2001 - The Ethnographer 39 S Eye Ways of Seeing in Anthropology Anna Grimshaw

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The Ethnographer’s Eye

Ways o f Seeing in M odern

T he E thnographer’s Eye
W ays o f Seeing in Anthropology

G rim sh aw ’s ex ploration o f th e role o f vision w ith in m o d e rn a n th ro ­

p ology engages w ith c u rre n t d eb ates a b o u t o cu larcen trism , investi­
g ating th e relatio n sh ip b etw een vision a n d know ledge in eth n o g rap h ic
enquiry. U sin g Jo h n B erg er’s n o tio n o f ‘ways o f seeing’, th e a u th o r
argues th a t vision operates differently as a te c h n iq u e an d th e o ry o f
know ledge w ithin th e discipline. In th e first p a r t o f th e b o o k she
exam ines c o n trastin g visions a t w ork in th e so-called classical B ritish
school, reassessing the legacy o f R ivers, M alinow ski an d R adcliffe-
B ro w n th ro u g h th e lens o f early m o d e rn a r t a n d cinem a. In th e second
p a rt o f th e b o o k , th e ch an g in g relatio n sh ip b etw een vision and
know ledge is ex p lo red th ro u g h the an th ro p o lo g y o f Je a n R o u ch , D avid
a n d Ju d ith M acD o u g all an d M elissa L lew elyn-D avies. V ision is
fo reg ro u n d ed in th e w ork o f these c o n te m p o ra ry eth n o g rap h ers,
fo cusing m o re general q u estio n s a b o u t te c h n iq u e an d epistem ology in
e th n o g rap h ic enqtiiry, w h eth er im ag e-b ased m ed ia are u sed o r n o t.

ANNA g r i m s h a w is L e c tu re r in V isual A n th ro p o lo g y a t th e G ran ad a

C e n tre for V isual A nthropology, U n iv ersity o f M a n ch ester. She is th e
a u th o r o f Servants o j the B uddha (19 9 2 ) a n d e d ito r o f th e C .L .R . Jam es
Reader (1992).
The Ethnographer’s Eye
Ways of seeing in anthropology

Anna Grimshaw

Cam b r id g e
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© Cam bridge University Press 2001

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A catalogue recordfor this book is available from the British Library

Library o f Congress Catalogtung in Publication data

Grim shaw, Anna.
T h e ethnographer’s eye: ways of seeing in anthropology / A nna Grimshaw.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISB N 0 521 77310 5 - I S B N 0 521 77475 6 (pb)
1. Visual anthropology. I. T itle.
G N 347.G 75 2001 301'078-dc21 0 0 -0 4 5 5 5 6

ISB N 0 521 77310 5 hardback

ISB N 0 521 77475 6 paperback

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Preface page ix
A cknowledgements xii
Introduction 1

Part I Visualizing anthropology

1 T h e m odernist m om ent and after, 1895 -1 9 4 5 15

2 Anxious visions: Rivers, C ubism and anthropological
m odernism 32
3 T h e innocent eye: Flaherty, M alinowski and the rom antic quest 44
4 T h e light of reason: John G rierson, Radcliffe-Brown and the
enlightenm ent project 57

Part II Anthropological visions

5 Cinem a and anthropology in the postw ar world 71

6 T h e anthropological cinem a of Jean R ouch 90
7 T he anthropological cinem a o f David and Judith M acDougall 121
8 T h e anthropological television of Melissa Llewclyn-Davies 149
Epilogue 172

Notes 174
Index 213

The Ethnographer's Eye explores the role of vision within twentieth-

century anthropology. T h e book engages with contem porary debates
concerning ocularcentrism ; that is, it raises questions about the relation­
ship betw een vision and knowledge in western discourse. M y approach
is built around the notion o f ways o f seeing. By this I m ean the ways that
we use vision to refer to how we see and know th e world as anthropolo­
gists. I will suggest that the m odern discipline contains contrasting ways
of seeing. T heir investigation throws into sharp relief assum ptions about
the status of anthropological knowledge, technique and form at the
heart of contem porary work.
T he book grows out of my experiences as a teacher and ethnographer.
Its origins lie in the unusual position I occupy as a ‘visual’ anthropologist
at the margins of a discipline dom inated by words. Following my
appointm ent to the G ranada C entre for Visual A nthropology at the
University of M anchester in 1 9 9 1 ,1 began to explore the contours o f the
field in which I was now located. Specifically, I w anted to find a way of
anchoring my teaching in a coherent anthropological perspective as a
counterweight to w hat Faye G insburg calls the ‘unruliness’ of visual
anthropology.1 T h e subdiscipline seem ed to exist only in the form of
occasional conferences, as ad hoc collections o f papers and, perhaps
m ost frustratingly, as a body of films which seem ed alm ost impossible to
F rom the outset, m y investigation of vision was n o t confined to
theoretical or historical questions within m odern anthropology. Its
operation as a m ethod or fieldwork technique was also critical to my
enquiry. I had myself started to experim ent ethnographically with the
use of a video camera. H ere, too, I began to be aware of problem s.
T here were plenty of accounts w ritten by film-makers of their ethno­
graphic work; b u t there was little in the way of a reflexive engagem ent
with the anthropological assum ptions built into the particular techniques
and technologies used.
M y own practice and training of students was predicated upon a

х Preface Prcface xi

ccrtain way of seeing the world through the camera lens. Such an different and yet interconnected ways th at vision functioned within
approach was adapted from the training I had received as a docum entary ethnographic research. Gradually it em erged as the organising m otif of
film-maker. At its centre was the cultivation of som ething known as an the book as a whole. For, in seeking to clarify and extend m y under­
observational stance. It was founded upon respect - respect for one’s standing o f issues concerning vision as a teacher and ethnographer, I
subjects and for the world in which they lived. It was a filmic orientation recognised th at the questions which m attered were not about visual
toward social life that was widely assum ed to resonate with anthropolo­ anthropology’s legitimacy or coherence as a distinctive field; rather they
gical sensibilities. Although like many other ethnographic film-makers I were about the nature of anthropological visuality in a broader sense —
instinctively gravitated tow ard such an approach, I had no real grasp of anthropology’s different ways of seeing. An investigation of vision
the origins o f the observational school within cinema, the basis of its offered new insights into the discipline’s em ergence and consolidation as
harm onisation with an anthropological perspective - or, indeed, what a m odern project, exposing assum ptions ab out the nature of anthropo­
was the nature of this anthropological perspective.2 T h e m ore I culti­ logical enquiry w hether im age-based technologies are used or not.
vated an observational approach tow ard ethnographic exploration, the
m ore I w orried about presuppositions inherent to the techniques that I The Ethnographer’s Eye comprises two parts. Its aesthetic is self-con­
(and my students) were using to engage with the world. For, as the poet sciously cinematic. T h e first p a rt is organised around the principle of
Seamus H eaney once observed, ‘technique involves not only a p o et’s montage, in which my thesis moves by leaps and bounds. T h e latter is
way with words, his m anagem ent of m etre, rhythm and verbal texture; it anim ated by the notion o f the mise-en-scene, whereby an argum ent
involves also a definition o f his stance towards life, a definition of his emerges through a slow process of accretion. M y interest in using
own reality.’3 cinematic principles as the basis for the textual presentation of ideas
T h e questions at the centre of this book em erged from the interplay arises from the desire to forge a creative connection between form and
between research and teaching, ethnographic engagem ent and critical content. The Ethnographer's Eye rem ains a literary work and it is
reflection, such that each activity becam e inseparable from the other. At confined by that form; but I ask the reader to m ake a leap o f the
the same time, the location I inhabited within academ ic anthropology, im agination and, above all, to engage in th e book with a cinematic
one m ediated by visual techniques and technologies, offered a different sensibility.
perspective on m y original training as an ethnographer. H ow did my
earlier anthropological education shape my use of a camera? T h e
question was given focus through consideration of my fieldwork experi­
ences as a doctoral student working in the Himalayas at the end of the
1970s. F o r m e, fieldwork had been an overwhelmingly visual experi­
ence. This visual intensity was som ething I subsequently sought to
express in the writing of m y experim ental ethnography, Servants of the
Buddha. B ut what kinds of knowledge or understanding were contained
in m y ‘seeing’ the world?
T h e work I carried out as an ethnographer and the particular role I
accorded to vision was founded upon a certain interpretation o f the
anthropological task. It had been im portantly shaped by the teachers I
h ad encountered at C am bridge, especially E dm und Leach; bu t, equally,
I recognised that my own personal sensibilities were reflected in the kind
of anthropology I pursued. Increasingly I was aware that my use of
vision as an ethnographic technique, a strategy for exploring the world,
em bodied n o t just certain ideas b u t also beliefs about reality, the nature
of subjectivity and the status of anthropological knowledge.4
I began to use the phrase ‘ways of seeing’ as a m eans for evoking the
Acknowledgements xiii

was a very special place in which to live and work during m y sabbatical
leave. Particular thanks are owed to Jim M urray who, as my friend and
Acknowledgements collaborator over many years, persuades m e th at writing m atters.

Anna Grim shaw

M anchester, N ovem ber 1999

I have incurred m any debts in the course o f writing this book. It was
begun five years ago at a time of intellectual collaboration with Keith
H art. T h e developm ent o f m y ideas were im portantly shaped by our
C am bridge-based work. I am grateful to K eith H a rt for his contribution
to the different stages of this project.
M uch o f the book was drafted in M anchester. H ere I owe a particular
debt of gratitude to M ark H arris and Colin M urray who were consist­
ently generous as readers, critics and friends. Pete Wade m ade m any
valuable suggestions; and I benefited greatly from discussions with
doctoral students, A m anda Ravetz and Cristina Grasseni. I w ould like
to thank my cinem a com panions, too, for their indulgence and encour­
agem ent - Inga Burrows, Fiona Devine, Bill Dove, Louise Gooddy,
M arie Howes, Jo Lewis and K aren Sykes. T he staff of the Portico
Library in M anchester helped nurture this book; and Elizabeth Jackson
has been o f im m ense assistance in its com pletion. G ordon C onnell
perform ed valuable services as an editor, offering criticism and support
in generous measures.
H erb D i Gioia, my teacher at the N ational Film and Television
School during 1991 -9 2 , has been an im portant inspiration in the
writing of this book. M y approach to understanding cinem a has also
been im m easurably enhanced by my friendship and collaboration with
Roger C rittenden. Judith Okely, Jakob Hogel and Nikos Papastergiadis
have engaged enthusiastically with m y ideas; and I appreciate Jessica
K uper’s patience and com m itm ent to the project through the slow
stages of its evolution.
T h e final stages of the book were undertaken in New York. I would
like to acknowledge my intellectual debt to Faye G insburg for her
pioneering work in the field. She has also been a w arm friend and
colleague. I appreciate the help of F red Myers in facilitating my
research. D on Kulick and Adele Oltm an offered m uch affectionate
support. David Polonoff revived my flagging spirits and m ade the task of
com pletion m uch m ore enjoyable. Finally, the C .L.R . James Institute


Visual anthropology
T h e re is a trib e, k n o w n as th e eth n o g rap h ic film -m akers, w ho believe th ey are
invisible. T h e y e n te r a ro o m w here a feast is b eing celeb rated , o r th e sick cared ,
or th e d e a d m o u rn e d , an d , th o u g h w eighted d o w n w ith o d d m achines,
entan g led w ith w ires, im agine they are u n n o tic e d - or, a t m o st, m erely glanced
at, quickly ig n o red, la te r forgotten.
O u tsid ers know little o f th e m , for th e ir h o m es are h id d e n in th e partially
u n c h a rte d rain fo rests o f the D o cu m en ta ry . L ike o th e r D o c u m e n ta ria n s, th ey
survive by h u n tin g a n d g ath erin g in fo rm atio n . U n lik e o th ers o f th e ir filmic
g ro u p , m o st p refer to co n su m e it raw.
T h e ir c u ltu re is u n iq u e in th a t w isdom am o n g th em is n o t p assed d o w n from
g e n eratio n to g en eratio n ; they m u s t discover fo r them selves w hat their ancestors
knew. T h e y have little co m m u n ic a tio n w ith th e rest o f the forest, a n d arc slow to
a d a p t to tech n ical innovations. T h e ir h an d icrafts are rarely tra d e d , an d are used
alm o st exclusively am o n g them selves. P ro d u c e d in g re a t q u an tities, th e excess
m u st b e sto re d in large archives.1

Eliot W einberger’s hum orous stereotype gives expression to an image

which I suspcct is widespread in academic anthropology - that ethno­
graphic film-makers are weighed down by technical encum brances; that
they produce large quantities of boring footage which show strange
people doing strange things, usually at a distance; th at they are theoreti­
cally and m ethodologically naive. In his depiction of the field, Wein­
berger also lends weight to the conventional view th at ethnographic
film-making lies at the heart of w hat is known as ‘visual anthropology’.
This project em erged as a distinctive subdiscipline within academic
anthropology during the 1970s. Its appearance was part of the pro­
fession’s postw ar academ ic expansion, which resulted in the consolida­
tion of the discipline at the same time as it fragm ented into num erous
different areas of specialist interest.2
T h e publication o f Principles o f Visual Anthropology was an im portant
m om ent in the consolidation of visual anthropology as a distinctive

2 Visual anthropology Introduction 3

field with its own intellectual concerns and techniques. W riting in the engaging people concretely, for example, within films as subjects and
Forew ord to his edited collection, Paul Hockings expressed the hope collaborators or as audiences for anthropological work.7
th at it would ‘serve to put visual anthropology into its proper place as a Images by their very nature establish a different relationship between
legitim ate subdiscipline of anthropology’.3 Som e twenty years after its the ethnographer and the world she or h e explores. M oreover, image-
publication, M arcus Banks and H ow ard M orphy, editors of Rethinking based technologies m ediate different kinds o f relationships between
Visual Anthropology, attem pt to take stock of this rapidly expanding field ethnographers, subjects and audiences than those associated with the
- asking, for example, w hat constitutes the subdiscipline; what questions production of literary texts. F or instance, students quickly discover that
does it address; what directions m ight it be developing in, and so on. working with a video camera makes them visible, publicly accountable
C ertainly they seek to challenge the narrow focus of the earlier Hockings and dependent upon forging new kinds of ethnographic collaborations.
volume which foregrounded film, and to a lesser degree photography, as Pursuing such an approach offers interesting challenges to students who
constitutive of the field as a whole. By contrast, Banks and M orphy are com m itted to operating in society, rather than in the academy, as
define their area of enquiry as one concerned with w hat they call ‘the anthropologists. At the same tim e as they explore new ways of collective
anthropology of visual systems or, m ore broadly, visible cultural form s’.4 working, students also discover th at visual technologies offer scope for
H ence they have in m ind a m uch broader range of intellectual interests individual self-expression, som ething perceived to be virtually impos­
and they endeavour to bring into active connection areas of research sible within the conventional academ ic text. Ironically, it is the very
which are closely linked and yet have hitherto been kept separate - for m arginality of visual anthropology with respect to the m ainstream text-
example, the anthropology of art, m aterial culture, m useum ethno­ based tradition which opens up an im portant space for experim entation.
graphy, aesthetics and m ulti-m edia. H ere students try out a range of forms in an effort to give anthropolo­
Practitioners of visual anthropology, like their colleagues working gical expression to their identity and interests.8
within other subdisciplines which em erged in the same period of
academ ic expansion, have often expressed a sense of being excluded
Anthropology’s ‘iconophobia’
from what they perceive to be the m ainstream tradition. T hey hover
precariously at the edge of a discipline of words. Ever since M argaret T he perception by visual anthropologists o f operating within the cracks
M ead harangued the profession in apocalyptic term s, she has been of a text-based discipline is, I believe, particularly acute am ong those
followed by countless others who have pointed out the neglect or trained in the tradition of the classical British school. This was the
disparagem ent of visual anthropology by m ost academ ic anthropolo­ context in which I m yself was form ed as an anthropologist. H ence I
gists.5 D espite a growing confidence in the field, and a new openness experienced first-hand the curious paradox th at other com m entators
within the discipline to experim entation in ethnographic m ethod and have noted - the centrality of vision to the kind of ethnographic field­
form, the feeling o f marginality has been difficult to shake off. work developed by M alinowski and his contem poraries, and yet the
Frequently, as a teacher, I hear students expressing frustration with disappearance of explicit acknowledgem ent concerning the role of visual
the conservatism of academ ic anthropology. A ttracted initially by what techniques and technologies, indeed vision itself, in the new fieldwork-
they perceive to be one of the distinctive qualities o f the subject, its based m onograph.9
people-centredness, students all too often experience the discipline as a M odern anthropology, as I was taught it, was not about m aking films,
series of dry, academ ic texts in which hum an presence is rarely interrogating photographs, or experim enting with images and words. It
glimpsed. T h e stubborn persistence of a particular literary form, indeed was about writing texts. B ut even this activity was not, until recently,
its reification in the current climate of academic auditing, seems increas­ specifically addressed. W riting was assum ed to be straightforward, a
ingly archaic.6 It offers little by way of an understanding of the con­ largely m echanical exercise by which the em otional messiness of field­
tem porary world in which visual media play such a central role. Often work experience was translated into the neat categories of an academic
im patient working from within the confines o f an abstract specialist argum ent. Different styles of writing, or the use of particular narrative
language, younger anthropologists respond enthusiastically to opportu­ conventions to shape and interpret m aterials through the process of
nities for experim entation with visual techniques and technologies. writing itself, rem ained unacknowledged problem s in m uch tw entieth-
T h eir use becomes an im portant m eans for hum anising the discipline, century anthropological discourse.10
4 Introduction Introduction 5

M y investigation into the role played by vision within m odern anthro­ nalist, or worse, the tourist; and, of coursc, as anthropological cinema or
pology began, then, with an acknowledgem ent of the paradox at the television it lies dangerously close to entertainm ent. As we know,
heart of my own identity as an ethnographer. Vision was central to how I m odern anthropology has always had a problem of professional legitima­
worked; b u t I had never critically reflected upon the assum ptions which tion.14 W hat is its claim to expertise or specialist knowledge? W hat are
underlay its use as a fieldwork strategy or the kinds of knowledge it the foundations o f ‘ethnographic authority’? Visual technologies as an
yielded. O nce I began to explore the origins and particular preoccupa­ integral p art of a late tw entieth-century anthropology are an unsettling
tions of visual anthropology as a specialist subdiscipline em erging in the r e m in d e r of the continuing salience of these questions.
1960s and 1970s, I found myself addressing questions concerning the T he sheer strength of feeling provoked in anthropologists by visual
m odels of fieldwork (extensive/intensive) and the different intellectual images is certainly unusual. It alerts m e to som ething else. Images are
contexts associated with anthropology’s evolution as a m odern condem ned as seductive, dazzling, deceptive and illusory, and are
p roject.11 Like others trained as M alinowskian ethnographers, I had regarded as capable of wreaking all sorts of havoc with the sobreity of
accepted the conventional grounds by which visual anthropology was the discipline. This exaggerated response, w hat Lucien Taylor calls
dism issed or reduced to the m argins of the m ainstream discipline. For ‘iconophobia’, is interesting, perhaps the m anifestation of a puritan
instance, as ethnographic film-making or photography, visual anthro­ spirit running through anthropology as m odern p roject.14 F or the
pology was (and frequently still is) understood to be about the acquisi­ suspicion and fear of images, expressed by Rivers and Radcliffe-Brown
tion of technical skills; and, as such, it was assum ed not to be inform ed as m uch as by m any contem porary anthropologists, evokes the historical
by ideas or theory. struggle of the Reform ation, which resulted in the elevation of the word
R ecent interest in questions of technique and em bodim ent is evidence and the authority of its interpreters. It is hard not to think of the Lady
of an im portant shift in anthropological thinking; but it has not, as yet, Chapel at Ely C athedral and its rows of images sm ashed by the
been properly extended into a reflexive enquiry into ethnographic ham m ers of Crom well’s men: ‘D efaced images often had their eyes
technique itself.12 Visual anthropologists are still considered to be scratched away, as though, by breaking visual contact between image
unusually interested in such questions. T hey are stereotyped as people and viewer, the suspect power of the image m ight be defused . . . To
hopelessly tangled up in wires and boringly concerned with the workings deface or smash an image is to acknowledge its pow er’.16
of different kinds o f recording equipm ent.
I discovered that I had also absorbed from my teachers, trained as
they were in the classic structural-functionalism of the British school, a Anthropology and the c ris is of ocularcentrism
profound scepticism of visual anthropology as about photography, art or T he am bivalence surrounding vision within m odern anthropology may
m aterial culture. These were the tangible links to a Victorian past from be considered to be a reflection of a broader intellectual climate, what
which the m odern ethnographers were so anxious to separate them ­ M artin Jay calls the ‘crisis of ocularcentrism ’.17 H e suggests that, until
selves. N othing m ade the leading figures of the tw entieth-century the tw entieth century, vision within W estern culture enjoyed a privileged
discipline in Britain m ore nervous than the spectre of gentlem an status as a source of knowledge about the world. Sight was elevated as
am ateurs, dazzled by scientific instrum entation, collecting and classi­ the noblest of the senses. Over the course of the last hundred years,
fying in a m useum context.13 T he revolution which Malinoswki claim ed however, Jay traces the systematic denigration of vision by European
as his own established new goals for his followers. T hey set their sights intellectuals. T h e slitting of the eye with a razor in Luis Bunuel’s
on a position as scientists within the academy; and, in their drive for surrealist film, Un Chien Andalou, is perhaps the m ost stark and shocking
professional recognition, these new scholars sought to effect a radical expression of the m odernist interrogation of vision.
break betw een past and present. H cnce explicitly visual projects built T he case of anthropology is an interesting one. F o r the early twen-
around teamwork, such as the 1898 Torres Straits expedition, were tieth-century anthropologists, people like Boas or Rivers, worried about
defined as archaic and largely dismissed as relics of an earlier nine­ vision and its status as a source of knowledge about the world. B ut as the
teenth-century project. discipline subsequently evolved and consolidated, vision ceased to be
M ore recently, visual technologies harnessed to anthropological en­ problem atised at the same tim e as it assum ed a new significance at the
deavour have, all too uncom fortably, conjured up images of the jour­ heart of a fieldwork-based enterprise. T h ere is then a curious paradox at
6 Introduction Introduction 7

the h eart o f m odern anthropology. On the one hand, the discipline m enting: ‘Since M alinowski’s time, however, anthropology has becom e
m anifests features of the m ore general ocularphobic tu rn o f the tw en­ m ore and m ore scientistic. Vivid descriptions of the sensoria of ethno­
tieth century. This is represented, for example, in the m arginalisation of graphic situations have been largely overshowed by a dry, analytical
visual technologies from fieldwork practice and the relegation of visual prose.’231 believe that here Stoller touches upon the question which lies
m aterials to a peripheral or illustrative role in the generation of ethno­ at the centre o f this book. T here are a nu m b er of kinds of anthropolo­
graphic knowledge. O n the other hand, the turning away from an gical visuality or ways o f seeing m aking up the m odern project. T he
explicit acknowledgem ent of the role of vision within fieldwork enquiry, category ‘observation’ is only one o f these; and even this, if, for
as im plied by M alinowski’s fieldwork revolution, was inseparable from example, given a gendered inflexion, may m ean som ething different
the cultivation of a distinctive ethnographic eye. It was encapsulated in from the stereotype enshrined in m uch critical discourse.24
the phrase ‘going to see for yourself’.18
A nthropology’s current crisis of ocularcentrism has brought the ques­
Visualizing anthropology
tion o f vision to the centre of debate. It may be interpreted as an
expression o f the discipline’s (belated) m odernist turn. F or during the It is my contention th at anthropology, as a E uropean project, is m arked
1980s the problem o f w hat Johannes Fabian calls ‘visualism’ becam e a by an ocularcentric bias. Vision, the noblest of the senses, has been
focus for anthropological anxieties about vision.19 Fabian and others traditionally accorded a privileged status as a source of knowledge about
(for example, David Howes) developed critiques o f the discipline’s the world. It was encapsulated in the com m itm ent o f m odern ethnogra­
‘visualist bias’. O bservation was identified as a dom inant trope in phers to going to ‘see’ for themselves. For in rejecting ‘hearsay’, the
m odern anthropology, one which leads the fieldworker to adopt ‘a reliance on reports from untrained observers, the fieldworkers of the
contem plative stance’, an image suggesting detachm ent, indeed early tw entieth century reaffirmed the association of vision and know­
voyeurism, ‘“the naturalist” watching an experim ent’. T he knowledge ledge, enshrining it at the heart o f a new ethnographic project. But in
garnered by taking up such a stance on reality is ultim ately organised, suggesting the centrality of vision to m odern anthropology, whether
according to Fabian, by m eans o f a whole series of visual m etaphors. explicitly foregrounded or not, I follow Jay in recognising ocularcen-
T h e effect is objectifying and dehum anising. Both history and coevality trism ’s shifting forms and emphases. Indeed, anthropology is charac­
with the subjects of anthropological enquiry are denied.20 terised by w hat I call its distinctive ways o f seeing.25
T h e problem of anthropology’s ‘visualist bias’ has provoked a num ber My investigation of anthropological ways of seeing is built upon the
of different responses. T hese are, of course, inseparable from the m ore acknowledgem ent th at vision operates in two distinctive, b u t intercon­
general reflexive m ood within the contem porary discipline prom pted by nected, ways. First o f all, vision functions as a m ethodological strategy, a
the growing political pressure exerted by anthropology’s traditional technique, within m odern ethnographic practice. Secondly, vision func­
subjects, and by the belated collapse of the paradigm o f scientific tions as a m etaphor for knowledge, for particular ways o f knowing the
ethnography. For example, there has been a growing em phasis upon world. In this latter sense vision may be understood to be about different
voice, ‘the native’s voice’, dialogue, conversation, w hat the film-maker, kinds o f anthropological enquiry. We m ight ask then - w hat vision of the
T rinh M inh-ha calls to ‘speak nearby’.21 O ther anthropologists have anthropological project anim ates the work of particular individuals? For,
sought to escape the tyranny of a visualist paradigm by rediscovering the as we will discover, the m odern project has different visions contained
full range of the hum an senses. It has led to the developm ent o f sensuous within it. It is som etim es conceived to be about the accum ulation of
perspectives tow ard ethnographic understanding.22 scientific knowledge, a process by which the world is rendered knowable;
Although the recent attack on vision does not preclude the develop­ but in other cases it may be concerned with ethnographic understanding
m ent of anthropologies which foreground vision, that is projects taking as a process o f interrogation, a m eans of disrupting conventional ways of
vision as an object and m ethod of enquiry, it certainly makes the task knowing the world; or, m odern anthropology m ight be considered to
m uch m ore difficult. But, as Paul Stoller rem inds us, the particular kind involve transform ation, intense m om ents of personal revelation.
o f detached, objectifying vision now condem ned by the term ‘observa­ Different anthropological visions as m etaphors for particular concep­
tio n ’ was n o t in fact a prom inent feature o f M alinowski’s ethnography. tions of ethnographic knowledge are ultim ately underpinned by w hat I
H e points to the distinctive ‘sense’ of M alinowski’s writing, com ­ call a ‘m etaphysic’. By this I m ean the set o f beliefs by which anthro­
8 Introduction Introduction 9

pologists approach the world. These, too, constitute ‘vision’ in a m eta­ Over the last decade anthropology has been m uch discussed as a
phorical sense; th at is, they are interpretations of the world which find particular kind of literary endeavour. W hat happens if we imagine it
expression through the substance and form o f the anthropological work differently - as a form of art or cinema? Such a proposal may seem
itself.26 fanciful, perverse even, though it is not w ithout its precendents.30 By
‘T he technique o f a novel always refers us back to the metaphysic of suggesting that we ‘see’ anthropology as a project of the visual imagina­
the novelist’, writes George Steiner, the literary critic. In developing tion, rather than ‘read’ it as a particular kind of literature, I believe that
what he calls a philosophical rather than a textual orientation to certain we can discover contrasting ways of seeing and knowing w ithin the early
key works of literature, Steiner seeks to examine the interplay between m odern project. T h e ‘visualization’ of anthropology I propose is built
form and w hat he calls ‘the world view’.27 I will pursue a similar around a particular example. I take three key figures from the classic
approach here as the m eans by which I m ay explore the operation of British school (1 8 9 8 -1 9 3 9 ) and place their work alongside that of their
vision in m odern anthropology. H ence my concern is to try and reach an artistic and cinem atic counterparts. I consider the work of W.H.R.
understanding of the ‘spirit’ o f the work under consideration rather than Rivers alongside th at of Cezanne and the C ubist artists (as the pre­
to attem pt a detailed textual exegesis. Like Steiner, I am interested in cursors o f cinematic m ontage - Griffith, Eisenstein and Vertov); I place
the dynamic relationship between vision as technique and as m eta­ Bronislaw M alinowski in the context of R obert Flaherty’s development
physic. Vision, as understood to m ean forms of knowledge or the of a Rom antic cinema; and, finally, I seek to explore Radcliffe-Brownian
m etaphysics underpinning any anthropological project influences how anthropology by m eans of its juxtaposition with the interw ar school of
vision is used as a particular m ethodological strategy (’every m ythology British docum entary associated with John Grierson. In looking both
. . . is transm uted through the alchemy o f the particular artists and by ways at once, so to speak, I attem pt to develop a way of seeing cinema,
the m aterials and techniques of the particular art form ’).28 B ut equally, anthropologically, and a way of seeing anthropology, cinematically.31
the techniques employed in the exploration o f the world shape the T he relocation of anthropology within the context of art and cinema
m etaphysic by which the ethnographer interprets that world. enables us to identify three distinctive forms o f anthropological visuality.
Seeking to illum inate anthropology’s ‘hidden’ visual history in this I call these ways of seeing: modernist, romantic and enlightenment. Each
way is im portant, I believe, in understanding how certain epistem olo- one is underpinned by different epistemological assum ptions about the
gical assum ptions continue to influence practitioners working in the nature of anthropological enquiry - for example, th at ethnographic
discipline today. F or the ethnographers’s eye is always partial. As the art knowledge is generated by m eans o f the interrogation of conventional
critic H erb ert Read observes: ways of understanding the world; th at it depends on an intense,
w e see w h a t we lea rn to see, a n d vision b eco m e s a h ab it, a co n v en tio n , a p a rtia l visionary experience; and th at it requires the painstaking accum m ula-
selection o f all th ere is to sec, a n d a d isto rte d su m m a ry o f th e rest. W e see w h a t tion o f data to be organised into a com parative schema. Vision as
we w a n t to see, a n d w h a t we w a n t to see is d e te rm in e d , n o t by th e inevitable metaphysic and technique are intertw ined. A m odernist way of seeing in
law s o f optics o r even (as m ay be th e case in w ild anim als) by a n in stin c t for anthropology may be linked to a. genealogical approach; a rom antic vision
survival, b u t by th e desire to discover o r c o n stru c t a credible w o rld .29 to experiential techniques; and finally an enlightenm ent project is orga­
nised around a classificatory m ethod.
By tracing the rise and fall o f these different anthropological visions,
The organisation of the book
we will discover an interesting historical m ovem ent. F o r in the period of
The Ethnographer’s Eye has two parts. T he first p art is built around an British anthropology’s early tw entieth-century evolution, namely in the
investigation of the different ways o f seeing at work in the evolution of period beginning with the 1898 Torres Straits expedition to the outbreak
the m odern project. It involves w hat I call the ‘visualization’ o f the of the Second W orld War, there is a shift from the predom inantly
discipline. It requires a radical shift in perspective. I suggest the m odernist vision associated with the work of Rivers to a very different
recontextualization of anthropology, placing its early tw entieth-century kind of way o f seeing, one that I identify as an enlightenm ent project
developm ent alongside changes in the visual arts which found expres­ and which is expressed in the Radcliffe-Brownian version of scientific
sion, and above all cinematic expression, during the early decades of the ethnography. M alinowski, the rom antic visionary, stands as a mediating
century. figure betw een these two poles. B ut the m ovem ent from one pole to the
10 Introduction Introduction 11

other, occurring over the course of barely a decade, actually inverts the principle of my initial thesis, the book’s first half is unasham edly
broader historical m ovem ent conventionally understood as a progres­ speculative. It is inspired by a m odernist vision. Taking up M arcus’s
sion from the age of the enlightenm ent through rom anticism to m od­ challenge, I use m ontage to disrupt the conventional categories by
ernism . T h e reversal of this historical developm ent in the case of which visual anthropology has come to be defined and confined.
anthropology suggests that the new discipline was m oulded by a flight M ontage, defined as ‘the technique of producing a new com posite
from the m odern age. whole from fragm ents’ by the Oxford English Dictionary, involves radical
T h e second part of The Ethnographer’s Eye comprises a series of case juxtaposition, the violent collision of different elements in order to
studies. I look closely at the work o f Jean R ouch, David and Judith suggest new connections and meanings, it enables me to explore a series
M acDougall, and M elissa Llewelyn-Davies. Vision is central to these of imaginative connections and offers new perspectives on the history of
projects. It is explicitly foregrounded through the use of im age-based twentieth-century anthropology. I use vision here to illuminate the past,
technologies as the m eans by which ethnographic enquiry is pursued. suggesting rather than arguing for the recognition th at contrasting
Drawing on the notion of ways o f seeing outlined in the book’s first part, interpretations of the anthropological task comprise the modern disci­
I seek to explore the interplay between vision as m ethod and m etaphysic. pline.
T h e em phasis of my approach shifts from the speculative or ‘ideal’ to Eisenstein, the great theorist and practitioner of m ontage, once said:
the ‘real’, and the detailed exam ination o f particular instances o f anthro­ ‘If m ontage is to be com pared with som ething, then a phalanx of
pological work. m ontage pieces, o f shots, should be com pared to the series of explosions
My purpose is to try and establish how far vision may function as an of an internal com bustion engine.’32 In characterising the technique in
analytical focus for addressing questions of technique, epistemology and this way, he draws attention to the particular kind o f energy and episodic
form within the m odern discipline. For, in investigating the particular m ovem ent that bursts forth from a collision of shots. C ertainly montage
visual techniques used by Rouch, the M acDougalls and Llewelyn- is the cinem atic form m ost closely associated w ith the Russian film­
Davies, I attem pt to expose changing conceptions about the nature of makers who sought to create a new, revolutionary cinem a as an integral
the anthropological task. part o f the great political, social and intellectual upheaval which
T he question of contem porary anthropological practice is critical to followed the events o f 1917. Film -m akers such as Vertov, Eisenstein,
The Ethnographer’s Eye. W hy do we work in certain ways? H ow do Pudovkin and others were passionately com m itted to overthrowing
particular visions anim ate the m ethods we use as ethnographers, conventional ways o f seeing and knowing the world. T hey recognised
whether or not we use a camera as an integral p art of our anthropological that what we see is inseparable from how we see. T h eir radical cinema,
engagem ent with the world? M y interest in exploring ways of seeing at in breaking the invisible relationship betw een perception and the world,
work in the discipline’s developm ent is no t just about looking differently instead foregrounded this relationship; and thus m ade possible very
at the past. Indeed, I consider it a challenge to convince students that different constructions and interpretations of w hat was conceived as a
the history o f tw entieth-century anthropology m atters at all. W hy should fundam entally fluid social reality.
a young film-maker today w ant to think about som eone like W .H.R. A nthropology’s own late tw entieth-century revolutionary m om ent has
Rivers, an obscure figure from history? It is my hope, however, that by led to calls for greater experim entation and for the developm ent of new
approaching differently questions about the evolution of the m odern forms for the com m unication of ethnographic understanding. M ontage
discipline, it will be possible to engage creatively with the past as an is identified as a key technique by G eorge M arcus, one of the leading
integral part of our own contem porary work. T he developm ent of such a figures in this m ovem ent, who draws attention to w hat he calls ‘the
self-consciousness is im portant in any attem pt to im agine anthropology cinematic basis o f contem porary experim ents in ethnographic
as a project creatively engaged with the birth of a new century. writing’.33 In presenting an argum ent about anthropology and cinema,
it seems appropriate then to exploit m ontage as one of cinem a’s
Montage and m is e -e n -s c e n e
distinctive techniques; but, equally, my use o f such a form, like the
Russian film-makers, is m otivated by a desire to break up the conven­
T h e exploration o f anthropology’s ways o f seeing involves an experim en­ tional ways by which we have come to construct anthropology as a
tation with form. T h e cinem atic aesthetic of m ontage is the organising tw entieth-century project.
12 Introduction

If m ontage underpins the initial conception of the book, its cinematic

opposite, the mise-en-scene, anim ates the approach I pursue in its second
part. T h e form er expresses the bold, expansive and recklessly general­ P a r ti
ising spirit with which this enquiry was launched. T h e latter, however,
in its focus and particularity is an expression of the academic caution Visualizing anthropology
which subsequently followed the initial euphoria. As the book pro­
gresses, its thesis becom es m ore closely and conventionally argued. T he
mise-en-scene, foregrounding relationships within a particular cam era
frame, is now the cinem atic m etaphor by which I ground my specula­
tions through a case study approach. T h e m otif o f ‘continuous space’ is
suggestive of a different kind o f interpretative approach, one which
validates context or ‘situated knowledge’.34
By self-consciously playing with these opposing cinem atic principles,
I seek to evoke also the distinctive interplay o f panoram a/scope and
close~up/detail given new aesthetic expression by the invention of
cinema. A nthropology exists within the broad landscape of the m odern
world; and yet as a form of engagem ent, it is also distinguished by its
attraction to detail, its tight focus. T h e form of the book is an attem pt to
evoke the m ovem ent of the ethnographer’s eye, always tracking between
panoram a and close-up in m uch the same way as the cam era itself.
1 The modernist moment and after,


Tn D ecem ber 1895 Auguste and Louis Lum iere presented their newly
patented cinem atographe to a public audience for the first time. They
showed ten short films, each of which lasted barely a m inute. B ut with
this program m e, cinem a was born. T he first L o ndon screening took
place in F ebruary 1896; and by the end o f th at year the Lum iere films
had been seen in N ew York and widely across E urope and Asia. Public
interest was stim ulated as m uch by the in strum ent itself as by w hat it
could do, th at is record actuality, the world in m ovem ent. John G rierson
com m ented in 1937:
W h en L u m ie re tu rn e d his first h isto ric strip o f film , lie did so w ith th e fine
carcless ra p tu re w hich a tte n d s th e a m a te u r effort today. T h e new m oving
cam era w as still, fo r h im , a cam era a n d an in s tru m e n t to focus on th e life a b o u t
h im . H e sh o t his ow n w o rk m en filing o u t o f th e facto ry and this first film w as a
‘d o c u m e n ta ry ’. H e w e n t on as n atu rally to sh o o t th e L u m iere fam ily, child
co m plete. T h e cinem a, it seem ed for a m o m e n t, w as a b o u t to fulfill its n atu ral
d estin y o f d iscovering m a n k in d .1

Some three years after the first Lum iere screening, Alfred C ort
H addon organised a fieldwork expedition to the Torres Straits islands
from C am bridge. H e gathered together a group of six scientists and they
set out to study the native peoples of a small group o f islands lying to the
north of Australia. T h e Torres Straits expedition of 1898 marks the
symbolic birth of m odern anthropology. Given the great potential
ascribed to the cinem atographe, it would have been surprising if these
late nineteenth-century anthropologists h ad failed to respond enthusias­
tically to its developm ent. F or they, too, were com m itted to ‘discovering
m ankind’. M oreover, H addon and his team were scientists; they were
searching for new m ethods and techniques appropriate to a new subject
m atter. C ertainly H addon him self was enthusiastic about technology,
and he was quick to include a cinem atographe am ong the team ’s
advanced instrum ents. By 1900 he was urging his A ustralian colleague,

16 Visualizing anthropology T h e m odernist m om ent and after 17

Baldwin Spencer, to take a camera with him as an integral p art of the intellectual life was extinguished by 1918. T h e G reat War transform ed
fieldwork equipm ent he planned to use in the northern territories of the landscape of the tw entieth century. T h e world which came after was
Australia: ‘You really must take a kinem atographe or biograph or w hat­ characterised by division, violence, repression and despair.
ever they call it in your p a rt o f the world. It is an indispensable piece of This shift from an era of openness and experim entation to one which
anthropological apparatus.’2 was m ore closed found expression in the em erging projects o f anthro­
T h e close coincidence of dates linking the symbolic births of cinema pology and cinema. Specifically, it was m anifested in the process by
and o f m odern anthropology is intriguing. It forms an im portant starting which each developed specialised practices known, on the one hand, as
point in my attem pt to ‘visualize’ anthropology, since it prom pts a scientific ethnography and, on the other, as documentary film . T he rise of
n um ber o f im portant questions concerning their connection as m odern these new genres was built upon a n um ber o f critical distinctions
projects, and it inaugurates the series of imaginative connections which I focusing around the notions of reality and truth. Perhaps the m ost
trace through the first p art of the book. M y exploration o f the links striking feature o f this shift from innovation to consolidation is th at the
between early anthropology and cinem a is anchored in a particular early prom ise o f synthesis was not achieved. C inem a and anthropology
interpretation o f the historical conditions in which they evolved as diverged and developed as separate traditions. A nd yet, as we will
tw entieth-century forms. It is my intention here to highlight some o f the discover, they share a remarkably similar process o f evolution.
key features of the period 1895-1939, as this period is the context for
the em ergence o f the different ways o f seeing which characterise early
The Lumiere films
m odern anthropology. M oreover, these forms o f anthropological vi-
suality are associated with certain ethnographic practices or techniques. Watching the Lum iere program m e today, a century after its first public
Cinem a and m odern anthropology developed in a period of rem ark­ presentation, it seems easy enough to agree with G rierson’s statem ent.
able change and innovation. T h e two decades preceding the outbreak of T he films still appear fresh. T here is a tangible sense o f discovery, a
the G reat War were distinguished by the num erous challenge to many curiosity and vitality in the cam era’s attraction to the dram a of everyday
established ideas in art, science and politics. Stephen K ern writes: life. It is said that Louis Lum iere’s m ethod was to take his cinem ato-
F ro m a ro u n d 1880 to th e o u tb re a k o f W orld W ar I a series o f sw eeping changes graphe out into society, setting it down in front of w hatever interested
in tech n o lo g y a n d cu ltu re c re a te d d istinctive new m o d es o f th in k in g a b o u t an d him. Even though we can now recognise how carefully he had in fact
ex p erien cin g tim e a n d space. T echnological in n o v atio n s in clu d in g th e te le ­ selected his subject m atter, the symbolic im portance o f the camera
p h o n e , w ireless teleg rap h , x-ray, cin em a, bicycle, au to m o b ile, a n d airp lan e being in society should not be overlooked. Indeed, Lum iere him self
estab lish ed th e m aterial fo u n d a tio n for this reo rie n ta tio n ; in d e p e n d e n t c u ltu ral draws attention to it, filming his brother carrying a cam era and tripod
d ev elo p m en ts su ch as th e stre a m o f co n scio u sn ess novel, psychonanalysis,
over his shoulder as he disem barks from the boat at the end of a sober
C u b ism , a n d th e th e o ry o f relativity sh ap e d co n scio u sn ess directly. T h e resu lt
procession of statesm en. T h e unexpectedness o f A uguste’s appearance,
w as a tra n sfo rm a tio n o f th e d im en sio n s o f life a n d th o u g h t.1
coupled with his jaunty confidence, is rem arkably prescient of Vertov’s
T his is the brilliant m om ent of m odernism - cam eram an in A M an With A Movie Camera (1929).
[the] a rt o f a rap id ly m o d ern izin g w o rld , a w o rld o f ra p id in d u strial d e v elo p m en t, Certainly we have to treat with greater caution G rierson’s claim for
advan ced technology, u rb an iza tio n , seculariziatio n a n d m ass fo rm s o f social life the ‘naturalness’ of this process. It is a view which echoes other descrip­
. . . it is th e a rt o f a w orld fro m w h ich m an y tra d itio n a l certain ties h a d d e p a rte d , tions of Lum iere as a technician or inventor, rather than a film-maker
a n d a certain so rt o f V icto rian co n fid en ce n o t only in th e o u tw a rd p ro g ress o f
with an aesthetic.5 F or from first viewing it is clear th at his films are
m a n k in d b u t in th e very solidity a n d visibility o f reality itself h as d isa p p e a re d .4
neither random u n cut footage n o r are they offering an unm ediated view
C inem a and anthropology were both a part of and an expression of of reality. Both the subject m atter and the presentation reveal conscious
these currents which so distinguish the early tw entieth century. They discrimination.
took shape as distinctively m odern projects during an expansive phase in T he films which constitued the first Lum iere program m e were docu­
world society, one m arked by fluidity, m ovem ent and experim entation. m ents of processes - for example, workers filing out of a factory, m en
T h eir consolidation, however, was achieved in a different climate. T he dem olishing a wall, statesm en disem barking from a boat. As many
optim ism which had fuelled innovation across all areas o f social and critics note, w hat is m ost distinctive is th at m ost o f the films, despite
18 Visualizing anthropology T h e m odernist m om ent and after 19

being less than a m inute in length, show a whole action, an entire of the frame as if on stage. T h e basic unit o f each film rem ains the scene,
m ovem ent with a beginning, m iddle and end.6 M oreover, the action rather than the shot.
takes place within the centre of the frame. T here are, however, two brief T he Lum iere films are usually described by critics as ‘prim itive’
and tantalising m om ents o f doubt. T he first occurs in Demolishing a cinema. B ut in drawing a distinction betw een these early forms and
Wall, w hen Lum iere runs backwards through his cinem atographe later ‘classical’ cinema, another striking feature emerges - exhibi­
sequences of the m en we have just w atched dem olishing a wall. tionism. Tom G unning argues th at the first films were primarily about
Suddenly we glimpse all kinds of new possibilities, ones which in a very ‘showing’, or display, rather than about ‘telling’, the narration of
different and fluid world o f revolutionary upheaval becom e central stories.8 H e calls this early cinem a ‘the cinem a of attractions’, em ­
elem ents of a cinem atic vision. T he second rupture occurs in A Boat ploying Eisenstein’s phrase to highlight the visibility of the cinematic
Leaving Harbour. D ai Vaughan, film editor and critic, highlights its apparatus and the distinctive relationship established between the film
m om ent of spontaneity when som ething unexpected (a large wave subjects and the audience. F or unlike the later films, which create self­
hitting the boat as the rowers move from the harbour into the open sea) enclosed narrative worlds and carefully disguise the relationship
suddenly breaks through into L um iere’s controlled world, transform ing between action on screen and spectators, cinem a before 1906 is,
both the action and the characters.7 according to G unning, explicitly exhibitionist. T h u s people perform for
D espite Lum iere’s attraction to the filming of actuality, or w hat the camcra, they show themselves off and, at the same time, show off
G rierson refers to as ‘docum entary’, there was a curious paradox in his the recording instrum ent itself. T h e audience is addressed directly, and
practice. F o r although Lum iere took his camera out into society and it participates as a collectivity in the enjoym ent o f the spectacle dis­
recorded real life in m ovem ent, he did so from a static point. His camera played on acreen. G unning argues that
was fixed while the world was anim ated around it. O f course it is
it is th e d ire c t address o f th e audience, in w hich an attra c tio n is offered to the
possible to argue that the limits of the available technology prevented
sp e c ta to r by a cinem a sho w m an , th a t defines this ap p ro a c h to film m aking.
him from experim enting with a m obile camera, that his cinem atographe T h e a tric a l display d o m in ates over n arrativ e ab so rp tio n , em phasizing th e direct
was heavy and cum bersom e and had to be m ounted on a tripod. B ut a stim u latio n o f shock o r surprise at th e expense o f u n fo ld in g a sto ry o r creatin g a
closer investigation of how a cam era is used reveals som ething m ore diegelic universe. T h e cinem a o f attra c tio n exp en d s little energy creating
profound than m ere technological limitation. ch aracters w ith psychological m o tiv atio n s o r ind iv id u al personality. M ak in g use
Auguste and Louis Lum iere were m en o f their tim e and class. T hey o f b o th fictional a n d noil-fictional attractio n s, its energy m oves o u tw ard tow ards
were late-Victorian bourgeois gentlem en; they were com m itted to an ackno w led g ed sp e c ta to r ra th e r th a n in w ard to w a rd s th e character-based
situ atio n s essential to classical n arrativ e.9
science and technology; they believed in progress and in the ever-
increasing knowability o f the world. T heir instrum ent, the cinem ato­
graphe, symbolised such an outlook; how they used it as a recording
Haddon and the T o rres Straits expedition
device is revealing of the fundam ental stance which the Lum iere
brothers had tow ard the world in which they lived. T heir films are a Alfred C ort H addon, the organiser of anthropology’s first fieldwork
celebration o f scientific invention. T hey are also a celebration o f work expedition was, like Louis Lum iere, a m an o f his time. He, too,
and the family. M ore profoundly, they are an expression of confidence straddled the nineteenth and tw entieth centuries; underpinning his
in the order and coherence of the world. It is this confidence which finds advocacy of a new m ethodology built upon the use o f advanced scientific
distinctive expression in the substance and aesthetic of the Lum iere instrum entation were older conceptions about the history of mankind.
films. F orm and content are inseparable. H ence, a closer investigation o f the Torres Straits expedition reveals a
In m any im portant ways the Lum iere brothers were nineteenth- m ixture of Victorian ideas with m odern innovative practices; and
century m en with a tw entieth-century instrum ent. H ence the films they nowhere is this m ore starkly exposed than in the expedition’s use of the
m ade owe m uch to earlier forms, especially to the theatre. F or even camera and cinem atographe.
though Louis Lum iere took his camera into society, he recreated, in H ad d o n ’s conversion to anthropology had taken place a decade
society, the theatre stage. T hus his cam era always rem ained at a earlier, w hen during 1888 89 he travelled as a biologist to study the
distance, framing the whole action as a tableau; people move in and out flora and fauna of the Torres Straits islands which lay off the northeast
20 Visualizing anthropology T h e m odernist m om ent and after 21

coast of Australia. In the course of his research, H addon discovered that field later becam e an ultim ate standard of proof. T hey had, after all,
the natives were ‘cheerful, friendly and intelligent folk’, and he began to uniquely ‘been th ere’. 13
form friendships with a num ber of them . H e also becam e convinced that At first, however, these central questions concerning observation and
native life was under threat. At the m om ent he had discovered it as an data collection were not straightforward; and m em bers of the Torres
area for serious scientific study it seem ed to be disappearing before his Straits team shared with their scientific contem poraries a profound
very eyes. W henever H addon asked local people about their past he was concern about m ethod. For, as Schaffer rem inds us, the symbolic shift
told it was ‘lost’; and he resolved to make records o f vanishing cultural from a college arm chair to the fieldsite which inaugurated anthropolo­
practices before it was too late.10 In planning his return to the Torres gy’s m odern phase obscures an im portant feature - the fact that the
Straits islands, H addon recognised that a com prehensive, scientific leading figures were laboratory scientists, rather than literary intellec­
study of native life was beyond any single fieldworker; rather it required tuals.14 M en like Boas and Rivers, for example, were concerned to
a range of different skills and expertise. recreate a newly developed laboratory culture in the field. T h u s they
T he Cam bridge scientists (H addon, Rivers, Myers, M cD ougall, Se- carried with them into their study of native culture the techniques and
ligman and Ray) spent alm ost eight m onths working in the different technology of late-Victorian science. T h e Torres Straits scientists in­
islands o f the Torres Straits. They conducted tests; they interviewed cluded in their fieldwork apparatus, not just a cam era and cinem ato­
native subjects; and they collected inform ation on local custom s and graphe bu t also
practices. T he huge m ass of data was eventually published, under light lests, sp rin g b alan c e, ch ro n o m eter, sp h y g o m an o m eter, tim e m ark er, color
H ad d o n ’s editorship, as a six-volume series. T he visual quality o f the tests, eye tester, d iagram s, brass box, w ools and types, G a lto n ’s w histle, o b ach
Torres Straits ethnography is indeed striking. Each of the volumes is cells, o h rm esser, w histle a n d m o u n tin g , sccnts, syren w histle, h an d g rasp
filled with photographs, native drawings and other visual m aterials as d y n am o m eter, in d u c tio n coil a n d w ire, m arb les, d y n am o g rap h , pseu d o p tics,
d iasp o n , m usical in stru m e n ts, as well som e o th e r bits o f e q u ip m e n t and
im portant counterparts to the written text, and H addon returned to
m aterials n cccssary fo r ru n n in g an d rep airin g th e m .15
C am bridge with a num ber of filmed sequences which he had shot with
the cinem atographe. U nderlying this impressive array o f instrum entation was the problem
Vision was a central question in the Torres Straits expedition. It was of objectivity which dom inated Victorian science. Investigators increas­
the focus o f a substantial part o f the scientific enquiry into native life, ingly worried about their influence on the object o f investigation.
and it form ed an im portant them e underlying the m ode of enquiry ‘Policing the subjective’ was an intellectual, practical and moral
itself. Vision was inseparable from the question of m ethod. As I have problem ; and in a Victorian world of self-restraint and technological
suggested above, it is in the visual dim ensions of the Torres Straits innovation, m achines offered to minimise intervention. M oreover, they
expedition that we may discern what is both archaic and prescient in the worked m ore effectively and efficiently than fallible hum an observers.16
em erging m odern fieldwork-based anthropological project.11 T he concern about objectivity was discernible in nineteenth-century
For m any years M alinowski’s claim to have instigated the m odern anthropology. By 1840 it was recognised th at there was a problem in the
revolution in anthropology was accepted. Now, however, the Torres acquisition of reliable fieldwork data. T h e growing discom fort with their
Straits expedition and other related projects, are recognised as the continuing dependence on untrained am ateurs to supply accurate in­
precursors o f a new, distinctively tw entieth-century project. At its centre form ation to arm chair theorists led to the introduction of photography
was the practice of fieldwork. H addon and his colleagues acknowledged as an im portant scientific tool. A nthropologists shared the widespread
that it was no longer adequate to sit like Sir Jam es Frazer in a college belief that the cam era guaranteed a greater objectivity, and it provided
study, and interpret or speculate on the basis of inform ation supplied by evidence against which other reports, essentially ‘hearsay’, could be
an array of m issionaries, explorers and colonial officials. It was im por­ judged.
tan t to go and see for oneself, to collect one’s own data in the field and Photographs o f ‘types’ or ‘specim ens’ played a prom inent part in mid-
to build theories around such first-hand inform ation.12 Increasingly, nineteenth-century anthropological debate, when questions of race were
then, there was a fusion into a single person of the previously separate param ount. D uring this period, the physical characteristics of people
roles of fieldworker and theorist. Em phasis was increasingly laid upon were taken to be indicators o f their place in an evolutionary hierarchy.17
direct observation. W hat the ethnographer saw him self or herself in the The distinctive features o f this kind of photography reveal the prevailing
22 Visualizing anthropology T h e m odernist m om ent and after 23

scientific anxiety about hum an contam ination. F or the generation of fixed while the world is anim ated around it; the action lakes place in
standardised data for analysis involved the suppression o f both the scenes comprising a single unchanging shot (rather than through a
subjectivity of the observer and the observed. T he ‘type’ was always series of shots o f different lengths and focus - the great innovation of
devoid of a com plicating cultural context and classified on the basis of D.W. Griffith); and there is an explicit acknowledgem ent of the camera
m easurable physical features. M oreover a single person, deprived of by the native perform ers. Indeed, the action appears to have been staged
their individuality, stood for a whole group; and the photographs, for the purpose of the recording itself. H ence, we can describe the
usually frontal and in profile, denied any relationship betw een the Torres Straits footage as an example o f ‘prim itive’ cinem a or what
person in front of the camera and the one behind it. But as one G unning calls ‘the cinem a of attractions’.20 T here is a m arked emphasis
com m entator notes, the use of the camera to acquire anthropom etric on display or exhibition. T he audience is shown som ething rather than
evidence, which focused on bodies rather than on people, could be m ore told som ething.21 B ut with H ad d o n ’s film we have to recognise the
accurately acquired from the dead than the living. In the view of Im absence o f a direct connection between the film ’s actors and its audi­
T h u rn , photography could be m ore productively employed to docum ent ence, for G unning’s use o f the concept o f a cinem a o f attractions is
living people in social activity.18 Later photographs offered glimpses of largely based on the notion o f a shared social context. In m any cases
social and cultural context, usually through the presentation of indi­ m em bers o f the audience were themselves the subjects of the early films,
viduals in ‘typical’ native dress. and they took delight in watching themselves or friends perform for the
T h e photographs published in the Reports of the Torres Straits Expedi­ camera. T he culture and behaviour of the Torres Straits islanders,
tion are strongly rem iniscent of a m id-nineteenth-century style of however, would undoubtedly appear as exotic and ‘prim itive’ to E ur­
anthropological photography. For example, in the first volume, General opean viewers of 1900; and being situated outside the world of the film,
Ethnography, there is a series of portraits taken by A nthony Wilkin, the the audience would inevitably be engaged in a sort of voyeuristic
expedition’s photographer. Individuals are photographed in close-up; spectator ship. Certainly at the tim e there was considerable popular
m ost are presented in both profile and in frontal pose; the photograph interest in faraway places and peoples. F o r a discussion of early ethno­
reveals only their head and shoulders; and the background is completely graphic film and its audiences, see Alison G riffith’s forthcom ing book,
neutral. H addon, too, was an active photographer in the field, as the The Origins of Ethnographic Film. H addon him self seemed n o t to have
volumes published under his editorship reveal. It is im portant to been unduly concerned about the possible conflict between recording
rem em ber, however, that the visual data which he assem bled was placed for scientific or preservation purposes and for commercial screening.22
alongside the vast range of other materials that the C am bridge team of H addon was essentially a salvage anthropologist. H e shared the
scientists collected in the course of their researches. T h e em phasis on widely held nineteenth-century view o f the inevitability of progress; but
the developm ent of sophisticated scientific m ethods for the collection of inseparable from this perspective was an acknowledgem ent that valuable
data m eant that photographs provided just one source of inform ation aspects of m ankind’s history were being destroyed with the advance of
and, in the context of the Torres Straits expedition, the m aterials civilization. According to G ruber, the recognition of the threat which
produced through the use o f visual technologies were always to be faced native peoples and their custom s came b oth suddenly and traum a-
judged against those generated by other fieldwork strategies.19 tically to European intellectuals. By the m id-nineteenth-century, the
H ad d o n ’s use of the cinem atographe is different from his use o f a stills ‘vanishing savage’ h ad becom e a powerful symbol, inspiring m uch
cam era, and it is perhaps m ore interesting. In this work, he presents scientific endeavour. In this climate, and given the urgency of the
living people engaged in social activity. Am ong the fragm entary se­ perceived task, it was n o t surprising th at H addon was determ ined to use
quences which have survived, about four m inutes in total, the greater the m ost advanced scientific instrum ents in his docum entation of a
portion is devoted to the perform ance of ceremonial dances. T he ‘dying’ culture.23
rem aining footage, which docum ents three m en lighting a fire, im m edi­ T he ideas which underpinned H ad d o n ’s salvage anthropology influ­
ately brings to m ind Louis Lum iere’s film, The Card Players. B ut there enced in im portant ways his use of technologies, and especially visual
are other striking similarities between H ad d o n ’s Torres Straits film and technologies, in the field. Fundam entally, he believed that native
the Lum iere shorts. F or like Lum iere, H ad d o n ’s aesthetic as a film­ culture was in decline. It no longer was functioning as a coherent unified
m aker owes m uch to older theatrical conventions. His camera remains whole, as a series of practices which sustained social life; rather it had
24 Visualizing anthropology T h e m odernist m om ent and after 25

disintegrated into fragm ents and isolated relics. M oreover, for H addon,
A n th ro p o lo g y , cinema and the Great War
culture was visible. It was located at the surface of social life, and
external appearances were taken as relatively unproblem atic. Stills Despite the early prom ise of synthesis symbolised by the Torres Straits
photography, as a recording m ethod, was particularly com patible with expedition, cinema and anthropology quickly diverged. Each developed
these assum ptions. It captured the apearance o f things, or as John independently o f the other, even though there were close parallels in
Berger puts it: ‘photographs quote from appearance’.24 T hey arrest their evolution as m odern practices. Indeed, it is the speed with which
m om ents from the past as ‘traces’, asserting a direct connection between the active use of both the cam era and the cinem atographe was effectively
the image and its referent in the world. In this sense the photographs banished from the new ethnographic practice which strikes m any com ­
from the Torres Straits expedition share a similar status to the forty m entators as especially puzzling. T he two leading figures o f the Torres
packing cases of cultural objects which H addon shipped back to C am ­ Straits expedition, H ad d o n and Rivers, have been blam ed in different
bridge for m useum display and presentation. F or while these photo­ ways for the disappearance of visual m aterial from the m odern disci­
graphic and m aterial artifacts are irrefutable as ‘evidence’, their pline. It is argued th at H ad d o n ’s advocacy of the use of photography
m eaning is always ambiguous. T hey are objects out o f tim e and place, and film was harnessed to a late-Victorian vision o f disappearing
expressions o f a fundam ental discontinuity between then and now, there cultures, while Rivers pushed anthropology away from the observable
and here, between the m om ent o f photography or collection and dimensions of social life to a concern with invisible abstract principles.
contem porary viewing or displaying. B ut such items are im bued with But there is an interesting paradox here. F or b oth m en were u n d o u b t­
nostalgia, for they are powerful symbols of a vanished or vanishing way edly com m itted to a ‘visual’ anthropology, even if their interests were
of life, what James Clifford calls ‘a present-becom ing-past’.25 Salvage markedly different. Im portantly they shared with their scientific con­
anthropology looks backwards. It is the past of a society, not its present tem poraries a profound concern with the question of vision.
or future, which has m eaning and authenticity. T he camera did not solve the problem of objectivity in late nine­
B ut if photography effectively serves such a paradigm through its teenth-century science. It merely entered into the debate.27 Over time,
docum entation of discrete items and static states of being, isolating the truth value o f photographic evidence becam e increasingly proble­
m om ents in the past, moving film is about connections, processes, and matic; and by the tu rn of the century w hat M artin Jay calls ‘the crisis of
the linking of the past with the present and future. Berger writes: ocularcentrism ’ perm eated all areas of intellectual activity. Ironically
P h o to g ra p h s are th e o p p o site o f films. P h o to g ra p h s are retro sp ectiv e a n d are though, as Jay points out, it was the developm ent of the camera, ‘the
received as such: films are an ticipatory. B efore a p h o to g ra p h you search for w hat most rem arkable technological extension o f the hum an capacity to see,
was there. In a cin em a you w ait fo r w h a t is to co m e n ex t. All film n arrativ es are, at least since the m icroscope and telescope in the seventeenth century,
in this sense, adventures', th ey advance, th e y arriv e.26 [that] helped ultimately to underm ine confidence in the very sense
W ith this contrast in m ind, I think it is im portant to look again at the whose powers it so extended’.28
film footage which H addon shot during the 1898 Torres Straits expedi­ D.W. Griffith shattered the cam era’s static pose. H e broke up the
tion. His use of the Lum iere cinem atographe reveals culture as lived, as controlled and ordered world of H ad d o n and the Lum iere brothers, and
perform ance. It appears as a continuous and coherent series o f actions confronted his audience with the violence and turbulence o f the age in
carried out by living people in real time and space. which they lived. F or within the space of two decades, the late-Victorian
H a d d o n ’s project then, while rem aining trapped at one level within a optimism, a belief in the inevitability of progress which fuelled technolo­
nineteenth-century paradigm , also contains strikingly m odern aspects. gical innovation, had been replaced by profound despair. European
T his m ixture of the old and the new, the static and the m obile is civilization lay in ruins. T he G reat War opened up a horrifying chasm of
expressed particularly sharply in the visual dim ensions of his work. violence and destruction. G riffith’s controversial film, The Birth of a
Although the role H addon assigned to stills photography in the Torres Nation, released in 1915, cast a long shadow over this troubled land­
Straits expedition reinforced the salvage paradigm o f his work, the scape, standing as the powerful and shocking symbol of a world in
sim ultaneous use o f moving film threatened to underm ine the central turmoil.
elements of such a paradigm . If we place the Lum iere and Torres Straits films alongside some of
Griffith’s m ost im portant work, The Birth o f a Nation (1915), Intolerance
26 Visualizing anthropology T h e m odernist m om ent and after 27

(1916) and Broken Blossoms (1919) we can appreciate how far cinem a world is never offered up as whole b u t can only be approached as partial
h ad travelled in twenty years. In the early footage shot with a cinem ato­ (what you see always depends on where you are), and its m eaning is
graphe, we watch a series of self-contained worlds evoked as whole, neither self-evident nor fixed b u t is endlessly generated through the
continuous and coherent. They appear to be ordered in time and space. different relationships which m ay b e created betw een elements.
As I have noted, the way in which the new technology was used at the James Agee, the Am erican film critic and w riter whose collaboration
tu rn of the century owed m uch to the older, established aesthetic of with Walker Evans produced the rem arkable photographic essay, Let Us
theatre. H ence both Lum iere and H addon presented social activity as if Now Praise Famous M en (1941), wrote of Griffith:
it took place on a theatre stage - people perform ed for the camera;
As a d irecto r, G riffith h it th e p ictu re business like a to rn a d o . B efore he w alked
actions were whole and continuous and unfolded within a scene; the o n th e set, m o tio n p ictu res h a d b een , in actuality, static. A t a respectful distance,
spectacle or display was organised according to the principle o f perspec­ the cam e ra sn a p p ed a series o f w hole scenes clu stered in th e grou p in g s o f a stage
tive which converged everything onto the eye of the beholder; the play. G riffith b ro k e u p th e pose. H e ra m m e d his cam e ra in to the m id d le o f the
audience was fixed in its position, and it was located outside the action. action. H e to o k closeups, crosscuts, angle shots a n d dissolves. H is cam era was
T hese limitations in technique were, I suggest, an expression of the alive, p icking off shots; th e n he b u ilt the shots in to sequences, th e sequences
into ten se, sw ift narrative. F o r the first tim e th e m ovies h a d a m a n w ho realized
p articular vision of society with which Lum iere and H addon worked. It
th at w hile a th e a te r audience listened a m ovie au d ien ce w atch ed . ‘Above all . . .
was one inseparable from the m ore general historical context in which I am trying to m ake you see’, G riffith said .30
they were located. Nevertheless, it is im portant not to overlook the
im portance of their taking the camera into society. Even if they recreated O ne of D.W. G riffith’s greatest innovations in cinema was to move the
the theatre and the laboratory in the field, both Lum iere and H addon camera. T he camera could now be located anywhere within a scene; it
recognised the im portance of developing new techniques for exploring no longer w atched from a fixed place outside the action, but instead it
social life. F undam entally this m eant they were com m itted to going out was anywhere and everywhere within the action. Indeed the cam era itself
to discover people on their own term s. This was a new project, and it becam e part of the action. M oreover, by using it in this way, Griffith
was one which set the early film-makers and anthropologists apart from stripped the camera o f its hum an qualities, for he exploited its capacities
the established intellectuals, who increasingly loathed ‘the people’ and for seeing in ways that the hum an eye cannot see.31 T h e basic unit of
feared the emergence o f ‘mass society’.29 Griffith’s new cinem atic language was the shot, rather the scene with its
Griffith plunges us into a very different world from the one created origins in an older theatrical form; and action was no longer conveyed as
through the use of the cinem atogaphe by H addon and Lum iere. It is whole and continuous (as in the Lum iere and Torres Straits film
characterised by m ovem ent, complexity, interconnection, violence and footage), unfolding within a single, extended and unchanging shot.
conflict. It is not just the vision underlying Griffith’s films which is an Action was broken down into a series o f fragm ents, and m ovem ent
expression of the turbulence of the early tw entieth-century world; this generated through their m anipulation during editing. B ut just as a single
turbulence is also m anifested in the cinematic technique itself, in the use action can now be broken down into parts, so too can the overall
of m ontage. T here are a num ber of examples which point to the growing narrative itself.
developm ent of m ontage as a technique in early cinema; but, like T he controversial scenes of the Ku Klux Klan at the climax of the film
H ad d o n and Lum iere, I take Griffith to be a symbolic figure. For The Birth of a Nation contain all the key features of the distinctive
Griffith took the distinctive language of cinem a to a new stage in his language which Griffith was developing for cinema. We can see here the
m ature films. extraordinary m ovem ent of the camera; the sophisticated tem po created
At its simplest, m ontage indeed m eans juxtaposition, and, as such, it through the pace and rhythm of the editing; and the complexity of the
foregrounds relationships rather than discrete entities; it emphasises film’s overall construction through the intercutting of different narrative
processes rather than static states of being; and it draws attention to the threads to suggest actions connected in tim e while separated in space. It
generation of m eaning through processes of contrast rather than those is this breathtaking virtuosity harnessed to a deeply disturbing vision of
of continuity or developm ent. Using m ontage as a technique m eans that society which provokes such profound unease around any screening of
the world cannot be represented as com plete or stable; rather it is The Birth of a Nation, rendering the film as problem atic for audienccs
evoked as a mosaic, a shifting pattern m ade up of unstable pieces. T he today as upon its release in 1915.32
28 Visualizing anthropology T h e m odernist m om ent and after 29

