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DATE October 2018
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1. DOCUMENT SUBJECT ................................................................................................. Page 3

2. REFERENCE STANDARDS ........................................................................................ Page 3

3. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................... Page 4

3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... Page 4
3.2 Functional features ....................................................................................... Page 5
3.3 Composition ................................................................................................. Page 7
3.3.1 Measurement station ....................................................................... Page 7
3.3.2 Control and processing unit ............................................................. Page 8
3.4 Connection to peripherals ........................................................................... Page 9
3.5 Environmental operating conditions ...................................................... Page 10

4. EQUIPMENT OPERATING FUNCTIONS ................................................................. Page 10

4.1 Sequential tests ........................................................................................ Page 11
4.2 Knoop indentations ................................................................................... Page 12
4.3 Self-control methodology .......................................................................... Page 12

5. REFERENCES AND PERFORMANCES ................................................................. Page 13

5.1 References ................................................................................................... Page 13
5.2 Performances and metrological comparisons ........................................ Page 16
5.3 Training, installation and commissioning of the system ....................... Page 16

6. SUPPLIES .................................................................................................................... Page 17

7. PARTS NOT INCLUDED IN THE SUPPLY .............................................................. Page 17

8 BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................................... Page 18

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This document describes the main technical features of the LTF System for
Vickers and Brinell measurements, generated by LTF Standardizing Machine or by other
conformed Hardness Testers Machine aimed at Primary and Secondary Laboratories,
according to the relevant ISO Standards.
In particular, the document describes the following information about the
aforementioned equipment:
 functional features;
 general technical specifications;
 acquired references;
 Metrological performances.
This equipment can be also considered as a Primary Device usable with the
Hardness Standardization Machine too.


For Vickers hardness tests:

a. ISO 6507-1:2018, Metallic materials – Vickers hardness test - Part 1: Test method
b. ISO 6507-2:2018, Metallic materials – Vickers hardness test – Part 2: Verification of testing
c. ISO 6507-3:2018, Metallic materials – Vickers hardness test – Part 3: Calibration of
reference blocks

For Brinell hardness tests:

a. ISO 6506-1:2014, Metallic materials – Brinell hardness test - Part 1: Test method
b. ISO 6506-2:2017, Metallic materials – Brinell hardness test - Part 2: Verification and
calibration of testing machines
c. ISO 6506-3:2014, Metallic materials – Brinell hardness test - Part 3: Calibration of reference

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3.1 Introduction

Practical experience has shown that there are several sources of uncertainty,
which affect the results of a Vickers and Brinell hardness test. In particular, the subjectivity
of the indentation diagonal or diameter measurement is the determining part of the
uncertainty and thus requires a special approach.

In the past, numerous research studies were carried out /1,2/ to quantify the
uncertainty in measuring the dimensions of a Vickers indentation: the results
demonstrated that it is not possible to make a complete and significant evaluation of the
effects of human factors such as concentration, fatigue, capacity to estimate the
collimation conditions, etc. in order to take them into account in some way and eventually
correct them.

The only reasonable solution is to eliminate these influences by not allowing the
operator to carry out this unproductive task and providing him with an automatic image
processing System that can objectively measure the hardness indentations.

In 1984, Barbato and Grattoni of the Istituto di Metrologia “G. Colonnetti” (IMGC)
of the C.N.R. (National Research Council) patented (Patent no. 67181 - A/84) a
computerized System that automatically measures the Vickers hardness, based on
applying to the image the image processing algorithm indentations.

This System eliminates any and all subjectivity by the operator when measuring
the indentation, and thus attains a precision level that complies with the ISO Standard

LTF acquired the exclusive license from C.N.R. to exploit this patent, based on
which it has developed an entire family of computerized hardness and microhardness
systems. In particular, one version is specifically designed for use as a metrological

Further, LTF in cooperation with IMGC modified that version in order to carry out
Brinell indentation measurements by automatic procedure.

The features and performances of this version are described in the following

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3.2 Functional features

The described System allows the measurement of Vickers or Brinell indentations

generated on reference test blocks by LTF HSM Hardness Standarisation Machine or
different device, according to the ISO 6507-3 and ISO 6506-3 Standards in terms of
precision, accuracy and uncertainty. In particular, the System can:

 measure the diagonals of Vickers indentations according to ISO Standards,

the diagonal must be more than 0.02 mm length;
 measure the diameters of Brinell indentations generated with hardmetal ball
indenters (diameter of 1-2,5-5-10 mm).

