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A Research Proposal
Presented to the Senoir High School Class
Luciano Millan National High School
Asingan, Pangasinan
SY 2018-2019

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

for Subject Practical Research 1





Chapter 1


Background of Study

Importance of selling a product can leave even the most motivated people

stuck in analysis paralysis. It often feels like everything you could possibly sell is

already being sold-not to mention the reality that there will be plenty of

competition in the most popular product categories.

Fortunately, there are still golden opportunities out there, proof of this

being new products successfully launch all the time. To help you get started,

we’ve put together a short list of practical ways to find products to sell products in

your online store. When consumers are passionate about a particular trade or

hobby, they’re usually more inclined to invest money to get the exact product

they want. This willingness to-pay can be an important qualifier when evaluating

the potential opportunity of any product or line of products. ( For example,


Additional benefits can include higher levels of engagement and loyalty

with your brand, as enthusiastic customers are generally more involved in the

industry and get more value out of the products they purchase. Let’s look at a

few examples. Founder/market fit matters, because building a business is a lot of

hard work, and you’ll be better equipped to stay motivated and overcome the

hurdles if you are deeply invested in what you are selling.

Helped you learn the ins and outs? Maybe you have a skill or a particular

set of experiences that makes you more knowledgeable than the average person

on a particular topic. Turning your expertise into your own online business is a

smart way to enter the market with a leg up that isn’t easy for others to duplicate

or copy. This approach can be fairly technical and requires an intermediate

understanding of keyword research, as well as search engine optimization. The

advantage is that pairing product demand to existing keywords can be an

effective way to capture consistent organic traffic from google, but it comes with

its own set of risks, namely that if you rely on search engine traffic you’ll overly

exposed to changes in google’s algorithm.

Statement of Study

This study determine the convincing power in selling Bread and Pastry

Production (BPP) products and answer the following questions:

1.) What are the considerations of customers in buying BPP products.

2.) What are the techniques in selling BPP products.

3.) What are the attractable in your products.

Significance of the Study

This study is conducted to benefit the ff: Students: the study may serve as

guide and reference for the students undertaking similar studies. Teachers: the

given data would guide the teachers on what to do with the students that

prepared in taking NC ll Assessment. Parents: like the teachers, the parents too

will understand why their children need to take the NC ll Assessment. Future

Researcher! This study would help the students researchers to be aware and
knowledgable of the processes. It will help them to be a better analyse and it can

be a help as a future reference for more studies in the future.

Scope and Delimitation

This study is focused on how to convincing power in selling BPP products

in Luciano Millian National High School . The location is in LMNHS, Asingan

Pangasinan, School Year 2018-2019. Our purpose is to bake BPP products and

to make it delicious.

Definition of Terms

Several terms were used in this study are technical in nature. They are

defined in relation to the context in which they were operationally to give a

clearer and deeper understanding among the readers.

Convincing- when something is convincing, it makes people agree with it

claims to be true.

Selling- is first and foremost a transaction between the seller and the

prospective buyers where money is exchanged for goods or services.

Product- an article or substance is manufactured or refined for sale.

Motivated- someone who is motivated has a cause to do something.

Fairly- in a way that is right or reasonable and treats people equally.

Expertise- expert skill or knowledge in a particular field.

Enthusiastic- having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest,

or approval.

Inclined- feel willing toward an action, belief, or attitude.

Qualifier- a person or team that qualifies for a competition or its final


Launch- start or set in motion.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the related studies reviewed that formed the basis in

conceptualization of the propose study and in the evaluation of the parameter,

which give a deeper understanding on the topic included.

Baking success through breads * Business World 26 Mar 2018Pandesal,

‘panaderia’ Romsanne R. Ortiguero ensaymada FILIPINOS HAVE a penchant for

breads. Like rice, these baked goods are a staple fare in the local dining table,

and are typically consumed for breakfast or as a snack. From the well-loved

Filipinos have grown to like different variety of breads — from the usual sweet

variants that satisfy their sweet tooth cravings to savory ones. This fondness for

baked treats opened opportunities for entrepreneurs to build business, innovate,

and explore the endless possibilities in baking. Those involved in the baking

business have noted that it is a rewarding and a profitable venture. They further

pointed out that baked products are sure sellers because everyone practically

eats bread, and it is almost always the choice as a convenient, on-the-go food.

