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.ldres OBA }IAII. NDA\I,IK CAD. rlddress : OBA IIAH. HD.L\LIK CAD.
TtrL IO 0E502090995 TEL s0 0Es02090995

Yergi No. : Alenye 0730662291 Tar Oflice ){o ; Alan;'a 0?30662217

I;r'eren : ARDEI ORG Emplol'er : ARI}ENORG
Ba5leagrq : Agrk Starting s Open
.tlhk Brdt : 2.5-s8J0 TL Ilontbll'fe* : 2.558rd0 TL
Ciusiyet Bap'aniBal- Sex : Ftmale/ Illale
lllfiddet : I 1'rl Perlatl : I1'err
$.-crobets rrork 2, hpurs f,all&
Akrobstlar giinde 2 saat cahsaceklardrr.

.$ dz L *: $.t{E p r n-EL srt R Tr, A R I *|Gff,EE.*(E:\T TERfr{ff

l-Akroballar igin sgk 30 gilu iizerlrden ]'atmr$na l- lYorklng lime for acrob.ts
Irehlfii ederlm 2- Tht rmployu erd the employees cau bilatcrelll'lernritate
2- taert ve jalqan kaqrhkt olarek s6eleSmeyi temdlt thc egreeuert
rdebilirler. 3- Soci*t $ecrrrig of tLr ruplqtts rL*lt bc prorlded by (SSK)
3- Akrobetlann ige teliamedan 6ncc sos.rrl gffr'ancesi ()rgruisrtlm before the.r'stsr:t srork 1*'r also urdrrlakt that
(SSK) mfiessese tarafindar saflalaakhr. *lrrcr ttcir srlarics q'iII nat be less ttan I tinres the minimal pa3'
ficrerlerinia asgari iicretin I katrndgr daha dfiffilr ,t *The organisation is obligcd to prortde food to the emplol'ees
olnoel'acagrur taahbfit ederiz 3 tlmes a da1-.
,1- lllEesstse akrobethra gfindc 3 dcfe yeaek vermc 5 - Tn'o-n'ey rrip of rhr rcrubtts to tLeir cosrtrle& thdr
zoruolulugundadrr. &ccommodation aad erpersts brlong to the establlsbmrnl.
5- Akrobatlarrn illkesluden geli5, gidig, konaklama 6 -.An acrobat comlng to the establlshmert rvith e coltracl ls
mesrafian mfiessesq-e ailtlr. obl[ed to be given minfunum three-month gueranlee.
6. llfiessesep.e kontrrth geleu akrobata minimum fig
ev geh:ma gilvencesi veriluek zorunlulu$undadrr. 7 - Foreigu scrcbats shall work due to the provislons of larr
7- Yabaucr rkrobatlar 4817 ve {857 sayrt lasa {817 ard t1857. They catr resort to judicial bodies, Regional
hffkfimleri kapsamrnde galrSecaklardrn Hukul{ Ilirrectoretes of the ilIilistry of Labour and Social Secnrill'
problemlerlc kerrrlafrldrlrnda -vargr organlanaa ve and Proltncial Dircctoretes of Turkish Labour Orgalisatiou.
Calr$ma r-e Sor.r-al Gfivenlik . Bakanl{r B6lge (42422{3 47 70)
]lfidfirlfrkleri re Tfirki1'e If Kurumu tr 8 - Contact telephone b emergenq'cases is (155, police alarm)
]Ifidfirlfikltrine ba$rnrabilirler. (0 2{2 213 $ 7At
8- Acil durumlarda aranrlacak telefon (f55 polis 9 -Huran Resources Improving Fund telephone: 0212 2931605
9-Insau Ka;"nalrrr Gcli5iirme l'akh Telefon t0-Euman lradr urgert hdp and notificetlotr line to bt diallcd
02 12 2931605'i arayabilirler. ln euergencS' cases: 157
t0- Insan tic" acil vardrm t? ilber hetq Acil
durumlarde arearlaeak tel. l{o: 157 11-f agree thrt if I do not start my $'ork within 30 da3: after
ll- Qah5ma izai g*figr tarihten itibarren 30 giin iginde the work permit is issued, I will uot cleim eny rights in case of
iie ba5laracafrmr, i;e baglnmadl$rm laktirde iznimin cancelletion.
iptali durumunda higbir hak talep etucyeceiiri kabul
be-r-an re taahhfit ederim. l2-Foreigu personnel arc respoasible for the accuracy ofall
l2-Yabancrl'a ait tfirn bilgi r-c belgclerir dolrululu informatlon aud documents belonging to the forcigner.
1'abancr pcrsonelio soruulululundadrr. $irket kerdi
belgelerinden sorumludur.
Bu mukartleyi okupp, anlapp te tarafima tcrcfime edildikten sonra imze ettim.
I harr rcad. rmdcrsrood. th$s undsFigocd Sis agresnent aftcr it had bcen htcrprctcd to mc.

-ddr ve So1'adr Pasaporl ao Inrza Itirlffri3"et

\arrre artd Surrutrue Passpott no SiErature llan*gcrnent
BABAR A,LI t(2466518 rmrtif,s{nmAsrslu{
utt i]6lra gt"
*ax Te rt LlB

A,+B aP'

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