Film critics have sought different solutions to the problem of their were located outside time and history. T h e techniques and technology
am bivalence towards The Birth of a Nation. M ost com m only they have used to explore them were archaic - that is, they too were non-industrial,
sought to separate form from content, to consider the techniques of and as such they can be understood to be the form al counterpart of the
shooting and editing apart from the film’s ideological dim ensions; bu t visions which anim ate m uch of tw entieth-century anthropological
such a task is, I believe, impossible. These innovations in cinem a cannot enquiry. It is ironic that in the guise of science, the new ethnographers
be separated from a broader context. T he core of G riffith’s original work pursued their enquiries by m eans of personal experience and a note­
lies in the period of the G reat War and the Russian Revolution, and his book.
vision and m ethod were m oulded by these historical circumstances. T he T h e First W orld War profoundly shaped the emerging discipline of
content o f The Birth, o f a Nation, Intolerance (1916) and Broken Blossoms anthropology. It divided the experim ental period of its early m odern
(1919) reflects the turbulence of the world in which he worked. His evolution from the later phase of professional consolidation and specia­
techniques were the aesthetic counterpart to this, an expression of the lisation. Rivers and M alinowski are the two figures considered here who
climate of experim entation in which m odernist artists, poets, writers may be identified with these two phases in the project’s development.
and com posers sought to break decisively with the old nineteenth- Rivers died in 1922, the same year in which M alinowski published his
century forms. This radical rejection of the past posed anew questions m ost influential anthropological work, Argonauts of the Western Pacific.
of subject and object, the nature of the hum an personality, and the place This coincidence of events symbolises the beginning of anthropology’s
o f the individual within society and history.33 professional consolidation, the transform ation of its identity from th at of
Griffith, then, m ust be understood in this context. But his m odernism a ‘cinderella science’ to a fully fledged scientific discipline.3’ T he
was limited. H e rem ained w edded to archaic forms, particularly nine­ process of transition was initiated, b u t not com pleted, by Malinowski.
teenth-century m elodram a, through which he sought to resolve the Ironically, though, of the two m en Rivers was the m ore serious scientist.
trem endous conflicts he recognised at the core of the m odern world. M alinowski’s prim ary concern was to establish w hat Clifford in The
Increasingly Griffith found it difficult to contain these explosive forces Predicament of Culture has called ‘ethnographic authority’ - the dem arca­
within the familiar formal conventions. His sense of m ovem ent, com ­ tion of an area of expert knowledge acquired through specialist practice.
plexity and interconnection found expression in the audacity of the Such a claim was built upon the clarification of a num ber of key
changing camera positions and the extraordinary tem po of his editing; distinctions - for example, betw een anthropological analysis and travel­
and yet G riffith’s m ovem ent was confined to the static world of the lers’ tales; observation and hearsay; depth and surface; science and
studio or location set. Lum iere and H addon had fixed their cinem ato- speculation; knowledge and belief.
graphe in the m idst of social life; Griffith moved his camera bu t only in It is interesting th at a similar process may be discerned within cinema
an artificially constructed world (the studio) located outside society. It during the 1920s. T here was a concern with the clarification of certain
was the Russian film-maker, Dziga Vertov, who, in the afterm ath of the principles as the basis for particular practice. T hese, too, focused
1917 revolution, explored the creative connections between a cam era in around the claim to a particular relationship with ‘tru th ’. T h e move
m ovem ent and a world in movement. towards the establishm ent of a distinctive cinem atic project crystallised
George M arcus, an anthropologist today who has drawn attention to around the term ‘docum entary’. It becam e particularly associated with
the ‘cincm atic basis’ of recent experim ents in ethnographic writing, the tradition established by the British film -m aker John Grierson, who
identifies three key features of m ontage as a technique: ‘simultaneity; used the term as the basis for his developm ent of a national cinem a.36
m ultiperspectivism; discontinuous narrative’.34 These features are D ocum entary cinem a’s claim to a unique identity shared m uch with
closely tied to a particular vision o f m odern society as urban, industrial, that o f its anthropological counterpart, scientific ethnography; th at is, it
fragm ented, interconnected and in perpetual m otion. C inem a is an hinged upon a series of oppositions - revelation and exploration, reality
expression of this new era. Anthropology, however, as a m odern project and fiction, objective and subjective, society and the individual, educa­
is the m irror opposite. It is built upon a profound rejection of industrial tion and entertainm ent, and m ost crucially, tru th and fiction.
civilization. In place of a complex, mobile tw entieth-century world, T h e process by which these key categories em erged as the foundation
anthropologists discovered ‘sim ple’ societies - small-scale, isolated, for distinctive projects in anthropology and cinem a was not, however,
integrated, and fundam entally non-industrial native com m unities which straightforward. T here was often a discrepancy betw een the principles
30 Visualizing anthropology T h e m odernist m om enl and after 31

expounded and the practice itself, as the legacies of M alinowski and to political com prom ise and adaptation, even though individuals within
Flaherty, perhaps the two m ost critical figures in the emergence of each of the projects rem ained com m itted to a radical agenda. Leading
scientific ethnography and docum entary film, reveal. It is no accident figures like John G rierson or Radcliffe-Brown were engaged in making
th at critics never seem to tire of their work. T he status accorded to visible peoples previously excluded from conceptions of hum anity. They
M alinowski and Flaherty in the evolution of the two traditions is never were also com m itted to revealing the fundam ental rationality of these
stable. T h e endless re-evaluation of their contribution stems from the people. But, it may be argued, the visions of society expressed through
fact th at their projects were built upon a blurring of the ideal and the their work, and the kinds of visual techniques employed, were also
real. T here was always a discrepancy betw een w hat they claimed to do perfectly adapted to the needs of a state seeking to order, control and
and what they actually did. Although I suggest that this confusion is confine its subjects. T h e com m itm ent to tru th and to reality as the
actually integral to their particular way of seeing, both figures might foundations of docum entary cinem a and scientific ethnography begins
also be considered as transitional. T heir work straddles the two dis­ to shade into propaganda.
tinctive phases in the evolution of m odern anthropology and cinema, T he achievem ent of professional consolidation which the practitioners
and it contains elem ents from both. T he early phase was characterised of both docum entary cinem a and scientific ethnography sought was not,
by openness and innovation; the later one by specialisation and con­ in fact, secured until after the Second World War. D espite the striking
solidation.37 similarities in their early tw entieth-century evolution, the two projects
It is im portant to acknowledge that the establishm ent of the two moved in opposite directions after 1945. T h e anthropologists gained a
specialised practices, scientific ethnography and docum entary cinem a, foothold in the expanding universities, becom ing increasingly concerned
took place in a climate transform ed by the G reat War. T h e optimism with theoretical and disciplinary consolidation; while the film-makers
which had buoyed all the creative attem pts to break with established sought to break with the established ways of working (indeed blurring
practices in social, political, intellectual and artistic life gave way to some of the key distinctions upon which docum entary practice rested)
pessimism and despair. T h e Russian Revolution of 1917 is the wa­ in order to forge closer links with society. T his divergence o f anthro­
tershed. W ithin less than a decade the explosion of creative energy pology and cinem a forms the context for m y exploration of different
generated by the revolution had been brutally repressed by structures of ways of seeing in the second p a rt of this book. It underlies the em er­
totalitarianism ; bu t the dram atic shift in power away from people and gence of a new field, visual anthropology.
toward enhanced and expanded state bureaucracies was a m ore general
feature of the 1920s and 1930s.
It is my argum ent that the emergence of the distinctive traditions of
scientific ethnography and docum entary cinem a cannot be separated
from an understanding of this broader context. D uring the interw ar
years we can identify a process by which their original radical im pulse
was steadily com prom ised. H ence the early com m itm ent to exploring
the lives of ‘ordinary’ people which, in turn, necessitated the develop­
m ent o f new m ethods of enquiry (principally abandoning the studio, the
laboratory, the study in favour of going into society to ‘see’ for yourself,
to understand people within their own context of life) was gradually
transform ed into a different kind of practice. This process of transfor­
m ation was also reflected in the changing visions which came to anim ate
interw ar anthropology and docum entary cinema. W ith hindsight, both
projects have come to be seen as compatible with a certain kind of state
power; their harshest critics share the view th at each placed itself in the
service of the state, w hether at hom e or abroad.38 C ertainly it is difficult
to avoid the conclusion that the drive for professional consolidation led
A n x io u s v isio n s 33

Griffith. Situating Rivers within such a nexus of relationships makes it

possible for us to discern a distinctive way of seeing at work within his
2 Anxious visions: Rivers, Cubism and anthropology. I suggest that Rivers’ project for anthropology contains at
its core a m odernist vision. It finds expression in the m etaphysic (that is,
anthropological modernism in the interpretation of the world) and m ethod (in the means for
exploring the world) characteristic of his enquiry.
Although I use the term ‘m odernism ’ to describe the key features of
Rivers’s anthropology, specifically its anxious, reflexive and fractured
qualities, I w ant also to draw attention to its distinctive phases. Rivers’
early m odernism , at the tu rn of the century, finds its m ost concrete
T h e m o re h o rrifying this w orld b eco m cs (as it is th ese days) th e m o re expression in the kinship diagram. His late m odernism is to be found in
a rt becom es a b stract; w hile a w o rld at p eace p ro d u ces realistic art. the work he carried out at Craiglockhart hospital with patients suffering
Paul Klee, 1915 from shell shock during the First World War. If the early m odernist
phase evokes connections betw een Rivers and the C ubist artists, it is the
T h e em ergence of anthropology as a tw entieth-century project was latter which suggests interesting links with the work o f D.W. Griffith and
influenced by the work of W .H.R. Rivers, perhaps the m ost interesting the Russian film-maker, Dziga Vertov.
m em ber o f H ad d o n ’s team of scientists who left Cam bridge for the T he significance of Rivers’ contribution to the intellectual life of the
Torres Straits islands in 1898. D espite his im portance, Rivers has until tw entieth century is now being slowly acknowledged.2 W ithin anthro­
recently rem ained a shadowy figure in the intellectual histories of the pology the erosion of confidence in the M alinowskian m yth of the
discipline. T he ambivalence which surrounds his contribution to the fieldwork revolution has forced a re-assessm ent of the discipline’s early
establishm ent of a m odern, scientific and fieldwork-based anthropology phase; gradually, Rivers is being restored to his rightful place as a key
is echoed in the uncertainty associated with the work of his cinem atic figure in the evolution of m odern anthropology. His significance stems
counterpart, D.W. Griffith. Both figures are celebrated and reviled in not just from his pioneering fieldwork m ethods, b u t also from his
equal measure. T h e radical impulse of their work in anthropology and developm ent of a new conceptual approach.3
cinem a is tem pered by the continuing presence of features considered My own recent engagem ent with the work of Rivers stems from an
archaic, indeed deeply em barassing, to present-day practitioners.1 In unusual source. It was stim ulated by Pat Barker, a contem porary nove­
linking Rivers at the outset to Griffith, one of the pioneers o f the new list, who places Rivers at the heart of her trilogy about the G reat War.
cinem atic form, m ontage, I wish to signal the kind of interpretation I Drawing on established literature and her own docum entary research,
intend to pursue here. W hat is im portant for our purposes in seeking to Barker creatively explores the complex personality of Rivers within this
‘visualize anthropology’ is the m odernist vision which animates their historical context. It was reading Barker’s novels, Regeneration (1991),
work. I 'he Eye In The Door (1993) and The Ghost Road (1995), which
T he essay which follows is exploratory and speculative. I make no prom pted me to develop the approach I call ‘the visualization of anthro­
apology for the idiosyncratic range of sources upon which I draw; rather pology’. For, as a novelist, Barker works in interesting ways with vision
I take as my m odel the spirit of experim entation which m arks the and visualization. T hey lie at the heart of her interpretation o f Rivers.
m odernist m om ent itself. T he thesis I develop of Rivers’ significance for She draws attention to their significance in Rivers’ life, not just as
contem porary anthropology depends upon the disruption of the intel­ intellectual problem s b u t as a source of personal fascination. Such
lectual context in which he is conventionally located. H ence, instead of concerns are evoked, perhaps m ost strikingly, by the title of the second
placing his work within the context of late nineteenth-century scienec, I volume of Barker’s trilogy, The Eye In The Door. Increasingly I becam e
will suggest that certain of its key features m ay be understood differently fascinated by the resonances of such a m etaphor. Indeed, as I dis­
if placed alongside innovations in the practices of art and cinema during covered, eyes are scattered everywhere across the novels. Barker often
this period. For it is interesting to note that Rivers’ career overlaps refers to Rivers’ habit of drawing his hand across his eyes; b u t eyes are
significantly with that of C ezanne and the C ubist artists as well as with also found on the battlefield; they are picked up and held in the hand;

34 Visualizing anthropology Anxious visions 35

they watch, secretly but tangibly present, within different scenes. By primitive elements in hum an personality has rem ained an im portant, if
allowing Barker’s visual m etaphor take hold o f my own im agination, I unacknowledged, them e in the later project. In the broadest sense then,
found th at it offered me new ways o f thinking about the role of the I take Rivers to be critical to the developm ent of a new visual anthro­
tw entieth-century ethnographer. How were the two main characters of pology, since the change which took place in his understanding of vision
the novels, Rivers and Prior, contrasted? Was the eye in the door th at of during the course of his career is suggestive of possibilities for its re­
the ethnographer? W hat was involved in looking inside, to the sell, or integration into contem porary anthropology.
outside, spying into the world? W hat did the image of the eye in the But in a narrow er sense, Rivers’ work is im portant because of the
door suggest about vision and anthropology?4 m odernism of its vision. It was, however, subsequently overlaid by other
T h e novels of Pat Barker reawakened my curiosity in a figure I barely ways of seeing as m anifested in the different ethnographic approaches
knew from my own anthropological training. B ut equally it was her developed first by M alinowski and later by Radcliffe-Brown. Today
exploration of Rivers’ character w ithin the historical context of the First these anthropological visions no longer hold unquestioned dom inance
World War which raised questions in my m ind about the very different within the discipline; and, as a consequence, the m odernist impulse of
kinds o f ethnographic enquiry being pursued by the early twentieth- Rivers’ work takes on a new salience. T h e work o f several contem porary
century figures. R eturning to a consideration of the m ore conventional anthropologists may be interpreted as the em bodim ent of the open,
sources, I felt intuitively that Rivers was central to my project of experim ental spirit which anim ated Rivers’ anthropology at die tu rn of
‘visualizing’ anthropology, not least because his life’s work was centrally the century.8
concerned with vision.3 W ithout fully grasping the details, I knew that T he m odernism of Rivers’ project is, I believe, reflected in his lifelong
Rivers’ approach to vision contrasted sharply with that of his contem ­ fascination with questions o f vision, and his anxiety about its operation
porary, Malinowski. T his m arked the beginning of m y use of the phrase and status. Following M artin Jay, we can recognise that Rivers’ preoccu­
‘ways of seeing’, borrowed from Berger’s classic work. As a concept it pations were shared m ore widely by m odernist intellectuals at the turn
enabled me to interrogate the category ‘vision’, and to contrast the of the century. T he eye, traditionally regarded as the noblest of the
epistemological and m ethodological assum ptions implied in the differ­ senses, was increasingly the foeus of doubt and scepticism - even violent
ent anthropological visions of the early tw entieth century.0 hum iliation.9 But in addition to the general ‘ocularcentrism ’ of Rivers’
F rom Rivers’ earliest enquiries in experim ental psycholog}' and project, his m odernism also had a concrete m anifestation - the kinship
anthropology at the tu rn of the century to his treatm ent, during the First diagram.
World War, of patients deeply traum atised by their battlefield experi­ If Rivers is celebrated at all by present-day anthropologists, it is for his
ences, his intellectual project had at its core the exploration of visual invention o f the genealogical m ethod. T he historian George Stocking
processes in hum an experience. Although his interests and m ethods of identifies the genealogical m ethod as the ‘m ajor methodological innova­
investigation changed in the course o f four decades, there is a rem ark­ tion’ of the 1898 Torres Straits expedition.10 It enabled the ethno­
able consistency of focus. His enquiry was driven by a fascination with graphic fieldworker, in the absence of linguistic fluency, to grasp quickly
vision and his own loss of vision or loss o f the ability to visualize. For the internal dynamics o f the society under investigation. T h e m ethod
Rivers, vision was a faculty associated with what he called the protopaihic was developed by Rivers while a m em ber of H ad d o n ’s Torres Straits
or m ore ‘prim itive’ aspects of hum an personality. T h e m ore developed team of Cam bridge scientists. Rivers’ own special area o f research
cognitive faculties in hum an personality he associated with the ‘epi- concerned questions o f vision and perception, b u t in the course of
critic’. H e understood his own experience as evidence that the proto- fieldwork with the native peoples of the Torres Straits islands, he began
pathic had been suppressed by the developm ent of different and to collect oral genealogies, recognising that kinship relationships were an
progressive cognitive processes.7 im portant m eans for understanding social organization. M oreover,
An investigation o f this central thread in Rivers’ work, nam ely the given the perceived urgcncy of the expedition’s work, genealogies
relationship betw een the protopathic and epicritic, im mediately evokes seemed to offer a short-cut route into the workings of pre-literate
in m y own m ind the continuing am bivalence which surrounds the role society. T hey were, as Langham states, ‘a m eans of gaining insight into
of vision and visual imagery within anthropology today. It can be argued the abstract via the concrete’.11 T h e m ethod involved a two-stage
th at Rivers’ early position on vision as evidence of the protopathie or process. F irst of all, inform ants were asked for the proper nam es of
36 Visualizing anthropology Anxious visions 37

relatives. Secondly, the fieldworker com piled the different term s of diagram) in order to construct a m ore com plex view of reality than had
relationships for addressing these individuals. T he kinship diagram previously been attem p ted .15 We may consider this new abstract form as
becam e the visual, abstract expression o f these underlying principles of an expression of Paul Klee’s observation: ‘A rt does not render the
social organization. As B ouquet points out, however, there is an inter­ visible; rather, it makes visible’.16
esting paradox here. For Rivers associated the concrete with the visual, T h e m ovem ent towards the abstract representation of knowledge
and in tu rn with the ‘prim itive’ or protopathic; and yet his developm ent which can be discerned in Rivers’ work on kinship at the tu rn of the
of a m ore advanced, scientific, epicritic m odel was itself a visual century may be seen as an integral p art of the m ore general trend in the
representation. 1О arts and sciences of that period. M odernism represented a decisive
Rivers’ developm ent of a kinship-based m ethod is now widely ac­ break with nineteenth-century realism and with the desire to reproduce
knowledged to have m arked a fundam ental shift in the focus of anthro­ m eticulously the external appearance of things. T he nature of reality
pological work. It symbolized a m ovem ent away from older itself, as solid, stable and visible, was now in doubt. F or the collapse of
preoccupations with religion and belief towards a new concern with confidence in the Victorian idea o f progress precipitated a crisis about
kinship and social organization. Two other im portant changes were also knowledge, and it stim ulated radically new ways of exploring the
contained within the new approach pioneered by Rivers - a shift from w orld.17
biology to society; and an abandonm ent of the construction of hierar­ Picasso’s painting of 1907, Les Demoiselles d Avignon, is widely ac­
chies com prising discrete units in favour of the analysis of systems of knowledged to be a defining m om ent in m odern art. It m arks the
relationships. As L angham notes, there was less and less interest by beginning of Cubism : ‘I paint objects as I think them , n o t as I see th em ’,
fieldworkers in quantative inform ation - how many people were doing Picasso once declared.18 Critics have traced the seeds of this revolu-
various things - and growing interest in relationships betw een tasks donary new visual language to developm ents in E uropean painting from
d o n e.13 the m id-nineteenth century. In particular, as K ern rem inds us, it was
T h e kinship diagram quickly becam e established as a central m otif in the Im pressionist artists, in leaving their studios to paint outdoors, who
m odern anthropological analysis. It lent a certain scientific authenticity first began to explore the instability of the external world; b u t Cezanne,
to the new m onograph, replacing photographs as the visual counterpart whose artistic innovations were driven by ‘perpetual d o u b t’, stands as
to text. U ntil recently, however, its theoretical status provoked little the key figure in the transition from representational to abstract a rt.19
com m ent. Yet as B ouquet’s critical analysis has revealed, Rivers’ innova­ According to the art critic, H erb ert Read:
tion m ay be understood as a highly specific cultural m otif, one expres­ C e z a n n e ’s in te n tio n w as to create an o rd e r o f a rt c o rresp o n d in g to die o rd e r o f
sive of an English middle-class conception of the world. In developing n a tu re, in d e p e n d e n t o f his co nfused sensations. It gradually becam e obvious
her investigations further, B ouquet draws attention to the distinctive th a t su ch an o rd er o f a rt h as a life and logic o f its ow n - th a t the confused
visual form o f the genealogical diagram. She locates it within a broader sen satio n s o f d ie a rtist m ig h t crystallize into th eir ow n lucid ord er. T h is was the
conceptual field: ‘visualizing kinship in the form of a genealogical lib eratio n fo r w hich the artistic spirit o f th e w orld h a d been w ailin g .20
diagram in tw entieth century anthropology, derived from the prevalence In his search for objectivity, Cezanne sought to see the world as an
of tree imagery for secular, religious and scientific purposes in eight- object, to discover the fundam ental nature or structure of things as a
eenth-and nineteenth-century (and earlier) Europe.’14 means of transcending his own ‘confused sensations’. As Read observes,
I w ant to suggest that Rivers’ kinship diagram can be interpreted in a C ezanne’s art is critically about the discovery of structural order within
different way. T hus instead of understanding it as a new version of an the field of our visual sensations.21 His work then was m arked by both
old E uropean motif, the tree as the visual symbol through which flux and order, representation and abstraction, the two tendencies held
knowledge may be laid out and organised, it m ight equally be under­ together in a creative dialectic. But despite the im portance accorded to
stood as evidence of the fleeting m odernist m om ent within anthro­ Cezanne as a precursor of the new abstract im pulse distinctive of
pology. For Rivers’ conception of social organization involved a radical tw entieth-century art, critics continue to m ark off the C ubist m om ent as
break with the existing languages of representation. Following the art representing a decisive break with everything th at had gone before.22 As
critic John Berger, we m ight say that Rivers, like the C ubist painters, an explosion, it lasted barely a decade. If Les Demoiselles d ’A vignon is
reduced the visible world to a simple, abstract form (the kinship conventionally taken as a symbol of its beginning, m ost com m entators
38 Visualizing anthropology Anxious visions 39

m ark its end with the outbreak of war in 1914. So w hat was so radically O ne of the key elements in Berger’s analysis of the C ubist m ovem ent
new in Cubism? is his emphasis on the optimistic m om ent of its birth. T h e early
C ubism involved a fundam ental break with perspective, the central dynam ism of m odern art is, for him , integrally linked to the sense of a
principle o f E uropean painting since the Renaissance. T he eye was no new beginning which m odernism , and its radical break with the past,
longer situated at the centre of world; rather m odern artists offered a seemed to prom ise. T he first two decades of the tw entieth century were
series of m ultiple perspectives. Like Cezanne, the Cubists were driven years of expansion and experim entation; b u t the optim ism was swiftly
by a desire for objectivity, their art anchored in a need to understand the dashed as the appalling slaughter of the G reat War brought m odernism ’s
world; and, as such, it becam e a rigorously conceptual, and not sensa­ brilliant beginning to a sudden and brutal end.
tional, art. T he visible world was reduced to simple forms, b u t these C ertainly it can be argued th at Rivers’ m ost creative period coincided
were n o t static, fixed entities. F or abstract art constitutes a series of with C ubism ’s birth. H e was b o rn in 1864; and his career evolved
complex relationships or interactions - betw een form and space, surface through the period of change and innovation in scientific thought and
and depth, abstraction and representation. Although there was a strong m ethod which paralleled developments in late nineteenth-century art, as
pull towards total abstraction in work of C ubist artists, there was an symbolised by the work of Cezanne. However, Rivers’ own intellectual
equally strong attraction to representational art. F or example, the breakthroughs in anthropology and psychology camc later. His early
hum an figure and everyday objects rem ain a central elem ent in Picasso’s m odernist work, the kinship diagram , is contem poraneous with that of
work, b u t they exist in a new and dynamic relationship. Picasso and Braque. T he later m odernism , which I identify with Rivers’
John Berger interprets C ubism as the artistic counterpart of the investigation during the G reat War into the operations of protopathic
transform ations in scientific thinking.23 H e draws particular attention to and epicritic elements of hum an personality, overlaps significantly with
the growing clarity of form , abstraction, and to the increased concern the cinem atic innovations of Griffith, and later wTith those of Eisenstein
with structures, m ovem ent and m achines. Specifically, Berger makes the and Vertov.
diagram the emblem atic form of modernity. H e contrasts it with the It is interesting to speculate that the visual innovation which Rivers’
other motifs which he takes to be expressive of E uropean art’s different kinship diagram represents is a corollary of changes which followed the
phases. abandonm ent of the studio by the Im pressionist painters. For perhaps,
like their artistic counterparts, once anthropologists began to leave their
T h e m etap h o rica l m o d el o f C u b ism is th e diagram: th e d iag ram b eing a visible,
sym bolic rep re se n ta tio n o f invisible processes, forces, stru c tu res. A d iag ram Oxbridge colleges for the rigours of fieldwork, they recognised the need
n eed n o t eschew c e rtain aspects o f ap p earan ces; b u t th ese too will b e tre a te d for new forms of visual representation which could evoke the complex
sym bolically as signs, n o t as im itatio n s o r re-creatio n s. T h e m o d el o f th e diagram social realities they now encountered. T h e early fieldwork ethnographers,
differs from th a t o f th e mirror in th a t it suggests a co n c e rn w ith w h a t is n o t self- people like Rivers, H addon and the Torres Straits team , m ust have seen
evident. It differs from th e m o d el o f the theatre stage in th a t it does n o t have to the world as radically different once they began to confront and investi­
c o n cen trate u p o n clim axes b u t can reveal th e co n tin u o u s. It differs fro m th e
gate it at first hand, rather than through its reconstruction in the com fort
m odel o f th &personal account in th a t it aim s at a general tr u th .34
of their studies. Specifically, it m ight be argued th at this experience
T h e conception of the diagram raises questions then not just about the hastened the demise of the old perspectival visual m ode by which nine­
relationship betw een the visible and the invisible, about fluidities of form teenth-century ethnology was m etaphorically organised. Perspectival
and space; it also foregrounds the interactions between different signs, vision focuses everything upon the eye of the beholder; the hum an eye
and betw een the subjective and objective. Although, as we will discover, lies at the centre of the world. In an im portant sense, this m otif found
Radeliffe-Brown, like the later abstract artists, turned the dynamic expression in the elaborate schema drawn up by the nineteenth-century
‘C ubism ’ of Rivers into a sterile intcllectualism, there was nothing anthropologists who divided and ranked hum anity, with all its separate
inherently static about the C ubist m om ent itself. Relationships are classes converging upon the notion of E uropean civilization as the apex
central to a diagram m atic conception of the world. As Berger rem inds or focal point. But as several com m entators have noted, with the Torres
us, the C ubist painters were concerned with the interjacent, with pro­ Straits expedition the rigidity of these classification schem ata begin to
cesses rather than static states of being; their creative im pulse was fuelled break down, and ethnographers becam e increasingly concerned not with
by a need to break up all conventional categories and oppositions.25 conjectural history b u t with the dynamics of contem porary societies.26
40 Visualizing anthropology Anxious visions 41

T h e m odernism of Rivers’ vision finds its m ost concrete expression in between them was m odified in the coursc of his life. T h e first phase of
his kinship diagram. I suggest that we consider it as a form analogous Rivers’ intellectual work was driven by a desire for objectivity; and yet
with C ubist painting. For as a diagram, it shares with m odern art an integral to this scientific work was the recognition of subjective in tru ­
emphasis on flatness, pictorial depth or perspective is abandoned; it is sion. T he problem then for Rivers was how to ground or suppress the
m ade up of a multiplicity o f perspectives or viewpoints; it draws atten­ subjective in the objective. T hus Langham describes Rivers’ early career
tion to relationships or processes; it does not describe w hat can be seen, as ‘conservative’, since it was distinguished by the strong desire to
b u t rather it is an abstract representation which evokes the complexity of suppress the subjective aspects of his personality (‘the dog beneath the
the visible. skin’), in favour of the pursuit of objective, scientific knowledge. Later,
Although Rivers’ kinship diagram may be understood as tangible he contends that Rivers becam e less concerned with curbing the sub­
evidence of the m odernist impulse of his work, there are other aspects of jective dim ensions of his personality. Instead he began to explore it
his intellectual project which are im portant in identifying the particular actively in the context of his treatm ent of patients traum atised by trench
way o f seeing anim ating his anthropological enquiry. I have already warfare, who had been sent hom e from the battlefield suffering from
noted th at he shared with his artistic and scientific contem poraries a ‘shell shock’
profound conccrn with vision. Like Cezanne, Rivers’ project can be M artin Jay writes:
described as one driven by perpetual doubt. Specifically he was con­ T h e W estern fro n t’s in term in ab le tre n c h w arfare . . . created a bew ildering
cerned with the interplay between the subjective and objective, sensation lan d scap e o f in distinguish able, shadow y shapes, illu m in ated by lightning flashes
and thought or judgem ent, vision and abstraction. If Rivers’ early work o f blin d in g intensity, a n d th e n o b scu red by p h a n tasm ag o ric, o ften gas-induced
connects him to the C ubist artists at the tu rn of the century, I believe haze. T h e effect w as even m o re visually d iso rien tin g th a n those p ro d u c e d by
th at his later work overlaps in significant ways with the cinematic such n in e te e n th cen tu ry technical innovations as th e railro ad , the cam era or the
experim ents associated with Griffith, Eisenstein and Vertov. cinem a. W h e n all th a t th e soldier could see w as th e sky above an d th e m u d
below , th e trad itio n al reliance o n visual evidence fo r survival could no longer be
T h e question of vision lies at the centre of L angham ’s particular
easily m a in ta in e d .28
reading of Rivers.27 H e contends that his fascination with it stem m ed
from an awareness of his own inability to visualize, to see images in his T he First W orld War battlefield was the graveyard of the eye. C on­
m in d ’s eye. Rivers could rem em ber that as a child he had the capacity to fidence in sight as the noblest o f the senses and a privileged source of
visualize, and occasionally as an adult he was rem inded of this hidden knowledge about the world was finally destroyed. F o r Rivers, the
aspect of his personality through dreaming; but, in developing w hat he problem of vision was posed in new ways by the war. It was central to his
believed to be the rational ‘civilized’ p art of his personality, the ‘prim i­ approach in seeking to alleviate the condition of the deeply disturbed
tive’ or protopathic was gradually suppressed beneath objective or patients he encountered as a doctor at C raiglockhart hospital. One of
rational cognitive processes. T he process by which reason curbed the m ost striking m anifestations of shell shock was the intense visual
subjective ‘totalising’ tendencies o f the protopathic becam e an im por­ symptoms of the condition. Rivers’ patients were haunted by vision in
tant focus within Rivers’ work, at first as a study of nerve regeneration the form of nightm ares, m em ories and hallucinations. T h e protopathic
and later as crucial to his treatm ent of patients suffering from ‘shell had re-em erged as a powerful, uncontrolled, and totalising force which
shock’ during the First World War. It also, according to Langham , swept over their norm al cognitive processes.
underlay the developm ent of the genealogical m ethod in Rivers’ anthro­ T h e work which Rivers carried out at Craiglockhart was a develop­
pological work. F or here, too, Rivers was engaged in understanding an m ent of research begun at the tu rn of the century in the famous Rivers-
analogous relationship between visible phenom ena and abstract repre­ H ead experim ent. In 1903 Rivers had perform ed an experim ent on his
sentation. It was symbolised in the two-stage process of genealogical friend and collaborator, H enry H ead, in his room s at St John’s College,
investigation. Cam bridge. It involved the severing of the nerves in H ead ’s upper arm;
L angham understands Rivers’ own personality as having two dim en­ and over a period of five years they studied the process of nerve
sions: the protopathic associated with the concrete, with em otion, regeneration, the recovery of feeling and sensation. T his was charac­
subjectivity and vision; and the epicritic expressed through abstraction, terised by a twofold process. First the protopathic faculty was restored.
objectivity and rationality. H e argues that the hierarchical relationship T he associated feeling and association had a prim itive, totalising quality.
42 Visualizing anthropology Anxious visions 43

L ater the epicritic faculty, characterised as rational, discrim inating m ovem ent and complexity of m odern society, offering no single, privi­
judgem ent, returned. Rivers’ war work led him to understand anew the leged vantage point upon fluid contem porary realities, only a series of
relationship between these two dim ensions of personality. N orm al overlapping perspectives, shifting view-points in which seeing involves a
sensibility involved not the replacem ent of the protopathic by the discovery of the self as inseparable from the discovery of the world. T he
epicritic, b u t a partial suppression of the form er and an integration of camera eye searches, questions and interrogates. It is b oth hum an and
the two levels. m echanical, at once an observer and a participant. Vertov’s vision is
Rivers’ investigation of the question of vision in the context of the war profoundly subversive o f the conventional ways of seeing and knowing
was distinguished by a unusual degree of personal reflexivity. In his late the world.
writing, Instinct and the Unconscious (1920) and Conflict and Dream Rivers died suddenly and unexpectedly in 1922. His death occurred
(1923), he studied the workings of the unconscious through reflection in the same year as the publication of M alinowski’s classic m onograph,
not just upon the symptoms of his patients bu t upon his own experiences Argonauts of the Western Pacific. T his text established a new and different
too. T h e concerns which m ark w hat I call Rivers’ late m odernism are a kind of anthropological project to the one pioneered by Rivers. T he
continuation of his earlier experiments encapsulated in the kinship contrast between these two key figures in anthropology’s early m odern
diagram. For again he was seeking to explore the relationship between phase is expressed m ost sharply in the distinctive ways of seeing, in the
image and abstraction, the subjective and objective, inside and outside modes of anthropological visuality, which anim ate their work. Rivers
understood in complex and dynamic ways rather than as the opposition and M alinowski operated with very different notions o f vision at the
of simple bounded categories. T h e First World War, and Rivers’ own level of both m ethod and m etaphysic. Although the M alinowskian way
particular location w ithin it, brought about an im portant transform ation of seeing quickly established itself as dom inant in the em ergent project,
in his thinking. T he two scientific projects which Rivers had pursued Rivers’ m odernist spirit was never com pletely extinguished; it continued
separately, anthropology and psychology, he now recognised as the most noticeably in the work of Gregory B ateson.30 Following the recent
indispensable parts of a single concern with the nature of the hum an collapse of scientific ethnography, however, a new experim ental phase
condition. has emerged. Today I find it impossible to respond to work produced by
I suggest that Rivers’ attem pt at the end of his life to bring into a M ichael Taussig, George M arcus or M ichael Jackson w ithout thinking
creative relationship these different aspects of a single enquiry was ofW .H .R . Rivers.
m atched by the work in cinema being pursued by his contem porary,
D.W. Griffith. Griffith’s m ature films — The Birth of a Nation (1915),
Intolerance (1916) and Broken Blossoms (1919) - were produced in the
same period of Rivers’ late writings. M oreover, Griffith was using the
cam era to probe into the same spaces as Rivers. His developm ent of a
distinctive cinem atic language built upon closc-up and panoram ic shots,
a m obile cam era and m ontage may be interpreted as the expression of
the world in which he lived.29 T h at world was one of war and revolution
in which all established structures were breaking down, posing anew
questions of subject, society and history. Although Griffith, like Rivers,
recognised th at the old categories were no longer adequate, his m oder­
nist project was also never fully realised.
T h e m odernist vision was perhaps m ost fully realised in Dziga
Vertov’s film, A M an With A Movie Camera (1929). H ere, in the
afterm ath of the Russian revolution and before the brutal supression of
its creative spirit by Stalin, Vertov linked a new way of seeing with the
possibilities of a new society. I like to imagine A M an With A M ovie
Camera as the cinematic expression o f Rivers’ project. It em braces the
T h e innocent eye 45

visual quality of M alinowski’s prose. B ut it is a vision which sharply

contrasts with the fragm ented, m ultiperspectival, and above all anxious
3 T he innocent eye: Flaherty, Malinowski one of early anthropological m odernism . It is built upon innocence, upon
the cultivation of the ethnographer’s innocent eye. F or the M alinow-
and the romantic quest skian project was, at its core, a romantic one. T h e fieldworker becam e a
visionary, a seer.2
Malinowski is the second, critical figure in our attem pt to ‘visualize
anthropology’. T here is a curious paradox, however, in his contribution
to the developm ent o f the professional discipline. Although Malinowski
laid down the principles of a new kind o f academ ic practice, scientific
Seeing com es before w ords. T h e ch ild looks an d recognises before it ethnography, as a systematic process of social enquiry, his own m ethod
can speak. B ut th ere is a n o th e r sense in w hich seeing co m es before was entirely idiosyncratic. I think that it is im p o rtan t to consider this not
w ords. It is seeing w hich establishes o u r p lace in th e su rro u n d in g just an expression of his own irrepressible personality nor as a deliberate
w orld; we explain th a t w orld w ith w ords, b u t w ords can n ev er u n d o the
attem pt to mislead, b u t as integrally related to, or a significant expres­
fact th a t we are s u rro u n d e d by it. T h e relatio n b etw een w h at w e see
a n d w h a t we know is never settled.
sion of, the kind o f vision with which he operated. For the M alinowskian
John Berger, Ways o f Seeing vision is built around the notion of anthropological understanding as an
intuitive and uniquely personal m om ent of insight. Indeed it m ight best
T h e First World War brought to an end the period of rem arkable be described as one which involves revelation, or the transform ation of
creativity in m odern painting, particularly in Cubism . T he ghastly com m onplace understandings. T h e fieldworker has to learn to ‘see’, to
horror of trench warfare and the sheer scale of hum an destruction penetrate beneath the surface appearance o f things. D espite the subse­
shattered for ever E urope’s optimism and belief in inexorable progress. quent overlaying o f m ore formal and abstract conceptions of ethno­
Rivers, as a doctor responsible for treating severely traum atised soldiers graphic knowledge associated with w hat I call Radeliffe-Brown’s
sent hom e from the battlefield, found him self at the very centre of the enlightenment project, the cultivation of a M alinowskian ‘innocent eye’
crisis precipitated by the war. This experience is widely acknowledged to continues to underlie m uch contem porary fieldwork practice.3
have brought about a transform ation in his own personality.1 M ali­ M alinowski was, of course, pre-em inently a writer. His literary aspira­
nowski, however, was m arooned on a Pacific island for m any o f the war tions becam e im portant in establishing tw entieth-century anthropology
years. He was engaged in the fieldwork which form ed the basis for the as a distinctive kind of textual activity. M alinowski’s dem and for recog­
principles of scientific ethnography he subsequently laid out in his nition as an author is, of course, famously captured in his declaration:
‘Introduction’ to Argonauts of the Western Pacific (1922). T h e sharply ‘Rivers is the Rider Haggard of anthropology; I shall be its C o n rad ’.1
contrasting relationship o f Rivers and M alinowski to the G reat War is But perhaps of all the classic ethnographers, M alinowski was also the
im portant in understanding the different ways of seeing which charac­ m ost painterly. By this I refer to the strikingly visual quality of his texts.
terise their anthropological projects. Both m en were profoundly affected Readers of Argonauts o f the Western Pacific, above all, see the world of the
by the collapse of E uropean civilization. In the case of Rivers, it Trobriand islanders; and what they see in their m in d ’s eye are vivid,
stim ulated an attem pt to synthesise the separate branches of his scien­ concrete details, images of native life, rather th an its abstract representa­
tific project, anthropology and psychology, in order to locate com plex tion. T he visual intensity of M alinowski’s descriptive writing has
subjectivity within society and history. Malinowski, however, sought to prom pted m uch critical com m ent following the recent literary tu rn in
p u t the shattered pieces back together again in a different way, redis­ anthropology.3 This feature is, I believe, one of the m anifestations of the
covering hum anity am ong those peoples previously denied it by E uro­ particular way of seeing which anim ates his m ethod and his conception
pean intellectuals. H ere he found wholeness and integration within the of anthropological knowledge.
timeless present of ‘primitive society’. M y approach in seeking to expose the distinctive features of M al­
Like Rivers’ project, vision is also central to the kind of anthropology inowski’s way of seeing, in particular the centrality of innoccnce, is built
which M alinowski endeavoured to develop. It is m anifest in the intensely upon the juxtaposition of his classic work with the cinematic project

46 Visualizing anthropology T h e innocent eye 47

pursued by his contem porary, R obert Flaherty. Such a juxtaposition Flaherty’s reluctance to cmbrace the era of sound, resolutely rem aining
opens up a field of tantalising possibilities, for the links between their a silent film-maker in the face o f technological developm ent and the rise
projects in anthropology and cinem a seem to be both m anifest and of the ‘talkies’. Such observations about the work of Flaherty indicate
obscure at the same time. C ertainly the two m en are forever linked by some of the im portant features we m ust consider in any exam ination of
the historical coincidence o f their work. In 1922, Flaherty released his his cinem atic vision. F o r Flaherty’s project was, above all, about vision.
film, Nanook of the North, and during the same year Malinowski But he was seeking to recuperate it, to cleanse and purify it, to make it
published Argonauts of the Western Pacific. M oreover, each was subse­ whole and universal again. His cinem atic project is m arked by its
quently hailed as the founder o f a new genre - on the one hand, hum anist impulse. It finds expression in the way of seeing which he
docum entary cinem a, and, on the other, scientific ethnography. Now, of cultivated as a m eans for transcending the corruption and decay of
course, b oth m en having enjoyed alm ost m ythical status within their European civilization. T h e eye which had seen everything had to be
respective schools, they share the contem porary fate of fallen heroes. m ade innocent again.10
T his closeness, and yet the absence of any tangible historical evidence Flaherty’s cinematic project developed in the afterm ath of the G reat
linking Flaherty to M alinowski, has been a source of considerable War. This context is, I believe, critical in understanding the conception of
frustration am ong visual anthropologists. T h e paradox can, however, be vision which underlay the films he m ade over the course of three decades.
explained. Following Clifford (1988), we can recognise that Flaherty His first film, Nanook of the North (1922), is the m ost celebrated. It
represented everything which Malinowski, as the new scientist of established Flaherty’s reputation as a film-maker com m itted to a differ­
society, set him self against. H e was an explorer, an am ateur whose ent kind o f cinematic project from the one em erging in Hollywood.
im m ersion and long-term engagem ent with Inuit society rivalled the Although Nanook becam c the prototype for all of F laherty’s subse­
scientific m ethod being pioneered by the new ethnographers.6 quent work, it was his second film, M oana (1926), which acquired the
It is now widely acknowledged that Malinowski and Flaherty were descriptive term ‘docum entary’. In a review of Moana, ‘being a visual
exploring the same terrain, using remarkably similar approaches and account of events in the daily life of a Polynesian youth and his family’,
techniques, and producing richly textured ethnographies.7 M y concern, John G rierson wrote of the film’s ‘docum entary value’. 11 G rierson’s use
however, is to examine the distinctive vision which anim ated their work. of the term ‘docum entary’ to characterise F laherty’s film-making ap­
It was one they shared. Both Malinowski and Flaherty are figures who proach is conventionally understood to m ark the emergence of the
provoke intense critical attention. M uch recent com m entary has inter­ distinctive cinem a in which both Flaherty and G rierson were critical
rogated the key hum anist assum ptions underpinning their work and figures.12 T he new docum entary film-makers drew inspiration from the
exposed the serious discrepancies between certain claims to knowledge early cinema of Lum iere. T h e camera was taken out into society. It was
and actual practice.8 M y purpose in looking closely at a num ber of used to film people within the context of their everyday lives.
distinctive techniques which characterise the work of Flaherty and Flaherty’s engagem ent with the C anadian Arctic began m any years
M alinowski is som ewhat different. I w ant to identify the rom antic before he m ade Nanook of the North, the film which launched his career.
im pulse which anim ates their engagem ent with the world. H ence, in His early expeditions into the area were as an explorer and m ining
seeking to investigate the contours of this vision, I will be concerned prospector, and he lived for long periods of time with Inuit com m u­
with the ideal qualities of their particular projects rather than with the nities. This first-hand experience of native life becam e the foundation of
problem atic status o f the claims for docum entary cinem a and scientific his particular docum entary approach. Explaining his intentions as a
ethnography. film-maker, Flaherty once said: ‘I w anted to show them [the Inuit] not
‘T h e first time you m et Flaherty, and indeed on all other occasions, from the civilized point of view, b u t as they saw themselves, as ‘we, the
you noticed, before anything else, his eyes. T hey were a limpid, brilliant people’. I realized then that I m ust go to work in an entirely different
blue, lying like lakes in the broad and rugged landscape of his face’, way.’13 Reading this statem ent by Flaherty m ust evoke in every anthro­
writes one biographer, Paul R otha.9 A nother com m entator on Flaherty’s pologist’s m ind the famous declaration at the beginning of M alinowski’s
work, A rthur Calder-M arshall, drew attention to what he judged to be Argonauts of the Western Pacific: ‘the final goal, o f which an E thnographer
the particular quality of his vision, publishing his biography under the should never lose s i g ht . . . is, briefly, to grasp the native’s point of view,
title The Innocent Eye (1963). C ertainly m any film critics have noted his relation to life, to realise his vision of his world.’14
48 Visualizing anthropology T h e innocent eye 49

Today such sweeping declarations make uncom fortable reading for tion, be prepared to subm it him self to the experiences of disorientation,
anyone pursuing ethnographic enquiry; what I want to draw attention to v u ln e r a b ility and ignorance.
here is Flaherty’s acknowledgem ent of the need to work in new ways as Flaherty’s conception of experiential knowledge is achieved through
the basis of a different kind of cinema. We m ay interpret Flaherty’s the return to a state similar to that of childhood and the innocence of
break with established practice as analogous to the Im pressionist pain­ childhood. In this way the film -m aker learns to ‘see’ again. Again
ters who left their studios for the outdoors or H addon with his team of Flaherty’s own com m ents on his earlier attem pts to capture Inuit life on
Torres Straits ficldworkers, since he recognised that serious engagem ent film are I think interesting. O f the footage destroyed by fire in 1916, he
with a new subject m atter necessitated a revolution in m ethod and sa id : ‘It was a bad film; it was dull - it was little m ore than a travelogue.
technique. In m aking native peoples the focus of his cinem atic project, I had learned to explore, I had n o t learned to reveal.’17 T his distinction
Flaherty sought to understand the world of his subjects through his own between exploration and revelation is, I believe, central to under­
direct experience of it. H e lived with those whose hum anity he sought to standing Flaherty’s cinem atic project. It lies, too, at the core of the
express on screen. All of his m ajor works, but especially Nanook of the Malinowskian m odel o f ethnographic fieldwork.
North, were tire result of an intense, long-term engagem ent with people It has become com m onplace to refer to the ‘simplicity’ of Flaherty’s
and the landscape in which they lived. This way of working, a film­ cinema, to the absence of sound or creative use o f sound, the under­
m aking approach akin to ethnographic fieldwork, sharply distinguishes developed narrative structure of the films and the ‘prim itive’ editing
Flaherty from his contem poraries, not least from cinem a’s pioneer D.W. built around continuity rather than radical juxtaposition. It was as if
Griffith, whose rem arkable formal innovations were achieved entirely Flaherty was using one of the m ost advanced technological instrum ents
within the static world of the Hollywood studio. T here is, however, an of his day in service of an older art form. U nlike his contem poraries,
interesting paradox. F or Griffith learned to move his camera in the static such as Griffith or m ore especially the Russian film -m akers like Eisen­
world of the studio, while Flaherty held his camera still in the flux of stein or Vertov, Flaherty did n o t exploit the ‘m agical’ qualities of the
social life.13 camera; rather he sought to hum anise it such that, as R otha notes, ‘the
A n um ber of issues are immediately raised by Flaherty’s distinctive lens was an extension of eye and arm; when he moved the camera it
approach as a film-maker. First of all, he m ade his own experience of followed precisely his own vision’.18
Inuit life as critical a p art o f his understanding as his observation o f it. Each one of F laherty’s films is distinguished by its texture, its depth or
By experience he had in m ind som ething quite specific. It involved the layering, rather than by its m ovem ent. T he details of everyday life are
surrendering of conventional norm s and expectations such that one was the basis of construction. T here is a rem arkable intim acy and intensity
exposed to the world in an entirely new way. T he white explorer was to in the individual observations but, always, the details are anchored in an
ren d er him self vulnerable and dependent upon Lhe hum anity of the exploration of context: ‘T h e camera cannot see everything at once b u t it
people with whom he lived. Flaherty once described this process: makes sure not to lose any p a rt of w hat it chooses to see.’19 From these
In so m an y travelogs th e film -m ak er looks d o w n o n an d n ev er u p 1 .0 his subject. foundations, Flaherty builds a series of tableaux to evoke a whole,
H e is always th e big m a n from N ew Y ork o r fro m L o n d o n . B u t I h ad b een integrated and, fundam entally, hum anistic world in which ‘the dram atic
d e p e n d e n t o n these p eo p le, alone w ith th e m fo r m o n th s a t a tim e, traveling w ith power . . . is lodged in static representations rather than in any
th e m a n d living w ith th e m . T h e y h a d w a rm e d m y feet w h en th ey w ere cold, lit sequenced relationship of events.’20 T h e effect for the viewer is like
m y cigarette w h e n m y h a n d s w ere to o n u m b to d o it myself; th ey h a d tak e n care watching a series of still photographs in which people and objects are
o f m e o n th ree or fo u r d ifferen t e x p ed itio n s over a p e rio d o f te n years. M y w ork
placed within a landscape, and relationships within Lhe frame are
h a d b e e n b u ilt u p along w ith th em ; I c o u ld n ’t have d o n e an y th in g w ith o u t them .
I n th e end it is all a q u e stio n o f h u m a n re la tio n sh ip s.16
foregrounded over those stretching beyond it. In his m uch cited essay,
the film critic Andre Bazin draws attention to the fundam entally differ­
I find this statem ent of Flaherty’s fascinating. It perfectly expresses the ent visions of the world which are implied in the techniques distin­
necessary process of personal transform ation which is the precondition guishing the cinem a of Flaherty from th at of Eisenstein and Vertov. T he
for the new kind of ethnographic understanding he seeks to place at the form er kind of cinem a is built upon a respect for the integrity of reality.
h eart of his docum entary cinema. T h e film-maker m ust no t be just This does not involve a process o f simplification, a m irroring of surfaces;
separated from his familiar world and relationships; he m ust, in addi­ rather it involves the opposite. It reveals the complexity and ambiguity
50 Visualizing anthropology T h e innocent eye 51

o f reality. By rejecting the technique of m ontage, Flaherty (and other subject and audience alike; and through it Flaherty sought to transcend
film-makers such as Bresson) preserves w hat Bazin calls ‘the spatial the divisions and corruption of the world in which he lived. H e used the
unity of an event’, enabling ‘everything to be said w ithout chopping the site of cinema, a liminal place situated outside conventional time and
world into little fragm ents’.21 space, to evoke a particular experience. His films make an appeal not to
At the centre of Flaherty’s own film-making practice was the idea of rational intellect b u t to sensibility and em otion. We m ay interpret
‘non-preconception’. It involved a rejection o f any self-consciously Flaherty’s distinctive visual techniques as working to engage his audi­
im posed form upon what was observed. Instead the shape of characters ence empathetically, enabling it to find its own place within die world of
and events, and the rhythm of the film, were expected to emerge from the film and experience the sense of ‘being th ere’. In surrendering him
Lhe m aterial itself.22 T h e origins of these techniques, R otha claims, lay or herself to this experience, the viewer moves beyond the barriers of
in F laherty’s adaptation o f a particular Inuit aesthetic; but I suggest that language or culture to grasp a new universal hum anism .
it may be understood m ore generally as an expression of the rom antic Flaherty’s films are characterised by their visual detail, the cam era’s
im pulse of his project. F or Flaherty’s particular visual techniques fascination with people engaged in the m aterial processes o f everyday
cannot be understood w ithout reference to his particular vision of the life. T here is a subtle interplay betw een the cam era’s focus and its range,
world. T h e elevation of individual sensibility as a critical elem ent in his the intim ate shots of individual characters (their faces often filling the
cinem atic m ethod also, I believe, lies behind Flaherty’s lifelong refusal screen) and a broader landscape. Flaherty seeks to render n o t just a
to adapt his style to changing technologies. T he refusal to burden cinematic sense of the space his protagonists inhabit, but also the
him self with technology is inseparable from his com m itm ent to first­ distinctive tem poral quality o f their lives. H ence his tendency is toward
hand experience as the basis for knowledge. H e was com m itted to extended individual shots th at are then assembled such th at they
ensuring that the film -m aker was exposed to his subjects as completely simulate whole, continuous action. Flaherty’s work is based upon a
as possible. T he sophisticated apparatus of cinema, specifically the repudiation o f m ontage as the m ethod by which the new whole is
camera as a m achine, potentially stood in the way of the cultivation of assembled from fragments. Unlike Eisenstein, who drew attention to the
this essential bodily and spiritual vulnerability which m ade possible process of cutting, celebrating the juxtaposition of shots and jolting his
m om ents of revelatory understanding. audience, Flaherty draws his viewers into an experience of social reality
Fatim ah Rony, a recent critic o f Flaherty’s cinema, describes it as which unfolds in front of the camera, rather than being reconstructed
‘taxiderm ic’.23 It brings the dead to life; and as such I am rem inded through editing.28
again of Berger’s differentiation between photography and cinema. T he T he kind of light which infuses F laherty’s project I imagine as an
form er exercises a pull toward the past, while the latter propels interior one, n u rtu red from the inside, so to speak. H ence it is not about
forw ard.24 F or in seeking to recuperate hum anity, Flaherty is forced to illumination, a fierce, penetrating beam which dispels an area of dark­
deny history and agency to his ethnographic subjects. H ence, as ness as I characterise the enlightenm ent project (the light of reason).
R othm an noLes, Flaherty’s use of the cam era in Nanook contains both Flaherty’s conception of docum entary cinem a is built upon the idea of
an acknowledgem ent and a repudiation o f a shared hum anity.25 Flaherty revelatory knowledge in which subjective transform ation is inseparable
cannot resolve the contradictions established by his own presence in the from, and the precondition for, knowing the world differently. T h e new
pre-industrial worlds he seeks to evoke through his films. Following hum anist understanding which Flaherty seeks to evoke through his
Berger we can recognise that his profoundly nostalgic vision is built rom antic cinem a is dependent upon the recovery of vision. We learn to
upon a dim inishm ent rather than an interpretation of reality.20 see again.29
T h e rom anticism of Flaherty’s project involved a turning away from M alinowski’s project for m odern anthropology was, I believe, built
the world which had produced cinema. T h e latter was industrial, urban, upon a vision rem arkably similar to the one which anim ates the cinema
m achine-driven, imperialist, complex, colliding and chaotic. Flaherty of Flaherty. Although M alinowski liked to credit him self as the pioneer
was trying to recover som ething which was whole and integrated, what of a new fieldwork-based ethnography, we now recognise that his
Rony calls ‘a m ore authentic hum anity’, am ong peoples previously contribution to the m odern discipline is m ore accurately described as a
denied such hum anity by European discourse.27 His cinem a was, in continuation of, rather than a radical departure from, practices already
essence, visionary. It involved a process of transform ation in film-maker, established in early tw entieth-century anthropology. In another sense,
52 Visualizing anthropology T h e innocent eye 53

however, the role Malinowski accorded to vision as a fieldwork tech­ R iv e rs , implies a different way of seeing. M alinowski’s project for
nique suggests a distinctive conception of anthropological knowledge. It m o d e r n anthropology is, I suggest, essentially visionary; and the par­
contrasts sharply with the way of seeing I associate with W .H.R. Rivers. ticular fieldwork techniques with which it is associated m ust be under­
Again it was no t perhaps new. I interpret it as involving a looking s to o d in this context.
backwards, connecting ‘m odern’ anthropology to an older tradition of If M alinowski’s claim to be the revolutionary hero of m odern anthro­
rom anticism rather than harnessing it to the m odernist energies o f the pology no longer forms the unquestioned foundation of the discipline’s
time. M alinowskian anthropology was founded upon a return to experi­ intellectual history, it is nevertheless im portant to acknowledge the
ence rather than on the developm ent of ever-more sophisticated skills or distinctive innovations he m ade to ethnographic enquiry. M ost signifi­
scientific technology for the collection of fieldwork data. Indeed, like cant is, of course, the insistence on an intensive fieldwork m odel as the
Flaherty’s docum entary cinem a, scientific ethnography was built upon a methodological basis of the new anthropology. A single researcher was
profound rejection of the apparatus and ethos of industrial civilization. now expected to becam e engaged in the long-term study of an unfam i­
Vision was central to M alinowski’s notion of ethnographic enquiry; but, liar society. In advocating such practice, M alinowski broke decisively
in elevating it to a new im portance as a source of knowledge about the with the extensive, team work m odel of early tw entieth-century anthro­
world, he sought, like Flaherty, to recuperate sight and to restore the eye pology, in which a group of researchers com bined different skills and
to its original state of innocence. interests to survey a wide socio-gcographical area. T his shift from an
I noted earlier that the new kinds of ethnographic practice emerging extensive ethnographic approach to an intensive one em phasised the
after the 1898 Torres Straits expedition were built upon an explicit fieldworker’s participation in, and observation of, everyday social life.
rejection of reported speech or ‘hearsay’, 'fbroughout the nineteenth These two aspects, participation and observation, becam e inseparable
century there had been growing unease am ong anthropologists about parts of the new ethnographic approach. In characterising M alinowskian
the status of the data supplied to them from the field by missionaries anthropology as visionary or rom antic, I w ant to draw attention to this
and travellers. T he developm ent of the cam era, contrary to m uch central role accorded to experiential knowledge. Ethnographic u n d er­
opinion, did not solve this problem . T he new technology merely standing emerges from experience, bodily and sensory, as m uch as from
generated a different kind of data - visible evidence. Scientists con­ observation and intellectual reflection.
tinued to worry about the objective status of data and, increasingly, to T he question of vision is posed in a specific way w ithin such a model.
worry about the status of vision itself.30 H addon and his Torres Straits T he M alinowskian ethnographer, unlike his predecessors, is expected to
team shared the preoccupations of their scientific colleagues. Having leave the verandah, to go out into society and see for him self or herself;
been trained as natural scientists, their investigations of a new subject but, given the circum stances in which such an ethnographer works, cut
m atter, hum anity, betray all the concerns about m ethod and evidence off from the familiar world, alone and im m ersed within a strange
which distinguished their earlier scientific research.31 H ad d o n ’s rejec­ society, this fieldwork strategy implies som ething else. F or it is not just
tion of second-hand reportage resulted in one o f the first fieldwork about observing the world around oneself. It is involves learning to ‘see’
expeditions, establishing the practice that anthropologists had literally in a visionary sense. F o r the radical disruption o f context makes possible
to go into society and see for themselves. M oreover, integral to the certain experiences which may transform the fieldworker from a mere
scientific enquiry carried out in the Torres Straits islands was an enquirer or observer into a ‘seer’.33 T h e disorientation and confusion
investigation of vision itself. Vision as a question of epistemology, that the fieldworker confronts may be harnessed creatively, enabling him
technique and presentation was central to the Torres Straits work; but, or her to grasp with a new clarity the world rendered unfam iliar and
like their intellectual counterparts, the Cam bridge scientists rem ained unknown. I interpret G eertz’s characterisation of the literary style which
cautious about equating vision with knowledge, the visible with objec­ is associated with a M alinowskian approach in this light. H e describes it
tive data.32 as being based upon convincing the reader that one has ‘actually
T h e anxiety about vision and its status which was integral to the birth penetrated (or . . . been penetrated by) another form of life, of having,
of m odern anthropology as a fieldwork-based enquiry disappeared in one way or another, truly “been there” ’. In this way G eertz draws
the wake of the M alinowskian revolution. T he latter, while being attention to the unusual quality of a certain kind of ethnography in
constructed upon the m ethodological foundations laid by H addon and which the subjective elem ent is an integral part of the world being
54 Visualizing anthropology T h e innocent eye 55

described. T h e visionary quality of the fieldwork experience is conveyed m u s t be exposed and vulnerable, returned to a prelinguistic state akin to
w ithin the writing itself.34 that of childhood, as the necessary precondition for being able to break
Malinowski, perhaps m ore than any of the classic ethnographers, through to a different level of understanding.
realised m ost concretely the sense of having ‘been there’ in his writing. T he rom antic or visionary nature o f M alinowski’s project finds expres­
A t th e sam e time, the m odel of fieldwork which m ade this experience sion, I believe, in the distinctive quality of his texts. As I noted earlier, the
possible involved a shedding of all the technical encum brances which re a d e r , above all, ‘sees’ in their m in d ’s eye the world o f the Trobriand
distinguished the earlier team -based ethnographic research. T h e M al- is la n d e rs . G eertz describes M alinowski’s style as ‘I-witnessing’:
inowskian ethnographer was ‘the lone ranger with a notebook’.35 As I
O ne grasps th e exotic n o t by draw ing b a c k fro m th e im m ediacies o f en co u n te r
have noteci before, it has always seemed puzzling to contem porary into th e sym m etries o f th o u g h t, as w ith L evi-S trauss, n o t by tran sfo rm in g th e m
anthropologists why the active use of visual media disappeared so in to figures o n a n A frican u rn , as w ith E v a n s-P ritc h a rd . O n e grasps it b y losing
quickly from the tw entieth-century project despite its presence at the oneself, o n e ’s soul m aybe, in th o se im m ediacies. ‘O u t o f such plu n g es in to the
birth of the new fieldwork-oriented practice. M oreover, as a num ber of life o f th e natives . . . I have carried aw ay a d istin c t feeling th a t . . . th eir m an n er
com m entators have noted, M alinowski him self took m any photographs o f being b ecam e m ore tra n sp a re n t a n d easily u n d e rs ta n d a b le th a n it h ad b e e n
whilst in th e field.36 I suggest, however, that it is the particular way of b efo re’ (M alinow ski 1922 21 2 2 ).34
seeing anim ating the Malinowski an project which renders the camera, We m ay rccognise here M alinowski’s sense of fieldwork as a sort of
and other scientific instrum entation, obsolete. initiation. F or after establishing the conventional processes of data
T h e image of the new fieldworker th at C hristopher Pinney suggests is a collection, w hat one m ight call, following Flaherty, exploration; he then
com pelling one. It is his contention that the camera disappeared from the exhorts the fieldworker to p u t aside his or her notebook and participate
m odern anthropological project at the very m om ent when the ethnogra­ in the social life around them . Participation (or ‘plunges’ into native life)
p h er’s experience began to sim ulate the photographic process itself: opens up different kinds of ethnographic understanding. Society is
T h e a n th ro p o lo g ists’ exp o su re to d ata . . . o c c u rre d d u rin g a p erio d o f inversion revealed to the ethnographer in new ways; and this experience, of seeing
fro m his n o rm a l reality, a stage w hich is form ally an alo g o u s to th e p ro d u c tio n of as if for the first time, disrupts the conventional separations of self and
tire p h o to g ra p h ic n egative w h e n th e a ll-im p o rta n t rays o f lig h t w h ich g u a ra n te e other, the subjective and the objective, the particular and the universal.
th e indexical tr u th o f th e im age are allow ed to fall on th e n eg ativ e’s e m u lsio n .37
If Flaherty created a special place w ithin the cinem a for the emergence
But, in another sense, the experience o f the new fieldworker was of a new kind of hum anist understanding, Malinowski was instrum ental
radically different from the photographic process. Its foundations lay in in devising an analogous literary form , the m onograph. This also works
rom anticism . It depended upon the cultivation of hum an sensibility or to separate com m onplace or everyday experiences from the deeper levels
passion. By necessity such an approach involved the repudiation of of m eaning em bedded in the text. Unlike Frazer, Malinowski and his
technology, m echanical skill an d the trappings of industrial civilization. successors wrote for a specialized audience, anthropologists who them ­
M alinowski’s inconsistencies as a fieldworker have now been fully selves had undergone the ritual process of fieldwork. T h e writing itself
exposed to view, b u t it is misplaced to judge him by the standards of thus implies a distinction betw een exploration and revelation. H ence
m en like Rivers or Boas. For, like Flaherty, his notion of ethnographic Malinowski’s texts, like F laherty’s films, are deceptive. T hey are seem­
understanding was an essentially mystical one. Although he sought to ingly open b u t are, in fact, also closed. T h eir secrets are available only to
establish the systematic principles of m odern fieldwork, he shared with other initiates, to those willing to engage em pathetically with the world
Flaherty th e frustrating habit of blurring the distinction betw een w hat described in the text. M oreover the worlds evoked in F laherty’s cinema
he said he did and w hat he actually did. But these idiosyncracies m ust and M alinowski’s m onographs appear to have been ‘found’ rather than
be interpreted as an expression of the visionary im pulse of his work. T he made. F or the M alinowskian ethnographers share with Flaherty the
process o f ethnographic understanding was secret, personal and em bo­ paradox of presenting ideas as if they emerge from life.40
died. M alinowski’s approach was predicated on the distinction between I have already indicated th at I believe M alinowski to be essentially
exploration and revelation which I identified as central to F laherty’s painterly in his depiction of the world. His m onographs are unusually
project for docum entary cinem a.38 For, like the film -m aker, th e M al- visual, drawing on the techniques o f the artist to create a rich, textured
inowskian ethnographer was expected to be alone in the field. She or he picture of native society. It is one which he constructs from w hat he sees,
56 Visualizing anthropology

from the details of everyday life and activity around him , from the
intense observations of the strange world in which he has been set down.
I suggest that we consider M alinowski’s style as painterly, rather than 4 T he light of reason: John Grierson,
cinem atic, because o f the distinctive texture or layering which charac­
terises his descriptive prose. T h e vision o f Trobriand society presented
Radcliffe-Brown and the enlightenm ent
in his m onographs consists of a series of tableaux or scenes, their project
relationship to one anoLher largely generated through his own restless
m ovem ent across the canvas as an ethnographer o f native life. T he new
functionalist approach which Malinowski developed emphasises context
and the relationships which m ay be explored within a certain designated
field or frame. This kind of ethnography, expressed through the classic T he final part of m y attem pt to ‘visualize’ anthropology in the period of
m onograph, evokes F laherty’s approach to Inuit society as its cinem atic its early tw entieth-century developm ent addresses the question of an
counterpart. For both forms of representation celebrate the wholeness enlightenm ent way of seeing. For scientific ethnography has at its centre
or integrity of native life existing within an artificially dem arcated space. a distinctive vision o f the world. It is one, I will suggest, that finds its
T h e vision which anim ates the work of Malinowski and Flaherty involves counterpart in the docum entary cinem a o f the interw ar years. I propose
a repudiation of m ontage, the formal expression of the m ovem ent, to examine the features of this enlightenm ent vision through a consider­
complexity and contradiction of the tw entieth-century world. M arcus’s ation of the work of John G rierson and Radcliffe-Brown. Juxtaposing
identification of key features associated with m ontage (for example, de- two key figures in this way extends the range o f symbolic connections
territorialisation and the existence of sim ultaneous realities) have no which 1 have already pursued in relation to anthropology and cinema
place within the simple, non-industrial worlds recuperated by an eye using the examples of Lum iere and H addon, Griffith and Rivers, and
th at can see again.41 In isolating these worlds from time and history, Flaherty and Malinowski.
both M alinowski and Flaherty, like the painter according to John Berger, At the outset 1 m ust confess th at although I recognise both Radcliffe-
gather up native life and deliver it the read er/viewer: ‘painting brings Brown and John G rierson to be central figures in the creation of new
hom e. T h e cinem a transports elsewhere.’42 This analogy with painting forms, neither quite stim ulates my im agination in the m anner of their
may, however, be pursued further in relation to their projects of scientific predecessors. Perhaps m y own intellectual training u n d er E dm und
ethnography and docum entary cinema. Flaherty’s developm ent o f a Leach presents a fundam ental obstacle in appreciating the paradigm of
particular film aesthetic built around texture rather than m ovem ent, scientific ethnography at the heart of Radcliffe-Brownian anthropology,
experience rather than analysis (m irrored by the literary style of the or ‘butterfly collecting’ as Leach once famously described it.1 1 recognise
M alinowskian m onograph), may be understood as an attem pt to hold on that one of the problem s in trying to respond creatively to the interw ar
to the idea of an aura surrounding the original work of art. docum entary film-makers and anthropologists is that their work is about
T h e G erm an critic, W alter Benjamin, argued in his famous essay of consolidation rather th an innovation. T his, by its very nature, limits its
1936 that the m echanical reproduction of images destroys the special experimental scope and range of imaginative possibilities.
power or aura which was attached to original works of art.43 H itherto Radcliffe-Brown and G rierson wTere driven by their desire to secure a
the special mystery of art was m ediated by specialists who alone had professional identity for their new project of social enquiry. H ence there
travelled to the site of the painting for contem plation. After the inven­ was a concern to articulate principles of practice, to lay dow n rules and
tion of the camera, however, the images travelled to the spectator. Torn to dem arcate a specialist arena of operation which excluded others
from context and endlessly reproduced, the particular power of the whose work covered similar ground or m ade certain tru th claims about
original artw ork was destroyed by the technologies o f industrial civiliza­ their relationship with the ‘real’.2 Such distinctions (for example
tion. B oth Flaherty and Malinowski seek, I suggest, to recreate through between knowledge and belief, exploration and revelation, am ateur and
their work som ething akin to the aura o f the original work of art. H ence professional) may be discerned in the projects of Flaherty and M al­
we confront the irony contained in their use of m odern forms to recover inowski; but, as I have suggested, the rom antic im pulse of their cinema
som ething archaic. and anthropology works against the clarification of concepts. Indeed, it

