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Occupational Health (EHS-HEA)

Generated on: 2019-09-06

SAP ERP | 6.18.11



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Medical Service (EHS-HEA-SRV)

This component enables you to handle all the processes involved in managing health surveillance protocols in the company health
center. You open a medical service for each person who is required to undergo one or more health surveillance protocols on a
certain date. A medical service contains all the data that is related to the scheduled protocols, such as work restrictions for health
reasons, diagnoses, or examination results. The questionnaires assigned to health surveillance protocols can also be generated for
the relevant persons and completed in this component.

Personal Data

In order to use employee data such as name and personnel number when you open a medical service, you need the SAP
application component Personnel Administration.

Schedule Planning

You can create a medical service in the schedule planning component. This component is for managing the appointments in a
medical service, and if necessary, you can also use it to arrange for several health surveillance protocols to be performed during
one medical service.

Completion of questionnaires

Data entry

This data includes:

Length of appointment for the health surveillance protocol

Physician responsible

Next appointment for a health surveillance protocol

Reservations for health reasons



Examination results

Follow-up activities

Status of Medical Services

The system automatically assigns the status of medical services. Statuses are relevant for selecting a medical service because
they enable you to restrict the selection criteria.

Medical services can have one of the following statuses:

New service… 2/27
Newly opened medical services are assigned the status New service. You can delete a medical service that has this status.

Date scheduled

If an appointment for the medical service has already been made in schedule planning, the status of the service is Date
Scheduled. You can delete a medical service that has this status.

Examination started

When you save an edited medical service or an examination, the system assigns the status Examination Started to the
service. You can delete a medical service that has this status.

Service closed

When you use the function that closes a medical service, it is assigned the status Service Closed. You cannot edit the
service or delete it. If you enter a reason for doing so, you can reopen a medical service and edit it.

Service reopened

If a medical service is reopened, it is assigned the status Service Reopened. You can edit the service and then close it
again. You cannot delete the medical service.

Editing Options
The editing of a medical service is dependent on its status:

Status Editing Options

New service Edit the medical service

Delete the medical service

Close the medical service

Date scheduled Edit the medical service

Delete the medical service

Close the medical service

Examination started Edit the medical service

Delete the medical service

Close the medical service

Service closed Reopening medical services

Service reopened Edit the medical service

Close the medical service

The Handling the Status Switch Business Add-In (BAdI) is available in the IMG for Occupational Health. The BAdI is called
before the status switch and enables you to perform follow-on activities, such as checks.

Medical Service Editing

Purpose… 3/27
See Medical Service

You have opened a medical service .

Process Flow
1. When the person to be examined appears at your health center, you access the relevant medical service.

2. If no questionnaire has been lled in, you can have the person complete it now, either manually or online in the system.

3. After the examinations have been performed, you enter the results and other relevant data in the system (see Entering
Data in a Medical Service ).


You can import the results of laboratory or physical tests as ASCII les into the SAP System from external systems.

5. When you have entered all the data, you close the service .

6. You then print out the medical certi cate and forward it to the person in question.

The system uses the stipulated time periods for the protocol to determine the next appointment for the person, and proposes this
date for a medical service when the health surveillance protocol is due.

You can use the logical database to do a statistical assessment of the entries.

Opening a Medical Service

When you have chosen the persons who are required to undergo health surveillance protocols (see Determining Person(s) for a
Medical Service ), you create a medical service for each of these persons.

The person has been assigned health surveillance protocols (see Assigning Health Surveillance Protocols Manually to Persons ).

1. In the Occupational Health menu , choose Schedule Planning Planning Cockpit.

2. Determine the persons for a medical service .

The system displays a list of persons with the health surveillance protocols that they are due to undergo.

3. Select the protocols that you want to group under one medical service.

4. Choose with the quick info text Open Medical Service.… 4/27

Editing a Medical Service

When one or more occupational health surveillance protocols are performed in your health center for a person, you enter the
corresponding data (examination results, diagnoses, physicians, and so on) in the medical service. When you have checked that all
the data is complete, you close the medical service (see Closing a Medical Service ).

For information about the restrictions governing editing options, see Status of Medical Services .

1. In the Occupational Health menu , choose Medical Services Overview Medical Services .

A list of the medical services already opened appears.

2. Depending on the function you want to execute, proceed as follows:

Function Procedure

Choosing a medical service

a. Choose View Current Week (or Current Month , Last
Month , and so on).