Fig. 1 – A Gal-Vision overview

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As described at point 3.1 of this Technical Report, on the base of effective sizes
of each indentation and to get the best accuracy, the System can carry out the
aforementioned measurements by two different methods:

 Indirect method: when the size of the indentation is less of the visual field captured
by the camera, the System generally works with the indirect method; the System
automatically looks for the indentation in the visual field and its diagonal or diameter
measurement, and calculates the corresponding hardness value; the user can
arrange himself the sizes of the research screen in the visual field for each
measurement. Several software regulations can be to allow in order to get the best
conditions of the readout. With the indirect method, the system is able to measure
Vickers (and Brinell) indentations with diagonal (or diameter) lengths starting from
0.02 mm (using the proper lens) on the screen of the computer.

 Direct method: when the size of the

indentation is larger of the visual field
due to choose lens, the System works
with a Direct method (reading by probe
& camera). The system moves
automatically the left vertex, or point to
be measured, in the middle of visual
field; as in the other method, the
dimension of the research screen can
be varying; at this point, the System
acquires coordinates of the probe for
that position and stores it; in the same
times, it carries out automatically the
measurement of exact position of the
vertex, or the point to be measured,
from the center of the visual field; then,
by using the motorized stage along the
X direction (the same of the probe
running) the right opposite vertex, or
point to be measured, is automatically
brought in the research screen and the
System repeats again the
aforementioned operations. At this point
the User manually turns the indentation of 90° by a rotary stage and he manually
aligns the second diagonal or diameter to be measured; now, all the operations,
described on the aforementioned part, are carried out in the identical way in order to
measure the second diagonal or diameter. At this point, the System automatically

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calculates the value of the diagonal or the diameter, by the two positions of the vertex
respect to the centre of the visual field and the difference of the two coordinates of
the probe. The maximum stroke of the probe is 12 mm, so that it is possible to carry
out even measurements on large Brinell indentations, without any problem. A virtual
Joystick is available in order to allow the User can move the test block along the x-
axis without any software commands too.
With the Direct method, the system is able to measure Brinell indentations realized in
all scales; with ball indenters with 1-2-2,5-5-10 mm diameter, and Vickers
indentations up to HV100 which may not be measured in the indirect method. For
both aforementioned methods, the accuracy are according to the relevant ISO part 3,
and guaranteed by calibrated stage micrometers. On request, a special version can
be assembled using a laser head instead of the probe, in order to obtain more
accuracy and performances.
Of course with the direct method it is possible to find all the indentations measurable
with the indirect method.

3.3 Composition

The System consists of two main units, which are strictly interrelated:

 a measurement station
 a control and processing unit

3.3.1 Measurement station

It consists essentially of:

 a metallographic microscope, equipped with:

 LED illuminator, with a fine adjustment of framed field luminous intensity;
 5-position objective holder including flat-achromatic objectives, 5X, 10X, (used for
the positioning and the general view of the indentations; 20X, 50X e 100X used
for the measurement
 USB 3.0 camera CMOS global shutter 1936x1216 gray, 1/1.2", 41 full frames/s,
IR cut filter, C mount (or updated version);
 a multi cross-stage sample holder, with a configuration, as follows:
 First of all, as basis, a special stage for allowing manual movements till to16 mm
along the z axis in order to keep the plane with the examined indentation on the
focus plane containing the optical path of the microscope and the axis of the
probe. Practically, the User makes the right focus by this stage and not by the
microscope course focusing knob that is blocked a

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 A 25 mm travel motorized x-axis commanded by the software or by virtual

 A rotary table with two mechanical stops to allow to turn on 90° the indentation;
the position of the mechanical stops can be registered fine in order to turn on the
indentation with a good precision.
 A x - y manual motion by micrometric screw (3 mm travel) in order to center the
indentation in the field of view manually.
 A circular plate for support of samples to be measured.

Fig. 2a – The multi cross tables with Heidenhain version Fig. 2b – The multi cross tables with Laser Head version

 A high accuracy linear transducer, 25 mm working stroke (12 mm travel) computer

interfacing. The linear transducer is mounted upon a support in front to multi cross
tables, perfectly aligned along x-axis motorized and focusing plane in order to minimize
any errors (Abbe error). On request as optional, a special version can be available
with a laser head (Fig. 2b) instead of the linear transducer (Fig 2a) for measuring
with the best performances.

