Daily English Language Lesson Plan A. T & L Details

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A. T & L Details

Subject English Language

Date 01.08.2019

Time 10.00 am - 11.00 am

Class 4 Bharathi

Number of Pupils /30

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 11: The Insect Investigators

Focus Skills: L/S/R/W/LA/LiA Reading

Pupils’ Prior Knowledge Pupils know about the life cycle of a butterfly.

Main: 1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling,

pupils will be able to pronounce words and speak
confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation.

Content Standard Complementary: 3.2 By the end of the 6 year primary

schooling, pupils will be able to write using appropriate
language form and style for a range of purposes.

Main: 1.1.4 Able to talk about related topics with guidance

Complementary: 3.2.2 Able to write with guidance:

(a) labels

Learning Standard (b) notices

(c) messages

Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
identify at least two out of three insects by listening to the
sounds made by the insects.

Learning Objectives Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils identify at

least four out four parts of the body of insects by
answering questions using the intended sentence

Classroom Based Assessment Question and answer session

(PBD) Worksheet
Audio sound, pictures of insects, sentence cards,
Teaching Materials
Arts in Education – visual arts,
Visual arts
musical arts & movement

Steps /
Time Content T & L Activities Remarks

1.Teacher plays audio sounds of insects.

2.Pupils try to guess the name of the
Guess the insect’s Emphases:
Set activity Critical thinking
3.Teacher writes down pupils’ answer in a
circle map.
(5 min) Teaching
4.Teacher plays the audio once again and
confirms the answers.
Audio sounds

1.Teacher paste pictures of insects on the

Getting to know the white board.
Step 1 insect activity 2.Pupils are introduced the names of the Educational
(15 min) insects. Emphases
3.Pupils are asked if they know the parts of contextual
the body of the insects. learning

Moral value:
4.Teacher introduces the body parts of the Respect other
selected insects using a sentence structure. creatures. Do
5. Pupils are instilled moral value not harm them.

Pictures of the

1.Teacher points to a part of the insect’s Contextual
body and ask pupils to name it. learning
Let’s Do It activity
2.Pupils respond using the sentences
Step 2
structure taught by the teacher. Teaching
(15 min)
3.Teacher repeats the drilling activity until aids:
pupils can speak the sentence Pictures of the
independently. insects,
Sentence cards

1.Pupils are divided into groups of five.

2.Each group will get a picture of an insect. Multiple
3.In groups, one pupil needs to ask Intelligence:
questions about the insect’s body parts Visual,
using the sentence structure. The other four interpersonal,
Step 3 Insect Investigator group member will answer using the verbal-linguistic
(15 min) activity sentence structure taught in the previous
stage. Teaching
4.Groups are picked randomly to come in aids:
front of the class and present about the Picture of
insects they have. insects,
5.Teacher will ask questions if needed. worksheet

6.Pupils need to complete the information
of the insects in the worksheet given.

To recall what has

Closure 1.Teacher sums up the lesson.
been learnt
(5 min) 2.Teacher elicits the moral value.


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