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NEET Biology Chapter Wise Mock Test — Anatomy of Flowering Plants 1. Which of the following is not correctly matched? (@) Father of Plant Anatomy — N Grew (b) Term ‘meristem’ — C Nageli (©) Apical cell theory — C Nageli (a) Histogen concept — N Grew 2. Aplant tissue, when stained, showed the presence of hemicellulose and pectin in cell wall of its cells. The tissue represents (@) collenchyma (b) sclerenchyma (c) xylem (4) meristem 3. Passage cells are thin-walled cells found in (@) endodermis of roots facilitating rapid transport of water from cortex to perieycle (b) phloem elements that serve as entry points for substances for transport to other plant parts, (0) testa of seeds to enable emergence of growing embryonic axis during seed germination (4) central region of style through, which the pollen tubegrows towards the ovary 4. Meristem responsible for increase in girth or diameter is (2) apical meristem (b) intercalary meristem (©) lateral meristem (a) None of these 5. Intercalary meristem is present at the base of () internodes in grasses (b) leaves in Pinus (c) nodes in Mentha (d) Al of these. 6. Which of the following statements is true? (@) Vessels are multicellular and with wide lumen (b) Tracheids are multicellular and with narrow lumen (c) Vessels are unicellular and with narrow lumen. (@) Tracheids are unicellular and with wide lumen 7. Lateral meristem is present-in (@) vascular cambium, (b) cork cambium (c) xylem and phloem (@) Both (a) and (b) 8. Quiescent centre is found in root. The concept of quiescent centre was proposed by (a) Clowes in maize (b) Schmiat in rice (c) C Nageliin oat (4) Buvat in Arabidopsis 9.,A common structural feature of vessel elements and sieve tube element is (a) thick secondary walls (b) pores on lateral walls (c) presence of P-protein (a) enucleate condition 10, In Eichhorni (a) collenchyma (b) chlorenchyma (c) aerenchyma (@) sclerenchyma parenchyma develops air spaces, such parenchyma with air cavities is known as 41. Sclerenchyma is thick-walled tissue, which has depositions of (a) lignin on their cell walls (0) suberin on their cell wals (@) pectin on their call walls {@) cellulose on ther cell walls 12. Inthe sieve elements, which one of the following is the most likely function of P-proteins? (a) Deposition of callose on sieve plates (b) Providing energy for active translocation (c) Autolytic enzymes (4) Sealing mechanism on wounding 13, Which of the following is not correct? (a) Hardness of seed coat is due to stone cells, (b) Stone cells are present in endocarp of coconut, hard seed coats and fruit pulp (C) Stone cells are not present in fruit pulp of Pyrus (@) Function of sclereids is mechanical 414, Vessel less angiosperms is/are (a) Winters (Winteraceae) (b) Tetracentron (Tetracentraceae) (6) Trochodendron (Trochodendraceae) (¢) All of the above 15, In a woody dicotyledonous tree, which of the following parts will mainly consist of primary tissues? (a) Stem and root (b) Al’ parts (©) Shoot tips and root tips (@) Flowers, fruits and leaves 16, Which of the following non-angiospermic plants have vessels? (a) Gnetum (b) Welwitschia (©) Ephedra (@) Allof these 17, Companion cells are absent in phloem of (a) angiosperms and bryophytes (b) pteridophytes and gymnosperms (0) angiosperms and gymnosperms (@) bryophytes and angiosperms 18. Generally epidermis is single layered but in certain leaves, multilayered upper epidermis is present such as (a) Nerium (b) Ficus (c) Pepromea (d) Allof these 19, Which of the following is not correct? (a) In xerophytes, stomata are of sunken type (b) In some monocots like doob grass, guard cells are dumbbell or barbell-shaped (6) The guard cells are non-living and contain no chloroplast (d) Epidermal cells also possess anthocyanin pigments, tannins and different