58 Visualizing anthropology T h e light of reason 59

involves a deliberate blurring of boundaries, the subversion of discrim i­ o b s e r v a t i o n quickly evolved into one of surveillance. It was no longer
natory or dualistic ways of knowing the world. innocent and whole, b u t all-seeing and all-knowing. T h e controlling
T h e case with G rierson and Radcliffe-Brown is different - and not gaze transform ed the world into som ething resem bling B entham ’s
just by virtue of their particular personalities and interests. F or central panopticon.5
to my interrogation of the vision which underpins their work is an Ironically, m ost of the interw ar figures associated with G rierson and
awareness of the social, political and intellectual conditions shaping it. Radcliffe-Brown believed in the radical im pulse of their work. They
T h e world in which these two m en operated was m arkedly different were com m itted to som ething new, substantively and methodologically.
from th at in which the earlier, m ore expansive phases of anthropology T he parallel projects in cinem a and anthropology contained a challenge
and cinem a emerged. By the late 1920s, the revolutionary m om ent in to prevailing social and political assum ptions about people. But, as we
art, science, politics and intellectual life had been effectively extin­ will discover, the distinctive vision (and its associated techniques) which
guished. T h e open, experim ental context in which Malinowski, Rivers typified the work associated with Radcliffe-Brown and G rierson was
and Vertov flourished had given way to an era of intensified state power also, in significant ways, com patible with the needs of state power.
and nationalism as another war approached. T he features which Furtherm ore, in their attem pt to secure a professional footing for their
em erged to be defining principles of scientific ethnography and docu­ activities, the docum entary film-makers and anthropologists sought to
m entary cinem a cannot be understood apart from these historical mediate between their subjects and the different agents of state power.
currents. T hey profoundly influenced the evolution of these new forms, The question o f w hether either project was of any serious use to those in
establishing at the same time a difficult legacy, one m arked by sugges­ power is, however, an im portant one. As John G rierson w rote in 1931:
tions of political com prom ise or political collusion which few contem ­ We know o u r E n g lan d glibly as an in d u strial c o u n try b u t w e do n o t know it in
porary anthropologists and film-makers can ignore. o ur everyday o b serv atio n s as such. O u r literatu re is divorced fro m th e actual,
T h e enlightenm ent vision o f the world which anim ates the interwar practised in th e rarefied atm o sp h ere o f c o u n try colleges a n d co u n try retreats.
work of Radcliffe-Brown and G rierson is distinguished by an emphasis O u r g en tlem en explore the native h a u n ts a n d investigate th e native cu sto m s of
Tanganyika a n d T im b u c to o b u t do n o t travel dan g ero u sly in to the jungles of
upon order, integration, rationalism and knowledge. It involves illumina­
M id d lesb ro u g h an d the C ly d e.6
tion., rather than revelation. Such a way of seeing has at its centre the
belief th at the world is ultim ately knowable, that it may be rendered From the early years of his career, John G rierson sought to articulate
transparent through the exercise o f ‘the clear light o f reason’. Vision is a a coherent vision for the new kind of cinem a to which he was com ­
key strategy by which the world is investigated and ultim ately controlled. mitted. N o t only was he interested in establishing a different subject
H ence there is a concern with the perfection of techniques of observa­ m atter to the one em erging in Hollywood, but he was also interested in
tion. These techniques are predicated upon the C artesian dualism particular techniques of investigation which were appropriate to film­
which lies at the centre of an enlightenm ent vision - ‘the world under­ makers pursuing a different kind o f project. M oreover, G rierson’s
stood as an object out there, of vision requiring distance which prom otes position is strongly rem iniscent of the one which distinguished the turn-
knowledge’ as one contem porary artist, Antony Gormley, characterises of-the-century ethnographers. For the em ergence of new subjects of
it.3 T here is a reification of the divisions between subject and object, self study - people understood in the context of their own lives - stim ulated
and the world, belief and knowledge. innovations in docum entary m ethod analogous to those emerging in the
F abian’s early critique of the visualist paradigm running through new fieldwork-based ethnography. Flaherty was, o f course, an im portant
m odern anthropology is, of course, pertinent here.4 His identification of pioneer; bu t so too were the Russian film-makers who, in the afterm ath
the objectifying and dehum anising visual techniques at the heart of of the 1917 upheavals, sought to overthrow all existing forms in order to
scientific ethnography also raises questions for docum entary cinem a. As create a revolutionary cinema. G rierson bccam e a critical figure, synthe­
anyone working in these fields knows, both projects are today highly sising these different strands and consolidating a m ovem ent around the
problem atic. F or the enlightenm ent way of seeing which em erged at single term ‘docum entary’ in the context of interw ar Britain. His estab­
their centre becam e synonymous with particular forms of political lishment of the principles of docum entary were the m eans by which the
control at hom e and abroad. M any of the harshest critics o f docum en­ new cinema laid claim to a special relationship with tru th .7
tary cinem a and scientific ethnography have argued that the eye of I t is im portant to acknowledge at the outset th at G rierson’s interest in
60 Visualizing anthropology T h e light o f reason 61

exploring a particular subject m atter (non-fiction, people as them ­ enm ent orientation of the project, its distinctive way o f seeing, I never­
selves), a set of m ethods (non-actors, non-studio, first-hand experience theless rem ain aware of the innovative spirit and diverse range of films
as a basis for knowledge) and certain technology (the camera as a which are associated with the docum entary m ovem ent. As John C om er
m echanical recording device) was sharply at odds with the opinions of reminds us, it is all too easy to fall into the trap of caricaturing and
established literary intellectuals in Britain at the time. P rom inent figures stereotyping John Grierson. It is equally easy to forget the unusual range
such as the poet T.S. Eliot and writers like D .H . Lawrence or Virginia of people with whom he worked - the poet W.H. A uden, the com poser
W oolf viewed with fear and loathing the emergence of people as a Benjamin Britten, and others such as Basil W right, A lberto Cavalcanti
distinctive force in society.8 T he G reat War had finally shattered the old and one of B ritain’s leading surrealists, H um phrey Jennings. N o t sur­
notions of civilization and humanity. N o t only were people worldwide prising, given this eclectic collection of people, the films m ade by the
now clearly a decisive force in history, b u t they were also visible as never Grierson group reveal considerable diversity, ranging from w hat C orner
before. Looking at the films of Eisenstein or Vertov, or even C hang and calls the ‘aesthetic density’ o f Coalface to the ‘m axim um transparency’ of
Schoedsack’s Grass (1926), 1 am always struck by the presence and Housing Problems.15 M y interest, however, rem ains anchored in the
movement of people. M any intellectuals, however, despised the camera consistency o f the vision which anim ates G rierson’s docum entary
and the new social and aesthetic form, cinema. B oth were identified project. F or its investigation enables us to clarify a set of beliefs, ideas
with popular entertainm ent, shop girls and suburban clerks. Charles and practices which were, during the same period, crystallising into
Baudelaire condem ned photography as a ‘sacrilege’ allowing the ‘“vile scientific ethnography.
m u ltitude” to contem plate its own trivial im age’; while D.H. Lawrence ‘I did w hat I could to get inside the subject. I had spent a year or two
fantasised about annihilation of people under the eye of a cinem ato- of my life w andering about on the deep sea fishing boats and that was an
graphe.9 It was no t just the sheer num ber of people which was terrifying; initial advantage. I knewr w hat they felt like’, G rierson wrote in an essay
it was also their invasion of those spaces previously reserved and of 1929.14 Echoing Flaherty’s approach to cinem atic investigation,
restricted for the ‘civilized’.10 Grierson initially sought to make his own first-hand experience of the
G rierson was unusual, then, in locating his new project of docum en­ N orth Sea fishing boats the basis for his depiction o f the herring
tary cinem a not with the established intellectuals b u t with ‘ordinary’ industry. The Drifters also introduced the them e which quickly becam e
people. Although this position becam e increasingly com prom ised (it is central to the new docum entary cinem a, nam ely work. M en were
difficult to imagine he had workers in m ind as his prim ary audience), it depicted within the context of their labour, working in harm ony with
was part and parcel of G rierson’s m ore general com m itm ent to the nature, m achines and with their fellow m en. T he process of production
expansion of social dem ocracy.11 U sing the technology and site repu­ is presented as complex and integrated, its different parts located,
diated by those w edded to older versions of civilization based upon a through the m arket and network of m odern com m unications, within the
narrow and hierarchical literary culture, he sought to find ways of giving context of world society. T here is a wholeness or integrity about this
expression to the fundam ental humaniLy of people. H e repudiated the cinematic portrayal o f working life. T h e film effectively synthesises
notion of a stupid mindless mass, savages at hom e who, like the natives Flaherty’s celebration of people in the landscape with the Russian
abroad, were considered to be irrational or simple brute-like creatures. preoccupation with industry, technology and rhythm .
R ather G rierson revealed people to be highly skilled and organised, The Drifters com bines a certain texture (density within the frame) with
m asters o f the m ost advanced m achines of industrial civilization. They m ovem ent (rhythm and developm ent). But although G rierson attem pts
were discovered to be noble and dignified in their work and in their to com bine creatively these different cinem atic elem ents, his film never
everyday lives. B ut perhaps, above all, G rierson’s subjects emerge as quite ignites. It remains w orthy and rather dull. O ther key films
deeply social beings.12 produced by G rierson and his group during the 1930s, for example
The Drifters (1929), an early film m ade by G rierson himself, is a useful Industrial Britain, Coalface, Night M ail, Song o f Ceylon, Housing Problems,
starting point in any attem pt to grasp the vision which anim ates the Spare Time reveal a similar fascination n o t only with what people do in
British interw ar docum entary m ovem ent. F urtherm ore, it establishes society but also with the articulation o f these distinctive rhythm s with
certain cinem atic techniques as expressions of such a vision of the broader currents in the m odern world. Each o f the films mixes the
world. But, in seeking to expose w hat I characterise as the enlight­ ‘aesthetic’ and the ‘inform ational’ in strikingly different ways, through
62 Visualizing anthropology T h e light of reason 63

sustained experim entation with the different possibilities presented by to think. This feature of G riersonian cinem a sets up the problem which
image, sound and editing.15 c o n f r o n ts the contem porary audience. H ence, if we follow the spirit of
Despite the self-consciously innovative spirit of G rierson’s docum en­ G rierson’s work and do not suspend our disbelief, we cannot escape an
tary cinem a m ovem ent, and the sheer range of films to emerge within acknowledgement of the overwhelming synthetic quality of his docu­
the space of a few years, I always encounter resistance to this body of m entary cinema. Thinking about the vision o f the w'orld expressed
work from contem porary student audiences. O f course, the films are through the interw ar films sharpens o ur awareness of a disjuncture
dated in significant ways; b u t so, too, are those m ade in the 1920s and within the work itself. W hat is presented through image and sound is
1930s by Flaherty or Vertov. T he latter, however, continue to attract - not what it seems. rFhe form is empty. T h e radicalism of G rierson’s
indeed even thrill - viewers today T here seems to be a level of critical cinema exists only at the level of rhetoric.
engagem ent sustained by Vertov and Flaherty which contrasts sharply G rierson’s vision is predicated on a top-dow n perspective of the
with the response to the work of the G rierson group. This difference is, I world. It is m anifested not just in the substantive focus of the films, but
think, significant. Its investigation is im portant in understanding the also in their techniques. T h e particular styles of cam era work, editing,
particular way of seeing which underpins G rierson’s cinema. the uses of sound, narration and narrative are never expressive of the
The Drifters presents the viewer with a perfectly integrated and orderly material itself; they are always located outside, functioning as a sort of
vision o f the world. It is a vision replicated countless times in the glue which fixes the different parts in their particular place and in
docum entary films of the subsequent decade. For, like G rierson’s 1929 relation to one another. T h e open, dem ocratic and em ancipatory
film, the ones produced later also evoke wholeness or integrity. They impulse of an enlightenm ent project becom es then, in interw ar Britain,
express and encom pass the full diversity of m odern society - its different a celebration of im personal bureaucracy. F or the com m itm ent to know­
work processes, its different classes and genders, its different spaces. But ledge, the banishm ent of darkness, ignorance and superstition, through
everything is in its place. Leisure is just as orderly and m eaningful as a process of illum ination or the shedding of the light of reason was
work. All the parts, w hether hum an or not, function as cogs in a effectively appropriated and transform ed by the state in the nam e of
complex, well-oiled m achine. Such an interpretation o f the world may national integration.
be described as strongly D urkheim ian in its fundam ental premises. At T he particular conditions u n d er which G rierson and his group
its centre is a complex division of labour, organic solidarity, built from worked, and their location within the political landscape o f the 1930s,
the integration of separate parts into a whole. T here is a m arked made the subversion o f their project or w hat W inston calls ‘the running
em phasis on the norm ative - society is conceived as a ‘m oral order’. 16 from social m eaning’, alm ost inevitable.18 As I have already suggested, it
Its individual parts exist only as expressions of the whole. is the synthetic quality of the 1930s docum entaries th at perhaps m ost
As the tw entieth-century expression of an enlightenm ent vision, repels an audience today. T he films appear to be about people and yet
G rierson’s project is concerned with knowledge - knowledge of the we encounter types; they appear to contain m ovem ent b u t in fact are
m odern world acquired through the exercise of reason. G rierson him self static; they are located within the m odern world and yet deny both
was quite explicit about his belief in the educative function of docum en­ history and politics. D espite all the flaws of Vertov or Flaherty, there is a
tary cinem a.11 For him it was a means for enabling people to know m ore certain spirit - an openness, a hum anistic curiosity and playful wit in
about the world in which they lived; and it was integral to the expansion their work - to which we can still respond. It is this which is so markedly
o f social democracy. Consequently G rierson used cinem a in a very absent in the G riersonian films of the same period.
distinctive way. His cinem a worked against the dark, magical properties T he issue concerning the radical im pulse o f docum entary cinema and
inherent in the site itself. Unlike Flaherty, who used the liminality of its transform ation into the celebration of im personal bureaucracy is
cinem a to create conditions for identification across differences of central to understanding the kind of anthropology' which emerged in the
language and culture, or Vertov who used the cinem a as a site for social so-called ‘B ritish’ school of the late 1920s and 1930s. For, during this
and political transform ation, G rierson’s audience was expected to period, the new kind o f enquiry launched by H ad d o n and Rivers began
emerge from the cinem a knowing more bu t not knowing differently. He to take definitive shape through the identification of a particular subject
engaged his audience soberly, rationally and intellectually. Spectators matter, a range of theoretical concepts and distinctive techniques of
were not expected to surrender themselves to an experience b u t rather investigation. M odern anthropology’s process of consolidation, its
64 Visualizing anthropology T h e light of reason 65

gradual professionalisation, depended upon its leading practitioners Visualizing the characters of Radcliffe-Brown and John G rierson
successfully laying claim to specialist knowledge and scientific expertise. immediately throws up some striking contrasts. If there is a certain flair
Building on the achievements of his predecessors, M alinowki was a key to the form er’s personality —he is variously described as a ‘charlatan’,
figure in this process (even if he liked to claim the revolutionary title ‘overbearing’, ‘a bit of a superm an’21 - the latter seems far too sober
exclusively for him self). So, too, was Radcliffe-Brown. and w orthy to ignite the im agination. M oreover, if G rierson was prolific
Rivers’ death in 1922 symbolically m arked a new phase in m odern in his writing, setting up the problem of slippages in m eaning,22
anthropology’s evolution. It was the year in which both M alinowski and Radcliffe-Brown wrote virtually nothing in his entire career. After the
Radcliffe-Brown published their first m ajor works. Radcliffe-Brown’s publication of The Andaman Islanders in 1922, he produced only a
m onograph, The Andam an Islanders, reveals not just a different person­ scattering of papers and lectures which he left to others to publish.23
ality at work from the cautious Rivers or the overblown narrator of Radcliffe-Brown literally travelled lightly. H e was constantly on the
Argonauts', it also suggests a different kind of vision at the heart of the move. According to legend, he carried with him only his copies of
em ergent discipline. In characterising these two m en, historians of L 'A nnie Sociologique as he passed through Australia, South Africa, and
tw entieth-century anthropology usually draw upon the contrast m ade by N orth America before eventually being elected to anthropology’s first
Raym ond F irth, who was him self a leading figure in this phase of the university chair at Oxford in 1937.24 His arrival coincided with G rier­
British school’s evolution. F irth describes the project associated with son’s departure from Britain; but, despite their different trajectories,
M alinowski as ‘rom antic’, with an emphasis upon ‘imaginative insight’ both m en had worked to the same end. T h eir visions of anthropology
(what I have called ‘the visionary’). Radcliffe-Brownian anthropology is and docum entary film becam e the foundation for distinctively m odem ,
identified as ‘classical’. Value is placed upon ‘precision, proportion and professional projects.
restraint’. T here are no fieldwork ‘plunges’ here. If one figure em pha­ From the beginning of his career, Radcliffe-Brown’s intellectual inter­
sised content and ethnographic density, the other em phasised form and ests were focused upon abstract questions concerning social structure
structural sym m etry.10 and organisation. Unlike M alinowski, he did not flourish in the ethno­
M y own interpretation builds upon this established contrast between graphic m inutiae yielded through long periods of intensive fieldwork.
Malinowski and Radcliffe-Brown; but, by employing the concept ‘ways 1lis original research in the A ndam an islands was, by all accounts, thin
of seeing’, I seek to extend it, encompassing the epistemological and and unsatisfactory. It was closer to the older survey-enquirer m odel of
m ethodological assum ptions which underpinned their projects for fieldwork than the subjectively denser participant-observational model.
anthropology. Vision as m ethod and m etaphor operates differently in Although historians of the discipline disagree over the relative weight of
the work of Malinowski and Radcliffe-Brown. If" the rom anticism of the influence, there is nevertheless an acknowledgem ent th at Radcliffe-
form er involves revelation, it is the visual image of illumination which Brown’s trajectory as an anthropologist was decisively shaped by his
expresses the enlightenm ent impulse of the latter. critical engagem ent with the work of D urkheim and Rivers.25 F or a
T here is a certain elusiveness to Radcliffe-Brown. H ence the work of D urkheim ian approach to social life enabled him to take over some of
John G rierson and his group has an im portant role in enabling us to the distinctive features of Rivers’ project, not least a concern with the
‘see’ the distinctive features of the parallel project in anthropology. establishm ent o f anthropology as a scientific enterprise, while at the
Specifically, the juxtaposition of the latter with interwar docum entary same tim e it provided him with the foundations o f a position opposed to
cinem a enables us to clarify a num ber o f key issues around vision or the late Rivers. By the m id-1920s Radcliffe-Brown h ad cast aside
what, following Fabian, is called ‘visualism’ within scientific ethno­ questions of both history and psychology in favour of an anthropology
graphy.20 F or it is m y belief that G rierson and Radcliffe-Brown share, in anchored in the synchronic analysis of social structure. It becam e known
fundam ental ways, the same vision of the world. It is m anifest in both as ‘com parative sociology’ or ‘the natural science of society’. As
the substance and form of the work identified with these key figures. B ut Bouquet notes:
although Radcliffe-Brown was critical in articulating an enlightenm ent T h is ‘n a tu ra l science o f society’, w ith its system atic d efinition o f co n cep ts for a
vision as the basis o f the m odem discipline, it is in the anthropology of th eo retical u n d e rsta n d in g o f how societies ‘fu n c tio n e d ’, co n trasts sharply w ith
his Oxford associates, M eyer Fortes and Evans-Pritchard, that we may M alinow ski’s co nviction th a t social in stitu tio n s ‘h a n g to g e th e r’ - as if this w ere
th e logical o u tc o m e o f c o m p e te n t eth n o g rap h ic d e sc rip tio n .26
perhaps discover its fullest expression.
66 Visualizing anthropology T h e light of reason 67

T h e Radcliffe-Brownian project, as it emerged during the interw ar T h e v ignette, th e p h o to g ra p h , th e sketch, th e d iag ram - th ese are the organizing
years, was m arked by its explicitly norm ative stance. T here was a forces o f E -P ’s e th nography, w hich m oves by m ean s o f decisively im ag ed ideas,
w hich coheres m o re as a lan d scap e cohercs th a n as a m y th does (o r a diary), and
concern with systems, with rules, order and stability. T he ethnographic
w hich is d ed ica ted , above all things, to m aking th e puzzling p la in .30
subject, M alinowski’s Trobriand m an with his skilled negotiation of
self-interest and social obligation, disappeared behind the abstract In seeking to accum ulate anthropological knowledge through the
functioning of roles and duties.27 M oreover, as B ouquet’s contrastive development of a new kind of scientific enquiry, the projcct associated
characterisation reveals, there was also a concern with conceptual with Radcliffe-Brown and Evans-Pritchard shares a passing resem blance
clarification, and with the application of reason, rather than the assum p­ to the enterprise launched by Rivers at the tu rn of the century. Indeed,
tion of intuitive understanding, in the identification of the m echanism s in certain respects, structural-functionalism m ight be considered as a
by which society’s different parts fitted together. Classification and significant advance on the latter, given the absence of the em barrass­
cross-cultural com parison becam e im portant principles in the pursuit of ments of diffusionism and psychology which subsequently becam e
a m ore abstract and theoretically grounded anthropology. Society was associated with Rivers’ anthropology. M y interpretation is different,
now visualised as consisting of a series of com partm ents, the logic of the however. I suggest th at the dynamic Cubism of Rivers’ project was
connection between them , the ‘rhetoric of ethnographic holism ’, appropriated by Radcliffe-Brown; and in decisively casting off any
achieved through the developm ent of a particular kind o f narrative concern with questions of history or subjectivity, he transform ed it into
device.28 F or just as G rierson and his group conceptualised society as a a sterile intellectualism .31
series of parts making up a whole (work, leisure, housing), so too did the T he consolidation of scientific ethnography took place around an
structural-functionalist ethnographers whose m onographs were divided enlightenm ent vision. As a way of seeing, it had originally been an
into sections dealing with economy, kinship, religion and politics. In expression of the pursuit of science and knowledge harnessed to new
each case, the achievem ent of ‘holism ’ or closure is predicated upon a democratic and hum anist ideals. By the second decade of the tw entieth
denial o f subjectivity, agency and history. century, however, the radicalism of such a project had been subverted.
D espite the critical role Radcliffe-Brown played in the articulation of Science and reason, appropriated in the nam e of democracy, were now
structural-functionalism , w hat I call anthropology’s enlightenm ent way strategies of control employed by the agents of state power. T he
of seeing, it is the work of Evans-Pritchard which m ore fully articulates anxious, fragm ented, m ultiperspectival m odernist vision of Rivers is
such a vision. It is here, too, that the G riersonian vision resonates m ost transformed into ‘the gaze’, the disem bodied eye of observation. Vision
strongly at the level of m etaphor and m ethod. F or Evans-Pritchard is is returned to its status as a privileged source of knowledge about the
n o t only preoccupied with the question of order; he also accords a world, w hat Fabian term s ‘visualism’. Its interrogation and problem atic
central role to vision as an observational technique, a strategy by which status are replaced by a new confidence. Society is ‘observed’ and
society may be ‘seen’, thus indicating a certain conception of scientific turned into an object to be studied. A variety of visual m etaphors
knowledge. (diagrams, grids, m aps, etc.) serve to objectify knowledge. B oth history
T h e anthropology of Evans-Pritchard is built upon the idea of illumi­ and agency are denied to those now un d er the scrutiny of the ethnogra­
nation. T h e world is ultim ately knowable. It is rendered transparent pher’s eye.32
through the exercise of the light of reason: ‘All this drastic clarity - Fabian’s identification of the visualist bias running through m odern
lum inous, dazzling, stunning . . . blinding - is . . . no t just an adjunct of anthropology is often adopted as a wide-ranging and totalising critique
Evans-Pritchard’s ethnography, not a stylistic quirk or a bit of rhetorical of the disicipline. I believe th at it is m ost valuable in understanding the
decor laid on to m ake the facts less wearying; it is the very heart of distinctive features of the Radcliffe-Brownian project which emerged in,
it’, Clifford G eertz writes. G eertz allows light to play across Evans- and were m oulded by, the particular social and political conditions of
P ritchard’s ethnographic canvas in a num ber of interesting ways. He the interw ar years. T h e fundam entally static and norm ative vision of the
characterises his literary style as ‘intensely visual’, containing ‘clean, world expressed in structural-functionalism , strongly rem iniscent of
well-lighted judgm ents’ and ‘flat, unshaded assertions’.29 Evoking Fa­ Griersonian cinema, wTas com patible with the prevailing ethos of social
bian’s notion of visualism in its ‘m athem atical-geom etric’ (rather than consensus by which politicians sought to create a coherent sense of
the ‘pictorial-aesthetic’) form, G eertz suggests: national identity in the face of economic depression, social unrest and
68 Visualizing anthropology

approaching war. Indeed it m ight be argued that however far the film­
makers and anthropologists thought they had travelled from the centre,
they nevertheless continued to reproduce it in every level of their Pari II
w ork.31
T he political com prom ises of the interw ar film-makers and anthropol­
Anthropological visions
ogists were, of course, also m uch m ore blatant than these m ore subtle
accom m odations of vision. Both groups were unasham edly in pursuit of
state support for their new enterprises. From G rierson’s courtship of
sponsors such as the Em pire M arketing Board, the Gas Board and the
G eneral Post Office to M alinowski’s and Radcliffe B rown’s attem pt to
find patrons in the Colonial Office, there is little evidence to suggest that
possible conflicts of interest were upperm ost in their minds. The
prim ary concern of the docum entary film-makers and the anthropolo­
gists was the attainm ent of professional recognition. To this end they
sought to prove their value by m aking themselves useful.34
T h e claims m ade by the docum entary film-makers and anthropolo­
gists to be offering som ething new in the guise o f ‘education’ or ‘science’
were, however, built upon a curious paradox. Each group was anxious
to claim a special relationship with reality and tru th through the
dem arcation of a distinctive sphere of operation and range of expert
knowledge. For G rierson this involved separating his docum entary
cinem a (as the creative treatm ent of actuality) not just from fiction film
b u t from other kinds of non-fiction film.35 Radcliffe-Brown and his
associates, too, in claiming to employ special techniques and concepts as
the m eans of elevating their work beyond m ere description, also implied
the creative treatm ent of actuality. H ence in the nam e of reality, science
and tru th , the film-makers and anthropologists reinserted fiction at the
heart of their enterprise.
Despite the sharp critique which may be m ade against the political
com prom ises and collusions of the interw ar anthropologists and film­
m akers, it is easy to overestimate the significance of these tiny groups
operating in the interstices of the national and colonial state. In fact,
these groups were m ade up of a curious collection of misfits and
outsiders, m arginal people who carried no real clout with the British
establishm ent. O f course their very marginality may have m ade them
useful as m ediating figures between potentially difficult subjects at hom e
and abroad and the agents of a state which struggled to contain them.
B ut although they worked hard to prom ote their new enterprises,
neither the docum entary film-makers nor the scientific ethnographers
achieved the professional status they so desired until after 1945. Their
failure during the interwar period, however, was - to adapt W inston’s
wry observation - due n o t to Politics bu t (office) politics.36
5 Cinema and anthropology in the
p o s t w a r w o r ld

Rome, Open City, Rossellini’s classic film, opened in 1945. It is a

landm ark in m o d em cinema. M ade in the final m onths of the Second
World War using film stock acquired through the black m arket, its
distinctively new subject m atter and aesthetic form may be seen as
reflecting the b irth of a new phase in world society. For the end of the
war m arked the disintegration of the old imperial powers and the rise of
a different world order shaped not just by the Cold War but by a
resurgence of popular dem ocratic m ovem ents across Asia, Africa,
Europe and the New World.
T he im pact of Rossellini’s film derives from its moving portrayal of
Italian resistance to G erm an occupation. H e loeates hum anity among
the people of Rom e - Pina, Francesco and D on Pietro, who are
organised with others against the cruelty and barbarism which Fascism,
war and invasion has brought about. M oreover, Rossellini seeks to
express his vision of society through the very form of the film. H e
innovates with established cinematic techniques. Rome, Open City is
notable for its docum entary aesthetic; Rossellini’s use of the city itself as
integral to the revelation of character and developm ent of the narrative;
his em ploym ent o f non-professional actors; his com m itm ent to realistic
dialogue and the details of everyday life. Evoking through the use of
such devices an open, collective and hum ane world, Rossellini contrasts
with it a static and artificially constructed studio world of dark, closed
interiors where brutality lurks.1
Rome, Open City is a useful starting point for a consideration of the
relationship between anthropology and cinema in the postw ar period.
For, irrespective of w hether it actually represents the decisive break
often claimed, Rossellini’s film raises im portant questions concerning
individual and society, reality and artifice, tru th and fiction, substance
and form which go to the heart of these projects as they evolved after
1945. T h e end of the war in Europe m arked a new era in the develop­
m ent of cinema. T here was a crisis in Hollywood, subsequently acceler­
ated by the expansion of television as the new form of mass

72 A nlhropological visions Cinem a and anthropology in the postw ar world 73

com m unication. E uropean cinema underw ent an im portant renais­ w o rk . T h e critical perspective I develop with respect to Rouch, the
sance, its creative renewal being m arked by the em ergence of film M acDougalls and Llewelyn-Davies, takes seriously their anthropology,
criticism as an arena of intellectual investigation. D ocum entary cinema, despite its refusal to conform to the discipline of textual forms. Indeed it
as a particular kind of social enquiry, was an integral p art of this is the explicitly visual orientation of their work that throws into sharp
changing landscape. In exploring its key concerns after 1945, I will relief the underlying assum ptions anim ating their different projects of
suggest that the innovative features of docum entary cinem a and televi­ ethnographic investigation.
sion were driven by a new and creative engagem ent with social life. T he significance of Jean Rouch, David and Judith M acDougall and
Anthropology, however, while subject to the same forces sweeping Melissa Llewelyn-Davies as figures within contem porary anthropology
through the postwar world, moved in a different direction. Its consolida­ partially stems from the coherence and extension of their ethnographic
tion in the universities coincided with the loss of its traditional subject projects. In each case, their films constitute a distinctive corpus m arked
m atter, ‘primitive society’; bu t as an academic discipline built upon the by a high degree of innovation and reflexive experim entation. This
paradigm of scientific ethnography, its expansion was predicated upon unusual com bination of continuity and change makes their projects
abstraction and specialisation. Hence, unlike the postwar film-makers especially interesting, exposing as it does the shifting nature of anthro­
who abandoned professional hierarchies in order to engage anew with pological enquiry. C entral to my interpretation of the innovative quality
people in society, their anthropological counterparts retreated from the of this work is its location within particular social and political contexts.
world, reifying a set o f concepts, m ethods and forms rooted in a different Hence I explore the experim ental im pulse in R ouch’s cinem a against the
phase of intellectual endeavour. backdrop of African independence. I seek to understand how the politics
T h e changing ways in which practitioners of cinema and anthropology of nationalism and the rights of native peoples have shaped the M ac­
engaged with the postw ar world are the focus of my concerns in this Dougalls’ project. Finally, I trace the different ways in which Llewelyn-
introduction to the second half of this book. An awareness of the Davies’s engagem ent with the M aasai people has been m ediated
different strategies used by film-makers such as Rossellini, D e Sica, through the politics of gender.
A ntonioni, R ouch, Drew, Leacock and others to interrogate contem ­ M y approach toward understanding the pursuit of ethnographic
porary social realities is im portant in clarifying key concepts which knowledge by m eans of visual techniques and technologies is built upon
anim ate projects of anthropological visuality which emerge during this a different cinem atic m etaphor from the one of m ontage, the organising
period. Ironically, it is at this time after 1945, when anthropology and principle of m y initial thesis. If the first half of the book is built around
cinema are moving in opposite directions, that we find attem pts to juxtaposition, the self-conscious disruption o f context, the latter half is
realise the prom ise of synthesis contained within the shared m om ent of anim ated by Bazin’s notion of deep-focus photography. H ence, I follow
their symbolic birth. On the one hand, there is the emergence o f ‘visual Bazin in elevating com position (the mise-en-scene) over cutting
anthropology’ as a specialist field within the academic discipline. O n the (m ontage), since as a cinem atic m etaphor it evokes the subtle, complex
other hand, new projects growing out of a self-conscious exploration of nature o f the context from which the projects of Rouch, the M acD ou­
visual techniques within ethnographic enquiry raise issues of episte- galls and Llewelyn-Davies emerged. Such an orientation, with its roots
mology, m ethod and form which go to the heart of anthropology itself. in an appreciation of the cinema of Flaherty, Renoir, Rossellini and
It is the latter, specifically the work carried out by Jean R ouch, David Welles, is especially appropriate given b oth the form and substance of
and Judith M acD ougall, and Melissa Llewelyn-Davies which is the the argum ent which follows. For, in opposing the artifical and contrived
subject of critical attention in this second half of the book. nature of m ontage that sees the world fractured into pieces and recon­
T he three case studies are an attem pt to take further questions I stituted according to the subjective view of film-maker, Bazin argues for
posed at the outset of the book concerning the nature of anthropological an approach toward reality which, in emphasising its w idth and depth, is
knowledge. An exam ination of the role of vision or, m ore broadly, w hat able to reveal its fundam ental ambiguity. His biographer, Dudley
I called anthropology’s ‘ways of seeing’ highlighted the relationship Andrew, notes that the attem pt to evoke ‘the integral unity of a universe
between m ethod and m etaphysic at the heart of the m odern discipline. in flux’ leads Bazin to conceive cinema as a process not of creation but
N ow I draw upon such a framework to examine how technology, of exploration and discovery.2
technique and forms of knowledge are intertw ined within contem porary T he new engagem ent with reality at the centre of Bazinian cinema
74 A nthropological visions Cinem a and anthropology ill the postw ar world 75

brings about a transform ation in the conventional relationship between ciation of film, Bazin’s concern was to move beyond a m ere description
film -m aker and audience. It does not involve the erasure of the vision of of techniques to address m ore fundam ental questions of epistemology
the author; rather, there is an abdication of a particular kind of and the nature of reality. His exploration of the subtle interplay between
direction. As Andrew explains: interpretations of the world and forms of aesthetic expression was
O f n e ith e r F la h e rty n o r R e n o ir can w e say th a t th e film -m ak er has erased his central to his practice as a critic; and, as such, Bazin’s approach offers a
ow n vision. H e has in ste ad erased his d irection o f th e a ctio n w hile re ta in in g his broad critical framework by which we m ay highlight the changing
style o f vision as w itness to th a t action. T h e au d ien ce m ay th e n w aich an actu a l features of docum entary as they unfolded after 1945. F or m any of the
event and a co n sid ered perspective o rie n te d to w ard th a t e v e n t.1
key features which Bazin identified in Italian neorealist cinema found
M y intention in adopting a Bazinian perspective for this part of the their fullest expression within a new conception of non-fiction film - at
book stems from an interest in engaging readers differently. M y thesis is first as direct cinema in America and, later, as observational cinema, a
built upon the evocation of a certain kind of spatial density concerning particular form of anthropological visuality.7
relationships between anthropology, cinema and the postw ar world. I Bazin’s approach to understanding the work of Rossellini, in par­
am anxious to avoid reductionism in my discussion of the particular case ticular his classic films Rome, Open City (1945), Paisan (1946) and
studies while, simultaneously, arguing for the centrality of context to any Germany, Year Zero (1947), depended upon the location of his cinema
interpretation of the kind of anthropology pursued by Rouch, the within the social and political m om ent it expressed. Bazin recognised
M acDougalls and Llewelyn-Davies. By ‘filtering’ or revealing elements that Rossellini’s work was contem poraneous w'ith the world which
th at m ay constitute the social and historical conditions of their work, I brought it into being, i.e. it was part of what it docum ented, rather than
seek to stimulate w hat David M acD ougall term s the ‘exploratory a com m ent upon it. H ence it was both p a rt of a particular m om ent and
faculty’ of the reader. I invite the reader to imagine a com plex web of a m anifestation of it. Although, as Bondanella rem inds us, Italian
interrelationships existing between anthropology, cinem a, television and neorealist cinema encompassed a considerable diversity of style and
the social and political circum stances of the postw ar world rather than subject m atter, it contained at its core w hat we m ight call, following
any series of direct correspondences.4 Raymond Williams, a break towards realism .8 As a m ovem ent, its
leading figures wrere anim ated by their desire to reject artifice, conven­
Italian neorealism tion, established practices and forms in their attem pt to rediscover the
world. T he new engagem ent sought with reality was, of course, depen­
T h e traum a of war, O ccupation and Liberation brought forth a new dent upon the use of artifice. Indeed, drawing attention to the interplay
cinema in Italy. Its key figures, Rossellini, D e Sica and Visconti, along of illusion and reality was one of the hallm arks of classic Italian
with scriptwriters Zavattini and Fellini, sought to effect a decisive break neorealist cinem a.9
between their own work and the bom bast and grandiosity of earlier T he foundation of Bazin’s approach to neorealism privileged an
Fascist film.5 T heir concern was to approach the world differently, to understanding of its metaphysical orientation over its m ethodological
see it as if for the first time. As Fellini puts it: ‘neorealism is a way of innovations. D escribing the films of Rossellini and his contem poraries
seeing reality w ithout prejudice, w ithout conventions coming betw een it as examples of ‘revolutionary hum anism 5, Bazin identified the centrality
and myself - facing it w ithout preconceptions, looking at it in an honest of people in the world, the authenticity of their lived experiences as the
way - whatever reality is, n o t just social reality but all there is within a basis of cinem a’s postwar renaissance.10 H ence the characters of the
m an.’6 This new stance toward life necessitated its own aesthetic. T he classic neorealist films were conceptualised within the landscape as
innovations in cinem atic form and technique pioneered by Rossellini concretely as in the earlier docum entary cinem a o f R obert Flaherty, the
and the other Italian neorealist film-makers were anim ated by a new creativity and vitality of their lives finding expression in the collective
vision of the world, one which emerged from the ruins of war. At its core struggle to rebuild society from the ruins of war. In the early neorealist
was a com m itm ent to people in society as the force for civilization. work, images of bom b-scarred cities were integral to the unfolding of the
Any appreciation of the im m ediate postw ar cinema m ovem ent in Italy drama itself, the backdrop against which a different future could be
owes m uch to the writing of Andre Bazin. F rom the very beginning of imagined and be constructed. T h e later films, in particular D e Sica’s
his attem pt to develop a coherent critical perspective toward the appre­ Umberto D (1951), also drew crucially upon landscape as fundam ental
76 A nthropological visions Cinem a and anthropology in the postw ar world 77

to the understanding of character and action; but, in this case, it was to rebuild society, was quickly exhausted. D e Sica’s film, The Bicycle
used to strikingly different effect. T he city becomes, as M illicent M arcus Thief (1948), as M arcus notes, already represented a significant shift
puts it, ‘a fragm ented, decentered space with few familiar landm arks away from the vision of the world evoked in Rome, Open City or Paisan.
and no sense of cohesion’.11 His later film, the story of an old m an and his dog (Umberto D, 1951),
T he expression of a neorealist vision of the world depended upon the was a bleak expression of isolation and despair. F o r Bazin, ironically, the
use of a different range of cinematic techniques. Specifically, it required film was suggestive of new possibilities for neorealism . H e envisaged ‘a
com m itm ent to m ethods that we, as ethnographers, m ight call ‘partici­ cinema of “duration” ’, by which he m eant a final break with film as
pant-observation’. F or the neorealist film-makers, in being positioned spectacle or dram a. In its place a cinema would be constituted from ‘the
differently towards contem porary life, were themselves im plicated in succession of the constant instants of life, no one of which can be said to
that which they were seeking to explore. This was m anifest in the use of be m ore im portant than another, for their ontological equality destroys
the technology itself: ‘T he Italian camera retains som ething of the drama at its very basis’.14
hum an quality of the Bell and Howell newsreel camera, a projection of Despite Bazin’s later identification of this as a new m om ent in the
hand and eye, alm ost a living part of the operator, instantly in tune with evolution of cinem atic language, other Italian film-makers were by the
his awareness’, Bazin w rites.12 T he intim ate connection with the world early 1950s anxious to escape the confines of neorealism . Specifically,
was forged through the intense observation of the details o f everyday they were interested in pursuing a project of interior exploration. D uring
life. T h e amassing of such details, evocative of the world’s density or the 1950s, A ntonioni, Fellini and their contem poraries elsewhere (most
texture, was conveyed cinematically through the use of long takes and notably Bergman and Resnais) em barked upon an investigation of
deep-focus photography. T he em ploym ent of such techniques (as Orson memory, history, em otion and consciousness - the nature of subjectivity
Welles so brilliantly dem onstrated in Citizen Kane) was inspired by a itself; and their new project for cinema unfolded am idst the politics of
conception of cinema as about ambiguity, involving revelations of the the Cold War, M cC arthyism and the threat of nuclear annihilation.
real rather than any explanation of it. T he postw ar Italian films refram ed a num ber of key questions
T h e developm ent o f a new aesthetic which conveyed, by its situating concerning the relationship betw een society and subjectivity, reality and
of people in the world, the em ergence of phenom enological cinem a, was illusion, docum entary and fiction which had crystallised over the
built upon a different notion of the role of the director and - im portantly previous three decades. This subversion of established categories within
- of the audience. H ence, although Visconti, Rossellini and D e Sica cinema cannot be considered apart from the changing social and
rem ained critical to the realisation of a certain cinematic vision of the political conditions of the postw ar world. For, although the years after
world, their relationship to that world and to their audience was 1945 were m arked by the growing threat of nuclear war as the super­
significantly different from the roles as conventionally understood. T he powers faced each other across a divided Europe, there was at the same
film -m aker’s role was less about directing and presenting the action, and time an explosion of popular forces across Africa, Asia and the C ar­
m ore a process of filtering in which the audience itself was actively ibbean. It is im portant to recognise that the period of the Cold War,
engaged in the creation of m eaning: ‘I try to interfere the m inim um while conventionally understood as characterised by trem endous repres­
am ount possible with the image, my interference is only to find the point sion and fear, was also a period of im m ense political vitality. We have
of view and to say w hat is essential, no m ore’, Rossellini once explained already seen how the im m ediate postw ar Italian film-makers sought to
to an interviewer. H e continued engage m ore directly with the new political energies at work in society.
You can suggest a n d tell peo p le w h a t you have h a d th e possibility to collcct, By m aking their cinema an integral part of this m om ent, Rossellini and
observe, a n d to see. You can even give, b u t very sm oothly, y o u r p o in t o f view his associates reinvented the form itself. T he particular qualities asso­
w hich is there as so o n as y o u have m a d e y o u r choice . . . M y p u rp o s e is n ev er to ciated with subsequent m om ents of experim entation - British Free
convey a m essage, n ev er to p e rsu a d e b u t to offer everyone an o b serv atio n , even Cinem a, cinema verite, direct cinema and the F rench New Wave - m ust
m y o b se rv a tio n .13 likewise be understood. They, too, reflected the desire by film-makers
Rossellini’s war trilogy inaugurated the postwar renaissance of to engage with new currents in social life; and, in so doing, their
cincm a, but the dram a and optim ism inherent in the ‘cinema of experim entation with form becam e inseparable from their exploration
R econstruction’, which portrayed people united in their heroic struggle of new subject m atter.
78 A nthropological visions Cinem a and anlhropology in the postw ar world 79

l l i e Free Cinem a m ovem ent which em erged in Britain during the M any of the postwar docum entarists shared with their Italian counter­
1950s represented an attem pt by film-makers to locate their work more parts a fundam ental com m itm ent to people in society. Again, there was
securely in the changing conditions of postwar society. Although the a concern to break with those styles com prom ised by war and propa­
work of Lindsay A nderson, Karel Reisz and Tony Richardson involved a ganda, and to engage anew w ith life through the subversion of hierar­
rejection of earlier cinematic conventions in favour of a freer style chies built into the conventional relationship between film-makers,
expressive of the energy spilling out from a young postwar generation, it subjects, audiences and technology. T h e developm ent of w hat becam e
perhaps rem ained m ore imitative of Italian neorealism than any signifi­ known as cinema verite and direct cinema was rooted in these changing
cant developm ent beyond it.13 M oreover, as with their Italian counter­ ideas about the nature of the docum entary project. D espite an overlap
parts, the British film-makers tinkered with the established categories of in the film technologies characteristic of these new approaches (namely,
fiction and docum entary but failed to pursue their innovations to the lightweight portable cameras and sound recording equipm ent), each
point of final dissolution. D e Sica and Zavattini hinted at the possibi­ one was underpinned by a different epistemology, set of techniques and
lities. T heir am bition could no t be fully realised, however, until the aesthetic fo rm .17
docum entary form itself was pushed to its limits, rather than being used One of the problem s that I have confronted in exploring, from an
and transcended in the search for a new kind of fiction film .16 anthropological perspective, the evolution of cinema after 1945 arises in
connection with cinema verm. This may seem som ething of a paradox,
since cinema verite is perhaps m ost clearly identified with the work of an
C in e m a v e r ite
anthropologist, Jean Rouch. But, in seeking to establish the features of
T h e release of Umberto D in 1951 m arked the end of neorealism as a this distinctive approach which emerged during the 1950s, it was
creative m om ent in postw ar cinema. It revealed both the lim itations and difficult to locate it properly with respect to an earlier Italian neorealism
future possibilities of neorealist film. O n the one hand, the cinem a of and a later F rench New Wave. Clearly, as the conventional film histories
A ntonioni and Fellini represented m ovem ent away from neorealism ’s revealed, it belonged chronologically between those two m om ents; but
fundam ental premises (about the nature of reality, the relationship the new configuration of key questions preoccupying postw ar film­
between individual and society, and the logic of narrative). O n the other makers was not, I felt, satisfactorily explored with reference to Rouch.
hand, direct cinem a, which emerged a decade later in America, m ay be All too often issues concerning technology becam e an obstacle inhibiting
interpreted as an extension of the kind of neorealist project envisaged by any further investigation of the fundam ental premises of his cinema -
Zavattini (and Bazin). D espite these very different responses to the end and its location in Africa.18
of cinem a’s im m ediate postwar renaissance, it is clear that throughout I suggested earlier that out of neorealism , two contrasting projects
the 1950s the categories of fiction and docum entary continued to be developed. T h e first, perhaps m ost fully realised by Antonioni, involved
unstable. Indeed, if the challenge to these conventions was initially a break with the assum ption of the social determ ination of individual
articulated by Rossellini and others in the area of fiction film, a num ber subjectivity implied in the postw ar Italian films. Although landscape
of other challenges originated in docum entary cinema. remains integral to the nature of A ntonioni’s cinematic enquiry, his
D ocum entary, as it had evolved during the 1930s, was, of course, strikingly new configuration of people in the world serves to evoke not
deeply affected by the postwar changes in the conception of cinema. T he hum an solidarity and connection but the isolation, alienation and failure
blurring of boundaries which Italian neorealism represented revealed as of com m unication wrhich lies at the heart of m odern existence. T he
m uch about the artifice of docum entary as about the reality of fiction. other response to neorealism was represented by the direct cinema
T hus, while m any conventional histories place the eruption of the movement. In contrast, it was built upon a reaffirm ation of the central
F rench N ew Wave as the next significant m om ent in cinem a’s postwar relationship between individual and society - now explored within the
developm ent, it is im portant to be aware of those changes occurring context of contem porary Am erican life.
w ithin docum entary cinema during the years between Umberto D and the C ertainly R ouch’s cinema was neither th at of Antonioni n o r of the
release of Francois T ruffaut’s 400 Blows (1959). N ot only did these American film-makers around R obert Drew; b u t it seemed, interest­
changes shape ideas and practiccs across cinema as a whole; they also ingly, to contain an unusual synthesis of these contrasting responses to
form ed the basis for the em ergence of anthropological cinema. neorealism. F or his films of the 1950s were crucially about individual
80 A nthropological visions Cinem a and anthropology in the postw ar world 81

and society, but that relationship is not an external projection - mani­ tionary change laid bare the provisional, ideological and contestable
fested as people doing things in the world (direct cinema or w hat B a z i n nature of social reality, then the camera was exposed, too, as an
im agined as a kind of ‘reconstituted reportage’), the nature of subjec­ in s tr u m e n t involved in t h e creation of realities rather than understood as
tivity revealed through the social context of their action - rather it an instrum ent for the discovery of reality.
involved the reconfiguration of this relationship from the inside out. In The distinctive techniques associated with cinema verite grew directly
the latter sense then, R ouch followed a similar path to that of Antonioni out of the attem pt to create a film-making approach which expressed the
in his com m itm ent to a cinem atic exploration of interiority; but his work c o m p le x subjectivities of people emerging as a new force in world
was located in West Africa no t in Europe, and he came up with a society. F rom the beginning of his project, Rouch sought to free his
strikingly different vision of both subjectivity and the world. camera, to m ake it mobile, em bodied, spontaneous, em ancipatory and
T h e verite approach pursued by Jean Rouch unfolded within the improvisatory:
conditions of West African independence politics. As an experim ent in
T h e only w ay to film is lo w alk a b o u t w ith th e cam era, tak in g it to w herever it is
film-making, it was contem poraneous with the critical challenge to
the m ost effective, an d im provising a b allet in w hich th e cam era itself becom es
established ideas and practices in cinem a led by Francois Truffaut.
just as m u c h alive as th e people it is film ing. T h is w ould be the first synthesis
Indeed 1954 was the year which m arked both the m aking o f R ouch’s betw een th e theo ries o f V ertov a b o u t th e ‘cine-eye’ a n d th o se o f F la h e rty a b o u t
m ost controversial film, Les Maitres Fous, and the publication of A the 'p a rtic ip a n t c am e ra’. I often co m p are th is dynam ic im provisation w ith th a t
Certain Tendency in French Cinema, T ruffaut’s m anifesto against what he o f th e b u llfighter before th e bull. In b o th cases n o th in g is given in advance, an d
called ‘le cinema de p ap a’. 10 T he attack upon key assum ptions about the sm o o th n ess o f a faen a (strategy o f play) in bullfighting is analogous to the
reality, character and narrative launched by Truffaut and his colleagues harm ony o f a traveling sh o t w hich is in p erfect balan ce w ith th e m ovem ents o f
at Cahiers du Cinema stem m ed from a self-consciously articulated the su b jects.21
intellectual position. R ouch’s subversion of such notions, however, was Engaging with life in a completely new way as a film-maker, Rouch, like
driven by his own film-making practice. It was in the very nature of his Vertov, confronted the limitations of existing technology. Im portantly, it
work, in its particular location and subject m atter (the m igrant experi­ was not the developm ent of lightweight cameras and synchronous
ence) th at Rouch no t only developed a kind of cinema which was sound-recording equipm ent which m ade possible cinema verite. It was
neither docum entary nor fiction, but he also re-discovered the m od­ the evolution of cinema verite which dem anded these technological
ernism of earlier F rench cinem a through its transposition into an innovations.
em ergent independent Africa.20 It is significant that France and the U nited States, sites of the m ost
T h e origins of the term , cinema verite, have been the subject of m uch intense political struggles in the West during the 1950s and 1960s,
debate. Its adoption, however, as the description of film-making techni­ became the foci for experim entation in postw ar docum entary. Although
ques rooted in capturing life as it is lived - undirected, unscripted, many of the innovations pursued by R obert Drew, Richard Leacock and
unfolding - m ade explicit the connection between the kind of project D onn Pennebaker in America were contem poraneous with those of
R ouch began to pursue during the 1950s and that of the Russian cinema verite, they were profoundly different kinds of social enquiry.
revolutionary film-maker, Dziga Vertov (kino-pravda or cine-truth). Certainly there was a superficial resem blance which derived from the
Each figure was com m itted to plunging the camera into the m idst of a film-makers’ shared interest in forging a different relationship with life
world in flux. T h e spontaneous, improvised quality of their films, through the abandonm ent of conventional film-making hierarchies and
emerging from a new positioning of film-maker and subject, technology technologies. But the conditions under which cinema verite and direct
and society, was expressive of the m ore general condition of fluidity in cinema evolved - namely, colonial independence and civil rights, respec­
social and political life. T h e cinem atic challenge to notions of reality, tively - were critical in establishing different concerns at the centre of
character and narrative which the work o f both Vertov and Rouch these two projects. M oreover, each approach was predicated upon a
represented was inseparable, then, from their direct engagem ent with radically different notion of both reality and the form of its re-presenta-
conditions of revolutionary upheaval. T he high degree of rcfiexivity tion. If cinema verite was located in cinema itself, drawing upon its
characteristic of such verite projects was evidence indeed of a fundam en­ unique features as an arena for transform ation, then direct cinema, as
tally different orientation toward the world. If the conditions of revolu­ part of broader m ovem ent in Am erican journalism , accom m odated
82 Anthropological visions
C inem a and anthropology in the postw ar world 83
itself within a different site - television. T h e form er was weighted (I960), The Chair (1962) and Crisis (1963). T h e com m itm ent of film­
toward a certain kind of experience, the latter toward inform ation. m a k e rs like Drew, Leacock and Pennebaker to their total im m ersion in
D irect cinema began as a rather curious hybrid form , a strange the dram a of contem porary life and the recording of live action (rather
m ixture of cinema (in its use of character, context and narrative) and than its re-enactm ent or explanation), m eant a constant struggle against
broadcast journalism (in its com m itm ent to inform ); b u t television the limitations of film technology. C ertainly it is striking to read the
quickly becam e the m ost appropriate niche for the kind of film-making personal accounts o f this period, since there is a palpable sense o f the
approach to w hich D rew and his associates were com m itted.22
e x c i t e m e n t contained within the discovery of new ways of working. B u t ,
perhaps m ore than anything else, there is a remarkably clear vision of
D irect cinema the kind of films they were, as a group, determ ined to m ake and the
necessity of having to invent their own technology appropriate to it. For,
D irect cinema represented an im portant continuation of postw ar Italian as with cinema verite, direct cinema was not a technologically driven
neorealism , especially its late phase. T he foundations for such an innovation. T h e technology lagged far behind the imaginative concep­
extension within a different cultural setting had already been laid, tion of the project itself.25
however, by developm ents within American cinem a. T h e crisis in T he techniques of direct cinema were founded upon the freedom and
Hollywood after the war and the collapse o f a cinem a audience pre­ mobility of the film-makers themselves. Film crews were small - two
cipitated a num ber o f changes in film production w hich m irrored those people recording image and sound synchronously. T here was no use for
occurring within European cinema. Specifically, N ew York em erged as lights, tripods, scripts, interviews, actors or directors. T here was a strict
the centre for a new kind of cinema. It involved a rejection of Holly­ adherence to the principle of spontaneity. N othing was staged or
wood artifice - namely, its studio-based production, star system and repeated.26 Working in this way, film-makers sought to insert themselves
formulaic narratives - in favour of an excavation of the city itself as the as far as they could into situations. F rom such a vantage point, they
landscape in which complex subjectivities were located.23 H ence, in the watched and listened with an extraordinary intensity, recording w hat­
decade after 1945, a growing num ber of American fiction film-makers ever details of character and context m ight serve as clues to an under­
were moving closer toward direct engagem ent with social life. At the standing of the action unfolding before them . T h e film-makers acted as
same time, the leading figures in actuality film-making began to look witnesses to action, n o t as the provocateurs of it. Such a role dem anded,
towards the fiction film as a way o f escaping from the confines of word- moreover, that the film-makers be present at both the recording and
dom inated docum entary.
editing of the work. In seeking to offer spectators the sense of themselves
F ro m the outset, the approach to actuality film-making which R obert ‘being there’, of the audience being situated within the action itself, the
Drew, th e key figure in the developm ent of direct cinem a, fostered was film-maker’s presence at every stage o f the project was central to the
built u p o n the casting aside of established docum entary conventions or authenticity or the ‘tru th ’ of the film ‘evidence’ offered.
w hat he called its ‘word-logic’: that is, films assembled around a verbally T he critical perspective toward cinema developed by Andre Bazin
articulated argum ent. Instead D rew and those who were grouped during the early 1950s serves as a valuable fram ework by which the
around him, Leacock, Pennebaker and the Mayslcs brothers, located particular concerns and techniques of the new docum entary film-makers
themselves as film-makers in the m idst of social life. T h eir role was to gathered around R obert Drew may be judged. Although there is some­
capture life as it unfolded, w ithout direction or preconceptions: ‘I am thing inescapably Am erican about direct cinema - its energy, its attrac­
interested in one approach only’, Drew once stated in the context of a tion to action and dram a, its male heroes (w hether the film-makers
discussion with other leading docum entarists, ‘and th at is to convey the themselves or their subjects) - Bazin’s reflections on the postw ar Italian
excitem ent an d dram a and feeling of real life as it actually happens films enable us to identify its origins in the ontology of neorealism. For
through film.’24
the techniques developed by people such as Leacock or Pennebaker were
D irect cinema as a new and distinctive film-making approach was expressive o f an orientation toward the world which closely resembled
established by Primaty (I960), D rew ’s early film about John F. K enne­ that of Rossellini and D e Sica. This stance was m anifested in the
dy’s battle for the Dem ocratic presidential nom ination. It was followed aesthetic quality of the direct cinema films themselves, for example in the
by a series of other films, including On the Pole (I9 6 0 ), Y anki No! emphasis upon the mise-en-scene and their ‘fo u n d ’ rhythm .27
84 A nthropological visions Cinem a an d anthropology in the postw ar world 85

At the centre of direct cinem a lay a preoccupation with the relation­ 0f a cinema o f duration. H ence, despite th e points o f connection with
ship between individual and context, the central axis of Italian neore­ prew ’s approach, it was through observational cinema that classic
alism. T he use of the mise-en-scene was the cinematic m eans by which Italian neorealism was properly reinvented.
both subjectivity and the world were conceived. Film -m akers, as I have
noted, cultivated an extrem e sensitivity to the dynamics of situation in T h e consolidation of academic a n th ro p o lo g y
which they were im m ersed, since it was the m om ent of recording (and
n o t th at of editing) w hich was fundam ental in grasping this relationship. J have suggested th at the innovative im pulse anim ating cinem a after
Working in this way did nor just establish a distinctive filmic space, a 1945 should be understood as evidence of a new encounter between
focusing of relationships within a scene, b u t it also evoked a different film-makers and the world. T h e rediscovery o f people in society as a
sort of time: ‘tim e does no t flow. It accum ulates in the image like a rich, complex subject m atter influenced all areas o f film-making, from
form idable electric charge’.28 H ence the role which direct film-makers te c h n o lo g y to questions of aesthetics and form. At its core, postwar
adopted towards subjects, reality and audience closely resembled the cinema was profoundly subversive of existing notions about truth,
kind of ‘filter’ th at Bazin associated with other figures like Rossellini, fiction and reality. Its restless, questioning spirit was an im portant
R enoir and Flaherty. As Bazin’s biographer, Dudley Andrew, p u t it: e x p re s s io n of broader social and political currents at work in the world
[T he] style is p a rt o f a n in stin c t th a t first ch o o ses w h a t to w a tc h a n d th e n knows after 1945.
how to w atch it - m o re precisely, how to coexist w ith it. U n d e r th e subtle Anthropology’s consolidation as ‘a form of disciplined inquiry’ was
p re ssu re o f th is a p p ro ac h , relatio n sh ip s w ilh in reality b e co m e visible, bursting contem poraneous with the period of cinem atic experim entation inaugu­
into th e concio u sn ess o f th e sp e c ta to r as a revelation o f a tr u th d isco v ered .29 rated by Italian neorealism; b u t the location of scientific ethnographers
T h e distinctive features associated with R obert D rew ’s docum entary within the academ y and their pu rsu it o f professional status resulted in
work were, of course, built upon a set of assum ptions about reality and very different trajectories from those characteristic of the postw ar film­
th e n ature of its apprehension. In rejecting m ontage as its basic principle makers.32 If a great deal of the creativity of the latter was stim ulated by
in favour of the mise-en-scene, the direct film-makers were com m itted to the repudiation of earlier work, the form er sought to reify the ideas and
‘non-preconception’, th at is, to an investigation of a pre-existent world methods of their predecessors in an attem pt to legitim ate their claims to
rather than its creation (as, for example, predicated by the kind of a particular kind o f scientific expertise. H ence in place of experim enta­
approach pursued by R ouch).30 It was by attending to the world tion and reflexive self-consciousness, we discover a m arked conservatism
through intense observation, specifically of people’s actions within it, in the anthropology of the im m ediate postw ar period. T h e concern of its
that the direct film-makers sought to yield new understandings o f the leading figures was the establishm ent of professional norm s as the
n ature of contem porary life. means for sharply distinguishing the nature o f their scientific enquiry
D espite its origins in a particular kind o f cinema, the direct approach from other kinds of social reporting and investigation.33 It is ironic,
to docum entary was perhaps m ore profoundly shaped by television. however, that the ideas, techniques and forms being articulated as the
M any of its key features harm onised with the distinctive characteristics foundations of the university discipline were already archaic. For the
of the mass m edium with its em phasis on live action. D rew ’s enterprise onset of the C old War cast d o u b t u p o n science as an undertaking that
resem bled the kind of ‘reconstituted reportage’ im agined by Bazin as an was in any way straightforwardly neutral or progressive, and the move­
im portant stage in the evolution of cinem atic language; but it was not, in m ent of colonial peoples for independence represented a fundam ental
fact, the proper realisation of the vision im agined by either Bazin or challenge to certain assum ptions central to the creation of a ‘m o d ern ’
Z avattini.31 D irect cinem a, driven as it was by D rew ’s com m itm ent to anthropology.34
com m only shared hum an experience and m arkedly ethnographic in its A lthough the years between 1945 and the late 1960s saw the clarifica­
orientation and techniques, was im portant in shaping a new kind of tion of distinctive national traditions in anthropology, m ost notably the
anthropological enquiry. T he em ergence of observational cinema, American, British and French schools, there were m any points of
however, represented som ething other than a transposition o f direct connection arising from their shared history as professionalising areas of
cinema m ethods into ethnographic situations. Observational cinema academic enquiry.35 T h e postw ar expansion of higher education created
brought film-makers into an active engagem ent with Bazin’s notion university posts for those anthropologists whose training had occurred
86 A nthropological visions Cinem a and anthropology in the postw ar world 87

during the previous decade of insecurity and uncertainty, when their world. O ne was predicated on the interrogation o f notions of reality and
tcachers h ad struggled to foster an incipient discipline through a sort of the means of its apprehension through the developm ent of a new
apprenticeship m odel o f recruitm ent.36 M odern anthropology h ad been r e l a t i o n s h i p with the world; t h e other project, located within the
n u rtu red in the small cliques surrounding key figures of the 1920s and academy, was built upon t h e assum ption o f the world as an object to be
30s (Malinowski, Boas and Griaule, for example). T he ideas and s c i e n t i f i c a l l y investigated and represented. I t was the attem pt to use a
practices associated with such people were difficult to sustain, however, s c i e n t i f i c instrum ent, the cam era, in the service of ethnographic investi­
until institutional legitim ation provided the m eans by w hich the scien­ gation which starkly exposed the pretensions o f anthropology’s claim to
tific im pulse of their work could be fully realised. Once established in be a m odern science, w hether it was pursued by visual or textual
the universities — and Radcliffe-Brown’s appointm ent in 1940 to an techniques.
Oxford chair m arked the beginning o f this process in Britain - the
recruitm ent to the discipline was formalised and carefully controlled.
Anthropology’s profile as a professional m ode of enquiry was depen­ The rise of visual anthropology
d en t equally upon its intellectual and institutional consolidation. The Visual anthropology developed m ost fully as an area of specialist inter­
form er involved the developm ent o f theory as the framework for a cross- ests and techniques within Am erican anthropology; and, as such, it
cultural comparative sociology. T he rise to prom inence of Parsons, contained m any of the theoretical and m ethodological assum ptions of
Radcliffe-Brown and Levi-Strauss within the Am erican, British and the American discipline m ore generally.39 Its em ergence in the late
F rench schools m arked a m ovem ent away from the idiosyncratic details 1950s and 1960s was p artic u la r^ associated with M argaret M ead. It is
of ethnographic work and toward a concern with abstract structural im portant to recognise th at M ead ’s own preoccupations and location
principles. T h e institutional counterpart to this shift saw the creation of within the profession were also significant factors in the establishm ent of
bureaucractic procedures by which the discipline’s activities could be a certain agenda for visual anthropology. T here is an irony in the fact
properly m onitored and protected. It was in the course o f finally that M ead, widely perceived by her colleagues to be a populariser and
trium phing over am ateurism that the new university-based scientific unscientific, sought to use visual technologies in the nam e of science.
ethnographers becam e narrow and specialised. M odern anthropologists M ead’s vision of a new anthropology w hich engaged with the potential
were academics rather than intellectuals. Shedding the grander specula­ of visual m edia contained interesting possibilities; but, typically, it was
tions of their predecessors, they becam e scientists not philosophers, and com prom ised by h er tendency to simplify and to h ecto r h e r professional
they increasingly restricted their com m unication to those w'ho, like colleagues. C ertainly the scepticism with which M ead was viewed by
themselves, only published in specialised journals an d shared an arcane most university-based anthropologists greatly attributed to the m argin­
language.37 alisation o f visual anthropology by those who considered themselves at
Visual anthropology em erged as a distinctive field during the period of the centre o f th e discipline. T h e subdiscipline was frequently dismissed
the discipline’s postw ar university expansion. F or at the sam e tim e as on the grounds of its theoretical naivety, its com m itm ent to a salvage
academ ic anthropology asserted itself as a unified, coherent arena of paradigm and its scientistic pretensions. These were, of course, all
enquiry, it fragm ented into num erous sub disciplines whose relationship charges which were levelled at M ead herself.
to the centre was always contradictory and unstable. But, as Joan Although visual anthropology as a specialist field within anthropology
Vincent has convincingly dem onstrated, the investigation o f these peri­ did not crystallise until the late 1960s and early 1970s, M ead’s interest
pheral areas throws up a range of questions about the preoccupations of in the ethnographic potential of photography and film grew out o f her
the discipline as a w hole.38 T h e case of visual anthropology is especially collaboration three decades earlier w ith G regory Bateson. Together they
interesting. T he particular nature of the synthesis pursued resulted in had sought to develop an innovative m ethodology appropriate to their
the exposure of issues about epistemology (science), m ethod (observa­ investigations of certain cultural practices in Bali and N ew Guinea. It
tion) and form (writing) which were central, if largely unacknowledged, involved the deploym ent o f film and photography along with other
to m odern anthropology itself. T hese issues were laid bare by the fieldwork techniques (note-taking, for example) in an effort to develop a
attem pt to bring together two projects (cinema/television and anthro­ reflexive approach to ethnographic enquiry and presentation. As
pology) which w'ere driven by very different impulses in the postw ar Bateson em phasised in his ‘Introduction’ to Balinese Character. ‘We
88 A nthropological visions C inem a and anthropology in the postw ar world 89

treated the cameras in the field as recording instrum ents, not as devices questions about the status of evidence which had so preoccupied nine­
for illustrating our theses’. T he use o f the camera was conceived as an teenth-century science.
active fieldwork strategy. It posed rather than resolved questions. T he project of ethnographic film as it initially unfolded was not
Equally im portant in the use which M ead and Bateson m ade of visual c o n c e r n e d with the interrogation of the fundam ental premises of the
techniques and technologies was their recognition of the limitations of discipline. This was not, perhaps, suprising. Academ ic anthropology
language in conveying or translating aspects of social life. T he juxtaposi­ i t s e l f was still largely inform ed by the paradigm o f scientific ethnography
tion of different kinds of m aterial was integral then to the evocation of with its distinctive object (primitive society), m ethod (fieldwork) and
w hat Bateson called ‘ethos’, that is, the ‘intangible aspects of culture’.40 theory (structural-functionalism ). Although a num ber of im portant
Later, in the context of the Second World War, Bateson and M ead critiques had begun to emerge in the late 1960s and early 1970s, it was
em barked on what was known as the ‘study of culture at a distance’. At not until a decade later that the discipline underw ent a m ore profound
first it involved the developm ent of an anthropological approach revolution.45
towards the interpretation o f film (for example, Nazi propaganda). 'The rethinking o f anthropology’s claim to be a science cast doubt on
Subsequently it becam e a m ore general study of forms of visual com ­ all its aspects - from its object of investigation to its theory of knowledge,
m unication understood not as descriptions but as cultural statem ents m ethods of enquiry and forms of presentation. A nother kind of anthro­
about the world.41 pological approach built around the use of visual techniques and
T h e potential of the early Bateson and M ead work was never fully technologies had already rendered problem atic m any of these issues.
realised, as each moved on to pursue other, separate interests. Still, Located originally within the paradigm of scientific ethnography and yet
M ead continued to work with the film footage generated during their largely pursued outside the academy, the work of Jean Rouch, David
Balinese and N ew G uinean fieldwork, editing it into a series called and Judith M acD ougall, and Melissa Llewelyn-Davies forms an im por­
‘C haracter form ation in different cultures’.42 Typically the im portant tant counterpoint to the textual preoccupations of their anthropological
questions about m ethod, epistemology and form raised by the approach contem poraries in the academy.
M ead developed with Bateson were not seriously pursued. Indeed, An understanding of the particular nature of the synthesis achieved
M ead reduced them to a sort of simple scientism harnessed to a salvage between anthropology and cinema/television is central to the three case
paradigm . studies I will consider. For, in contrast to the general and am orphous
By the early 1970s M argaret M ead had becom e one of the key figures category of ethnographic film (is it a kind of cinem a or television or
in the new field of visual anthropology. O ther im portant figures included academic presentation?), the work of Rouch, the M acDougalls and
John M arshall, Tim Asch, Asen Balikci, R obert G ardner and Karl Llewelyn-Davies involved the harnessing of anthropological sensibilities
H eider, whose concerns found focus in ethnographic film. F rom the to the creative exploration of the aesthetic and social features attached
outset the subdiscipline was burdened by a num ber of problem s origi­ to different m edia forms. These different attem pts to pursue anthropo­
nating in M ead’s work. H ence m uch energy was expended in seeking to logical questions by m eans of im age-based technologies throw into
legitim ate ethnographic film as a respectable form of scientific endea­ sharp relief the assum ptions about knowledge and technique at the
vour.43 These efforts, however, merely underlined the problem atic heart of the discipline.
nature of ethnographic enquiry itself. For, as W inston’s astute analysis
of The A x Fight reveals, Asch and C hagnon were m aking a series of
claims in their film about anthropological understanding which were
not, in fact, sustained by the evidence offered by their footage. T heir
attem pt to show the different stages by which anthropological know­
ledge may be reached, culm inating in a set of kinship diagrams (which
never fails to provoke hilarity am ong contem porary audiences), starkly
exposed the shaky foundations upon which scientific ethnography was
built.44 T h e use o f the camera in the service of science did no t in fact
solve the problem of evidence; instead, it functioned to pose once m ore
T h e anthropological cinem a of Jean R ouch 91

