Iso 3903

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TSO 3903 93 MH 4252903 0526523 O25 mm 180 9909:1999(6) Contents 1 Scope 2 Normative references ... 3 Detnitions 4 Classitcation 44 Series 42. Types 43° Models 44° Nominal sizes 5 Technical requirements 54 General 52 Dimension 53 Glace rotalnng framo &4 Glass panes 5 Glazing 56 Fasteners (closing devicos and hinges) 5:7 Gaskets for glassholder and glass-retalning frame 58 Fving device Matera ennnnnenn 64 Main frame, glassholdor and gl: 62 Closing device and hinge pin 7 Testing Watertighinoss test Mechanical strength tost Fire-renistance test i ite Feerved, No pat fis pst maybe reprosced or zed nay fr rif enantio ne or mechaneo ud Becoming ard mrt ek fergton in wring tom the puslaher Tetarnaiongl Organtzton fr Sancarizaon ‘Gace Potala CHetaN Ganbve 20 Swzerland Printed in Switrviand Capit by the ternal Orgnizain For Slondordiation cio OS 143801 2003 so 3903 93 teroina Ogaivoon Far Slandariizaon ha 08143800 2003 WB53903 0528524 Tks 180 3903:1993(6) 8 Marking Rogular rectangular windows (S6H108 NJ wresnemnsnnenn 18 {12 Rectangular windows for rerosistant contruction (sa ») a 83 Heated rectangular windows (serl68 HJ ew 6 © Designation 8.41 Elements for designation 9.2 Examples 10 Positioning 14 Instaltation Annoxes ‘A. Maximum allowable pressure for rectangular windows with standardized dimensions cy 8 Maximum alowable pressure for rectangular windows with deviating dimensions 0 m 180 3908:1993(E) Foreword 180 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bod of preparing int technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be Fopresented on that committee. International organizations, govern- ‘mental end non-governmental, in llalson with 180, also take part in the work 180 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical ‘Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. Draft International Standards adoptad by the technical committees are ‘alrcuiated to the member bodles for voting. Publication as an Inter- national Standard requires approval by at least 75% of the member bodies casting a vote. Intornational Standard 180 3903 was prepared by Technical Committ ISO/TC 8, Shipbuilding and marine structures, Sub-Commitiee SC. Windows and side scutes. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (080 3903:1977), of which it constitutes a technical revision. ‘Annexes A and B form an integral part of this International Standard, Cony by the inertia Orgoization Fr Slondozton Fran 05 143504 7005 TSO 3903 93 MM 4852903 0528525 57S mm TSO 3903 93 MM 4851903 OS28525 634 mm INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 180 3903:1993(€) Shipbuilding and marine structures — Ships’ ordinary rectangular windows 4 Scope This International Standard specifies the classi- ficatlon of ordinary rectangular windows for ships (eeries, types and models), and gives the dimen- ons for Interchangeablity’ and construction, ma- terlals, tests, marking and designation of these windows. NOTE1 This international Standard Is based on the ox- Derlence of ships" window and. glass. manufacturers, ripbulders end authorities who apply to ehips the Rogu- [atlone of tho International Convention for the Safety of Lie at Sea, 1974 {SOLAS 1974), with Arvandrents, 1881, and of the international Convention on Load Line, 1960 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this toxt, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publ Cation, the editions Indicated wore valid. All stan- dards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard re encouraged to investigate the possibly of ap- plying the most recent editions of the standards In- dleated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. {80 261:1973, 180 general purpose metric screw threads — General plan. 180 614:1989, Shipbuilding and marine structures — Toughened safety glass panes for rectangular win- dows and side souttles — Punch method of nom ‘ostructive strength testing. 