The system displays a table of the selected medical


Choose to save your own view and also to select
the statuses required.

Opening a medical service Before opening a medical service , you determine the persons
who require medical services.

Changing a medical service

a. Double-click the medical service to select it.

b. On each tab page, enter data as required (see Entering

Data in a Medical Service ).

c. To complete the questionnaires for the individual health

surveillance protocols, choose Questionnaire .

d. Save your entries.

Deleting a medical service Select the medical service that you want to delete, and choose
Edit Delete.

Entering Data in a Medical Service

Prerequisites… 5/27
You have opened a medical service .

For information about the restrictions governing editing options, see Status of Medical Services .

1. In the Occupational Health menu , choose Medical Services Overview Medical Services .

A list of the medical services already opened appears. You have the following options:

Double-click to select a medical service for a person directly from the list.

Choose with the quick info text Set Filter to limit the selection of medical services.

Choose Questionnaire to call and complete a questionnaire for a medical service.

Choose with the quick info text Import Medical Data to import the test results of protocols and examinations in
ASCII le format.

Choose with the quick info text Historical Data on Person to display the historical data for the person .

2. To enter data for a medical service, select the service and double-click.

The data you can edit includes:

Choose Questionnaire to call and print out the questionnaire for the medical service, or to complete it online in
the system.

Choose with the quick info text Scheduling to go directly to scheduling and edit appointments as required.

Enter the required data on each of the relevant tab pages.

3. Double-click an examination on the Examinations tab page. The detail screen for the examination appears, where you enter
the examination and test results .

On the Test Results tab page of the detail screen for the examination, choose to add or to delete individual tests.

You can also enter the value assessment for the examination directly on the Examinations tab page without accessing
the detail screen.

4. On the Diagnoses tab page, choose with the quick info text Append Row to add diagnoses .

The data you can edit includes:

Start and end dates of the diagnosed illness

Name of the physician who made the diagnosis

Diagnosis source

Diagnosis rating

Diagnosis type

Effects of the diagnosed illness

User-de ned diagnosis text

In addition to the diagnosis description, you can store more information in the User-Def. Diagnosis Text eld. To
make use of this, you can either copy the original diagnosis description to the User-Def. Diagnosis Text eld by… 6/27
choosing Copy Diagnosis Text and edit it, or you can create your own new user-de ned text. You open the user-
de ned text editor by double-clicking the User-Def. Diagnosis Text eld.

You can also enter a comment on the diagnosis.

5. On the Restrictions tab page, choose to enter any job-related restrictions for the person examined.

The data you can edit includes:

Start and end dates of the restriction

Duration of the restriction

You can also enter a comment on the restriction.

6. On the Protocol/General Examination tab page, enter any reservations that you have about the health of the person(s)
examined and the date of the next appointment.

The system uses the stipulated time periods for health surveillance protocols to propose the date for the next
appointment. You can overwrite this proposed date, however.

7. On the Vaccination tab page, you assign vaccinations to persons and log the details of when they were performed.

8. On the Documents tab page, you can create user-de ned texts and append or import external documents that contain
medically relevant data. (For more information, see the documentation for the Industrial Hygiene and Safety component
under User-De ned Texts and Documents .)

Here, the system distinguishes automatically between the following types of object according to how it imports the

Document relating to person

You can import documents relating to a person on the Documents tab page if you have not selected a medical
service on the Service tab page. Choose Doc. Per. with the quick info text Import Document for Person .

Document relating to medical service

You can import documents relating to a medical service on the Documents tab page if you have selected a medical
service on the Service tab page. Choose Doc. Ser. with the quick info text Import Document for Service .

Document relating to examination

You can import documents relating to an examination if you select a medical service on the Service tab page and
add an examination to the service on the Examinations tab page. Then on the Edit Examination Results screen on
the Documents tab page, choose Doc. Exa. with the quick info text Import Document for Examination .

In each case, by choosing with the quick info text All Documents and with the quick info text Filter , you can
control the display of the respective type of document.

9. Choose the Close tab page to close the service after you have checked all the data entered (see Closing a Medical Service

Editing Examination Results

Prerequisites… 7/27
For information about the restrictions governing editing options, see Status of Medical Services .