crystals 20. In which one of the following would you expect to find glyoxysomes? (a) Endosperm of wheat (b) Endosperm of castor (0) Palisade cells in leaf (4) Root hairs 21. In angiosperms, pericycle gives rise to (a) primary roots (b) lateral roots (c) secondary growth (a) cork cells 22. n dicot stem, vascular bundles araconjoint, collateral and open, whereas in monocots vascular bundles are (a) conjoint, colateral and closed (b) radial, collateral and open (c) radial, bicollateral and closed (d) concentric, collateral and open 23, Which one ofthe following statement pertaining to plant structure is correct? (a) Cork lacks stomata but lenticels carry out transpiration (0) Passage cels help in transfer of fod from cortex to phioem {@) Sieve lube elements possess cytoplasm but no nucte {@) The shoot apical meristem has @ quiescent centre 24, Bicollateral vascular bundles are found in family (a) Cucurbitaceae (b) Solanaceae (c) Myraceae (@) Alf these 25, In which of the following plants amphivasal or leptocentric vascular bundles are found? (a) Yucca and Dracaena (b) Fern and Yucca (©) Dracaena and Fern (@) Ficus and Yucca 26, In a longitudinal section of a root, starting from the tip upward the four zones occur in the following order (a) root cap, cel! division, cell enlargement, cell maturation (b) root cap, cell division, cell maturation, cell enlargement (0) cell division, cell enlargement, cell maturation, root cap (4) cell division, cell maturation, cell enlargement, root cap 27. Cork cambium results in the formation of cork, which becomes impermeable to water due to the accumulation of (@) resins (b) suberin (©) lignins (4) tannins 28. Lenticels help in gaseous exchange and lenticular transpiration. Lenticels are the characteristics of (@) herb stem (b) shrub stem (c) woody stem (d) None of the above 29. In a plant organ, which is covered by periderm and in which the stomata are absent, some gaseous exchange still takes through (@) aerenchyma (b) trichomes (c) pneumatophores (d) enticets 30. Anomalous secondary growth is foun (@) Yucca (b) Dracaena (0) Aloe (a) Al of these: 31. Companion cells in plants are associated (@) vessels (b) sperms (c) sieve elements (@) guard cells 32, What is the fate of primary xylem in a dicot root showing extensive secondary growth? (@) Itis retained in the centre of the axis, (b) Itgets crushed (c) May or may not get crushed (@) It gets surrounded by primary phloem Direction (Q. Nos. 33-35) In each of the following questions a statement of Assertion is given followed by a corresponding statement of Reason just below it. Of the statements, mark the correct answer as (a) if both Assertion and Reason are true andReason is the correct explanation of Assertion. (b) If both Assertion and Reason are true, but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion, (0) If Assertion is true, but Reason is false. (@) Ifboth Assertion and Reason’are false. 33, Assertion The quiescent centre acts as a reservoir of relatively resistant cells, which constitute a permanent source of active initials. Reason The cells of the inactive region of quiescent centre become active, when the previous active initials get damaged. 34, Assertion In collateral vascular bundles, phloem is situated towards inner side. Reason In monocot stem, cambium is present. 35, Assertion Fascicular vascular cambium, interfascicular cambium and cork cambium are examples of lateral meristems, Reason These are responsible for producing secondary tissues. 36, Match the following columns. Column I Column It A. Stomata 41. Contains chloroplasts B. Mesophyl 2 Light colour ©. Lenticels 3. Dark colour D. Spring wood 4, Epidermis of leaves 5. Exchange of gases Codes ABCD ABCD (a)4152(b)2135 ()5421 (1234 37, Match the following columns. Column 4 Column tI A Sclereids 1. Conducting tissue B. Xylem 2. Sclerenchymatous cells €.Phloem fibres 3. Epidermal tissue D. Trichome. 