60 1207:1002, Slotted choose head screws — Prod- uct grade A. 180 1580:1983, Slotted pan heed screws — Product grade A. 180 2009:1989, Slotted countersunk Mat hoad screws (commen head style) ~ Product grade A. Copy bythe aeratinalOrgarizaton Far Stndordizain fi don 5 143506 2005, 180 2010:1983, Slotted raised countersunk head ‘sorews (common head style) ~ Product grade A. 180 9254:1989, Shipbuilding and marine structures = Toughened safety glass panes for rectangular windows, 180 9434:1992, Shipbullding and marine structures = Heated glass panos for ships’ rectangular windos 180 3002:1990, Shipbullding and marine structures = Gaskets for rectangular windows and side seuttlos. 180 5770:1987, Shipbuilding — Ordinary rectangular ‘windows — Positioning. 180 $787-1:1980, Shipbuilding and marine structures = Windows and side souttles for fire-resistant con structions — Specifications — Part class divi- slons. 180 6348:1990, Shipbuilding and marine structures = Windows and side scuttlos — Vocabulary. 190 7046:1983, Cross-recessed pan head screws — Product grade A 180 7048-2:1990, Cross-recessed countersunk flat hhoad sorews (common head style) — Grade A — Part 2: Steel of property class 8.8, stainless steel and non-ferrous metals. 180 7047:1883, Cross-recossed raised countersunk hhead screws (common head style) — Product grade A 3 Definitions For the purposes of thia Intemational Standard, the definitions given In ISO 6348 apply. TSO 3903 93 MH 4853903 0528527 770 MM 180 3903:1989(e) 4 Classification Rectangular windows shall be classified by sizos In accordance NOTE2 A survey of standardized rectangular windows Ie given In 45 and table Furthor classification characteristics are the ma- terial classes (see 6.1 and table 12). 1 Series 44.4 Regular series (N) contain a toughened safely glass pane that meets the requirements of 80 $254. 44.2 Flrosesiotant series (P) Rectangular windows of the fire-resistant shall be provided for installation In "A" or “8” class divisions, containing a glass pane that meets the requirements of 180 5797-1 Nealon to tho construction nd iaalaton of tho glascholder and main framo, as. well ational onting ond marking, sl'be In oecondance with 180 5797-1. 448 Heated series (H) Rectangular windows of the heated series shall contain a heated glass pane In accordance with 180 3434, NOTE. Modi—cations of the construction of glassholder ‘or mainframe aro tobe obearved: wea 5.1.2. 42 Types Ships’ ordinary rectangular windows may be of two types: — Type €: Heavy-type rectangular window: — Type F: Lighttype rectangular window. 43° Models ‘Models shall be designated according to the follow- ‘ing principal characteristics: = opening or non-opening model; = opening direction of glassholder; = type of fastening. The various combinations of these, which are In ac- cordance with the definitions in 180 6348, are lald ‘down in table 4. 44 Nominal sizes ‘The nominal size Is defined by the clear light di- mension for width w, and height hy of the rectangular window, In milimetres, and Is Identified by a code ‘number: see table: 4.5 Survey of types, models and sizes ‘A survey I given In table for all rectangular win- dows standardized in this International Standard. It lies to window series N (regular), P (fire- tant) and H (heated) Uustrations given in table3 do not define the construction; they are simplified examples for infor- ‘mation only. 1) °A* class dlvistons will form the subject of a future part 2, 180 8797-2. apy by the tternaonol Organization For Slondrdation ha 09 143808 2005 ee TSO 3903 93 MM 4853903 0526526 G07 Mm 180 s903:1999(E) ‘Table 4 — Principal charactaristice of models opening oF now-opening Tana Tat pening drecton sates e) | wold gay | Aenaton or) left-hand o tw righthand ® top-inged m lotenand o outwards © right-hand ® pinged a nor-opening (Woy ‘Tablo 2 — Nominal sizes Nominal atze| mh 300% 425 385 x 600 400 x 680, 450 x 630 600x710 580 x 800 00 « 630 +000 710, 4100 x 600, Capri the ernairal Crgoizatin Fr Slondrdiation Fifaan 08 143830 2005 TSO 3903 93 MM 4852903 OS2as29 Sua am 180 3903:1999(E) ‘Table 3 — Survey of rectangular windows Type Modo! tastation (00 42) eee (shown are bolted windows) Twarde opening olde-hinged windows 18 = = iw E 1RB = = RW 1106 ry = 7 iw F IRB = = RW Twerds opening top-hinged windows mB - e = 4108 5 mw re - F 4109 S mw 4 Copy by the Inereatiet Orgran Fr Slondrdiation Fran 05 143812 2008 afi EEE ‘Iso 3903 93 MM 4853903 0526530 265 mm 180 3903:1993(6) aye Mode! Wusration o (00 4.4 (shown are bolted windows) fe bolted welded Rede : J 7 os = = ow e