M a c D o u g a lls ’ enlightenm ent project, a version perhaps o f what M artin

jay describes as ‘Cartesian perspectivalism ’,'5 where knowledge comes
6 The anthropological cinema of Jean Rouch from intense observation o f a world situated outside tire self, R ouch’s
practice unsettles the very divisions upon which such an epistemology is
f o u n d e d . H e disrupts the boundaries between the self and the world,

mind a n d body, the m in d ’s eye and the surveying eye. I w ant to suggest
that his anthropological cinem a may be considered to be ‘the irruption
of the night light of Rom anticism as the libertarian O ther of le siecle des
lu m ie re s , the C entury of Lights, the E nlightenm ent’. It is at once part of
the enlightenm ent and yet its antithesis, the shadow around the light.0
T h e p o e l m ak es h im se lf a seer b y a lo n g , p ro d ig io u s a n d reasoned Rouch once com m ented: ‘I do know th at there are a few rare
d iso rd erin g o f all th e senses. m o m e n ts when the filmgoer suddenly understands an unknow n lan­
Rimbaud1 guage w ithout the help o f any subtitles, when h e participates in strange
ceremonies, w hen he finds him self walking in towns or across terrain
Les Maitres Fous was first screened in Paris in 1955. T h e small audience that he has never seen before b u t th at he recognizes perfectly’.7 I
o f French anthropologists and African intellectuals invited to the film’s understand R ouch to be a m odern-day visionary, a seer. His anthropolo­
prem iere at the M usee de l’H om m e was largely h o s t i l e in its response t o gical cinema involves m om ents of revelation. T h e visionary quality of his
Jean R ouch’s work. M arcel Griaulc called for the film to be destroyed; work, with its origins in E uropean rom anticism (and one of its twentieth-
Africans present at the screening denounced it as offensive and racist.2 century offshoots, Surrealism) and African trance and possession, are
Shortly afterwards th e British governm ent m oved to prevent it from harnessed to a new, expansive hum anism . T h e qualities that R ouch
being shown in the colonial territories o f West Africa. Now, forty years brings to the task o f anthropology, his im agination, his boldness, his
later, Les Maitres. Fous, is widely acknowledged as a classic of m odern playful wit and his subversive, adventurous spirit stand in stark contrast
cinema; its im pact, the film’s pow er to move and unsettle audiences, has to the scepticism of m uch contem porary intellectual discourse. N o t
n o t been dim inished by the passage of time. surprisingly, for younger anthropologists seeking to rediscover hum an
In this chapter, I will examine the distinctive character of Jean connectedness in a world confined by old forms and ideas, Rouch is a
R ouch’s anthropological cinema. T he question of vision as m ethod and fascinating figure.8
m etaphor is central to this task. F or R ouch, like David and Judith Il is im portant to acknowledge that the unique quality of R ouch’s
M acD ougall (the focus of the next case study), is deeply com m itted to work stems from his unusual personality. Indeed, it is virtually im pos­
an ‘ocularcentric’ project. Vision is elevated as the noblest of the senses, sible to rem ain indifferent to the audacity and fiercely individualistic
and it is privileged as a source of knowledge about the world.3 But, as we spirit which characterises his anthropological cinem a. B ut any assess­
will discover, R ouch’s conception of anthropological cinema is markedly m ent o f its distinctiveness m ust also take into account other factors
different from th at developed by th e M acDougalls. T h u s in sharp shaping R ouch’s ethnographic sensibilities. T hese include his own back­
contrast to the latter’s explicit, carefully controlled, well-argued and ground, the intellectual and artistic clim ate of interwar Paris, and the
intellectually rigorous agenda, R ouch’s project appears to b e highly specific concerns of French anthropology. C entral, too, are the social
idiosyncratic and founded on intuition.4 and political circum stances in which Rouch forged a new synthesis of
T h e contrast between these two examples of anthropological cinema anthropology and cinem a, my own interpretation of the innovative
may be traced to a num ber of sources - individual personalities, working qualities of R ouch’s anthropology involves the situation of his work
m ethods, schools of anthropology, the social contexts for film-making within the m om ent o f West African independence. I will suggest that
activities and differing historical m om ents in which projects were devel­ Rouch’s creativity was intim ately linked to a revolutionary m om ent in
oped. C ertainly such factors are im portant and w orthy of serious m odern society.9
attention, as my narrative will reveal; b u t I will suggest that the diverse T h e final break-up o f E uropean hegem ony after two world wars and
character stems from fundam entally different ways of seeing. Unlike the the em ergence o f colonial peoples as an im p o rtan t force in world
92 A nthropological visions T h e anthropological cincma of Jean R ouch 93

history, shattered forever the conventional m etaphysics behind notions w o rk in Kum asi and Accra, the com m ercial areas of th e British-
of hum anity, civilization and subjectivity. Although the political opti­ c o n tr o lle d G old Coast. D uring the cerem ony its m em bers undergo a
m ism which surrounded the em ancipation of colonial peoples during v io le n t possession by spirits, assum ing the identities of their colonial
the 1950s and early 1960s quickly gave way to cynicism and despair as masters; and, as the ambiguity contained in the title of R ouch’s film
the old divisions of race and pow er reasserted themselves, the indepen­ s u g g e s ts (who is m ad - the colonial rulers or their im itators . . . or
dence m ovem ents across Asia, Africa and the C aribbean m ust never­ both?), the cult of the H auka questions conventional hierarchies of
theless be acknowledged as a w atershed in m odern history. Jean Rouch power and rationality.
was part of that m om ent of transition. M oreover, I believe that he was T he film opens in the heart of Accra. We are plunged into the m idst of
uniquely open to it. His work, perhaps today m ore than forty years ago, a bustling city, what Rouch in his com m entary calls ‘a true Black
can be recognised as a powerful expression of a new and expanded B a b y lo n ’ where different peoples from across West Africa jostle with one
vision of universal hum anity which was em bodied in the revolution of another, sharing in ‘the great adventure of African cities’. From the
colonial peoples. beginning the film conveys a sense of m ovem ent, of complexity, of the
I take Les Maitres Fous as the starting point for my enquiry into the simultaneity of events. Above all, we see people doing things - a rapid
distinctive nature of R ouch’s visual anthropology. It establishes a series of snaphots of m igrants working, dancing, celebrating Jesus,
n um ber of themes which recur in his work (for example, the notion of a shouting political slogans.10 Interestingly, R ouch describes this activity
journey, an interest in m igrants and urban life, the phenom enon of as ‘noise’. H e sharpens our sense of encountering a vibrant city through
possession), and it evokes the contours of his hum anistic vision. M ore­ the rapid juxtaposition of different shots to create a mosaic or m ontage
over the film locates us squarely in the historical m om ent of colonial structure in the film’s first p a rt.11 But suddenly, into the shifting pattern
independence which, 1 believe, inspired R ouch’s greatest work. F or Les of different elements which make up this m odern urban life, Rouch
Maitres Fous inaugurates the celebrated series o f films (including Jaguar, inserts a possession sequence from a H auka ceremony. D ark figures,
M oi Un Noir, La Pyramide Humaine, La Chasse au lion а Гаге, and wild-eyed and frothing from the m outh, appear against a dark sky.
Chronique d ’un Ete) which R ouch m ade between 1954 and 1960. Already disoriented by the exuberance of the city, we are almost
Although a num ber were not com pleted until a decade later, R ouch had unaware of this shift from day to night, from the city to an unknown
pursued, within the space of just a few years, a boldly experim ental place, from the routine of m igrant work to a m om ent of violent posses­
approach to cinem atic form as he pushed into new areas of anthropolo ­ sion.12 But, returning to Accra to m eet the individuals who are m em bers
gical experience and knowledge. A num ber of these 1950s films form of the H auka sect, we discover that we have absorbed, if subconsciously,
the focus tor my discussion of the nature of R ouch’s rom antic or both the radical disjunction and fundam ental similarity of different
visionary project. I will consider several of them as a set, establishing aspects of contem porary life.
that the relationships between the films selected are as significant as the T he second p art of Les Maitres Fous is signalled by the journey of the
innovative qualities of each particular work. B ut in identifying Les sect’s m em bers from Accra to the site of the ceremony. Leaving aboard
Maitres Fous, Jaguar, Мог-Un Noir, and Chronique d'un Ete as a distinc­ hired trucks and buses decorated with slogans such as ‘Perseverance
tive group, I do not wish to suggest th at these films represent a C onquers Difficulties’, the m igrants travel along West Africa’s first
progressive sequence, a linear developm ent; rather, I conceive of them tarm ac road, now overgrown, which leads deep into the forest. H ere
as variations on a set of themes. lives M ountebya, the high priest of the H auka, whose com pound with
its U nion Jacks, altar and statue of the governor has been carefully
prepared for the ritual occasion. T he film docum ents the prelim inary
L es M a itre s F ous
stages (the nom ination of a new m em ber, the confession of wrongdoing,
Les Maitres Fous ( The M ad Masters) docum ents the course of a posses­ and purification), before building progressively to a dram atic climax in
sion cerem ony held during one Sunday by m em bers of the H auka sect which different m em bers becom e possessed, taking on the identities and
working as m igrant labourers in Accra. Em erging in the colony of Niger custom ary behaviour of the British governor and his retinue. T he
during the 1920s as a form of resistance to French colonial rule, the cult im itation and subversion of official power which this implies is subtly
took hold am ong people who had moved from their rural villages to find underlined by R ouch’s juxtaposition of a sequence from the ‘real’
94 A nthropological visions T h e anthropological cinem a of Jean R ouch 95

governor’s presence at the opening of the assembly in Accra. F or in are able to p u t to one side the powerful, affective qualities of Les Maitres
sharp contrast to the rest of the film, this sequence is shot from a camera Fous, we may appreciate the film’s formal precision. Although Rouch
situated high above the official gathering; we look down on the governor p re fe rs to leave the creative process deliberately unexam ined, rather
and his wife, an action expressing both the conventional hierarchy of than self-consciously exposed through critical reflection as in the case of
power and its subversion during the course of the H auka possession. the M acDougalls, it is difficult to accept th at there is anything random
W ith the killing and eating of a dog, lhe cerem ony reaches its peak. o r haphazard about the way in which the film’s different com ponents are

D usk approaches. Slowly the H auka m em bers emerge from their trance interwoven. A closer examination suggests that each cinematic element
and prepare to return to Accra. has been carefully positioned in relationship to the others and to the
T h e film concludes with a series of flashbacks. Rouch returns the whole; bu t it is through these contrived juxtapositions that R ouch opens
following day to visit different m em bers of the H auka sect. We watch up areas of interpretative freedom.
them working calmly and efficiently, restored to their everyday lives; and T he notion of a rite of passage, with its classic Van G ennepian phases
yet we are rem inded by the intercutting of brief dram atic shots of the of separation, liminality and re-integration, is obviously central to any
previous day’s H auka cerem ony that other dim ensions of experience interpretation of Les Maitres Fous. But, as I have suggested, it is an
and personality co-exist within a single lived reality. organising m otif which resonates beyond the film’s substantive con­
Les Maitres Fous remains today a powerful and unsettling film. W ithin cerns. F urtherm ore, when we examine this anthropological concept
anthropology itself there exists a certain m ythology surrounding occa­ more closely we will discover th at R ouch’s subversion of the conven­
sions of the film’s show ing.’3 U ndoubtedly images of the H auka at the tional attributes associated with the three stages of a ritual perform ance
climax of the cerem ony - possessed and frothing at the m outh; dribbling constitutes a powerful critique of contem porary social reality.
saliva flecked with the blood of a slaughtered dog; their violent and The formal developm ent of Les Maitres Fous m irrors the progression
uncontrolled body m ovements; the pieces of dog m eat bubbling away in of the ritual which it docum ents. Its three parts symbolise the m ovem ent
a cauldron - are am ong the m ost disturbing which rem ain in the which takes place in both space and tim e between the different phases of
m em ory of a film audience. Shocking as these scenes may be, however, the rite of passage. T h e m em bers of the H auka sect travel from the heart
their im pact m ust be considered as inseparable from the fundam ental of the city to a rem ote place, the site of possession, before returning
inversion of conventional categories of order/disorder which the audi­ again to their lives as m igrant workers in the city where the film began.
ence confronts through its im m ersion in the film. W hat I think is There appears to be a neat spatial sym m etry then between the first and
unsettling about Les Maitres Fous is the orderliness of the disorder. M ore­ third parts anchored in images of urban life. M oreover, this similarity
over, in significant ways, the spectators’ experience of the film replicatcs appears to be underlined by the form al com position o f the film’s
that undergone by the H auka in the course of the ritual. T h e film opening and closing. Both are constructed through the technique of
disturbs the body as m uch as the m ind. Indeed, the extrem e physical montage, where shots are juxtaposed rather than developed historically,
responses provoked in an audience seem to m irror those m anifested by and where Rouch inserts, into this present, images from different times
possessed cult m em bers, prom pting questions about the extent to which and places. O n further inspection, however, we can identify a subtle
Les Maitres Fous is no t just about possession but is an occasion for difference between the first and last p art of Les Maitres Fous. T he
possession. This particular work expresses concretely what is distinctive opening part involves a coexistence of different elements which are
about R ouch’s project of anthropological cinema as a whole. H e takes organised into a series of oppositions -- for example, the city and the
the participatory ethos of m odern anthropology and synthesises it with savannah, noise and silence, chaos and order, light and dark, m odernity
the unique characteristics of its tw entieth-century counterpart, cinema. and tradition - while the concluding sequences of the city evoke synth­
In so doing he creates a new site for possession and transform ation.14 esis, an integration at a deeper level of the disparate parts of social
T h e transform ative power of R ouch’s anthropological cinem a is not a experience. This new state of integration is, of course, symbolised in
m atter o f chance. It is, I believe, carefully orchestrated. Like the Hauka Rouch’s discovery ‘by chance’ of certain H auka m em bers working on
possession cerem ony itself, R ouch creates effects in his audience- the day after the possession, outside A ccra’s m ental hospital.
through the com bination of different ritual elements; bu t in his case, it Rouch has been m uch criticised for suggesting, in the conclusion to
involves the use of images, sound, titles and com m entary. T hus once we Les Maitres Fous, th at possession functions as a sort of therapy, th at the
96 A nthropological visions T h e anthropological cinem a o f Jean R ouch 97

H auka cult is a m eans by which African migrants adapt themselves to a extraordinary sequences is expressed through an established narrative
colonial regim e.15 Such a criticism neglects, however, the subtle differ­ form. Finally, of course, the film inverts the conventional social and
ence between the states of integration which mark the opening and political order - it is about Africans representing Europeans.
closing o f the film. At the beginning, Rouch depicts African urban life in In returning to the city in the final p art of Les Maitres Fous, the phase
a style which echoes the European city sym phony films o f the 1920s. of re-integration, Rouch attem pts to synthesise the film’s previous parts.
T hrough m ontage, he evokes the rhythm and complexity of a m achine H e is seeking to evoke a new kind of integration or w hat m ight be called
in which m igrants function as a skilled and varied workforce. T h e sheer a ‘surreality’. F or in beginning with a series of conventional divisions
range of jobs R ouch reveals in the first part of Les Maitres Fous is between the city and the countryside, Europe and Africa, the conscious
remarkable; bu t so, too, is the integration of such a complex division of and the unconscious, the m ind and the body, R ouch inverts these pairs
labour. Although in the latter p art of the film, he appears to suggest the as a prelim inary to their incorporation into an expanded vision of social
re-absorption of the m igrants into this functioning m achine, at another experience which is, at once, the same and different, whole and
level and integral to it we are aware of profound resistance to ‘m echan­ complex.
ical civilization’. T he m em bers of the H auka cult are no longer just part T he vision Rouch expresses through Les Maitres Fous m ay be inter­
of a labour force, an anonym ous mass of ‘h ands’ (what Rouch calls in preted as a rejection of the progressive political rhetoric of the time. T he
his quirky English ‘force of the m ain’); they have been revealed as film was m ade in the m idst of Africa’s struggle for em ancipation, and it
complex individual hum an subjects.16 contains a powerful critique of colonial authority. B ut to me it is more
According to Eaton, R ouch was com m itted to the use of film in ritual than just a repudiation of European dom ination. R ouch’s critique
situations because he believed it could capture the rapidly unfolding implicates the African intellectuals who so vigorously denounced the
events in a way which was impossible through the m eans of conventional film at its first screening. T h eir condem nation may be understood as a
note-taking.17 W hat is striking about Les Maitres Fous, though, is response to R ouch’s implicit challenge to their political am bition as
R ouch’s rejection of m ontage as the cinematic technique for capturing m uch as it was a rejection of images they perceived it as representing of
the sim ultaneity and complexity of the H auka possession cerem ony a savage and irrational African psyche. For, in Les Maitres Fous,
itself. T hus, in contrast to the first and last part of the film, the m iddle Rouch questions the simple equation of independence and progress,
section which docum ents the ritual perform ance is constructed as a m odernity and rationality, what is called ‘m echanical civilization’ in the
narrative with a m arked linear movement. Events are shown in sequence film’s opening titles. T h e possession sequence, in its inversion and
and build progressively towards the cerem ony’s climax. It is only when satirization of political hierarchy, may be understood as a symbol of the
the climax is reached that Rouch abruptly changes perspective, inter­ fundam ental irrationality of all structures of governm ent, w hether colo­
posing scenes from the British governor’s salute in Accra. T h e insertion nial or postcolonial.
of this material underlines the conventional hierarchy of colonial society Les Maitres Fous is widely acknowledged by com m entators to m ark a
and its subversion during the course of the ritual. But it is im portant to crucial m om ent in the developm ent of R ouch’s anthropological
recognise that the possession ritual itself is built upon division and cinem a.18 It represents the m ovem ent away from an earlier conception
hierarchy. T hus the m iddle phase of the film, what anthropologists of ethnographic film-making associated with the docum entation of
following Van G ennep conventionally term iim inality’, is neidier a fluid culture. N ow Rouch begins to use the camera to bring about a qualita­
nor a chaotic state. It is highly structured and orderly. At one level tively different kind of ethnographic understanding; but, in so doing, he
audiences of Les Maitres Fous, disturbed by the bizarre images of may be considered to be extending, rather than breaking with, an
possessed H auka, experience a strong sense of dislocation as conven­ approach closely identified with his teacher, M arcel Griaule. F or central
tional patterns of behaviour break down. B ut at another level, beyond to Les Maitres Fous is a distinction which Jam es Clifford highlights
the im m ediate and powerful sense of disorder is an alternative order. within G riaule’s work between ethnography as docum entation and as
T h e H auka cerem ony inverts, rather than dissolves, the paired opposi­ initiation.19 M oreover, the film stands as a striking m anifestation of
tions which are posed in the film’s opening. T he ‘m adness’ of the ritual Griaule’s recognition that ethnographic research involves conflict - it is
unfolds in real time. Its participants are ranked hierarchically; their ‘inherently agonistic, theatrical and fraught with pow er’.20 Indeed, as
actions are strictly rule bound; and the ‘rationality’ of Les Maitres Fous’s Clifford him self notes, G riaule’s ‘ethnographie verite’ is analogous to
98 A nthropological visions T h e anthropological cinema o f Jean Rouch 99

the cinema verite pursued by Rouch. B oth express a perspective which is e q u ip m e n t. Likewise, the film’s other dom inant technique apart from its
n o t predicated on the recording of an objective ethnographic reality. s trik in g images, R ouch’s narration, is described as im prom ptu. Again it
Instead ethnographic realities are produced in and through the ethno­ su g g e s ts a spontaneous or an unrehearsed delivery em erging in the
graphic encounter itself.21 c o u r s e of the cinem atic process itself - in this case during t h e film’s
But, in other ways, Les Maitres Fous establishes the beginning of s c r e e n i n g . Already we can identify here a curious m ixture of deter­
R ouch’s own distinctive project. Although drawing creatively upon m i n i s m and spontaneity in R ouch’s practice. It appears th at certain
earlier work in French anthropology - and, im portantly, French cinema f o r m a l dimensions of his work are shaped by the constraints of tech­
- R ouch, with Les Maitres Fous, begins to forge an unusual synthesis of nology; and yet intuition, accident and im provisation may be discerned
these traditions, transform ing each elem ent in the process. O n the one as equally critical elements in his film -m aking process. As I have
hand, R ouch m aps out fresh territory for ethnographic exploration - s u g g e s t e d , it is the dialectical m ovem ent or interplay between the
specifically, m igrants, cities and m ovem ent in a West African context, a o p p o s i n g poles o f freedom and constraint which generates the creative
subject m atter which he once described as the ‘populist avant-garde’.22 energy at the core of R ouch’s anthropology. Rouch him self alludes to it
O n the other hand, and inseparable from the opening up of these new in the opening titles of Les Maitres Fous. H e refers to the film as a ‘gam e’
substantive concerns, is R ouch’s distinctive use of the camera. No in which m em bers of the audience may becom e players. Such activity
longer a device for recording social reality, the camera in R ouch’s hands and participation is, of course, bound by rules; b u t equally it is driven by
becomes progressively m ore active, audacious, even aggressive as it fuses risk, innovation and improvisation.
with his being, freeing him to explore new areas of hum an experience Rouch begins Les Maitres Fous with a title sequence which prepares us
and knowledge. for, or warns us about, w hat is to follow. F rom the outset, then, we are
R ouch began m aking Les Maitres Fous in the period before light­ aware that som ething extraordinary will be encountered in the course of
weight, portable cam eras with synchronous sound were available to the film. We are told that the acceptance of certain violent scenes is a
docum entary film -m akers.23 T h e film was shot silently by R ouch using a precondition for our full participation in a ritual which the cinema itself
h andheld camera. T he sound was recorded separately by D arnoure simulates. We becom e players in w hat R ouch calls ‘the gam e’. T he
Zika, a Nigerien whom R ouch had m et during his work as an engineer problem we face, however, is th at we do n o t know the rules of this game.
in W est Africa alm ost ten years earlier. T h e final edited version o f the Thus we are forced to depend on R ouch as o u r guide; he acts as the
film saw the addition of a com m entary to its sound track. T his took the m ediator between what we know in our everyday experience and the
form of an im prom ptu perform ance by R ouch himself. T he particular strange world we enter in the cinem a’s darkness. T h e critical role which
form al features of Les Maitres Fous, the perceived lim itations of 1950s Rouch assumes is revealed in one of th e Les Maitres Fous’ dom inant
cinem atic technology, often serve as explanations of the film. C ertainly features, its com m entary, which manages like the images on screen to be
R ouch, like R ichard Leacock or R obert Drew, his Am erican counter­ both com prehensible and incom prehensible at the same time.
parts actively re-m aking docum entary cinema in the postw ar period, Les Maitres Fous, as I have noted, was shot w ithout sound. T he
was pushing against the restrictions of existing camera and sound contrast between noise and silence, however, is one of the film’s central
equipm ent; b u t it is im portant to be wary of technologically determ ined themes. Rouch refers several times in his com m entary to this contrast,
explanations. To pursue such an argum ent, one which R ouch him self which he links to the different spaces of city and savannah. I hear his
often encourages, distracts attention from m ore interesting questions own voice as part of the noise of the city, the babble/babylon where
about die interplay between freedom and constraint, chance and neces­ m igrants live, com m unicating across linguistic barriers through the
sity w hich ru n throughout his work. creation of new, improvised, hybrid languages just like R ouch’s own
Les Maitres Fous is distinguished by its intim ate camera work, a ‘bad English’ or expressed in the distinctive quality o f his narrations
reflection of the film-making style which Rouch had developed early in which, as Jeanette D e Bouzek notes, have ‘the “surreal” aspect of a
his career w hen he abandoned the use of a tripod. Characteristically he cacophony of mixed voices, a collage of direct observations, “ scientific”
presents the evolution of this handheld camera style as the result o f an inform ation, scholarly interpretations, reflexive reflections, reportage,
accident, rather than a conscious act, an im provisational gesture forced and poetic translations of bits of dialogue’.24 But R ouch’s voice is also
u p o n him by the dam age h e caused to the tripod he was carrying in his Les Maitres Fous’ single unifying thread, its constant beat; and, as such,
100 A nthropological visions
T h e anthropological cinema of Jean Rouch 101
the com m entary becom es a ritual chant. H e n c e at first the narration!
seems to function as an obstacle to the realisation of com m unity rfia|3 approach, their films rem ain closely w edded to the intellectual style of
R ouch seeks to create within the transform ative site of cinema. Later it ' literary anthropology. R ouch’s own com m ents on them suggest a similar
is transcended, yielding to a com plete participation in the cinematic% v ie w : ‘M acD ougall’s [sicj films on the Turkana are a wonderful positive
experience: ‘Seeing comes before w ords’, John Berger writes. IjU[ ln i, approach, in which he translates his subjects’ words in subtitles. T he
order to rediscover the wholeness of a world which existed before? t r o u b l e for m e is th at the translations are books - the transform ation of a
language, we have to pass through language itself.25 Written language.’27 T h u s although as spectators of the M acD ougalls’
In seeking to interpret Les Maitres Fous I have draw n on methods of Й work we are plunged into a dark space, we are not expected to surrender
analysis developed in the study o f m yth and ritual. Using a variety of > 0ur rational faculties. Indeed, quite the contrary - we are expected to
approaches, anthropologists have sought to identify the different ele­ s t r e n g t h e n them against the experience of bew ilderm ent and instinctive
m ents which m ake up a text or perform ance; an d in exposing the prejudice. W e have to learn to think our way through what appears on
dynam ic o f relationships betw een such elem ents, they have revealed screen as chaotic or incom prehensible. I t requires work, effort and
chains o f significance and an open-endedness o f m eaning. W hether the brainpower - or, m ore m etaphorically, the exercise of the light o f reason.
film is a Hollywood movie or one labelled as ‘ethnographic’, an anthro- \ Rouch’s intention, however, is to create a different kind of cinematic
pological perspective proves valuable in interpreting cinem a both as text ■ experience. As Les Maitres Fous reveals, he takes the Hollywood model
and perform ance, as a powerful site of c o n te m p o r a r y m yth and ritual. I ■ of cinema a dark place filled with magic, fantasy and fear - and, into
have attem pted to exacavate some o f the latent m eanings embedded this space, he violently inserts the traditional concerns and subject
within the text through an exam ination o f certain form al dimensions m atter o f anthropological inquiry. R ouch recreates the H auka ceremony
which characterise R ouch’s film and, in this way, indicate w hat I under- with each screening; and with his audience freed from everyday inhibi­
stand to be the contours o f R ouch’s d is tin c tiv e vision o f the contem ­ tions, disoriented as we are in an enclosed, dark arena situated outside
porary world. But, in engaging in this exercise, I have draw n on normal time and space, the film -m aker tries to persuade us to surrender
conventional patterns of intellectual argum ent. I have used ways of conventional patterns of thought, to reconnect m ind and body through
thinking and writing associated w ith a rational enlightenm ent discourse. a ritual experience.28 M oreover, in m aking a com m unity with our fellow
It is precisely this m ode of inquiry, one dom inated by the voice of spectators, we also discover a new com m unity with those who appear on
Reason, which R ouch in Les M a im s Fous is determ ined to disrupt. screen. We becom e engaged as active participants in the creation of an
R ouch attem pts to persuade us o f his vision through participation in a expanded notion of hum an society.
sham anistic experience. H e seeks to effect a revolution in an audience’s Les Maitres Fous reveals the sharp contrast between the conception of
experience of social reality, creatively com bining cinem a’s intrinsically a shared or participatory anthropological cinem a pursued by the M ac­
fantastic properties with a particular m anipulation of film ’s different Dougalls and the one practised by Rouch. In the case o f David and
elem ents. R ouch’s intention is m ade explicit in the film’s opening titles: Judith M acDougall, their innovations in collaborative practice grew out
The Producer, in showing the audience these documents without concession or of observational cinema. Building from an initial prem ise of respect and
concealment is anxious to warn them about the violence and cruelly of some distance, they attem pted to generate a new kind of participation through
scenes. But he wants to make Л е т participate completely in a ritual which is a the notion of conversation, in which voice, rather than vision, is the
special solution to the problem of readjustment, and which shows how some means for defining and understanding the world. R ouch’s participatory
Africans represent our western civilization.26
anthropology, however, is built upon a violation of these qualities.
R ouch engages us, then n o t through an appeal to the m ind, like the M oreover, it is n o t built around words as p a rt o f rationalist discourse,
M acDougalls, b u t rather to the m ind and body, through the disordering but involves exploitation of their evocative power, enabling the poet ‘to
o f the senses an d the subversion of habitual ways o f thinking as a see’.
precondition for plum bing new depths o f knowledge and understanding. Unlike the M acD ougalls’ penetrating light of reason, R ouch is drawn
In the next chapter we will discover how differently D avid and Judith to the shadow around the light. T his is powerfully symbolised by the
M acD ougall have used the cinem atic m edium as a distinctive form for cinema itself, the darkness which surrounds the illum ination of the
the expression o f anthropological knowledge. D espite an innovative screen. It is an image which resonates throughout Les Maitres Fous; it
reappears in Moi, Un Noir and Chronique d ’un ere.29
102 A nthropological visions T h e anthropological cinema of Jean Rouch 103

back again. T he different stages of their adventure give his film its three
distinctive parts.
At the conclusion of the H auka possession sequence, one of the cult T he first part introduces the film’s key characters and their prepara­
m em bers declares: ‘This year’s festival has been a great success indeed. tions for the road. Each one occupies a distinctive niche in village
N ext year we m ust have two festivals and we, the H auka, will be very society - Lam , the herder; Ilo, the fisherman; and D am oure, with his
pleased.’ To this Rouch adds his own observation: ‘T hus from one elem entary schooling, the ladies’ m an. T h e m arket place, a m icrocosm
festival another is b o rn ’. T he notion of one event precipitating another of the cities for which they are bound, is their m eeting place. H ere they
forms an im portant principle in R ouch’s own film-making practice, as listen to those who have returned from the G old C oast with tales of
William R othm an observes: ‘R ouch makes his films to beget films’.30 adventure and success, and they begin to dream of their own great
U nlike the M acDougalls, whose project unfolds through a series of journey. Before em barking upon it, Lam , Ilo and D am oure take the
critical reflections on practice, R ouch’s anthropological cinema is m uch necessary ritual precautions to ensure luck, good fortune or a ‘good
m ore haphazard, based on chance and intuitive connection. W ith Les road’. T heir separation from the familiar world of the village begins with
Maitres Fous, Rouch, rather like his m igrant subjects, has em barked on a the long trek by foot through strange places and peoples. I r a versing the
journey; and, as with their festival, from one of his films another is born. dramatic landscape, the three friends encounter different emblems of
Jaguar was shot by R ouch during the same period as Les Maitres Fous, m odernity - roads which have been cut through m ountains (as one of
that is, in the m id-1950s. According to Paul Stoller, the idea for the film them asks ‘by G od or m en?’); bridges painted red; an overturned truck
came from D am oure Zika (the sound recordist on Les Maitres Fous); lying beside the road. But, as the village m en discover, the connection
and, from the outset, it was conceived as an experim ent in improvisa- and m ovem ent implied by these symbols are, in fact, subverted by the
tional cinem a.31 F or unlike Les Maitres Fous, with its event-based logic, apparatus o f colonial government. F or the first part of Jaguar ends at
all that was known about Jaguar in advance of its m aking was the the custom s post. Travelling w ithout identification papers, Lam , Ilo and
beginning and ending o f the m igrants’ journey. T he film was not D am oure are denied entry to the G old Coast. T h e first barriers the
com pleted until a decade later, when Rouch worked with an editor on young m en have confronted in their epic journey arc not geographical or
the footage and added to it a highly distinctive sound track. T h e close social ones, bu t the political controls of colonial bureaucracy. By
connection between this film and Les Maitres Fous is immediately slipping illegally across the border, however, they dem onstrate skills
revealed in the shared m aterial which Rouch uses of scenes from Accra essential to m igrant life, one built upon the exploitation of cracks in
(for example, the wonderfully nam ed ‘Weekend in C alifornia’ bar; the official society.
train crossing the city; and the gold m iners descending into the shaft). From the beginning, Jaguar is m arked by certain distinctive formal
M ore interesting to explore, however, is the way R ouch now develops features. F or example, R ouch’s cam era work emphasises in striking ways
the central them es of Les Maitres Fous. For although through Jaguar he the symbolic quality of the journey being undertaken by Lam , Ilo and
again raises questions of m igration, cities and m odernity, they are Damoure. It may be understood as an expression of the film-maker’s
presented in a strikingly different configuration. C entral to both works is rejection of conventional approaches to m igration which often reduce it
the journey, the m ovem ent of people through time and space; but, on to m aterial considerations, to a strategy m otivated by econom ic weak­
closer inspection, we will discover that this shared structural principle ness. R ouch’s cam era, never still b u t always in m ovem ent, swooping,
functions to create films which are the m irror opposite of one another. turning and dizzyingly mobile, is a full participant in the existential
In Les Maitres Fous, Rouch dramatically exposes hidden layers of experience which m igration represents.^2 It evokes the disorientation
subjectivity, transform ing an anonym ous mass of m igrant workers and excitem ent of the journey. D uring the opening p art of the film there
(‘force of the m ain’) into individuals, active hum an agents with complex are several abrupt shifts from docum entation to w hat m ight be described
inner lives. Jaguar m ay be considered as an extension of his concern as ‘surreal’ sequences. In this way, through the use of striking images of
with the m igrant experience and the nature of individual subjectivity. light, vegetation and landscape, R ouch intensifies the sense of leaving
T his tim e the geographical m ovem ent itself forms the focus for R ouch’s behind a familiar world and entering an unknow n territory.
explorations of personality and society. H e joins three characters, Lam, Part two of Jaguar begins with the separation of the three friends, as
Ilo and D am oure, on their journey from N iger to the G old C oast and each one embarks on his particular adventure in the city. R ouch formally
104 Anthropological visions T h e anthropological cincm a of Jean Rouch 105

marks this m om ent in the film by abandoning the structural principle role playing, wit, verbal skill and im provisation, they show off all the
which organised its first p art into a single progressive narrative. Now he strategies which as m igrants they have m astered. R unning their own stall
builds the m iddle section of Jaguar around m ontage, intercutting is, of course, the pinnacle of their success, not just because it attracts
different episodes and characters to suggest the complexity, fragm enta­ customers but also because the friends no longer work for anyone other
tion and timelessness of m odern urban life. Am ong the m ost memorable than themselves.
scenes of the film as a whole are those of D am oure arriving trium phantly Having left for the city on foot, Lam , Ilo and D am oure travel back to
in Accra, which opens the city sequences. Im agining him self as a the village for the rainy season by truck. This tim e the custom s post can
political leader, riding an open-topped vehicle and acknowledging the pose no threat to the ‘m odern heroes’, as R ouch describes them in his
cheers of the crowds below, D am oure, the ever confident ladies’ man, commentary. F or the three friends, loaded dow n with the symbols of
imitates the style of political leaders like N krum ah who were travelling their success, relive the trium phal m om ent of retu rn enjoyed by the
at the tim e across the West African countryside and mobilising popular great explorers and conquerors of past centuries. Although in the final
support for independence. As R ouch suggests here, the city is a place of part of his film, R ouch shows how each one is re-absorbed into village
dream s, of fantasy, of new identities, where anything is possible and life, assuming his responsibilities for harvesting or beginning to plan his
everyone can re-m ake themselves. D am oure, of course, soon finds his marriage, the young m en enjoy a new status. T hey are the same and yet
niche. H e becomes a forem an in an Accra woodyard; he takes to different, now m em bers of an elite group of m en, each of whom has
wearing glasses (a sign of education that is, reading) and he adopts the been away, endured the trial of strange places and peoples, and has
m annerism s of a ‘boss’. Lam , in Kumasi, changes out of his old clothes returned with hon o u r to com m it him self anew to village life.
and buys a boubou to wear in town. Almost m esm erised by the sheer Rouch underlines the reintegrative im pulse o f Jaguar's closing chapter
visual spectacle of the city, he plunges headlong into the crowd and is by a return to the narrative structure and linear tim e which organised
carried along by its seemingly boundless energy and activity. H e notes the film’s first part. I w ant to suggest that this form al feature may serve
the different economic niches which m igrant groups have m anaged to as a useful starting point for an exploration of the different levels of
colonise; but he, too, quickly adapts, becom ing yet another cog in this m eaning em bedded within R ouch’s text, specifically concerning ques­
vast machine. I .am sets up a stall; selling whatever comes his way from tions of history and subjectivity. F or Jaguar's three parts organized into
clocks to combs to perfum e and m edicine, he services the sophisticated a m ovem ent from narrative to m ontage and back again to narrative
tastes of an urban clientele. Ilo works in the port of Accra, a kaya kaya reveals a particular interpretation by the film -m aker of contem porary
or porter who struggles to survive at the margins of cosm opolitan life. social reality.
T h e m iddle p art of Jaguar is constructed as a series of snapshots, with At one level R ouch’s film may be understood as an ethnographic
the film-maker cutting continually between the three friends at work and record of a particular tim e and place. It is located in the period
at leisure. T he cam era’s restlessness and sharp juxtapositions are a immediately before the establishm ent of independent African nations,
constant rem inder of the distinctive nature of the city itself.33 T here is when m igration from the savannah areas to the cities of the G old Coast
attraction and repulsion, fascination and fear. M oreover, R ouch’s was expected of young m en.34 A period in the city form ed an integral
camera assumes an audacious air, swaggering akin to D am oure the part of growing up. M igration conferred adulthood on young men; and
‘jaguar’ himself. F or the film-maker seems to be everywhere and any­ thus, like the m ore conventional rituals of transition (circumcision or
where, disregarding all the conventional rules of both shooting and warriorhood, for example), Rouch reveals it to be a rite of passage in the
editing as he constantly shifts his position from one character to another, Van G ennepian sense. We may identify in Jaguar the different phases of
from one location to another, from the street to the rooftops, cutting separation, liminality and re-integration in the successive stages of Lam ,
between them with a rapidity and confidence which is breathtaking. Ilo and D am ou re’s journey as R ouch charts the process by which these
F rom these separate, fragm ented episodes of city life, Rouch con­ m en achieve their new status in society. T h e distinctive features of each
cludes the film’s m iddle section with the three friends re-united and phase are underlined by R ouch’s alternation of the principles of narra­
flourishing in their own business. Ilo and D am oure have travelled from tive and m ontage in his construction of the film’s three sections.
Accra to Kum asi to m eet up with Lam. N ow they are partners, selling Unlike the liminal phase of Les Maitres Fous, the m iddle section of
from what was L am ’s stall; and as a natural arena o f theatre, a place for Jaguar contains the features conventionally associated by anthropolo­
106 A nthropological visions T h e anthropological cinema of Jean R ouch 107

gists with the phase of transition. T h e city is located outside time; it is T hus, at one level, Jaguar replicates the progressive m ovem ent
conceived as a series o f fragments which overlap and intersect; there is implied in the Van G ennepian m otif of a rite o f passage. T h e film
m ovem ent bu t not development. We can see how R ouch’s formal involves a transition from the old to the new as symbolised by the
construction of this sequence around the principle of m ontage sharply friends’ journey. But at the same time, this linear m ovem ent subverts
contrasts with the film’s other parts. Jaguar begins and ends in a specific conventional assum ptions concerning history and m odernity. In making
place. As the origin and destination o f the young m en’s journey through the village both the point o f departure and arrival, R ouch rejects the
tim e and space, the village appears to be located in real time. It functions m odernization paradigm characteristic of contem porary African and
as a symbol of authenticity. It is the locus of the film’s truth, the site for European political discourse. M oreover, through his focus on the
the legitimation of social identity in m arked contrast to the transience creativity of individual subjects, Rouch refuses to accept the inevitability
and effervescence o f an unreal city. R ouch uses the narrative sections of of bureaucatic power as symbolised by the state. U nlike the M acD ou­
Jaguar to frame, or m ore precisely to contain, die m ontage sequence of galls, whose critique of m odernization in To Live With Herds only serves
its m iddle part. In this way, he locates the African village in history. to reify m odernist categories of countryside and city, traditional and
M oreover, Jaguar reveals Lam , Ilo and D am oure as subjects in history, m odern, past and present, the authentic and th e synthetic, the vision
indeed m aking history from where they are situated in the world and not articulated in Jaguar is perhaps m ore truly subversive. F or Rouch
from where colonial structures have sought to place them . For the refuses to be b ound by the dualisms at the heart of contem porary
N igerien m igrants to Accra and Kum asi are part of a tradition of intellectual and political discourse.
m itration and labour m ovem ent which predates E uropean dom ination Jaguar, organised around the anthropological m otif o f a rite of
of this area. T he m om ent of colonial independence is incidental, rather passage, contains a m arked linear m ovem ent, reflecting the physical
than central to their trajectories as historical subjects.35 journey undertaken by its principal characters. In this sense its formal
Jaguar is, above all, a celebration o f hum an agency. It is dom inated by structure may be characterised as a progressive narrative, albeit one
engaging personalities whose actions are the driving force in the film’s which is not defined by E uropean conceptions o f society and history.
developm ent. We follow the young m en as they seek to forge their own But Jaguar also contains another kind of m ovem ent which is implied in
identities, mixing the old and the new, the countryside and the city, the the Van G ennepian concept. C utting across the film ’s linear or historical
traditional and the m odern, the m undane and the fantastic with a development is cyclical time. It is symbolised by the return of the
boundless self-confidence which is reflected in the style and energy of migrants to the place where their journey began, the village which
the film itself. Im portantly, R ouch and his characters do not fail in the Rouch identifies as the site of social reproduction. T h e return to the
city; rather, they dem onstrate all the skills and resourcefulness of village, however, does not involve a rejection o f the city. As the film
successful game players. T hey take risks, improvise, bend the rules, reveals, the two are intertw ined, their boundaries blurred by the con­
exploiting and flourishing in the cracks of official society. As the film tinual m ovem ent of people for whom the city and countryside coexist as
progresses, its key characters, including R ouch himself, expand, their dimensions of a single complex social reality. M oreover, for R ouch’s
personalities becom ing almost larger than life in order to m eet the subjects this world is pre-em inently personal. It is one m ade through
challenges posed by a fluid and complex world. By em phasising hum an hum an agency which b oth pre-exists and is subversive of the structures
agency in this way, focusing attention on the energies and capacities for of contem porary state bureaucracy.
individual self-determ ination, R ouch downplays the power of society R ouch’s critique of the anthropological enterprise istelf is no less
and history in shaping peoples’ lives. H e inflates the size o f the indi­ profound. F or although the m otif of the rite of passage reverberates at
vidual personality to m atch that of the social m om ent itself; and in so many levels in the film, Rouch also uses Van G en n ep ’s concept reflex-
doing we witness the film’s characters taking on the world on their ively to com m ent on ethnographic practice itself. Indeed Jaguar m ay be
term s. T h u s it Les Maitres Fous emphasises the oppression and confine­ enjoyed as a satire on the anthropologist’s own journey, with its heroes,
m ent of urban life, necessitating violent m om ents of catharthis, the city their fantasies, adventures and tall tales. But m ore than this, Rouch
in Jaguar appears in a radically different light. It is a place o f freedom , of questions the central paradigm around which the m odern hum anist
energy and transform ation, where the self expands and individual project since M ontaigne was built. As M ichele R ichm an observes in an
identity can be endlessly reinvented. essay exploring anthropological m odernism in France:
108 A nthropological visions T he anthropological cinem a of Jean Rouch 109

If Montaigne set a precedent for French humanism, it is becausc his Essais are returned to our everyday life; but stim ulated by the exuberance and
record the first self-reflexive mapping of the modern self, an inner voyage whose inventiveness of Jaguar’s key characters, we too experience the sense of
confrontation with the demonic dualisms of Western consciousness - body and an enhanced personality, conscious of our capacities to be actors in
soul, self versus other, intellect over sensibility, contemplation against action
society and history.
and male versus female - were no less formidable than the enounter with ihe
mythic monsters awaiting explorers who trespassed the geographical boundaries W ith Les Maitres Fous, R ouch uses the cinem a as an arena in which
of the sixteernh century. The parallel is not merely rhetorical. For the innovation religious com m unity, a sort o f timeless collectivity bound by shared
of the author of ‘Des Cannibalcs’ is to have tied the discovery of the modern experience, m ight be generated. But equally, as Jaguar reveals, Rouch
subjects to the exploration of a New World which would irrevocably decenier exploits cinem a’s potential as a site for historical consciousness. This
the Old. Comparisons with cultural others was neither invidious nor simply film, it can be argued, expresses som ething of the original impulse
praiseworthy of difference: it was the catalyst for self-scrutiny and reappraisal of behind the cinem atic innovations of the great directors of the early
the relation of self to society through the standards of an other. ^
twentieth century. F or Griffith and Eisenstein, history as society in
R ouch takes this defining m om ent in history, E urope’s encounter with m ovem ent could be uniquely recreated on screen. T hey recognised that
the exotic other, and inverts its key elem ents to underm ine the very in the darkness o f the cinem a, spectators may escape from the limita­
premises upon which anthropology, am ong other m odern disciplines, tions of their conventional personalities; and by projecting themselves
has conventionally rested. T h e journey undertaken by Jaguar’s African into what they watch on screen, imaginatively participating as agents in
characters, Lam , Ilo and D am oure replicates that o f the European the large and complex world which unfolds before them , a film audience
explorers and ethnographers; but it is, crucially, the m irror opposite. is able to reach a new understanding of itself in history. W ithout the epic
M oreover, as in Les Maitres Fous, Rouch presents this upside-dow n sweep of a Griffith or Eisenstein movie, I believe th at R ouch’s Jaguar
world within a darkened auditorium . T hus again, R ouch recognises and evokes in its audience som ething similar - a sense o f subjective expan­
exploits the distinctive features o f the cinem a (the dark around the light, sion and heightened historical consciousness.
its situation outside everyday time and space) in order to confront an Although it is im portant to examine each of R ouch’s films as a single
anthropological audience with an inverted image of itself. text, it is also im portant to explore the connections betw een them , since
T h e cinem atic experience R ouch seeks to create around Jaguar collectively they reveal the film -m aker’s distinctive vision of m odern
differs, however, in certain interesting respects from that o f Les Maitres society. As I noted earlier, Les Maitres Fous and Jaguar were filmed by
Fous. T h e contrast between them is related to the specific concerns of Rouch at the same time; but I suggested th at the connections between
each film. In both cases Rouch attem pts to replicate in his audience the them were m ore profound than merely the footage they shared. We are
experience which the film’s subjects themselves undergo on screen. now able to acknowledge th at while the two films are constructed from
T hus, as we have already seen with Les Maitres Fous, the film-maker the same key elements, they are com bined in strikingly opposite ways.
recreates with cach showing som ething of the violent nature of the Les Maitres Fous began in the city, moved to the countryside and
H auka cerem ony itself, using the cinem a to evoke a notion of expanded returned to the city. In Jaguar, however, this m ovem ent is reversed; and
com m unity through the audience’s participation in a collective ritual. the film moves from countryside to city to countryside. This contrast
Given its different substantive focus, Jaguar engages its spectators as also finds expression in the formal sequence o f the two films. F o r Les
individuals, rather than as a collective. Every viewer has the chance to Maitres Fous begins and ends with a sort of m ontage, while narrative
establish their own unm cdiated relationship with the film’s distinctive structures the central ritual section; b u t in the case of Jaguar, it is the
characters (not least because R ouch does not position him self as opening and closing sections which are distinguished by a linear or
crucially between us and the screen). In some ways m em bers of Jaguars narrative m ovem ent, with the m iddle section m ore loosely or episodi­
audience resem ble the readers of a late nineteeth-century novel. O ur cally constructed. If Les Maitres Fous is built pre-em inently around the
cinem atic journey m irrors that undergone by Lam , Ilo and Dam oure; notion of an interior journey, Jaguar is about real m ovem ent through
and like them , in the darkness o f the cinema we create our own dreams time and space. If the city confines the m igrants o f Les Maitres Fous, it is
and revel in private fantasies. By surrendering to the film, becom ing the site of freedom for Jaguar’s adventurers.
participants or players in ‘the gam e’, breaking rules and taking risks, we T he question o f m odernity lies at the core o f both films. It is subtly
eventually emerge, like the friends themselves, as different people. We indicated by Rouch in the early p art o f Les Maitres Fous, when in his
110 A nthropological visions T h e anthropological cinema o fje a n Rouch 111

com m entary he draws our attention to the road along which the Africa’s towns. T hey have left school or the family’s land to enter the
m igrants are travelling in order to reach the com pound of M ountebya, m odern world. T hey know how to do everything and nothing. T hey are
the H auka high priest. As he tells us, it was the first tarm ac road in West one o f the things wrong with Africa’s new towns - young people w ithout
Africa, a powerful em blem of m odernity; but, virtually abandoned, it jobs’, R ouch’s opening com m entary declares.38 We set off with Ro­
lies neglected and overgrown. T h e m ovem ent o f the m igrants is in the binson in search of wealth, for Treichville (a suburb o f Abidjan) is, as he
opposite direction to th at symbolized by the ro ad ’s construction. Once puts it, ‘the capital o f m oney’. T h e city is a crowded space, a place
the conduit for people and goods moving from the forest to the coast, it where people and things are endlessly in m ovem ent. It offers itself as a
now leads only to the site of H auka possession. But as we have seen, spectacle, a source of visual fascination and desire - cars, trucks,
Rouch turns this picture upside down in Jaguar. W hat appears to be a porters, m arkets, bars, movies and processions. R obinson strolls
puzzling contradiction is, in fact, one of the surrealist hallm arks of through the streets. Initially he appears to be rather like a jaguar (a
R ouch’s work. His purpose is to juxtapose conventionally contrasting flaneur)-, he dreams of success and of acquiring w hat the city holds out as
positions in order to subvert a certain intellectual way o f thinking.37 its prizes (a job, money, a car, a wife). Rut very quickly we learn th at he
T h u s in placing Les Maitres Fous and Jaguar alongside each other, he and his friends are excluded from the city. They move about w ithin it but
refuses to take an either/or position, evoking instead a picture of are denied any real connection to it. We, like them , share the experience
contem porary reality as a hall o f mirrors. of being always on the outside looking on.
If the first part of Moi, Un Noir depicts a week in the life o f a m igrant
and his fruitless attem pts to make an entry into urban life, the second
M oi, Un N o ir
part follows him through a weekend when no one works and everyone
Moi, Un Noir offers yet another perspective on the world of migrants, enjoys themselves. R obinson and his friends visit the beach. T hey play
cities and journeys which Rouch sought to explore through his develop­ in the waves and on the sand; b u t, despite their own exuberant activity,
m ent o f an anthropological cinema. This film, like Jaguar, was shot they cannot transform the experience of their own situation. For again,
silently during the late 1950s and edited some years later, when an Robinson is conscious of standing outside. H e glimpses b u t cannot
im provised soundtrack was added. Moi, Un Noir raises m any of the grasp the happiness he seeks. W hat remains available to him , however, is
questions already established in R ouch’s other work o f this period; but, fantasy. It becom es the m eans by which h e is able to express his own
characteristically, their configuration and the cinem atic experience pro­ subjectivity, his agency, his creativity in the face of the city’s refusal to
voked through this particular film are different. T h e distinctive features acknowledge him . O ne o f Moi, Un Noir’s m ost striking sequences is
o f Moi, Un Noir can only be fully revealed by juxtaposing it with the contained in the m iddle part of the film. H ere, R obinson becomes a
other films o f this series. prize fighter. R ouch’s camera is the vehicle through which he acts out an
T h e early sequences of Moi, Un Noir situate us within familiar extraordinary perform ance in his im aginary boxing ring. B ut it can only
territory. We em bark on an adventure with R ouch and a handful of be a tem porary release from the confines o f his situation, and the film
characters, following ‘Edward G. R obinson’ as he moves around the returns Robinson to confront yet another M onday as a m igrant in search
city, Abidjan, during the course o f a week, from M onday to Monday. of work. H e dream s of going hom e. Images of life in a Nigerien village
Both the tone and content of R ouch’s opening com m entary, as with the promise the happiness which has eluded him in the city.
other films, evokes a sense in the audience that what we are about to Again Moi, Un Noir is constructed around the m otif of a journey.
experience is em blem atic in some way o f the m odern world. T here is an However instead of m ovem ent through space (geographical, in the case
epic quality about the journey to and through the city which these of Jaguar o r psychological with Les Maitres Fous), here there is move­
Africans undertake. F o r R ouch’s characters, never static, are revealed in m ent through tim e - a week in a m igrant’s life. Again it m ight be said
new ways by the experiences undergone in the course of the film; and, as that R ouch uses a three-part structure to organise this cycle of work and
a consequence, the marginality or invisibility o f their structural position leisure in the city; b u t w hat is striking about Moi, Un Noir is the absence
as m igrants in the city is transform ed. T heir lives, their dream s and of transform ation in Robinson and his friends as they move through the
aspirations becom e a dram a of contem porary life. different phases o f Van G ennepian rite o f passage. T h eir own journey to
‘Every day, young people like the characters in this film arrive in the city from the village is, of course, a rite of passage in itself, as R ouch
112 A nthropological visions T he anthropological cinema of Jean Rouch 113

revealed in Jaguar. In Мог, Un Noir, the city is not experienced as a what Rouch calk in Les Maitres Fous ‘m echanical civilization’. In some
place which frees young m en who travel from their N igerien village in ways, Chronique’s opening sequence is rem iniscent of the city films m ade
search o f adventure. It is not a site for the reinvention of self or for the during the 1920s, particularly R u ttm an ’s Berlin - Symphony o f a Great
expansion of personality - except in m om ents of private fantasy. F or this City. T he detached camera eye which looks down on the m etro station
tim e the city confines these young Africans, and it denies them sub­ as people scurry out like ants suggests R u ttm an ’s alienated, dehum a­
jectivity. W ith Les Maitres, Fous, R ouch reveals the coexistence o f city nised industrial world; but, in also quickly shifting to street level, Rouch
and countryside; the cerem ony of violent catharsis which the film’s characteristically juxtaposes another dim ension o f m odern urban life.
subjects undergo affirms the scope and dimensions of their complex Chronique explores the individual lives which are lived within, or through
subjectivity. resistance to, the constraints of a vast industrial machine.
In both Les Maitres Fous and Jaguar, Rouch uses cinema to provoke a In an early sequence, a young couple p u t on some music. A m echan­
particular experience in his audicnce. W ith Мог, Un Noir, cinema itself ical wheel moves round, generating an unchanging, synthetic sound
as a place of fantasy is the film’s reflexive focus. T he characters on which comes to h aunt the film, evoking as it does the distinctive
screen becom e stars from Hollywood movies; and in watching their experience of m odernity which Rouch and M o rin ’s enquiry progres­
transform ation we, the audience, confront the imaginative projection sively reveals. F or every character we encounter (except the African
which the camera makes possible. student, Landry, and R ouch him self) is confined, struggling against the
tyranny, the routine, the m onotony, the regim entation o f a m echanised
C h ron iqu e d ’u n e t e existence. T hus, although the film’s title suggests it will be a register or
docum entation o f events as they happen, an experim ent/experience that
C an’t cinema become the means of breaking that membrane which isolates each will unfold through time, we quickly discover th at there is, in fact, no
of us from others in the metro, on the street, or on the stairway of the apartmenl real m ovem ent or developm ent in the course of the work. Rouch and
building? The quest for a new cinema verite is at the same time a quest for a
M orin’s Parisian subjects are m arooned in a state o f timeless modernity.
‘cinema de fraternitc’. ” Edgar Morin, ‘Chronicle of a film’, p. 5.
We have already glimpsed this condition in the earlier film, Moi, Un
Chronique d ’un ete was filmed in Paris and St Tropez during the Noir. Nevertheless R ouch’s African characters create m om ents of
sum m er of 1960. It is widely acknowledged as a key text in the release through fantasy, projecting their personalities into the characters
developm ent of the Nouvelle Vague or New Wave; and, as such, the film of Hollywood films. But, unlike the transform ative quality o f R ouch’s
has always attracted a much wider cinema audience than just an anthro­ other African films of the same period, Chronique offers no escape
pological one. Certainly its substantive concerns and formal innovations beyond its own confines. We, the audience, like the film’s characters,
evoke com parisons w ith the work of R ouch’s European contemporaries, remain trapped in limbo. Chronique does not carry us beyond our
film-makers such as Godard, Truffaut and Antonioni. From the mid- experience o f the familiar; rather, as the film-makers note in their
1950s Rouch had been developing a highly innovative project of anthro­ closing dicussion, it (merely) ‘re-introduces us to life’. T h e film itself
pological cinema in a West African context. Nevertheless, in terms of his becomes the hall of m irrors which is contem porary reality.
ow n trajectory, Chronique represents a significant new departure. It was T he distinctive form and content o f Chronique are inseparable. T he
R ouch’s first experience of working as an anthropological film-maker in film’s unusually reflexive style, its episodic style, and particular hierarchy
Europe. M oreover, it was the outcom e of a collaborative project which of voice and vision are integrally related to the vision of society which is
he developed with the French sociologist, Edgar M orin. R ouch himself articulated through the text. Rouch and M o rin ’s m uch celebrated
recognised that, after having focused his energies for m ore than a ‘nouvelle experience cn cinema verite’ begins with a conversation. ‘How
decade in Africa, his own ‘odd tribe’, the Parisians, had becom e strange do you live?’ ‘W hat do you do with your life?’ the film-makers ask
to him. His experience, however, in sharing the lives of a handful of Marceline, a young Parisian. H er answer is intriguing. At first she replies
young people over the course of a sum m er resulted in a profoundly simply ‘Work, m ostly’. B ut pushing her further, Rouch enquires if she
unsettling vision of m odern society. has a plan for each day; and M arceline replies: ‘I know what I ought to
г1Ъе opening shots - an industrial landscape at dawn, a factory siren, do. But I d o n ’t always do it. I never know what I ’ll do next day. I live on
people emerging from the m etro - signal the film’s prim ary focus. It is the principle that tom orrow can take care of itself. For me, adventure is
114 A nthropological visions T hc anthropological cinem a of Jean Rouch 115

always just around the corner.’ This exchange is critical in establishing sion; bu t the sense of oppression experienced by Rouch and M orin’s
the film’s agenda and its central device, conversation or voice. And it Parisian tribe is m ore complex and far reaching. It touches all aspects of
poses the ccntral question which inspires the film, namely the relation­ people’s lives, not least their m ost intim ate personal relationships.
ship betw een freedom and necessity, individual and society within We observe a day in the life o f Angelo, a car worker at Renault. I find
‘m echanical civilization’. Rouch and M orin examine this question this extended sequence to be one of the m ost striking and intriguing in
through the concept of ‘happiness’. M oreover, in m aking voice central Chronique as a whole (in m any ways m ore curious than the m uch-
0Chronique is pre-em inently a film o f people talking), the film-makers discussed sequence of M arceline in the Place de la C oncorde). It is a
introduce sim ultaneously the problem of truth or knowledge. strange, m uted, alm ost ghost-like interlude in a film dom inated by
Chronique d ’un he consists o f three distinctive parts. T he first, and by people talking. It brings powerfully to life what Angelo’s words can only
far the longest, section introduces particular subjects through whose imperfectly suggest. T h e factory images are rem iniscent o f a heroic
experiences the m eaning of happiness is explored. It also establishes the Griersonion vision, celebrating a harm ony of m an and m achine; b u t the
centrality of M orin and R ouch as characters in the film, and the very noise (Les Mahres Fous and the city) is overwhelming. It makes con­
different agendas each one seeks to pursue through their experim ent in versation, hum an contact, impossible. Curiously, we experience the
• ' ' • ' 40
cinema vente. absence of voice as a kind of silence. M oreover, m ost of the other
T h eir enquiry is launched by M arceline, who begins walking around exchanges which unfold between M orin and the film’s different char­
with a tape-recorder in the streets o f Paris. She asks people if they are acters are located in dark, confined spaces which seem to be suspended
happy. T h e urban location for her enquiry is crucial to the film’s outside time. Angelo’s world, however, extends in tim e and space. We
concerns. T he city is the symbol o f m odernity itself, a liminal place experience its rhythm , its integrity, its discipline and regulation, the
where people brush past one another, living out isolated lives in the integration of work and hom e, m an and m achine such th at we can begin
eternal present o f an urban landscape, freed from the baggage o f their to understand what it m eans when Angelo says: he lives to work.
past and yet denied hum anity by an oppressive industrial m achine. The Angelo’s experience as a car worker at the R enault factory is an
relationship between what appears on the outside and what lies inside is obvious but nonetheless powerful symbol of the m echanised existence
thus raised from the beginning; and it is, of course, at the heart of lived out by the film’s subjects. But, as the other characters we encounter
R ouch and M orin’s cinem atic experim ent, too. M arceline’s tape-recor­ in this p art of the film reveal, the sense of confinem ent is m uch more
der disrupts the anonym ity of the city. It cracks open the surface of complex and far reaching. It is not just a question o f work or even the
everyday life, carrying us into the contradictions at the heart of m odern pressures of an im personal bureaucratic society. T h eir own intim ate
existence. T he snatched encounters between M arceline and bem used personal relationships are also a prison - as it is starkly, indeed painfully,
passers-by, observed by an aloof and detached camera eye, give way to laid bare in the case of the two couples, Jacques and Sim one Gabillon,
an active, intrusive camera. It becomes a tool for the interrogation of and M arceline and Jean-Pierre. Each person struggles to retain a belief
particular individual personalities; but, equally, it can ‘free’ people, in their own unique personality. As G abillon eloquently describes it, he
enabling them to articulate the deep sense of dissatisfaction which tries to retain a sense of ‘the real m e’, the individual essence or integrity
pervades their lives. Gradually, we becom e aware of the variety of existing beyond the bureaucratic bundle of papers which the m odern
ingenious strategies which individuals develop in order to survive, to person has becom e. But, suddenly and characteristically, Rouch flips
resist the pressure to becom e just another cog in a vast urban machine. the coin. We m eet M arilou, a young Italian w om an living in Paris. She
H appiness is neither a frivolous nor a m aterialistic concept, and it appears to be on the verge of a com plete breakdown. Unlike Angelo, for
emerges as som ething profound in m odern society. It anim ates people’s example, she is not oppressed by society, b u t by her isolation from
lives, an elusive and yet deeply desired state of fulfillment. society. She is forced in on herself, trapped within the tyranny of her
T h e juxtaposed conversations with Angelo, Jacques and Simone own thoughts.
Gabillon, M arilou, M arceline and Jean Pierre which com prise the long By juxtaposing M arilou with the other characters in this way, Rouch
first section of Chronique gradually reveal the contours of the prison in again establishes the im portance o f subverting opposed categories in
which they live. N o t surprisingly, the film begins with the question of favour of exploring their interplay. H ence w hat m atters is not one pole
work, one of the m ost potent and tangible symbols of m odern oppres­ or the other, individual or society; rather, it is the relationship between
116 A nthropological visions T h e anthropological cinema of Jean Rouch

them which is im portant. Either pole is a tyranny -- the tyranny of an One of the m ost interesting features of Chronique d ’un ete is that it is
isolated self or the oppression o f m echanised existence. T he same pre-em inently a film of people talking. F o r me this feature o f the work
tension underlies the question o f truth/fiction which is centrally posed makes it strongly rem iniscent of The Confidence M an, H erm an M elville’s
by the film - as R othm an asks, is it ‘telling the tru th by lying’?41 experim ental novel o f 1857.43 H ere Melville dispenses with the estab­
Chronique is neither real nor unreal. It is both. lished literary conventions of character and narrative, depicting a
T h e second part opens with a m eeting convened by M orin. He is com m unity of strangers cast adrift on a ship which moves b u t never
seeking to broaden the film’s scope beyond w hat he calls the ‘personal’ arrives. People encounter each other within this state of limbo, their
to include discussion of the social and political issues o f the day. This connection to one another exists only through the m edium of words,
attem pt and a subsequent one fail. W atching these scenes, it is hard not conversation, argum ent, debate: ‘the book has no tim e for the m ute
to recall the satire of colonial governm ent in Les Maitres Fous, when the externals o f a given world, for it is above all interested in the words that
H auka, in trance, convene several ‘round-table discussions’ and the m en say - and write - as they attem pt to relate or exploit, com m unicate
governor-general petulantly complains that no one ever listens to him. or m anipulate, to enlighten or outwit, to tell the tru th or insert a lie.’44
But, as R ouch’s intervention reveals, social and political events do not It is the very ‘w ordiness’ of the novel, as Tony T anner points out, which
exist in the abstract. T hey take on m eaning when refracted through raises the question of the relationship between words and ‘w orth’ or
personal experience - as the awkward silence which follows the discus­ trustworthiness.
sion of the tattoo on M arceline’s arm reveals. It provokes the film’s R ouch’s concerns in Chronique m ight be likened to those which
m om ent o f ‘psychodram a’. M arceline relives her m em ories of deporta­ Tanner identifies at the heart o f The Confidence M a n - the problem of
tion as a Jew during the war. As with the earlier scenes o f a day in the life truth, authenticity and confidence in m echanical or urban civilization.
of Angelo, this becomes a sequence extended in time and space. The For the city, like the ship, is a sort of lim bo, existing outside time and
cam era moves alongside M arceline, fram ing her against the city. For space, where people have no connection with one another except
alm ost the first time, the film opens up to reveal an urban landscape. through language. T here are episodes b u t no story; there are characters,
H itherto it has been confined to dark streets, stairways, crowded rooms. but who are they really? T here is nothing to go on, either for the film’s
As the sequence develops, the camera shifts position and moves to face subjects or the audience, in negotiating this world of only ‘clothes, bits
M arceline before slowly pulling away. She begins to get smaller and and pieces and talk’ as T anner puts it.45 T h e question raised is how are
smaller, dwarfed by the architecture of Les Hailes until she is swallowed social relationships possible und er these conditions? C an society be
up by that vast, dark space in the way that experience and memory created in conditions o f fluidity? How can one know anything? But
threaten to overwhelm her. M arceline becomes a child again. Rouch follows Melville in rejecting the search for absolutes, since it is
In the final part, the film moves to St Tropez as Parsisians leave the premised upon a dichotom ous vision of the world. T h e world in which
city for their annual sum m er vacation. H ere we return to a familiar we live is a twilight zone, an area o f light and dark, tru th and falsehood,
R ouchian them e - the African adventurer. Again, as in Jaguar, Rouch reality and fiction. M oreover, as we have now seen, this is the world in
reverses the conventional image of the European traveller (anthropolo­ which Rouch, like M elville’s confidence m an him self, truly flourishes.
gist) am ong Africans; instead we accom pany L andry in his investigations
of the French while on holiday. H e is the only character in Chronique,
‘ T h e e y e e x is ts in a p r im it iv e s ta te .’
apart from Rouch himself, who appears to be free - indeed to be having
fun. R ouch thinks life is fun, M orin, however, does not.42 F or even on This chapter has taken the work of Jean R ouch as a ease study in
holiday, away from the city, R ouch’s Parisian tribe cannot escape the anthropological cinema. T h e handful of films which R ouch m ade
sense o f confinem ent and routine. T h e seaside, unlike the village or the during the late 1950s have been the focus for my attention as I have
bush in Les Maitres Fous, Jaguar and Moi, Un Noir, does not becom e a sought to expose his particular way of seeing. As a set, Les Maitres Fous,
site of freedom. B ut in m aking a seamless transition from holidaying in Jaguar, M oi, Un Noir and Chronique d ’un et.e are distinguished by consist­
St Tropez to being part o f a cinema audience as the lights go up, the ency in them e (notably by a concern with m igration, cities and m oder­
question is posed again - can cinema function as the site o f transform a­ nity); by a sustained experim entation with cinem atic form; and by the
tion in m echanical civilization? unusual historical context of the films’ making. I suggested th at R ouch’s
118 A nthropological visions T h e anthropological cinem a of Jean R ouch 119

creativity and innovation was linked to the m om ent of colonial indepen­ R ouch’s characters, too, are offered the chance to be players. A nd we,
dence. F o r his work, pushing at the limits o f both anthropology and the audience, are invited to join in. We can also becom e players if we are
cinem a, may be understood as a counterpart to the fluidity in social and willing to participate in w hat he calls ‘the gam e’ {Les Maitres Fous).
political structures which m arked the collapse of European hegemony Flaying the game with Rouch m eans accepting certain rules; b u t equally
and the em ergence of the new nations across Africa, Asia and the it involves exploiting spaces or cracks in the way that his West African
C aribbean. migrants do, as they take risks, improvise and innovate.47 Following
W ithin the space of five years, R ouch opened up a new and distinctive Roland Barthes, we can recognise that pleasure or jouissance is an
field - anthropological cinema. In bringing together these two different im portant feature of R ouch’s work. F o r the pleasure generated through
traditions, Rouch was not seeking to express the concerns o f traditional participation in this game is n o t merely cognitive. It is, as B arthes’
ethnographic enquiry through a visual form; rather, he was creating concept implies, sensual.48
som ething new. H e united the hum anist impulse of anthropology with R ouch’s anthropological cinem a is rom antic. Its anim ating principle
the transform ative power of cinem a, and in so doing he transcended the is happiness (even love), rather than the pursuit of tru th or knowledge
lim itations at the heart of each project. Rouch not only created what he which underpins the enlightenm ent enquiry pursued by David and
calls ‘ethno-fiction’ or ‘scicnce fiction’, thereby subverting the conven­ Judith M acDougall. H ence one o f its distinguishing features is its
tional divisions within anthropology between description and imagina­ transform ative power or w hat R othm an calls its ‘visionary aspiration’.49
tion; b u t also within cinema itself, he found a way of transcending a T he distinctive hierarchy o f vision and voice running throughout
division which has run deeply from the very beginning - namely, he Rouch’s films of this period is, I believe, an im portant indication of a
found a way o f fusing the realism of Lum iere with the fantasy of Melies. certain visionary metaphysic. T h e relationship betw een image and
A lthough I have drawn attention to a num ber o f com m on themes sound in Les Maitres Fous, Jaguar, Moi, Un Noir and Chronique d ’un ete is
which ru n throughout R ouch’s films of the late 1950s, it is equally more interesting than merely a question o f technological limitation.
im portant to recognise that the changing form of each work subverts Chronique was the first film which R ouch shot using synchronous sound;
any consistency of m eaning. T he m eaning of any one film both clarifies the others were all shot silently with an im provised com m entary added
and dissolves through its juxtaposition with others of the series. Hence, later. B ut with his 1960 work, R ouch lays bare the problem of voice.
as I indicated at the beginning of this chapter, I consider these films as R ouch’s project involves the recuperation of vision. C entral is the
variations on a set o f them es, and not as a progressive sequence. Rouch notion of innocence. For, as with the M alinowskian ethnographer, the
offers different perspectives on a particular m om ent in m odern history; recovery of sight enables one to see again or to see as if for the first time.
b u t there is no social whole to be grasped. Conceptualising his work in It returns one to an original state. F o r unlike the M acD ougalls, whose
this way enables us to understand his particular vision of the world - work R ouch once described as like books, Rouch seeks to expose the
contem porary reality exists as a hall of m irrors. R ouch’s enterprise is limitations of language (noise, babble, baylon) and to provoke a cine­
deeply subversive of intellectual certainties. It challenges the binary matic experience through which participants/players can glimpse what
thinking by which anthropologists (and film-makers) have sought to Rothman term s ‘the transcendental, the unknow able, the unsayable’.
interpret the world. R ouch’s films express his refusal to accept the This is w hat defines R ouch’s project as visionary. T h e spectator is
stability of conventional categories sueh as black/white, irrational/ra­ transform ed into a seer.50
tional, village/city, truth/fiction, Africa/Europe. Rouch plays with these T he process by which the eye may be cleansed involves a radical
oppositions, rejecting an either/or position, always revealing the co­ disruption of everyday modes o f engagem ent with the world. Rom antic
existence of both parts of the pair. techniques appeal to sensibility, to the em otions and to the body. In the
I use the word play deliberately here to em phasise another character­ Malinowskian case, this is brought about through the disorienting
istic of R ouch’s work. R ouch’s anthropological cinem a is built around sensory experience of fieldwork. F or R ouch the cam era acts as a
the notion o f play, and the film-maker him self is pre-em inently a transform ative agent. H ence it is not hum anised. It m ight becom e part
player.46 His presence in each film is distinctive. H e hovers like a of the film -m aker’s body; b u t the body is not hum an when Rouch
capricious spirit, he is provocative, he grins, he has fun. We feel that he embarks on his journey, which he calls cine-trance. To quote Andre
is enjoying him self - unlike M orin, for example, in Chronicle d ’un ete. Breton, ‘the eye exists in a primitive state.’As such the film-maker
120 A nthropological visions

becom es fugitive, elusive, capricious like a spirit.51 Likewise, in a

darkened auditorium , som ething strange can happen; bu t only if partici­
pants arc willing to play game, to becom c players. F or cinem a offers 7 T he anthropological cinema of David and
itself as a prim ary site for disruption and transform ation. Judith M acDougall
Cinem a is, indeed, an interesting site for the pursuit o f a Rom antic
project. It contains both darkness and light. Rouch plays with light and
dark in the same way that he plays with other categories (rational/
irrational, truth/fiction, self/fantasy, authentic/perform ance) - there is
neither one nor the other bu t always both. T he rom anticism of his
anthropology is built around the interplay of darkness and light. T here
is no progressive illum ination, no m ovem ent from night to day through David and Judith M acD ougall have been leading figures in the project of
the exercise of the ‘light o f reason’ as implied in the linear development anthropological cinema for over two dccades.1 T hey began working in
of what I call the M acD ougalls’ enlightenm ent project. Instead, the late 1960s, in the afterm ath of the creative explosion in postwar
R ouch’s films provoke m om ents of revelation, m om entary flashes of cinema which was inaugurated by the Italian neorealist school. T he
light which penetrate the dark like the beam of projector in the cinema impulse behind the formal, technological and substantive innovations of
auditorium .32 British Free Cinem a, the French New Wave and the Am erican direct
cinema m ovem ent was a com m itm ent to an expansive dem ocratic
project. T h e new film-makers broke decisively with the old categories of
fiction and docum entary, and with the established hierarchy of pro­
fessional practice.
T he M acDougalls have m ade their own distinctive contribution to
postwar cinema. T hey sought to employ its new techniques in areas of
traditional anthropological enquiry. T h e problem s they encountered in
attem pting to synthesise the separate b u t related traditions of cinema
and scientific ethnography precipitated a bold experim entation with
m ethod, as the location of their work shifted. T h e M acDougalls first
began to develop their anthropological cinem a in the context of East
Africa, later they moved to Australia, and m ore recently they have m ade
films in Europe and Asia.
Although David M acDougall m ade his 1993 film Tempus De Baristas
alone, m ost o f the work considered in this essay was carried out in
partnership with his wife, Judith M acDougall. T h e first film, To Live
With Herds (1971), was attributed to David M acD ougall as solo
director. T h e later Turkana and Australian Aboriginal films were jointly
credited to David and Judith M acD ougall as co-producers/directors. In
all the films discussed here, David M acDougall is the camera operator,
Judith M acD ougall the sound recordist.
From the beginning, David and Judith M acDougall have had a clear
sense o f their own intellectual agenda. M oreover, they are unusual in
making the contours of their project explicit, charting each stage of
developm ent as a response to the limitations of their previous practice.
In this reflexive stance, underlined by David M acD ougall’s extensive