With the increase in number of businesses engaged in baking, Filipinos not only

get their supply of bread from neighborhood bakeries, but also in other accessible

establishments like malls, supermarkets, and train stations.

Philippine Statistics Authority stated in a 2013 Annual Survey of Philippine

Business and Industry released in 2016 that bread, cakes, pastries, pies and
similar ‘perishable’ bakery products accounted for 6,618 establishments or 26.3%

of the total 25,149 number of manufacturing establishments in the formal sector

of the economy. The baking business in the country has also went through

various transformations — from the technologies used in baking to the new

flavors introduced by foreign players who have established their presence in the

country. As what market research firm Euromonitor International stated,

innovation remains vital for baked goods companies to address the need of

consumers for variety. According to food writer Amy A. Uy, who published a book

about Philippine breads, community bakeries — or often referred to as — around

the country have embraced new equipment and technologies; and apart from the

traditional breads, are now offering modern varieties of bread. Moreover, with the

adaptation of these innovations, Ms. Uy said that it has become easier to

standardize recipes and which then opened opportunities for expansion including

franchising. From the community and artisanal bakeries to big companies, it

seems that the industry is thriving and will continue to do so.

According to the Filipino- Chinese Bakery Association, Inc., the baking

industry in the Philippines is continually growing. Euromonitor International also

noted in a 2017 report that more companies are expanding into baked goods.

This is seen in the opening of new brands and concepts in the city as well as the

riding of several existing players with on-trend flavors such as salted egg yolk

and cheese tarts, among others. The craze on salted egg yolk was seen in the

past year with different baked products featuring the flavor on croissants, buns,

cakes, and (brioche topped with cheese and sugar). Online market research firm
Statista also projected that the market is expected to grow annually by 5.4 %

(compunded annual growth rate from 2018 to 2021). To further engage industry

players, various initiatives are being done not only by the government but also by

private groups including the annual Bakery Fair. Attended by thousands of

delegates, the fair aims to showcase technological advancements and

techniques in baking, and enable players to gain competitive intelligence about

market leaders and to track industry trends and its opportunities. —

Related Studies

Kim T. Gordon July 7, 2008 With the general availability of quality baked

goods, it may be difficult to persuade new customers to try ordering from you

online. I suggest you immediately establish a strong reason your baked goods

are different or better. Trumpet that on your website, and then begin a

systematic media relations campaign. Take baskets of your baked goods to the

announcers at local radio stations, and the food editors of magazines and

newspapers. Also, sell your baked goods at fairs and local events, and give lots

of free samples. Once you begin to win PR coverage and get past the "unknown

and untasted" hurdle, you should have a much easier time selling. The basic

trends in bread, bakery, and pastry innovation are related to health, pleasure, and

convenience. This article analyzes how culinary trends are influencing product

innovation in bread and similar products. New cuisine and leading chefs consider

bread and bakery not solely a complement to the dishes served in their

restaurants but a fundamental aspect of their innovation offerings. A case study

of various leading small innovation firms in Spain will serve as an example of the
drivers of innovation and critical elements in this craft. The influence of these

innovation trends in the bread and dessert industry will be analyzed as well. The

basic trends in bread, bakery, and pastry innovation are related to health,

pleasure, and convenience.

This article analyzes how culinary trends are influencing product

innovation in bread and similar products. New cuisine and leading chefs consider

bread and bakery not solely a complement to the dishes served in their

restaurants but a fundamental aspect of their innovation offerings. A case study

of various leading small innovation firms in Spain will serve as an example of the

drivers of innovation and critical elements in this craft. The influence of these

innovation trends in the bread and dessert industry will be analyzed as well.

Jacky Chou GUEST WRITER Founder of Indexsy December 7, 2018 5 min read

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Although

millennials are continually classified as being between the ages of 18-34, the

reality is, they are likely older than that. Millennials are more accurately those

between the ages of 26-42, making them the largest percentage of working age

adults. In the United States, 2010/16 statistics counted the number of millennials

as being well over 70 million people, preparing to surpass the total number of the

baby boomers. If the majority of working adults can be classified as millennials --

and they are often described as being able to think outside of the box -- how are

they marketing their businesses to the next generation? Those born after 1995,

known as Gen Z, have grown up completely surrounded by technology, making

traditional marketing efforts relatively useless.

