Buffalo Mozzarella Lesson Plan

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Buffalo Mozzarella Lesson Plan

 Ask students if they like mozzarella, if they often eat it and in

which dishes you usually put mozzarella.

 Tell them they are going to do a listening activity about

Mozzarella, but that before that they have to match the words in

the exercise 1 with their definitions.

 Hand out exercise 1. Tell them to work individually. When they

finish tell them to compare their answers, then correct in plenary.

 Hand out the listening exercise. Play the track twice. Let ss fill

in the gaps while they are listening. Let them compare their

answers and then correct in plenary.

 Hand out exercise 2. Tell students to read the text again and

to answer the questions in pairs. Ask 5 different ss to answer the

Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps with the missing


Only produced in a specific __________, mainly Campania, but also in

Lazio, Apulia and Molise, Buffalo Mozzarella DOP is an authentic Italian


Its production follows strict _____________ that comply with procedures

set up by the Consorzio di Tutela. This is the only institution recognized

by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to protect, monitor,

valorize and ________ Mozzarella di Bufala DOP from Campania.

Mozzarella di Bufala is a stretched-curd cheese obtained with whole

__________ buffalo milk, much higher in protein, fat and mineral salt

than cow's milk. 4 litres of milk _____________ to a temperature of 33-

39 °C are required to make 1 Kg of mozzarella.

Buffalo mozzarella is worked into a _________ form of varying sizes and

weights, such as the so-called smaller bocconcino and the true

mozzarella. It has to __________ under 800g, according to the

indications of the Consortium, in order not to be referred to as "buffalo

cheese". From breeding the buffalo to ____________ the product, it

undergoes several inspections aimed at testing its high quality, which is

essential to obtain the DOP ___________.


Match the words with their definitions:

AREA The quality of being extremely

good, superior; something which
EXCELLENCE A spherical or rounded object.
RULES Giving something to someone else
in exchange for money.
PROMOTE Measure the weight.
FEMALE Part of a town, a country or the
HEATED Something that guarantees
GLOBE The opposite of male.
WEIGH Regulations; instructions that tell
you what you can do and what you
can't do.
SELLING Made hot or hotter
SEAL Encourage people to like, buy, use, do, or
support something


Read the text again and answer the following questions:

1) Where is Buffalo Mozzarella DOP principally produced?

2) What does the Consorzio di Tutela do?

3) What is Buffalo Mozzarella?

4) What do you need to make 1 Kg of mozzarella?

5) Why is Mozzarella subjected to several inspections?

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