3.3.2 Control and processing unit

This unit, located next to the measurement station, is responsible for controlling and
driving the measurement cycle, data acquisition and processing, display, printing and filing
of test results, as well as any interfacing with a laboratory management information
System. The control and processing unit consists of:

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 personal computer, actual configuration (or updated version):

 Gigabyte H110M-S2H Skt.1151
 • INTEL SKYLAKE i7-7700
 • Ram DDR4 8Gb 2133 PC4-17000 Kingston
 • Hard Disk 1Tb 3,5" 7.2K 64MB Seagate
 • Card Reader
 • DVD LG SATA 24X Nero Dual Layer
 • Case Cooler Master Elite 342
 Windows W10 operating System;
 Microsoft Office (English language).
 LED flat monitor
 an ergonomic cabinet (optional) supports the microscope, the keyboard and the
monitor upon a large flat with all the other components positioned inside. A useful
chest of drawers allows to keep accessories too.

Fig. 3 – Vickers and Brinell automatic measures by Software

 System control and processing software. the software utilizes one dedicated
algorithm, thus ensuring an objective and reliable measurement of the indentations:
based on the information contained in the image acquired from the camera, the
positions are determined of the vertices of the indentation and thus the length of the
two diagonals. The operator interfacing based on a window menu, is extremely easy to
use and does not require any programming knowledge. Archive management,

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integrated in the program, is designed for a local network connection and for access to
data by data base management software.
 Special calibrated stage micrometer, in order to allow the verification of
measurement devices, including routines to calibrate the entire measurement System,
thus guaranteeing the traceability of the system to length references. The Calibration
Certificate will be issue by an accredited laboratory whose measurements are
traceable to an European national length measurement standard.

3.4 Connection to peripherals

As already mentioned, the system is designed for connection to peripheral units.

3.5 Environmental operating conditions

The System is designed for use in a laboratory environment, with the following limits
for environmental conditions:

 temperature: 21 ± 2 °C

 relative humidity: 30 - 70%, without condensation.


As already mentioned, the System is controlled by a Personal Computer which,

through an easy-to-understand operator interfacing, displays the possible options each
time along with a guide for selecting them.

Therefore, when the System is turned on, it displays the menu of the possible
operating phases. A summary of these phases is presented below.

 Parameter Change: used to set the test parameters (load, dwell time, objective,
number of tests, etc.) and of some personal data (operator, block serial number,
archive file, etc.);
 Indentation Position: used to observe the visual field of the indentation and the
block test surface, luminosity control, contrast and focusing;
 Indentation Measure: used to measure the indentation based on different operating
procedures: direct method and Direct method as described in previous paragraphs.
 Archives: used to record on the disk and call files containing test parameters and/or
the results of the tests performed; it is also possible to store and recall on the disk

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the images acquired from the camera for reporting purposes; further, it is possible to
export the results directly into Word package by customized template.

 Calibration: used to verify or, if requested, repeat the measurement System

calibration, for the various objectives, with reference to an optional stage micrometer
calibrated against a length sample. See fig. 4 showed below.

4.1 Sequential tests

The block calibration process consists of a series of hardness tests performed on

the block to be calibrated by the Standardizing Machine, the measurement of the
diagonals or diameters and calculation of the corresponding hardness and an evaluation
of the relative uniformity based on the variation of the results obtained.

After the indentation process, once the operator has selected the test parameters
(load, number of tests, dwell-time), the System is used to observe the test surface of the
block to ensure proper focusing and to choose the position on which to make the

Once this choice has been made, the operator observes the indentation generated
and makes the System measures it, using the direct or Direct method, described in the
previous paragraphs.

When the combine method is used, the System calculates only one diameter or
diagonal, in the direction of the X axis. In order to carry out the measurement for the
second orthogonal length, a semi-automatic apparatus allows to turn round the block and
repeat the same procedure.

After this cycle is repeated for the number of indentations required by the calibration
cycle (5 according to ISO Standards), the System displays the following results:

 list of measurements performed (diagonals and hardness);

 average value of the vertical and horizontal diagonals and average diagonals;

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 nominal hardness resulting from the calibration (arithmetic mean of the

measured hardness values);
 uniformity of the block (spread of measurements);

The results of the calibration operation can be saved on a disk or exported

automatically in a Word template (for subsequent reading or to process succeeding
statistical analyses using a suitable data management software package). It is also
possible to print a calibration Report for each block that contains the block identification
data and the calibration results.

This type of operating procedure is particularly suitable for research activities or

when setting up the calibration procedures and in any case in all those situations in which
interaction is required between the operator and the System, to enhance operating

4.2 Knoop indentations

With a modification to the software package, the System can also measure Knoop
indentations. The same operating procedures described above for the Vickers tests are
also valid for the Knoop tests. Since no metrological reference is currently available in
Italy for the Knoop tests, given the minimum industrial diffusion with respect to the Vickers
tests, it was not possible to carry out exhaustive metrological comparisons to determine
the traceability of the System for such a test.

