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r1\.'-"r-~J' ~1..&."ce Jl'l"h&.r\lce tTlII\.h


Of.. ,1'r-*,.r ~~tNP. ~,(l"h~.iI..r'P. tT,nft,h 11thY~ar No. 49

f.P'~,f."'f.l'f quu,'" 4r1'C ~jj
{',n1H1 .f'(JJf'Jr-:r. rhc 0.'''' mCJt~.'''' {'(f)1I1 ADDIS ABABA- 30th June. 2005
f.~,iI M1CJ- ()~. ill: .,..., :OlX11; q.9u


h'P~ "''I'C lij'iiIi"

oBDij / ~~J..J.'k
~.A..c~ II .r Proclamation No. 459/2005

Place Administration Establishment Proclamation

PO. '1' UU '}"I P'T ~{)'I'P, f.C'} 11."7**9" pew',
ntp~~ . ..1fa' r' Page 3159


tt'P~ "''I'C llf2i!1Iiif'11
rn.T~_'_"7.E~_hlL":llgC:~I\~**-~_fJ~'-(f' ...l19'.:f ESTABLISHMENT OF PALACE

PO."'UU'}"I,,P'T n{)''''~f.C'''&,o.'} p;r-II. pa,"1 o(J)''''''~ WHEREAS, it has become necessary t~ establish the
fll.a}- Pou"'''I"P'''r ou"P'{,f o.T (fC; ?,'}P,.**9" Palace Administration as an autonomous government
"71:1.°1 1\{),(."1,(fC; ouu1";":: organ with a separate legal personality;

NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article

01\. '-"r-*, ,ftu~&'''~ p,.tfPht.O..f~ ('Tllll..h ..),1
55 (1) of the Constitution, of the Federal Democratic
UII'}"I"P',1' n'}"'?, :W(fi) ou,Pt.:" pU7JI','/\.lJ}- Republic of Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as
:NIJ'~.A:: follows;.

Ii. tt~c._c/Jn 1. Short Title

.eu n(l'~~ "Po.,,.ou'}"I,,P':" n{)"'P'f.C 117**u7] This Proclamation may be cited as the "Palace
n tp ~ </I'I' C Qf :iill Iil Y.1:(," .,.
'0 11... 11..ill'"
() .e :1-" A : : Administration Establishment Proclamation
No. 459/2005."

I.~_*_*~ 2. Establishment

?il PO.",uu,}"1p',1. n{)"'P'f.C (hU.U n~" "n{)""~ 11 The Place Administration (hereinafter referred to
f.C" ?,P"'l111. PU7,iIl&') P..),"1 oc)}''''l' f/\.l)}' as the "AdministratiOcn") is hereby established as an
&,0.'" p;r-II. PUIJ'}u/P"1' oup'{,.c~. 0.'1' (fC; nu.u autonomous government organ having its own legal
n (I' X~.~ .,. <1r"J. A : :

~/ PJ1{)"'P'f. tf~ ""iIlt"T II.ill:"" .e U,!, ".{),l-c;... 2/ The Administration shall be accountable to the
~tfr,'A:: Prime Minister.

J>')p'. <P? 2.30 ~?t.). .~I/,I/I ;r."'.4/ -ii' ii, ?i

Unit Price NegaritG. P.D.Box 80001

'If.' ri'i.iil~ ~~{"A ~;J6'r .~'l.fJ' <IITC~j} M. ~r <1>,liil1?; .'i,SI" Federal Negarit Gazeta-No. 49 30thJune, 2005 --- Page 3160

r,etJ~~~£ODE~J' ~ 3. Head Office

fh()"'~1.~ cpr, UDp'(,J' (1.T Oh~.() h(lfl lYe: The Administration shall have its head office in
(1."'UD'}o,P'T flt\OT {If'7r,:fo>-9'' ()c;:~. :"C'},.,."c;: Addis Ababa and branch offices in places where
.ee:t.CPA:: there are palaces.
g, fAiL~~ CMo, 4. Objectives of the Administration

f h()"'~1. ~ f}~~7 l).,"UD'}"'p"Y. '.f') f~7()"'~1.Cr, The objectives of the .Administration shall be to
fCl."'UD'}"'P'T :"c(I:f'} fUDmO:" .e1Yr,A:: . administer palaces and to preserve articles of cultural
heritage belonging thereto.
l;, eltfLT8K~EA!!L1~~
5. Powers and duties of the Administration
h()"'~Y. .-;. fu?lH.t\'T p'Aanr, "''''fI~'T
.elj'~:1'A t The Adininistration shall have the powers and
duties to:
{if r{l"h.~.'P. Cl."'UD'}"'P':"'}r, .eu hCP~ h()ho
r,O'} ~t.() OP'~ f~~T'} 11 administer the National Palace and all other
lbt\o:f O&o1.~AUD'}"'P'T' fU?~~OD' (1.,"UD palaces that remained under its control up to the
')"'p'.y.:)".'} .flt'''~f:~.A T effective date of this Proclamation and other
palaces which well be stablishe by the federal
~/ f(1.,"UD'}"'P'T :"C(I :f'} .e '}hflhflA T 1,'}~()
~.I\1)'f: 1,'}~.m1~. J'1.C;JAT .

