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1. How would you describe yourself?

I would characterize myself as an introverted person with deep connection to the world. I
love to know and discover the truth and the facts about us and the universe. I love to get out
of my comfort zone from time to time because it is my way of strengthening my personality
and skills. However, I don’t like being involved with people and the society although I like to
have a good laugh every time.

2. What are the influences of family in your development as an individual?

My family served as my first academic institution as they helped in building my intellectual

and social strength. They taught me to become brave in every circumstances and to do my
best every time. They taught me how to learn alone which enhanced my learning capability.
They support me every step of the way.

3. Think of a time when you felt you were your "true self". What made you think you were truly
who you are during this time of your life?

I believe that I am being who I really am when I feel inner peace and contentment with
what I do with other people. There is no awkwardness or unease towards others as I do, say,
and think what I want. Right now, I can say that I am true as a person because I can move
freely without thinking of others’ judgement. I am happy with who I am.

4. Following the question above, can you provide a time when you felt you were not living your
"true self"? Why did you have to live a life like that?

Way back in junior high school, I remember myself being a kill-joy, misfit, and underrated
person. I received a lot of negative comments along with negative thoughts inside me. I see
myself as a toxic human being back then. I started to act differently to my family because of
the negativity in my heart. I was judged for being me and for doing things that will make me
feel accepted because I was trying to fit on their standards. Eventually, I became like them --
toxic and very insecure, although I still have insecurities as of now.

5. What social pressures helped you shape yourself? Would you wanted it otherwise?

Peer pressure is on top of the list. Many of my peers are immature and toxic. They always
push me to become like them which is kind of a bad thing. Next is family pressure. As time
goes by, they want me to be “more” like other people out there who are “way better”, but I
ain’t capable of being other person. It is hard to act and be another person, so eventually, I
started to accept that I am not those persons. I am me. I will be me for the rest of my life.

6. What aspects of yourself do you think may be changed or would you like to change?

If there are things I would like to change in myself, that would be my constant
procrastination and negativity. I just realized that those things will lead to more negativity. Also,
procrastination causes anxiety when prolonged. That’s why I want to be a better version of
myself. I want to be good enough to live long and happily.

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