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Directions: You are given two news stories and pertinent data. Combine the story and make a
new and improved lead. Provide the best headline based from the lead you made. (Hint: Good
angling of the news story counts.)

Use the appropriate symbols to correct the article’s errors and rearrange the story to be able to
come up with a better news. Use your eagle’s eye.

Good luck!
ACT Teachers partylist praise the new DepEd Sec
for DLL abolishment, revocation
ACT Teachers Party-list on Wednesday lauded the Department of Education Secretary

Leonora Briones following the announcement of the abolishment of the Daily Lesson Logs

(DLL) order.

“We support the later announcement of DepEd Sec. Leonor Briones on abolishing the order

released for making Daily Lesson Logs (DLL), or the DO (Deped order) 42, ss. 2016 and use

the teacher and learner manual instead,” the party-list boldly said in a statement.

Last June 17, DepEd issued the policy guidelines for the order under Sec. Armin Luistro.

According to the guidelines, the DLL or Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) is said to provide

teachers “how to best faciliate the learning process” and “empower [him] to carry out quality


The party-list expressed they’re dismay when the agency released the guidelines, which they

said have caused a lot of issues and difficulties for teachers in the primary education.

“We have received many reports that in many schools, the DLLs cause additional yet

unnecessary hardship to teachers, and worse, without additional compensation,” the group said.

ACT Teachers describes the order as an allie of the K12 program, which the group also

detested even before its full implementation. ACT was truthful in saying that.
“Writing them take away my precious time spent better for developing teaching aids and,

of course, rest.” “It is an oppressive scheme of the K to 12 and RPMS (Results Based

Performance Management Sistem) that creates catastrophic chaos among teachers.”

No more lesson logs for teachers to do? Not true

– DepEd statement
The Department of Education has not revoced an order requiring teachers to make daily lesson

logs (dll) but Education Secretary Leonora Briones is willing to hold consultations to address

teachers’ concerns on the matter.

Malaluan said the Education Secretary was not turning a deaf ear to the teachers’ concerns.

ACT Teachers party-list earlier said the requirement of a daily lesson log four teachers

was an “unnecessary hardship” that took away there time for developing teaching aids.

lawyer Nepomuceno Malaluan, Briones’s chief of staffer, said the DepEd has no idea why a

teachers’ group issued a statement lauding the supposed lifting of the department order.

“She knows this is an issue that is very close to the heart of the teachers/educators/mentors. It

concerns their work and she would not want to be seen as not heeding the concerns raysed,” he

said in a press briefing.

Briones is looking into the issue very seriously even as she is attending to more class pressing

concerns. Her priority is the transition to the K-12 Basic Education Program, including the

establishment of the baseline of the status of the education sector at the time of the transition,

he knowingly said. She also have to vote her attention to preparing the DepEd’s budget

proposal for 2017, he said to add more information.

Pertinent Data *Not to be copyread

Official Statement on the appeal for the recall of DepEd
DO 42, s. 2016 (Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson
Preparation for the K to 12 Basic Education Program)
July 29, 2016

In relation to the issues raised by the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) Teachers Partylist and
the Teachers’ Dignity Coalition (TDC) regarding the preparation of the Daily Lesson Log (DLL) by
teachers, the Department of Education (DepEd) wishes to clarify that it has not made any official
statement on this matter.

While the DepEd recognizes the concerns raised by ACT and TDC regarding the clerical tasks of its
teaching personnel, it also affirms its commitment to taking care of the welfare of its teachers. It was
in this spirit that DepEd Order 42, s. 2016 or the Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation for
the K to 12 Basic Education Program was crafted.

The new guidelines seek to enable teachers to deliver quality instruction based on the principle of
sound instructional planning. They also seek to help teachers come to their classes prepared. The
guidelines have also reduced the number of years teachers are required to prepare a Detailed Lesson
Plan (DLP) from two years to just a year, particularly for newly-hired teachers or teachers who join
DepEd without any professional teaching experience. After a year in the service, teachers are only
required to fill out a Daily Lesson Log (DLL). Moreover, the guidelines also allow teachers to
prepare lessons collaboratively and encourage seasoned or veteran teachers to mentor novice teachers
in preparing for daily lessons.

The DepEd understands that part of the concerns of teachers regarding the DLL is its new format. In
this regard, the DepEd wishes to assure teachers and the public that the new DLL format was created
with the best interests of teachers in mind. The new DLL format is simply meant as a planning tool
for teachers in terms of budgeting time and choosing the most appropriate activities and assessment
strategies to ensure that learners meet the competencies targeted in each lesson. It is meant as a tool
to help teachers deliver lessons more effectively each time they step in front of their class.

Research has shown that a common trait that effective teachers share is planning, preparing for, and
reflecting on their teaching. The DepEd Order was issued to accompany the changes in the
curriculum, and changes in the curriculum also require greater capacity in teaching. The DepEd is
committed to ensure that its teachers are not only effective but also capable of delivering quality
instruction on a daily basis.

That said, DepEd Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones would like to reiterate that while she has not
made a decision on the appeal to recall the policy, she is open to a discussion of it. She also commits
to consultation with all parties concerned—from within the DepEd and other stakeholders—before
any policy determination is made.

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