1. In the Occupational Health menu , choose Medical Services Overview Medical Services .

2. Double-click the medical service whose examination results you want to edit.

3. Choose the Examinations tab page. This tab page shows all the examinations that are assigned to the health surveillance

4. To add an examination to the medical service, choose with the quick info text Insert Row . (If you want to edit the results
of an existing examination, go to step 7 and continue.)

The Edit Examination Results screen appears.

5. Enter an examination category , a service provider, an examination, and other information as required. Save your entries.

You have already created the service provider data in the Business Partners component.

6. Enter the results directly on the Test Results tab page (see step 8 below) or go back to the Occupational Health screen.

7. Double-click an examination to choose it.

8. Enter data as required:

If you have imported the test results , select the Data imported indicator. You now do not need to enter the results
manually on the Test Results tab page.

9. To enter your results, choose the Test Results tab page.

10. Enter the data and save your entries.

11. Go back to the Edit Medical Services screen.

12. If you do not want the results to be changed, lock the examination by selecting the indicator with the quick info text
Locked; Lock .

13. Save your entries and continue to enter data in the medical service as required.

Displaying Historical Data About a Person in

a Medical Service
For information purposes, you can display data archived in medical services about previous diagnoses, restrictions, tests, and so

You can enhance the display of historical data by using the SAP enhancement EHSHRP01 to incorporate data from your own
programs. For more information, see the Implementation Guide (IMG) for Occupational Health and the documentation on… 8/27

Data on the person selected has been entered in the Occupational Health component at some time in the past.

1. In the Occupational Health menu , choose Medical Services Overview Medical Services .

2. Select the person whose historical data you want to display and choose with the quick info text Historical Data on
Person .

3. Select the historical data you want to display and con rm your entries.

Closing a Medical Service

When all the examinations for the health surveillance protocol have been completed for the person in question, and all the relevant
data such as examination results, diagnoses, and so on has been stored in the medical service (see Entering Data in a Medical
Service ), you close the medical service. Before you do this, you should check carefully to see if all the data has been entered,
because you cannot edit the service again afterwards. You can, however, reopen a medical service. It is then given the status
Revision . After you have changed the data, you must close the service again.

All the questionnaires for the health surveillance protocols in the medical service have been closed.

1. In the Occupational Health menu , choose Medical Services Overview Medical Services .

A list of the medical services already opened appears.

2. Double-click the medical service you want to close.

3. Choose with the quick info text Check Service to check whether all the data required for the medical service has been
edited completely.

4. On the Close tab page, enter Complete in the Check eld. Enter data in the other elds as required.

5. Choose with the quick info text Close Medical Service .

A dialog box appears prompting you to con rm the closing of the service.

6. Choose Yes .

You have closed the medical service. An error list appears if any of the required steps were omitted before you closed the medical
service. You can enter the missing data or ignore the system message. When you close a service, you can no longer edit the data.… 9/27

Editing Vaccinations
You can use this procedure to assign vaccinations and document their details for persons who have to be vaccinated owing to their
tasks or activities.

You have the following options for accessing the vaccination editing function:

Edit the vaccination directly

Edit the vaccination from a medical service

Both options are described below.


In Customizing for Occupational Health, you have created one or more health surveillance protocol categories under Specify
Protocol Categories that are identi able as vaccinations (for example, vaccination, immunization). For more information, see the
documentation for the IMG activity.

To ensure that the system can determine the sequence and frequencies for any follow-up vaccinations or boosters, you must also
have created examination types in Customizing that represent the series of vaccinations. For more information, see the
Implementation Guide (IMG) for Occupational Health under Specify Examination Types.


In the Basic Data (EHS-HEA-BD) component, you have created health surveillance protocols for the protocol categories you use
for vaccinations (see Editing Health Surveillance Protocols). You have assigned the relevant time periods to these health
surveillance protocols (see Stipulated Time Periods for Health Surveillance Protocols).

You have set the protocols to the status Active. This is necessary so that you can assign persons to the health surveillance

Editing the Vaccination Directly

1. In the Occupational Health menu, choose Medical Services Edit Vaccinations .

2. Select the person to whom you want to assign the vaccination and con rm your entry.

3. Enter the date and the protocol category.

4. Assign the examination type and con rm your entries.

If follow-on appointments are planned, the system calculates these based on the examination type and the frequencies.