122 A nthropological visions A nthropological cinem a, David and Judith M acD ougall 123

writing and com m entary, they stand in sharp contrast to m ost anthro­ contain) the world. By contrast, there is inescapably at the centre o f the
pologists. T he M acD ougalls’ patient, carefully explained m ethod of M acD ougalls’ work a strong im pulse tow ard clarification or toward the
working also differentiates their enterprise from that developed by Jean separation of categories as necessary stages in the acquisition of know­
Rouch. T h e latter, who turns the process of ethnographic exploration ledge. It finds expression in the progressive innovation which charac­
into a mystical or shamanistic journey, seeks to subvert the very kind of terises their anthropological cinema.
intellectual reasoning which so distinguishes the M acD ougalls’ work. Each film in the M acDougall corpus is a response to the perceived
M y concern here is to explore the nature o f the vision which animates limitations of the last one. This linear or evolutionary conception of the
the M acD ougalls’ anthropological cinema. M any of its distinguishing work as a whole marks it off from the image o f variations on a set of
features emerge m ost concretely from the juxtaposition with R ouch’s themes which I proposed when considering R ouch’s films. T h e rom antic
enterprise, since despite points of connection, there are fundam ental cinema of the latter is not m arked by a strong forward m om entum . It
differences betw een the two in their conception of vision and knowledge. exists rather as a playful exploration of different possibilities. T h e
C ertainly audiences respond very differently to these two examples of developmental im petus of the M acD ougalls’ work suggests an under­
anthropological cinema. If R ouch captivates audiences through his lying conception that ethnographic realities may be rendered ultimately
energy and charism atic personality, the M acDougalls inspire respect for knowable through the im provem ent o f the techniques of enquiry. T he
the structural elegance and delicate texture of their work. T he form er, I achievem ent of such a goal, as the successive phases o f their enlight­
suggested, stands as a rather fugitive figure at the centre o f a rom antic enm ent project reveal, always remains beyond reach. F or the ethnogra­
anthropology. 7 he latter, however, m ay be considered as key figures in phers’ tireless pursuit o f questions concerning tru th , knowledge and
the creation of an enlightenm ent project of anthropological cinema. T he reality only makes them ever m ore elusive and problem atic - until,
different ways in which light plays across the work of Rouch and the finally, the elusivity o f m eaning itself becom es the subject of the
M acDougalls reveal the contrasting nature of their enterprises.2 M acDougalls’ last two films.
Im portant as David M acDougalPs writings undoubtedly are in ad­ T h e M acD ougalls’ com m itm ent to questions of knowledge rather than
dressing issues which emerge from the developm ent of a cinem atic to those about happiness (romanticism) makes for a distinctive kind of
approach toward ethnographic realities, what I have called the ‘m eta­ enlightenm ent cinem a. It is one which in significant ways runs counter to
physic’ underpinning the techniques he has developed in collaboration the intrinsic properties of the site itself. For the anthropological cinema
with Judith M acD ougall remains largely unacknowledged in his reflec­ created by the M acDougalls does not involve entry into a dark mysterious
tions.3 By proposing that we consider their work as an expression o f an place where transform ation occurs through the disruption of m ind and
enlightenment way of seeing, I wish to draw attention to the dom inant body. Instead they create a space for the exercise o f critical reason.
epistemological concerns o f their cinema. T he question of knowledge Audiences are not expectcd to surrender their rationality, their cognitive
lies at its core. T h e corpus of films (and writings) produced by the faculties. Indeed, it is to these very faculties th at the M acD ougalls’ films
M acDougalls during the last twenty years is m arked by a drive for appeal, since in the darkness of the auditorium the film-makers make
clarity; or, to use a visual m etaphor, there is a desire to banish darkness their audience work. This work, however, engages the audience largely at
through the exercise of w hat m ight be called the light of reason. the level of thinking rather than feeling. F o r the anthropological cinema
W hat is known? H ow is it known? T he M acD ougalls’ investigation of of the M acD ougalls’ makes its prim ary appeal to the intellect rather than
these questions involves w hat 1 im agine as a process of illum ination, the to the em otions.4
idea of a penetrating beam of light which dispells the shadows and T he features I have identified as specific to an enlightenm ent project
renders the world ultim ately transparent and knowable. T he shedding of in anthropology cannot be considered aside from the historical context
light across areas of darkness is a steady, cum ulative process. It does not in which such an enquiry took shape. Although understood to be a way
involve the sudden, unexpected flashes of insight or moments of revela­ of seeing, expressing personal sensibilities as m uch as distinctive tradi­
tion which characterise the kind of anthropology pursued by Jean tions of anthropology and cinem a, the M acD ougalls’ project has also
Rouch. For Rouch, whose project is inspired by the notion of happiness, been significantly influenced by the political circum stances in which
thrives in the shadows betw een darkness and light, endlessly disrupting they have worked as ethnographers. H ence any interpretation o f their
the categories by which intellectuals conventionally seek to explain (and work involves an acknowledgem ent that the M acD ougalls em barked on
124 A nthropological visions Anthropological cincma, David and Judith M acD ougall 125

their project in Africa a decade after Jean R ouch produced his celebrated people were saying and p u t it on the screen and that it would be so
set of films - Les Maitres Fous, Jaguar, Moi, Un Noir and La Pyramide thrilling. T here was an honesty and seriousness about the whole enter­
Humaine. T he situation they found contrasted sharply with the m ood of prise. It was an extraordinary thing for m e to see’.6 Although R ouch’s
optim ism and change which m arked the m om ent of colonial indepen­ work was m uch adm ired by those seeking to go beyond conventional
dence some ten years earlier. For, if R ouch’s cinema was a response to literary forms, its style was not obviously com patible with anthropolo­
the creative possibilities unleashed by political em ancipation, the ethno­ gical approaches m oulded by the m ore ‘British’ m odels o f ethnographic
graphic enquiry pursued by the M acDougalls took shape in a period enquiry.7
m arked by the consolidation of state power and the rise o f new African To Live With Herds thus provides an im portant point of entry into the
elites. Specifically, as anthropological film-makers, the M acDougalls second attem pt considered here to synthesise the separate b u t related
confronted social and political problem s emerging as p art and parcel of practices of cinem a and anthropology. M oreover, this early film stands
the establishm ent o f African nationhood. These problem s focused as a tem plate for the M acD ougalls’ work as a whole. It raises central
around what was known as the process of ‘m odernization’. It encom ­ questions concerning vision (and voice) as m ethod and metaphysics
passed questions o f developm ent, education, health, national identity which have anim ated their anthropological enquiry for two decades.
and so on. T he structural fluidity in which Rouch had flourished as a For, despite their developm ent o f different cinem atic forms and their
film -m aker during the 1950s had been replaced by political hierarchies exploration of changing cultural contexts, To Live With Herds remains
built upon opposition and conflict. M oreover, the M acDougalls posi­ the point of anchorage. Indeed Tempus De Baristas (1993), David
tioned themselves differently with respect to contem porary African life. M acD ougall’s m ost recent work to date, powerfully reaffirms that
T hey did not seek out the crowded spaces of urban Africa, where fundam ental orientation to the world which was given such eloquent
identity and com m unity were being actively m ade and re-m ade. Instead expression in the early Jie film.
they located themselves in the wide, open landscapes o f pastoralist To Live With Herds: A Dry Season Am ong the Jie (1971) has five parts
people. T h eir com m itm ent was to the docum entation of ways o f life or movem ents. Each part is self-contained, and yet the carefully selected
which were at odds with contem porary definitions o f ‘progress’. sequences which com prise it set up resonances with the other sections
o f the film organised un d er different headings. T h e M acDougalls
construct an argum ent through the subtle juxtaposition of different
To L ive W ith H erd s cinem atic devices - images, text, subtitles and com m entary. T h u s in
Basil W right’s Song of Ceylon was described by a com m entator as ‘one of spatial term s the film can be conceived as a mosaic, a series of over­
the m ost beautiful films ever m ade’.5 F unded by the Em pire M arketing lapping associations or patterns, where m eaning is generated through
Board and produced in 1935 as the experim entalism o f the British relationships of correspondence and contrast. Its tem poral dim ensions
docum entary m ovem ent under G rierson reached its peak, W right m irror this distinctive spatial configuration. T h e film’s linear develop­
sought to weave together different ryhthm s, sounds and images into a m ent through tim e is crosscut and subverted by other rhythm s and
complex poetic whole. H e created a work of striking originality, one movements.
distinguished by an extraordinary simplicity and beauty. In To Live With Herds, the M acDougalls attem p t to m atch form with
M ore than thirty-five years later, Song of Ceylon form ed the inspiration content, to create a cinem atic structure which m irrors their substantive
for To Live With Herds, a subtle, carefully crafted work by David conccrns. T heir interest, stim ulated by Peter Rigby’s essay ‘Pastoralism
M acD ougall m ade with Jie pastoralists in north-eastern U ganda. This and Prejudice’, is to explore the life of herding peoples in the context of
film m arked a turning point in the developm ent of anthropological wider political and economic changes; and thus the open nature of the
cinema. It influenced a whole generation of film-makers struggling to film text itself m irrors the fluidity of the world in which the Jie live.8 As
find new ways of giving expression to anthropological knowledge. the film reveals, the Jie exist precariously at the m argins, their integrity
A m ong them , for example, was M elissa Llewelyn-Davies who, with and autonom y undercut by conflicting currents of history and contem ­
other m em bers of the Disappearing World team , attended a screening of porary society. For, following independence from British rule, m any of
To Live With Herds organised by Brian M oser: ‘I was so overwhelmed by the new African governm ents perceived pastoralists as a problem in their
it; and I did n ’t realise you could just take a camera and listen to what am bitions for nation-building. T hese groups were mobile; they were
126 Anthropological visions Anthropological cinem a, D avid and Judith M acD ougall 127

difficult to tax; and they were reluctant to engage with the agents o f state reconciled except through coercion, the M acD ougalls retu rn us to the
bureaucracy such as providers of health services and education. gentle, unchanging tem po of Jie society. T h e film unfolds through time,
To Live With Herds opens in the heart o f a Jie com pound. W ithout carrying the audience from beginning to end, b u t its fundam ental
any prelim inaries, the M acDougalls simply place the spectator there, rhythm is cyclical. T his dual m ovem ent is suggested by the five chapter
am ong people and cattle, im m ersed in the bustle o f everyday activity. titles - ‘T h e balance’; ‘C hanges’; ‘T h e nation’; ‘T h e value of cattle’; and
But, juxtaposed to this rich texture, constructed through the technique ‘News from hom e’ - which take us from the equilibrium of Jie society
o f m ontage, is a single extended shot in which Logoth, responding to a through the im pact o f colonialism, the postcolonial state and the m arket
request from the film-makers, m aps the extent of Jie terrain. It is back to the herders themselves.
through Logoth then th at the M acDougalls establish the film’s orienta­ T he film closes, however, with a re-affirm ation of the M acD ougalls’
tion - the place o f the Jie in the world and the fragile relationships belief in the organic unity o f a pastoralist way of life. F or the ritualised
which sustain it, relationships which exist in time as well as space, greetings which L ogoth finally exchanges with his fellow Jie at the edge
between past and present, between people and natural resources, of the cattle camps expand and reverberate beyond the life of the film
between the Jie and neighbouring peoples, between herders and the itself. T hus the M acD ougalls’ formal com m itm ent to the cyclical nature
new state apparatus. of social life seals the film’s substantive rejection of linear notions of
F rom these opening sequences, we can identify the distinctive quali­ progress.
ties o f the M acD ougalls’ film-making style. First of all, their approach is To Live With Herds is a rem arkable work. It is distinguished, perhaps
characterised by an intim acy rooted in close observation and in amas­ above all, by the hum anity o f its vision, one painstakingly built through
sing the details o f daily life. B ut equally the M acDougalls use extended the forging of a new intim acy with people. It is also impressive in its
scenes or encounters to suggest specific dim ensions of the argum ent achievem ent o f formal perfection. It is here, in the film’s construction,
they seek to articulate. Indeed it m ight be argued that the film’s that the influence of Basil W right is m ost often sought.9 T h e use of
compelling force lies in just a handful o f images. As I have indicated, the chapters to structure To Live With Herds, for example, certainly brings
early scene with Logoth can be understood as a m etaphorical statem ent Song of Ceylon to m ind; b u t the connections need to be probed at a
of the film’s broader concerns. B ut so too can the extraordinary num ber of levels, as David M acD ougall’s own com m ents on W right’s
sequence of the dust storm which sweeps across the landscape at the film suggest: ‘I think it stands out as the only film of its kind in that
climax o f the film, evoking perhaps m ore than anything else the whole period. I can’t think o f another that com es anywhere near it in its
M acD ougalls’ fundam ental belief in the Jie’s fragile yet tenacious grip com bination of personal investm ent and intellect.’10
on a harsh, shifting terrain. W right attem pted in Song of Ceylon to give expression to the distinc­
Progressively, at a whole series of different levels, the M acDougalls tive texture o f m odern life. In so doing, he created a sym phonic poem.
build a devastating case which lays bare the casual brutality o f national For he sought not only to uncover the different rhythm s of the m odern
governm ent. Against the quiet dignity of a pastoralist way o f life, rooted world, bu t to explore their interconnection through the construction of
in its own rhythm s and collective practice, stands an unknow n, external a complex whole. As the film’s title suggests, W right took a village in
and coercive power. B ut the M acD ougalls’ indictm ent is all the more Ceylon as his focus; b u t in celebrating its rhythm s of spiritual and
effective for their scrupulous observations of the characters who repre­ m aterial life, he revealed, simultaneously, its existence within an
sent this new state order. T hey show them to be neither cunning nor evil, extended world of trade and commerce. M oving effortlessly between
b u t simply callow, a bunch of superficial people who have exchanged inside and outside, past and present, rural and urban, religion and
their hum anity for political slogans and bureaucratic procedure. com m erce, the village and the world, W right weaves together overlap­
T h e M acD ougalls’ argum ent then develops through the cumulative ping, intersecting and cross-cutting currents. As one critic wrote: Song
force of juxtaposed sequences and associations. T he effect is rather like of Ceylon] is a very im portant attem pt at creating a picture of an entirely
the ripples in a pool of w ater after a stone has been cast. Gradually the strange life, from the native rather than the foreign p oint of view, and to
film extends beyond the confines of the Jie com pound, moving outwards express the tem po of th at life in the texture of the film itself.’11 T he
to encompass bigger worlds of state and m arket; b u t in passing through formal inventiveness of Song of Ceylon, the skilful use of the new
the climax, a series of stark encounters where difference cannot be m edium of sound as a counterpoint to visual sequences and text, thus
128 A nthropological visions A nthropological cinem a, D avid and Judith M acD ougall 129

m irrors the complcx and fluid world which W right evokes through the sought to insert their film into the contem porary debates concerning
substance of the film itself. developm ent and national identity. A lthough, like m ost docum entary
W right’s concern with complexity and m ovem ent in his 1935 work film makers of their generation, the M acD ougalls turned away from
m ay be considered as a continuation o f the tradition associated w ith the authoritative, didactic film-making, they did n o t abdicate from the
E uropean and Soviet film-makers, such as R uttm an, Cavalcanti, Ivens responsibility to offer a particular interpretation of the world. Thus,
and Vertov. D uring the 1920s, this group established a new genre, the despite the simplicity o f the images and the seemingly effortless move­
city symphony. It was uniquely cinem atic, and the use of m ontage m ent of To Live With Herds, the audience is left in no doubt that its
represented a profound rejection of conventional forms derived from a purpose is to persuade.13 B ut to u n derstand how the M acDougalls
literary aesthetic. Taking the city as a focus, these film-makers gave attem pt to establish a certain reading of the film, we need to look more
expression to the m odernist fascination with speed, m ovem ent, closely at their m ethod. This, in tu rn , opens up deeper questions
m achines, structure and process; and, for them , the cinem a was an concerning the m etaphysics which underlie the M acD ougalls’ explora­
integral p art of this new industrial, m echanised world. T he cam era itself tion o f society.
m oved as a m achine, and as an advanced scientific instrum ent it could To Live With Herds is recognised as an im portant example of observa­
transcend hum an limitation. C inem a was celebrated as an industrial tional cinema, a term coined by Colin Young to describe th e new kind of
product, at the site of both production and consum ption; the complex film-making which was being developed by a small group of people
social relations em bodied in cinema m irrored the characteristic features working at U C L A in the late 1960s.14 It is often characterised as
of the m odern age. involving a fusion of direct cinema techniques with a style of ethno­
But Song of Ceylon also m arked a new departure in the tradition of the graphic fieldwork derived from M alinowski. F o r emphasis was laid upon
city symphony, not least because its centre was not the city7 per se. detail, paying close attention to w hat M alinowski in Argonauts of the
Although the film’s form al qualities and construction owe m uch to Western Pacific called ‘the im ponderabilia o f actual life’. A t a deeper
Berlin - Symphony of a Great City (R uttm an), The Bridge (Ivens) or A level, however, observational cinem a, in m any o f its key features (not
M an With A Movie Camera (Vertov), its distinctive feature is the least its fundam entally moral and hum anistic orientation) m ay be under­
hum anism o f its vision. For, in im portant ways, Song of Ceylon echoed stood as the extension o f the Italian neo-realist project as envisaged by
the poetic hum anism m ost associated with the work o f R obert Flaherty. Zavattini and by Bazin in his call for a ‘cinem a of “ duration” ’.15
If, on the one hand, the city sym phony films were criticised because the Interestingly, the m ost prom inent m em bers of the U C L A group
people in them w ere tu rn ed into m ere cogs in a vast industrial m achine, associated with Young (notably the M acD ougalls, H erb Di Gioia and
objectified and dehum anised by an om niscient camera eye, the limita­ D avid H ancock) were not professional anthropologists; b u t they were
tions o f Flaherty, on the other hand, stem m ed from his refusal to drawn to the discipline in their attem pt to discover ways o f exploring
address m ovem ent or change at all. W right, however, achieved a new previously neglected areas o f social life - specifically ‘ordinary’ people at
synthesis, fusing the rom antic lyricism of Flaherty with the intellectual hom e and abroad.16 Like their predecessors in the postwar Italian
brilliancc of R u ttm an .12 cinem a renaissance and the leading figures o f the Am erican direct
A n um ber of the key elements which make up this creative synthesis cinema m ovem ent, U C L A film-makers sought to effcct a shift in focus,
may be discerned in To Live With Herds. As David M acDougall him self from ideas to life, which dem anded the adoption o f new technology.
noted, in Song of Ceylon W right successfully com bined the qualities of T he com m itm ent to small working partnerships, light portable equip­
passion and intellect. So, too, do the M acDougalls in their own work. m ent and synchronous-sound cameras m irrored the m inimalist
T h e m eans by which such a synthesis, indeed a sort o f transfiguration, is approach to fieldwork o f M alinowskian anthropologists themselves -
achieved dem ands closer attention. C ertainly it is no t ‘found’; rather it symbolised, perhaps above all, in the stubborn reliance on nothing m ore
is striven for, constructed through conscious intention and the uncon­ than a notebook as fieldwork equipm ent.
scious processes of intuitive connection. Crucial to the new kind of cinem atic ethnography that the
To Live With Herds is a film rooted in a particular historical m om ent. M acDougalls attem pted to develop were particular techniques of
T h e M acD ougalls’ intention was to question simple notions o f progress working. T h e term ‘observation’ was used to describe a certain kind of
widely held at the time by both African and European intellectuals; they social relationship. It was one prem ised upon hum ility or respect,
130 A nthropological visions Anthropological cinem a, David and Judith M acD ougall 131

expressive o f film -m akers’ sensitivity towards their subjects. This visual and aural detail, its close attention to characters in everyday life
changed relationship found aesthetic expression in the distinctive and to the nuances of particular social situations or encounters. T h e
camera work, sound recording and editing of the observational film intimacy o f the film is also created by the focus and intensity of the
itself.17 camera eye (David M acD ougall’s). It serves as a filter, one which seems
T h e remarks m ade by one of the U C L A film-makers, David H ancock anxious not to intrude, b u t to simply to be there, quietly watching, an
describing the m ethod of working he devised with D i Gioia, offer expression of the film -m aker’s sensitivity and deference towards his
valuable insight into these dimensions. subjects. A nd yet the occasional m ovem ents o f the camera and its
We shoot in long takes dealing with specific individuals rather than cultural changing positions are necessary, in fact, to rem ind us of M acD ougall’s
patterns or analysis. We try to complete an action within a single shot, rather presence, to reassure us of the integrity of the vision he is presenting,
than fragmenting it. Our work is based on an open interaction between us as one intim ately tied to his having genuinely been there. Indeed we begin
people (not just film-makers) and the people being filmed. Their perspectives to feel that we have been there, too. F or the intense realism o f To Live
and concerns shape and structure the film rather than our emphasis on a With Herds effects the sense o f a direct encounter with another world,
particular topic or analysis of their culture which would distort or over­ die world of the Jie.
emphasize, perhaps, the importance of that topic to those people and that
T h e M acDougalls, like M alinowski in m any ways, seek to persuade
their audience of the film’s authenticity by m eans of a layering of rich,
T h e principle of respecting the integrity o f events applies at the editing descriptive detail. But, unlike the author o f Argonauts, endlessly dis­
stage, too, as H ancock’s further remarks indicate; bu t now the film­ tracted in the course of his rambling, picaresque narrative, the
m aker assumes a new responsibility towards his or her subjects.14 M acDougalls never allow their attention to wander. T h e classicism of
D espite the new relationships established at the tim e of filming, the their cinematic vision is strikingly rem iniscient o f the lum inosity of an
subjects of observational cinema have rarely been active participants in Evans-Pritchard m onograph. To Live With Herds is a m odel of economy,
the editing process. Instead the film-maker consolidates his or her role a text whose power surely derives as m uch from the intensity of its focus,
as ‘witness’, being actively engaged during shooting and editing, and its discipline and restraint, as from its concrete detail. T hus, if the
uniquely present at all stages of production. T hus he or she comes to reader of Argonauts is carried along by M alinowski’s sheer exuburance
b oth symbolise and guarantee the film’s authenticity. But in becom ing a and by his dense, vivid prose, the M acDougalls engage the viewer in a
sort o f moral guardian, the observational film-maker m ust m ediate very different way. T here is an ordered simplicity to the film’s surface
between the people in the film and the people who engage with them as detail, in sharp contrast with the messiness of M alinowski’s account of
spectators. F or the practitioners o f observational cinem a, conceived as T robriand life. T h e film’s appearance disguises th e complexity o f its
‘essentially revelatory rather than illustrative’, attem pt to establish a underlying structure. This raises the problem atic status of the work
different kind of social relationship with their audience as well.20 T hus itself. Is it indeed an example o f ‘observational cinem a’?
spectators are expected be activc, not passive; to piece together the small T he film is constructed through an unusual com bination o f the two
details and clues offered by the film-maker; and to reach their own tendencies in cinema, m ontage and deep-focus, identified by the critic,
conclusions on the basis of evidence presented. This process depends, Andre Bazin, as polar opposites. To Live With Herds is m arked by its
of course, on the ‘tru th ’ of the evidence pu t before an audience by the dense, extended scenes in which ‘m eaning arises in due course from
film-maker. M ost im portant of all, we need to believe that the film­ relationships disclosing themselves within this field, and the film­
m aker has n o t ‘cheated’ (like Flaherty, for exam ple).21 We m ust be m aker’s participation is th at of originator and observer of the natural
convinced th at the film -m aker has genuinely ‘been there’ as G eertz puts developm ent of these relationships within their own block of time. His
it, th at they em body the truth of w hat is presented.22 job is no t creating new m eaning, b u t [as Bazin expresses itj “framing the
In looking closely at To Live With Herds, we can identify a num ber of fleeting crystallisation o f a reality o f whose environing presence one is
different strategies which the M acDougalls employ in their attem pt to ceaselessly aw are” ’.23 A nd yet the juxtapositions o f these extended
persuade us of the film’s truth. Prom inent am ong these are techniques scenes depends upon the principle of m ontage, ‘the creation of a sense
identified with an observational approach, with its origins in Italian neo­ or m eaning no t objectively contained in the images themselves but
realism as conceived in its late form. T heir film is distinguished by its derived exclusively from their juxtaposition’.24 By interweaving
132 A nthropological visions A nthropological cinem a, D avid an d Judith M acD ougall 133

cinematic techniques in this way, the film-makers seek to move their M oreover, in attem pting through an observational approach to reinvent
audience affectively at the same time as they engage with it at the level of a kind o f primitive cinem a based on showing, w hat G unning calls ‘a
ideas. cinema of attractions’, the M acDougalls seek to enable us, the viewers,
It seems paradoxical, given m any of its key features (not least its to ‘recognise’ the Jie. It is an attem pt to forge a relationship which
elaborate formal construction), to describe To Live With Herds as an reaches beyond cultural difference to a deeper level of shared
example of observational cinema. It is hardly a ‘found’ film. Certainly, I hum anity.2'
find it difficult to agree with Colin Young when he writes: ‘After seeing T he Jie are the still point in a turning world; and the idea of the
David and Judith M acD ougall’s To Live With Herds, you get very postcolonial state as a transient phenom enon is even m ore compelling
im patient with films th at d o n ’t let you see.’25 H ere he refers to one of the today than it was twenty-five years ago. This image is sealed unforget­
central features o f the new approach, nam ely th at ‘observational’ films tably in the sequence of the dust storm . T h e M acDougalls construct die
reveal rather than illustrate, enabling the audience to em bark on its own argum ent of To Live With Herds through a nu m b er of key oppositions
journey o f discovery. B ut this seems at odds with To Live With Herds, contrasting the stability of Jie society with the tu rb u len t history of the
where a powerful argum ent, albeit a personal and no t an anonym ous, tw entieth century. T h e film is founded upon distinctions - between
disem bodied one, drives everything we encounter in the film. Indeed inside and outside, depth and surface, presence and absence and cyclical
one m ight suggest th at the M acD ougalls’ argum ent is all the more versus linear time. Ironically then, while the film-makers seek to foster
effective for their use of observational techniques in the service of older an encounter across cultural difference, their anthropological cinema, in
didactic purposes. To Live With Herds m ay present itself as a film which fact, rests upon a series o f categories and divisions. But, as we will
‘shows’; b u t it is, in im portant ways, one which ‘tells’. David discover, the relationships between these categories begin to shift in die
M acD ougall’s com m ent on the work of Basil W right may be said to course of the M acD ougalls’ subsequent work.
describe equally their own approach in To Live With Herds: ‘Song of
Ceylon was . . . a style of synthesis, a style that used images to develop an
T u rk a n a C o n v e rsa tio n s
argum ent or im pression’.26 T he irony, however, lies in the fact that this
statem ent was m ade in the context of an essay which established Political difficulties in U ganda, following the rise o f Idi Amin, prevented
W right’s kind of synthetic docum entary as the opposite of the new the M acDougalls from continuing to develop their anthropological
observational style which the M acDougalls, am ong others, claim ed to research with the Jie. T hey were forced to shift contexts, moving their
be pioneering. work to neighbouring pastoralist groups in Kenya - first to the В or an
I w ant to suggest, however, that the description of To Live With Herds and later to the Turkana. Although their substantive focus rem ained the
as a work of observational cinema refers m ore accurately to its m eta­ same - herding peoples who defied the categories of the colonial and
physics than to its m ethods. For, above all, what is striking about the postcolonial state - the M acDougalls now sought to develop a different
M acD ougalls’ film is its conception of people in the world. T he clarity film-making approach, one which they hoped would reveal pastoralist
and integrity of the film’s vision is one predicated on a notion of society in new ways. It becam e known as participatory cinema. I will
presence, that there is som ething ‘out there’ (called perhaps ‘culture’ or suggest, however, that this new approach could n o t be fully realised by
‘society’ or ‘hum anity’). I take observation then to m ean a particular the M acDougalls in an East African situation. T h e innovations th at they
stance tow ard reality, th at it implies a seeing deeply into, penetrating m ade at the level of practice were not m atched by changes in what I
beyond the superficiality of surface appearance to encounter the ‘real’, have called their m etaphysical orientation.
the authentic, th at which is whole and universal. T hus, although To Live From first viewing we are aware of the change th at the films which
With Herds is highly specific (rooted in a certain time and place), the make up the Turkana trilogy represent. By com parison with the intense
M acDougalls see deeply into that m om ent in m odem society and come focus and complex formal structure of To Live With Herds, Turkana
up with a compelling vision of hum anity as a whole. It is through the Conversations seems extraordinarily slack, even m eandering, as we move
film’s intense realism, one painstakingly constructed through a close around with the film-makers trying to find our bearings inside a strange
observation of the intim ate details of a rem ote society, that the Turkana world. It is not immediately obvious th at the trilogy is united
M acDougalls are simultaneously able to evoke a universal symbol. by a single anim ating idea. T hus, in an im p o rtan t sense, the films
134 A nthropological visions A nthropological cinem a, D avid and Judith M acD ougall 135

appear to be m ore genuinely exploratory or revelatory than the earlier evidence, elicited by the film-makers through questions, eavesdropping
Jie work. and observation. Although our understanding is only partial and provi­
T h e M acD ougalls’ original intention was to make a series o f ten short sional, we begin to piece together a picture of Lorang - to learn what
films with the Turkana in which individuals w ould offer their own m atters to him , w hat he believes and how he acts.
perspectives on a particular story. O ut of these distinctive parts or T he tripartite structure of the film - ‘M aking U p F or Lost T im e’;
perspectives several longer films would be assembled. T he film-makers ‘Preserving the H ousehold’; and ‘Setting His L im its’ - indicates the
quickly discovered that such a plan was too complex, b u t they retained contours o f the biography which the M acDougalls seek to expose.
the centra] idea which underlay it - th at is, Turkana society was M oreover, as the title Lorang ’s Way suggestsj the central character has a
im agined as a construction. It was to be approached as som ething keen sense of him self as an active agent in b oth history and society.
em ergent, provisional and contested rather than as a fixed or objectified T hus the opening scene of the dust storm , while expressive of the film­
structure in the D urkheim ian sense. m akers’ vision of pastoralist peoples in the m odern world, also symbo­
F rom the m aterial the M acDougalls shot in Kenya during 1973-74, lises som ething quite specific - namely, L orang’s personal struggle to
they edited three films: Lorang’s Way; A Wife Among Wives', and The find his own life, to overcome his years of exile and to re-establish
Wedding Camels. T he first focuses on a particular character, Lorang (‘A him self as a Turkana m an. This fractured and unknow n past, which we
T urkana M an ’ as the subtitle explains); the second is organised around glimpse through the fragm ents of an incom plete story, is juxtaposed in
an idea (marriage); while the third docum ents the course o f an event (a the first p art of the film with the integrity of Lorang’s present circum ­
wedding). Progressively, then, the different films take us into Turkana stances. Now we follow him as he moves with ease and authority
society, from our initial encounter with Lorang through dom estic life to through his hom estead, indicating both the extent and limits of his
an im m ersion in the full complexity of a contested social reality. M ore­ world. Taking the example of Logoth in To Live With Herds, the
over, the relationships em bodied in this ethnographic encounter also M acDougalls again use this activity of spatial m apping as a m etaphor for
subtly change. In Lorang’s Way the M acDougalls present their audience the trilogy as a whole. It serves to anchor the films in a metaphysics of
w ith evidence as a basis for knowledge; in A Wife Among Wives they presence (people in the landscape) and to place us, initially through
confess to difficulties in finding out what is happening; in The Wedding Lorang, in a certain relationship to Turkana society.
Camels they do not even pretend to know w hat is happening. Increas­ But, in m aking Lorang the point of entry, we im m ediately encounter a
ingly T urkana society is revealed as in flux. T he films explore the shifting world which is m oulded by individual agency as m uch as it is em bedded
relationships between ideals and reality, between what ought to happen in underlying principles of social structure. L orang’s way, as we begin to
and w hat actually happens, and they expose the processes by which discover, is built upon his successful negotiation of a whole series of
society is actively m ade and re-m ade. T h e films emerge as a network of complex relationships, and these relationships exist in time as well as in
com plex relationships, existing no t just am ong the Turkana themselves, space. T he film-makers attem pt to expose different facets of Lorang’s
but also between the Turkana, the film-makers and the audience. character through the encounters with wives, sons and elders which
In beginning the Turkana trilogy, the M acDougalls employ devices m ake up everyday Turkana life, b u t equally im portant is his attem pt to
which were effective in their earlier film, To Live With Herds. Lorang’s reconcile past and present. It becomes clear th at L orang has chosen to
Way opens in the m idst of a howling dust storm . C aught up in the reject the values and rewards offered by the w ider society; b u t his
tu rb u len t forces of nature, we w atch people and animals as they struggle experiences in exile are inseparable from his contem porary perspective.
to move across a harsh windswept terrain. B ut counterposed to this T hey are central to Lorang’s sense of his place in the world.
violent eruption is a m an ’s strong and steady voice, banishing the wind T here is a radical shift of perspective in A Wife Among Wives, the
and reaffirming the Turkana’s place in the landscape. T hus, as in the Jie second p art o f the Turkana trilogy. T h e film-makers now seek to expose
film, the dust storm is an im portant symbol of the tenacity of pastoralist different dim ensions o f pastoralist society through the lives of a num ber
people in the face o f change; but, this time, it has other resonances. of its women; and, as the subtitle ‘N otes on T urkana m arriage’ suggests,
Lorang, a Turkana elder who was once a soldier, is the figure through the organising them e is the question of m arriage. M oreover, instead of a
whom we begin to explore the param eters of pastoralist life. T his, the neatly edited view of social life anchored in a particular character or
first film in the trilogy, presents the audience with different kinds of event with different chapters or sections, the film-makers pursue an
136 Anthropological visions A nthropological cinema, David and Judith M acD ougall 137

idea; they present a single text com prising ‘notes’ or jottings fashioned particular m arriage, they raise m ore fully questions implicit in the other
from an assembly o f different kinds of material - conversations, ques­ parts of the trilogy, nam ely questions of individual subjectivity and
tions, impressions, rum ours and snippets o f inform ation. social structure, fieldwork and ethnography, participation and observa­
A Wife Among Wives is perhaps the m ost intriguing p art of the trilogy, tion. F or it is what the docum entary film-makers associated with the
not least because the opening sequences seem to prom ise a certain kind direct cinema m ovem ent call a crisis situation (the equivalent of Van
of film which is not, in fact, realised. It begins by focusing on strategies G ennep’s notion of liminality) which throws such issues into sharp
of fieldwork, foregrounding the apparatus (for example notebooks and focus.30
cameras) and the relationships involved in the m aking of the film itself. T he discrepancy between what should happen and w hat actually does
M ost striking are the discussions which the M acDougalls hold with a happen lies at the heart of The Wedding Camels. By exploring the
num ber of Turkana wom en about what should be the focus o f the film. different perspectives and changing positions of key participants (in­
T hese exchanges culm inate in one of the wom en filming the film­ cluding their own), the film-makers reveal T urkana society as contested,
m akers with a Super 8 camera; her footage is edited together with the as an arena of com peting interests. T h e film develops through tim e as a
m aterial shot by the M acDougalls of her filming. B ut what is equally narrative with successive chapters - ‘P reparations’; ‘T h e Problem of
striking is how quickly these reflexive sequences are brushed aside, as Bridewealth’; ‘T h e Wedding O x’; ‘D ep artu res’ - b u t it also extends
the film-makers return to a m ore conventional way of working and laterally. Indeed, its forward m ovem ent is constantly underm ined by
establish their own subject o f enquiry. As David M acD ougall him self other currents which delay, and threaten to subvert, the m om ent of
has com m ented: ‘I see those passages at the beginning o f A Wife Among resolution. T hus again the M acDougalls seek to weave two kinds of
Wives as m ore em blem atic o f our relationships with people and a kind of time, linear and cyclical, into the text of their film. In To Live With
com m union or com m onality that we felt.’28 Herds, a notion of progress represented by historical time was rejected in
T his second film then is driven by questions posed by the film­ favour of the cyclical or organic rhythm s of pastoralist life. O n this
makers. But their attem pt to understand the m eaning o f m arriage in a occasion, however, it is linearity which symbolises order in the face of
pastoralist society becom es a m etaphor for the anthropological task conflicting, chaotic forces.
itself. F or a Turkana wedding, like fieldwork, is a long, com plex process. The Wedding Camels captures a liminal phase in people’s experience of
It is full o f obstacles, and unexpected twists and turns; the knowledge of Turkana society. M oreover, the M acDougalls attem pt to recreate such a
the participants is partial and provisional; and the outcom c is always m om ent in and through the film itself. T h eir intention is th at the
uncertain. T hus, in contrast to the presentation o f evidence which viewer’s experience should m irror th at of the participants in the event;
characterised Lorang’s Way, the difficulties involved in acquiring the thus, the film is not so m uch about Turkana m arriage as it is an
evidence itself becom e the driving force behind A Wife Am ong Wives. exploration o f knowledge - ‘about w hat one can and cannot know’.31 At
T his is m ost fully developed in the subsequent film, The Wedding the core of The Wedding Camels is an acknowledgem ent o f active hum an
Camels, which David M acDougall has described as the ‘centrepiece’ of agency. T h e viewer is a participant along with the film-makers and their
the trilogy: ‘It was the film in which we m ade the greatest effort to try to Turkana subjects in the production o f m eaning. T his notion o f the
create a sense of indeterm inacy about knowledge, about the situation open-endedness o f m eaning, evoked through w hat Bill Nichols calls the
that one finds oneself in in the field, trying to m ake sense of complex film’s ‘m odernist strategies’, represents an im portant change in the
events, and not necessarily being able to do it. T he film is m ore than M acD ougalls’ anthropological perspective. It raises new m ethodological
anything about the acquisition of knowledge, rather than about a and metaphysical questions.32
wedding.’29 T h e films of the Turkana trilogy are m uch discussed as examples of a
The Wedding Camels focuses on an event, the m arriage of Lorang’s new kind of film-making - participatory cinem a.33 This approach
daughter, Akai, to his friend and age-mate, Kongu; the film follows the evolved out of the earlier observational style and consequently retains
difficult, protracted negotiations which surround its successful com ple­ m any of its characteristic features, such as close attention to the details
tion. Already the M acDougalls had decided that m arriage was a key o f social life, intim ate camera work, the use o f synchronous sound and
m om ent in Turkana society, the point o f intersection for relationships of subtitles, and a respect for the natural integrity of events. T h e innova­
kinship, economics, politics and ritual. B ut in charting the course o f a tion which participatory cinem a represents, however, lay in a focusing of
138 A nthropological visions A nthropological cinema, D avid and Judith M acD ougall 139

the filmic encounter itself. T hus a film is no longer just a disem bodied graphic vision and style associated with M alinowski and Radcliffe-
product, a film about som ething; rather, it is now acknowledged to be a Brown, the M acD ougalls’ subsequent East African work brought them
process. It is an expression of the different social relationships negotiated m uch closer to the social theatre m odel of M ax G luckm an and the
through the ethnographic encounter itself. M anchester ethnographers.
F o r the M acDougalls, innovations in film-making style were T here are a n um ber o f interesting parallels betw een the work carried
prom pted by their own awareness of the limitations of an observational out with Kenyan pastoralists by the M acDougalls and the kind of
approach. T hese crystallised in a notion of what David M acDougall anthropological enquiry pioneered by G luckm an and his colleagues. For
calls the ‘privileged camera style’.34 By this he m eant a disem bodied instance, at the level o f m ethod there arc echocs of the extended case
cam era eye, one which transcends the limitations of hum an vision and study in the Turkana trilogy, examples o f the dialectic between princi­
perspective, taking up a position anywhere within a scene. Such a ples and practice, ideas and reality which we m ay readily associate with
camera was, o f course, the great innovation of D.W. Griffith, whose Victor T urner, am ong others.38 T h e M acD ougalls, like those working
developm ent o f a distinctive cinem atic language broke with the early within the M anchester school, also focused upon crisis, using points of
‘prim itive’ cinem a of Lum iere; but, as the M acDougalls discovered, conflict to expose the m ore general dynamics of social life. T heir shift of
behind this aesthetic lay im portant questions of power. A cam era which allegiance from the orthodoxy of British structural-functionalism
could be anywhere within a scene was n o t ‘hu m an ’. It becam e an eye of towards the m ore eclectic approaches associated with M ax G luckm an
surveillance, spying on and objectifying hum an subjects. By contrast to enabled them to express new ideas about b oth subjectivity and society.
the observational style o f their earlier Jie film, the M acDougalls began to T h e developm ent o f participatory cinem a, as we have seen, involved
develop in the Turkana trilogy an ‘unprivileged style’. This essentially im portant changes in ethnographic technique. Such innovations,
involved ‘hum anising’ the camcra. T here was an acknowledgem ent of however, are inseparable from shifts of em phasis in w hat I have called
film’s subjective qualities, and the text itself was to reveal that ‘film­ ‘the m etaphysics’ or way of seeing at the heart of the M acD ougalls’
m akers are hum an, fallible, rooted in physical space and society, work. F or although their anthropological enquiry rem ains anchored in
governed by chance, lim ited in perception’.35 the problem of knowledge, there are a n um ber o f interesting changes in
C entral to the new style o f film-making was the notion of conversa­ notions o f culture, society and the individual from those anim ating their
tion. F or the move from observational to participatory cinema involved earlier Jie work.
a shift away from vision and towards voice. Conversation signalled To Live With Herds was predicated on the integrity of pastoralist life.
informality, spontaneity and open-ended interaction. Film -m akers, their Against the backdrop o f a wider, changing society, Jie culture was
subjects and audiences were now engaged in dialogue; bu t it was not just evoked as an organic whole with its own dynam ic and rhythm s, its
about an exchange of inform ation between the different parties.36 m em bers bound harm oniously together by a D urkheim ian consensus.
Conversation initiated a process through which original knowledge T he M acDougalls created an authentic, idealised Jie world in which
could be generated. But in m aking this change in their practice, the they sought to locate fundam ental hum an values. T h e symbolic power
M acDougalls may again be considered to be turning away from the of such a vision, however, derives from its precariousness, from the very
distinctive aesthetic of cinema after Griffith. As James Agee noted, in his threat posed to its existence. To Live With Herds is, of course, an
m uch quoted remarks on Griffith: ‘F or the first time the movies had a expression of anthropology’s classic salvage paradigm .39
m an who realized that while a theatre audience listened, a movie T he vision, or m ore strictly speaking the voice, articulated through the
audience watched. “Above a l l . . . I am trying to make you see” , Griffith films of the Turkana trilogy is markedly different. For the conception of
said.5,7 T hus, if To Live With Herds was distinctively cinem atic, the society as akin to theatre reveals it as em ergent, contested and shaped by
T urkana trilogy was, by contrast, explicitly theatrical in its conception. the activities of real, living people. T h e M acDougalls now open up the
T h e participatory approach developed by the M acDougalls began to relationship between structure and agency so often elided in anthropolo­
m odify the original cinem atic premises of their anthropological enquiry. gical work. F urtherm ore, in shifting from vision to voice, the
T h e distinctively Italian neorealist or Bazinian perspective gave way to a M acDougalls exchange a m etaphysics of presence (the idea of seeing
film-making style which owed m ore to R obert Drew and the ‘live action’ deeply into a pre-existent reality ‘out there’, people within landscape)
television docum entary. M oreover, if the first film echoed an ethno­ for the evocation of absence (the notion that, in speaking, people call
140 A nthropological visions A nthropological cinema, David and Judith M acD ougall 141

forth som ething new and potentially unrecognisable). B ut in opening up peoples were highly aware of the political significance of m edia engage­
Turkana life as an arena of contestation, the M acDougalls sim ulta­ m ent. Already film had been used by the institute as a m edium for w hat
neously insulate it from the wider society. T hus, if To Live With Herds David M acD ougall described as ‘salvage anthropology’; but, as he
celebrates Jie integrity in an unstable world, the Turkana trilogy exposes pointed out, interest was moving away ‘from reconstruction o f pre­
internal flux within an unchanging landscape separated from the cur­ contact situations towards an exam ination of the realities of contem ­
rents of m odern history. porary Aboriginal experience’.41
T he M acD ougalls’ failure to incorporate broader currents of socicty From the outset, the M acDougalls confronted a complex political
and history into the ethnographic present of their Turkana trilogy limits, situation in which they were active participants. N o longer interested
I believe, their developm ent o f a genuinely new form o f anthropological outsiders, they were now im plicated as never before in w hat they sought
cinema. A lthough in a num ber of significant ways their later East to represent. As F red Myers notes: ‘T h e A urukun films are related to
African work constitutes a break up or critical exposure o f fieldwork- the complex process o f the Aboriginal com m unity there struggling to
based ethnography’s conventional categories, in other ways it remains m aintain and transm it its autonom y, culture and land. N o t only do the
stubbornly wedded to the classic paradigm . This is not least because the films represent this process, b u t quite obviously - and intentionally -
Turkana trilogy privileges the rationality of intellectual enquiry in they are part of it.’12 These conditions not only shaped the
contrast with the chaos, indeed cacophony, of people’s voices.40 For, M acD ougalls’ particular m ethods of working; they also throw into sharp
despite the M acD ougalls’ attem pt to initiate a conversation through relief certain key concepts which anchor their anthropological practice.
their Turkana films, there is in fact only interaction (a rather one-sided T h e A urukun film project developed out of conversations which the
exchange) and not participation. M acDougalls had with m em bers of the Aboriginal community. Central
Colin Young’s rem arks, describing the reflexive sequences at the to the collaboration, however, was the idea th at the film’s m andate
beginning of A Wife Among Wives as ‘two cultures looking at each should clearly come from the subjects themselves and not from the film­
other’, are particularly telling. H e draws attention to the M acD ougalls’ makers. T hus, unlike the East African films which were driven by an
belief, im plicit in the films themselves, that there are different and intellectual agenda originating outside the society, the M acDougalls
separate cultures. At one level this m eans their abandonm ent of a vision allowed their practice here to be shaped by the interests and concerns of
of shared hum anity - the spectator now confronts difference or the the people for whom they now worked. Although this subordination of
obstacles inherent in cultural relativism. At another level, the M acD ou­ interests was a fundam ental premise of their A ustralian work, the
galls continue to reify notions of culture or society. T hus a num ber of M acDougalls nevertheless retained a sense of their own distinctive
key assum ptions at play in the Turkana trilogy are, in significant ways, at concerns in the developm ent of Aboriginal projects. F rom the begin­
odds with the new m ethod that the film-makers are seeking to develop. ning, then, the A urukun films brought together different people whose
Vision (culture as objcct, knowledge) and voice (culture as perform ance, agendas were not necessarily identical. T hese relationships, evolving
politics) are in contradiction. This contradiction inhibits the develop­ and changing in the course of the collaboration, form the substance of
m ent of a genuinely ‘participatory cinem a’. A radical shift of context the films; bu t the m eaning o f these encounters resonated beyond the
enabled the M acDougalls to realise m ore fully their notion of a colla­ im mediate context. F or the negotiation of relationships within any
borative anthropology pursued within the context o f docum entary film- particular film may be taken as symbolic of the dynamics at work in
making. m odern society as a whole.
T h e conditions under which the M acDougalls worked in Australia led
to a significant extension of the m ethodological innovations which they
The Australian A b o r ig in a l films
had begun to pursue through their anthropological work with the
D uring the late 1970s the M acDougalls began to collaborate with the Turkana pastoralists. Specifically, they sought to create a new and
Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, becoming resident film­ expanded form of participatory cinema. T h e shift away from the
makers am ong Aboriginal com m unities in the A urukun area of northern prim acy of vision towards a privileging of voice was now taken m uch
Queensland. Unlike the East African pastoralists, who had shown little further. C onversation, for example, form ed the original point of depar­
interest in the M acD ougalls’ film-making activities, Australia’s native ture for the A urukun project. It becam e a central organising principle of
142 A nthropological visions A nthropological cinem a, David and Judith M acD ougall 143

the M acD ougalls’ Aboriginal films. But, unlike the Turkana trilogy, film itself. M oreover, there is no longer any assum ption of a unitary
conversation was no t about dialogue or exchange - that is, what David culture existing ‘out th ere’, articulated by a single person as its represen­
M acDougall calls ‘a transm ission of prior knowledge’. Instead, as he tative (Logoth, for example). C ulture is now presented as fluid and
explains it, the film-makers attem pted to create conditions ‘in which constructed. T h e landscape, once conceived by the M acDougalls as the
new knowledge can take us by surprise.’43 locus o f culture and identity, becomes the focal site o f contestation.
T h e changes in technique which the M acDougalls explored within T h e M acDougalls attem pt to m atch the formal qualities of Familiar
the A ustralian context were im portantly linked to the m odification of Places with their intellectual concerns. Conversation is about the
their ‘m etaphysic’ or worldview. This m ovem ent may be understood as a m apping of a social landscape, the establishm ent o f different relation­
response to the situation which they now confronted. From the outset ships and networks. A nd, like the physical activity w'hich the film
the question of native people in Australia could not be simply repre­ docum ents, culture as conversation is open-ended and unfinished.
sented as a problem of isolated groups struggling to preserve a notion of Although the opening sequences of Familiar Places establish th at the
cultural integrity. H istory and national politics were no t som ething term s of the collaboration will be defined by the film’s Aboriginal
external to Aboriginal life, as suggested by the M acD ougalls’ East subjects, we are also aware th at acts of speaking to, speaking with and
African work. T hey were at the very heart of it. speaking about are crosscut by the necessity to speak through. T he
T h e A urukun films, which include Familiar Places, The House- anthropologist and the film-makers are im portant conduits for Abori­
Opening, Three Horsemen and Take-Over, powerfully evoke the complex ginal messages. F or it is through them th at the film’s native subjects
and fluid relationships which constitute the contem porary Aboriginal initiate conversation with a wider audience. Familiar Places then is not
situation - relationships between past and present, landscape and settle­ just about creating a site for discussion; it is also about projection, the
m ent, hum ans and spirits, Aboriginal people and white settlers, Abori­ assertion of certain definitions of the world to other Aboriginal com m u­
ginal com m unities and anthropologists, as well as relationships between nities, to white Australia and beyond.
and within Aboriginal com m unities themselves. T h e M acDougalls Take-Over, a later film in the M acD ougalls’ Aboriginal series, sees the
sought to give voice to people, allowing people to tell their own stories, anthropologists expand their notion of contem porary life as constituted
to nam e experience, such that m em bers o f the Aboriginal com m unity by m eans of different speech acts. T h e context is a highly charged
could assert, challenge or redefine relationships with the world on their political struggle in which m em bers o f the A urukun com m unity organise
own term s. But the different acts o f speaking - soliloquy, conversation, to resist the unilateral decision m ade by the Q ueensland governm ent to
speeches, debate, argum ent - reveal the complexity of the social rela­ take over the adm inistration of the Aboriginal area from the U nited
tionships which make up this contem porary world. Church. T h e film dramatically docum ents the unfolding battle.4“5
Conversation is the central m otif of Familiar Places (1980). It brings Building to an extraordinary climax in which the Aboriginal com m unity
together a num ber of participants (an anthropologist, Peter Sutton; lives in hourly expectation o f invasion from state governm ent officials, it
different generations o f an Aboriginal family - Jack Spear, Angus exposes the conflicting forces at the heart of contem porary Australia.
N am ponen, his wife Chrissie and their children; and the M acDougalls) F or the A urukun com m unity’s battle for self-determ ination draws
whose interests converge in the activity of m apping the landscape. T heir together agents of the church, the state governm ent, the federal govern­
agendas overlap, but they are neither identical nor coterm inous. This m ent, the m edia, white sympathisers and Aboriginal people. This
distinctive configuration is neatly symbolised in the film’s foregrounding eclectic alliance o f different constituencies finds expression through the
of the different technologies - camera, tape-recorder, transistor radio, polyphonic form of the created text. It evokes the complexity of the
m em ory, eyesight - which the participants use.44 It is a striking expres­ discourse which is created in and through the film as an integral part of
sion of the fact that each individual, not least the children, has a different the political process itself.
relationship to the world which the film seeks to evoke. T he power of Take-Over stems from the intensity o f its focus. It
T h e M acDougalls, as we have already noted, used a similar m apping illuminates a particular m om ent in m odern history. In this way the film
device in their earlier East African work to indicate a distinctive pastor­ resonates with the M acD ougalls’ first work, To Live With Herds. For
alist orientation towards the world. B ut what was then m ore of a again, the central axis is the relationship between people at the margins
prelim inary to the film’s substantive concerns now constitutes the very and centralised bureaucratic power. T here is now, however, a crucial
144 A nthropological visions Anthropological cinem a, D avid and Judith M acD ougall 145

difference. T h e Aboriginal people o f A urukun, unlike the Jie pastoral- discover that what is achieved at the level of individual practice is
ists, are not so easily fobbed off by m inor governm ent officials; rather, as underm ined by a broader political reality.
the film exposes, they bccom e the focus o f political discussion at the T h e M acD ougalls’ involvement in Aboriginal politics was m otivated
highest level of Australian society. bv their com m itm ent to an expansive dem ocratic project. This engage­
By describing Take-Over as ‘polyphonic’, I want to draw attention to m ent is a concrete example o f the new kind o f anthropology which is
th e centrality o f voice, functioning as bo th the film’s m ethod and m uch m ore w ritten about than actively pu rsu ed .47 T h e M acD ougalls’
m etaphysic. For this film is the perhaps m ost verbal (and least visual) of participation in a brief, b u t formative m om ent in Australia’s m odern
all the work which the M acDougalls have carried out as film-makers. history overturned a n um ber of established relationships at the centre of
From their ingenious use of a transistor radio to docum ent the succes­ scientific ethnography and implicit in m uch of their previous work -
sive stages in the developm ent of the political struggle to their emphasis namely, conventional hierarchies o f intellectuals and people, ideas and
upon th e different verbal strategies (argum ent, discussion, speeches, life, order and chaos, observation and participation, vision and voice,
bureaucratic orders), the film-makers suggest a world constructed metaphysics and m ethod. But, in the course o f th eir A urukun collabora­
through speech. T he fundam ental nature of this struggle is exposed tion, the M acDougalls came up against the lim itations of democracy
early on, specifically in the sequence w hich features M r P orter, the state itself - or, at least, dem ocracy as they conceived it or were able to
governm ent representative, addressing the people of A urukun. Porter conceive it in a particular historical situation.
refuses to perm it the M acDougalls to film inside the m eeting, allowing David M acD ougall’s view was th at the kind of participatory politics in
them only to record the sound o f different voices (predom inantly his which he and the A urukun h ad been engaged confused rather than
own). H e can be heard bu t not seen. T hus, like the people of A urukun clarified issues of representation. Specifically, it denied individual agency
themselves, we are forced to listen to the disem bodied voice o f bureau­ and authorship. P art o f the problem here stem s from the m achinery o f
cracy seeking to im pose a political reality; but it is one, as the film bureaucratic politics which appropriates the dem ocratic ideal and sub­
progressively reveals, which calls forth a response, a chorus of hum an verts it, turning it into a series of rhetorical slogans. B ut, equally, the
voices which contest and challenge such authoritative definitions of film-makers themselves are trapped within a certain kind of intellectu-
contem porary reality. alism. T hey conceive the alternative to authority as a self-sacrificing kind
T h e decisive shift from vision to voice in the M acD ougalls’ A ustralian o f service, ra th e r than a R ouchian ‘adventure’, an open-ended p artn er­
work is linked to their recognition that cultural or political realities are ship in which new, unim agined forms are invented through the colla­
no t pre-existent but m ust be evoked as emergent. David M acD ougall’s boration itself. In the end, the categories defining the M acD ougalls’
cam era, once critical in asserting presence, the situation of people in the world - self and other, individual and society, particular and universal -
world, is now secondary. It is sound, symbolised by the centrality of the resist the changes set in train by their own innovative practice.
transistor radio, which is prim ary, activating the relationship betw een At the beginning of the 1990s, a dccade after the A urukun project,
presence and absence, spanning as it does disjunctions of tim e and the M acDougalls m ade two films. T h e first, Photo Wallahs (1991), was a
space. joint collaboration; th e second, Tempus de Barislas ( Time of the Barmen)
Take-Over raises, however, perhaps m ore sharply th an the other (1993), was credited to David M acDougall alone. T hese films, set in the
A urukun films, the problem atic status o f voice. Just who is speaking for Himalayas and Sardinia respectively, are a curious pair. For, in an
whom ? F o r the question of representation, far from being resolved by im portant sense, they return the M acDougalls to the place where they
innovations in ethnographic techniques, is now posed even m ore acutely began their project o f anthropological cinem a som e two decades earlier.
- as David M acD ougall him self has subsequently acknowledged.46 Certainly both films represent the return to a preoccupation with vision
Indeed, we m ay discern in the film an im plicit recognition by the rather than voice, with what David M acDougall calls ‘visual ways of
M acD ougalls of their own predicam ent. It is prefigured in the fate of M r knowing’. T h e anim ating vision, while rem aining a predom inantly
Viner, the Federal M inister for Aboriginal Affairs, caught between enlightenm ent one, a way of seeing predicated upon the problem of
bureaucratic politics and the dem ands of the A urukun people. H e is a knowledge, is now tem pered by the release o f rom antic sensibilities.
m ediator, working in a rapidly changing situation which eventually T here is an explicit concern with experience, em bodim ent, subjectivity,
renders the services of such figures unnecessary. T h e film-makers, too, intuition, ‘the quick’ - indeed w ith the transcendent.'18
146 A nthropological visions A nthropological cincma, D avid and Judith M acD ougall 147

R unning throughout the M acD ougalls’ work, beginning with To Live tion’.52 But it is m ore than this. T h e status o f anthropological knowledge
With Herds (1971), is a strong undercurrent of rom anticism . Their is also raised as a problem by the particular aesthetics of such a project.
investigations of contem porary social realities have always been tinged W hat kind of epistemological questions are posed when ethnography is
with a sense of nostalgia, even yearning. U ntil the 1990s such sensibil­ pursued by m eans of photographic techniques and technologies?
ities were largely held in check by a particular kind of intellectualism T h e place chosen by the M acDougalls as the site for their exploration
enclosing each film and linking one to another through the exercise of of Indian photographic practice is an interesting one. M ussourie exists
critical reflexivity which defines the M acD ougalls’ enterprise as a whole. as a relic from another age. It is a form er hill station from the days of the
Now, with the late work, the rom anticism of their anthropology is given British Raj, now functioning as a popular vacation and honeym oon
fuller expression.49 H ence, although Photo Wallahs and Tempus de destination for Indians who seek relief from the heat of the plains. T he
Baristas appear at first sight to be very different films (in their location, particular synthesis o f photography and cinem a achieved in Photo
subject m atter and formal qualities), they are linked through their Wallahs perfectly expresses these different historical m om ents. For the
expression of profound rom antic longing. film’s forward m ovem ent is perpetually thw arted by its recursive
Photo Wallahs, subtitled ‘An encounter with photography in M us- tu rn s.53 T h e garish images o f m odern H indi film and bazaar video
sourie, a N o rth Indian hill station’, involved another radical shift of games disrupt the silence and mystery of the fading black-and-w hite
context for the film-makers. After twenty years o f working first in East photographs which evoke another age. T h e inherent logic of the film
Africa and later in Australia, David and Judith M acDougall now moved narrative expresses the shift from the old to the new, b u t its internal
the focus of their ethnographic enquiry to India. This change of location rhythm s of association draw attention to the slow dwindling of hum an
also involved a significant new configuration of people and landscape. qualities. D espite their docum entation o f photography’s endless rein­
F or the wide, open plains across which pastoralist and aboriginal vention, the vitality and ingenuity of contem porary practice, the film­
peoples moved was replaced by the different levels of a steeply sloping makers cannot disguise the sense of loss th at pervades the work as a
Him alayan terrain - the landscape itself signalling the centrality of whole. Photo Wallahs is a deeply nostalgic film. It is a lam ent for the
hierarchy to the M acD ougalls’ investigation of photography practice. past, for art, beauty, truth, skill, craft, patience and dedication as
Hierarchy, both social and aesthetic, lies at the heart of Photo Wallahs.50 represented by the tradition of black-and-w hite photography.
Photo Wallahs is organised around a single idea - photography. It is Photo Wallahs appears to m ark a new stage in the developm ent of the
explored through the rich visual texture of Indian life; and, presented in M acD ougalls’ anthropological cinema. It is alm ost as if, having ex­
a form resem bling a series of still photographs, the film’s m eaning, like hausted the intellectualism of their project launched at the end of the
th at of the photograph itself, remains open-ended and indeterm inate. 1960s, they now attem pt to recover an anthropology built upon different
B ut it is a film and not a photographic album. Photo Wallahs unfolds premises; and, in so doing, their very first film re-em erges as the critical
through tim e as m uch as it remains anchored in space. H ence it is point of anchorage. For, of all the films in the M acD ougall corpus,
im portant to ask w hat relationship is established between m ovem ent Photo Wallahs and Tempus De Baristas m ost powerfully evoke To Live
and stillness, cinem a and photography within the piece itself. T h e film is With Herds. If Photo Wallahs m irrors the Jie film in being an exercise in
both subtle and complex. It is a form of ethnographic enquiry, pursued the cinem atic exploration of ideas, then Tempus De Batistas, m ade two
not conventionally by m eans of language but prim arily through a series years later, returns David M acDougall to the foundational questions of
of associations and resonances evoked by the juxtaposition of visual people and place.54
im ages.51 As such, there is a remarkable synthesis of content and form. Tempus De Baristas, as its title indicates, is a film about time. It is
T h e film’s substantive concerns, focused within a particular cultural explored at a num ber of levels within the work, from the time of
location, resonate with its aesthetics such that an unusual reflexive shepherds, of barm en and of the ethnographer him self, to an exploration
dynam ic is established. Photo Wallahs brings an anthropological per­ of the different kinds of tim e contained within the film m edium itself.55
spective to bear upon the m edium of photography and a photographic But equally, Tempus De Baristas is a film about knowledge. W hat do
perspective toward anthropological questions, prom ising a new kind of people know and how do they know it? In taking up once m ore the
visual anthropology' founded upon w hat Pinney characterises as ‘the question at the centre of his work, David M acD ougall now makes
other’s figural yearnings as a subject of the film’s own figural representa­ m anifest the isolation, loss and yearning which lurks within all his other
148 A nthropological visions

films. T h e film -m aker’s own desire for re-integration becom es projected,

in the classic Italian neo-realist style, as the em bedding of people within
landscape. T h e film ’s ‘photogenic effects’ (as G uynn writes of Song of 8 T he anthropological television of
Ceylon) effect a transform ative m ovem ent at the core of the work. It is Melissa Llewelyn-Davies
no longer ethnography. It becomes a redem ptive experience.56
Watching Tempus De Baristas, I found myself recalling the reflexive
sequences which m ark the beginning o f A Wife Among Wives, the second
film in the M acD ougalls’ Turkana trilogy. F or here the extent of the
ethnographers’ library in the field is startlingly revealed. It always
seem ed to be an expression of the intellectual burden their project
carried. Now, in the closing image of Tempus De Baristas, M acDougall ■Anthropologists as m odern intellectuals have not successfully entered
frames a Sardinian shepherd, alone with his thoughts, contem plating the the arena o f public debate. Unlike their academ ic counterparts in
landscape from a high m ountain peak. T he quiet celebration of that history, literature or cultural studies, they are rarely sought out for their
single m om ent o f peace and harm ony seems to com e from a place deep observations on m odern society. If acknowledged at all, anthropologists
within the film. It is as if the director can finally allow him self to imagine are im agined as an esoteric group of people associated with the study of
him self free from the intellectual weight o f his own personal history. strange peoples and custom s. T his is an image that has been fostered by
the discipline itself, n o t least because the consolidation of scientific
ethnography as a discrete arena of academ ic enquiry depended upon a
claim to expert knowledge and specialised practice.
T here are, of course, a num ber of significant exceptions. M argaret
M ead was a national figure in the U nited States, and C laude Levi-
Strauss has long enjoyed the acknowledgem ent th at is accorded to
French intellectuals. B ut the dangers o f public recognition and the
suspicion o f ‘popularisation’ rem ain strongly linked in the m inds of
m any academ ic anthropologists. C ertainly in Britain, the media profile
of anthropologists has been m uch m ore m odest than th at of their
French or American colleagues. D uring the 1950s people like Evans-
P ritchard and others gave radio talks on topics such as Azande witch­
craft, bu t it was the succes de scandale o f E d m und L each’s 1967 Reith
Lectures, A Runaway World?, which m ost effectively rem inded a public
audience of anthropology’s potential to offer a critical perspective on the
contem porary w orld.1
T h e discipline’s ‘acute problem s o f public image and visibility’, as one
writer pu t it, have now becom e a m atter of discussion among anthro­
pologists.2 T here is an acknowledgem ent th at anthropologists, like
everyone else, have a responsibility to address m ajor issues of war,
ethnic conflict, genocide, environm ental destruction, scientific innova­
tion, religious fundam entalism , hum an rights, ethics and so on. T he
concern about how anthropology m ight engage with the late tw entieth-
century world is, however, inseparable from the radical rethinking of
m ethods and practices at the centre o f the discipline. F or, over m ore
than a decade, there has been a sustained critique of scientific ethno­
150 A nthropological visions T h e anthropological television of Melissa Llewelyn-Davies 151

graphy, the paradigm around which m odern anthropology was consoli­ ethnographic realities, and the drive for simplicity which they accorded
dated; and with it, there has been a loss of confidence in many to the television producers. Revealingly, D avid T u rto n , a long-term
established ideas and practices. T his m om ent of critical reflection in the collaborator with Leslie W oodhead in the Disappearing World series,
discipline has been a creative one. It has stim ulated experim entation in presented the tension as one between ‘ideas’ and ‘storytelling’. We know
ideas, m ethods and forms of com m unication, linking today’s work with now, of course, that anthropologists tell stories, to o .5
the innovative spirit o f enquiry w hich m arked anthropology’s m odernist T h e crux of the problem is, in fact, exposed in the expression m ost
birth at the turn of the century. often used to describe these collaborations. For ‘anthropology on televi­
T h e renewal of anthropology as a project of late m odernity is im por­ sion’, when referring to a self-identifying series legitim ated by the
tantly dependent upon the discipline forging new links with society and presence of a professional anthropologist, usually involves the delivery of
upon finding ways of locating w hat has becom e a narrow and specialised ‘expert’ knowledge to an anonym ous audience w ithout any serious
academ ic practice within a broader context of politics and change. interrogation o f either the conditions un d er w hich such knowledge has
Although the writing of literary texts remains the dom inant form by been generated or the m eans by which it was being com m unicated.
which anthropological work finds expression, there is growing interest in Anthropological television, I suggest, is a different enterprise. It involves
other m edia forms whose features encom pass the m ovem ent and com­ neither the popularisation of specialist knowledge, nor the uneasy
plexity of the contem porary world. Television, like cinema, offers itself grafting o f an academ ic style onto a cultural form irrespective o f its own
as an interesting site in which a new kind of ethnography m ight be particular features. R ather, it emerges from the developm ent of a critical
explored. Its power and ubiquity, however, have long m ade intellectuals perspective tow ard established ideas and conventions in both television
uneasy. Anthropologists, too, have shared this wariness and suspicion, and anthropology. Anthropological television m eans an active engage­
rem aining largely aloof from engagem ent with television’s presence in m ent with genres unique to television as the m eans to expose ethno­
the worlds they seek to investigate and rejecting, almost by instinct, its graphic assum ptions about, for example, the n ature of social reality or
potential as a m edium of ethnographic com m unication.3 conceptions of subjectivity. Conversely, it also involves the use of anthro­
D espite general scepticism within the profession, there have been a pological ideas and techniques in interpretating how television operates
num ber o f attem pts to bring together anthropology and television. as a m ode of cultural representation in the contem porary world.6
M any of these collaborations have been forged within the context of T h e work of M elissa Llewelyn-Davies presents an interesting case
British broadcasting, the m ost notable being G ranada Television’s Dis­ study in the emergence of anthropological television. M y approach to
appearing World series which was launched in 1971. T he BBC has also understanding her project m irrors the one which I pursued with respect
com m issioned program m es m arked by an explictly anthropological to the anthropological cinem a of Jean Rouch, and David and Judith
orientation - for example, those transm itted in the Worlds Apart and, M acDougall. In the case of these film-makers, I drew attention to how
m ore recently, in the Under The Sun series.4 T he interest in m aking such certain features of cinem a (not just those of film as a m edium , b u t of
program m es em erged during the 1970s and early 1980s, when anthro­ cinem a as a social site) came to be fused with particular interpretations
pology’s professional confidence was high and the paradigm of scientific of the anthropological task such that a new form was generated. H ere
ethnography still held sway. Although the beginnings o f a self-critique m y concern is to explore the ways in which Llewelyn-Davies has drawn
were m anifest, there was still a widespread assum ption of academic upon television’s distinctive qualities as the m eans to extend and trans­
expertise built upon the m astery of a body of ‘objective knowledge’, and form h er ethnographic work.
there was confidence in the ‘scientific’ techniques of ethnographic Llewelyn-Davies is m ost well known for the cycle of films she has
enquiry which transform ed personal observations into theoretical m ade over a period o f alm ost twenty years with the M aasai people,
pronouncem ents. pastoralists who live in an area called Loita which straddles the Kenyan
Given these circum stances, it is not surprising that the early experi­ Tanzanian border. T h e early films, M asai Women (1974) and M asai
m ents in collaborative working were fraught with difficulty as anthropol­ Manhood (1975), were transm itted as p a rt of G ranada Television’s
ogists and program m e-m akers struggled to discover com m on ground. Disappearing World series. A decade later, she m ade The Women’s
At its simplest, the problem was characterised by the academics as Olamal (1984) and Diary of a M aasai Village (1984) for the BBC.
involving a conflict between their grasp of the detail and complexity of Llewelyn-Davies’s m ost recent film in this cycle to date, Memories and
152 A nthropological visions T h e anthropological television of M elissa Llewelyn-Davies 153

