (Appendix 2
to the Regulations).
3.5. The annual plan of performance indicators of a research group is approved by Vice-
rector for Research and Innovation and is recorded in an additional agreement to the
employment contract of the project leader (research fellow – postdoc). The term of the
additional agreement is from the date of conclusion until the end of the calendar year.
3.6. The composition of a research group under the supervision of a research fellow -
postdoc is approved by the order of Rector.
3.7. Based on the calendar year work results, a research fellow - postdoc presents a report
on the implementation of a performance-based contract and indicators achieved by a research
group under his/her leadership (Appendix 3 to the Regulations).
3.8. At the end of the calendar year:
 A research fellow - postdoc reports to the Division on work of a research group, and
on performance of indicators of a performance-based contract;
 The Publication Activity Development Office directs to the Division a list of
publications of a research fellow – postdoc and his/her research group for the report
period, entered and registered on the publication recording server;
 A set of reporting documents is submitted to the Division for Scientific and Technical
Council of the University. STC considers scientific novelty and significance of the
achieved results. Following its meeting, the STC decides on expediency to continue the
implementation and financing of a postdoc research project.
3.9. The effectiveness of performance of a research fellow - postdoc will be evaluated
according to the criteria of Appendix 2 to the Regulations, as well as to Appendix 1 to the
Regulations on the Management of the TPU performance-based contract system for academic
3.10. Based on the decision of STC, research fellows - postdocs as leaders of research
groups receive funding in the amount of 2,000,000 (two million) rubles per year for the
development of research projects: staff costs of research group, consumables, research
equipment, etc.
3.11. The procedure for providing funding to the winners of the Competition and
monitoring the implementation of projects is carried out in accordance with the Regulations
on the Competition for prospective research projects of the TPU Competitiveness
Imporvement Program (order No. 2489 as of February 21, 2013).
3.12. A project is financed in accordance with a budget estimate of research project of a
3.13. In order to effectively achieve a research project result, a research fellow - postdoc has
the right to offer changes to a project budget estimate, taking into account the following
 Staff costs for project leader (postdoc) is not more than 15% of the overall project
staff costs.
 Staff costs for students and postgraduates is not less than 30% of the overall project
staff costs.
3.14. Financing is provided from the subsidy for the implementation of the TPU
Competitiveness Improvement Program.
3.15. Based on the results of the STC meeting, a decision can be made about the early
termination of a postdoc research project and the disbandment of his/her research group. The
decision is formalized by the order of Rector.
Appendix 1

Application of the Competition participant in Russian

1. ФИО участника Конкурса.
2. Дата рождения
3. Гражданство.
4. Ученая степень.
5. Дата присуждения ученой степени (приложить копию диплома кандидата наук
или PhD).
6. Тема защищенной диссертации.
7. Название вуза, в котором заявитель обучался в аспирантуре.
8. Дата окончания аспирантуры (при наличии)
9. Общее количество рецензируемых публикаций.
10. Список наиболее значимых публикаций за последние 5 лет с указанием статуса
издания (ВАК, РИНЦ, Scopus, WoS, и пр.).
11. Полное наименование организации, в которой работает участник Конкурса в
настоящее время, должность.
12. Опыт работы в других организациях, в том числе за рубежом.
13. Уровень владения английским языком (приложить копию сертификата при
14. Владение другими языками.
15. Адрес электронной почты.
16. Телефон.

Application of the Competition participant in English

1. Name.
2. Date of birth.
3. Citizenship.
4. Postgraduate degree.
5. Date of PhD (copy of PhD certificate is attached).
6. Title of PhD thesis.
7. The University of postgraduate study.
8. The Year of earning postgraduate degree.
9. List of publication.
10. Copies of the most significant publications for the last 5 years (indexed in
Scopus/WoS), not more than 5.
11. Current position.
12. Work experience.
13. Level of English.
14. Knowledge of other languages.
15. E-mail address.
16. Telephone number.
Appendix 2

Annual (obligatory) research group performance indicators

Task to be 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year

Team formation Postgraduate, 2 postgraduates, 1 defense of 2 defenses of
3 students 6 students candidate thesis, candidate thesis,
2 postgraduates, 2 postgraduates,
10 students 10 master
Fundraising Applications for 1 million rubles 3 million rubles 5 million rubles
(grants, grants, raised raised raised
contracts) conclusion of
Top-rated 3 4 5 6
(Scopus and
Q1, Q2:
Doctoral thesis Elaboration of a Public defense of Draft thesis Submission and
detailed plan and a scientific report defense of the
its public defense on the thesis doctoral thesis
Appendix 3
Postdoc report on research group performance
(name, position)

from «____»__________201_ to «____»__________201_

Activities of ___year work plan

№ Activities Planned result Achieved result

1. Team formation *If an indicator is not fulfilled,
please specify reasons
2. Fundraising (grants, contracts)
3. Top-rated publications (Scopus
and WoS),

Q1, Q2:
4. Doctoral thesis

RF (postdoc) Full name

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