2/ preserve articles of cultural heritage belonging

to palaces, and carry out the necessary
e/ f(1.,"UD'}"'P'T '''~c(p:fr, :"C(I:)". 1.u'}~:1':fo>-
maintenance work relating thereto;
OiI7.e-)~ U'~;r f'l:l()T UD()Ur{l lY~o>-
1,'}~..f1t\..,t\. J' 1.C;.JA T
3/ use place establishments and articles of cultural
heritage for purpose of tourist attraction;
provided however, that such use shall not cause
ijf 00 ,"UD'}.., P'T fU?' 1.t.1. fUD'}'" P'T UD().,.
... .. . ~.
. . .
. . .
- '.
.. .-,. any threat to their safety;
'}o,p.pJ:f'} ..f'h'''fI-o~A f ..f'()t.'Rtl7A T
4/ organize and ex~cute stat.e rec~ptions when
?;/ f11lt.T flt\Cl.T .e1Yr,AT O>-A .eCPCPl\A T conducted in the palace;
O()OD. .eht'JA T.ehn.rIA T
5/ own property, enter into contract,sue and be
?; f}I\tl70>-'} t\ ('7()~.",,9" fU?J'()t.A 1. lbt\o:f sued in its own name;
,,},;J'P. ".o'fI(~:f') ..f'hr,'o>-r, A::
6/ perform other lawful activities necessary for the
I. fA{jT-8~~~~ fulfillment of its objectives.
" h{""'~1. ~ T 6. Organization of the Administration

{if OUD'}o'P'T fU?'fI'OD. cpr,' h()"'~~(,r, 9")')TA The Administration shall have:
h()"'~~(,T },r,
11 a Chief Administrator and a Deputy
!U h()&.1\ 1.0>- lP~,"'?f:f: Administrator to be appointed by the
.ee:'-;.;rA:: government; and

1. ~CPl_l\{)T&.8.&a>-EA~11r, .,...,~c 2/ the necessary staff.

{if cpr, h()'''~~('o>- fh()""~1.~ C' P't,

cPI 7. Powers and Duties of the Chief Administrator
hfl&.?u? OUDIY'} fh()"'~1.~'} p'~.pJ:f
.eUD~,A T .f()'''~f:~.A:: 1/ The Chief Administrator, being the chief
executive officer of the Administration, shall
direct and administer the activities of the
'll\"f.i'i.;;f~li ~F..(,.A ~;J6"" ;JfLtll4r1'C!1fi fI~ ?lC"', liiY.1Z <i.s/u Federal Negarit Gazeta-No. 49 30th June, 2005 --- Page 3161

II on.Vh ,+,. 'o.", h ,+,. (Ii) r'I'ODt\h"'oJo 21 Without prejudice. to the' generality stated in Sub-
hffi~l\.e h'1;J1C ~'1."'mO+ lYe:' tpr, Article (1) of this Article, the Chief Adm- inistrator
h"''''~~taJoT shall have the powers and duties to:

VI on.v htp~ h'+,. (; t\h"''''~1.~ r"'om. aJ exercise the powers and duties of the
~Afl"r, Administration as provided for under Article 5
T' "'''lJ~"f O~~. I\.e of this proclamation.
.fOJoI\A T

t\1 OA..f..~A OD''''~T 1P~."'?f"'f ;".,r, bl employ and administer personnel of the
OO'D'" P'T OUtL.,. .(- r 1.ODOJlI ,..h.A Administration in accordance With the federal
ODIPt.T rh"''''~1.~' 1P~.FI'?f"'f .e+1' civil servants laws and a salary scale to be
~A T.f"'FI'~.(-~.A T approved by the.government;

£hl rh"''''~1.~' r~~. T~"~.9"r, O~T ~, c/ prepare ,and submit to the government the
~.V'9" r ~I.-.h~~~?" t7CT ~.fn;J~ pr6grams and budgets as well as activity
t\OD'''1~T .f+ClJA T reports of the Administration;

O'DI ()FI'L+1.0Jo n~Tr, d/ effect expenditure on the basis of the

rh"''''~1.~ r~~
T(~"~.9" ODIPt.T 1,,,rfl OJ{J;I. approved budget and work program of the
.f1.C;JAl Administration;
IPI h~"'FI'r,: OJ1e:''''f ;JC OUt1.1.1.., e/ represent the Administration in all its
"'7.'1","'f dealings with thir~parties.
u.t\. h"'F"~1.~' .eaJhI\A::, ,

rl pr,'9Jo i1(}F"~~t t\h"'1'~1.~ r~~. :t>A'I'r,:r,

3/ The Chief Administrator may delegate his powers and
lJ"'~t\1 ODm' ~Afl"r, FI'''lJ~1 Oh~.A t\9" duties to the Deputy Administrator, other officials
hTA h"""~~taJoT t\h"''''~1.~ t\.t\.."'}", ~I\~. and' employees of the Administration to the extent
pJ"'fr,' IP&.FI''if'''y.. oaJohA'i' t\~.ff)F""'Ar,: necess,ary .for .the efficient management of the
.e"'fI\A:: Administration.

