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3/29/2019 Advanced Irregular Verbs - The English Space

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Advanced Irregular Verbs

These are less common irregular verbs. You will only use them sometimes.

Irregular Verbs

Verb Past Simple Past Participle

Bear Bore Born/Borne

Beat Beat Beaten

Bend Bent Bent

Bet Bet Bet

Bid Bid Bid

Bind Bound Bound

Bite Bit Bitten

Bleed Bled Bled

Blow Blew Blown

Breed Bred Bred

Broadcast Broadcast/Broadcasted Broadcast/Broadcasted

Burn Burnt/Burned Burnt/Burned

Clap Clapped/Clapt Clapped/Clapt

Cling Clung Clung

Creep Crept Crept

Dare Dared/Durst Dared

Deal Dealt Dealt 1/4
3/29/2019 Advanced Irregular Verbs - The English Space
Dive Dived/Dove Dived

Dream Dreamt/Dreamed Dreamt/Dreamed

Fight Fought Fought

Fit Fit/Fitted Fit/Fitted

Forgive Forgave Forgiven

Grind Ground Ground

Handwrite Handwrote Handwritten

Hang Hung/Hanged Hung/Hanged

Hit Hit Hit

Kneel Knelt/Kneeled Knelt/Kneeled

Knit Knit/Knitted Knit/Knitted

Lay Laid Laid

Lead Led Led

Lean Leant/Leaned Leant/Leaned

Let Let Let

Lie Lied Lied

Light Lit Lit

Mean Meant Meant

Melt Melted Molten/Melted

Mislead Misled Misled

Mistake Mistook Mistaken

Misunderstand Misunderstood Misunderstood

Prove Proved Proven/Proved

Quit Quit Quit

Rise Rose Risen

Saw Sawed Sawn/Sawed 2/4
3/29/2019 Advanced Irregular Verbs - The English Space
Seek Sought Sought

Set Set Set

Sew Sewed Sewn/Sewed

Shake Shook Shaken

Shave Shaved Shaven/Shaved

Shine Shone Shone

Shoot Shot Shot

Shrink Shrank Shrunk

Slide Slid Slid/Slidden

Sling Slung Slung

Slit Slit Slit

Sneak Sneaked/Snuck Sneaked/Snuck

Spin Span/Spun Spun

Spit Spat/Spit Spat/Spit

Split Split Split

Spoil Spoilt/Spoiled Spoilt/Spoiled

Spread Spread Spread

Spring Sprang Sprung

Steal Stole Stolen

Stick Stuck Stuck

Sting Stung Stung

Strike Struck Struck/Stricken

String Strung Strung

Sweat Sweat/Sweated Sweat/Sweated

Sweep Swept/Sweeped Swept/Sweeped

Swing Swung Swung 3/4
3/29/2019 Advanced Irregular Verbs - The English Space
Tear Tore Torn

Tell Told Told

Thrive Throve/Thrived Thriven/Thrived

Tread Trod Trodden

Understand Understood Understood

Upset Upset Upset

Wring Wrung Wrung

You can find more useful irregular verbs in the Common Irregular Verbs table (common-irregular-

Or you might be interested in the Unusual Irregular Verbs (unusual-irregular-verbs.html). (

Created by Megan Miln (../../../about/megan-miln.html)

Published by Dragon Systems Software Limited, 5 Bank Street, Malvern, WR14 2JG, United Kingdom

Copyright © 2008 - 2019 Dragon Systems Software Limited (DssW) ( All rights reserved. 4/4

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