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Farrady Alif F.*1, Diah Arie W.K.2, Nyoman Afinda N.T3,

1, 2, 3 Islamic University of Kadiri

e-mail :*1,, 3


Checking condition of the heartbeat or electrocardiogram not need move from home to the
hospital, clinic, or doctor specialist. But enough only at home and can call a doctor's assistant to set
this tool on the patient's body. So doctors using his mobile phones or laptops and computers which
connected to the internet from home can give a decision to the patient that enough rest at home or
referred if necessary in more intensive check into the hospital. This prototype is designed to facilitate
the patient and doctor to checking the patient's heart condition so that the results of this study can avoid
long queues at the doctor's clinic and cut the checking time, the patient is fitted with a prototype of the
heart rate or ECG (Electrocardiogram) / EKG (Elektrokardiogram) and doctors can monitor the condition
of the heartbeat without having to face to face with patients. And doctors can also be quick to decide
when patients should be referred to a hospital for more intensive care or just rest at home. The prototype
is installed in patients who are at home with the help of nurses. Using wifi as a monitoring media.
Doctors can monitor ECG charts of patients using laptops by opening a web that has been created and
determined. Researchers used ECG / EMG Shield bio-feedback hardware, arduino uno and raspberry
pi 3 model B. The ECG graphic results can be displayed and accessible via the web, but the graphics
still have a high enough noise that has not yet resembled as a standard ECG graphic chart. This is due
to the lack of application of filters and limiter or data processing that will be displayed on the web with
HTML script.

Keywords: ECG / EMG Shield bio-feedback, Arduino Uno, raspbberry pi 3 b model, web

1. Introduction
Electrocardiogram (ECG) or elektrokardiogram (EKG) is a physiological signal generated by the
electrical activity of the heart. One of the important information that can be shown from ECG signals is
the electrical activity of the heart that PQRST waves, these parameters are usually used to see normal
and abnormal heart conditions. In the previous research or ever made another researcher is portable
EKG designing in a mini LCD-based EKG whose main function is used for an athlete who is integrated
with the smartphone interface [1]. The focus of the problem to be studied is a portable EKG design
where to be compatible with Arduino Microcontroller using the USB serial feature to raspberry pi 3 b
model capable of displaying on internet based computer in real time. The basic differences of the pre-
made ECGs are electrode sensors, frequency observations, and selected display outputs of computer
systems to facilitate data processing. Based on The World Health Report, 2005 death rate of a person
due to the slow health diagnosis and poor handling by the medical team in Indonesia reaches 8-11 /
100.000 human population live, this is a figure which is high in ASEAN [2]. So this prototype helps the
patient to avoid long queues at the doctor's clinic and to cut off the checking time, so the patient fitted
with prototype wireless heart rate measurements ECG or ECG and the doctor can monitor the condition
of the heartbeat without having to come so that can be handled quickly. And doctors can also be quick
to decide when patients should be referred to a hospital for more intensive care or just rest at home.
2. Relevant Research
This research is based on several references in books, national and international journals related
to the chosen research theme. The summary of the reference libraries can be written as follows :
1. U. Suriepto in previous research or ever made is a portable EKG that is designing mini-based
ECG-based ECK main function is used for an athlete integrated with smartphone interface in
the journal entitled "Telemonitoring Portable Portable Electrocardiography Portable
Electrocardiograph Telemonitoring. Telekontran, ". [1]
2. A person's death rate due to a slow medical diagnosis and poor handling by medical teams in
Indonesia reaches 8-11 / 100,000 human populations, this is a high incidence in ASEAN.
Quoted from Machriz Erliyanto et al in a journal entitled "Designing Heart-Beat Monitoring
Devices with Atmel AT89C51 Graphics LCD Visualization" 2005. [2]

3. Research Methods
The research method used in this final project is design which is a hardware raspberry pi 3 model
b to process data obtained from Ecg Shield connected with arduino uno. In the design of software in
the form of making a program that can display the results of data in the form of graphs obtained from
Ecg Shield through arduino uno by using serial delivery USB to raspberry pi 3 model b, and can be
used as an analysis material on the test.