ORB = = oRW tte O18 = = ow F ORE = = onW ‘Outwards opening top-hinged windows ore - e 4108 ow ore = F - 48 - ow Capit by the ternal Organ Fr Slondordization Trraan 03 1433:14 2003 See Cop ir TSO 3903 93 MM 4853903 OS26S32 180 3903:1993(8) Mustration (shown are botted windows) ning windows 5 Technical requirements 8A General Rectangular windows of all series, types, models. ‘and nominal sizes shall be manufactured to the ro~ Gulrements (dimensions, materials, etc.) given in this International Standard. They shall be capable ‘of moeting the test requirements specified In clause 7, 54.4 Rectangular windows for fro-resistant ‘constructions In addition, for rectangular windows for fire-resistant i constructions, the glassholder 1@ main frame shall be made of a material that keeps its mechan Teal characteriatics at the temperatures given in 180 57974. ‘They shall be designed 80 that temperature gradi tents do not cause stresses in the glass which could ult in rupture. 6.1.2 Heated rectangular windows For heated rectangular windows design of glassholder or main frame bs thickness of the healed glass pane (see 130 3434) ‘and the electrical connection shall be taken into consideration Hy he Iteration Orgrizolan Fer Stonarizatin 151438 16-2008, 5.2 Dimensions 824. Main dimensions The main dimensions of rectangular windows shall be as given in figure t and tables 4 and §. The cor- relation between nominal sizes and types and mod- ‘ls shall be a8 given in table: NOTE 4 Figure! does not define the construction of any teres, type, model or slze of rectangular window: It 18 ‘iven for he Inlcation of standardized dimensions only. Fhe istration shows an lawards opening ekdehinged rectangular window. 822 Comer radil The basle radius fs the corer radius r, of the clear light size (seo table 4) ‘The values of the other radil shall be as flto = spigot outside cornor radius and weldingin main frame outelde corner radius: 7y=r +24 mm: = flange outside corner radi max. =n +85 mm TSO 3903 93 we 4852903 0528532 038 um 1) For helt helo dnerson el s00 5.23 and eb 6 Figure 1 — Main dimenstons of rectangular window ‘Table 4 — Main dimensions and number of fasteners Dimenstons in mitietres Nominal ize td ‘ Minimum surnbor oF festaners® Code No. wx max, max 300 aE 430 a 385 500, 485 4a 00 550, 0 a 460 x 690, 580 a 500% 710 30 a 580 5 200 0 a 7330 a 4130 a 4230 4“ 300 630 41000 x 710 V100%800 | 1 148 1) For comer radi and 7, 900 522, 2} The number of fasteners includes only lasing devices and hingot with round holes: eee 58. Cony bythe neratinalOgaization Tor Stondordztion Fein 03 14:35:17 2005 eS ISO 3903 93 MM 4552903 0528533 774 om 180 3909:1993(E) 52.3. Helght of aplgot The recommended nominal helghts of the main frame spigot, which should be preferred for all types, models and nominal sizes of rectangular windews, are given in tables. Table § ~ Glan 524 Glass recoss ‘Tha dimensions of the glass recess (wy, hy %4 and e) Inthe glassholder of opening rectangular windows and in the main frame of non-opening rectangular ‘windows shall be as given in figure? and table 7. ‘Claes thickness, ‘Code Wo. of window afsfe 2 | 6 | Regular!) s | 0 | 0 P Fro-rositant See 180 5797-1 4 Heated F See 1602434 1) In epecial casos, a greater glate thickness ahall be used for obscured glave panes; see 5.5.3 and table 10. = Holght of spigot (dimanston ) Se me ‘The actual ro- ulred delivery aight ofthe spget may bo ed wien of Serng the roo tangule window. Capi by the trnaaalCrgnizaion For Slondrdiation thao OS 143518 2008 Tso 3903 93 MM 4452903 0528534 900 am 180 3903:1993(8) Figure 2 — Glass rece ‘eanatans in mitts Nominal size Code No. wo 00 425 355 x 500 400 x 580 ‘This eimension i oft to 450 630 the manafaciror's ds 500 «710 retin ependa on 80 x 00 Gee pane anon the Gazing material used. ‘00 630 1000 710 4400 x 800 8.3 Glass retalning frame facturor’s discretion. Such scrows shall have the following characteristics ‘The use of a glass retalning frame for fixing the Glass pane In the glassholder or In the main frame — thread: MO {s optional. = length: 18 mm 53. Dimenstons — material: Marine corrosion-resistant copper alloy {for windows of copper alloy); stainless stee! (for ‘windows of aluminium alloy or steel). 