:. ~TA_biaT815~. .."'''lJC'
8. Powers and Duties of the Deputy

9"hTA h"''''~~tOJoT The Deputy Administrator shall:

lil tpr, h"'F"~~taJo ()t\.t\ 1.11. F"h.Y. .e'P~.A T 1/ act on behalf of the Chief Administrator in the
absence of the latter;
II Otpr, h"'F"~~tOJo rU7.t"lm'T' t\.t\u"'''' "'''l1(~'''f
.fhr,oJor, A:: 2/ perform other functions given to him by the
Chief Administrator.
iI. f})Il"'-8g~oli't
9. Budget of the Administration
rh"'1'~1.~ ()~T hUthFI't\'T 9"''''''"f rFI'OJofllfll
.elYr,AT The budget of the Administration shall be drawn
from the following sources: .
lil O~of..~.t\. OD'''~T hU?"OD1.rfl O~TT
1/ budget allocated by the Federal Government;
III rn."'OD'''P'T "'*c(p"'f,r, :"c""'f, h07"'-)rfl
21 income derived from using place establishments and
7'-'" rU?1=J 1().T ',r, Articles of cultural heritage for tourist attraction
rl On.F"OD'"}~T .e'f:r /pC rU?1=J, OD&'T
()ODm+?" hUtt)~~, r10. tl7"'1~ ",:,.,..~.... 3/ proceeds of income generating activities carried
rU?,,1=J10.:: on lands under the possessions of palaces.
1~ r7iJif~fl. t...~(rA ~;Jt-r .'Jtl.flI "''I'C!1i! fI~ lie .,., xgnz '},SJ" Federal Negarit Gazeta-No.49 30lhJune, 2005 --- Page 3162

I. fY.Ut-f1 ooit'7-f1T 10. Books of Accounts

6/ hi'l""~1.~ frl'~t\.lj" Thht\~ fll'~. fY,...,l1 1/ The Administration shall keep complete .and
OOW'111T'I IP~P.T .e.etJA:: accurate books of accounts.

1/ f hi'l""~1. ~ fY ,l1 OOtJ'711Tlj" 1P~p'T 2/ The books of accounts and other financial
OCPlj"(J)- ,,~..,.C OJ.er11CI'I. O°7.I'I.e°7:f(J)- documents of the Administration shall be audited
annually by the Auditor General, or by other
lbt\.. T ,,~. ""C>T Ofl}OOrf: .eOO(,OOlril..::
auditors designated by him.

11. Applicability of Other Laws

II. iat\lbt\-'T ;,...,'T ""L'D7.,~T
With out prejudice to tne Powers and duticas
f:"Ci'l 1'lj"Tlj" 1'O? fIt\FAnt} FAnt} ~\' of Cultural Heritage authority,
rl' "1'1C 11'}f...,. m 0 .,. lI' cr h i'l"" ~ 1. 'f. The Administration shall preserve and administer
fo. ""0II'}'7 F7 :,.C (t T') fOIl m O:"lj" fO? i'l"" ~ 1.C articles of cultural heritage belonging to palaces
p'A nt} 'I """IfI~,} OF~' i\.e f°7..f°Jot\oJo in compliance with the relevant provisions of the
i'lt\:J>Ci'l 'J'r;'T'I nmflO:J> ownl(J)- nCP~ 4r1'C Research and Conservation. of Cultural Heritage
Ililllill11 f""ooil.hrf:T'} n"lfll1~T .fi\:f(J)-
Proclamation No. 209/2000.
f:'} ;J1.1PT OOllhrl'A .ell'r;' t\::
12. power to issue Regulations
II. n1l_~
The council of ministers may issue regulations
f°7.~i'lTC>T rhC o.T t\H.U hCP~ hL~or that may be necessary for the implementation
1.,}11 f07OJonlT FAnt} nt\(J)-:: of this proclamation

Ie. ~ f'''t~~ 13. Effective Date

.eU hCP~"hl'l~ ar .,.'} IUX1:t l}.r ~91JC> fOC,' This Proclamation shall enter
30thday bfJutie, 2005.
into force on the
.ell'lj" A:: ..
.,. '-

l}.r Done at Addis Ababa, the 30th day of June, 2005

hllia AOI}t;r ""~iif'1Z
"IC'" OJAr. 1. r-C1.i'l . PRESIDENT
6T-f1l\.h T~Il.cs'T

itC'l1LJ (\"~t1Il-tcry.r f:C~T ~


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