Data Processing
Sensor Node

Arduino Uno Raspberry pi 3

Receive data Reading data
from ECG
Shield and Web server
send to
Raspberry USB Serial
Data Processing

Display Data

Saving Data to file


Figure 1. Diagram Block System

3. 1 Hardware Design
Figure 2 describes the hardware used: electrode, electrode cable, ecg shield biofeedback,
arduino uno, usb cable, raspberry pi 3 model b and powerbank. The electrode serves as the receiver
of electrical signals present on the skin surface of the patient's chest area, the electrode cable as the
electrical signal distributor to the ecg shield, in ecg shield the electrical signal will be buffered and filtered
so that it can be received by arduino, arduino as analog signal processor into signal digital, digital
signals are sent to raspberriy pi 3 model b using serial communication (USB Cable), and data from
arduino uno stored in .csv format, soon can be captured and monitored in graphical form in web based.
And using power bank to supply power of all systems.
Figure 2. Design Of Hardware

3. 2 Software Design
From Figure 3 Flowchart Working Principles The tool can be explained by the process begins
with the signal of the heart electrical data on the subject (the patient) with the electrodes as tappers of
the ECG signal of the heart then processed filtered, buffered, and raised the signal using SHIELD-ECG
/ EMG bio-feedback shield. Then ECG Shield sends the data sensor to arduino uno. Data is processed
by arduino uno from analog to digital, then next data will be sent to Raspberry Pi 3 for processed result.


Is it detect
signal from

Data saved to file with

format (serial.csv)

Sending data
from Ecg Shield
to Raspberry pi Display data to line
chart on web page

Raspberry received
data from arduino uno
using serial Analysis


Figure 3. Flowchart Of Software Design

3.3 Sampling Method
Bipolar standard sample is a authentic sample has been choosen to record potential electric
signal on frontal surface.The result bipolar standard sample are three lead, lead I (Red), lead II (Yellow),
lead III (Green). Placement of these lead showing as figure 4 that red lead at right arm, yellow lead at
left arm, and green lead at left leg.

Figure 4. Electrode placement

4. Research Results And Discussion
4.1 Testing of Arduino Communication to Raspberry Pi 3
From this test can be concluded data from arduino uno can saved to file with format .csv on folder
/ var / www / html / at raspberry pi 3 model b. As shown in Figure 5 it can be noted that data sending
from arduino according to the delay listed in the arduino uno program. Inside the red oval line is
displayed time and data separate with comma (time,data).

Figure 5. Monitoring Data With Debug

4.2 Test results of ECG Webbased Monitoring System
In this test the heart data were taken with 5 patients in which 3 patients had a good medical
history, and 2 patients had a history of heart disease. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd normal patients can be seen
in Figure. 6, Figure. 7 and Figure. 8. The 4th and 5th patients have had symptoms of heart disease can
be seen through the web-based heart condition as shown in Figure 9 and Figure 10.
Figure 6. ECG Web Based First Patient Monitoring

Figure 7. ECG Web Based Second Patient Monitoring

Figure 8. ECG Web Based Third Patient Monitoring

Figure 9. ECG Web Based Monitoring of the Fourth Patient

Figure 10. ECG Web Based Monitoring of the Fifth Patient


Based on the results of tests and experiments from the final paper entitled “ECG Monitoring
Based On Internet Of Things” that have been done can be concluded that the prototype has been able
to display and saving data ECG graphics from patients who have taken sampling (heart record) to
displaying on the web page monitor. But ECG graphical display is still not maximal as standard ECG
graphics because ECG graphic display on the web still has a lot of noise / dirty, this is caused by the
limitations of tools used, ECG sampling method by plugging and unplugging USB arduino uno to
raspberry pi 3 model b.

[1] Suriepto U., Dan Utama J., “Telemonitoring Portable Portable Electrocardiographic Portable
Telemonitoring”, Telekontran 2 (1) 19-28. 2014.
[2] Machriz Erliyanto, Sony Sumaryo, Achmad Rizal, "Design of Heart-Beat Monitoring Devices with
Atmel AT89C51 Atmel LCD Visualization", ITB National Conference on System and Informatics,
[3] Atwood Sandra, “Basic Introduction of Cardiac Dysrhythmias”, Yogyakarta, Gajah Mada Press,
[4] Khandpur, “Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation”, New Delhi, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Limited, 1997.
[5] Ekananda Yudhi, “Use of Adaptive Filter Least Mean Square (Lms) Algorithm as One Way To
Overcome Baseline Wandering On Electrocardiogram Signals”, Telkom Institute of Technology,, 2008.
[6] Gabriel J.F., “Medical Physics”, Bali, EGG, 1998.
[7] Clifford G. D., and P. E. McSharry, "Method to Filter ECGs and Evalute Clinical Parameter
Distortion Using Realistic ECG Model Parameter Fitting", Computers in Cardiology, Vol.32 ,
[8] Behmann Fawzi and Kwok Wu, "Collaborative Internet of Things for Smart Future Connected
Life and Business", 2015.
[9] Sukaridhoto Sitrusta, "Play With Internet Of Things & Big Data", Surabaya, Polytechnic
Electronics Of Surabaya, 2016.

[10] Olimex Ltd, "SHIELD-EKG-EMG bio-feedback shield USER'S MANUAL", 2014.

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