Dreams, was broadcast in 1993 as p art of B BC 2’s docum entary scries, Llewelyn-Davies pursues her anthropological work by m eans of an
Fine Cut. It is significant that apart from publishing a handful of image-based technology, it is in fact television’s particular hierarchy o f
academ ic articles, television, and no t the academy, has been the site in vision and voice, its privileging of sound over image, which facilitates
which Llewelyn-Davies has pursued her anthropological interests.7 her developm ent as an ethnographer who ‘speaks nearby’. Such a
T h e M aasai film cycle forms the focus for my exploration of anthro­ stance, as F. Ann K aplan explains, ‘evokes the body. It evokes an
pological television. Two features distinguish this body of Llewelyn- ethnographer whose presence is noted, who listens and speaks, b u t does
Davies’ work. First of all, there is a rem arkable intellectual consistency not assum e knowledge of the other’.9
to it. From the beginning o f her television career, Llewelyn-Davies has
explored ethnographic questions by m eans of a self-consciously articu­
T h e e a r ly M a a s a i film s
lated feminist perspective. G ender forms the central axis through which
she interprets the dynam ic o f M aasai society. Secondly, and connected T he first M aasai films, M asai Women and M asai Manhood, were m ade
to this particular orientation, there is an unusual degree o f formal for Disappearing World, G ranada Television’s series o f anthropological
experim entation m arking the film cycle as a whole. T hus, although at docum entaries. T h e series, launched in 1971, reflects the distinctive
the heart of each film lies the qestion of wom en and the reproduction of culture o f broadcasting associated with G ranada and its chairm an Denis
M aasai society, Llewelyn-Davies has continually recast it through her Form an; but it also evokes the broader context of postw ar television
experim entation with television forms. program m e-m aking and professional anthropology. T he period after
T h e interpretation of Llewelyn-Davies’ work which I offer takes the 1945 was, as we have seen, one in which docum entary was redefined
substantive concerns of the M aasai films as a point of departure. But my due to changes taking place elsewhere in society. Challenges to estab­
discussion of the particular questions concerning gender and social life lished interpretations of fiction and reality, ways of working, and innova­
is inseparable from an exploration of the changing formal features which tions in film-making technology were all p art and parcel of a new
characterise the film cycle as a whole. O ne of my prim ary intentions in landscape dom inated by television. Although cinem a rem ained an
highlighting Llewelyn-Davies’ innovative use of genres distinctive to im portant site, not least because docum entary approaches played a
television (soap opera, for example) is to raise questions about anthro­ significant role in the renaissance of fiction film, docum entary itself
pology itself. H ence the emphasis of my approach will be placed not depended upon television for its creative renewal. In becom ing a televi­
upon the developm ent o f an anthropological perspective towards televi­ sion genre, however, it was transform ed. T h e ‘cinem atic essay’ (what
sion as a cultural form. Instead, I will be seeking to ask how engagem ent C orner describes as ‘impressionism p u t to prom otional ends’) never
w ith television poses questions about the nature and scope of anthro­ entirely disappeared; but, on the whole, docum entary for television
pological enquiry. For Llewelyn-Davies’ M asaai film cycle, as it un­ becam e a form of ‘expanded reportage’. Its origins were in journalism
folded over two decades, was m arked by a num ber of interesting rather than in notions of art or education.10
changes in the focus and m ethod of anthropological investigation. If it From the beginning, television developed in particular aesthetic,
was originally a project w ith enlightenm ent features (holistic and know- social and institutional directions which clearly m arked it off from
ledge-based), it subsequently changed from being m arked by a ‘visualist’ cinema. Its small screen and dom estic location change the conventional
bias (that is, society conceived as an object to be observed and hierarchy o f image and sound existing within cinem a, and its character­
described) toward a discursive form of ethnographic engagem ent. This istic ‘flow’ offers the world as ever-present to be apprehended by m eans
shift from vision tow ard voice, however, is m arked by a distinctive o f distracted attention - th at is, by a series o f glances - as distinct from
fem inist sensibility which renders Llewelyn-Davies’ approach different the tightly focused attention of the cinem atic gaze. Television is routine,
from the kind of conversational style developed by the M acDougalls familiar, m undane. C onstituted from segm ents, its loose organisation
during the 1980s. Llewelyn-Davies once described her fieldwork tech­ and repetitive rhythm s defy the linearity and narrative closure of
nique as about ‘chatting’. As a m ethod an d orientation tow ard the cinem a. M oreover, as a private activity, television viewing is not about
world, it reveals a new kind of anthropological encounter built around entering a special site, a physical, psychological and social limbo in
the intim ate, the informal, the fostering o f hum an connection in a order to surrender to experience; rather it is ab o u t consciously engaging
context of w hat Lila A bu-Lughod calls ‘dailiness’.8 F or although with the world from the security of one’s everyday surroundings.11
154 A nthropological visions T h e anthropological television of Melissa Llewelyn-Davies 155

D espite the rise of new docum entary forms expressive of television’s quently transform ed by the developm ent of critical perspectives within
distinctive attributes, specifically its ‘live’ quality which gives the sense the discipline. For, by the late 1960s, a nu m b er o f challenges to the
o f relaying action as it happens, the older G riersonian style continued to scientism of Radcliffe-Brown’s approach were emerging. In particular,
exert a significant influence upon program m e-m akers.12 T his was espe­ the w om en’s m ovem ent becam e an im portant source for a wide-ranging
cially true in Britain. H ere a num ber of prom inent figures in rhe critique of the substance, m ethod and forms of anthropological work.
commercial and public sectors of postw ar broadcasting regarded televi­ Feminism exercised a profound influence upon all aspects of Llewelyn-
sion as a creative m edium for the com m unication of ideas. T here was an. Davies’ M aasai w ork.13
interest in the creative renewal of the docum entary as a m eans by which
the contem porary world m ight be known. But, in following Grierson,
there was also an acknowledgem ent by the emerging generation of M a s a i W om en
television docum entarists th at such knowledge m ust be linked to the Masai Women opens Llewelyn-Davies’ film cycle. It was transm itted in
equally im portant notion of citizenship. Its extension was to be fostered 1974 as the eleventh program m e in the Disappearing World series.14
through a process o f m utual recognition or empathy. C ertainly the film (and its com panion, M asai Manhood) reflects the
G ranada Television, under its chairm an, Denis Form an, developed conventions of the series to which it belonged; but, in significant ways, it
during the 1950s and 1960s into an im portant location for innovative may be understood to represent a move away from the type o f salvage
program m e-m aking. F rom early in his career, Form an was interested in anthropology which h ad form ed the early inspiration behind the Dis­
engaging audiences with new subject m atter and com m itted to experi­ appearing World project. For M asai Women (and M asai Manhood) is n o t
m entation through the formal qualities of the m edium itself. His about a fragile society whose internal coherence and reproduction is
response to Brian M oser’s passionate dedication to the plight of indi­ under threat from m ore powerful forces at w ork in the world. Instead,
genous peoples was a characteristic one. F orm an offered to commission 1Jewelyn-Davies sets out to subvert such a conception, focusing upon
a n um ber of program m es which posed questions about globalisation the internal m echanism s of social reproduction which underpin the
and native peoples to British television viewers. T he resulting series, strength, confidence and integrity of M aasai society.
Disappearing World, was distinguished by its anthropological agenda M asai Women was closely tied to Llewelyn-Davies’ original ethno­
harnessed to an established docum entary form. It involved the grafting graphic research in E ast Africa. M oreover, in its concerns and m ethods,
of Radcliffe-Brown’s structural-functionalism onto a G riersonian con­ the film reveals the particular feminist paradigm through which ques­
ception of the docum entary project. tions concerning power, gender and wealth were refracted during the
If the early work of Llewelyn-Davies was m oulded by the particular 1970s. Llewelyn-Davies investigates the roles of w om en in a pastoral
television context in w hich the Disappearing World series was located, society where cattle are the basis of wealth, and where a m an ’s wealth is
influences originating in die British school of anthropology were equally m easured not just by his herds, b u t by the num bers of his dependants,
im portant. T h e paradigm of scientific ethnography with its distinctive wives and daughters-in-law, who look after the cattle b u t have no rights
object (primitive society), m ethod (fieldwork) and theory (structural- in them . T his is explained in an introductory com m entary by Llewelyn-
functionalism ) around which the academ ic discipline h ad been consoli­ Davies herself, establishing the context for the division she makes
dated, was central to the intellectual culture in which Llewelyn-Davies between the world of wom en and the world of m en. As th e film’s title
was trained. T here was a m arked D urkheim ian orientation tow ard reveals, it is about M aasai women; b u t it is also the film -m aker’s
topics of anthropological investigation, expressed through an interest in intention, if only partially realised, th at the film be by wom en. T hus its
questions o f social order, rules, norm s, kinship, and political and judicial perspective is explicitly partial - it sets o u t to present to the viewer
structure. T he analytical emphasis was focused upon action socially die world of wom en as they experience and describe it to a wom an
conceived within a largely synchronic framework. Questions of history anthropologist.
and consciousness, however, were largely outside the norm al scope of M asai Women is structured around the m ajor transitions which m ark
anthropological enquiry. a w om an’s life. T hese are circumcision, m arriage and m otherhood. In
Although Llewelyn-Davies’ anthropological interests were initially the first p art of the film, Llewelyn-Davies explores the question of the
shaped by the paradigm of scientific ethnography, they were subse­ transition from girlhood to m aturity and m arriage. It is m arked by the
156 A n th ro p o lo g ical visions T h e anthropological television of M elissa Llewelyn-Davies 1э7

M a a s a i with a cerem ony of circumcision, after which a young woman articulates her analytical perspective, reveal m uch about the dom inant
makes the journey from her father’s house to the village o f her new concerns of the w om en’s m ovem ent during the early 1970s. Specifically,
hiisband. Using interviews and com m entary, Llewelyn-Davies provides there was an interest in ‘real w om en’. M uch attention was focused upon
the contextual inform ation which informs w hat we actually see. M ost making wom en present through the reclaiming of experience. C hal­
strikingly w hat we do not see is the circum cision itself; rather Llewelyn- lenges to the conventional images and status o f w om en in society were
Davies, in shifting to the next m om ent o f female transition, makes the to be mobilised by m eans of women sharing and validating their
arrival o f a new wife at her husb an d ’s village the dram atic climax of the experiences with other women. M any of the issues debated within the
film. H ere she is m et by a hostile and abusive crowd of women, who w om en’s m ovem ent were filtered through academ ic anthropology, crys­
dance around her, shouting ritualised insults and reducing her to tears. tallising into a new research field with its own particular intellectual
L ater we follow the new wife’s incorporation into the village, receiving concerns and techniques of enquiry. It was known as the ‘anthropology
the blessings of the laibon, her father-in-law, and assuming control over of w om en’. 10
her own small herd of cattle. As a m arried wom an she is now expected It is clear th at Llewelyn-Davies’ ethnographic concerns were heavily
to increase her hu sb an d ’s wealth through the production of children and influenced by the ‘anthropology of w om en’ orientation within the
to m anage her husband’s cattle until her sons assume control after their discipline. For although M asai Women was an exploration of traditional
period in the forest as warriors, or moran. anthropological questions about kinship, property and power, the film’s
T h e second p a rt of the film is concerned with the next stage in a focus represented the introduction of a new subject m atter into estab­
w om an’s life, m otherhood. Llewelyn-Davies seeks to give focus to its lished areas of anthropological enquiry.17 M oreover, by investigating the
m eaning through the preparations for the dram atic spectacle which world of wom en, Llewelyn-Davies was also contributing to a broader
m arks th e end o f w arriorhood for young M aasai m en. It is a time of project which was concerned with the cross-cultural docum entation of
celebration for those w om en w ho have succeeded in producing children. w om en’s lives. T h e docum entation process itself was built upon self-
I t m arks th e reaching of m aturity of their sons, and the details of the conscious m ethodological innovation. C entral were the developm ent of
ritual preparations of these proud warriors which the film reveals m ust inform al, non-hierarchical working m ethods. Knowledge was to be
then be seen as if through the eyes o f their m others. generated through a process of sharing and em pathy; and collaboration
W ith hindsight Llewelyn-Davies has confessed to feeling that perhaps was predicated upon sameness, the assum ption of a universal category
the warriors occupy too large and colourful a place in a film about ‘w om an’.
women, adm itting that, like all film-makers, she becam e carried away by At one level it is possible to interpret M asai Women as the expression
the visual splendour of the occasion.15 It is true that it is often difficult of a particular feminist sensibility. This is evident despite the fact that
in these latter scenes to rem em ber th at we should be watching the Llewelyn-Davies was constrained by the position (anthropologist/
warriors with a m other’s eye (and w ith the eyes of the childless women, researcher) she occupied within a larger television production team and
too). B ut in another sense the moran’s ritual preparations work effec­ by the conventions of the series as a whole. F o r example, the film is
tively b oth to conclude the film and to provide the link to its sequel, m arked by the fluidity and intim acy of its cam era work. It is, in places,
M asai Manhood. T h e ritual m arks the completeness of a w om an’s life, strongly rem iniscient o f the style pursued by David and Judith
achieved at the m om ent w hen she sees her son enter elderhood and take M acDougall in their early film, To Live With Herds. T h e intimacy
charge of the herds which she has held in trust until his social maturity. evoked by the film’s particular aesthetic depends a great deal, too, upon
T h u s while the film’s climax emphasises separation, the liminal m om ent the distinctive presence of Llewelyn-Davies herself w ithin the work. As
in a w om an’s life as she passes from her father’s village to th at of her the narrator she is the m ediating figure betw een the unknow n world of
husband, the scenes from the w arriorhood ritual stress integration, her subjects and the dom estic familiarity of h er television audience. But
bringing together m others and sons with M aasai elders to celebrate a it is her interpretation of such an established television role that critically
successful transition.
establishes the distinctively fem inist orientation which runs throughout
M asai Women is organised around an idea, around w hat it m eans to her M aasai ethnography. T h e approach Llewelyn-Davies fosters is one
be a w om an in M aasai society. T h e centrality of gender to the substance in which anthropological understanding emerges from an exchange of
and form of the film, and the particular way in which Llewelyn-Davies confidences founded upon tru st and respect.
158 A nthropological visions T h e anthropological television of M elissa Llewelyn-Davies 159

At another level, however, any critical appraisal of M asai Women m others offers to Llewelyn-Davies. She explains the m yth which legit­
inevitably exposes the limitations of the approach which Llewelyn- imates w om en’s subordinate place in M aasai society. Closing the film in
Davies was pursuing during the m id-1970s. T he radical possibilities this way serves to underline its fundam entally D urkheim ian stance
opened up with the developm ent of a fem inist perspective were checked tow ard ethnographic realities.
by the premises upon which Disappearing World was based. Certainly Although M asai Women is unusual in presenting an explicitly gen­
Faye Ginsburg is correct to remind us of the im portant innovations in dered perspective and allowing women themselves to speak directly to
television docum entary that Disappearing World represented (for Llewelyn-Davies about the roles and conventions which structure their
example subtitling, small crews and conversational styles).18 N everthe­ lives, the emphasis of the film is upon wom en telling us how things
less, its constituent program m es were essentially the expression of older should be. T here is very little indication o f wom en as individual
ideas in both anthropology and docum entary. Both forms of social subjects. T he film reveals little of w hat they think or feel or, moreover,
enquiry were already changing. O n the one hand, television docum en­ w hat kind of activities constitute their day-to-day lives. B ut w hat people
tary was developing in new directions, moving away from the older top- say and w hat they actually do is, of course, often at variance. T h e
down style epitom ised by the ‘cinem atic essay’ towards m ore popular slippages between the ideal and the actual offer interesting and re­
forms. On the other hand, academic anthropology was characterised by vealing insights into social life. T here are indications of such slippages
the growing challenge to its central paradigm , scientific ethnography, within the early film, M asai Women; but it is in h er later television work
around which the discipline had been consolidated in the universities. that Llewelyn-Davies begins to subject such areas to ethnographic
H ence despite the television location of her early M aasai work, it is investigation.
im portant to recognise that Llewelyn-Davies’ approach rem ained pre­ T he films m ade a decade after M asai Women were m arked by a shift
dom inantly within the older, m ore literary style of docum entary. It away from the norm ative stance of Llewelyn-Davies’ initial approach.
belonged to a genre m arked by exposition or ‘telling’, rather than one of W hat we m ight term the ‘visualist’ paradigm o f her early work, namely
‘showing’ and revealing, features which were identified with the adop­ the Radcliffe-Brownian assum ption th at society exists as an object to be
tion of a verite stance toward social life. Indeed M asai Women m ight be observed and described rather than im agined as constituted through the
said to exemplify the kind of ‘word-logic show’ that had been so actions o f individual subjects, was steadily eroded.21 T h e use of a
decisively repudiated by R obert Drew and the new docum entary film­ predom inantly structural-functional framework to interpret M aasai eth­
m akers working in A m erica.19 For it is, inescapably, a film constructed nography is replaced by a m ore fractured and problem atic conception of
around an idea originating in the head of the anthropologist. Events and the nature of social reality. Inseparable, however, from the im portant
people are recruited to illustrate the unfolding of what is largely an changes in Llewelyn-Davies’ anthropological perspective is the question
academ ic argum ent about gender and power. T h e images, sound and of ethnographic form itself. For, in seeking to open up the complexity of
narration are unified in pursuit of an abstract thesis anchored in the contem porary M aasai life, Llewelyn-Davies breaks with the Griersonian
expertise of the anthropologist herself. Llewelyn-Davies’ com m entary m odel o f docum entary exposition. Increasingly she begins to experim ent
serves to guide alm ost everything encountered on the screen, rendering with features unique to television. T h ey are central to the expression of
viewers passive in the face of specialist knowledge. T he overwhelming new ethnographic understandings.
experience is of images merely serving as the passive counterpart to the
spoken narrative. Subtitling is only selectively used, employed m ost
The W o m en ’s O la m a l
frequently to translate statem ents about social norm s rather than in­
formal conversation. F urtherm ore, the interviews with certain key In the opening scene of The Women’s Olamal, a M aasai woman in
women express w hat m ight be called the ‘official’ story concerning their conversation with Llewelyn-Davies, states: ‘W om en have nothing of
lives; as such, they serve to underline the norm ative orientation of M asai their own. Only m en own livestock.’ Llewelyn-Davies then asks:
Women as a whole.20 T he film’s academ ic thesis functions to absorb all ‘W omen have nothing at all?’ T h e reply comes: ‘A w om an has her cow­
details into a single coherent argum ent about how gender structures hides, her scouring stick, her axe - th at’s all. Your husband gives you
M aasai society, rather than exposing how it operates in day-to-day life. cattle to look after, b u t they’re not really yours - or only in a way. Your
T his perspective is symbolised in the final statem ent which one of the husband can’t reallocate them to his other wives b u t he can give them all
160 A nthropological visions T h e anthropological television of M elissa Llewelyn-Davies 161

away to another man. You can’t stop him . H e ’s the owner.’ T he narrative claim for com pensation is outstanding. O nce the conflict is established
of the film, m ade ten years after Masai Women, reveals that questions of in this way, the film follows closely the w om en’s changing political
gender and pow er in M aasai society are considerably more fraught and strategies, from the discussions conducted am ong themselves, ranging
contested than such an establishing statem ent implies. The Women’s between public oratory and huddled whisperings, to the m om ent of
Olamal charts an extraordinary battle between the women and M aasai em otional explosion. It exposes the increasingly charged exchanges the
elders. It builds to a dram atic climax which lays bare fundam ental wom en have with the M aasai elders. As with Llewelyn-Davies’ earlier
tensions in the society and appears to threaten the foundations of social film, the climax of The Women’s Olamal is the point of m axim um
harmony. dislocation. T he m en continue to resist the w om en’s dem ands. T h e
T h e potential for conflict between m en and wom en was, in fact, wom en respond by breaking down and weeping. Finally, the threat of a
signalled m uch earlier in Llewelyn-Davies’ engagem ent with the curse arising from the w om en’s anger forces the elders to concede. They
M aasai. She intriguingly places the question o f female resistance to agree to perform the fertility blessing. T hereafter the tension o f the film
control exerted by M aasai elders at the centre of M asai Women. She subsides. T he rem aining sequences, while docum enting the ceremony
suggests that the harm ony of gender relations is disrupted by the itself, also reveal the progressive integration of social division as wom en
practice of m arried w om en taking lovers. Young brides, m arried to old once m ore take up their conventional position in M aasai society.
m en, subvert the hierarchy of power by illicitly conducting affairs with Unlike M asai Women, the film emerges from the unfolding actions
the rnoran, M aasai warriors. This implicit struggle forms an im portant and events of particular hu m an subjects. It is not constructed by means
thread in the complex sequence of events which leads up to the of an abstract argum ent about gender relations; rather Llewelyn-Davies
perform ance o f the olamal ritual. Significantly, as the film reveals, the seeks to expose the dynamics o f M aasai society as acted out within an
ritual itself, the different prelim inary stages and the battle between m en area of ritual space. T h e techniques used by the ethnographer to
and wom en lie outside everyday village life. docum ent the dram a surrounding the cerem ony are an expression of a
The Women’s Olamal is concerned with the preparations for a fertility new perspective tow ard M aasai society. T h e fem inist sensibility which
cerem ony perform ed every four years by the Maasai. It is the m ost infused Llewelyn-Davies’ earlier ethnographic approach remains, but
im p o rtan t ritual occasion for women. T he film, like M asai Women, is The Women’s Olamal goes beyond the limitations of the initial ‘anthro­
explicitly partial in its perspective. T he exploration of questions about pology o f w om en’ paradigm which fram ed her work. N ow the interpret­
reproduction and power at the heart of M aasai society are again ation of w om en’s lives is considerably m ore nuanced and am biguous
anchored in Llewelyn-Davies’ docum entation of female experience. than that suggested by M asai Women. A ssum ptions about the nature of
U sing a handful of statem ents from key subjects, the opening sequences female subordination and the notion of shared experiences between
of the film establish the centrality of the olamal cerem ony to women; but wom en are exposed, too, as problem atic within the film itself.
at every stage, from the beginning to the end of the entire ritual process, The Women’s Olamal presents a critical dynam ic of M aasai society
the film exposes the necessity of m en’s active collaboration. Although through a series of dram atic events. In shifting from structure to process
wom en themselves take the initiative for the ceremony, forming olamal in this way, Llewelyn-Davies renders the question of gender problem atic.
groups and organising the prelim inary tasks, their actions are ultimately Integral to this shift is Llewelyn-Davies’ abandonm ent of the older,
dependent upon persuading M aasai elders to conduct the Blessing static docum entary form and her experim entation with one o f televi­
ceremony. The Women’s Olamal docum ents the complexity of negotia­ sion’s defining characteristics, w hat John Fiske calls its ‘now -ness’: ‘Film
tions conducted between m en and wom en to bring about such an presents itself as a record of w hat has happened, television presents itself
outcom e. For, in m ost years of its perform ance, there is conflict and as a relay of w hat is happening.’
uncertainty surrounding the ceremony; and such struggle, often bitter The Women ’s Olamal appears to be live television. It presents events as
and protracted, is an integral part o f the ritual’s efficacy. they happen; and, as such, the participants in the ritual are no longer
T h e film is structured by the sequence of events which unfold as the rem ote people of another tim e and place. T heir actions are im m ediate
women, having begun to mobilise and to lobby the m en for the and contem porary. W ith the m inim um of explanation, Llewelyn-Davies
ceremony, confront a serious obstacle to their plans. An unresolved allows the dram a to unfold as if it were occurring in real time. She
dispute in a neighbouring village threatens the progress of these prepara­ adopts an observational stance tow ard the representation of reality, the
tions; the M aasai elders will not agree to conduct the cerem ony while a camera quietly watching and listening from a place close to the action.
162 A nthropological visions T h e anthropological television of Melissa Llewelyn-Davies 163

T h e anthropologist and the viewer are also positioned as witnesses. Bv Although Llewelyn-Davies exposes M aasai society in a m om ent of
relinquishing the role she adopted in M asai Women as an expert, crisis, when social relationships appear to be stretched alm ost to
Llewelyn-Davies now reveals the limitations of her own ethnographic brealdng point, and she dem ands from her audience a m ore active,
understanding. H ence the film is as m uch about the effort to m ake sense interpretive role, the film ultim ately reaffirms the conventional order.
o f a complex and highly charged situation as it is a docum ent o f the T he use of features associated with classic dram a are the m eans by
events them selves.24 which a fluid, contradictory reality is integrated and rendered m ean­
Llewelyn-Davies’ approach in The Women’s Olamal clearly owes m uch ingful. Significantly, the film has closure. It concludes with the perfor­
to docum entary techniques pioneered by R obert Drew and Richard m ance of the olamal ceremony, uniting the different participants in a
Leacock. It reveals also the influence of work by David and Judith ritual celebration of social cohesion which serves, simultaneously, to
M acD ougall - specifically their adaptation of direct cinem a m ethods to reinstate the conventional hierarchy of m en and women. Diary of a
explore situations o f ethnographic complexity.25 T he use o f such techni­ M aasai Village, a series of five films m ade a year later, contains no such
ques by Llewelyn-Davies, however, m ay be understood as an expression conventional closure. For Llewelyn-Davies now situates the M aasai
of the gendered perspective which anchors her work. T hus, in place of people in a broader world. She evokes the spatial and tem poral exten­
active, male heroes facing crisis situations, Llewelyn-Davies uses the sion of contem porary pastoralist life through a fu rth er experim entation
m ethods of direct cinem a to trace the mobilisation of wom en as a with ethnographic form.
collective force. M oreover, she locates the dram atic focus of the film in a
m om ent of female resistance expressed as an outburst of collective
D ia ry o f a M a a s a i v illa g e
em otion. Experim enting with ethnographic technique in this way repre­
sents an extension of Llewelyn-Davies’ earlier com m itm ent to docu­ Describing the five films as akin to a diary, Llewelyn-Davies attem pts to
m enting w om en’s lives. F or the different stance toward reality im plied in express the distinctive texture and rhythm of day-to-day M aasai life. ‘We
this new approach - that is, the situating of subjective action within have m ade them as a diary and have n o t organised the m aterial into a
social landscape - opens up the question of female experience beyond particular story or argum ent. Instead we hope that a collection of
the confines of the norm ative statem ents presented in M asai Women. episodes in the life of the village will describe a m om ent in its history’,
The Women ’s Olamal reveals the perform ative nature of gender. It is not she explains in a short statem ent which prefaces the individual films. At
simply ascribed. It is acted out within particular contexts; and as the the same time, Llewelyn-Davies’ use o f such a genre draws attention to
olamal ritual suggests, the issues about gender are not merely structural im portant aspects of fieldwork itself. U ntil recently, the writing of note­
m atters. Intense em otion is involved, too. books, diaries and journals rem ained a critical b u t hidden part of
The Women’s Olamal represents an abandonm ent of the static essay fieldwork activity. W ith her Diaty series, however, Llewelyn-Davies
form of docum entary television harnessed to a Radcliffe-Brownian style makes central one o f the forms through which ethnographic work is
of scientific ethnography. This shift from ideas to life, from an abstract carried out, highlighting the essentially ad hoc, idiosyncratic nature of
conception of M aasai society towards its empirical docum entation, fieldwork enquiry. Hence, as with The W omen’s Olamal, the films are
poses anew questions o f ‘evidential representation’ - that is, the status of about issues of anthropological epistemology and m ethod as m uch as
ethnographic evidence yielded by direct cinema m ethods.20 The they are an exploration of M aasai experience within postcolonial Africa.
Women’s Olamal appears to be a film which is ‘found’, emerging from At other times, Llewelyn-Davies refers to the Diary as a kind of
the events and personalities w ithout self-conscious m anipulation. And docum entary soap opera.28 In this respect, her adaptation o f an estab­
yet, as Llewelyn-Davies herself notes, w hat appears to be spontaneous lished television form represents a bold attem pt to discover new ways to
also contains elements of prem editation and contrivance.27 T he docu­ express new kinds o f ethnographic understanding. By imagining the film
m entation of the em otional dram a and intense struggle between m en series as both diary and soap opera, Llewelyn-Davies draws upon the
and wom en which is offered by The Women’s Olamal seems to yield new open, unfinished characteristics shared by such aesthetic forms to
insight into M aasai social dynamics, hut the division between w hat is express her particular perspective upon pastoralist life. H er concern is to
‘real’ and w hat is ‘acted’, between w hat is truth and w hat artifice, avoid any reductive fram ing of M aasai ethnography. Specifically, she
remains, not least within the aesthetics of film itself, ambiguous. rejects a developm ental paradigm which posits a single, progressive
164 A nthropological visions T h e anthropological television of Melissa Llewelyn-Davies

m ovem ent by m eans of the simple opposition between tradition an d soap opera which is perhaps m ost unusual. Critics frequently refer to
m odernity. Instead the Diary films evoke the continuities and changes the soap opera as a form expressive of television’s distinctive features.29
which sim ultaneously shape contem porary M aasai existence. Hence F or its aesthetic qualities, and the nature of the relationship established
through the harnessing of certain qualities inherent to television as a with audiences, distinguish it as an im portant example of television’s
m edium —that is its ‘flow’, its episodic, discontinuous, repetitive move­ pre-em inent form , the serial; and, as such, a n u m b er o f critical features
m ent - Llewelyn-Davies underlines her rejection of any straightfor­ serve to distinguish it from genres of literature or cinema. Soap operas
wardly linear narrative of m odernization. T here is, however, a curious are m arked by their open structure. T h e loose, fragm ented character of
irony in Llewelyn-Davies’ use of a diary/soap opera approach to ethno­ the text is m ade up of m ultiple story lines in which key personalities and
graphic exploration. Both are strongly feminised forms; but, in contrast their relationships (as opposed to events and plots) are central. M ore­
to the predom inant emphasis of her previous M aasai work, the Diary over, the dynam ic of the work tends toward the cyclical rather than
series takes the experience o f m en as its starting point. toward any single linear m ovem ent, and there is a lack of equilibrium or
T h e Diary series is assembled from the day-to-day events of village narrative closure.
life. Over a period o f several weeks, people com e and go, m en exchange T h e formal qualities which distinguish the television serial also make
news and gossip, cattle fall sick, there are births, disputes, problem s for a different kind o f relationship with television audiences. In the case
w ith th e authorities, cerem onies of divination and healing, and so on. of the soap opera, it is their informality and predom inantly oral char­
Life as orderly and predictable, symbolised above all in the perform ance acter which invites th e active participation o f viewers in the negotiation
of M aasai rituals marking circum cision and m arriage, is constantly of textual m eaning. H ence viewers may establish for themselves a direct
cross-cut by unexpected, spontaneous events. Although ultim ately engagem ent, a sort of conversation, with the w orld o f th e soap opera, or,
Llewelyn-Davies uses a single narrative thread to connect the different as John Fiske explains: ‘T he orality of television is n o t just a spoken
parts of the series - namely, the unfolding dram a which surrounds the version of a literate culture: its textual form s, not just its “ spokenness,”
arrest and im prisonm ent of a village m an, Rarenko, in N airobi on are oral, and, m ore significantly, it is treated as oral culture by m any of its
charges of cattle theft and the attem pts by his relatives to secure his viewers. T hey enter into a “dialogue” with it, they gossip about it, they
release - other events and movem ents always threaten to subvert the shift and shape its m eanings and pleasures.’30
sense of forward m om entum . Each film is distinguished, then, by a T he M asaai Diary films contain m any classic features associated with
subtle interplay of rhythms generated from the interweaving of diverse the genre o f the television serial, especially the soap opera. It is
narrative strands. Llewelyn-Davies’ attem pt to use the latter in the context o f docum en­
T h e Diary explores different perspectives, different voices and differ­ tary situations which is unusual. A decade before the rise o f the now
en t locations; bu t, as its title suggests, it rem ains prim arily anchored in ubiquitous docu-soap, Llewelyn-Davies recognised the potential of such
the world of the village. Hence, despite her interest in exploring the a hybrid form ; and, in the Diary films, she seeks to develop it as the
experience of m en, Llewelyn-Davies is inevitably drawn back into means to interest television audiences in the everyday lives of East
familiar areas of enquiry. For, as the films reveal, it is m en who move. African pastoralists. The nature of the ethnographic encounter now
W om en rem ain with children and cattle in the village, while m en try to made possible is significantly different from the kinds of engagement
m ediate the different, and often contradictory, relationships which established in Llewelyn-Davies’ earlier w ork. By taking account of the
constitute M aasai life. T h e mosaic structure of the series evokes the particular gendered features inherent in soap opera, we can begin to
complexity of the world with which the M aasai engage, a world char­ unravel the links in her w ork between changes in forms of ethnographic
acterised by the sim ultaneity and interconnectedness of events in time com m unication and shifts in m ethodological and theoretical orientation.
and space. Melissa Llewelyn-Davies’ experim entation with television soap opera
T h e picture o f contem porary life that Llewelyn-Davies expresses m ay be understood as an extension o f her fem inist approach toward
through the Diary is m irrored by the synthetic style of the individual M aasai life. In a general sense, it reveals a certain self-consciousness
films themselves. T hey are neither didactic nor observational; rather, about forms of representation; and, as such, it m ay be linked to critical
they contain an eclectic m ixture of conversation, eavesdropping, obser­ debates in feminism which began to challenge the assum ptions built into
vation and participation. It is, however, the conception of the series as a the early ‘add w om en and stir’ paradigm .31 For, as Llewelyn-Davies had
166 A nthropological visions T h e anthropological television of M elissa Llewelyn-Davies 167

discovered in the course of her own work with M aasai women, questions closure. Eventually, Llewelyn-Davies accedes to the latter, using Raren-
o f gender were m ore complex than could be encom passed within a ko’s story as the thread which unifies the different parts of the Diary.
conventional explanatory or norm ative approach. In The Women’s T he resolution o f his case provides the series with a certain formal
Olamal, her use o f dram atic narrative to explore ethnographic realities com pletion; and, in so doing, it confirms a b roader m ovem ent implied
reflects the developm ent of an approach which is not predicated on the in the film sequence from crisis to resolution, from the unpredictable
self-evident nature o f certain anthropological categories. It focuses world of an unknow n city to familiar rituals which reaffirm village life.
instead upon the ritualised context in which they are m ade. T he H ence, by the final episode, we are once again engaged with m atters of
innovation in ethnographic form which Llewlyn-Davies now pursues m arriage, cattle and social reproduction. Although our understanding is
through the Diary series is not merely an attem pt to express the considerably changed, there remains in the Diary (as in M asai Women)
changing circum stances of M aasai people in a postcolonial world. It is an underlying, if increasingly tenuous, vision o f M aasai social integrity.
also expresses a different conception o f the anthropological task itself.
T h e gendered qualities of the soap opera becom e the m eans by which
Llewelyn-Davies pursues a new kind of feminist ethnography. Drawing M em o ries a n d D rea m s
upon its conventionally ‘fem inised’ features (the soap opera’s orality, its T he approach Llewelyn-Davies develops in the Diary films explores
personalisation, its foregrounding o f relationships and character, its change in term s of spatial relationships. Memories and Dreams (1993),
rhythm ), she is able to make central the inter-subjective nature of h er latest work, is also built around the centrality o f this issue to
ethnographic work. T h e Diary series evokes a complex web of relation­ contem porary M aasai experience. H ere, however, Llewelyn-Davies ex­
ships, not just ones m ediated by the M aasai themselves b u t those which plores change and continuity within a tem poral framework. Ironically,
include the ethnographer and the television viewer, too. M oreover, the she finds herself confronting anthropology’s deeply rooted salvage para­
formal features of soap opera effect a certain kind of inter-subjective digm, which she h ad resisted in her original Disappearing World films.
exchange. T hey bring about, as Tania M odleski notes, a ‘connection to, R eturning to M aasai-land in 1992, she is forced to address the decline
rather th an separateness from, others’. It facilitates the experience of of a pastoralist way of life. By posing this question, n o t as a m atter of
‘nearness’, the establishm ent of social relations through processes of principle bu t as the outcom e of her twenty-year engagem ent with the
intim acy and extension rather than through (cinematic) identification.32 M aasai people, Llewelyn-Davies also raises a n um ber of ethical issues
T h e unfolding of the M aasai film cycle over a period o f alm ost twenty which were problem atic within her earlier ethnographic work.35
years increasingly exposes the presence o f Llewelyn-Davies within the Memories and Dreams begins with a group o f M aasai m en and women
ethnographic landscape. Television, the site in which her work is gathered around a small television m onitor, watching themselves in
located, has played a significant role in shaping her distinctive sensibil­ Llewelyn-Davies’ earlier films. T h e contrast betw een then and now is
ities as an anthropological film-maker. For, following Fiske, we may the film’s central them e; Llewelyn-Davies sets o u t to discover, as she
acknowledge th at it is television's pre-em inently oral rather than literate puts it, ‘w hether people are happy with the way things have turned o u t’.
or cinem atic character that has functioned to ground her anthropolo­ But, as its title indicates, the film also strays beneath the surface,
gical w ork ever m ore closely in everyday practice, rather than in a body opening up previously unexcavated areas of M aasai experience. This
o f abstract, disem bodied knowledge.33 This gradual m ovem ent tow ard a developm ent is anticipated by Llewelyn-Davies’ films of the m id-1980s.
position resem bling what T rinh calls to ‘speak nearby’ is m ost fully The Women’s Olamal and Diary series evoke a m ore complex and
realised in Memories and Dreams, a film m ade by Llewelyn-Davies turbulent world than could be expressed within the norm ative vision of
alm ost twenty years after her first engagem ent with M aasai people.34 M asai Women (от M asai Manhood). N ow the m ore nebulous regions of
A t the centre o f the Diaryt series lies the question o f change. Llewleyn- dream , m em ory, individual aspiration, fear, anxiety and disappointm ent
Davies establishes at the outset her concern to explore contem porary life are opened up to exploration. Llewelyn-Davies’ interest in these areas is
as com prised by b oth stability and m ovem ent. T he complex relationship the logical outcom e of the growing reflexivity o f her ethnographic style
she posits between tradition and m odernity becom es m anifest in the as a whole. F or the different phases o f h er M aasai work are m arked by a
form al tension o f the films themselves, th at is, in the tension betw een progressive subversion of the conventional object of enquiry (society) as
the open-ended texture of the series and the im petus toward narrative questions of subjectivity and experience increasingly come to the fore.
168 A nthropological visions T h e anthropological television of M elissa Llewelyn-Davies 169

Memories and Dreams has no conventional anthropological or dram atic changes in Llewelyn-Davies’ conception of a feminist ethnography.
narrative as such; rather, it is a m ontage o f episodes and conversations, Memories and Dreams follows K unina, a young M aasai girl, as she
with m om ents from the past (footage from previous films) juxtaposed prepares to undergo a cerem ony of circum cision in preparation for her
with scenes from contem porary life. Its texture is constituted by means marriage. Llewelyn-Davies makes use of sound she recorded at the time
of association and resonance.36 T he disjunctions of time are used to of M asai Women, b u t failed to include in the early film because of
striking effect, underm ining any attem pt to develop a single perspective political sensitivities in the w om en’s m ovem ent surrounding the ques­
on changing M aasai society. Nevertheless the film rem ains anchored in tion of female circumcision. Now, in Memories and Dreams, she juxta­
the lives of wom en. It addresses again the central and enduring ques­ poses the screams o f the 1974 girl with contem porary statem ents by
tions o f m arriage, circum cision and reproduction; but, in opening up a M aasai wom en about the happiness of K u nina’s initiation.
space in which confidences are shared, the film makes possible the Memories and Dreams is an elegy, a film of poignancy and unusual
expression of em otion and feeling hitherto obscured by the m ore public personal intimacy. ‘I kind of m ade that film with my eyes closed’,
presentation of gender identities. It also does m ore than this. It reveals Llewelyn-Davies explains.3S It moves effortlessly, creating a place for
the distinctive kind of interpersonal exchange which lies at the heart of the sharing of experiences between people whose lives are deeply
Llewelyn-Davies’ work. For two decades, television has functioned as intertw ined despite disruptions of tim e and space. As with m ost films
the site in which M aasai fieldwork encounters and relationships have about change, and peoples’ perceptions of change, there is always a
been m ediated. N ow the process o f m ediation itself is a central them e of sense of loss as the sense of a social integrity weakens, traditions are
Memories and Dreams. Extracts from earlier films serve as the point of discarded and confidence ebbs in the face of a fluid, uncertain world.
departure for reflection and discussion. But Llewelyn-Davies’ latest film raises m ore com plex questions. F or we
Memories and Dreams is m arked by the distinctive feminist sensibility are conscious th at the destruction of a way o f life is not just a result of
which runs throughout Llewelyn-Davies’ anthropological work. In the forces external to the M aasai village, as docum ented by familar shots of
m idst o f cultural change, she reaffirms the centrality of w om en’s know­ M aasai wearing E uropean clothes and using cheap m ass-produced
ledge and experience to the creative renewal of M aasai identity, bu t the utensils. T he forces are internal, too - the rethinking by individuals of
ethnographic perspective she offers is no longer predicated upon an traditions held central to a way of life. For this reason the figure of Loise
uncritical acceptance of certain cultural practices. Significantly, Llew­ remains an unsettling one in the film as a whole.
elyn-Davies returns to them es which were present, though not fully
explored, within her early work. M ost notably, she no longer seeks to
T o w a rd s a n e w a n th r o p o lo g ic a l te le v is io n
elide the question of wife-beating or female circumcision, now ap­
proaching such contentious areas from a position of what she calls Some twenty years after the launch of the Disappearing World series,
‘solidarity’ rather than ‘sym pathy’.37 H ence she elicits from wom en David T urton, him self a veteran television anthropologist, addressed the
their views about marriage and their relationships with co-wives. They question ‘Anthropology on Television: W hat N ext?’, lh is phrase is
express to her a strong sense of com m unity between themselves, a sort suggestive o f the old practice of trying to harness ‘expert’ knowledge to
o f sisterhood and a resignation to the beatings o f their husband. But a popular m edium . It involves not just a failure to acknowledge tele­
suddenly the film shifts perspective, cutting to Loise, one of Lhe co­ vision’s unique qualities, b u t also, in m any cases, it results in anthropol­
wives, who has left their husband and the village in order to find her own ogists actually working against them to produce b oth bad television and
life. She makes a powerful and eloquent statem ent o f her independence, bad anthropology. But, as T u rto n acknowledges in his lecture, the
forcing us to reconsider the village wom en and their acceptance of discipline o f anthropology has undergone a transform ation since the
custom ary practice. And yet Loise’s fate is double-edged, and prefigured beginning of the G ranada Television series in 1971: ‘whereas twenty
in all the other M aasai films. She failed to bear children. We see her years ago “ anthropological knowledge” was treated as a fairly unproble­
scratching out a living with her new husband on the edges of a small matic category, the examination of it has now becom e a major - perhaps
town, and we rem em ber both the com m unity and security of village life the m ajor - preoccupation of anthropologists’ (original emphasis).
and the curse of barren women. C entral to such a transform ation has been the erosion of confidence in
T h e question of female circumcision is perhaps the m ost revealing of the notion of anthropology as a source of objective knowledge about the
170 A nthropological visions T h e anthropological television of M elissa Llewelyn-Davies 171

world, and an increasing recognition that ethnographic understanding least from feminist politics. H er project, while public, is not about
involves a process, and that it is m ediated through inter-subjective ‘popularising’ anthropology. It is driven by a profound respect for her
exchange.39 audience, and by her desire to engage them . By setting herself the
T h e changes occurring in contem porary anthropology, specifically enorm ously difficult task of doing this, rather than addressing a re­
this shift from professional confidence to intellectual doubt as the stricted circle of academics, Llewelyn-Davies has been forced to inno­
conventional object o f enquiry gives way to m ore fluid notions of vate in ways that have changed h er conception of the audience, the
engagem ent and understanding, may be traced in Llewelyn-Davies’ subjects of her films, herself as an ethnographer and the nature of
work. T hrough a critical analysis of her M aasai film cycle, my intention anthropological knowledge itself.
has been to highlight its unusual degree of formal innovation. This
continuous process of experim entation m ust be considered as the
expression of fundam ental changes in her conception of the anthropolo­
gical task. O ne of the distinctive aspects of Llewelyn-Davies’ approach,
however, is its gendered qualities. T he refraction of her changing
ethnographic concerns through the prism of feminism makes Llewelyn-
Davies a critical figure in the creation of a different kind of anthropology.
It is based upon dailiness, inter-personal exchange and informality - the
fundam ental groundedness o f ethnographic practice. It is a feminist
We have becom e so used to denigrating television as a m edium that it
is hard to rem em ber that it was once widely believed to hold enorm ous
creative possibilities. But for the docum entary film-makers and dram a­
tists of the 1960s (people like Denis M itchell or Richard Leacock and,
o f course, D ennis Potter), television offered a new sort of challenge;
working for a broad public audience stim ulated individuals to innovate
in both form and content. Llewelyn-Davies has to be considered as an
im portant figure in this tradition, since her anthropological approach
has not just introduced new subject m atter to established television
program m es, b u t her way o f working has challenged established formal
conventions. We see a transition from her early attem pts to graft
anthropology onto television (throwing into sharp relief the fundam ental
contradiction between a popular form and a professional discipline), to
the later experiments, exemplified by Diary of A M aasai Village and
Memories and Dreams, which exploit television’s distinctive genres for
the generation o f new kinds of ethnographic understanding. In short,
Llewelyn-Davies has transform ed the archaic and limited conception of
‘anthropology on television’ into som ething new, a genuinely anthropolo­
gical television.41
It is my belief that the experim ental im pulse o f Llewelyn-Davies’
M aasai film cycle stems from the location of her anthropological work
within a public space. By placing herself in a liminal position, outside
the academ y b u t making anthropological television for a lay audience,
she has, I believe, been m ore open to changes coming from society, not
Epilogue 173

resistance to containm ent and subdisciplinary confinem ent (as about

wom en). H enrietta M o o re’s vision of a genuinely feminist anthropology
Epilogue is not concerned, as she puts it, with ‘“ adding” wom en into the
discipline, bu t is instead about confronting the conceptual and analytical
inadequacies o f disciplinary theory’.4 Likewise, the potential o f a new
visual anthropology lies n o t merely in the recognition o f what is different
in pursuing questions o f ethnographic knowledge and understanding
through an interrogation of vision. It depends, too, on the reflexive use
of such insights to expose critically other ways that we, as anthropolo­
gists, engage with the world.
The Ethnographer’s Eye is conceivcd as a manifesto. It seeks to establish a T he m ood of self-consciousness which characterises anthropology
new agenda for visual anthropology. M y interest is not in arguing for its today suggests possibilities for a reintegration o f the visual into the field.
legitimacy as a subdiscipline with its own specialist interests and Questions about the substance, epistemology, techniques and forms of
m ethods; rather I suggest that vision is central to m odern anthropology ethnographic enquiry have been subject to a radical rethinking over the
w hether explicitly foregrounded or not. F or an exploration o f anthro­ course o f the last decade. Ironically, however, this m om ent o f reflection
pology’s ways of seeing opens up the questions concerning knowledge, and experim entation has coincided with a period in which anthropology
technique and form at the heart o f the anthropological project itself. has been subject to unprecedented pressure for bureaucratic conform ity
In arguing for the dissolution of boundaries around the subdiscipline, as a university discipline. T h e growing puritanism of academic life,
I follow other com m entators such as Faye G insburg and David accom panied by the narrow specialisation and reification of archaic
M acD ougall in proposing the reintegration of a visual perspective into literary forms, runs counter to the open, eclectic spirit which m arked an
ethnographic w ork.1 But, as both M acDougall and Lucien Taylor have earlier anthropology. But it is im portant to rem em ber that m uch to the
noted, the pursuit of such a strategy is m ade difficult by the suspicion exasperation (and adm iration) o f m ore established intellectuals, anthro­
and defensiveness which exists on both sides of the divide. O n the one pologists have been remarkably resistant to established categories of
hand, anthropologists com m itted to language and writing have long knowledge and forms of enquiry. A new engagem ent with the question
sought to establish anthropology as the pursuit o f a particular kind of o f vision, and its different forms and m anifestations, offers a valuable
knowledge built upon the marginalisation, containm ent and sometimes starting point for the renewal o f a project m ore creatively engaged with
downright suppression of the visual. O n the other hand, m any ‘visual’ the world in which we live.
anthropologists have sought legitim ation by turning away from an
engagem ent with the m ainstream textual tradition at the same tim e as
transposing its concerns by m eans of the attem pt to ‘linguify’ film.2 This
curious paradox is, of course, hopelessly self-limiting. M acDougall
suggests th at ‘visual anthropology may need to define itself not at all in
term s of written anthropology bu t as an alternative to it, as a quite
different way o f knowing related phenom ena’. His proposal is not m ade
with the intention o f reifying difference as the basis for separation, but
instead drawing upon the difference to investigate epistemological
assum ptions at the heart of anthropological work.3
T h e pressing questions as to w hat m ight constitute a new visual
anthropology are given interesting focus if considered alongside other
potentially subversive perspectives which have emerged within anthro­
pology. Am ong the m ost notable of these is the case of feminist anthro­
pology. Its developm ent as a critical perspective was predicated upon

N otes to pages 2 - 4 175

3 Paul Hockings (ed.) Principles o f Visual Anthropology (The Hague: Mouton,

1975) p. ix.
4 Marcus Banks and Howard Morphy ‘Introduction’, Rethinking Visual
N otes Anthropology (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1997), p. 5.
5 Margaret Mead ‘Visual anthropology in a discipline of words’, in Paul
Hockings (ed.) Principles, pp. 3-10. For example, Howard Morphy ‘The
Interpretation of Ritual: reflections from film on anthropological practice’,
M an n s 29:1, 1994, pp. 117-46; and George Marcus ‘The modernist
sensibility in recent ethnographic writing and the cinematic metaphor of
montage’, in L.Taylor (ed.) Visualizing Theory, pp. 37-53. David MacDou-
gall’s discussion of visual anthropology’s status overlaps in many places with
my own analysis, see his Transcultural Cinema (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
PREFA CE University Press, 1998).
6 Indeed it is the sheer predictability of acadcmic writing which often repels
1 Faye Ginsburg ‘Institutionalizing the unruly: charting a future for visual many students. The problem stems partly from features inherent to the
anthropology’, Eihnos 63:2, 1998, pp. 173- 201. written form itself. For, as David MacDougall notes, the expository text
2 A number of essays touch upon these questions, for example Colin Young with its ‘declarative linking of ideas’ does not offer much scope for indepen­
‘Observational cinema’ in P. Hockings (ed.) Principles o f Visual Anthropology dent discovery. He suggests that films, by contrast, call forth more ‘explora­
(2nd edn, The Hague: M outon de Gruytcr, 1995), pp. 99-113; Marcus tory’ or ‘imaginative’ responses. See his essay ‘Visual anthropology and ways
Banks ‘Which films are the ethnographic films?’ in P. Crawford and of knowing’, in Transcuhural Cinema, pp. 61-92.
D. Turton (eds.) Film as Ethnography (Manchester University Press, 1992), 7 David MacDougall’s reflections on these issues offer unusual insight, see, in
pp. 116- 29; and Peter Loizos ‘First exits from observational realism: particular, ‘The fate of the cinema subject’ and ‘Whose story is it?’, in
narrative experiments in recent ethnographic film’, in M. Banks and MacDougall Transcultural Cinema , pp. 150-64.
H. Morphy (eds.) Rethinking Visual Anthropology (Yale University Press, 8 It is what Ginsburg celebrates as visual anthropology’s eclecticism which
1997), pp. 81-104. Such questions, however, are pursued with character­ makes this possible. But the strong counter-current, the desire for pro­
istic rigour and insight by David MacDougall in a number of essays which fessional acceptance of the subdiscipline, always threatens to circumscribe
make up his collected volume, Transcultural Cinema (Princeton University such a creative space. See Faye Ginsburg ‘Institionalizing the unruly:
Press, 1998). Many of his interests and concerns, as will become evident, charting a future for visual anthropology’, Ethnos 63:2, 1998, pp. 173-201.
overlap with my own. 9 For example see various contributors to E. Edwards (ed.) Anthropology and
3 Seamus Heaney ‘Feeling into words’ in Preoccupations (London: Faber, Photography 1860-1920 (New Haven and London: Yale University Press,
1980), p. 47. 1992).
4 Despite anthropology’s recent reflexive turn, the role of belief within ethno­ 10 The volume Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography, edited
graphic practice is yet to be addressed. James Clifford and George Marcus (Berkeley: University of California
Press, 1986) was a key text in precipitating anthropology’s moment of self-
consciousness. Since its publication, many others have addressed the ques­
tions of how anthropologists write.
1 Eliot Weinberger ‘The camera people’ in L. Taylor (ed.) Visualizing Theory: 11 A glance at other schools, however, reveals a slightly different situation than
Selected Essays from V A .R . 1990—1994 (London: Routledgc, 1994), that found in Britain. In the case of American and French anthropology, for
pp. 3 -4 . example the work associated with Boas and M ead or Griaule and Rouch,
2 Anna Grimshaw and Keith H art Anthropology and the Crisis o f the Intellectuals visual techniques and technologies form a distinctive and integral part of
(Cambridge: Prickly Pear Press, 1993). Anthropologists working within modern practice. Moreover, the intellectual contexts in which particular
other subdisciplines also express anxieties about marginalisation and a lack ‘national’ schools began to emerge in the early decades of the last century
of legitimation. See, for example, Henrietta Moore’s discussion of these were also significantly different. For example, in the case of Frcnch anthro­
issues with respect to feminist anthropology, Feminism and Anthropology pology, the work of Griaule and Rouch cannot be understood without
(Cambridge: Polity Press, 1988). See also Joan Vincent’s investigation of the reference to the poetry, art, cinema and music of the Parisian avant-garde.
changing nature of ‘political anthropology’, Anthropology and Politics: Their anthropology absorbed, rather than excluded in the name of science, a
Visions, Traditions and Trends (Tuscon and London: University of Arizona whole range of influences and experiments. Although the so-called British
Press, 1990). school, after Malinowski, defined the teamwork-based fieldwork model as

176 N otes l о pages 4 6 N otes to pages 6 - 8 177

‘archaic’, the bureaucratic pressures to which academic anthropology is now Michael Jackson Paths Toward A Clearing: Radical Empiricism and Ethno­
subjcct in Britain has resulted in the re-emcrgcnce of this model. The revival graphic Enquity (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1981); Linda
o f multi-skillcd projects is an important context for contemporary experi­ Jonsen ‘Visualism and ambiguity in visual anthropology’, in P. Crawford
mentation with different technologies and methodologies. (ed.) The Nordic Eye (Ilojbjerg, Denmark: Intervention Press, 1993),
12 For instance the work of Pierre Bourdieu, especially A n Outline o f a Theory of pp. 63-72; Paul Stoller The Taste o f Ethnographic Things (Philadelphia:
Practice (Cambridge University Press, 1977) and Tim Ingold’s various University of Pennsylvania Press, 1989)
writing, including ‘Tool-use, sociality and intelligence’ in K.R. Gibson and 20 Fabian Time and the Other, p. 67.
T. Ingold (eds.) Tools, Language and Cognition in H um an Evolution (Cam­ 21 Trinh T. Minh-ha ‘Reassemblage’ in Eramer Framed (New York: Routledge,
bridge University Press, 1993), pp. 429 45, and ‘Situating action V: the 1992), p. 96. See also, for example, Vincent Crapanzano Tuhami: Portrait of
history and evolution of bodily skills’, Ecological Psychology 8:2, 1996, a Moroccan (University of Chicago Press, 1980); Kevin Dwyer Moroccan
pp. 171 87. Dialogues (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982); and Marjorie
13 Techno-phobia, with its origins in a repudiation of industrial civilization, Shostak Nisa (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1981). See also
remains a stubborn feature of anthropological life. James Clifford’s essay ‘Introduction: partial truths’ in J. Clifford and G.
14 James Clifford ‘On ethnographic authority’, in The Predicament of Culture: Marcus (eds.) Writing Culture, pp. 1-26.
Twentieih-Century Ethnography , Literature, and A rt (Cambridge, Mass.: 22 Paul Stoller has been a key figure in this development, conceiving of a
Harvard University Press, 1988). sensuous approach not as the basis of a new field (for example, David
15 Lucien Taylor ‘Iconophobia: how anthropology lost it at the movies’, Howes (ed.) Sensuous Experience); but as the means for expanding existing
Transition 69, 1996, pp. 64-88. It is also a point made by MacDougall in conceptions of anthropological knowledge. See especially Stoller The Taste
Transcultural Cinema. For a recent outburst of ‘iconophobia’ see Bill Wat­ o f Ethnographic Things and Sensuous Scholarship (Philadelphia: University of
son’s contribution to the 1997 Manchester debate organised around the Pennyslvania Press, 1997). Michael Jackson’s work, Paths Toward a Clearing,
motion: ‘In anthropology images can never have the last say’, published in is also important.
P. Wade (ed.) In Anthropology Images Can Never H ave the Last Say (Man­ 23 Stoller Ethnographic Things, p. 8.
chester: Group for Debates in Anthropological Theory, 1998), pp. 6 14. 24 Fabian’s argument is strongly reminiscent of Laura Mulvey’s interrogation
16 Andrew Graham-Dixon A History of British A n (London: BBC Books, of the male gaze, see her classic essay ‘Visual pleasure and narrative cinema’,
1996) p. 36; and Jack Goody The Domestication o f the Savage M ind (Cam­ Screen 16:3, 1975, pp. 6-18. Mulvey’s totalising critique has, in turn, been
bridge University Press, 1976). subject to interrogation in a manner suggestive of how as anthropologists we
17 M artin Jay Downcast Eyes: The Denigration o f Vision in Twentieth-Centuty might develop and refine Fabian’s approach. Judith Okely (personal com­
French Thought (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993). There has munication) develops a critique of Fabian’s work from a different perspec­
been an explosion of writing about the status of vision within Western tive. Drawing on ethnographic research in Normandy, she pursues questions
discourse: see, for example, S. Melville and B. Readings (eds.) Vision and of vision and knowledge through an exploration of landscape. H er distinc­
Textuality (London: Macmillan, 1995); D.M. Levin (ed.) Modernity and the tion between ‘looking’ and ‘seeing’ resonates wdth the different ways of
Hegemony of Vision (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993); C. Jenks seeing I explore in this book.
(ed.) Visual Culture (London and New York: Routledgc, 1995). Observation has been extensively discussed within the context of debates
18 This paradox lies at the heart of Malinowski’s own identity as a fieldworker. about gender and science; see particularly Evelyn Fox Keller Reflections on
He was an active photographer in the field at the same time as he was a key Gender and Science (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1985).
figure in marginalising visual technologies from his model of enquiry. See The issues explored with respect to scientific activity are highly pertinent to
Elizabeth Edwards ‘Introduction’, in E. Edwards (ed.) Anthropology and anthropological work.
Photography, pp. 3 -1 7 ; and Terence Wright ‘The fieldwork photographs of 25 M artin Jay Downcast Eyes.
Jenness and Malinowski and the beginnings of modern anthropology’, 26 Hoidsworth uses this concept to explore the transformation of nineteenth-
Journal o f the Anthropological Society of Oxford 22:1, 1991, pp. 41 58. See century anthropology into its modern form. Hoidsworth ‘T he Revolution in
also Michael Young M alinowski’s Kirhvina: Fieldwork Photography Anthropoogy: A Comparative Analysis of the Metaphysics of E.B. Tylor and
1915 -1918 (University of Chicago Press, 1998). Bronislaw Malinowski’, unpublished D.Phil thesis, Oxford, 1993.
There are a number of ironies here. ‘Going to see for yourself’ coincided 27 George Steiner Tolstoy or Dostoevsky (London: Faber, 1959), p. 6. Steiner’s
with the rise of language as the primary ‘way of knowing’. But although approach owes much to the late nineteenth-century philosophical orienta­
language became the dominant form, it too was not in itself interrogated. tion of Dilthey and his notion of the weltannschauung.
19 Johannes Fabian Time and the Other: How Anthropology M akes Its Object In following more of a philosophical than a textual approach, my concerns
(New York: Columbia University Press, 1983). David Howes (ed.) The in this book lie closer to those of William Rothman Documentary Film
Varieties of Sensory Experience (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991); Classics (Cambridge University Press, 1996), rather than those of Bill
178 N otes to pages 8 - 1 6 N otes to pages 17 21 179