4.3 Self-control methodology

As required by ISO Standards, the System has been designed to be checked with a
direct method. In particular, the measurement devise can be easily checked using the
calibration software (included in the System) with reference to a special stage micrometer
calibrated against a length reference, with a Calibration Certificate issue by an accredited
laboratory whose measurements are traceable to an European national length
measurement standard, as INRIM, the Italian National Primary Metrological Institute in

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LTF-GALILEO REFERENCES Equipment for Primary Hardness

HSM Hardness Standardization Machine (Rockwell, Brinell and Vickers)
GAL-VISION Reference Metrological System for measuring Vickers and Brinell indentations
GAL-INDENT Reference Metrological System for diamond Rockwell and Vickers indenters


NIST HSM Hardness standardization Machine (Rockwell,
WASHINGTON, USA Brinell and Vickers)
I.N.Ri.M. – Turin - Italy
HSM Hardness standardization Machine (Rockwell,
( Former IMGC METROLOGY Brinell and Vickers) 2000

NPL GAL-INDENT Reference Metrological System for

LONDON – U.K. diamond Rockwell and Vickers indenters

HSM Hardness standardization Machine (Rockwell,

Brinell and Vickers)
GAL-VISION Reference Metrological System for
Rio De Janeiro
measuring Vickers and Brinell indentations
GAL-INDENT Reference Metrological System for
diamond Rockwell and Vickers indenters

HSM Hardness standardization Machine (Rockwell,

Brinell and Vickers)
LTF S.p.A. and
GAL-VISION Reference Metrological System for
measuring Vickers and Brinell indentations
GAL-INDENT Reference Metrological System for
diamond Rockwell and Vickers indenters

HSM Hardness standardization Machine (Rockwell N/T

CFCU scales)
GAL-VISION Reference Metrological System for
measuring Vickers and Brinell indentations

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HSM Hardness standardization Machine – Lever Type
METROLOGY INSTUTUTE – GAL-VISION Reference Metrological System for 2006
BEIJING, CHINA measuring Vickers and Brinell indentations

GAL-VISION Reference Metrological System for

measuring Vickers and Brinell indentations
TUBITAK UME and 2006
GEBZE/KOKAELI – TURKEY GAL-INDENT Reference Metrological System for
diamond Rockwell and Vickers indenters

HSM Hardness standardization Machine (Rockwell N/T

NPL scales and Vickers/Brinell up to 100 kgf)
NEW DELHI – INDIA and 2007
GAL-VISION Reference Metrological System for
measuring Vickers and Brinell indentations

GAL-VISION Reference Metrological System for

measuring Vickers and Brinell indentations
and 2008
GAL-INDENT Reference Metrological System for
diamond Rockwell and Vickers indenters

DRML HSM Hardness standardization Machine (Rockwell,

TIMISOARA, ROMANIA Brinell and Vickers) 2009

National Metrological GAL-INDENT Reference Metrological System for
diamond Rockwell and Vickers indenters
Institute of Russia - MOSCOW

HSM Hardness standardization Machine (Rockwell,

CENTER – and 2010
GAL-VISION Reference Metrological System for
measuring Vickers and Brinell indentations

KRISS HSM Hardness standardization Machine (Rockwell,

Brinell and Vickers)
and 2011
STANDARD & SCIENCE GAL-VISION Reference Metrological System for
DAEJON – Republic of Korea measuring Vickers and Brinell indentations

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VNIIFTRI HSM Hardness standardization Machine (Rockwell,
National Metrological Brinell and Vickers) 2015
Institute of Russia - MOSCOW

HSM Hardness standardization Machine (Rockwell,

Brinell and Vickers)
SASO GAL-VISION Reference Metrological System for
Riyadh - Saudi Arabia measuring Vickers and Brinell indentations
GAL-INDENT Reference Metrological System for
diamond Rockwell and Vickers indenters


GAL-INDENT Reference Metrological System for
diamond Rockwell and Vickers indenters

NIST HSM Hardness standardization Machine (Rockwell,

WASHINGTON, USA Brinell and Vickers)

BEIJING METROLGICAL GAL INDENT Reference Metrological System for

INSTITUTE 304, CHINA diamond Rockwell and Vickers indenters

BELGIM PRIMARY INSTITUTE, HSM Hardness standardization Machine (Rockwell,

BELARUS Brinell and Vickers)

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5.2 Performances and metrological comparisons