5. Enter the information on the product used and save your entries.

6. For vaccinations that were performed, set the Done indicator and save.

This causes the system to create a medical service automatically, which is closed. It enters the number of the medical
service in the Service no. eld.… 10/27

If you subsequently need to change the data for the vaccination (such as the date), you can reopen the service. To do
this, in the Occupational Health menu choose Medical Services Edit Medical Services . Then select the required
medical service for the person on the Service tab page and choose MedicalService Reopen .

Editing the Vaccination from a Medical Service

1. In the Occupational Health menu, choose Medical Services Edit Medical Services .

2. Select the person to whom you want to assign the vaccination and con rm your entry.

3. Move to the Vaccination tab page.

If you have selected an open medical service on the tab page, the vaccination is assigned to this service and the
medical service remains open.

If a medical service is not selected, a new one is created and it remains open after the vaccination is performed.

If a closed medical service is selected, a new medical service is created and it is closed after the vaccination is

4. Enter the required information in the same manner as in steps 3. through 6. in the Editing the Vaccination Directly section.

Creating Brief Consultations

Using this procedure, you document brief consultations, for example, when a patient visits the health center brie y for medical
advice or is given medication for a headache. You can use a user-de ned text editor for support.

You have created health surveillance protocols that are assigned to the protocol category Brief Consultation .

1. In the Occupational Health menu , choose Medical Services Create Brief Consultations .

2. Select the person for whom you want to create the brief consultation and con rm your entry.

3. Under Protocol category select Brief Consultation .

4. Select a protocol.

5. Leave the Close Service indicator set if the medical service that the system creates automatically should also be closed
automatically. Deselect it if you do not want this to happen.

6. Enter your description of the brief consultation in the user-de ned text editor.

7. Under Physician , enter the person responsible, for example, the physician or the medical assistant.

This eld contains the name of the user that created the brief consultation as its default value.… 11/27
8. Save your entries.

Medical Certi cate

De nition
Noti cation of examination results to the employer.

The employer is entitled to a certi cate from the examining physician stating whether the employee can be employed or can
continue to be employed at his or her workplace in the company.

The form for the medical certi cate is edited in Customizing for Occupational Heath .

You print out the medical certi cate from the medical service (see Printing Medical Certi cates ).

Printing Medical Certi cates

When you close a medical service, the print screen for the relevant medical certi cate appears automatically. However, if you want
to generate and print the medical certi cate at a later time, proceed as follows:

You have closed the medical service.

1. In the Occupational Health menu, choose Medical Services Overview Medical Services .

A list of the medical services already opened appears.

2. Select the medical service for which you want to print the certi cate and choose Medical Service Print .

3. In the Print Function Selection dialog box, select Medical certi cate for medical service and con rm your entry.

4. Enter print parameters as required and choose Print.

You can also print out the certi cate from the detail view of a medical service.

Protocol Log
De nition
Overview of certain data on examined employees that the employer has to keep on record.… 12/27
The protocol log contains the following information:

First and last name, date of birth

Home address

Hiring and leaving dates

Social insurance number

Health insurance fund responsible

Type of potential hazard at workplace

Type of activity, start and end of activity

Dates of previous potentially hazardous activities (if known)

Date and result of health surveillance protocol

Date of next periodic examination

Name and address of examining physician

Name of person keeping the log


This data only appears in the log if it has been entered in the SAP System.

You edit the form for the protocol log in Customizing for Occupational Health .

You print out the protocol log from the medical service (see Printing Protocol Logs ).

Printing Protocol Logs

You have entered all the required data in the SAP system.

1. In the Occupational Health menu, choose Medical Services Overview Medical Services .

A list of the medical services already opened appears.

2. Select the medical service for which you want to print the protocol log and choose Medical Service Print .

3. In the dialog box, choose Protocol Log and con rm.

4. Enter the required selection criteria and choose .

5. Enter print parameters as required and choose Print.… 13/27

Medical Data Import

You can import the results of medical tests from laboratories or technical medical equipment to the SAP system as ASCII les.

This function is only available for the following three examination categories:


Laboratory examination

Pulmonary function test

If you want to import data for your own examination categories, you need to use the existing function modules as copy
templates and adjust only those subroutines that affect the actual data transfer itself and do not operate on the key
elds (in other words, are not part of the include LEHS00MDATAUPLF01).

The function modules available in function group EHS00MDATAUPL are:

EHS_AUD_UPL (Upload of Audiometer Data)

EHS_PUL_UPL (Upload of Pulmonary Function Data)

EHS_LAB_UPL (Upload of Laboratory Data)

EHS_PROT_DEL (Deletion of Logs for Object EHS_OH_IM)

Medical data is imported in the medical service component.

