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4A’s Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE Grade 9

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of Personal

Entrepreneural Competencies (PECS).

The learner prepares an activity plan that addresses his/her

B. Performance Standard
development areas based on his/her PECs and improves
further his/her areas of strength.

 Identifying the needs and wants of the people in

order to generate business ideas.
 Differentiating needs and wants.
C. Learning Competencies/  Performing varied activities related to business
Objectives engagement
 Valuing the importance of knowing the needs and
wants of the people to ensure success in the
business endeavor.

I. Content
Lesson 1: Needs and Wants of People
II. Learning
A. References
 Teacher’s Guide TLE 9 Module Guide: Lesson 1
Pages  Needs and Wants of People pages 26- 27.

 Teaching Visual Aids, Marker


III. Procedures
/Learning Activities Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

“Everybody, kindly stand for a

A. Preliminary short opening prayer.”
Activities “Say your prayer, class.”
(Students pray)
 Prayer

 Greetings “Kindly take your seat.” “Thank you teacher.”

Good morning class! “Good morning teacher!”

How are you today? “We’re doing great teacher!”

Alright! So are you excited to
what we are going to learn
today?” “Yes we are!”

“That’s absolutely great!”

 Checking of “Is everybody present today?” “Some are absent teacher.”
Attendance “Ok, attendance checker, please
check the attendance.
“Okay, It looks like you are very
excited, am I right!” “Yes teacher ferl!”

“Alright! That’s great!”

 Checking of “How did you find your homework “We find it very easy
Assignment class?” cher.”

“That’s good! Kindly pass your (Students pass their

assignment.” assignment)

 Review of “Before we start, who can recall our Our lesson yesterday was
previous lesson last meeting, yes Elaine?” about the PECs or the
Lesson Personal Entrepreneural
“Very good Elaine!” Now who can
enumerate the PECs? Yes, Jean.” (student enumerating the
“Very good Jean, you really are
studying.” “Thank you teacher.”

 Motivation “Class, now that you are in Grade

9, is there something that you
want? “Yes teacher!”
Student 1: “We want
some new dress.
Student 2: I want some
delicious food.
Student 3:I need a new
notebook and a pen.
Student 4:I need a new
“Why do you need those things? uniform.
What’s the reason?
Student 1: I need a new
dress, for me to look
Student 2:I always feel
hungry, that’s why I
always look for some
food. Food is life you
Student 3: I run out of
pen and notebook, I need
“Thank you class.” it every day in school.
As you can see, each of us has our
own needs. We also have our own
wants. All these things are
essential for us humans as we live
in this world, right class? “Yes, teacher.”
“What do you think will happen if
your needs are not satisfied or not
given to you?” “I will be hungry teacher.”
“I will be sad teacher.”
“Yes, that’s true, without having our
basic needs provided, we cannot
live happily in this world.”
“For example, if you’re hungry, and
you don’t have something to eat,
you’ll be restless right, you’ll
definitely feel uncomfortable, or
worse, you’ll be sick”
“Yes, teacher!”
“What do you think will happen if no
one is selling commodities or goods
in our area? What if there’s
nowhere to buy our basic needs? “We don’t have nothing to
use teacher.”
“Yes true, without those people
selling goods, we can’t have our
needs, because of their business
we are provided with our basic
needs and even our wants.”
“Now class, what do you think is
our lesson for today?” “It’s about our needs,
“It’s about our wants.”
“Yes, very good class!” Our topic
for today is about “Needs and
Wants of People.”

“But before we proceed to our

lesson, do you want to have an
activity first?” “Yes, teacher!”
“Ok, good.”
 House Rules “But first, I want you to read our
house rules, I hope that it will be
observed during our discussion.
Everybody please read.” (Students reading the
house rules)
And also these are our objectives
for today. 1,2,3 blow.
(students reading)
B. Lesson Proper

 Activity (I need it, I want it)

(The teacher will group the class

into 3 groups. Each group should
have a name, and it will be done by
draw. The group names are
should select a leader.
The teacher will present 12
wordswritten in a strip of paper and
distribute it equally to the 3 groups.
The teacher will put the words
“Needs” and “Wants” on the board,
and the students will post that
words distributed to them on
theboard where it belongs.
Students are given 3 minutes to
finish. The group who got the most
correct answer will be given points.