4, Fruit walls of nuts Codes ABCD ABCD (a)2135(b)4123 (6)5421(d)1234 38.Match the following columns. Column | ‘Column It A Cuticle 1. Guard cells B.Bulliform calls 2. Single layer ©. Stomata 3. Waxy layer D.E; 4. Empty colourless cell Codes ABC D ABC D (a)3.412(b) 1234 ()3241(a)3214 39.Match the following columns. ‘Column! Column i ‘A. Meristem 1. Photosynthesis, storage B. Parenchyma 2. Mechanical support ©. Collenchyma 3. Actively dividing cells D.Sclerenchyma 4. Stomata E.Epidermal tissue 5. Sclereids Codes ABCDE (a) 13524 (31254 (024513 (54321 40. A major characteristic of the monocot root is the presence of (@) open vascular bundles (b) scattered vascular bundles (c) vasculature without cambium (d) cambium sandwiched between phloem and xylem along the radius 41, You are given a fairly old piece of dicot stem and a dicot root. Which of the follo\ you use to distinguish between the two? (a) Secondary xylem (b) Secondary phioem (©) Protoxylem, (@) Cortical cells 42, Trachelds differ from other tracheary element in (a) having casparian strips (b) being imperforate (c) lacking nucleus (@) being ignified 43, Age of a tree can be estimated by (a) biomass (b) number of annual rings (©) diameter of its heartwood () its height and girth 4, Lenticels are involved in (a) gaseous exchange (b) food transport (©) photosynthesis (@) transpiration 45, Interfascicular cambium develops from the cells of (a) xylem parenchyma (b) endodermis (©) pereycie (@) medullary rays 46, The common bottle cork is a product of (a) dermatogen (b) phellogen (©)xylem (@) vascular cambium 47. Companion cells are closelyassociated with (a) sieve elements {b) vessel elements (6) trichomes (@) guard cells 48, Closed vascular bundles lack () ground tissue (b) conjunctive tissue (©) cambium (@) pith 49, The eyes of the potato tuber are (a) flower buds (b) shoot buds (©) axillary buds (@) root buds 50, Ground tissue includes (a) all tissues except epidermis and vascular bundles (b) epidermis and cortex (0) l tissues internal to endodermis (¢) all tissues external fo endodermis 51, The cork cambium, cork and secondary cortex are collectively called (a) phellogen (b) periderm (c) phellem (4) phelloderm 52, Increase in circumference of stem is due to the activity of (a) xylem (b) phloem (c) cambium (a) cortex 53, Histogens capping root apical, meristem is (a) dermatogen (b) calyptrogen (©) periblem (d) plerome 54, One of the following statement is false for heartwood. (2) Made up of living cells (b) Forms central cylinder of wood (©) Solid and hard (4) Contains gums and resins 55, The scutellum observed in a grain of wheat or mai in other monocotyledons. (a) Cotyledon (b) Endosperm (c) Alourone layer (@) Plumule 0 is comparable to, which part of the see: 56. Which one ofthe following is nota lateral meristem? (a) Intrafascicular cambium (b) Interfascicular cambium (©) Phetlogen {@) Intercalary meristem 57, Heartwood differs from sapwood in (a) presence of rays and fibres (b) absence of vessels and parenchyma (c) having dead and non-conducting elements (d) being susceptible to pests and pathogens 58, What do you mean by (a) Cambium present (b) Cambium absent (c) Periderm absent (d) None of these 59, Monocot stem lacks (a) tracheids (b) sieve tube (c) cambium (d) None of these 60, The structur (a) bristles (b) thorn (c) prickle (a) spine , which contain vascular bundle and is modification of stem is Answers : 10 1 2.0) 31.) 41.10 51. (0) 20) no 2.6) 32. (2) 42. (0) 82. (0) 28 13, (0) 2. io) B® Bo 53.0) 40 14.0) 4 (0) 34. ©) 4) 54. (0) 5 8.0) 25. (a) 35. ©) 45. (0) 55. (6). i) 16. (0) 26. (0) 96, (a) 46. ©) 56.) 7.0 17. ©) 21. ©) 37. ©) 4.2) 57. (0) 8.6) 18.1) 28, (0) 38. (@) 48.) 58.) 10. (0) 20, ©) 30. @) 40. ©) 50. (0) 80. (0)

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