The data is available in electronic form as ASCII les. To ensure that the data can be assigned to the correct elds in the SAP
system, each examination category must have the following structure:

Audiogram Examination Category

Field Name Type Length Format

service_prov Char 10 Key

person_reference Char 20

exam_code Char 6

person Char 25 Data

short_name Char 5

audio_baseline Char 1

audio_machine Char 20… 14/27
audio_software Char 20

exam_date Char 8 yyyymmdd

exam_time Char 6 hhmmss

db_left_125 Char 13

db_right_125 Char 13

db_left_250 Char 13

db_right_250 Char 13

db_left_500 Char 13

db_right_500 Char 13

db_left_1000 Char 13

db_right_1000 Char 13

db_left_2000 Char 13

db_right_2000 Char 13

db_left_3000 Char 13

db_right_3000 Char 13

db_left_4000 Char 13

db_right_4000 Char 13

db_left_6000 Char 13

db_right_6000 Char 13

db_left_8000 Char 13

db_right_8000 Char 13

uname Char 12

aedtm Char 8 yyyymmdd

Laboratory Examination Category

Field Name Type Length Format

service_prov Char 10 Key

person_reference Char 20

exam_code Char 6

test_no Char 8 Data

laboratory_patient Char 10

patient_name Char 50

exam_date Char 8 yyyymmdd

exam_time Char 6 hhmmss

reference_ext Char 20… 15/27
type_test Char 60

result_value Char 60

result_uom Char 20 SAP unit of measurement

result_reference_range Char 60

result_normal_low Char 7

result_normal_high Char 7

result_abnormal_ ag Char 5

abnormality1 Char 1

abnormality2 Char 1

result_status Char 1

uname Char 12

aedtm Char 8 yyyymmdd

Pulmonary Function Test Examination Category

Field Name Type Length Format

service_prov Char 10 Key

person_reference Char 20

exam_code Char 6

person Char 25 Data

pulmo_machine Char 20

pulmo_software Char 20

exam_date Char 8 yyyymmdd

exam_time Char 6 hhmmss

fev1_observed Char 13

fev1_predicted Char 13

fvc_observed Char 13

fvc_predicted Char 13

fev1_fvc_percent_obs Char 13

fev1_fvc_percent_pred Char 13

peak_ ow Char 13

vc Char 22

uname Char 12

aedtm Char 8 yyyymmdd

The eld names are lled with characters of Char type in the speci ed length and in the prede ned format and follow one another
to form one single character string in the ASCII le.… 16/27

The entries must keep to the speci ed length because the characters cannot be identi ed otherwise. This means that you
must enter a blank character for unused spaces.

The characters for the rst three elds, service_prov, person_reference, and exam_code, make up the key that is used to assign
the data in the ASCII le to the corresponding object in the SAP system. For this purpose, the person_reference key eld must be
speci ed rst: The entry in this eld can be a medical service number, a personnel number, or a social insurance number. In
Customizing for Occupational Health, you can specify, for each examination category, to which of the three objects data is to be

The further you go into the medical service, the more restrictions you can impose on the number of data records that are

You can display a log of successful and unsuccessful imports.

Importing Test Results

Importing Test Results

To import test results from external applications or technical medical equipment to a medical service. The further you go into the
medical service, the more exactly you can restrict the number of data records that you import:

You can import the data for a selected examination category for all medical services.

You can import the data for all examination categories speci ed in one medical service.

You can import the data for one examination category selected in one medical service.

You can also display a log for the data import and delete the individual logs again afterwards.

The data records that you want to import are available as ASCII les in the format speci ed in Medical Data Import .

1. Depending on the function you want to execute, proceed as follows:

Function Procedure

Importing data for one examination category to all medical

a. In the Occupational Health menu , choose Tools Data
Transfer Import Medical Data .

b. Choose the examination category for which you want all

existing data imported and con rm your entries.… 17/27

Importing data for all examination categories to one medical

a. In the Occupational Health menu , choose Medical
Services Overview Medical Services .

b. Select a medical service and choose with the quick

info text Import Medical Data .

c. Choose the examination category for which you want all

existing data imported and con rm your entries.