In order to capture the attention of the next generation, you have to be

creative. Related: 4 Unconventional Ways to Better Market to Generation Z Here

are a few examples of the ways millennial business owners are capturing the

attention of today’s young adults: 1. Building cult brands. One similarity between

millennials and Gen Z is that they believe in brand loyalty. If a company is able to

push beyond brand loyalty into cult brand territory, there’s no stopping them.

Apple is an example of a brand that has managed to do this. They have gained

the ability to create a “need” for what’s coming next. The Apple Watch, for

example, is very popular with Gen Z, and has not once been truly marketed as a

timepiece. It is obvious that you can check time on your phone, so Apple had to

find a way to appeal to trendy and tech savvy individuals by creating a convenient

smart watch. Creating cult loyalty to a brand means your customers will care

more about your brand than they do about most other things. To get there, you

must build a solid relationship with your audience, paired with excellent tracking,

to meet and anticipate the needs of your buyers. If you are able to give them

what they want, you can bet they will return to you in the future. 2. Social media

ads and influencer marketing. If you are trying to get the attention of Gen Z, stop

focusing your efforts on television and magazine ads. This generation does not

consume media in this way. They live online, and that's exactly how we grew a 7-

figure business. If you can build a creative ad that pops up in their social media

feeds and captures their attention in a split second, you might secure a few

purchases. If you can have an “influencer” prove your product’s worth to

thousands of followers, you might just find yourself a goldmine. Related: 4 Young
Marketing Influencers You Can Learn From Influencer marketing involves using

an individual who has gained a cult following due to their job, posts and infectious

personality. These individuals share content, potentially including your products.

Elizaveta Baryshnikova(2017) The main objectives of the study were to

discover persuasive techniques based on discussed psychological factors.

Theoritical part have the persuasive techniques based on discussed

psychological factors, data were collected mainly from literature sources while

Empirical data were collected using qualitative method in the form of personal

interviews. Results of the study shows that there are a lot more factos than

psychological, considered for the successful implementation of marketing

campaign development of technology and further research in the field of

neoromarketing is to be investigated.
Chapter 3


This chapter presents the materials, discussion of methods, experimental

procedure, and parameter observe and statistical tools that will be used in the


Research Design

The researcher will used a Phenomenology Design. Phenomenology is

something people actvely interpret their experience and come to understand the

world by personal experience with it. This tradition concentrates on the conscious

experience of the person.

Further the researcher want to know the techniques on selling BPP

products, that later it will help the researcher/students to start their own business.

Sampling Procedure

Simple ramdom sampling is a sampling technique where every item on the

population has an even chance and likelihood of being selected.simple ramdom

sampling is very basic method and can easily be a component of more complex

sampling method.
Respondents of the Study

The Respondents of the Researchers are the Teachers and Student

studying in Luciano Millan National High School.

Site of the Study

This study will be conducted at the Luciano MIllan National High School

through te use of questionnaire, respondents who are studying in the said school

are utilized as the sample. Purposive sampling was used in determining the

respondents of the study.

Data Gathering Instrument

The Researcher will use a questionnaire to guide was formulated base on

the Convincing Power on Selling BPP Products to gather the data of the profile of

the respondents and the interview guide was validated by our researcher adviser

before the questionnaire was happened.

Data Gathering Procedure

The Researchers utilized the following instrument and techniques in data


The Researchers used an questionnaire guide in collecting information and data

that were needed in conducting this study. The questionnaire guide was a form

that consists of some questions to be answered by the selected participants.

The researchers inform the participants that their cooperation and

participation was highly important in the study and the data that would be

gathered were kept confidential.

Ethic Issues

The Researcher will consider the ff. ethics like Hiding the identity, Respect

of the opinion and the result of the data will only be use on this study.

Chapter 4

Raw Data

What are the impacts of BPP products interms of Taste, Packaging, Price
and Quality?

The respondents answered that our product is tasty because its delicious and
sweet and out of 14 respondents 12 answers yes and the 2 answers maybe.

Also in terms of packaging they are satisfied and attracted. Few were not
but there are more respondents who said yes because of its beautiful design.

The prize of our product was affordable because of its low prize and many
people will buy the product because its just only 2 pesos. And the quality of our
product was good and Attractable so the respondents like our product.


Based on the interview that we’ve been conducted that our product was
good, our packaging was attractive and our costumers were convinced because
of our convincing techniques.

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