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Updated 01.06.

2019 Grade 5 - Level G

Final Exam Timetable and Study List - Level G -Doha

The table below shows the scheduling for Final Exams for Term 3 of the current academic
year, 2018-2019, for students in Level G (Grade 5).

General Notes:
 You should be in school at least 15 minutes before each exam is due to start.
 You must wear your school uniform.
 You will not be allowed to borrow anything during the exam, so make sure that you have
your own pencils, rubber, ruler and sharpener.
 You may go home when your exam has finished, or you may stay in school to study if
you wish. Study Rooms will be available.
 The following final exams will take place during the weeks before the final, as follows:
o Reading from Sunday, June 9th
o Composition Tuesday, June 11th (during Periodic Time)
o Handwriting during Week 11 (June 16)
o Comprehension Tuesday, June 18th (during Periodic time)
 The material will be revised up to the day before each exam.
 Books will be sent home prior to each set of exams.
 Students should bring the Social Studies textbook as the exam is open book.

Weeks Thursday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

10/11/12 20/06/19 23/06/19 24/06/19 25/06/19 26/06/19 27/06/19
English 11:00-
Reader &
Grammar, Science 2nd 12:30
Anthology Maths
Reading Vocab, 11:00- Language Qatar
1:30-2:30 11:00-1:00
Spelling 12:30 9:00-11:00 History
1:30-3:00 (non-
Study List:
Composition: Unit 3: Narrative (Fractured Fairy Tale)
Comprehension: Unseen comprehension passage with questions
Unit 3: S2, V1-V2.1.3, V2.2-V2.3.2; Unit 14: PN3-PN3.2; Unit 20:
V1.4-V1.4.6; Unit 22; Unit 26: R1-R1.2
See attached list. 80% of the questions on the final exam will
come from the words on this list. The remainder of the
questions will come from the rest of the words studied
throughout the term
Spelling See list
Class Reader “Hatchepsut” p11-57
The Omaha Tornado of 1913, pages 100-101
Workbook: Post Reading Questions, page 99; pages 100-105,
Anthology: Vivid Tales of the Storm, pages 102-103
Workbook: Post Reading Questions, pages 108-109,
pages 110-113; pages 115-116 (Q1-5)

Initiation Date 01-06-19 • Revision N.O 2 • Revision Date 01.06.19 • 1

Updated 01.06.2019 Grade 5 - Level G

Social Studies
Lessons 2, 5, 8, 16, 20; pages 7-9, 22-25, 32-33, 77-78, 98-99
In Search of New
Revision page 35 (Q9-13); page 38 (Q26-31);
pages 42-43(Q46-54); pages 85 (Q34-38), page 101 (Q14-17)
Reading An unprepared passage.
Handwriting A passage to copy in joined writing
Qatar History (non-Arabs) Qatar History book:
Unit 1: Lesson 1 p11
Lesson 2: p17-19
Unit 2:
Lesson 1: p27-29
Lesson 2: p34-36

Unit 3:
Lesson 1: p44-46
Lesson 2: p52
Lesson 3: p57-58

Initiation Date 01-06-19 • Revision N.O 2 • Revision Date 01.06.19 • 2

Updated 01.06.2019 Grade 5 - Level G

Sections 5.2, 5.3, 5.4.3 – 5.6, 6.1 – 6.5, 7.2.2 – 7.5, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3
Grid #s 67 – 100

Wonderland of
Chapters 15 - 21

Sec 2.1, 4.1, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3+ Grid questions
Exploring the World TB: 38 – 45, 106-113,140- 159,176-183, 186-191, 194-199
of Science WB: 27-32, 71-76, 95-106,122(From Lp1)-127,129-133,
135 (From Lp1) -141

Initiation Date 01-06-19 • Revision N.O 2 • Revision Date 01.06.19 • 3

Updated 01.06.2019 Grade 5 - Level G


2 shaded 18 mare 47 attached 99 encourage
2 visit with 19 astonishment 48 overlooking 103 characteristics
3 contain 23 determine 51 insisted 104 occupied
4 comfortably 23 steady 51 plot 106 fluent
5 points 24 amid 52 siblings 109 unlikely
5 rider 27 heavily 54 peered 109 valued
6 conflict 27 yearly 57 runners 110 satisfactory
7 untouched 28 damaging 61 heading 112 attempting
8 believer 29 signing 62 faint 113 actions
8 ensure 30 foolishly 64 clutched 113 lengthy
10 approaching 31 wildly 64 numb 116 ridiculous
11 eyebrows 32 robe 71 descend 116 safe
12 cheap 33 misinterpreted 75 seriously 124 dominated
13 background 35 feelings 76 joyful 125 courageous
15 guaranteed 39 drying 78 feasted 126 steaming
15 hunting 39 rotting 79 arming 128 calling
15 pursued 40 proper 82 earnestly 128 pondered
16 tobacco 41 rocky 83 coloring
17 observed 45 located 92 heated
1 adjusting 11 resilient 27 confused 40 balanced
1 peered 13 accompanied 27 observed 40 muddy
1 vigorous 14 descended 27 paused 41 gigantic
2 gaze 14 searching 28 jeopardy 42 glared
3 baked 15 contained 28 solution 43 focused
3 satisfy 15 lurched 29 centuries 45 displeased
4 watering 16 dyed 29 summoned 45 overwhelmed
5 retired 17 ambitious 30 dribbled 46 rejoice
5 silently 18 enable 31 showing 47 attracted
5 unfortunate 18 wrinkled 33 attract 49 gossip
6 darkening 20 abandon 33 wisely 50 regarding
6 expelled 21 departed 34 experience 52 commented
6 migrated 21 observing 34 remarkable 54 attempt
7 concluded 21 varied 35 requested 55 studied
9 inspected 23 blushed 37 attendance 56 organized
10 detailed 23 gaunt 37 indicated 56 witness
10 excellent 25 capable 38 lowering 57 satisfied
11 informed 25 fearless 39 busied 57 conceal
11 reign 25 paced 39 combined 57 flanking

Initiation Date 01-06-19 • Revision N.O 2 • Revision Date 01.06.19 • 4

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