5.2 Glazing screw pitch 52.2. Screws for glass retaining frames The screw pitch shall be as follows: To fasten the glass retaining frame, slotlad or cross Toconsed ‘scrawe in accordance with ISO 1207, — for type E windows: 75 mm max; 180 1580, 180 2009, 180 2010, ISO 7045, 1SO 7046-2 oF 180 7047 should be used, at the window manu- ~ for type F windows: 100 mm man. Capt by the nerrtin Oxgaization Fo Sondorization Fran 03 14:35:20 7005 Ce _—eEeeeeeeee ISO 3903 93 ma 4851903 0526535 647 Om 180 3909:1993(E) 5.4 Glass panes anes for regular rectangular windows aN) (Clear or obscured toughened safely glass panes In ‘be used: appropriate ‘accordance with ISO 3254 s codes are given in table Correlation of glass thickness with types and nom- inal sizes shall be as given in table, with the pe- cullarly for obscured glass panes given In 5.5.3. 842. Panos for rectangular windows for {fire-resistant constructions (sorles P) Giass used. 198 In accordance with ISO 8797-4 shall be Jepending on the application conditions, the shipbullder shall decide for which fire-resiatance class the rectangular window Ie sultabla [eee toot. note 2)) Glass panes are standardized for rectangular wit ‘dows for fire-resiatance classes 8.0 and B-15: se 180 579741 ‘542. Panes for heated rectangular windows (eartes H) Glass panes In accordance with |SO 3434 (type A or B) shall be used. ‘overheating protection ‘decide what kind of glass p roctangular window by the window manufacturer. Applicable heated glass panes are listed in table 9, Dimensions in mittee For use wth counters hea scree Figure 3 — Glass retaining frame Table 6 — Finish of glass pane Kind of fot Code lear vt ‘obscured 2 0 Copy bythe inerainal Ogarization For Stndrdizton Fehon 05 14:55:22 2008 =e TSO 3903 93 MH 4251503 052653, 783 mm ‘Table 9 — Codes for rectangular windows with heated gi ecco soppy ured ating syste) oveceatng aoe war | Pmmner | weiter tet Py se treephase 738 Tear ee 78 # we 7) rnsana Group regulation, § means Single regaton (se 15034344002, eubcaute 84. 2) 11 higher powor fading Is requlred for navigation in par region, the window manufacturer or the heated less pane maniac: ttre anal be corte. opp bythe neoatinal Ogaizaton For Slndorzton Fiidon 08 1423823 2005, eS ISO 3903 93 WM 4852903 0528537 GLT mm 180 3909:1999(6) 5.5 Glazing 8.84 Glazing material ‘An appropriate glazing material, resistant to Water and ultraviolet light, shall be used. 2 Mounting of glass pane When glazing, it Is essential that the glass pe ccontrallzed In the glassholder or in the main frame 80 that there Is the same clearance all round. The necessity of using spectal packings for the mounting of special glass panes for rectangular windows for fire-resistant constructions (serles P) ‘or heated windows (serias H) depends on the con- ‘struction of the glassholder, and on the composition and edge protection (if any) of these glass panes. 5.54 Pocullarity for obscured glas ‘Mounting position A In general, obscured glass panos are positioned with the obscured surface facing outwards. For thie 8 glven In tables that the glass pane ‘apply. It shall be noted, howe Mounting position B When, in special cases, an obscured toughened safety glass pane Is positioned with the obscured surface facing Inwards, a greater glass thicknos than that specified In table shall be used. The ‘reater thicknesses shall be as given In table 10, 5.6 Fasteners (closing devices and hinges) 58:1 Number of fastonors @) The minimum number of fasteners comprising closing devices and hinges with round holes for (lassholders of type E and F opening rectangular windows shall be as given in table 4 ') The total number of the fasteners and thelr con- struction shall be such thal the window meets th strength and watertighiness requirements. in clause 7, NOTES _ If the hole for the hinge of the glassholder Ie ‘oval, the hinge le net rogarded ao a fasten ‘Table 10 — Thickness of obscured glass panes ‘whon obscured surface Is facing inwards. ‘Dimaratona in mites € F 16 12 18 2 19 2 19 2 - 8 = 8 He al re tone = att | wen 1a ara af aaa oy ces a loon eo 7 Tavs men a Copyight bythe neretinalOgarizaton For Stondorizton Fan 03 14:55:26 7005 i TSO 3903 93 MM 4853903 0526538 SSb mm 58.2. Closing device a) At least two closing devices (for exampl Seren bolls or ewingbots with nus) shall be provided. In the case of outwarde-opening windows, an appropriate screw-locking device shall be pro- vided to enaure that, when open, the closing do- vice does not strike the glass pane. If a closing device Is composed of a swingbott, ‘swingbolt nut and swingbolt hinge pin, th ‘component parts shall have main dimensions as ‘lven In tablo 11. 