Nichols Ideology and the Image: Social Representation in the Cinema and Other of modernism’ in Bullock and Bradbury (eds.) Modernism 1890-1930
Media (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1981), or Brian Winston (Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1976), p. 57.
Claiming the Real: the documentary film revisited (London: British Film 5 For example, Roy Armes A Critical History of British Cinema (London:
Institute, 1995). Adopting the perspective of ‘worldview’ also means that my Seeker and Warburg, 1978); David Robinson World Cinema: A Short History
concern is with the question of authorship, rather than that of spectatorship (London: F’yre Methuen, 1978).
or readership. The creative act of engagement by audicnces in transforming 6 Marshall Deutelbaum ‘Structural patterning in the Lumiere film’, Wide-
the meaning of ethnographic work is an important issue, but it lies beyond Angle 3:1, 1979, pp. 28-37.
the scope of this work. 7 Dai Vaughan ‘Let there be Lumiere’, in T. Elacassar (ed.) Early Cinema:
28 Steiner Tolstoy or Dostoevsky, p. 234. Space, Frame, Narrative (London: British Film Institute, 1990), pp. 63-7.
29 H erbert Read A Concise History of M odem Painting (London: Thames and This feature, spontaneity, was m uch exploited by later practitioners of direct
Hudson, 1991), p. 12. cinema and cinema verite.
30 David Parkin ‘Comparison as a search for continuity’, in L. Holy (ed.) 8 Tom Gunning ‘The cinema of attractions - early film, its spectator and the
Comparative Anthropology (Oxford: Blackwell, 1987), pp. 53-80; and Eliza­ avant-garde’, in Elaessar (ed.) Early Cinema, pp. 56-62.
beth Edwards ‘Beyond lhe boundary’, in M. Banks and H. Morphy (eds.) 9 Gunning, ‘The cinema of attractions’ p. 59.
Rethinking Visual Anthropology (New Haven and London: Yale University 10 Haddon in his ‘Introduction’ to Reportsr o f the Cambridge Anthropological
Press, 1997). Expedition to Torres Straits, Vol. I (Cambridge, 1901).
31 For the purposes of my argument, I will deal with the three key figures as 11 The six volumes covered general ethnography, physiology and psychology,
ideal types rather than as complex historical subjects. Hence I will be linguistics, arts and crafts, magic and religion. For an im portant appraisal of
emphasising the differences between their anthropological visions, rather the Torres Straits expedition, see Anita Herle and Sandra Rouse (eds.)
than exploring the coexistence of ways of seeing within any single project. Cambridge and the Tcnres Strait: Centenary Essays on the 1898 Anthropological
32 Eisenstein ‘T he cinematographic principle and the ideogram’, in Film Form Expedition (Cambridge University Press, 1998). The editors missed a valu­
(New York: Harcourt Brace, 1949), p. 38. able opportunity to invite a historian of cinema to assess the significance of
33 Marcus in Taylor Visualizing Theory, p. 39. the moving film generated during H addon’s expedition. Alison Griffiths’
34 See Ilisa Barbash and Lucien Taylor Cross-Cultural Filmmaking (Berkeley: forthcoming book, The Origins o f Ethnographic Film, represents the beginning
University of California Press, 1997), p. 375; and Elizabeth Mermin ‘Being of a serious analysis of early ethnographic film within the context of cinema’s
where? Experiencing narratives of ethnographic film’, Visual Anthropology development at the turn of the century. Elizabeth Edwards’ important essay
Review 13:1, Spring 1997, pp. 40-51. ‘Performing science: still photography and the Torres Strait Expedition’
explores the centrality of the question of vision to H addon’s fieldwork
project, in Herle and Rouse (eds.) Cambridge and the Torres Straits,
pp. 106-35.
1 T H E M O D E R N I S T M O M E N T A N D A F T E R , 1895 1945 12 See James Urry ‘Notes and Queries on Anthropology and the development of
1 John Grierson ‘The course of realism’ in F. Hardy (ed.) Grierson on field methods in British anthropology 1870-1920’, Proceedings o f the Royal
Documentary (London: Faber, 1979), p. 70. Anthropological Institute 1972, pp. 45-57; and George Stocking (ed.) Obser­
2 Original emphasis. Quoted by fan Dunlop in ‘Ethnographic film-making in vers Observed (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1983).
Australia: the first seventy years 1889-1968’, Studies in Visual Communi­ 13 Clifford Geertz Works and Lives (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1988).
cation 9:1, 1983, pp. 11 18. For a detailed discussion of early anthropology 14 Simon Schaffer From Physics to Anthropology —and Back Again (Cambridge:
and film, see Alison Griffiths ‘Knowledge and visuality in turn of lhe Prickly Pear Press, 1994).
century anthropology: the early ethnographic cinema of Alfred Cort 15 Henrika Kuklick The Savage Within: The Social History o f British Anthropology
Haddon and Walter Baldwin Spencer’, Visual Anthropology Review 1996/97, 1885-1945 (Cambridge University Press, 1991), p. 142. Kuklick cites
12:2, 1996/7, pp. 18-43, and her forthcoming book The Origins o f Ethno­ H addon’s account book.
graphic Film (New York: Columbia University Press). Her analysis of the 16 Lorraine Daston and Peter Galison ‘The image of objectivity’, Representa­
Torres Straits film overlaps significantly with my own. Baldwin Spencer’s tions 40, Fall 1992, pp. 81-128. For an important assessment of the still
use of visual technologies in the field is discussed by Arthur Cantrill ‘The photography produced in the context of the Torres Straits expedition, see
1901 cinematography of Walter Baldwin Spencer’, CaniriU’s Film Notes 37/ Edwards in Herle and Rouse (eds.), Cambridge and the Torres Straits.
38, 1982, pp. 26 -42. 17 See Elizabeth Edwards ‘The image as anthropological document’, Visual
3 Stephen Kern The Culture of Time and Space: 1880-1918 (Cambridge, Anthropology 3, 1990, pp. 235-58; and her edited volume Anthropology and
Mass.: Harvard University Press) pp. 1-2. Photography (London and New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992). Also
4 Alan Bullock and Malcolm Bradbury ‘The cultural and intellectual climate Christopher Pinney ‘Classification and fantasy in the photographic con­
180 N otes to pages 2 2 -8 N otes to pages 28 33 181

struction of caste and tribe, Visual Anthropology 3, 1990, p. 259; and result of the extended interests, awareness, needs and sensibilities of modern
Griffiths ‘Knowledge and visuality’. men [sic]. Our world of the twentieth century is panoramic. Contemporary
18 E.F. Im Thurn ‘Anthropological uses of the c a m e r a Journal of the Anthopo- society gives man a sense, on a scale hitherto unknown, of connections, of
logical Institute, 22, pp. 184-203. cause and effect, of the conditions from which an event arises, of other
19 This is in sharp contrast with the later Malinowskian model in which visual events occurring simultaneously. His world is one of constantly increasing
media, if present at all, serve as a passive illustration of the text. The work of multiplicity of relations between himself, immense mechanical constructions
Mead and Bateson in Bali during the 1930s was built around the use of and social organisation of worldwide scope. It is representation of this that
different methods and their juxtaposition. See Edwards ‘Performing science’ demanded the techniques of flash-back, cross-cutting and a camera of extreme
in Herle and Rouse, Cambridge and the Torres Straits. mobility. Along with this panoramic view we are aware today of die depth
20 See also Griffiths ‘Knowledge and visuality’. and complexities of the individual personality as opened up by Freud and
21 This distinction between showing and telling is critical in the development others. This finds its most plastic representation in the close-up. Modern
of postwar anthropological cinema, especially to the observational approach. content demanded a modern technique, not vice versa. What is the content
It raises the important question of the metaphysics of vision versus voice. that this technique serves? Ours is an age of war. D. W. Griffith’s The Birth of
See the chapter on David and Judith MacDougall in Part II, this volume. a Nation portrays the American Civil War, the first great modern war. Ours
22 In his letter to Baldwin Spencer recommending the purchase of a cinemato­ is an age of revolution. The Birth of a Nation is the first great epic of a
graphe, Haddon also comments: ‘I have no doubt your films will pay for the modern nation in revolutionary crisis’ [original emphases], C. L. R. James
whole apparatus if you care to let them be copied by the trade.’ Quoted in ‘Popular art and the cultural tradition’ (1954), reprinted in Anna Grimshaw
Ian Dunlop, ‘Ethnographic Film-making in Australia’. (ed.) The C.L.R.James Reader (Oxford: Blackwell, 1992), p. 247.
23 Jacob W. Gruber ‘Ethnographic salvage and the shaping of anthropology’, 34 George Marcus ‘The modernist sensibility in recent ethnographic writing
American Anthropologist 172, 1970, pp. 1289-99. and the cinematic metaphor of montage’, in L. Taylor (ed.) Visualizing
24 John Berger and Jean M ohr Another Way o f Telling (Cambridge: Granta Theory (New York and London: Routledge, 1994), pp. 37-53. It is inter­
Books, 1989), p. 128. esting that Marcus docs not trace the development of montage to Griffith,
25 James Clifford ‘On Ethnographic Allegory’ in J. Clifford and G. Marcus and that he chooses Eisenstein over Vertov. See also Elizabeth M ermin’s
Writing Culture (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986), p. 115. See essay ‘Being where? Experiencing narratives of ethnographic film’, Visual
also Fatimah Tobing Rony The Third Eye: Race, Cinema and Spectacle Anthropology Review 13:1, 1997, pp. 40-51.
(Durham, NC and Ixmdon: Duke University Press, 1996). 35 See Kuklick The Savage Within.
26 Original emphases, Berger and Mohr Another Way, p. 279. 36 See Brian Winston Claiming the Real (London: British Film Institute, 1995).
27 Daston and Galison ‘The image of objectivity’. 37 Anna Grimshaw and Keith H art Anthropology and the Crisis o f the Intellectuals
28 M artin Jay ‘Photo-unrealism: the contribution of the camera to the crisis of (Cambridge: Prickly Pear Press, 1993).
ocularcentrism’, in S. Melville and Bill Readings (eds.) Vision and Textuality 38 For example, Talal Asad (ed.) Anthropology and the Colonial Encounter
(London: Macmillan, 1995), pp. 344-5. See also his Downcast Eyes (Ber­ (London: Ithaca Press, 1973); Dell Hymes (ed.) Reinventing Anthropology
keley: University of California Press, 1993). (New York: Random House, 1974); and Edward Said Orientalism (London:
29 Jonathan Carey The Intellectuals and the Masses: Pride and Prejudice among the Routledge, 1978).
Literary Intelligentsia, 1880-1939 (London: Faber, 1992).
30 James Agee Agee on Film (London: Peter Owen, 1963), p. 397.
31 As we will discover, the question of whether the camera should be human or
2 A N X IO U S V IS IO N S : R IV E R S , C U B IS M A N D
not becomes central to the development of anthropological cinema. The A N T H R O P O L O G IC A L M O D E R N IS M
contrasting projects of Rouch and the MacDougalls reveal different concep­
tions of how the camera should be used to explore the world. In Rouch’s 1 In Rivers’ case the source of unease is his late conversion to diffusionism and
hands it becomes ‘magical’, while MacDougalPs development of what they advocacy of ideas about cultural history long after they had been discredited.
call ‘unprivileged’ camera style sets out to humanise it. See Part II. In the case of Griffith, there are two problems: the first stems from the
32 Griffith’s camera assistant recalled that at the end of its first screening ‘the elements of Victorian melodrama which persist in his work; the second from
audience didn’t just sit there and applaud, but they stood up and cheered the racial order he celebrated in his controversial film, The Birth of a Nation.
and yelled and stamped feet until Griffith finally made an appearance.’ 2 Especially Ian Langham The Building o f British Social Anthropology: W .H.R.
Quoted in Scott Simmon The Films of D. W. Griffith (Cambridge University Rivets and his Cambridge Disciples in the Development of Kinship Studies,
Press, 1993), p. 105. 1893-1931 (Dordrecht: Reidel, 1981); Richard Slobodin W .H .R. Rivers
33 ‘Film critics often write as if Griffith invented techniques as Edison invented (New York: Columbia University Press, 1978); George Stocking Obsemers
the electric light. But the film techniques which Griffith created are the Observed (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1983), The Ethno­
182 N otes to pages 3 3 -7 N otes to pages 3 8 -4 6 183

grapher’s Magic (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1992) and After 23 See John Berger ‘The moment of Cubism’ and The Success and Failure o f
Tylor: British Social Anthropology 1888-1951 (London: Athlone Press, 1996); lHcasso (London: Granta Books, 1992).
and James Urry ‘Notes and Queries on Anthropology and the development of 24 Original emphases, B erger‘The moment of Cubism’, p. 176.
field methods in British anthropology’, Proceedings o f the Royal Anthropolo­ 25 Ibid., p. 178.
gical Institute, (London: Royal Anthropological Institute, 1972) pp. 45-57. 26 Langham British Social Anthropology, Stocking After Tylor.
3 See Langham British Social Anthropology, and Stocking After Tylor. 27 Pat Barker’s novelistic rendering of Rivers’ life has many parallels with
4 Some ol these ideas I explored in an earlier essay ‘The Eye in the Door: Langham’s interpretation.
Anthropology, Cinema and the Exploration of Interior Space’, in M. Banks 28 Martin Jay ‘The disenchantment of the eye: Surrealism and the crisis of
and H. Morphy (eds.) Rethinking Visual Anthropology (New Haven and ocularcentrism’ in L. Taylor (ed.) Visualizing Theory (New York and
London: Yale University Press, 1997), pp. 36-52. London: Routledge, 1994), p. 174.
5 Langham, British Social Anthropology, Mary Bouquet Reclaiming English 29 C.L.R. James ‘Popular art and the cultural tradition’, in A. Grimshaw (ed.)
Kinship: Portugese Refractions of British Kinship Theory (Manchester Univer­ The C.L.R. James Reader (Oxford: Blackwell, 1992).
sity Press, 1993) and ‘Family trees and their affinities: the visual imperatives 30 For important essays on Bateson, see George Marcus ‘A Timely Rereading
of the genealogical diagram’, M an NS 1996, pp. 43-66. of Naven: Gregory Bateson as Oracular Essayist’, Representations 12, 1985,
6 John Berger Ways of Seeing (London: BBC, 1972). pp. 66-82; and John Tresch ‘Heredity is an open system: Gregory Bateson
7 It forms a ccntral theme of Barker’s first novel, Regeneration, which takes its as descendant and ancestor’, Anthropology Today 14:6, December 1998,
title from the famous 1903 Rivers-Head experiment. pp. 3 -6 .
8 For example, Michael Jackson Paths Toward A Charing (Indiana University
Press, 1981); George Marcus, for example, his essay ‘The modernist
sensibility in recent ethnographic writing and the cinematic metaphor of
3 T H E IN N O C E N T E Y E : F L A H E R T Y , M A L IN O W S K I A N D
montage’ in L. Taylor (ed.) Visualizing Theory (London and New York:
Routledge, 1994), pp. 37-53; and James Clifford Routes: Travel and Trans­
lation in the Late Twentieth Century (Harvard University Press, 1997). 1 See Pat Barker’s trilogy of novels Regeneration (1991), The Eye In The Door
9 George Bataille Visions of Excess Selected Writings 1927-1939 (Manchester (1993) and The Ghost Road, 1995.
University Press, 1985). See also M artin Jay Downcast Eyes (Berkeley: 2 See Raymond Firth’s essay ‘Contemporary British social anthropology’,
University of California Press, 1993). American Anthropologist 53, 1951, pp. 474-89; George Stocking After Tylor
10 Stocking After Tylor, p. 112. See Bouquet Reclaiming English Kinship', (London: Athlone Press, 1996); and Paul Stoller The Taste of Ethnographic
Langham British Social Anthropology, Stocking The Ethnographer’s Magic, Things (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1989).
Urry, ‘Notes and Queries’. 3 It leads to the problem of ‘the self and scientism’ which runs through classic
11 Langham British Social Anthropology, p. 70. ethnography. See Judith Okely’s important early essay ‘The self and
12 For a detailed discussion, see Bouquet Reclaiming English Kinship. scientism’, Journal o f the Anthropological Society o f Oxford 6:3, 1975,
13 Langham British Social Anthropology, p. 72. pp. 171-85. I draw on Barker’s image of the eye in the door to evoke this
14 Bouquet ‘Family trees’, p. 44. See also Bouquet Reclaiming English Kinship. splitting of the ethnographer’s personality, see ‘The eye in the door’ in
15 See Berger’s classic essay ‘The moment of Cubism’, reprinted in The White M. Banks and II. Morphy (eds.) Rethinking Visual Anthropology (New
Bird (London: Chatto and Windus, 1985), pp. 159 88. Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1997), pp. 36-52.
16 Herbert Read A Concise History o f Modem. Painting (London: Thames and 4 Quoted in Raymond Firth (ed.) M a n and Culture (London: Routledge,
Hudson, 1991), p. 182. 1957), p. 6. See also Jonathan Spencer ‘Anthropology as a kind of writing’,
17 See ‘The Modernist M oment and After, 1895-1945’, this volume. M an NS 24, 1990, pp. 145-64.
18 John Golding Cubism: a History and an Analysis (London: Faber, 1988), 5 For example Harry Payne ‘Malinowski’s style’, Proceedings o f the American
p. 51. Philosophical Society 125:6 1981, pp. 416-40; Clifford Geertz Works and
19 See Stephen Kern I'he Culture of Time and Space 1880-1918 (Cambridge, Lives (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1988); and James Clifford The Predicament
Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1983); and John Berger Success and Eailure of Culture (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1988).
of Picasso (London: Granta Books, 1992), p. 54. 6 See James Clifford’s essay ‘On ethnogaphic authority’, in The Predicament of
20 Read A Concise History, p. 20. Culture, pp. 21—54.
21 Ib id ., p p . 16-17. 7 Sec Jay Ruby’s essay ‘“The Aggie will come first” : the demystification of
22 Especially John Golding Cubism, and Stephen Kern The Culture o f Time and Robert Flaherty’ in J.B. Danzker (ed,) Robert Flaherty: Photographer/Film­
Space. maker (Vancouver: Vancouver Art Gallery, 1980), pp. 66-73; and Fatimah
184 N otes со pages 46 50 N otes to pages 5 1 -6 185

Tobing Rony The Third Eye: Race, Cinema and Ethnographic Spectacle 28 See the discussion of neorealism and Bazinian interpretation in ‘Cinema and
(Durham, N C , and London: Duke University Press, 1996). anthropology in the postwar world’, this volume; also Rothman’s essay on
8 Rony ibid. and Ruby ibid. Also Brian Winston Claiming the Real (London: Nanook in his Documentary Film Classics (Cambridge University Press,
British Film Institute, 1995); and Dai Vaughan ‘Complaccnt rebel: a re- 1997), pp. 1-20.
cvaluation of the work of Robert Flaherty’, Definition 1, 1960, pp. 15-25. 29 For a discussion of different kinds of light, see M artin Jay Downcast Eyes
9 Paul Rotha Robert J. Flaherty: A Biography (Philadelphia: University of (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993).
Pennsylvania Press, 1983), p. 275. 30 See Andrew Barry ‘Reporting and visualising’, in C- Jenks (ed.) Visual
10 See M artin Jay ‘The disenchantment of the eye: Surrealism and the crisis of Culture (London: Routledge, 1995), pp. 42-57; and Lorraine Daston and
ocularcentrism ’, reprinted in L. Taylor (ed.) Visualizing Theory (New York Peter Galison ‘The image of objectivity’, Representations 40, Fall 1992,
and London: Routledge, 1994), pp. 15-38.; and Paul Fussell’s classic book pp. 81-128; and M artin Jay Downcast Eyes.
The Great War and Adodem Memory (Oxford University Press, 1975). 31 Simon Schaffer From Physics to Anthropology - and Back Again (Cambridge:
11 Winston Claiming the Real, p. 8 Prickly Pear Press, 1994).
12 Ibid. 32 For a fuller discussion of the Torres Straits expedition, see ‘The modernist
13 Vaughan,‘Complacent rebel’, p. 15. moment and after’, this volume.
14 Malinowski ‘Introduction: the subject, method and scope of this inquiry’, in 33 See the work of Paul Stoller, for example The Taste o f Ethnographic Things
Argonauts o f the Western Pacific (Tendon: Routledge, 1922), p. 25. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1989) and Sensuous Scholar­
15 Despite the many contrasts between the cinema of Griffith and Flaherty, I ship (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997), and my essay on
find it impossible to watch the latter without seeing the former. Each time I the visionary impulse in anthropological understanding ‘The end in the
view Nanook o f the North, I see behind it Griffith’s 1919 Broken Blossoms. It is beginning: new year at Rizong’, in C.W. Watson (ed.) Being There: Fieldwork
the way that Flaherty uses close-up and panoramic shots to suggest people in Anthropology (London: Pluto Press, 1999), pp. 121 40.
in the physical (rather than historical/social) landscape which seems to owe 34 Geertz Works and Lives, pp. 4—5.
much to Griffith. 35 Anna Grimshaw and Keith H art Anthropology and the Crisis o f the Intellectuals
16 Robert Flaherty ‘Nanook’ (1951) reprinted in L. Jacobs (ed.) The Emergence (Cambridge: Prickly Pear Press, 1993), p. 15.
of Film A rt (New York: Hopkinson and Blake, 1969), p. 221. 36 For example Elizabeth Edwards ‘Introduction’, in E. Edwards (ed.) Anthro­
17 Added emphases, quoted in Richard Barsam The Vision o f Robert Flaherty pology and Photography (New Haven and London: Yale University Press,
(Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988), p. 15. 1992), pp. 3 -1 7 ; Terence Wright ‘T he fieldwork photographs of Jenness
18 Rotha Robert J. Flaherty, p. 284. and Malinowski and the beginnings of modern anthropology’, Journal o f the
19 Andre Bazin ‘T he evolution of the language of cinema’, in What Is Cinema? Anthropological Society o f Oxford 22:1, 1991, pp. 41-58; and Michael Young
Vol. I (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1967), p. 27. M alinowski’s Kiriwina: Fieldwork Photography 1915-1918 (University of
20 Dudley Andrew ‘Broken Blossoms: the vulnerable text and the marketing of Chicago Press, 1998).
masochism’, in Film in the A ura o f A rt (Princeton University Press, 1984), 37 Christopher Pinney ‘The parallel histories of anthropology and photo­
p. 21. Although Andrew is referring to Griffith’s 19 19 film, his description is graphy’, in E. Edwards (ed.) Anthropology and Photography, p. 82.
evocative of the dramatic structure Flaherty uses in his film. See also note 38 This distinction is also central to the strand of French anthropology
15, this chapter associated with Marcel Griaule, see his Methode de Tethnographie (Paris:
21 Bazin ‘Evolution’, p. 38. For a fuller discussion of Andre Bazin, see ‘Cinema Presses Universitaires de France, 1957). For an assessment of Griaule’s
and anthropology in the postwar world’, this volume. approach, see James Clifford ‘Power and dialogue in ethnography: Marcel
22 The notion of ‘non-preconception’ is a phrase much used by Frances Griaule’s initiation’, in The Predicament o f Culture (Cambridge, Mass.:
Flaherty, see her memoir The Oddyssey of a Film-maker: Robert Flaherty's Harvard University Press, 1988), pp. 55-91; and Paul Stoller The Cinematic
Story (Urbana, 111.: Beta Phi M u), 1960. John Goldman provides a valuable Griot (University of Chicago Press, 1992). See also the chapter in Part II,
account of working with Flaherty in A rthur Calder-Marshall’s biography this volume, on the anthropological cinema of Jean Rouch.
The Innocent Eye (London: W.H. Allen, 1963), pp. 158-63. 39 Geertz Works and Lives, p. 77.
23 Rony The Third Flye, p. 101. 40 Grimshaw and H art Crisis o f the Intellectuals.
24 See John Berger and Jean Mohr Another Way o f Telling (Cambridge: Granta 41 See George Marcus ‘The modernist sensibility in recent ethnographic
Books, 1989). writing and the cinematic metaphor of montage’, in L. Taylor (ed.) Visual­
25 See William Rothm an’s essay on Nanook o f the North in Documentary Film izing Theory, pp. 37 53.
Classics (Cambridge University Press, 1996), pp. 1-20. 42 John Berger Keeping A Rendezvous (London: Granta Books, 1992), p. 14.
26 John Berger The White Bird (London: Chatto and Windus, 1985), p. 160. 43 Walter Benjamin ‘The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction’, in
27 Rony The Third Eye, p. 14. Illuminations (New York: Schocken Books, 1969), pp. 217-51.
186 N otes to pages 5 7 -6 4 N otes to pages 6 4 -7 4 187

Anthropologist 53, 1954, pp. 474-89; and George Stocking After Tylor
4 T H E L I G H T O F R E A S O N : J O H N G R IE R S O N , R A D C L IF F E -
(London: Athlone Press, 1996).
20 Fabian Time and the Other.
1 Edm und Leach Rethinking Anthropology (London: Athlone Press, 1961) 21 Ian Langham The Building o f Social Anthropology (Dordrecht: Reidel, 1981),
2 See Brian Winston Claiming the Real (London: British Film Institute, p. 252.
1995). 22 Winston Claiming the Real.
3 Antony Gormley A ntony Gormley (London: Phaidon Press, 1997). See also 23 For example Method in Social Anthropology ed. M.N. Srinivas (University of
M artin Jay Downcast Eyes (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993), Chicago Press, 1958).
p. 122. 24 Stocking After Tyler, p. 304.
4 See Fabian’s Time and the Other (New York: Columbia University Press, 25 For example, Langham Social Anthropology and G. Stocking (ed.) Function­
1983). I do not deal here with the gendered implications of Fabian’s alism Historicized: Essays on British Social Anthropology (University of Wis­
interpretation of observation as an anthropological technique. But see my consin Press, 1984).
essay ‘The Ethnographer’s Eye: notes on work in progress’, Martor, The 26 Mary Bouquet Reclaiming English Kinship (Manchester University Press,
Museum of the Romanian Peasant Anthropology Review, 2, pp. 4 2 -9. 1993), p. 61.
5 See Michel Foucault Discipline and Punish (New York: Vintage Books, 27 Harry C. Payne ‘Malinowski’s style’, Proceedings o f the American Philosophical
1979). Foucault: A Critical Reader ed. D. Couzens Hoy (Oxford: Black- Society 125:6, December 1981, pp. 416 40.
well, 1986) offers a good range of critical reflections on Foucault’s work. 28 Robert Thornton ‘The rhetoric of ethnographic holism’, Cultured Anthro­
See especially M artin Jay’s essay ‘In the empire of the gaze: Foucault and pology'3 , 1988, pp. 285-303.
the denigration of vision in twentieth century French thought’, 29 Clifford Geertz Works and Lives (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1988), pp. 63-6.
pp. 175-204. 30 Fabian Time and the Other, p. 107; Geertz ibid., p. 68.
6 John Grierson ‘Flaherty’ (1931) reprinted in (ed.) F. Hardy Grierson on 31 Anna Grimshaw and Keith H art Anthropology and the Crisis o f the Intellectuals
Documentary (London: Faber, 1979), p. 32. (Cambridge: Prickly Pear Press, 1993).
7 See Bill Nichols Ideology and Image: Social Representation in the Cinema and 32 Fabian Time and the Other, p. 104.
Other Media (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1981) хай Representing 33 Grimshaw and H art, ibid.
Reality: Issues and Concepts in Documentary (Bloomington: Indiana University 34 See, for example, Henrika Kuklick The Savage Within (Cambridge Univer­
Press, 1991); also Winston, Claiming the Real. sity Press, 1991) and Winston Claiming the Real.
8 John Carey The Intellectuals and the Masses (London: Faber 1992). 35 Winston, Claiming the Real.
9 Ibid., p. 31 and p. 12 respectively. 36 Winston ibid., p. 53.
10 Ibid.
11 See Ian Aitkin Film and Reform: John Grierson and the Documentary Film.
M ovement (London: Routledge, 1990). See also Paul Swann The British
Documentary Film M ovement 1926-1946 (Cambridge University Press,
12 There are interesting issues here in relation to the rise of the ‘docu-soap’. 1 Peter Bondanella’s writings form a key sourcc on Rossellini and Italian neo­
For this new genre, with its marked emphasis on ‘ordinary’ people in die realist cinema, especially Italian Cinema: Prom Neorealism to the Present (New
workplace, might be understood as a reinvention of the Griersonian project York: Frederick Ungar, 1983) and The Films o f Roberto Rosssellini (Cam­
even though the docu-soap is widely conccivcd as an explicit rejection of bridge University Press, 1993). See also Peter Brunette Roberto Rossellini
Griersonian documentary. Unfortunately it is beyond the scopc of this work (Oxford University Press, 1987); and Millicent Marcus Italian Film in the
to pursue these questions. Light- o f Neorealism (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1986).
13 John Corner The A rt of Record: A critical introduction to documentary (Man­ 2 Dudley Andrew Andre B azin (New York: Columbia University Press, 1990),
chester University Press, 1996), p. 63. p. 21.
14 ‘Drifters’, reprinted in Hardy Grierson on Documentary, p. 19. 3 Ibid., p. 109.
15 Corner The A rt of Record. 4 David MacDougall makes a similar point in arguing for tile distinctiveness
16 Adam Kuper Anthropology and Anthropologists: The Modern British School of visual ways of knowing, see Transcultural Cinema (Princeton, N.J.:
1922 -1972 (London: Routledge, 1983), p. 50. Princeton University Press, 1998), p. 70.
17 See his essays in Hardy, Grierson on Documentary. 5 The major films considered to constitute Italian neo-realism include: Rossel­
18 Winston Claiming the Real, p. 39. lini’s ‘The War Trilogy’ - Roma Citta Aperta/Rome, Open City (1945), Paisal
19 Raymond Firth ‘Contemporary British social anthropology’, American Paisan (1946) and Allemania A nno Zero!Germany Year Zero (1947); Obsession
188 N otes to pages 7 4 -8 0 N otes to pages 81 4 189

(1942, Visconti); La Terra Trema/The Earth Trembles (1948, Visconti); 21 Rouch quoted by Eaton, Anthropology-Reality-Cinema, p. 57.
Sciuscia/Shoeshine (1946, De Sica); Ladri de Biciclette/The Bicycle Thief {1948, 22 As Bluem observes, documentary had suffered along with other kinds of
De Sica) and Umberto D (1951, De Sica). film in the period after World War II when cinema audiences collapsed.
6 Quoted in Bondanclla Italian Cinema, p. 32. Television was important in rescuing documentary; it served as an espe­
7 See, in particular, his essays collected as W hat Is Cinema? Vol. I and Vol. II cially appropriate site for this kind of non-fiction film-making. From the
(Berkeley and London: University of California Press, 1967 and 1971). See beginning of its development as a distinctive form, documentarians con­
also Andrew, Andre Bazin. ceived of their project as one with an explicit social purpose. Television
8 The classic features associated with realism, according to Williams, are now provided the mass audience it had always sought. Sec William Bluem
social extension, the situation of action in the present and the secular nature Documentary in American Television (New York: Hastings House, 1965).
of action. See ‘A lecture on realism’, Screen 18:1, Spring 1977, 61-74. Other important sources on direct cinema include Barsam, Nonfiction Film ;
9 Bondanella, Italian Cinema, p. 34. Steven M amber Cinema Verite in America (Cambridge, Mass.: M IT Press,
10 Bazin, W hat Is Cinema? Vol. II, p. 21. 1974); and P.J. O’Connell Robert Drew and the Development of Cinema Verite
11 Marcus, Italian Film, p. 72. in America (Carbondale and EdwardsviHe: Southern Illinois University
12 Bazin, W hat Is Cinema? Vol. II, p. 33. Press, 1992).
13 Quoted in Dudley Andrew, Andre Bazin, p. 120. Sec also MacDougall’s 23 Elia Kazan in particular - On The Waterfront (1954) is a classic example.
essay ‘Visual anthropology and ways of knowing’, Transcultural Cinema, 24 He continues ‘I have to find a story that’s actually happening with its own
pp. 61 -92. structure, its own dynamic. I seek people driven by their own forces - forces
14 Bazin, What. Is Cinema? Vol. II, p. 76 and p. 81. The kind of cinema so strong that they can forget about me - and capture this action as it
envisaged by Bazin was more fully explored by Cesarc Zavattini in his essay happens. I want to edit it, but not for information, not for size or weight, or
‘Some ideas on the cinema’ (1953), reprinted in R. Dyer M cCann (ed.) time or space, but for feeling and character and a dramatic development of
Film: A Montage of Theories (New York: E.P. Dutton and Co, 1966), the story’, Robert Drew in Bleum, Documentary in American Television,
pp. 216-28. pp. 258 9. Drew was primarily a producer. He took responsibility for
15 See Louis Marcorelles Living Cinema: New Directions in Contemporary Film- raising the finance and negotiating transmission, while those around him
making (New York and Washington: Praeger, 1973), pp. 4 3 -4 . Other useful were the film-makers proper. They were multi-skilled, functioning variously
references to the British Free Cinema may be found in Richard Barsam Non as camera operators, sound recordists and editors.
Fiction Film: A Critical History (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 25 As Leacock’s own remarks reveal. Commenting on an early film he made:
1992). ‘J a z z Dance [1954J gave me a taste of freedom. I will never forget the sheer
16 The movement between the genres of documentary and fiction film was joy of shooting that night, the exhilaration of a small, utterly mobile camera
usually in one direction; and it was reflected in the trajectory of film-makers in my hands, whirling, spinning, creating’, unpublished memoir written in
themselves. Most began their careers in documentary, using it as a training 1992, reprinted in K. MacDonald and M. Cousins (eds.) Imagining Reality.
ground for their later work in fiction film - for example Rossellini himself, The Faber Book of Documentary (London: Faber and Faber, 1996), p. 252.
Antonioini, and Fellini. See also James Blue ‘One man’s truth: interview with Richard Leacock’,
17 I follow conventional usage in employing the term ‘cinema verite’ to refer to Film Comment 3:2, 1965, 15 23; O ’Connell, Robert. Drew.
the new approach associated with French film-makers, especially Jean 26 As MacDonald and Cousins point out, there is a certain irony in the
Rouch; and the term ‘dircct cinema’ to refer to the approach identified with freedom from established documentary conventions that the dircct film­
American film-makers associated with Robert Drew. makers proclaimed and die speed with which they codified their own rules.
18 For example, Barsam, Nonfiction Film. It is an explanation often slipped into See MacDonald and Cousins, Imagining Reality, p. 250.
accounts without any interrogation of the assumptions that are contained 27 See particularly Bazin, W hat Is Cinema? Vol. II, and Zavattini’s essay ‘Some
within such a technologically determined perspective. Mick Eaton is an ideas on the cinema’. Marcorelles describes Leacock’s vision as an ‘Amer­
important exception, see his essay ‘The production of cinematic reality’, in ican vision’, ‘his films are the expression of society in perpetual motion’ in
Eaton (ed.) Amhropology-Reality-Cinema: The Films o f Jean Rouch (London: ‘The Leacock experiment’, reprinted in J. Hillier (ed.) Cahiers du Cinema -
British Film Institute, 1979). 1960s (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1986), p. 266. For a
19 Reprinted in Bill Nichols Movies and Methods Vol. I (Berkeley: University of more detailed critique of certain cultural and gendered assumptions built
California Press, 1971), pp. 224-37. into dircct cinema approach, see Mamber, Cinema Verite.
20 The contrast in the origins of their critical cinematic perspective (Rouch’s 28 Bazin quoted in Andrew, Andre Bazin, p. 122.
emerging from life, Truffaut’s emerging from ideas/criticism) finds expres­ 29 Ibid., p. 109.
sion in the contrast between innocence and wit of films made by the former 30 Rouch’s project is a radical one, challenging established conventions in­
and the knowingness and irony of the New Wave auteurs. cluding the nature of reality itself. Direct cinema, with its emphasis upon
190 N otes to pages 8 4 - 6 N otes to pages 8 6 -8 191

information and reform, is much more of a liberal project. It is predicated with his contemporaries, Sartre, Camus and de Beauvoir, he notes that
upon a certain belief in the objective existence of reality. Levi-Strauss was not to be found on the barricades but in his laboratory.
31 The direct cinema of Robert Drew was marked by a renewed commitment Pace, nevertheless, reminds us that Tristes Tropiques reveals a different side
to artificc in the form of devices deriving from fiction film, most notably to the detached theoretician. The book stands as an interesting marker in
drama, crisis, character and narrative. the transition from the older speculative style of anthropology to the newer
32 George Stocking After Tylor (London: Athlone Press, 1996), p. xv. scientific enterprise. Published in 1955, it reveals die dialectical poles of
33 See James Clifford’s classic essay ‘On ethnographic authority’, in The Levi-Strauss’s own career.
Predicament of Culture (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1988), 38 Vincent, Anthropology and Politics. Sec also Jane Collier’s essay ‘The waxing
pp. 21 54. and waning of “subfields” in N orth American sociocultural anthropology’,
34 The ideas developed here owe much to my collaboration with Keith Hart. in Gupta and Ferguson (eds.) Anthropological Locations, pp. 117 -30. David
Earlier versions of this argument may be found in Anna Grimshaw and MacDougall develops a perspective similar to that of Vincent, arguing not
Keith H art Anthropology and the Crisis of the Intellectuals (Cambridge: Prickly for the recognition of visual anthropology as a specialist subfield. He
Pear Press, 1993) and ‘The rise and fall of scientific ethnography’, in suggests that visual anthropology should develop as the critical counterpoint
A. Ahmed and C. Shore (eds.) The Future of Anthropology (London: Athlone to the ideas and methods of textual anthropology, ‘The visual in anthro­
Press, 1995), pp. 46- 64. pology’, in M. Banks and H. Morphy (eds.) Rethinking Visual Anthropology
35 Among the useful sources on different national traditions are Nicole (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1997), pp. 276-94, and
Belmont Arnold Van Gennep (University of Chicago Press, 1979), James his collected essays Transcultural Cinema. See also Faye Ginsburg ‘Institutio­
Clifford The Predicament o f Culture (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University nalizing the unruly: charting a future for visual anthropology’, FAhnos 63:2,
Press, 1988); Stanley Diamond Anthropology: Ancestors and Heirs (The 1998, pp. 173-201.
Hague: Mouton, 1980); Maurice Freedman M ain Trends in Social and 39 Of course, visual anthropology exists as an important strand within the
Cultural Anthropology (New York: Holmes and Meier, 1979); Tomas French tradition. Given the personalities of its leading figures, Marcel
Gerholm and Ulf Hannerz ‘The shaping of national anthropologies’, Ethnos Griaule and Jean Rouch, it is difficult to describe their work as constituting a
47, 1982, 5-35; A. Gupta and J. Ferguson (eds.) Anthropological Locations: subdiscipline in the conventional sense of the term. See chapter 6, this
Boundaries and Grounds of a Field Science (Berkeley: University of California volume, oil Jean Rouch.
Press, 1997); Adam Kuper Anthropology and Anthropologists (London: Rout­ 40 Gregory Bateson and Margeret Mead Balinese Character: A Photographic
ledge and Kegan Paul, 1983); Sherry Ortner ‘Theory in anthropology since Analysis (New York Academy of Sciences, 1942), p. xi. A fuller discussion of
the sixties’, Comparative Studies in Society and History 26, 1984, pp. 126-66; this work may be found in Ira Jacknis ‘Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson
A.I. Richards ‘African Systems of Thought: An Anglo-French Dialogue’, in Bali: dieir use of photography and film’, Cultural Anthropology 3:2,
M an NS 2, 1967, pp. 286-98; George Stocking ‘Paradigmatic traditions in pp. 160-77. Also Andrew Lakoff ‘Freezing time: Margaret M ead’s diag­
the history of anthropology’, in R.C. Olby et. al. Companion to the History of nostic photography’, Visual Anthropology Review 12:1, Spring 1996,
M odem Science (New York and London: Routledge, 1990), pp. 712 27; pp. 1-18.
Bob Schölte ‘Epistemic paradigms: some problems in cross-cultural research 41 For example Bateson’s analysis of a German propaganda film ‘Cultural and
on social anthropological history and theory’, American Anthropologist 68, thematic analysis of fiction films’, Transactions o f the New York Academy of
Oct 1966, pp. 1192 -1201; Joan Vincent Anthropology and Politics (Tuscon: Sciences 1943; and ‘An analysis of the Nazi film “Hitlerjunge Quex’” ,
University of Arizona Press, 1990). Studies in Visual Communication 6:3, 1980, pp. 20-55. See also Faye Gins­
Of course die differences between these national traditions are important burg, ‘Institutionalizing the unruly’; and Sol Worth ‘Margaret Mead and the
and interesting. I am, however, simplifying these complexities in favour of a shift from “Visual Anthropology” to die “Anthropology of Visual ( Com­
more general argument about the context in which visual anthropology was munication’” , Studies in Visual Communication 6 A , 1980, pp. 15-22.
shaped as a subdiscipline. 42 Seven films were eventually released. The series, Character Formation in
36 There are no more stories of ‘conversion’ to anthropology like H addon’s Different Cultures, comprised - Bathing Babies', Three Cultures; Karba’s First
recruitment of Bateson in the course of a train journey from London to Years; First Days in the Life o f a New Guinea Baby; Trance and Dance in Bali
Cambridge. See Jack Goody’s account of the development of the so-called (all released in 1951); followed by A Balinese Family (1952) and Childhood
‘British’ school, The Expansive Moment: The Rise of Social Anthropology in Rivalry in Bali and New Guinea (1953). Given M ead’s predilection for
Britain and Africa 1918 1970 (Cambridge University Press, 1995). instruction and simplification, the edited films reveal little of the subtlety of
37 See David Pace’s study, Claude Levi-Strauss: The Bearer o f Ashes (London: the original project.
Routledge, 1983). Central to Pace’s understanding of Lcvi-Strauss’s career 43 The writings of Karl Heider reveals this most starkly. There is a preoccupa­
is the dialectical relationship between the roles of philosopher and academic, tion with classificatory features as die means to assert distinctiveness of
social commentator and scientist. Juxtaposing the French anthropologist ethnographic film from its rival forms and thereby to lay claim to academic
192 N otes to pages 8 8 -9 0 N otes to page 91 193

respectability, see Ethnographic Film (Austin: University ot Texas Press, 5 Jay, Downcast Eyes, p. 69.
1976). As Taylor notes, too, there is often an attempt to ‘linguify’ film, 6 Hammond, following Ocatvio Paz, The Shadow, p. 2. There is a vast
‘Iconophobia: how anthropology lost it at the movies’, Transition 69, 1996, literature on surrealism; but in terms of my interests here I refer the reader
pp. 64- 88. See also J. Rollwagen (ed.) Anthropological Filmmaking (Chur, to Victor Bürgin (ed.) Thinking Photography (London: MacMillan, 1982);
Switzerland: Harwood Academic Press, 1988); Jay Ruby ‘Is an ethnographic Octavio Pa7. Children o f the Mire: M odem Poetry from Romanticism to the
film a filmic ethnography?’, Studies in the Anthropology o f Visual Communi­ Avant-Garde (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1991); and
cation 2:2, pp. 104 11, and ‘Exposing yourself: reflexivity, film and anthro­ Maurice Nadeau’s classic study A History o f Surrealism (Harmondsworth:
pology’, Semiotica, 3, 1980, pp. 153—79. Penguin Books, 1978).
44 Brian Winston Claiming The Real (London: British Film Institute, 1995), 7 Jean Rouch ‘The camera and m an’, in Paul Hockings (cd.) The Principles of
pp. 175-78. Rachcl Moore, referring to Asch’s work as carricd out ‘under Visual Anthropology (The Hague: Mouton, 1975), p. 89.
the auspices of a most pernicious positivism’, also articulates a critique of 8 Paul Stoller’s critical writings have been important in bringing Rouch to the
the assumptions underlying The A x Fight. See ‘Marketing alterity’, in (ed.) attention of contemporary anthropologists, especially those working within
L. Taylor Visualizing Theory (New York and London: Routledge, 1994), the Anglo-American tradition. See, in particular, Stoller The Cinematic Griot.
pp. 126 39. Other writers have sought to rehabilitate Asch, claiming that and Sensuous Scholarship (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,
The A x Fight, in highlighting the problem of explanation, anticipated anthro­ 1997). Indeed Stoller himself builds upon Rouch’s approach to advocate a
pology’s later cpistemological crisis. Sec Jay Ruby ‘Out of sync: the cinema new kind of anthropological engagement which he variously calls ‘radical
of Tim Asch’, Visual Anthropology Review, 11:1, 1995, pp. 19-35; and Dan empiricism’ (1992) and ‘sensuous scholarship’ (1997). A number of other
Marks ‘Filmography and ethnographic film: from Flaherty to Asch and attempts to establish a more experientially-based project strongly resonate
after’, American Anthropologist 97:2, 1995, pp. 339-47. widi a Rouchian vision of anthropology. The work of Michael Jackson
Ruby quotes Asch extensively; with the benefit of hindsight, the film­ immediately springs to mind - especially his Paths Toward A Clearing
maker reveals his own reservations about the ‘simplistic, straightjacketed, (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1981) and M inim a Ethnographica:
one-sided explanation’ advanced in The A x Fight.. Asch claims that as the Intersubjectivity and the Anthropological Project (Chicago University Press,
project unfolded he increasingly began to doubt die assumptions under­ 1998). Sec also Richard Shweder (ed.) Thinking Through Cultures: Expedi­
pinning his enterprise - he had, as he put it, ‘the suspicion of the whole field tions in Cultural Psychology (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,
beginning to fall apart before my very eyes’, Ruby ‘Out of sync’, p. 28. 1991) and Unni Wikan ‘Beyond words: the power of resonance’ in
45 Among the early critiques were Tal Asad (ed.) Anthropology and the Colonial P. Palsson (ed.) Beyond Boundaries: Understanding, Translation and Anthro­
Encounter (London: Ithaca Press, 1973); and Dell Hymcs Reinventing pological Discourse (Oxford: Berg, 1993), pp. 184-209.
Anthropology (New York: Pantheon Books, 1972). Later challenges are most 9 The question of what influences have shaped Rouch’s project is a vexing
strongly associated with J. Clifford and G. Marcus (eds.) Writing Culture one. On the one hand, diere is a strong temptation to try and find an
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986) and George Marcus and appropriate category by which his work may be explained as, say, a form of
Michael Fischer Anthropology as Cultural Critique (Chicago University Press, surrealist, sensuous or shamanistic anthropology. On the other hand, it is
1986). See also Richard Fox (ed.) Recapturing Anthropology: Working in the tempting to present Rouch as unique, an unusual, idiosyncratic personality
Present (Santa Fe, New Mexico: School of American Research Press, 1992). whose trajectory cannot be grounded cither within the traditions of anthro­
pology or cinema. Certainly he is a beguiling figure, one who instinctively
resists the constraints of academic convention. Stoller, The Cinematic Griot,
provides some important biographical information about Rouch’s early life;
and James Clifford’s essays ‘Power and dialogue in ethnography: Marcel
1 Quoted in Paul Hammond The Shadow and Its Shadow: Surrealist Writings on Griaule’s initiation’ and ‘On ethnographic surrealism’, in The Predicament
Cinema (Edinburgh: Polygon, 1991), pp. 18-19. o f Culture (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1988) pp. 55 91
2 Paul Stoller The Cinematic Griot: The Ethnography o f Jean Rouch (Chicago and pp. 117-51, are invaluable in establishing the andtropological setting
University Press, 1992), p. 151. out of which Rouch’s work emerged. But it is perhaps Rouch’s own
3 M artin Jay Downcast Eyes (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993). remarks which offer the greatest insight into the context of his intellectual
4 There is always a problem with Rouch’s own explanations and a temptation formation: ‘in the thirties, “anthropology” per se did not exist. All the
to take him at his word. This involves following his refusal to operate people who were in some way “artists” or “ anthropologists”, well they
through conventional intellectual categories, celebrating his originality were philosophers; they were thinkers, they were writers, they were poets,
rather dian subjecting it to scrutiny. There are some notable exceptions, for they were architects, they were film-makers, they were members of only
instance Mick Eaton ‘The production of cinematic reality’, in Eaton (ed.) one very wide group. It was, in fact, Гavant-garde. They were exchanging
Anthropology-Reality-Cinema (London: British Film Institute, 1979). their experiments, and Paris was a strange kind of workshop where there
194 N otes to page 93 N otes to pages 9 3 -4 195
was a sharing of all these experiments’, quoted in Jeanette DeBouzek ‘The grass boys, mosquito killers, cattle boys, traders, bottle sellers, tin boys,
“Ethnographic Surrealism” of Jean Rouch’, Visual Anthropology 2:3 and 4, timber sellers, gutter boys and gold miners.
1989, p. 302. Il l use the term ‘montage’ not in the strictly Eisensteinian sense but to refer
In highlighting the unusual character of the historical conditions in which to a kind of episodic construction, rather than a developmental or progres­
his work developed, I follow the approach of C.L.R. James. For example, sive narrative. Nevertheless, I am suggesting that there is a connection
James considered the outburst of creativity by Caribbean writers, poets, between the site of the film, the city and this kind of formal assembly.
musicians and cricketers such as Vidia Naipaul, Wilson Harris, George Eisenstein was, of course, the great theoretician and practitioner of
Lamming, Derek Walcott, Mighty Sparrow and Garfield Sobers during the montage; but he readily acknowledged his debt to Griffith. See his classic
late 1950s and 1960s to be inseparable from the general context of indepen­ essay ‘Dickens, Griffith and the film today’, in Film Form: Essays in Film
dence politics. The struggle by artists to innovate, to push beyond limits of a Theory (New York: Harcourt, 1949), pp. 195-255. Here Eisenstein portrays
colonial language and European aesthetic forms was, in his view, mirrored Griffith’s development of montage as intimately connected to the urban
by the popular movement of peoples across Asia, Africa and the Caribbean context of America.
which challenged the political structures of colonial rule. Moreover, James 12 Indeed Rouch enhances the contrasts between the two aspects of lived
pointed out that in these unusual situations a new relationship is forged reality. For our first glimpse of the Hauka in trance is of dark figures moving
between artist and audience, a direct unmediated connection which gener­ against a night sky, while the ceremony which Les Maitres Fous documents is
ates a new creative force. Improvisation then emerges as the form which actually held during daylight hours. See also n. 29.
embodies a direct connection between artist and audience. See The C.L.R. 13 Stoller claims that a screening of Les Maitres Fous provokes vomiting in at
James Reader ed. Anna Grimshaw (Oxford: Blackwell, 1992). Rouch’s open­ least one of his students. Stoller Cinematic Griot, p. 158.
ness to his immediate audience, to his African subjects, may be seen in a 14 This is a view echoed by a leading contemporary film maker, M artin
similar way. He himself likens it to jazz: ‘a masterpiece is created when this Scorcese, in his Personal Journey Through American Movies , Channel Four
inspiration of the observer is in unison with the collective inspiration of what Television, May 1995. To these effects we might also add the difficulties in
he is observing. But this is so rare, it demands such a connivance, that I can obtaining prints of Rouch’s work; and as a consequence screenings acquire a
only compare it to those exceptional moments in a jam session between certain aura. For example, Peter Loizos in his book Innovation in Ethno­
Duke Ellington’s piano and Louis Armstrong’s trum pet’, ‘Conversation graphic Film: From Innocence to Self-Consciousness, 1955—1985 (Manchester
between Jean Rouch and Professor Enrico Fulchignoni’, Visual Anthropology University Press, 1993) describes an almost thirty-year wait to see Мог, Un
2, 1989, p. 299. Noir. Moreover, as other commentators have pointed out, for example
W hat I am not saying, then, is that Rouch’s work should be interpreted as Eaton (ed.) Anthropology-Reality-Cinema the audience’s experience of
any straightforward reflection of a particular moment in West African Rouch’s films is often mediated through die presence of the Grand Master
history. Indeed Rouch himself is deeply hostile to the conventional rhetoric himself at public screenings. Stoller, in Sensuous Scholarship , argues that the
of revolutionary politics. Rather I want to suggest that he was working in transformative properties of Rouch’s cinema represent an extension of the
conditions of extreme fluidity, an instability which resonated through all Theatre of Cruelty conceived during die 1930s by Antonin Artaud: ‘in a
levels of social life from subjective experiences to structures of political cinema of cruelty the film-maker’s goal is not to recount per se, but to
power. Rouch’s pushing against the limits of cinematic and anthropological present an array of unsettling images that seek to transform the audience
forms is part and parcel of a more general climate in which fundamental pyschologically and politically’, p. 120. I agree with Stoller that much may
challenges were being posed to the established structures of contemporary be gained by exploring the points of connection between the projects
life. It is in such a complex, unstable world that the artist is able to see pursued by Artaud and Rouch (more with respect to Les Maüres Fous than
deeply, to become a visionary, a sort of prophet or shaman, a seer, who the other films). Nevertheless, it is important also to recognise that, despite
charts a journey through unknown territory, crosses boundaries, reveals significant resonances, their work is ultimately driven by very different
worlds which are not yet known to us (as Rouch says in Les Maitres Fous). impulses. The spirit of Rouch’s cinema sharply contrasts, I believe, with that
This is the point of fusion of Flaherty and Vertov - Rouch’s acknowledged of Artaud’s theatre. In understanding the nature of this difference I follow
ancestors. Rouch brings together the innocent/visionary eye of Flaherty with Susan Sontag: ‘The Surrealists arc connoisseurs of joy, freedom, pleasure.
Vertov’s refusal to accept die world as it presents itself. Steven Feld’s essay Artaud is a connoisseur of despair and moral struggle’. ‘Introduction’,
‘Themes in the cinema of Jean Rouch’, Visual Anthropology 2, 1989, Antonin Artaud: Selected Writings (New York: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux,
pp. 223 49 is a particularly valuable source. 1976), p. xxviii. For me, Rouch’s project lies much closer to the creative
10 One of the most striking early sequences in the film is made up of shots of spirit Sontag identifies with Breton and his Surrealist associates. His anthro­
the different jobs carried out by migrant workers, showing the sheer variety pological cinema, excepting perhaps Les Maitres Fous, has none of the
of the work they did. Rouch lists twelve: stevedores, smugglers, carriers, anguish and urgency characteristic of Artaud, whose cinema explodes from
N otes to pages 9 6 -8 N otes to pages 9 9 -1 0 1 197

the extremities of his own tortured relationship between mind, body and social context. T he camera, in order to see simultaneously both figure and
langauge. Artaud sets out his manifesto in The Theater and Its Double ground, must remain at a distance. Despite the commitment to a new
([1938] New York: Grove Press, 1981). human intimacy, the problem of distance is inherent within observational
15 Rouch concurs: ‘I no longer care for that ending’, he says during an cinema.
interview with Dan Georgakas, Udayan Gupta and Judy Janda ‘The politics Rouch’s camera is not fascinated by people in landscape; rather its focus
of visual anthropology’ Cineaste 8:4, 1978, pp. 17 24. Rouch blames it on is upon people who endlessly disrupt such a relationship. For migrants
the impromptu nature of the commentary. move, their subjectivities are not defined and confined by context. Hence
16 This is the only time in the narration that Rouch’s English translation Rouch’s camera is always close. See also chapter 7 on the work of David and
‘falters’. It occurs at the moment when he cuts to sccnes of the Hauka in Judith MacDougall.
possession. Is this ‘chance’, an accident? See also C.L.R. James’s thesis 24 DeBouzek suggests that Rouch’s narration shares important features with
concerning the centrality of Africans to modernity, The Black Jacobins: the practice of automatic writing developed by surrealist poets such as
Toussaint L ’Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution (Ixmdon: Allison and Breton and Hluard. She cites Rouch’s own description of the possession he
Busby, 1980). undergoes which allows his unconscious to shape the commentary. Hence it
17 Eaton ‘The production of cinematic reality’ in Anthropology-Reality-Cinema. is improvised, not planned; and it is done without a script. See her essay
18 Ibid., p. 5. ‘The “Ethnographic Surrealism” of Jean Rouch’. Significantly, though,
19 Clifford ‘Power and dialogue in ethnography’, pp. 8 1 2 . Jaguar’s sound and images are edited together so as to suggest their
20 Ibid., p. 60. synchronicity. Thus Rouch re-creatcs a coherent present with each screening
21 A num ber of other features of Griaulian anthropology noted by Clifford of the film. For another interesting analysis of the use of sound in Les
resonate with aspects of Rouch’s practice for example, Griaule’s distrust of Maitres Fous, see Diane Scheinman ‘The “Dialogic Imagination” of Jean
speech: ‘Of all the possible avenues to hidden truths the least reliable was Rouch’, in В. K. G rant and J. Sloniowski (eds.) Documenting the Documen­
speech what informants actually said in response to questions. This was tary (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1997), pp. 188 203.
due not merely to conscious lying and resistance to inquiry; it followed from 25 The recurrent problem of language in Rouch’s cinema is a reflection of a
dramatistic assumptions that were a leitmotif of his work. For Griaule every more general preoccupation shared by many French artists, film-makers and
informant’s self-presentation (along with that of the ethnographer) was a poets. For example, it stands at the centre of Artaud’s work. He was
dramatization, a putting forward of certain truths and a holding back of determined to break the stranglehold of language within theatre. ‘To break
others. In penetrating these conscious or unconscious disguises, lhe field­ through language in order to touch life is to create or recreate the theatre’,
worker had to exploit whatever advantages, whatever sources of power, Artaud writes in The Theatre and Its Double, p. 13. See Jacques Derrida’s two
whatever knowledge not based on interlocution he or she could acquire’, commentaries on Artaud ‘The theater of cruelty and the closure of represen­
ibid., pp. 67-8. The problem of words runs through Rouch’s cinema, tation’ and ‘La parole soufflee’, in Writing and Difference (University of
nowhere more starkly than in Chronique d ’un etc. Sec note 25 below. Chicago Press, 1978) pp. 232-50 and pp. 169-95, respectively. For the
22 Lucien Taylor ‘A Conversation with Jean Rouch’, Visual Anthropology surrealist poets, too, the necessity of transcending the limitations of language
Review, 7:1, Spring 1991, pp. 92 102. was central. Within French cinema it became a critical issue because the
23 See above ‘Cinema and anthropology in the postwar world’. Rouch made a coming of the talkies ended the brilliant, inventive era of the silent film. It
num ber of short films before Les Maitres Fous. See Eaton, Anthropology- led to the rise of a more narrative-based, ‘story-telling’ kind of cinema which
Reality-Cinema and Stoller, The Cinematic Griot. Rouch’s use of a camera in grounded spectators more effectively in reality than the freer, experimental
the field, as Stoller notes, owes much to the example of his teacher, Griaule, aesthetic of the silent film. See Roy Armes French Cinema (London: Seeker
whose commitment to different technologies within the context of extensive, and Warburg, 1985) and Alan Williams Republic o f Images: A History of
team-based fieldwork echoed the American and British models of the turn French Filmmaking (Cambridge, Mass.; Harvard University Press, 1992).
of the century. As we have seen, within the Anglo-American tradition, the 26 Original emphasis.
team-based approach quickly disappeared and with it the self-conscious 27 Taylor‘A conversation with Jean Rouch’, p. 101
interrogation of techniques and technologies. See Part I. 28 It is the visceral force unleashed at the centre of Rouch’s cinema that leads
The visual aesthetics of Rouch’s work, how he uses the camera, reveal the Stoller Sensuous Scholarship to use Artaud’s term ‘cruelty’ to characterise it.
distinctive way of seeing underlying his work. For his films are not distin­ Artaud himself writes: ‘I employ “cruelty” in the sense of an appetite for life,
guished by the kind of mise-en-scene that characterises die anthropological a cosmic rigor and implacable necessity, in the gnostic sense of a living
cinema of David and Judith MacDougall. The latter, with its roots in Italian whirlwind that devours the darkness, in the sense of that pain apart from
neorealist cinema, foregrounds the relationship between people and land­ whose ineluctable necessity life could not continue; good is desired, it is the
scape, expressing a conception of hum an subjectivity that is anchored in consequence of an act; evil is permanent.’ The Theatre and Its Double, p. 102.
198 N otes to pages 101 14 N otes to pages 116-21 199
29 This explains the apparent anomaly of the Les Maitres Fous’ opening pp. 248-63. Louis Marcorclles, too, observes Rouch’s wit, describing as
section, when a Hauka ceremony of strange, dark figures, silhouetted against ‘devilish’ his setting up of Morin in the film, Living Cinema (New York:
a night sky, is intercut with life in the city. The ceremony which the film Praeger, 1973), p. 35. Certainly the more I watch Chronique, the more I am
documents takes place in daylight. See also William Rothman’s essay on aware of the fundamentally different agendas of Rouch and Morin. Unwit­
Rouch in his book Documentary Film Classics (Cambridge University Press, tingly, it seems, M orin falls repeatedly into the traps which Rouch enjoys
1996), p. 70 setting for academics.
30 Rodiman, Documentary Film Classics, p. 103; and Stoller, Sensuous Scholar­ 41 Rothman Documentary Film Classics, p. 72.
ship , p. 130. 42 Rothman describes Rouch as ‘fugitive and elusive’; his agenda subverts diat
31 Stoller, The Cinematic Griot, p. J 37. of Morin, ibid. p. 86. See also n. 38 above.
32 It is important to understand that Rouch’s camcra takes on many of the 43 It was a ‘chancc’ occurrence that I was reading Melville and writing about
characteristics of his migrant subjects. Indeed, according to Colin Young Rouch at the same time. The coincidence, to follow Rouch, has opened up
and A. M artin Zweibeck, Rouch himself admits that ‘he prefers to use a creative avenues of critical exploration.
spring-wound camera so that he is compelled to keep on die move, always 44 ‘Introduction’ to Herman Melville The Confidence M an (Oxford University
changing to another angle, with no chancc to fall asleep at the tripod. This Press, 1989), p. xxii.
gives his films an abrupt, rhythmic cadence’, ‘Going out to the subject’ Film 45 I b i d p. xxvii.
Quarterly 13:2, 1959, p. 42. 46 Roland Barthes Image-Music-Text. (London: Fontana, 1977); and The Plea­
33 Eisenstein, Dickens, Griffith and the Film Today. sure o f the Text. (London: Jonathan Cape, 1975).
34 Both Eaton, Anthropology-Reality-Cinema and Stoller, The Cinematic Griot 47 Luck or chance play an interesting role in many of the postwar films ( The
note that die migrations from Niger to the Gold Coast ceased after Bicycle Thieves or О Dreamland); but unlike the characters of the Italian neo­
independence. Although this may be disputed, sincc national governments realist or British Free Cinema films, Rouch’s players usually win.
have never been able to control successfully the movement of people, Rouch 48 Barthes The Pleasure o f the Text. Although a num ber of contemporary
sets up symbolic opposition between movement and fixity. Rouch highlights writers (see n. 8 above) have been concerned to explore die possibilities of
the boundaries and bureaucratic rationality embodied in African nation­ sensuous and embodied anthropological knowledge, there remains a reluc­
hood. These questions are at the centre of the MacDougalls’ films made a tance to indulge in the wit, irony and playful subversiveness that gives
decade later in Uganda and Kenya. Rouch’s work such character. Academic andiropology has yet to find its
35 Despite the films’ focus on migrants, it is not the specifics of migration that sense of humour.
Rouch concerns himself with here. His primary interest is in showing that 49 Rothman Documentary Film Classics, p. 99.
people move, their range of movement, and their ability to attach tiicmsclvcs 50 Ibid.
to whatever niche they find in cities. 51 Rouch takes this notion further in a subsequent film, Toutou et Bitti. When
36 Michele Richman ‘Anthropology and modernism in France: from Durkheim his film-making activity precipitates an occasion of possession, ‘the camera
to the College de sociologie’, in M. Manganaro (ed.) Modernist Anthropology is perfectly integrated with the pro-filmic event’, Eaton Anthropology-Reality-
(Princcton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1990), p. 184. See also Stoller, Cinema p. 23.
The Cinematic Griot. 52 Rothman Documentary Film Classics, p. 70.
37 Sec also Stoller, Sensuous Scholarship.
38 Loizos, Innovation in Ethnographic Film, p. 50.
39 There is an extensive literature dealing with the nature of Rouch and
M orin’s collaboration and their attempt to develop a cinema verite - see 7 T H E A N T H R O P O L O G IC A L C IN E M A O F D A V ID A N D
Edgar M orin’s own account in ‘Chronicle of a Film’ Studies in Visual JU D IT H M A C D O U G A L L
Communication 11:1, 1985, pp. 4 -2 9 ; also Feld’s essay, ‘Themes in the
cinema of Jean Rouch’; Eaton, Anthropology-Reality-Cinema-, and Peter 1 The kind of working partnership developed by die MacDougalls is discussed
Loizos Innovation in Ethnographic Film', and various interviews, especially in Ilisa Barbash and Lucien Taylor ‘Reframing ethnographic film: a “con­
Georgakas et. al., The Politics of Visual Anthropology. versation widi David MacDougall and Judith MacDougall” ’, American
40 In an early review of the film, Fereydoun Hoveya noted that despite an Anthropologist 98:2, 1996, pp. 371-87; and also in A. Grimshaw and N.
apparent conccrn with characters such as Marceline, the film is really about Papastergiadis (eds.) Conversations with Anthropological Filmmakers (Cam­
Rouch and Morin. Moreover, he notes the lack of collaboration between bridge: Prickly Pear Press, 1995). Given the unusually close and long­
these two central characters, suggesting that the film really belongs to standing nature of their collaboration, the question of authorship is espe­
Rouch. See ''Cinema Verite, or Fantastic Realism’, in J. Hillier (cd.) Cahiers cially complex in relation to the MacDougalls. Central, too, is the issue of
du Cinema 1960s (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1986), gender. The technical division of labour between die husband and wife
200 N otes to pages 1 2 2 -3 N otes to pages 124-9 201

partnership mirrors the conventional hierarchy of camera/sound operation; James Clifford uses the term ‘ethnographic allegory’ to describe a similiar
and yet, the shifting relationship established between vision and voice over phenomenon in mainstream andiropology’s written texts, where subtexts,
the course of their twenty-year work complicates the issue in interesting lying beyond the author’s conscious control, may be identified within the
ways. Unfortunately, a detailed consideration of the gendered dimensions of main narrative. See ‘On ethnographic allegory’ in J. Clifford and G. Marcus
the MacDougalls’ anthropological cinema is not possible here. (eds.) Writing Culture (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986),
It is of some interest that the MacDougalls have recently taken to working pp. 98-121. See also Johannes Fabian Time and the Other (New York:
in different partnerships. Moreover, David MacDougall has begun to Columbia University Press, 1983).
address the problem of authorship within his critical writing for example, 5 Colin Young ‘Observational cinema’, in P. Hockings (ed.) Principles o f Visual
‘Whose story is it?’ in Visual Anthropology Review 7:2 (1991) reprinted in Anthropology (The Hague: Mouton, 1975), p. 70. See also William Guynn
MacDougall, Transcultural Cinema , pp. 150-77; and ‘Photo Wallahs: an ‘The art of national projection: Basil W right’s “Song of Ceylon”, in B.
encounter with photography’ in Visual Anthropology Review 8:2, 1992, Grant and J. Sloniowski (eds.) Documenting the Documentary (Detroit:
pp. 96 100. An expanded discussion focused upon the notion of reflexivity Wayne State University Press, 1998), pp. 83-98.
is to be found in his collected essays, Tranculmral Cinema (Princeton, N.J.: 6 A. Grimshaw (ed.) Conversations with Anthropological Filmmakers: Melissa
Princeton University Press, 1998). See also n. 2. Llewelyn-Davies (Cambridge: Prickly Pear Press, 1995), pp. 41-2.
The case of the MacDougalls’ anthropological cinema is further compli­ 7 See Part I, ‘Visualizing Anthropology’.
cated by the fact that David MacDougall is both the spokesman for the 8 Peter Rigby ‘Pastoralism and prejudice: ideology' and rural development in
partnership (the ‘conversation’ with Barbash and Taylor stands as a notable East Africa’, in R. J. Apthorpe and P. Rigby (eds.) Society and Social Change
exception) as well as being an important commentator on more general in Eastern Afiica (Kampala: Makerere Institute for Social Research).
questions concerning vision, knowledge and technique within anthropolo­ 9 Sec, for example, Peter Loizos Innovation in Ethnographic Film (Manchester
gical enquiry. The latter concerns arc explored most fully in MacDougall University Press, 1993).
Transcultural Cinema. 10 A. Grimshaw and N. Papastergiadis (eds.) Conversations with Anthropological
2 There is certainly a strong undercurrent of romanticism within the Mac­ Filmmakers: D avid MacDougall, p. 17.
Dougalls’ work; but, in designating their enquiry as predominantly die 11 Marie Scton ‘Basil Wright’s “ Song of Ceylon’” , in L. Jacobs (ed.) The
expression of an enlightenment vision, I am seeking to expose the differences Documentary Tradition (New York: Norton, 1979), p. 103.
between them and Jean Rouch. Hence I will be emphasising contrasts rather 12 For a similar interpretation see Guynn, ‘The art of national projection’.
than similarities in the interest of my general argument. 13 On the persuasiveness of realism, see Clifford Geertz Works and Lives
3 George Steiner’s use of the term ‘worldview’ evokes the holistic quality of (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1988).
the stance, that is, its eclectic mixture of beliefs, ideas, fantasies and desires. 14 Y oung‘Observational cinema’.
Steiner Tolstoy or Dostoevsky (London: Faber, 1980), p. iii. 15 See Andre Bazin’s essay ‘De Sica: M etteur en Scene’ in What is Cinema?
4 I am aware that in drawing attention to certain hierarchies of mind and Vol. II (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971), p. 76. Also Zavatti-
body, knowledge and sensibility in the work of the MacDougalls, I am ni’s key essay ‘Some ideas on the cinema’ in R. Dyer M acCann (ed.) Film: A
going against a certain self-presentation. But, in proposing the development Alontage o f Theories (New York: E.P. D utton, 1966), pp. 216 28. A more
of a critical perspective toward the MacDougalls’ project - that is exploring detailed account of Italian neorealism and its late phase may be found in
it in terms which are not necessarily their own I follow David M acDou­ chapter 5, this volume. See also Marcus Banks ‘Which films are the
gall’s own lead and utilise the distinction he proposes between ‘self’ or ethnographic films?’, in P. Crawford and D. Turton (eds.) Film A s Ethno­
‘external reflexivity’ and ‘deep reflexivity’, Transcuhural Cinema , pp. 85-91. graphy (Manchester University Press, 1992), pp. 116-29.
The latter, he explains, ‘requires us to read the position of the author in 16 For example, Richard Leacock and Robert Drew, both closely identified
die very construction of the work, whatever the external explanations may with the ‘direct cinema’ movement, were known for their films about
be’, p. 89. powerful people - politicians (e.g. J. F. Kennedy and H ubert Humphrey in
My concern in this essay is with the anthropological cinema of the Primary) and stars (Bob Dylan in D on’t Look Back, and Jane Fonda in Jane);
MacDougalls as represented by the films diemsclves. The interpretation I and, for their concern with public dramas and spectacles (Crisis, The Chair).
offer does not treat the written corpus as ‘explanations’ of die films, but This scrutiny of prominent figures represented a new departure in the public
rather as a parallel discourse which itself m ust be critically approached. media. It allowed a broad television audience to see for itself how elected
There is, I believe, within both the MacDougalls’ films and texts, an representatives and public figures behaved, and to observe the processes by
intriguing dissonance between what is striven for and what is actually which political decisions were made. These films are important ethno­
realised. For the resonances of the work, to follow David MacDougall once graphic documents, not least because of the unique access to their subjects
more, open up other possibilities and suggest all lands of discoveries which which the film-makers acquired. For a fuller discussion, see ‘Cinema and
lie beyond the scope of self-conscious authorial intention, p. 70. anthropology in the postwar world’, diis volume.
202 N otes to pages 130 1 N otes to pages 13 1 -8 203