Importing data for one examination category to one medical

a. In the Occupational Health menu , choose Medical
Services Overview Medical Services .

b. Double-click the required medical service to select it.

c. Choose the Examinations tab page.

d. Select the examination for which you want the data

imported and choose with the quick info text Import

2. Specify the le and choose Open .

The le is imported into the system and a system message appears, con rming this.

3. Choose Log to display the import log or con rm to return to the screen you started from.

Medical Data Import (Generic)

You can import the results of medical tests from laboratories or technical medical equipment to the SAP system as ASCII les.

The generic import is executed with the function module EHS00MDATAUPL_IMPORT independently of the examination category

This function is available for all examination category de ned in the system.

During the generic import of medical test results, you can implement additional actions, such as carrying out conversions of
examination results, with the BAdI Import of Medical Data (Examination Results) . Implementations of this BAdI are delivered
with the standard system for the audiogram , laboratory examination , and pulmonary examination categories.

Importing medical data is done in the medical service component.

The data is available with space separators or tab separators in electronic form as ASCII les. You must specify the separator used
in the Customizing activity Specify Examination Categories for the relevant examination category.

You have made all required setting in the Customizing activity Specify Examination Categories according to the settings
described there for the relevant examination category.… 18/27
To import data for the audiogram, laboratory examination, and pulmonary examination categories delivered with the standard
system, the data must have the following structure:

Audiogram Examination Category

Field Name Type Length Format

service_prov Char 10 Key

person_reference Char 20

exam_code Char 6

person Char 25 Data

short_name Char 5

audio_baseline Char 1

audio_machine Char 20

audio_software Char 20

exam_date Char 8 yyyymmdd

exam_time Char 6 hhmmss

db_left_125 Char 13

db_right_125 Char 13

db_left_250 Char 13

db_right_250 Char 13

db_left_500 Char 13

db_right_500 Char 13

db_left_1000 Char 13

db_right_1000 Char 13

db_left_2000 Char 13

db_right_2000 Char 13

db_left_3000 Char 13

db_right_3000 Char 13

db_left_4000 Char 13

db_right_4000 Char 13

db_left_6000 Char 13

db_right_6000 Char 13

db_left_8000 Char 13

db_right_8000 Char 13

uname Char 12

aedtm Char 8 yyyymmdd… 19/27
Laboratory Examination Category

Field Name Type Length Format

service_prov Char 10 Key

person_reference Char 20

exam_code Char 6

test_no Char 8 Data

laboratory_patient Char 10

patient_name Char 50

exam_date Char 8 yyyymmdd

exam_time Char 6 hhmmss

reference_ext Char 20

type_test Char 60

result_value Char 60

result_uom Char 20 SAP unit of measurement

result_reference_range Char 60

result_normal_low Char 7

result_normal_high Char 7

result_abnormal_ ag Char 5

abnormality1 Char 1

abnormality2 Char 1

result_status Char 1

uname Char 12

aedtm Char 8 yyyymmdd

Pulmonary Examination Category

Field Name Type Length Format

service_prov Char 10 Key

person_reference Char 20

exam_code Char 6

person Char 25 Data

pulmo_machine Char 20

pulmo_software Char 20

exam_date Char 8 yyyymmdd

exam_time Char 6 hhmmss

fev1_observed Char 13… 20/27

fev1_predicted Char 13

fvc_observed Char 13

fvc_predicted Char 13

fev1_fvc_percent_obs Char 13

fev1_fvc_percent_pred Char 13

peak_ ow Char 13

vc Char 22

uname Char 12

aedtm Char 8 yyyymmdd

The characters for the rst three elds, service_prov , person_reference , and exam_code , make up the key that is used to assign
the data in the ASCII le to the corresponding object in the SAP system. To do this, the key eld person_reference must be
speci ed rst. The entry in this eld can be a medical service number, a personnel number, or a social insurance number. In the
Customizing activity Specify References for Importing Medical Data for occupational health, you can specify for each
examination category which of the three objects data should be assigned to.

See the following settings for customer-speci c examination categories:

You must make all required entries in the Customizing activity Specify Examination Categories :

Specify the database table in which the imported examination results are saved.

The database table can contain more elds than the respective import structure.

Specify the table type that is used for processing imported medical examination results.

Specify the DDIC structure that maps one line in the le to import.

The descriptions of the structure components must match the eld labels of the database table, because the import takes
place using name equality.

The order of the structure components must match, however, the order of the elds in the le for the import, because they
are imported in the de ned order.

Specify the separator that is used in the le to import.

