Dining Like A Champ: Conversation Cheat Sheet

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Phrases You Need to Know at the Dining Table ›››

I have a reservation at nine. Do you have a table for two? May I have a menu?

May I order? What do you recommend? I’ll have this, please.

Excuse me. My order hasn’t come yet. Check, please.

Top Words You’ll Need at the Restaurant ›››


~ please..
指差 話す。 .

appetizer main dish dessert

chicken beef pork salad seafood

What are today’s specials? Can I have a drink menu? Can I have some more ~?


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
How to Choose The Best Foods to Fit Your Preferences

With ~, please.
meat fish vegetables butter sugar olive oil

Without ~, please.

bell pepper onions wine cheese tomato alcohol

Does this dish contain any ~? I can’t eat/drink ~. Please remove ~ from this dish.

Table Request In The Restaurant

Can you bring me (a) ~? spoon fork knife napkin salt black pepper

I need (a) ~.
water bread drink menu coffee dessert

Complimenting and Criticizing the Food

It’s delicious! It looks tasty. It’s very good.

It’s overcooked. It lacks salt. It’s raw!

It smells so nice. This is not fresh. It’s too spicy.

Food Allergies & Restrictions!

meat eggs milk peanuts shellfish wheat soy fish

I am allergic to ~.

I am a vegetarian. I am a vegan. I can’t eat pork.

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