17 In significant ways the observational approach to film-making represents a 24 Bazin What is Cinema? Vol. I (Berkeley: University of California Press,
return to the ‘primitive cinema’ of the early twentieth century. Indeed it 1967), p. 25.
shares many features with the first Lumiere films. For example, emphasis is 25 Young ‘Observational cinema’, p. 70.
placed upon ‘showing’, rather than ‘telling’; the films are made up of sccnes 26 MacDougall Transcultural Cinema, pp. 127-8.
(reminiscient of the theatre) in which the spatial and temporal integrity of an 27 This feature is noted also by Lucicn Taylor in his Introduction to David
event is respected. Hence there is emphasis on capturing a whole action MacDougall’s essays, Transcultural Cinema , p. 19. As the title of the collec­
(demolishing a wall, workers leaving the factory), rather than fracturing the tion reveals, the capacity of film to evoke the universal is an important idea
scene into different shots from which a new assembly is constituted. More­ in MacDougall’s conception of anthropological cinema.
over, observational film may be considered as a form of what Gunning has For me, die spirit of die MacDougalls’ work, expressed perhaps most
called ‘the cinema of attractions’. There is a direct, unmediated relationship starkly in To Live With Herds, is evocative of the films made by Robert
crcatcd between film subjects and audience. See Tom Gunning ‘The cinema Bresson. It has many echoes with Sontag’s interpretation of Bresson. In
of attractions: early film, its spectator and the avant garde’, in T. Elaesser characterising the letter’s cinema as ‘reflective’, Susan Sontag draws atten­
(ed.) Early Cinema - Space, Frame, Narrative (London: British Film Insti­ tion to the ‘emphatic’ presence of form in the work: ‘the form of Bresson’s
tute, 1990), pp. 56- 62. The effect is to create a space in which what David films is designed (like Ozu’s) to discipline the emotions at the same time as
MacDougall calls ‘transcultural’ encounters may take place, see Transcul- it arouses them: to induce a certain tranquillity in the spectator, a state of
lural Cinema, pp. 245-78. spiritual balance that is itself the subject of the film.’ ‘Spiritual style in the
Observational cinema has been much caricatured and criticised as a kind films of Robert Bresson’ in A Susan Sontag Reader (Harmondsworth:
of naive realism. See, for example, Peter Loizos ‘First exits from observa­ Penguin Books, 1982), pp. 123-4.
tional realism: narrative experiments in recent ethnographic films’, in M. 28 Grimshaw and Papastergiadis (eds.) Conversations, p. 36. David MacDou­
Banks and H. Morphy (eds.) Rethinking Visual Anthropology (New Haven gall has always been aware of the inadequacy of these reflexive devices to
and London: Yale University Press, 1997), pp. 81 104. A more serious express the complexity of social relationships embodied in the ethnographic
investigation of its cinematic and ontological foundations is required. encounter. Indeed he now considers the whole question of rcflexivity as
18 David Hancock, quoted by Colin Young in ‘Observational cinema’, p. 74. deeply problematic. See MacDougall, 'Transcultural Cinema.
19 ‘We end up by dropping whole scenes or sequences rather than trying to keep 29 Grimshaw and Papastergiadis (eds.) Conversations, pp. 36-7.
them all, but at shorter length. Each scene is made up of discrete pieces of 30 For the notion of ‘crisis situation’ in documentary film, see Stephen
information and behaviour and shortening it for dramatic effect would lose Mamber Cinema Verite in America (Cambridge, Mass.: M IT Press, 1974).
the resonances . . . and misrepresent the material’, quoted by Young ibid., 31 David MacDougall ‘Unprivileged camera style’, reprinted in MacDougall,
p. 75. The moral commitment of observational film-makers echoes the Transcultural Cinema, p. 208.
stance of the Italian neorealist directors; and, as Young notes, taking up such 32 Bill Nichols ‘The voice of documentary’, in (ed.) A. Rosenthal New
a position involves an ethical decision concerning film subjects - that is, Challenges for Documentary (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988),
filming only those people with whom one has empathy, ibid. pp. 76-7. pp. 60-2. As David MacDougall explained: ‘I think we agree that We want
20 David MacDougall ‘Beyond observational cinema’, reprinted in MacDou­ to create the circumstances in which the spectator participates and arrives at
gall, Transcultural Cinema. certain meanings, and perhaps that leads to the development of a certain
21 Ironically Flaherty, who reconstructed scenes and presented them as kind of language, film language. This is probably one of the great gulfs
‘natural’, was often described as having an ‘innocent eye’. See Frances between conventional anthropology and the possibility of visual anthro­
Flaherty The Odyssey of a Film-maker (Urbana, 111.: Beta Phi Mu, 1960); and pology. The indeterminacy of film language and film expression requires a
Arthur С aid er-Marshall The Innocent. Eye (London: W.H. Allen, 1963). degree of participation on the part of the reader to arrive at conclusions’
22 ‘The ability of anthropologists to get us to take what they say seriously has Conversations, p. 39.
less to do with either a factual look or an air of conceptual clcgance than it 33 Sec Colin Young ‘MacDougall conversations’ in R A IN 50 (June 1982),
has with their capacity to convince us that what they say is a result of their pp. 5 -7 ; and David MacDougall’s own essay ‘Beyond observational
having actually penetrated (or, if you prefer, been penetrated by) another cincma’, reprinted in MacDougall, Transcultural Cinema.
form of life, of having, one way or another, truly “been there” ’. Geertz, 34 David MacDougall ‘Unprivileged camera style’, reprinted in MacDougall,
Works and Lives. Within observational cinema, the role of die director Transcultural Cinema.
resembles the one associated with an Italian neorealist approach, that is s/he 35 Ibid.
acts as a ‘filter’ rather than as an animatcur of the action. See Dudley 36 Parallels found in literary anthropology includc Vincent Crapanzano
Andrew’s biography Andre Bazin (New York: Columbia University Press, Tuhami: Portrait o f a Moroccan (University of Chicago Press, 1980); and
1990) p. 109; and chapter 5. Kevin Dwyer Moroccan Dialogues: Anthropology in Question (Baltimore: Johns
23 Andrew Andre Bazin, p. 123. Hopkins University Press, 1982). For a recent discussion of anthropology as
204 N otes to pages 1 3 8 -4 4 N otes to pages 1 4 5 -9 205

conversation, see Nigel Rapport ‘Edifying anthropology: culture as conver­ necessarily solve the political burden of the discipline. Moreover, it raises
sation, representation as conversation’, 1995, ASAUK Conference Paper, deeper questions concerning the status of knowledge and reality as exposed
University of' Hull. See also James Clifford ‘Partial truths’, in J. Clifford and in the MacDougalls’ own work.
G. Marcus (eds.) Writing Culture, pp. 1-26. 47 See J. Clifford and G. Marcus (eds.) Writing Culture; and G. Marcus and
37 James Agee Agee on Film (London: Peter Owen, 1963), p. 397. M. Fischer Anthropology as Cultural Critique (University of Chicago Press,
38 See A.L. Epstein (ed) The Craft of Social Anthropology (Manchester Univer­ 1986).
sity Press, 1963). For general discussions of the Manchester School see 48 See MacDougall, Transcultural Cinema,-pp. 48-70.
Lynette Schumaker ‘A tent with a view’, O SIR IS 1996, 11, pp. 237 -58, and 49 It is also articulated more fully within David MacDougall’s writing. The
R.P. Wcrbner ‘The Manchester School in South-Central Africa’, Annual mosL recent essays in Transcuhural Cinema are an important statement of a
Review o f Anthropology, 13 (1984), pp. 157-85. new vision for anthropology. There remains, however, the recurrent
39 David MacDougall, in his writings of the 1970s, refers to ‘traditional’ problem of the films - namely a dissonance between what is self-con­
societies and the ‘fragility’ of certain ways of life. See, for example, his essay sciously articulated and other resonances in the work. For, despite the
‘Beyond observational cinema’. striving for a new kind of ethnographic engagement, the writing itself
40 This is a version of what Rachel Moore has described with reference to remains contained within the rationalism and intellectualism of the Mac­
the Yanomami films: ‘The Asch/Chagnon films . . . used formal tropes for Dougalls’ earlier work.
disorientation and unfixing authorial positions to gain a rhetorical advan­ 50 See Christopher Pinney: ‘“To know a man from his face’: Photo Wallahs and
tage for science and explanation . . . W hat comes to us from the synch the uses of visual anthropology’, Visual Anthropology Review 9:2, Fall 1993,
sound and apparently candid images of people is, always, strange and pp. 118-26. Also David MacDougall’s own essay ‘Photo hierarchus: signs
chaotic. The sound from the ethnographers by contrast . . . is full of and mirrors in Indian photography’, Visual Anthropology 5, 1992,
reason and explanation’, Rachel Moore ‘Marketing alterity’ in Lucien pp. 103 -29; and Akos Ostor ‘Filming photography with the MacDougalls
Taylor (ed.) Visualizing Anthropology (New York and London: Routledge, in India’, Visual Anthropology Review, 9:2, Fall 1993, pp. 126-31.
1994) p. 129. Certainly the MacDougalls reject the kind of authorial 51 David MacDougall explains that the construction of the film was not
devices used by Asch and Chagnon (narration, kinship charts, etc.), but consciously contrived; rather it resulted from the film-makers giving up
they retain a similar rationalist orientation. Knowledge and evidence control and allowing intuitive connections to emerge in the process of
remain important principles for them. Their film-making is explicitly editing. The involvement of Dai Vaughan as the editor of the last two films is
driven by an intellectual agenda, as the detailed accounts published by also an important indication of the changing nature of ihe project.
David MacDougall reveal. 52 Pinney, ‘To know a man from his face’, p. 123.
41 David MacDougall ‘Media Friend or Media Foe?’, Visual Anthropology 1:1, 53 See John Berger’s contrast between still photography and moving film in
1987, pp. 5 4 -8 , p. 55. ‘The modernist moment and alter’, this volume.
42 Fred Myers ‘From ethnography to metaphor: rccent films from David and 54 See the discussion of Italian neorcalist cinema in chapter 5, this volume.
Judith MacDougall’, Cultural Anthropology 3:2, 1988, p. 206. 55 It is a form of ‘Sculpting in time’, as the Russian film director Andrei
43 David MacDougall ‘Whose story is it?’, reprinted in MacDougall, Transcul­ Tarkovsky termed it. See his collected essays Sculpting in Time (London:
tural Cinema, p. 163. Faber, 1989). See also Antonio Marazzi’s review of the film, Visual Anthro­
44 See also Myers, ‘From ethnography to m etaphor’, p. 214. pology Review, 10:2, Fall 1994, pp. 86-90.
45 The political battle, which became a stand-off between state and federal 56 ‘[P]hotogenia evokes not just the beauty of certain film images or photo­
government, shares many similarities with Crisis (1963), one of the classic graphic effects, but the special resonance - the transcendence - that the act
films of American direct cinema. An important difference, however, is of film-making can bring to the phenomena under observation’, Guynn,
Robert Drew’s use of more than one camera, placing his film-makers at ‘The art of national projection’, p. 87.
different key locations in order to capture a complex, interconnected world
in which events are linked across time and space. By contrast David
MacDougall has a single camera situated in Aurukun. The other world of 8 T H E A N T H R O P O L O G IC A L T E L E V IS IO N O F M E L IS S A
‘big politics’ lies outside and remains unseen. L L E W E L Y N -D A V IE S
46 David MacDougall, ‘Photo Wallahs’. His concern with authorship perhaps
also reveals the difficulties inherent in his own working partnership with This chapter is based upon an earlier publication ‘Anthropology on televi­
Judith MacDougall. See n. 1. above. But the problematic status of voice sion: the work of Melissa Llewelyn-Davies’, Journal o f Museum Ethnography
raises more general issues to do with anthropology’s experimental moment. 9, 1997, pp. 49-64.
For the new commitment by contemporary ethnographers to ‘giving voice’ 1 Edmund Leach A Runaway World? (London: BBC Publications, 1967). See
to subjects, to sharing authorship and devising multi-vocal texts, does not also Anna Grimshaw ‘A runaway world? Anthropology as public debate’
206 N otes to pages 149 51 N otes to page 152 207

Cambridge Anthropology, 13:3, 1989, pp. 7 5 -9 ; and Marilyn Strathern ‘Stop­ conventions of each practice. This dual identity greatly assists her in
ping the world: Elmdon and the Reith lectures’, Cambridge Anthropology, creatively addressing the problem of ‘translation’ between two roles which
13:3, 1989, pp. 70-4. are normally occupied by different people.
2 Cris Shore ‘Anthropology’s identity crisis: the politics of public image’, 7 The two early Granada Television films share the same spelling, ‘Masai’. It
Anthropology Today , 12:2, 1996, pp. 1-2. See also Anna Grimshaw and was altered in Llewelyn-Davies’ later films to ‘Maasai’.
Keith H art Anthropology and the Crisis of the Intellectuals (Cambridge: Prickly It is important to acknowledge that many of Llcwleyn-Davies’ Maasai
Pear Press, 1993); J. Clifford and G. Marcus (eds.) Writing Culture (Ber­ films involved the creative input of Chris Curling, with whom she worked
keley: University of Calfornia Press, 1986); George Marcus and Michacl closely for a decade. In describing the project as Llewelyn-Davies’, however,
Fischer Anthropology as Cultural Critique (Chicago University Press, 1986); I refer to its origins in her anthropological fieldwork; its reflection of her
R. Fox (ed.) Recapturing Anthropology (Santa Fe, New Mcxico: School of particular intellectual interests; and her distinctive directorial presence. The
American Research Press, 1992). particular films are credited as follows:
3 Notable exceptions include most prominently Faye Ginsburg. For a survey M asai Women : Producer/Director Chris Curling; Research Melissa
of the field, see her essay ‘Institutionalizing the unruly: charting a future for Llewelyn-Davies.
visual anthropology’ Ethnos 63:2, 1998, pp. 173-201; and ‘Culture/media: M asai Manhood'. Producer/Dircctor Curling; Research Llewelyn-
a (mild) polemic’, Anthropology Today 10:2, April 1994, pp. 5-15. See also Davies.
George Marcus (ed.) Connected: Engagements with Media (Chicago Univer­ The Women's Olamal: Director: Llewelyn-Davies; Co-producers:
sity Press, 1996). Curling and Llewelyn-Davies.
4 For useful surveys see, for example, Paul Henley ‘The 1984 RAI film prize’, Diary o f a M aasai Village: Director: Llewelyn-Davies; Co-producers:
Royal Anthropological Institute Newsletter 62, 1984, pp. 9-12; and ‘British Curling and Llewelyn-Davies.
ethnographic film: recent developments’, Anthropology Today 1:1, 1985, Memories and Dreams: Director: Llewelyn-Davies.
pp. 5-17; Peter Loizos ‘Granada television’s “ Disappearing World” series: Llewelyn-Davies’ ethnographic work, however, has not been confined by
an appraisal’ American Anthropologist 82 1980, pp. 573-94, and Innovation her engagement with the Maasai people. She has also directed a number of
in Ethnographic Film (Manchester University Press, 1993). See also Liz other important films, most notably, Some Women o f Marrakech (1978).
Brown ‘T he two worlds of Marrakech’, Screen 19:2, 1978, pp. 85-118; Faye This film is particularly interesting as an early example of feminist anthro­
Ginsburg ‘Ethnographies on the airwaves: the presentation of andiropology pological film-making. It is about the lives of Muslim women. The explora­
on American, British, Belgian and Japanese television’, in Paul Hockings tion of the private world of secluded women involved an all-woman crew -
(ed.) Principles of Visual Anthropology, second edn (Berlin and New York: not just as a means of getting access to tightly controlled gendered space but
Walter de Gruyter and Co, 1994), pp. 363-98; ‘Television and the media­ as part of an explicit attempt to use new, feminist inspired ways of working.
tion of culture: issues in British ethnographic film’, Visual Anthropology See Liz Brown ‘The Two Worlds of Marrakech’.
Review, 8:1, 1992, pp. 97-102; and Christopher Pinney ‘Appearing There are few serious assessments of Llewelyn-Davies’ work. Peter Loizos
Worlds’, Anthropology Today 5:3, 1989, pp. 26-8. is an important exception. There are many points of connection between his
5 ‘Anthropology on television: what next?’ in P. I. Crawford and D. Turton critical approach and my own appraisal, see Innovation in Ethnographic Film
(eds.) Film as Ethnography (Manchester University Press, 1992), p. 289. (Manchester University Press, 1993). See also Karen Vered ‘Feminist
6 Accounts of collaborative working by a number of anthropologists and ethnographic films: critical viewing required’ in J.Rollwagen (ed.) Anthro­
television programme-makers are included in a special feature ‘Notes on pological Film and Video in the 1990s (New York: T he Institute Press, 1993),
British tele-anthropology’ edited by Faye Ginsburg in Visual Anthropology pp. 177 219.
Review , 8:1, Spring 1992. See Ginsburg’s own essay ‘Television and the Llewelyn-Davies, while never completing her doctoral thesis, published
mediation of culture’. See also Jean Lydall’s account ‘Filming The Women two academic articles from her research - ‘Two contexts of solidarity among
Who Smile’ in P.I. Crawford and JK . Simonsen (eds.) Ethnographic Film, pastoral Maasai women’, in P. Caplan and J. Burja (eds.) Women United,
Aesthetics and Narrative Traditions (Aarhus, Denmark: Intervention Press, Women Divided (London: Tavistock, 1978), pp. 206-37, and ‘Women,
1992), pp. 141 -58. warriors and patriarchs’, in S. Ortner and H. Whitehead (eds.) Sexual
A number of useful surveys of anthropology on television exist: For example Meanings: The Cultural Construction o f Gender and Sexuality (Cambridge
David Turton ‘Anthropology on television: what next?’. See also Marcus University Press, 1981), pp. 330-58.
Banks ‘Which films are the ethnographic films?’ in Crawford and Turton 8 Lila Abu-Lughod ‘Writing against culture’, in R. Fox (ed.) Recapturing
(eds.), Film as ethnography pp. 116-29; and his essay ‘Television and anthro­ Anthropology, p. 157. For a discussion of Llewelyn-Davies’ fieldwork
pology: an unhappy marriage?’, Visual Anthropology 7:1, 1994, pp. 21-45. methods see Anna Grimshaw (ed.) Conversations with Anthropological Film­
Melissa Llewelyn-Davies is unusual in being both a trained anthropologist makers: Melissa Llewelyn-Davies (Cambridge: Prickly Pear Press, 1995),
and television film-maker. Hence she is familiar with the approaches and pp. 24-5.
N otes to pages 157 62 209
208 N otes to pages 1 5 3 -7

9 E. Ann Kaplan Looking for the Other: Feminism, Film and the Imperial Gaze makers were committed to discovering ‘real women’. They sought to give
(New York and London: Routledge, 1997), pp. 180-81. voice to experiences and histories previously marginalised by a male dis­
10 Com er The A rt o f Record (Manchester University Press, 1996), p. 2. See also course. Such a commitment was inseparable from a commitment to new
William Bluem Documentary in American Television (New York: Hastings working practices - sharing, co-operation and empathy between women. An
House, 1965). important early essay was Eileen McGarry’s ‘Documentary, realism and
11 See Raymond Williams Television: Technology and Cultural Form (London: women’s cinema’, Women and Film 2:7, 1975, pp. 50-9. See also P. Erens
Fontana, 1974). Other important sources include John Ellis Visible Fictions: (ed.) Issues in Feminist Film Criticism (Bloomington: Indiana University
Cinema, Television, Video (London: Routledge, 1982); John Fiske Television Press, 1990).
Culture (London: Routledge, 1994); and E. Ann Kaplan (ed.) Regarding 17 Acknowledged by T.O. Beidelman in his sympathetic review of the film,
Television (Frederick, Md. American Film Institute, 1983). American Anthropologist 78, 1976, pp. 958-59.
The question of the reader/viewer and interpretive practice has now 18 See Faye Ginsburg’s essay ‘Television and the mediation of culture’ in
become a focus of attention for anthropologists studying media. See Wilton Principles of Visual Anthropology, Paul Hockings (ed.) 2nd edn (Berlin and
Martinez, ‘Who constructs anthropological knowledge? Toward a theory of New York: M outon de Gruyter, 1995).
ethnographic film spectatorship’, in Crawford and Turton (eds.) Film as 19 See Corner, The A rt o f Record, p. 33. In the context of a debate, Drew
Ethnography, pp. 131-61, was a landmark essay. It has been followed by the declared: ‘everything that has been referred to as a documentary here thus
recently published P. I. Crawford and S. B. Hafsteinsson (eds.) The Con­ far [by his fellow discussants] is what I would call a “word-logic” show - that
struction of the Viewer: Media Ethnography and the Anthropology o f Audiences is, the logic of the film is contained in the narration or in the words’, Bluem,
(Aarhus, Denmark: Intervention Press, 1996). Documentary in American Television, p. 258.
12 See Fiskc Television Culture. 20 This was a criticism first made by Paul Spencer ‘The Masai’, Royal Anthro­
13 Grimshaw (ed.) Conversations, p. 24. pological Newsletter 6, 1975, p. 10-11. See Llewelyn-Davies ‘Masai women’
14 M asai M anhood was transmitted in die year following M asai Women. It was (reply to Spencer, 1975), letter in Royal Anthropological Institute Newsletter 8,
not initially conceived as a film in its own right, but it was subsequently p. 16. Also Roger Sandall ‘Matters of fact’, in P. Hockings (ed.) Principles of
assembled from footage shot during the filming of M asai Women. Both of Visual Anthropology 2nd edn, pp. 457-77. See also Beidelman’s 1976 film
these Disappearing World films have remarkably similar features, hence I do review and Loizos Innovation.
not discuss M asai M anhood here. 21 It is symbolised most starkly by the aerial shot which forms the opening
15 Grimshaw (ed.) Conversations, pp. 33-4. scene of M asai Women. We approach Maasai-land from a place both outside
16 Henrietta Moore Feminism and Anthropology (Cambridge: Polity Press, and above. The initial perspective contrasts sharply then with the intimate
1988), p. 1. An important example of the early attempt to correct ‘male place inside the Jie compound, and at cow level, where the MacDougalls’
bias’ in anthropological representation is the volume edited by S. Ortner film To Live With Herds begins.
and M. Rosaldo Women, Culture and Society (California: Stanford University See Johannes Fabian Time and the Other (Columbia University Press,
Press, 1974). Moore distinguishes this early gendered approach premised 1993); and Stephen Tyler’s castigation of the ‘failure of a whole visualist
upon ‘sameness’ from die later feminist anthropology which recognises ideology of referential discourse, with its rhetoric of “describing”, “com­
‘difference’. It is worth quoting her in full on the evolution of the relation­ paring”, “classifying” and “generalizing” and its assumption of representa­
ship between anthropology and feminism: ‘feminist anthropology began by tional significance. In ethnography there are no “things” there to be the
criticizing male bias within the discipline, and the neglect and/or distortion objects of description, the original appearances that the language of descrip­
of women and women’s activities. This is the phase in the “relationship” tion “represents” as indexical objects for comparison, classification, and
which we can refer to as the “anthropology of women”. The next phase was generalization. Ethnographic discourse is itself neither an object to be
based on a critical reworking of the universal category “woman”, which was represented nor a representation of an object.’ ‘Post-modern ethnography’
accompanied by an equally critical look at the question of whether women in J. Clifford and G. Marcus Writing Culture, pp. 122-40.
were especially well-equipped to study other women. This led, quite natu­ 22 The film opens with a Maasai woman singing about her lover. It is repeated
rally, to anxieties about ghettoization and marginalization within the disic- later when this illicit practice is addressed by Llewelyn-Davies in conversa­
pline of social andiropology. However, as a result of this phase, feminist tion with a number of young women. Revealingly, by raising this issue, the
anthropology began to establish new approaches, new areas of theoretical film provoked more hostility than usual from another Maasai ethnographer,
enquiry, and to redefine itself not as the “study of women” but as the “study Paul Spencer. See Spencer, ‘The Masai’.
of gender” ’, ibid., p. 11. 23 My emphases, Fiske Television Culture, p. 22.
Women film-makers were engaged in many similar debates to their 24 Adopting such a stance brings Llewelyn-Davies’ work closer to approaches
anthropological counterparts during the 1970s. ‘Women’s cinema’, too, was associated with the Manchester school of anthropologists, especially those of
about challenging male bias in every area of film-making activity. Film­ Max Gluckman and Victor Turner. It also, of course, establishes important
210 N otes to pages 162 5 N otes to pages 1 6 6 -7 0 211

connections with the MacDougalls’ Turkana film, The Wedding Camels. See anthropology and cinema. See Moore Feminism, and Anthropology and her
chapter 7, ‘The anthropological cinema of David and Judith MacDougall’. collection of essays A Passion For Difference (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1994);
25 See ‘Cinema and anthropology in the postwar world’, and my discussion of Jane Gaines ‘White privilege and looking relations: race and gender in
the MacDougalls ibid. feminist film theory’, Screen 29:4, 1988, pp. 12-27; and Kaplan, Looking for
26 Com er The A rt of Record, p. 44. the Other.
27 Grimshaw (ed.) Conversations, pp. 43 5. 32 See p. 69, Tania Modleski ‘The rhythms of reception: daytime television
28 Ibid., p. 39. and w'omen’s work’ in E. Ann Kaplan (ed.) Regarding Television (Los
29 See, for example, Charlotte Brunsdon ‘Crossroads: Notes on Soap Opera’, Angeles: American Film Institute, 1985), pp. 67-75.
Screen 22:4, 1981, pp. 32-7. Tania Modleski ‘The rhythms of reception; 33 Fiske, Television Culture, pp. 105-6.
daytime television and women’s work’ in E. Ann Kaplan (ed.) Regarding 34 Trinh T. Minh-ha ‘Reassemblage’, in Framer, Framed (New York and
Television (Los Angeles: American Film Institute, 1983), pp. 67 75. Chris­ London: Routledge, 1992), p. 96. As Kaplan explains it: ‘Trinh’s ultimate
tine Geraghty Women and Soap Opera (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1991). See philosophy in Reassemblage is to claim that all one can do is try not to
also C. Brunsdon and L. Spigel (eds.) Feminist Television Criticism (Oxford: “speak about” but to “speak nearby”. The language tries to locate a
Clarendon Press, 1997); and Fiske Television Culture. position that does not end with possession or pretending knowledge of, as
30 Original emphases, Fiske Television Culture, p. 106. He lists the key char­ the phrase “speaking about” implies. But Trinh does not want to claim
acteristics of oral modes as including, dramatic, episodic, mosaic, dynamic, total impossibility of knowing the other . . . She seeks a position that
active, concrete, ephemeral, social, metaphorical, rhetorical, dialectical. By functions in the gap, namely, “ speaking nearby.” The phrase conveys an
contrast, features associated with a literate mode include: narrative, sequen­ idea of closeness but with a necessay distance because of difference; a
tial, linear, static, artifact, abstract, permanent, individual, metonymic, concept of “approaching” rather than “knowing” an Other.’ Kaplan
logical, univocal/’consistent’. Looking for the Other, p. 201. See also Trinh’s When the Moon Waxes Red
31 See n. 16 above. All of the early feminist paradigms, the anthropology of (New York and London).
women and women’s cinema, were subject to critique on the grounds of 35 Grimshaw (ed.) Conversations, pp. 37 - 8. Within the area of feminist film­
their failure to interrogate the process of representation itself. It was making practice, debates have now moved beyond the older realist/formalist
deemed not radical enough merely to introduce new content into older positions to focus upon what is called ‘image ethics discourse’ in which
forms. In place of a realist project, certain feminist critics advocated formal consideration of the relationships between subjects and film-makers is
experimentation as an integral part of a feminist politics. Claire Johnston’s central, see D. Waldman and J.Walker (eds.) Feminism and Documentary
essay ‘Women’s cinema as counter-cinema’ was a landmark in the articula­ (Minneapolis, Minn.: University of Minnesota Press, 1999).
tion of a new agenda for feminist cinema: ‘Any revolutionary strategy must 36 For a fuller discussion of this question, see David MacDougall’s essay
challenge the depiction of reality; it is not enough to discuss the oppression ‘Visual anthropology and ways of knowing’, in Transcuhural Cinema (Prin­
of women within the text of the film; the language of the cinema/the ceton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1998), pp. 61-92.
depiction of reality must also be interrogated, so that a break between 37 ‘It takes a bit of time to develop courage as a film-maker . . . When I showed
ideology and text is effected’, in Bill Nichols (ed.) Movies and Methods, Vol. the Marrakech film to a young Moroccan, he made an absolutely key remark
I (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1976), p. 215. See also Alex­ that I try and remember whenever I make a film. He said: “you’re showing
andra Juhasz “ ‘They said we were trying to show reality all I want to too much sympathy and not enough solidarity” ; and actually you have to
show is my video” : the politics of the realist feminist documentary’, Screen learn the courage to let things hang out’, in Anna Grimshaw ed. Conversa­
35:2, Summer 1994, reprinted in J. Gaines and M. Revov (eds.) Collecting tions, pp. 36-7. See also Kaplan’s discussion of the political debate provoked
Visible Evidence (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1999), by Warrior Marks, a film critical of female circumcision practices made by
pp. 190-215. Alice Walker and Pratibha Parmar, Kaplan, Looking for the Other.
Debates about the politics of representational forms came later to anthro­ 38 Grimshaw (ed.) Conversations, p. 55.
pology and were largely associated with the publication of such texts as 39 Turton in Crawford and Turton (eds.) Film as Ethnography , p. 284.
Writing Culture. The contribution of feminist anthropologists to these 40 The gendered dimensions of anthropological work pursued through the use
debates was, on the whole, unacknowledged (see Introduction to Clifford of visual media has not been much discussed. Leslie Devereaux’s essay,
and Marcus Writing Culture), provoking a number of responses, for example however, is an important starting point for any consideration of the issues,
Frances Mascia-Lees et al. ‘The postmodernist turn in anthropology: cau­ ‘Experience, re-presentation and film’ in L. Devcreaux and R. Hillman
tions from a feminist perspective’, Signs 15:1, 1991, pp. 7-33; and Lila (eds.) Fields o f Visions (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995),
Abu-Lughod ‘Writing against culture’ in Fox (ed.) Recapturing Anthropology, pp. 56-73. See also Abu-Lughod, ‘Writing against culture’.
pp. 137 62. 41 This echoes David MacDougalFs discussion of the distinction between films
Questions of difference are now also to the forefront of feminist debate in about anthropology and anthropological film, Transcultural Cinema, p. 76.
212 N otes to pages 1 7 2 -3

1 Faye Ginsburg ‘Institutionalizing the unruly: charting a future for visual
anthropology’, Ethnos 63:2, 1998; and David MacDougall ‘The visual in Index
anthropology’ in M. Banks and H. Morphy (eds.) Rethinking Visual Anthro­
pology (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1997) and Transcul­
tural Cinema (Princeton, N.J.: Princcton University Press, 1998).
2 MacDougall Transcultural Cinema; Lucien Taylor ‘Iconophobia: how anthro­
pology lost it at the movies’, Transition 69, 1996, p. 86.
3 MacDougall Transcultural Cinema, p. 63.
4 Moore Feminism and Anthropology (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1988), p. 4.
/1 Boat Leaving Harbour 18 Victorian concerns over 2 1 2 ; postwar
A Certain Tendency in French Cinema 80 clarification of national traditions 85;
A M an With a Movie Camera 17, 4 2 —3, postw ar consolidation of 8 5 -7 ; postwar
128 expansion o f 1, 72; postwar
A R unaway World? 149 fragm entation o f 86; postwar
A Wife A m ong Wives, and: C olin Young on relationship w ith cinem a 31, 71 2, 74;
140; David M acD ougall on 136; postw ar w ithdraw al from society 72;
m etaphor o f the anthropological task professional legitim ation 5;
136; techniques 135; them e of m arriage professionalisation of 6 3 -4 ; public image
13 5 -6 of 149; rejection of industrial civilization
A bu-L ughod, Lila 152 2 8 -9 ; salvage 2 3 - 4 ; symbolic birth of
aesthetics, and visual anthropology 2 m o d em 15; text-based tradition 3;
Agee, Jam es, on D.W. Griffith 27, 138 vision, centrality o f 171; visual m aterial,
Am in, Idi 133 disappearance of 25; visual, 171 - 2 ;
A nderson, Lindsay 78 visualist bias of 6 - 7 , 67; visualizing, and;
Andrew, D udley 73, 74, 84 M alinowski 45; wariness of television
anthropological cinem a 78, and: Jean 150; ways o f seeing 7 - 8
R ouch 90 1, 9 1 -2 , 9 7 -8 , 1 1 8 -2 0 ; To anthropology of w om en 157; and M asai
Live with Herds as turning p oint 1 2 4 -5 ; Women 157
M acD ougall, David and Judith 122, 123; A ntonioni, M ichelangelo 72, 77, 78, 79,
ways o f seeing 90- 1 112
anthropological television: and M elissa A rgonauts o f the Western Pacific 29, 43, 44,
Llewelyn-Davies 170; nature o f 151; see 47, 129, and: publication of 46; visual
also Llewelyn-Davies, Melissa; M aasai quality of 45
film cycle art, and: visual anthropology 2; as form of
anthropology, and: attitude towards images anthropology 9; developm ent of m odern
5; attitude towards role of vision 5 -7 ; 37 8; diagram as emblem of m odern 38;
changcs in 170; conservatism of 2, 85; nature of abstract 38; see also C ubism
contem porary practice 10; critique of Asch, T im 88
scientific ethnography 1 4 9 -5 0 ; D avid attractions, cinem a of 19, 23
T u rto n on changcs in 1 6 9 -7 0 ; demise of A uden, W.H. 61
perspectival visual m ode 39; A urukun films 140 5, and: content 142;
developm ent o f m o d em 29; conversation 1 4 1 -2 , 143; David
developm ent of scientific ethnography M acD ougall on 141; Familiar Places
17; dismissal of visual anthropology 4; 1 4 2 -3 ; F red M yers on 141;
early cinem a 16, 25; em ergence of inter- m ethodological innovations 141 -2 ;
w ar ‘British’ school 63 4; enlightenm ent participatory cinem a 141 2; political
way of seeing 66; establishm ent in context o f 141, 142, 143; relationship
universities 86; evolution of m odem betw een film -m akers and subjects 141;
British 9 -1 0 ; form of art or cinem a 9; Take-Over 142, 1 4 3 -5 ; voice 144,
influence of F irst W orld W ar on 1 4 4 -5
developm ent o f 29; m odernism and A ustralian Institute o f Aboriginal Studies
developm ent o f 1 6 -1 7 ; objectivity, 140

214 Index Index 215

Balikci, A sen 88 114, 116; vision of 113; voice 113 14, Demolishing a Wall 18 epicritic personality 34
Balinese Character 8 7 —8 117; work 114 -15 diagram , as emblem o f m odernity 38; ethnographic film 89; problem s with 89
Banks, M arcus 2 cinem a verite 77, 7 8 -8 2 , and: characteristics o f 40 ethnographic film -m akers, W einberger’s
Barker, Pat, and: eyes m etaphor 33 4; characteristics o f 8 0 -1 ; context of 8 1 -2 ; Diary o f a M aasai Village 151, 1 6 3 -7 , and: satire on 1
First W orld W ar trilogy of 33 Jean R ouch 7 9 -8 0 , 80; roots of 79; change 166 -7; intentions of 163- 4; ethnography, and; changing concerns of
BarLhes, R oland 119 techniques 81; technological innovation Llewelyn-Davies on 163; feminist 39; collapsc o f scientific paradigm 6;
Bateson, G regory 87; influence on of 81; see also Chronique d ’un ete approach 1 6 5 -6 ; m ale viewpoint 164; M alinow ski’s contribution to 5 1 -2 ;
W .H.R. Rivers 43 cinem a, and: anthropological nature of fieldwork 163; as soap-opera rejection of hearsay 52; scientific, and
Baudelaire, Charles, and photography 60 interpretation o f 100; anthropology 9, 163, 164 5; social integration 167; M alinowski 45, 53, 54; scientific, and
Bazin, A ndre 78, 129, 131 and: cinem a as 12, 25; as expression of m odern era 28; structure o f 164; style of 1 6 4-5 role of vision 5 3 -4 ; scientific,
process o f exploration and discovery 73; as site for R om antic project 120; Berger direct cinem a 75, 77, 78, 82 5, and: Bazin developm ent of 17
direct cinem a 83 -4; on F laherty’s vision on contrast w ith photography 24; birth 8 3 -4 ; continuation of Italian neorealism Evans, W alker 27
49 -50; Italian neorcajist cinema 74 6; o f 15, 16; cinem a o f attractions 19, 23; 82; context o f 81 - 2 ; D rew 82 3; E vans-Pritchard, E dw ard Evan 64, and:
notion o f deep- focus photography 73 city sym phony 128; D. W. Griffith 2 5 -8 ; features of 81; influence of television 84; enlightenm ent way o f seeing 6 6 -7 ;
B.B.C. 150 despised by intellectuals 60; observational cinem a 8 4 -5 ; origins 83; illum ination 6 6 -7 ; literary style 66;
Benjam in, W alter 56 developm ent of docum entary film 17, preoccupations of 84;techniques 8 3 -4 ; public profile of 149; role o f vision 66;
Bcnthain, Jerem y 59 29; developm ent of early 2 5 -6 ; technological innovation 83 structural-functionalism 67; visualism of
Berger, John 36, 56, 100, and: on C ubism exhibitionism of early 19; film -m aker/ Disappearing World 124, 150, 151, 153, 66- 7
38, 39; on photography and films 24, 50; audience relationship 7 3 -4 ; m odernism 155, 167, 169; constrainrs of 158; origins exhibitionism , and early cinem a 19
on seeing 44; ‘ways of seeing’ 34 and developm ent of 16 17; postw ar of 154 experiential knowledge, and M alinowskian
Bergm an, Ingm ar 77 developm ent of 71 - 2 ; postwar docum entary, postw ar redefinition of 153 anthropology 53
Berlin Symphony of a Great City 113, 128 divergence from anthropology 31; docum entary cinem a, and: characteristics experiential techniques, and ways of seeing
Boas, Franz 5, 21 postw ar E uropean renaissance 72; of 29; Flaherty’s conception o f 51; 9
Bondanella, Peter, and Italian neorealist postw ar relationship w ith anthropology G rierson and educative n ature of 62; eyes, Pat B arker’s visual m etaphor o f 33 4
cinem a 75 71 - 2 , 74; post-w ar and engagem ent with influence o f F irst W orld W ar 30; interwar
Bouquet, M ary 65; on Rivers’ kinship social reality 72; reality 7 3 -4 ; subversive developm ent o f 29, 3 0 -1 , 58; political Fabian, Johannes 6, 64, 66, 67; critique of
m ethod 36 nature of postw ar 85; techniques, control 58 9, 63; postw ar developm ents visualist paradigm 58
D eBouzek, Jeanette 99 developm ent of 2 6 -7 ; theatrical 72, 7 8 -9 , 8 1 -2 ; R obert Flaherty 47; Familiar Places 142 3
B raque, Georges 39 influence on early 18 19, 2 2 -3 , 26; role of G rierson 59; them e o f work 61 Fellini, Federico 74, 77, 78; on neorealism
Bresson, R obert 50 Torres Straits expedition 15, 22, 23, docum entary film, developm ent of 17 74
British Free Cinem a, see Free Cinem a, 24 docum entary television, nature of 153, 154 feminism , and M asai Women 155, 15 6 -7 ;
British cinem a, anthropological, see doubt, and: Cezanne 37; W .H.R. Rivers 40 M elissa Llewelyn-Davies 152, 155, 170
B ritten, B enjam in 61 anthropological cinem a Drew, R obert 72, 79, 81, 82 -3, 98, 162; fem inist anthropology 170, 1 7 1 -2
Broken Blossoms 26, 28, 42 cinem aiographe 26, and; Torres Straits features of his cinem a 84; on direct fem inist ethnography, and M elissa
Bunuel, L uis 5 expedition 15, 2 2 -3 ; first use of 15; cinem a 82 Llewelyn-Davies 166
L um iere’s use of 18 D urkheim , influence on Radcliffe-Brown fieldwork, and: changes in visual
C alder-M arshall, R obert, on R obert Citizen Kane 76 65 representation 39; Diary of a M aasai
Flaherty 46 city sym phony 128 Village 163; H ad d o n ’s recognition of
cam era, and: Jean R ouch’s use of 98; classificatory m ethod, and: ways of seeing E aton, M ick 96 im portance of 2 0 -1 ; Malinowski’s
privileged cam era style 138; use o f by 9 E isenstein, Sergei 9, 39, 40, 109; on innocent eye 45; M alinow ski’s m odel of
M argaret M ead 87 8 Clifford, Jam es 24, 29, 46, 97 m ontage 11; technique 51 54, 55
Cavalcanti, A lberto 61, 128 Coalface 61 Eliot, T.S. 60 film, centrality to visual anthropology 2
C ezanne 9, 32, 40; and dou b t 37; as comparative sociology, and: Radcliffe- Ely C athedral 5 film criticism , em ergence as intellectual
transitional figure 37 Brown 65; norm ative stance of 66 E m pire M arketing B oard 124 discipline 72
Chagnon, N apoleon 88 Conflict and Dream 42 enlightenm ent cinem a, and D avid and Fine Cut T V series 152
Chronique d ’un ete 92, 1 1 2 -1 1 7 , and; as continuous space 12 Judith M acD ougall 121, 122, 123 First W'orld W ar 25, and: consequences of
key test o f N ew Wave 112; as new conversation, and: A urukun films 141 - 2 ; enlightenm ent project, characteristics o f 44; graveyard o f the eye 41; influence on
d eparture for R ouch 112; central pre­ D avid and Judith M acD ougall 143; 51; and Radcliffe-Brown 45 developm ent of docum entary cinem a
occupation of 114; collaboration with notion o f in T urkana trilogy 138 enlightenm ent vision, and: characteristics and scientific ethnography 30; influence
E dgar M orin 112; confinem ent 115; C orner, John, and John G rierson 61 o f 58; David and Judith M acDougall on em erging discipline of anthropology
happiness 114; isolation 115; Craiglockhart hospital 41; and W .H.R. 122; John G rierson's w ork 6 2 -3 ; 29; turn in g point 17
‘m echanical civilization’ as the focus Rivers 33 G orm ley on character o f 58; illum ination F irth, R aym ond, and contrast betw een
1 1 2 -1 3 , 115; M elville’s The Confidence Crisis 83 58; scientific ethnography 67 Radcliffe-Brown and M alinowski 64
M an 1 1 7 ;n o is e ll5 ; structure 114; Cubism 9, 32 3, and: diagram as em blem enlightenm ent way of seeing 9, 57, 66, and: Fiske, John 161, 166; on television 165
style o f 113; sum m ary 113; technique of 38; nature o f 38, 39; origins of 37; D avid and Judith M acD ougall 122; Flaherty, R obert 9, 30, 4 5 - 6 , 73, 74, 75,
116; the city 114; them es of 117; tru th Radcliffe-Brown 67 E vans-Pritchard 6 6 -7 ; vision 58 128; b ackground o f 47; centrality of
216 Index Index 217
Flaherty, R o b ert (сот.) characteristics o f films 63; collaborators the world 58; E vans-Pritchard’s knowledge, and: abstract representation o f
distinction betw een exploration and 61; com m itm ent to social dem ocracy 60; anthropology 66 - 7; Radcliffe-Brow’n 64; 37; David and Judith M acD ougall 122,
revelation 49; characteristics of films 49, context of work 58; contrast with work of D avid and Judith M acD ougall 123; Tempus De Baristas 147; The
51; context of cinem atic project 47; Radcliffe-Brown 65; developm ent of Wedding Camels 137; vision as source of
1 2 2 -3
contrasted w ith D.W. G riffith 48; his docum entary cinem a 29; different vision images, and: attitude of academ ic 5, 7, 8, 67
cinem a described as ‘taxiderm ic’ 50; from literary establishm ent 60; diversity anthropologists 5; ethnographer’s
h u m an ist im pulse of 47; innocent eye 47; of w ork 61; educative n ature of relationship with subject of study 3; La Chasse an lion ä Tare 92
intentions o f 47; Malinowski 4 5 - 6 , docum entary 62; enlightenm ent vision of ‘iconophobia’ 5 La Pyramide H umaine 92
5 4 -5 ; M oana described as docum entary 6 2 -3 ; establishm ent of principles of Impressionists 37, 39 Langham 35, 36; and Rivers’ vision 40 1
47; m odern reception of work 62; non- d ocum entary 59; establishm ent of Law rence, D .H . 60
Industrial Britain 61
preconception 50; on relationship with professional identity 57; interests and innocence, and M alinow ski’s anthropology Leach, K dm und 57; public profile of 149
Inuit 48; painterly nature of work 56; m ethods 5 9 -6 0 ; I.um ierebrothers 15, Leacock, R ichard 72, 81, 98, 162, 170; and
repudiation of m ontage 51, 56; 17; m odern resistance to his work 62; on innocent eye, and: the ethnographer’s eye direct cinem a 83
reputation established b y Nanook o f the F laherty’s Moana 47; portrayal o f society 45; Jean R ouch 119; M alinowski 52; I,es Demoiselles d ’Avignon and m odern art
North 47; rom antic im pulse 46, 5 0 -1 ; 62; pursuit of state support 68; subject 37, 3 7 -8
R obert Flaherty 47
sim ilar approach to ethnographic m atter of 60; synthetic nature o f films Instinct and the Unconscious 42 Les M a im s Fous 80, 92, 9 2 - 1 0 1, and:
ficldworkers 48; technique and method 63; vision of, and state pow er 59; w ork as Intolerance 25 6, 28, 42 A frican u rb an life 96; audience reaction
48, 4 9, 50; transitional figure 30; a them e of his films 61 94; com m entary o f 9 9 -1 0 0 ; contrasted
Inuit 47, 48
utilisation of personal experience 48; Griffiths, Alison 23 Italy, postwar developm ents in cinema with Jaguar 1 0 8 -1 1 0 ; as critical stage in
vision o f 47, 49 50, 50 -1 Griffith, D. W. 9, 23, 32, 33, 39, 40, 109, developm ent o f R ouch’s anthropological
74 8
Form an, D enis 153; and innovative and: cinem atic technique 2 6 -7 ; cinem a 9 7 -8 ; criticism o f ‘mechanical
Ivens, Joris 128
program m e-m aking 154 characteristics of his cinem a 42; civilization' 97; criticisms of Rouch
Fortes, M eyer 64 contrasted with R obert Flaherty 48; Jackson, M ichacl, and influence o f W H .R . 95 6; as a gam e 99; hostile reception 90;
400 Blows 78 developm ent o f cinem a 2 5 - 8 ; influences integration 97; m aking of 98; m odernity
Rivers 43
Frazer, Sir Jam es 20, 55 on 28; Jam es Agee on 27; lim ited Jaguar, 92, 1 0 2 -1 1 0 and: as developm ent 109 110; m ontage 96; mythology
Free Cinem a, British 77; context o f 78 m odernism o f 28; stylistic innovations of them es of Les Maitres Fous 102; as re­ surrounding 94; order/disorder 94, 96;
F rench New Wave, see N ew Wave, French 138; see also The Birth o f a Nation creation 1 0 8 -9 ; audience response possession 94; reason 100, 101; re­
77 G ruber, Jacob W. 23 creation 108; rites of passage m o tif 95;
10 8 -0 9 ; characters in 103, 106; city
G unning, Tom , 23, 133; on exhibitionism 104, 106; contrasted with Les Maitres ritual 95, 100, 101; R ouch’s intentions
G ardner, R obert 88 o f early cinem a 19 Fous 108 110; cyclical tim e 107; record 100; R ouch’s vision 97; setting 9 2 -3 ;
G eertz, Clifford, on E vans-Pritchard 6 6 -7 ; 105; experim ent in improvisational sound 99 100; as start of R ouch’s
on M alinowski 53, 55 H addon, Alfred C ort, and: anthropological cinem a 102; history 106, 109; h um an distinctive w ork 98; structure of 9 4 -5 ,
gender, and: Diary o f a M aasai Village ideas o f 2 3 - 4 ; conversion to agency 106; m igration 105, 106; 9 6 -7 , 99; sum m ary 93 4; techniques
1 6 5 -6 ; M asai Women 155, 1 5 6 -7 , 160; anthropology 1 9 -2 0 ; enthusiasm for m odernity 1 0 9 -1 1 0 ; m ontage in 104, 9 3 ,9 5 ,9 6 , 98 9; technological
M elissa Llewelyn-Davies 152, 155; The new cinem atic technology 1 5 -1 6 ; m an 106; origins of idea for 102; reintegrative lim itations 98; transform ative power o f
Women’s Olamal 1 5 9 -6 0 , 162 of his tim e 19; recognition of im portance 9 4 -5
im pulse o f 105; rejection of
genealogical m ethod, and: contribution of of fieldwork 2 0 -1 ; salvage m odernization paradigm 107; rite of Let Us N ow Praise Famous M en 27
W .H.R. Rivers 3 5 -6 ; ways of seeing 9 anthropologist 23; theatrical cinem atic passage m o tif 105, 1 0 7 ;sa tire o n Levi-Strauss, C laude 86; public profile of
General Ethnography 22 technique 26; Torres Straits expedition 149
anthropology 1 0 7 -8 ; structure
Germ ep, A rnold Van 96 15, 1 9 -2 4 ;u se o f cinem atographe 2 2 -3 ; 103- 104, 105, 106, 107; sum m ary Llewelyn-Davies, Melissa 10, 72, 89, 151;
Germany, Degree Zero 75 use o f photography 22; visual 1 0 2 -1 0 5 ; techniques 103, 104; them es anthropology of wom en 157; to The
G insburg, Faye 158, 171 anthropology 25 Women’s Olamal 161 2; developm ent of
of 102; transition 1 0 5 -6 ; village as
Gioia, H e rb di 129, 130 H ancock, D avid 129; working m ethod of h e r approach 159; docu-soap form 165;
symbol of authenticity 106
G luckm an, M ax, and D avid and Judith 130 Jay, M artin 5, 25, 35, 91; on trench warfare distinctive approach of 170;
M acD ougall 139 H auka cult, see Les Maitres Fous experim entation 152; fem inist
G odard, Jean-L uc 112 H ead, H enry 41 ethnography 166; fem inist perspective
Jennings, H um phrey 61
G orm ley, Antony, on character of hearsay, rejection of in ethnographic Jie, the 133; in To Live with Herds 1 2 5 -6 , 152, 155, 1 6 5 -6 , 168, 170; influences
enlightenm ent vision 58 practice 52 on 1 5 4 -5 , 162; lim itations of her
G ranada Television 150; Disappearing H eider, K arl 88 approach 158, 159; M aasai film cycle
World series 153; innovative Ilockings, Paul 2 1 5 1 -6 9 ; on Diary of a M aasai Village
K aplan, E. A nn 152
program m e-m aking 154 Hollywood, postwar crisis in 82, 7 1 2 K ern, S tephen 37; on birth of m odernism 16 163; on Memories and Dreams 169; on To
Grass 60 Housing Problems 61 Live with Herds 1 2 4 -5 ; significance of
kinship diagram 33, and: m odernism of
G reat War, see F irst W orld War Howes, D avid 6 73; television 166, 170; visualist
Rivers’ vision 40; m odernist
G riaule, M arcel 9 7 - 8 ; hostility to Les interpretation of m ethod 3 6 -7 ; visual approach o f early work 159
Mahres Fous 90 ‘iconophobia’ 5 Lorang’s Way, and: central character 135;
form o f 36; W .H.R. Rivers 3 5 -7
G rierson, John 9, 31, 57, and: illum ination, and: enlightenm ent vision of individual agency 135; structure o f 135
Klee, Paul 32; on a rt 37
218 Index Index 219
Lum iere, Auguste 15, 17 foundation of scientific ethnography 52; mise-en-scene 12, 73, 84; and direct cinem a observation, M alinowski and technique of
L um iere, Louis 15, 1 7 -1 9 , 22, and: idiosyncratic m ethod of 45; innocent eye 8 3 -4 53, 54
inspiration for docum entary film-makers 45, 52; literary aspirations o f 45; literary M itchell, D enis 170 observational cinem a 75, and: audience
47; as m an o f his tim e 18; film style of 55; m onographs 55; painterly M oana 47 130; character of 129; direct cinem a
techniques 18™ 19, 26; m ethods o f 17; n ature o f texts 5 5 -6 ; portrait of m odernism , and: break w ith realism 37; 8 4 -5 ; film -m akers role in 130; H ancock
subject m atter of first films 1 7 -1 8 T robriand society 56; professionalisation birth of, Stephen K ern on 16; D.W. on working m edrods 1 30; To Live with
of anthropology 63 4; repudiation of Griffith 28; developm ent o f Herds 129, 131 3
M acD ougall, David, and: exploratory m ontage 56; revelatory nature of vision anthropology and cinem a 1 6 -1 7 ; ocularcentrism , crisis o f 5 - 7 , 25; and Jean
faculty 74; innovations in film -m aking of 45; R obert Flaherty 45 6; optim ism o f 39; way of seeing 9 Rouch 90; and W .H.R. Rivers 35
style 138; intcllectualism 148; rom anticism 46, 52, 54, 55; techniques M odleski, Tania 166 On the Pole 82
knowledge 147; on A Wife Among Wives o f participation and observation 53; Moi, Un Noir 92, 110 12; the city 111;
136; o n A urukun films 141; o n Son g o f transitional figure 30; vision of 45, 5 1 -2 ; epic quality of 110; journey m otif of Paisan 75, 77
Ceylon 127, 132; on The Wedding Camels visionary nature of 53, 54; visual n ature 11 1 -1 2 ; origins 110; rite o f passage Parsons, T alcott 86
136; on visual anthropology 171; of his texts 45, 55 6; way of seeing 5 1 -2 m otif 1 1 1 -1 2 ; R ouch’s com m entary participant-observation, in Italian
privileged cam era style 138; reason in his M anchester ethnographers 139 11 0 -1 1 ; structure 11 1 -1 2 ; sum m ary neorealist cinem a 76
cinem a 101; significance of 73; writings M arcus, George 11, and: influence of 11 0 -1 1 ; transform ation 112 participation, M alinowski and technique of
o f 122; see aim M acD ougall, D avid and W .H.R. Rivers 43; Italian neorealist m onographs, and Malinowski 55 5 3 ,5 4
Judith cinem a 77; on characteristics of m ontage m ontage, and: definition 11; Eisenstein on participatory cinem a, and: A urukun films
M acDougall, D avid and Judith 10, 72, 89, 28 11; George M arcus on characteristics of 141 2; D avid and Judith M acDougall
1 0 0 -1 , 162, and: Aboriginal politics M arcus, M illicent 76 28; in Jaguar 104, 106; in Les Maitres 133; T urkana trilogy 1 3 7 -8
145; audience ] 23; character of their M arshall, John 88 Fous 96; in Memories and Dreams 168; in Pennebaker, D o n n 81; and direct cinema
enlightenm ent cinem a 121, 122, 123; M aasai film cycle 166 To Live with Herds 126, 131; repudiation 83
cinem atic style 126; collaboration with M aasai film cycle 166, and: changing by Flaherty and Malinowski 51, 56; use Photo Wallahs 145, 1 4 6 -7 , and: hierarchy
A ustralian Institute of Aboriginal Studies character of 1 5 2 -3 ; and innovation 170; o f by D . W. Griffidi 2 6 - 7 ; used in city 146; location 147; nostalgia 147;
140; contrast w ith Jean R ouch 122, intellectual consistency of 152; M elissa sym phony genre 128; ways of seeing photography 146; To Live nith Herds 147
122 3, 124; conversation 143; Llewelyn-Davies’ 151 -6 9 ; see also Diary 10-11 photography, and: Berger on contrast with
enlightenm ent project o f anthropological of a M aasai Village; M asai Women; M ontaigne 1 0 7 -8 film 24; centrality to visual anthropology
cinem a 122, 123; evolution of their work Memories and Dreams; The Women 's Moore, H enrietta 172 2; condem nation by intellectuals 60;
123; hierarchy 146; historical and Olamal; M asai M anhood M orin, Hdgar 1 1 2 -1 6 , 118; on cinem a 112 guarantor of objectivity 2 1 -2 ; in Photo
political context of their w ork 1 2 3 -4 , M asai Manhood 151, 153, 155, 156 M orphy, H ow ard 2 Wallahs 146; introduction as
1 2 5 -6 ; knowledge 122, 123; m etaphysic M asai Women 151, 153, 155 9, and: M oser, Brian 124, 154 anthropological too] 2 1 -2 ; problem s
of 122, 1 3 9 -4 0 , 142; m ethodological anthropology of wom en 157; argum ent m ulti-m edia, and visual anthropology 2 w ith objectivity of 25; racial classification
innovations 141 2; m ove to Kenya 133; of 158; as m ove away from salvage m useum ethnography, and visual 2 1 - 2 ; Torres Straits expedition 21, 22,
observational cinem a 129- 30; parallels anthropology 155; feminist perspective anthropology 2 24
w ith M ax G luckm an 139; participatory 155; focus of 155; gender 1 5 6 -7 , 15 8 -9 , M yers, Fred 20; on A urukun films 141 Picasso, Pablo 39, and m odern art 37
cinem a 133, 1 4 1 -2 ; participatory 160; lim itations of 158, 159; narration Pinney, C hristopher 54, 1 4 6-7
politics 145; postw ar cinem a 121; 157, 158; partiality of 155; structure of Nanook of the North 46, 47, 48 Potter, D ennis 170
process of illum ination 1 2 2 -3 ; 155 6; style of 157 native culture, H ad d o n ’s view of 2 3 -4 Primary 82
progressive innovation of 123; m aterial culture, and visual anthropology natural science o f society, see com parative Principles o f Visual Anthropology 1 2
rom anticism 145 -6; technical roles 2 sociology progress, collapse o f confidence in idea of
12 ]; techniques 1 3 0 -1 , 131 2; vision M cDougal], W illiam 20 neorealism , Italian 7 4 - 8 , and: A ndre Bazin 37
of 122, 1 3 2 -3 , 145; work in India M ead, M argaret 2; influence on em erging 7 4 -5 ; Bazin and Rossellini 75, l b - 1 ; protopathic personality 34
1 4 6 -7 ; see also A Wife Among Wives; discipline of visual anthropology 87 8; Bondanella on 75; characteristics of Pudovkin, V sevolod 11
A urukun films; Lorang’s Way; Phoio interest in film and photography 8 7 -8 ; 7 5 -6 ; Fellini on 74; m otivations o f
Wallahs; Tempus De Baristas; The public profile of 149 leading figures 75; role o f director 76; race, and use of photography for
Wedding Camels; To Live with Herds; Melville, H erm an 117 social and political context of 75, 77; classification 2 1 -2
T urkana trilogy Memories and Dreams 1 5 1 2 , 166, 167—9, techniques 76; vision o f world 74 Radcliffe-Brown, Alfred Reginald 5, 9, 31,
Malinowski, Bronislaw 3, 4, 9, 30, 35, 129, and: change 167; elegiac quality 169; N ew Wave, French 77, 78; see also 35, 38, 57, 86, and: characteristics of
and: com pared with Flaherty' 5 4 -5 ; ethical issues 167; fem inism 168; Chronique d ’un ete structural-functionalism 6 7 -8 ;
contrast w ith W .H.R. Rivers 43; contrast Llewelyn-Davies’ changing focus 168- 9; N ichols, Bill 137 com parative sociology 65;
w ith Radcliffe-Brown 64; contribution to m ontage 168; salvage paradigm 167; non-preconception, and Flaherty’s cinema conceptualisation of society 66; context
m odern ethnography 5 1 -2 ; structure 167—8; them e of 167 50 o f w ork 58; contrast w ith John G rierson
developm ent o f m odern anthropology m etaphysic 7 8; of David and Judith Nouvelle Vague, see N ew Wave 65; contrast with Malinowski 64;
20, 29; effect of First W orld War on 44; M acD ougall 122, 139 40, 142; of C ubism 67; enlightenm ent project of 45;
e thnographer’s goal 47; exploration and presence 135; of To Live with Herds objectivity, and photography 25;Victorian illum ination as im pulse 64; influences on
revelation 49, 54, 55; fieldwork 54, 55; 132 - 3 ; of W .H.R. Rivers 33 concerns over 2 1 -2 65;
220 Index Index 221

Radcliffe-Brown, Alfred Reginald (cont.) Rossellini 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, and: Bazin’s 45, 53, 54; political control 5 8 -9 ; role of The House-Opening 142
intellectual interests of 65; negligible interpretation o f 75, 7 6 -7 ; cinem atic vision 5 3 -4 ; visualism 64 The Origins of Ethnographic Film 23
literary o u tp u t 65; norm ative stance of techniques 71; on his m ethods 7 6 Seligman, Charles 20 The Predicament o f Culture 29
vision 66; professionalisation of R otha, Paul, on R obert Flaherty 46, 49, Sica, V ittorio D c 72, 74, 65, 76, 77, 78 The Wedding Camels, and: contested society
anthropology 57, 6 3 -4 ; pursuit o f state 50 sight, First W orld W ar and loss of 137; David M acD ougall on 136;
support 68; sterile intellectualism 67; R othm an, W illiam, on Flaherty’s Nanook confidence in 41 exploration of knowledge 137; focus of
unsatisfactory nature of his fieldwork 65; o f the North 50; on Jean R ouch 102 soap-opera, and Diary o f a Maasai Village 1 3 5 -6 ; M acD ougalls’ intention 137;
vision of 64, 69; way of seeing 64 R ouch, Jean 10, 72, 89, and: 163, 1 6 4-5 production o f m eaning 137; structure of
Ray, Sidney H. 20 anthropological cinem a 9 0 - 1 , 9 1 -2 , social dem ocracy, and John G rierson’s 137
Read, H erb ert 8; on Cezanne 37 1 1 8 -2 0 ; cinem a verite 79, 80; cinem atic work 60 The Women’s Olamal 151, 159 -63, and:
reality, and cinem a 7 3 - 4 concerns 79 80; cinem atic form 117, society, natural science of, see comparative focus o f 159 60; gendered perspective of
Regeneration 33 118; consistency o f them e 117, 118; sociology 162; influences on 162; Llewelyn-
Reisz, K arel 78 context of his cinem a 8 0 ,9 1 -2 , 11 7 -1 8 ; Song of Ceylon 61, and: continuation of D avies’ perspective 161; partiality of
Reitli L ecture, E dm u nd L each’s 1967 contrast with M acD ougalls’ 90 1; earlier tradition 128; D avid M acD ougall 160; social reintegration 163; structure
149 criticisms of 9 5 -6 ; decolonisation on 127, 132; hum anism of its vision 128; o f 160- 1; style of 1 6 1 -2 ; techniques 162
Renoir, Jean 73, 74 m ovem ent 92; determ inism and inspiration for To l iv e with Herds 124; theatre, and influence on early cinem a
Reports o f the Torres Straits Hxpedilion 22 spontaneity in his practice 99; distinctive W right’s intentions in 127 18- 1 9 ,2 2 - 3 ,2 6
Resnais, Alain 77 use of cam era 98; Dziga Vertov 80; Spencer, Baldwin 16 I 'hree Horsemen 142
Rethinking Visual Anthropology 2 experim entation 117; features of his Stalin, Josef 43 T h u rn , E. F. Im 22
revelation, and: M alinow ski’s vision 45, 49, cinem a 80; film -m aking style 9 8 -9 ; film Steiner, George 8 To Live With Herds 107, 121, 1 2 4 -3 3 , 146,
54; Flaherty 49 as a gam e 99, 1 1 8 -1 9 ; fusion of realism Stocking, George 35 and: argum ent of 126; anthropological
Richardson, Tony 78 and fantasy 118; innocence 11 9; Stoller, Paul 6 - 7 , 102 cinem a 1 2 4 -5 ; cinem atic style 126;
Richm an, M ichele 107 -8 interplay o f freedom and constraint 99; structural-functionalism 66, 67; classicism of 131; C olin Young on 132;
Rigby, Peter 125 Les Maares Fous as crucial stage in characteristics of 6 7 -8 cyclical rhythm of 1 2 6 -7 ; didactic
Rivers, W .H.R. 5, 9, 10, 20, 21, 3 2 -4 3 , developm ent of his anthropological nature o f 1 2 8 -9 , 132; historical context
and: background o f 39; cinem a 40; cinem a 9 7 -8 ; location of films 80; Take-Over 142, 143—5 of 128; influence o f Basil W right 127,
conflict of objective and subjective 4 0 -1 ; ocularcentrism 90; on film goers’ 'fanner, Tony 117 128; integrity of pastoral life 139;
contrasted with M alinowski 43; Cubists understanding 91; on filming techniques Taussig, M ichael, and influence ofW .H .R . M acD ougalls’ intentions 128 9;
40; D.W. Griffith 42; death of 43; 81; on the M acD ougalls 101; Rivers 43 metaphysics of 1 3 2 -3 ; m ontage 126,
developm ent of m odern anthropology participatory anthropology 101; Taylor, I .ucien 5, 171 131; observational cinem a 129, 1 3 1 -3 ;
29; doubt 40; Dziga Vertov 4 2 -3 ; early personality 91; playful approach technology, and problem of objectivity oppositions w ithin 133; paradoxical
and late m odernism phases 33; effect of 118—19; reason 100, 101; rom ance 119; 2 1 -2 nature of 132; realism of 131; structure
First W orld War on 42, 44; genealogical significance of 73; subject m atter 98; television, and: nature of anthropological of 125, 126 7; rejection of linear notion
m ethod 35 6; inability to visualize 40; technological lim itations 98; 150, 151; as m edium for anthropology o f progress 127; salvage paradigm 139;
influence of 32; influence on Radcliffe- transform ative power of his cinem a 150; altitudes towards 170; developm ent sum m ary 1 2 6 -7 ; techniques 130 1,
Brown 65; intellectual context of 3 2 -3 ; 94 5, 119; vision 97, 118, 119; as o f 1 5 3 -4 ; docum entary 153, 154; 1 3 1 -2 ; vision of 132 -3
kinship diagram 3 5 -7 , 40; late visionary 91; voice 119; see also Chronique influence on direct cinem a 84; M elissa Torres Straits expedition 9, 15, 1 9 -2 4 ,
m odernism o f 42; m o d em ambivalence d ’un ete; Jaguar; Les Maitres Fous; Moi, Llewelyn-Davies 170; nature ofview ing and: academ ic dismissal of 4; m odem
tow ards 32; m odernism of his vision 32, Un Noir; Russian Revolution, as 153; postw ar com petition with cinem a anthropology 20; genealogical m ethod
33, 35; m odernist phases of 39; w atershed event 30 7 1 -2 ; soap opera 1 6 4 -5 ; wariness of 35; investigation of vision 52; m ethods
ocularcentrism 35; P at B arker’s First R uttm an, W alter 113, 128 anthropologists 150 used 20, 21; m otivation for 19 -2 0 ;
World W ar trilogy 3 3 -4 ; personality of Tempus De Baristas 121, 125, 145, 146, photography 21, 22; problem s of
4 0 - 1 ; Rivers-H ead experim ent 41 - 2 ; salvage anthropology 2 3 -2 4 ; and M asai 1 4 7 -8 , and: knowledge 147; as objectivity 2 1 -2 ; recognition of
significance of 33; Torres Straits Women 155 redem ptive experience 148; tim e 1 4 7 -8 im portance of fieldwork 20 1; use of
expedition 35 - 6; treatm ent of shell­ salvage paradigm , and: Memories and 'The Andaman Islanders 64, 65 cinem atographe 2 2 -3 ; visual content of
shock victims 41; vision, centrality of Dreams 167; To Live with Herds 139 The A x Fight 88 rep o rt on 20; W .H.R. Rivers 3 5 -6
3 4 -5 ; visual anthropology 25 Schaffer, Sim on 21 The Bicycle Thief 77 tree imagery, and kinship m ethod 36
Rivers-H ead experim ent 41 - 2 Schoedsacks, E rnest 60 The Birth o f a Nation 25, 42, and: attitude T rinh, M inli-ha 6, 166
rom antic way of seeing 9, and: D avid and scientific ethnography, and: critique of of critics 28; cinem atic technique 27 T ruffaut, Francois 78, 80, 112; attack on
Judith M acD ougall 1 4 5 -6 ; Jean R ouch 1 4 9 -5 0 ; developm ent of 17; distinctive The Bridge 128 cinem atic conventions 80
119; M alinowski 45, 52, 54, 55; R obert vision o f 57; enlightenm ent vision 67; The Card Player 22 T urkana, the 133
Flaherty’s cinem a 46, 5 0 -1 establishm ent of 29, 30; foundations of The Chair 83 T urkana trilogy, and: central idea o f 134;
Rome, Open City 15, 77; as reflection of 52; influence of First W orld War 30; The Confidence M an 117 exploratory nature of 1 3 3 -4 ; features of
new w orld society 71 influence on M elissa Llewelyn-Davies The Drifters 6 0 -1 ; vision of 62 1 3 7 -8 ; lim itations of 140; M acD ougalls’
Rony, Fatim ah, on R obert Flaherty’s 154; interw ar developm ent o f 3 0 -1 ; The Eye in the Door 33 original plan 134; m etaphysics of
cinem a 50 interwar influences on 58; Malinowski The Ghost Road 33 presence 135; m ethod 139; notion of
222 Index
T urkana trilogy (cant.) postwar em ergence of 72, 86- 7, 8 7 -9 ;
conversation 138; participatory cincma scope for practitioners self-expression 3;
1 3 7 -8 ; portrait of T urkana society 134; seen as m eans of acquiring technical
social flux 140; structure 134; style of skills 4
1 3 8 -9 ; theatrical conception of 138; visualism 6, 67; and scientific ethnography
vision o f 139 40; voice o f 1 3 9 -4 0 ; see 64
also A Wife Among Wives; Lorang’s Way; visualist bias 67
The Wedding Camels visualizing anthropology, and: centrality of
T urner, Victor 139 W .H.R. Rivers 34; enlightenm ent way of
T urton, D avid 151; on changes in seeing 57; influence of P at Barker 33;
anthropology 169 M alinowski 45
voice, and m odern anthropology 6
U C L A fihn-m akers, and observational
cinem a 129 ways of seeing, and: anthropology 7;
Umberto D 7 5 -6 , 77, 78 anthropological cinem a 9 0 -1 ;
Un Chien Andalou 5 divergence of anthropology and cinema
Under the Sun T V series 150 31; em ergence o f different ways o f 16;
enlightenm ent 57, 58, 66;
Vaughan, D ai, on Louis L um iere’s film 18 enlightenm ent, and D avid and Judith
Vertov, Dziga 9, 11, 33, 39, 40, 128, and; M acD ougall 122; forms of 9;
characteristics of his cinem a 80; M alinow ski’s 4 5 - 6 , 5 1 -2 , 5 2 -3 , 54;
developm ent of cinem atic technique 28; m ontage 10 11; origin o f term 34;
m odern reception of w ork 62; m odernist types of 9
vision of 4 2 -3 W einberger, Eliot, satire on ethnographic
video cam era, and visibility of users 3 film -m akers 1
Vincent, Joan 86 Welles, O rson 73, 76
Visconti, L uchino 74, 76 W ilkin, A nthony 22
vision, and: dem ise of perspectival m ode W illiams, R aym ond 75
39; enlightenm ent way of seeing 58; W inston, B rian 63, 68, 88
Evans-Pritchard 66; films of Jean R ouch w om en, anthropology of 157
90; First W orld W ar and loss of w om en’s m ovem ent ] 57; see also fem inism
confidence in sight 41; position in W oodhead, Leslie 151
m odern anthropology 3, 5 - 7 , 7 - 8 , 171; Woolf, Virginia 60
role of in M alinow skian ethnography work, as them e o f docum entary cinem a 61,
44 -5, 5 3 -4 ; source of knowledge 5, 7, 8, 1 1 4 -1 5
67; status in W estern culture 5; Torres Worlds A part T V scries 150
Straits expedition 20, 52; W .H.R. Rivers W right, Basil 61, 127, and Song of Ceylon
3 4 - 5 , 40; ways of seeing 7; see also 124; see also Song o f Ceylon
visual anthropology, and: academ ic Y anki No! 82—3
m arginality 2, 4; Am erican influences on Young, Colin: and observational cinem a
em erging discipline 87; content o f a new 129; 0 11Л Wife Among Wives 140; To
1 7 1 -2 ; D avid M acD ougall on 171; Live with Herds 132
em ergence as sub-discipline 1 -2 ;
experim entation 3; fields of enquiry 2; Zavattini, Cesare 74, 78, 129
influence of M argaret M ead 87 8; Zika, D am oure 98; and origins of Jaguar 102
The Ethnographers Eye Grim shaw’s exploration o f the role o f vision within
modern anthropology engages with current debates about
Ways o f Seeing in Modern
ocularcentrism, investigating the relationship between
Anthropology vision and knowledge in ethnographic enquiry. Using John
Berger s notion o f ‘ways o f seeing’, the author argues that
vision operates differently as a technique and theory o f
knowledge within the discipline. In the first part o f the
book she examines contrasting visions at work in the
so-called classical British school, reassessing the legacy o f
Rivers, Malinowski and RadclilTe-Brown through the lens
o f early modern art and cinema. In the second part o f the
book, the changing relationship between vision and
knowledge is explored through the anthropology o f Jean
Rouch, David and Judith M acDougall and Melissa
Llewelyn-Davies. Vision is foregrounded in the work o f
these contemporary ethnographers, focusing more general
questions about technique and cpistemology, whether
image-based media arc used or not in ethnographic

a n n a g r I m s 11 A w is Lecturer in Visual Anthropology at

the Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology, University
o f Manchester. She is the author o f Servants o f the Buddha
(1992) and editor o f the C.L.R . James Reader (1992).

A nn a Grim shaw offers a refreshing rethinking o f the status

o f the visual in anthropology in her thoughtful, erudite and
imaginative investigation o f visual anthropology’s intellec­
tual foundations. ...W riting in an accessible and lively style,
Grim shaw engages the work and arguments made in the
field o f ethnographic film that have been ignored for too
long by the academy, and then extends her interest in “ways
o f seeing" to anthropology more generally.’
FAYE G IN S B U R G , New York

C over illustration: detail from a face C a m b r id g e

mask from an Egyptian sarcophagus, UNIVERSITY PRESS
polychrome painted plaster on wood, www.cambridge.org

Kitzwilliam M useum , Cam bridge.

Photograph © Fir/w illiam M useum .


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