88.3. Hing The number of hinges (at least two) depends on the Kind of window (lype, model, size and construction) For all kinds of opening rectangular windows, it's recommended to use hinge pins with a diameter In accordance with table 11 ‘Table 11 — Diameter of bolts and pins Direnslons in ritinetres Thread of ‘ewlagbott and nut in accordance ‘with 150 26¢ Diameter of hinge pln for wingboit | gla ‘w20 12 180 3903:1993(E) 5.8 Fixing device All sidewards opening rectangular windows shall be provided with a fitted fixing device (or example hook). This fixing device Is part of the window to be delivered. 6 Materials 61 Maln frame, glassholder and glass-retaining frame The main components of a rectangular window (main frame, glassholder and glass-retaining frame) shall be manufactured from the materials given In table 13, These materials shall be marine corrosion reslstant and shall have the minimum mechanical properties givon In table 14, The values for the minimum tensile strength and iminkmum elongation given in table %4 are valld for the types of windows indicated. However, the ma- terial used should comply with any relevant national standard. ‘The material class code numbers given in table 13, which are for indicating the material In the desig- ration ofthe rectangular windows, are combinations of the material code numbers, givon in table 12, for the main frame, the glassholder and the glass- ‘elaining frame, in that order. Table 12 — Material code numbors 5.7 Gaskets for glassholder and glass-retaining frame To ensure watertightness between the glassholder and main frame, gaskets shall be used. 8.71 Type of gasket ‘The gaskets shall be of lype A, B oF C In accordance ‘with 180 3802, at the manufacturer's discretion. 57.2. Fixing of gaskets The gaskets shall be secured in the grooves of the lassholder by means of a sullable adhesive. Capit by the Ilene! Orgorizotin Fr Slondriation Fay 08 143530 7005 Material ‘code Material umber ‘Copper material (for example brass, gun metal). Ferrove material (fr example rll ‘tao, ron) “Aurinia material (onl or wrought al- ley) ‘components (or example fasshaldere for non-opering windows) ISO 3903 93 MH 4851903 0528539 492 mm ISO 3903:1993(E) \ | Table 19 — Matra ctanane Modeler | Meta ot ria stcungdar | “Meang | Mate! aa ‘window ‘window Main frame: Glasshoider | Glass-retaining frame iH ran boted 8 Bian aap aH i wea mat —-~ 2a rail 7] brace” wolded = 7 a ea ont ay Taal ay op nanuma bd ‘wrought or extruded) ee wr ane e —) voted 8 loin alow [=| alumna ay 701 Ti wea = rr) ne ng 202 mild ate! - mild steot woloed 203 ‘mild ateo! - aluminium alloy") trina soy ea | a 308 ‘wrought or extruded) sluriniurm toy") 1) The we ofc or wrought aly optional 6.2 Closing device and hinge pin Table 14 — Tensile trngth and elongation for ain components 1um tons tren Miniewasme materials having the following properties: peor | Mum wnte onan | nin . ng ro window t ‘a) resistant to corrosion; tn “ 4) no fleet on the corotlon resetance of other F 10 ® vert a 2 ) minimum mechanical properties 2s given in ta- Bret, “ opp bythe ineroinel Organization Fr Sh Fei don OS M333 005, a ee ISO 3903 93 MM 4853503 0528540 104 mm 180 3903:1999(e) _Table 15 — Tensile strongth and elongation for closing devices ‘wlngbolt pln Hinge pln screw-in bolt, or swlngbolt and Nat ‘Minka ‘elongation Minimum tense strength ment 250 180 The values for the minimum tensile strength and ‘minimum elongation given in table 15 are valid for typos of windows indicated. However, tail ned shuld comply with any relevant national standard, For aluminium alloy windows, the bolts (scrawin bolt oF swingbolt) ofthe closing device and the hinge pin of the glassholder shall be made of non- Corrodible stool, stainless steel or such alloys as are not tkely to cauise corrosion of windows oF pin 7 Testing TA Watertightness test Maximum allowable pressures for rectangular win- dows with standardized