Importing from a space-delimited (separated by space) le:

The eld lengths of the individual structure components must match the lengths used in the import le.

Importing from a tab-delimited (separated by tab) le:

The eld lengths in the structure must match at least the eld lengths in the le. In all other cases, the data will be

If additional elds are lled in the database table or if a data conversion before saving is required, you can implement the BAdI
Import of Medical Data (Examination Results) accordingly.

The further you go into the medical service, the more restrictions you can impose on the number of data records that are
imported.… 21/27
With the BAdI Import of Medical Data (Examination Results) , you can ll further elds, carry out data conversions, and
conduct checks, or implement additional functions after saving data.

You can display a log of successful and unsuccessful imports. The log is entered in the application log under the object
EHS_OH_IM (EHS-OH: Import of Medical Data) or under the subobject EHS_OH_EXA (Import of Examination Results).

The corresponding examination category is saved as an external indication of the application log entry, for example, “01”
for the import of audiogram data.

Import Examination Results

Completion of Questionnaires
The options for completing questionnaires are the following:

Completing Questionnaires Online

If you have direct access to the SAP System, you can complete an occupational health questionnaire directly in the system.

The physician responsible has access to the SAP system in the consultation room. The physician calls the medical
service for the person being examined, or creates a new medical service. The person being examined is with the
physician in the consultation room. The physician accesses the questionnaire from the medical service and asks the
person the questions that it contains. The person’s answers are entered directly in the system. The physician saves the
questionnaire and closes it.

Completing Questionnaires Manually

If you do not have direct access to the SAP system, you can print out the questionnaire and scan it back into the system
again after it has been completed.

Merging Different Questionnaires

If you want to create one single questionnaire by combining all the questionnaires assigned to the different health surveillance
protocols in a medical service, you must set the Merge indicator for the protocol assignment category VOR in Customizing for
Occupational Health . Only the questionnaires are determined that are being entered for the whole health surveillance protocol or
for the speci ed examination category of the corresponding health surveillance protocol.

Questions that are the same in all the questionnaires are only asked once. The advantage of this is that the person being examined
only has to complete one questionnaire.

If you have not set the Merge indicator, all the questionnaires are displayed or printed out one after the other.

This function is called from a medical service.

Prerequisites… 22/27
1. You have assigned a questionnaire to the health surveillance protocol that the person is required to undergo (see Assigning
Questionnaires to Health Surveillance Protocols ).

2. You have opened a medical service for the person who has to complete the questionnaire (see Opening a Medical Service ).

Completing Questionnaires Online

Checking the answers

When a questionnaire is completed online, the system checks the answers for inconsistencies.

If you set No as the answer to a question, you cannot choose between different answer options or formulate your
own answer. This is only permitted when the answer to the question is Yes .

Questionnaire language

You can display the questionnaire in different languages. You can do this only if the catalog entries have been
translated into the relevant language. If this is not the case, the questionnaire is displayed and printed in the
language in which it was originally created.

Displaying all questions with the answer Yes .

It is usually the questions answered with Yes that are relevant for the physician. This is because these questions
often reveal that the person is exposed to particular agents.

Additional Information

You can display other information about the questionnaire, such as the date created, date changed, last person to
make changes, or whether the questionnaire has been printed out, scanned in, or closed.

Completing Questionnaires Manually

Printing out the questionnaire

You can print the questionnaire so that the person being examined can complete it on paper.

Transferring Data from a Scanned-In Questionnaire

After the questionnaire is completed, you scan it in and change the format to ASCII, so that the data can be read
into the system (see Transferring Data from a Scanned In Questionnaire ).

Completing Questionnaires Online

Printing Out Questionnaires for Completion

Transferring Data from a Scanned-In Questionnaire

Completing Questionnaires Online

Requirements… 23/27
See Completion of Questionnaires.

In the Occupational Health menu, choose Medical Services →Overview Medical Services.

A list of the medical services already created appears.

Select a medical service belonging to the person and choose Questionnaire.

This takes you to the data entry screen for the questionnaire that is assigned to the health surveillance protocol (provided that a
questionnaire exists for the medical service).

Choose with the quick info text Choose Other Language to display the questionnaire in a different language. You can do this
only if the catalog entries have been translated into the relevant language. If this is not the case, the catalog entries are shown in
the language used when they were rst created. Choose with the quick info text Set Logon Language to reset the language of
the questionnaire back to the logon language.

