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Sets of Reflection About

Lecture, Examination,
Boardworks, Assignments, and
Culminating Activities

Abordo G.


Personnally, lectures and discussions are helpful and time saving for me. During lectures, I will myself to
listen and learn as much as I can. Although lectures won't make me understand the idea of the topic
wholly in an instant, this will serve as my introduction and scope to what I need to learn. I associate
lectures and discussion with self-study. Lectures will introduce and give me an insight of our topic, while
self-studying will help me wrap up my learning. But not all lectures are ideal. I fail to listen sometimes.
Pinning my focus during discussion seems challenging and that's when failure to comprehend costs much
time. In my case, this leads to not being able to answer assignments on time, moreover, losing interest in
the said topic. I would like to correct this attitude in the future. However late may I be in a lecture, I
would still like to continue and make this my inspiration to double my effort.

Midterm and Final Examination

These examinations for students are essential. This serves as my sum up and measurer of how far have I
learned and masterred the concepts of this course under time pressure. This was the time when I was
too aware and sensitive of the consequences of my actions. The feeling of being sensitive or perceiving
oppurtunities for application of a productive pattern of behaviour was overwhelming. It's common, but if
I could turn back time, I would like to be productive rather than lenient. Being productive at first will pay
good results and being lenient will cost you at the end. Reviewing cannot be done a day before; it takes
time in polishing a skill. Doing assignments and boardworks is what will create a difference and
improvement in our skills. Reflecting on my last behaviour, I was productive at first, but lenient towards
the end. This is what I would like to correct. I would like to feel confident and develop a confiding
relationship with myself not only during exams but in everything. And for me, all it takes are time,
inclination, dedication, and commitment to learning.


The assigned boardworks are specially helpful in "saving" our grades. There is learning, mastery, and
realizations in repetitively answering our assigned boardwork. Boardwork uplifts our self esteem and
trust in ourselves whenever we successfully provide an answer to a specific problem. I like how, during
answering, we discover several techniques and special knowledges which help us do the work faster and
easier. I also like being surprised during discussion by the variety of ways in solving we students do. I can
say I have learned a lot especially in manipulation of functions through the discussion of boardworks
after answering. This serves as our sharing platform which we cannot have if we'll only answer through
paper and pen. However, one of the downside of assigned boardworks is the failure of students to
answer other items aside from what he's tasked to (if the student limits himself/herself to his/her
problem only). Personnally, I think random calling of students at times will be helpful in pushing us to
answer items as many as we can due to fear of failure to provide the exact answer and humiliation. In
totality, boardwork for me is very significant, be it assigned or random.

Assignments are very much helpful in learning for me. The repetitive solving and answering sharpens our
skills and emplores mastery. Some things are not best learned from lectures but from first-hand
experience and by actually doing it. And this is what assignments are proving to us. It requires
committment and consistency. One must continuously answer his/her assignments and allot time in
learning. For myself, I would like to highlight consistency for my committment to last long. Learning takes
a gradual and consistent process.I would like to apply this in my study everytime, albeit I fail to manage
my time well. I have failed to set my priorities and put productivity first before everything else. In the
future, I would like to inculcate to myself that productivity comes first before gratification. I would like to
develop habits which will be useful for me in the future (e.g. delayed gratification)—assignment before

Culminating Activity

Culminating activities are significant in a field which uplifts an individual's innovation (especially in our
field). Culminating activities allow us to explore and think outside the box. It exposes us to things which
are not taught in schools, but things which are learned as an interested and growing aspiring engineer.
However, I have failed to do so. Considering our chosen culminating activity, we were unable to translate
learning into performance. I have failed to think outside the box and explore. We were more of
complacent. I have reflected and saw what went wrong. It was the poor self involvement and interest
and misallocation of time. And these are what I would like to correct in the future. The essence of
culminating activities lies in the exploration and discovery of unexplored boundary outside the
confinements of a four walled room and a book. It takes time, not a night or day. It takes value and
commitment to make it happen. I am looking forward for more of these in the future. And when the
time comes, I hope I have learned my lesson and be more inquisitive.

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