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Date 2019-08-26

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Key decisions involving Global Expansion Legal Aspects: Dispute with US Federal Bureau of Investigations The most recent and significant case
that illustrates the potential impact of a political factor relates to Apple’s battle with US Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI). Specifically, the
company has disputed with FBI over whether it should be forced to hack an iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino terrorists. The matter
turned into a major political debate dividing the public into two camps – those who support the company and those who oppose it regarding this
particular issue. Moreover, recently members of US Congress demanded Apple to remove controversial Saudi Arabia government “Absher” app.
The app has attracted criticism “due to its nature of curtailing the rights of women to travel and move freely in and out of Saudi Arabia” The
pressure from Congress members to get the app removed from Apple App Store is a stark illustration of potential impact of political factors on the
business. Political Lobbying The amount of political lobbying by the company represents an important element of Apple PESTEL analysis. As it is
illustrated in Figure 5 below, the company has been consistently increasing its annual political lobbying budget during the past several years to
reach USD 6,62 million in 2017. Apple’s lobbying efforts are directed at the development of legislations that are favorable for the business on long-
term perspective. in June 2017, Apple urged the White House to remain in the Paris climate agreement, to retain American leadership, and to take
meaningful action on climate change. Impact of global political factors Apple had to traumatize the impacts of political factors in Celsius scale
similarly. A decision by Dmitry Gorotsov, a Member of Parliament in Russia to prevent lawmakers within the country “using iPhones and iPads to
safeguard them from eavesdropping by foreign special services” can be taken as an example wherever politics interferes with business. Another
lawgiver in Russia far-famed for his harsh approach towards gay info has in public instructed Apple chief operating officer Tim Cook to be illegal
from visiting the country thanks to the latter’s public acknowledgement of his homosexuality on October 30, 2014. These cases can be interpreted
as a clear illustration of potential impact of a political factor on Apple sales in Russia. It is vital to clarify that each cases mentioned on top of relate
to political factors that square measure related to Apple in an exceedingly direct manner. Cook withdrew Apple’s support from the 2016 Republican
convention that appointed Trump for president. Then, Cook helped raised cash for Trump’s Democratic foe, Hillary Clinton. Trump, meanwhile,
attacked Apple on the campaign path, at one point calling for a boycott of its products. Social and Cultural The biggest growth in shopper disbursal
in coming back decades is in square measures of the globe like continent wherever individuals are unfamiliar Apple product. Consumers in those
markets and younger people in Apple’s established markets, such as the United States, lack the strong emotional attachment to Apple products
that drive sales. There is a backlash against costly and trendy product among some customers within the US and Europe. Ethical issues regarding
Apple’s producing in China might limit its products’ attractiveness among socially-conscious customers. Apple’s shut association with China might
offend some potential customers in alternative regions, such as North America and Europe, particularly if tensions with China rise. Apple’s music
marketing strategy has created resentment and led to public criticism from major recording stars that could tarnish the brand image. Legal Apple
has recently entered the extremely regulated monetary services sector via Apple Pay. This could increase the amount of regulation and
government oversight it faces. By providing monetary services, Apple could face increased levels of litigation. News reports indicate that Apple is
progressing to enter another highly-regulated sector: automobile producing. Entering the motorcar business might increase restrictive, insurance
and litigation costs at Apple. Apple depends on a spread of product lined by holding laws, such as software and music, for much of its income. This
leaves the corporate extremely liable to each piracy and proceeding. Apple is also planning to enter in the automobile industry and also working on
electric car project code name “Titan”. Apple is facing huge pressure from investors to launch the automotive and come back their cash. This
project will further increase regulations and litigation costs.

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Title: Companies Can’t Avoid Politics — and Shouldn’t Try To
even when a company tries to be neutral, politics can drag it back in. we have no inside knowledge of how delta came to its decision, however
its original decision andnow, of course, we know that there is no inherent tradeoff between social and financial performance. the two can be
mutually reinforcing.

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