Answer the questions in the questionnaire.

If you wish, rst complete only the questions that require the answer Yes. Choose Edit → Not Answered -> No to set all
unanswered questions to No.

Choose with the quick info text Check for Inconsistencies to check for wrong answers.

The system also performs this check when you close the questionnaire.

The system jumps to the rst error, which you can correct directly on the screen. If you choose with the quick info text Check
for Inconsistencies again, the system jumps to the next error. Work through all the wrong entries like this, or choose Wrong
Answers to display an overview of all the errors and make your corrections in the overview. Go back to the data entry screen for
the questionnaire.

Save your entries.

Choose with the quick info text Information on Questionnaire to display additional information about the questionnaire.

When you have completely nished answering the questionnaire, choose with the quick info text Close Questionnaire to close
the editing mode.… 24/27

Once a questionnaire has been closed, it can no longer be edited. For this reason, only the person responsible for the
questionnaire should close it. You must close the questionnaire in order to close the medical service.

You have completed a questionnaire online. You can close the medical service.

Printing Out Questionnaires for Completion

Any person scheduled for a health surveillance protocol must ll out a questionnaire for the protocol in question. If a questionnaire
cannot be completed online for technical or organizational reasons, you can print it out instead. When the person being examined
has completed the questionnaire, it is scanned back into the system.

You have assigned a questionnaire to the health surveillance protocol that the person is required to undergo.

You have created a medical service for the person who has to complete the questionnaire.

1. In the Occupational Health menu , choose Medical Services Overview Medical Services .

A list of the medical services already opened appears.

2. Select a medical service for the person to be examined and choose Questionnaire .

This takes you to the data entry screen for the questionnaire that is assigned to the health surveillance protocol (provided
that a questionnaire exists for the medical service).

3. Choose Questionnaire Print .

The Print Settings dialog box appears. Specify the questionnaire format.

4. Choose one of the following format options:

If you want to scan in the questionnaire after it has been completed, choose Scanner .

A 13-digit code generated by the system appears on the printout beside each question that has to be answered.
This code and the marked answers are assigned to the appropriate questions when the questionnaire is scanned in.

If you do not want to scan in the questionnaire after it has been completed, choose Normal .

5. Choose the language in which the questionnaire is to be printed and con rm your entries.

6. Enter print parameters as required and choose Print .

You have printed out a questionnaire with the relevant recipient data on it.… 25/27

Transferring Data from a Scanned-In

After a questionnaire has been lled in on paper, you can scan it back into the system and evaluate it later.

If you assigned the Scanner format to the questionnaire before printing it out, a 13-digit code is printed beside each of the
questions. This code is generated by the system and is made up as follows:

Number of question catalog

Number of catalog group

Number of question

Number of answer criterion (if applicable)

The scanned questionnaire is stored in the directory that you speci ed in Specify Settings for Scanner File in Customizing for
Occupational Health . The system transfers the ASCII data from this directory and assigns the answers with the 13-digit code to
the corresponding questions.

The structure of the ASCII le must correspond to the structure EHS_SCAN_INTERFACE (interface for scanning in

You have scanned in the questionnaire with the data to be transferred and changed the format to ASCII, so that the
questionnaire data can be read into the system.

You have stored the ASCII le for the scanned questionnaire in the directory designated for it under Specify Settings for
Scanner File in Customizing for Occupational Health .

You have opened a medical service for the person who has to complete the questionnaire (see Opening a Medical Service ).

You have set the Scanner format for printing the questionnaire (see Printing Out Questionnaires for Completion ).

1. In the Occupational Health menu , choose Medical Services Overview Medical Services .

A list of the medical services already opened appears.

2. Select a medical service for the person to be examined and choose Questionnaire .

The data entry screen for the questionnaire appears (provided that a questionnaire exists for the medical service selected).

3. Choose Questionnaire Import .

The Choose Scanner File dialog box appears.

4. Enter the le path and format.

A dialog box appears, showing you whether any errors occurred during scanning.

Note… 26/27
Choose to display the data import details.

5. Choose .

A dialog box appears, informing you whether the data has been transferred.

6. Choose .

The data entry screen for the questionnaire appears. The questions have been answered using the data in the scanned le.

7. Save the questionnaire.

You have transferred the answers in a scanned questionnaire to the SAP system. If necessary, you can now perform evaluations in
the reporting function.… 27/27

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