Gal-Vision works as an indentation measuring system at high performances and it
complies with ISO 6507 – 3 and ISO 6506 – 3 Standards requirements in terms of
precision, accuracy and uncertainty. The system complies with requirements of the tender.
Since the System adopted first by Officine Galileo up to 1994 and from then up to
now by LTF is a first line reference of the ACCREDIA Laboratory, it is constantly
monitored by the INRIM through audits. During use as a calibration reference the System
has demonstrated, already from the very beginning, excellent agreement with the scale
maintained at INRIM.
In the bibliography, there are illustrated the results of the comparison between the
Calibration Laboratory equipment and the INRIM primary reference: as can be easily seen,
there is absolute agreement with the ISO Standard requirements. In addition, the
objectivity of the measurement guarantees that the agreement is stable over time: in
effect, over the last few years of activity, the calibration System being used at the
ACCREDIA Laboratory has required re-calibration only during the transfer from Officine
Galileo to LTF, thus proving the intrinsic stability of the System.
Gal-Vision is a formidable tool for a Primary laboratory in the field of Hardness
Calibration and Testing, even for the possibility of using the combine method that allows to
measure either very large indentations and to increase the accuracy of the measurement
using lenses with higher magnification. Finally, the fact that the uncertainty of the combine
method is, in per cent, less than the one performed by direct method, is a further
significant skill that let Gal-Vision unique in the world.

5.3 Training, installation and commissioning of the system

The installation and commissioning of the system with training of Customer
laboratory staff (two persons) will be performed through the following stages:

a) As optional, a metrological characterization using three Vickers indentations and

three Brinell indentations, one master Vickers image and one master Brinell image,
to be carry out upon the system c/o LTF by INRIM, formerly Metrological Institute G.
Colonnetti, Turin, Italy (IMGC) that will produce a Technical Report;

b) transport of the system to the installation at Customer’s site as/if defined in the offer;

c) as/if defined in the offer, installation and commissioning of the system c/o
Customer’s laboratory with training for two of Customer’s technicians on site by
LTF’s technicians for a total duration of four days;

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Operation Manual and Technical Manual, with the roughly mechanical and electrical
schemes of the machine, will be available in English language.


The System has an electric power supply with a single-phase voltage rating of 110-
220V at 50-60 Hz.

The System is equipped with a 2 pole + ground power supply cable with a socket
that complies with CEE 17 (other solutions on request).


Unless specifically indicated in the offer, the standard supply does not include the
following parts and/or services:

a. characterization of the system by INRIM institute;

b. installation, commissioning and training of the system c/o Customer’s laboratory;
c. hardware and software connection to any laboratory local information network;
d. additional lens (100x);
e. special stage for z axis 55 mm travel;
f. laser head instead of probe trasducer;
g. ergonomic cabinet
h. accident-prevention devices and protection units (if required);
i. any software personalization (e.g. modification of printing formats, language
change, etc.);
j. software source lists;
k. software for Knoop measurements.

LTF may be requested for any changes with respect to what is described in
this Technical Report. LTF reserves the right to review and evaluate such changes
from technical point of view.

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1. HIDA, N. , YAMAMOTO, K.: “On the determination of absolute value of diagonal

length of Vickers indentations”, Bulletin of the National Research Laboratory of
Metrology, Tokyo, no. 4 18-25

2. BARBATO, G., DESOGUS, S.: “Problems in the measurement of Vickers and Brinell
indentations”, Measurement, Vol. 4 No. 4 Oct-Dec, 1986, 137-147.

3. BARBATO, G. , CHIOSTRI, A., GORI, G., LIVI, S.: “ISOSCAN: a modular solution for
Vickers and Knoop microhardness testing”, VDI-Berichte No. 804, 1990, 111-128.

4. BARBATO, G., DESOGUS, S, GRATTONI, P.: ”Automatic Vickers indentation

measurement”. Document prepared for the XI Congress IMEKO, Houston (USA), 1988

5. BARBATO, G., GORI, G.: "Metrological references in Hardness Measurement: a

necessary background for industrial Quality Assurance", Proceedings of the 5th
Congreso Nacional de Metrologia Industrial, Zaragoza, 13-15 November 1991.

6. STANBURY, G.C., DAVIS F.A.: “Provision of hardness standards - Final report”, NPL
REPORT CMAM 53, April 2000.

7. STANBURY, G.C., DAVIS F.A.: “Uk’s provision of Primary Hardness Standards”,

proceedings of XVI IMEKO World Congress, Hofburg, Vienna, Austria, September 25-
28, 2000, Editors: M.N. Durakbasa, A. Afjehi-Sadat, P.H. Osanna.

8. LIGUORI, A., TUROTTI, F., GORI, G.: “LTF Spa Contribution to the Standardization
of Hardness Measurements”, proceeding of XIV IMEKO World Congress, Beijing,
China, 1998.

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