“Group COMMITED, are you “Yes, we are!”

“How about group RISK-TAKERS”
“ HARDWORKING group are you
ready?” “Yes we are!”

That’s great! Let’s start.

“Students are doing the

B. Analysis “So class, how do you find the

activity?” “It was fun teacher!”
“Now let us check if you got it right.”
What do you mean by “Needs” or
shall we say basic needs.
Everybody please read (students reading)
These are essential to
every individual so he/she
may be able to live with
dignity and pride in the
community of people.
Examplesof our basic needs are,
please read. (students reading)
Examples of our basic
needs are;
1. foods

When we say “Wants” these

are…Please read everybody. (students reading)

Wants- these are our

desires, luxury,
extravagance that signify
wealth and an expensive
way of living. Wants or
desires are considered
above all the basic
necessities of life,
1. fashion accessories
2. shoes
3. travelling around the
4. eating in an exclusive
5. watching cinemas
6. concerts
7. luxurious cars

C. Abstraction Needs and wants of people are the

basic indicators of the kind of
business that you may engage in
because it can serve as the
measure of your success. Some
other good points that you might
consider in business undertakings
are the kind of people, their needs,
wants, lifestyle, culture and
tradition, and social orientation that
they have.
D. Application

With the same group, the teacher

will assign a task for each of the
group. Each group will initiate or
think of a business that they can do
within their community, to help
provide the needs and wants of the
people. They will present it in front
of the class by;
Group 1: Role playing
Group 2: Interview
Group 3: Poster making
The students will be given 10mins.
to prepare and 3 minutes each
group to present their work and
discuss it in front.

Criteria for the Activity

Total --------------30pts.

How do you find the activity class? “It was fun and
challenging teacher.”
Why do you say so?
“Because we need to
think for a business to put
Yes, it was challenging, but still you up.”
did it. That was very good job class!

“Thank you teacher!”

Are you learning today class?
“Yes we are!”

Amazing! Glad to hear that.

E. Evaluation Now, let’s see if you learn

something. Please get ¼ sheet of
paper and answer the ff.

Direction: Choose the letter of the

correct answer. Write your answer
on your paper.

1. Which of the following is a

common activity of an
A. Advocate against global
B. Deliver goods and services to
the market
C. Volunteer in a community clean-
up activity
D. Preach in different churches or
group of churchgoers

2. These are essential to every

individual so he/she may be able to
live with dignity and pride in the
community of people.
a. Basic needs
b. Wants
c. Desires
d. Goods

3. These are our desires, luxury,

and extravagance that signify
wealth and expensive living.
a. Belongings
b. Commodities
c. Wants
d. Basic needs

4. Which of the following is an

example of our basic needs?

a. smart phones, shoes, perfume

b. exclusive restaurant, watching
concerts, plays
c. Clothing, foods, shelter
d. Laptops, aircon, wifi

5. These are the basic indicators of

the kind of business that you may
engage in because it can serve as
the measure of your success.
a. Necessities
b. Extravagance
c. Commodities
c. Needs and wants of people
F. Assignment Now, for your assignment.

1. Investigate the needs and wants

within your community, and list at
least 10 of it.
2. Being a young entrepreneur,
think of a business that you can
make to help provide the needs
and wants in your community.
3. Write your assignment in a long
size bondpaper.

Prepared by:

Ferleza C. Basulgan

Noted and Critic by:

Sir Marc Pelitro_____
Coordinating Teacher
Demo Teaching Documentation

School: Southern Technological Institute of the Phils., Inc. (STIP)

Teacher: Sir Marc Pelitro
Time: 7:15 – 8:15 AM/ July 16, 2019
Subject: ICT

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