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Al muminun 1 - 16

1. Indeed lucky people who believe

2. (They are) those who khusu in prayer
3. and those who shy away from the (deeds and sayings)
4. and those who give charity
5. and those who keep his cock
6. except terhadapa wives - their wives or slaves that they have, then surely they are not
7. But who's looking behind it (adultery, and so on), then they are people - people who go beyond
the boundaries
8. and (very lucky) people who maintain the mandate - the mandate and promise
9. and the people who maintain the prayer
10. they are the people who will inherit
11. (ie) who will inherit (heaven) Firdaus. they will abide therein
12. and indeed, we have created man from an extract (derived) from the ground.
13. kamudian we make semen (stored) in a solid (uterus)
14. later, the semen we make something inherent, then something inherent that we made a piece of
flesh, and then a piece of meat that we make the bones, then the bones that we wrap with bacon.
then, we make a creature that (form) else. Glory be to Allah, the creator of the most good.
15. then after that, you really would have died.
16. then, you really will be raised (again) on the Day of Resurrection.

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