dimensions and with dev- ing dimensions are given in annexes A and B spectively. TAA Board tost To ensure that the rectangular window and packing are watertight when fitied, a hose test shall be car- ie out by the shipbullder to the satisfaction of the ‘owner’s or surveyor’s representative. ‘The test shall consist of hosing the rectangular win- dow by meane of atleast 12,5 mm nominal size hose held not more than 4,5 m from the window and with ‘a water pressure of at least 250 kPa. TA2 Shop fost ‘An equivalent hydraulic tost shall be carried out by the manufacturer beforo despatch by means of (approximately 10% of the delivery a minimum of one window), at a test rossure of 25 KP 7.2. Mechanical strength test 724 A prototype window shall be subjected to @ ‘mechanical strongth test by 2 sultable test method, ‘applying a load equivalent to the following pres: ures: igh by the Iteration! Orgrizolan Fer Stonorizain Fire 03 19357 2003 CC _—=EEEeeeee — ype E windows: 75 kPa; — type F windows: 35 KPa, 7.22. The manufacturer shall, atthe request of the Purchaser, provide guarantees that the metalic materiale used In the construction of the window conform with the strength requirements as ald ‘down In tables 14 and 15, tosting of the matoriats shall be tin accordance with the mechanical test requirements of any relevant national standards. 7.3 Flre-resistance test Windows for fire-resistant constructions (series P) shall have been subjected to prototype testing for fire-resistance (see 180 5787-1) 7A Test for heated windows Heated windows shall have been subjected to the electrical testing described in 180 9494:1992, clause 5. 8 Marking ‘Windows conforming to this Intornational Standard shall be marked as Indicated In 8.1 to 8.2.2. 84 Regular rectangular windows (series N) BAA Marking of body 2) The main frame or some other metallic main ‘component part shall be marked with the letter for the type (E or F). ) Further marking indications are options ampla: for ex — nominal siz — material class; TSO 3903 93 MM 4852903 0528542 O40 mm = manufacturer's name or trade-mark; — number of this International Standard.» 84.2 Marking of glass pane ‘The glass pane shall be marked In accordance with 80 644. 2 Rectangular windows for fire-resistant constructions (serles P) 24 Marking of body The Indications given in 8.1.1 apply. In. addition, fire-resistant windows shall be marked on the inside of the glassholder with the following indications: = fre istanco class (8-0 or B-15; see 5.4.2); = number of the test report. 8.2.2 Marking of glass pane ‘The fire-rosistant glass pane shall be marked in ac- cordance with ISO 5797-1, 8.3 Heated rectangular windows (serles H) 8.3.1 Marking of body ‘The indications given In 8.1.1 apply. 8.2 Marking of gl 8 pane The glass pane shall be marked In accordance with 180 3494:1892, clause 7. 9 Designation For ordering and reference purposes, rectangular windows conforming to this International Standard shall be designated In accordance with 8.1 to 8.2.3. 9.1 Elemente for designation The following basic elements and additional et ‘ements for tho diferent series of windows (depend- Ing on the type of window glass pane) shall be u Inthe order given: @) basic elements 4) denomination (abbreviated): window; 2) number of this International Standard: 180 9909; 3} serles (code letter), a8 specified In 4.4; 4) type (code letter), a8 specified in 42; 5) nominal size, a8 specified in table 2; 8) height of spigot, as specified in 5.2.3; 7) model (code), as specified In table 1 8) matoriat class of window (code number), specified In tabla 13. ) additional elements for designation of regular windows with safety glass panes (sertes N) 8) finish of glass pane (code), as specified in Bad. ©) additional elements for designation of windows for fire-resistant constructions (series P) 9) fire-resistance class of window, i542 8 specified ¢) additional elements for designation of windows with heated glass panes 9 ctrical requirements for testing (code) as specified In 5.43 and tables, 9.2, Exampl 8.2.41 Example for regular rectangular windows (N) ‘A rectangular window in accordance with this Intor- national Standard of regular series (N), heavy typo E, of nominal size 450 mm x 630 mm (window No. 4), with height of spigot e= 18 