My Vip Essay: Submitted by

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Gogon high school

Legazpi city

Submitted by:
Dhaniela B. Montes
Submitted to:
Mrs. Joy Buere

Loneliness. Depression. Anxiety. Suicide. Sorrow. It’s the pattern everyone who has
experienced and end up taking their own lives. The photo that you’ve seen from the previous page
is a representation of someone who’s suffering from anxiety and depression. They feel alone and
they feel as if the world is against them. That’s what made them weak and vulnerable and it made
them feel the urge of ending their lives. Everyone has problems but some can’t just take the pain
it’s causing them, leaving them with no choice but to end their suffering by killing their selves.
Those artists who painted those artworks wants to illustrate and show how depression feels like,
how it seems to be. They wanted to let people know that depression is the darkness that hides the
light in everyone’s life. Every human is a monster, but they just keep it hidden with the other
demons in their minds.

The artworks impress me in many ways. The way they illustrate the darkness that is slowly
eating a human’s mind is so beautiful that it caught both my interest and attention big time. It is
an artwork that shows beauty and creates a heart-wrenching feeling towards a person who sights a
view of the artwork. Recently, depression, anxiety and mental illness have become frequently
talked and is an issue that’s getting louder and bigger through time. Now, more people are telling
their stories in different ways including arts of course. Many people have experienced depression
and anxiety and some artists have been victims of these too. They showed how it felt by using their
talent in arts which gave way to depression and the suicidal thoughts every people whose suffering
from these has experienced. Depression is a disease of loneliness. But depression is something
more than what we meet in the eye. Depression and anxiety makes us feel as if we don’t belong in
somewhere or have no real direction, it’s the truth that we accept even though it’s not. Remember
that monsters are real and ghosts are too. They live inside us and sometimes, they win.

I don’t suffer from depression, anxiety or any mental illness, in fact I never really take my problems
seriously unless needed. But I’m interested in the human mind. I’m interested in the way people think and
work. I love psychology and I love mystery, thriller, murder and detective stuffs so maybe that’s the reason
why I keep on digging about this depression issue. Depression is something that is hard and is a strong enemy.
There are ways to help those who suffer but they get to choose to hide on their caves of darkness or reach the
light someone’s shining on them. Sometimes, silence means a lot more than noise and talking. Don’t ask why,
just try to understand the blackness, lethargy, hopelessness and loneliness they are going through, that way
they might feel like someone’s finally on their side. Someone who can help and save them from drowning on
their own sea of thoughts. Your thoughts are what’s killing you and it’s the truth. Somehow and someway,
depression kinda amuses me. They tend to be a friendly darkness to those who wants to be alone but they
end up imprisoning them, eating them and make them suffer. Depression and anxiety is noticed by nobody
but the one who suffers from it because disguising it is easy. The happier you look, the less they’ll suspect. You
may disguise and keep depression aside but you can’t hide it forever, somehow you’ll just burst out like a
balloon and let it all out. All the burdens, the thoughts and everything that made you anxious and depressed.
Those things that held you back from being happy will just flow out in forms of tears and shouts. Depression
and anxiety is a quiet disease, anyone can fall victim to it. Depression is most likely to develop because of the
urge of pleasing others, feeling like you belong to somewhere and others. I think that depression is what kills
everyone inside and make them look like a smiling machine all the time, it’s to hide the pain, the anger and
the guilt that they feel. That’s why I don’t smile. I laugh when I want to, I smile when I want to but most of the
time I have a blank face on. I don’t want any emotion to go out. I should keep it to myself, not that I’m
suffering from depression but I just want to be selfish. I just want my problems to myself and I think that’s why
they always say that I think more like a man. I always say, once depression takes you over and you can’t push
through it, you have to close the door and shut the world out. It’s the only way you can survive it but when a
person strong enough to let you out and set you free of the darkness that embraced you, you should hold to
them as long as you can because they can bring the light to the darkness of your world. Everybody reaches a
breaking point so somehow, that heavy feeling will release itself and blow everything that gave you pain out.
They say, monsters don’t sleep under your bed, they sleep inside your head. See each and every new day as an
opportunity to break out from depression and once you’re free, you’ll see the colors of your old black and
white world.

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