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UNIT 8 TEST Class Date

Living among the stars

The world’s population* is now more than 7 billion people and a lot of these people live in cities. Cities are where
most people want to live, but the world population is growing fast and cities are becoming more and more
crowded. There are 36 ‘megacities’ that each have a population of over 10 million. Tokyo, for example, has a
population of 38 million. If the population keeps increasing, and cities keep getting bigger, where is everybody
going to live?
One idea is to build cities underground, or to move many of the transport, communication and energy systems
below ground and away from the crowded city streets. But this doesn’t really solve ‘the people problem’. Another
idea is to build ‘floating’ cities on water, or even to build cities under the sea. All these suggestions keep us here
on planet Earth, but what about living somewhere else – in space, for instance?
One man who believes it is possible is Dr Al Globus, who has worked on the International Space Station, among
other things. He says that it is hard to say if we will build cities in space, but we can build them if we decide to
because we have the scientific ability and the money to do it.

1 Read the extract from an article about cities of the future. Are sentences 1-4 ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B)?
If there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B), choose ‘Doesn’t say’ (C).
More people live in cities than in the countryside.
A Right B
Wrong C
Doesn’t say
Tokyo is a ‘megacity’.
A Right B
Wrong C
Doesn’t say
Moving systems underground won’t help the population problem.
A Right B
Wrong C
Doesn’t say
Dr Globus believes it will be too hard to build space cities.
A Right B
Wrong C
Doesn’t say
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2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the first conditional.
Liz is thinking about the school holidays ...
1 I great fun with my cousins if they come to stay. (have)
2 We for a few days if Mum gets some time off work. (may go away)
3 I won’t get up early in the mornings if I to. (not want)
4 I my friends every day if they don’t go away for the summer. (see)
5 I will go to the beach every day if my best friend with me. (come)
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3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the second conditional.
1 If you left the gate open, the cows . (get out)
2 You would sleep better if you coffee in the evenings. (not drink)
3 She would come with us if she so much work to do. (not have)
4 If they offered me that job, I it. (not take)
5 Stephen would get better marks if he harder. (work)

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4 Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 I was driving along the crossroads / motorway / zebra crossing when my car broke down.
2 You must drive or walk over the alley / bridge / tunnel to get to the island.
3 The elephants and tigers are the most popular animals at the park / square / zoo.
4 Mum went to the market / library / bus stop to buy fresh fruit and vegetables.
5 Let’s check the timetable / traffic / road to see when the buses leave.
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5  You will hear two friends, Stefan and Camilla, talking about a Fun Run in their town. Listen and
complete the questions.

Fun Run

Raise money for: Cancer Research

How much sponsors give: £1 each
Number of sponsors: 2

When: 3
24th June
Where: 4
Time: 5

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6 Your class has been asked to prepare a leaflet for a group of exchange students visiting your
city. The best leaflet will be printed and given to them when they arrive. Write a leaflet giving
information about what teenagers can do in your city and where they can go.

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