mm, side-hinged inwards lefthand opening bolted model (IL), material class 411, with glass pane of plate glass and glass finish clear (¥') Is designated as follows: Window 180 3909-N-E4x16ILB-110-11 9.22 Example for rectangular windows for fire-resistant constructions (P) ‘rectangular window in accordance with this Inter- national Standard of fire-resistant serios (P), heavy type E, of nominal size 450 mm x 630 mm (window No. 4), with halght of spigot e= 18 mm, side-hinged Inwards lef-hand opening bolted model (ILB), ma- terlal class 111, for flre-rosiatance class B-15 Is designated as follows: Window 180 3903-P-E4x16-1LB-111-B18 2), Admieatbfe only in connection wth the manufacturer's name or trade-mark. 6 option by he lmationd Orgrizoin For Stondrézain Faden 03 143539 7005 See ee 8.2.3 Example for heated rectangular windows (H) A heated rectangular window in accordance with this International Standard of heated series (H), heavy type E, of nominal size 450 mm x 630 mm (window No. 4, with height of spigot e= 18 mm, ‘ide-hinged inwards lef-hand opening bolted model (LB), made of matorial according to clase 114, fited out with, heated glass pane for power loading 42W/dm? with overeating protection dovice with {group regulation and powered by a single-phase 220-V 60 Hz ac. supply (code 126 14) is designated follows: Window 180 3003-H-E4x16-ILB-111-12618 TSO 3903 93 MM 4853903 OS2as42 Ta? am 180 3908:1993(E) 10 Positioning Rectangular windows s ‘ance with 180 8779, I be positioned In accord- 11 Installation For Installation, the relevant national rules and regulations apply, W any. ‘The dimensions of the precut hole in the shell plate should be as given In table 16, For windows which ara designed for welding-In, the precut hole should be smaller than that Indicated In table 16, In order to keep the gap between the cut and the main frame as small as posslb Tablo 18 — Precut hole imenstons in mitieres ees ya = Sete et ee oe ere : |e a 5 | sooxrio | 82 128 a [are | oe | mw | 7 [wore | ee | a | oed|e|eee ‘Copy bythe internotnal Orgrizoion Far Stondorzatin Fab san 05143542 7005 w Tso 3903 93 ml 152903 OS28543 923 a 180 3903:1999(E) Annex A (normative) Maximum allowable pressure for rectangular windows with standardized dimensions ‘The maximum allowable pressure p to which rectangular windows in accordance with this International St ddard of regular series N (glazed with toughened safely glass panes according to ISO $254), istant series P (glazed with glage panes according to 180 5767-1), and heated ceries H (glazed with glass panes according to 180 3434), may be subjected Is given In table A... ‘Table A — Maxiraum allowable pressure Rectangular window sca wae Nominal saa Clas tetnans? Type sm xm om We 7 woo wats = 2 355 600 10 ” 8 00x 800 2 0 e 4 50x00 2 ° 8 00x 710 6 5 bet! 6 580 x 800, 5 a“ 7 no 0 ° fy . 100% 710 ® “ 1 moon 8 7 e 2 2551200 2 fe 2 0x 200 : 2s 4 a0 x00 ‘ oy F 5 00 «710 0 x Loh ‘ 0 800 0 5 7 ox a0 2 H ® 1 000% 710 2 5 ° $ 100800 6 M 1), The gas tines jase panes of epuar windows varie 8) and tothe main gave pano of windows fr e-relsant sonevustons (certo P)or heated windows (enrioeH} In sped casen, preter glase thickness shall fo od for ebscures gare param tae 583 ” Copyrot by the international Orgrzaion Far Slodoréizaian Frdan 08145545 7005 ISO 3903 93 MM 4YBSI903 O528544 857 a 180 3903:1993(6) Annex B (normative) Maximum allowable pressure for rectangular windows with deviating dimensions Where one or both dimensions (width w, oF holght fy) of a window are diferent from those given in table 2, the maximum allowable pressure, p, In klopascals, shall be determined using the following equation: Js the nominal thickness of the glass pane, In milimetres; Is the factor obtained from the graph in figure B.4; Is the minor dimension of the window, In millimetres, Figure 8.1 — Curve for determination of factor f based on window size ratio epi by the ernie! Ogoniaion Fr Slondrizton Filan 08 143549 7003, TSO 3903 93 MH 4S54903 OS2654S 79, Mm 180 3909:1999(6) UDC 629.12.011.83 Deseptore:shipouldng, rectangular windows, classleaton, mension, specitelens, cesignation Price bases on 10 pages Capit ty te ntereatins Ogoization For Slondriaton Feesan 03 M3347 2005

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