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Tillie Morin


Choices Value

1) Love- Care, by showing that you are there for someone, or your ​physical
presence. Support​, affection and ​Sacrifice​. Being involved, being engaged
with the person.
a) ​Looks​. Smiles, or comforting facial expressions. Communication or
talking. Being able to listen to someone. Affection, hug and or sex.
Laughing is also a visual sight of love. Honesty is another thing that
has to do with love. Spending time with the other person. Crying is a
look of appreciation.
b) Sound​, like sayings of appreciation, also the way you say it or Tone. I
choose you is another saying. Singing to the other person. Being
joyful having a happy tone, a gentle tone and a passionate tone.
Crying is a sound. I got you is another saying, I'm not going to leave
you. “What do you need.” “How can I help.” “I am here if you need
me.” “You got this.” “I believe in you.” “No.” “WE and US vs you
and me.””To me love is silent there doesn’t always have to be a
saying or action. Love doesn’t mean all the things that are technically
said but done. Hard conversations could be a way to show love
through sound.
c) Feels​. Touching, butterflies in the stomach and sense of warmth.
Comfort is also a feeling that goes along with safe. Having a sense of
security and protection, also being nervous. The acceptance and
touching feeling that you have been accepted and understood. You
have vulnerability to one another. Some love can be peaceful and
sweet. The expectation of growth the feeling of you can do better, you
can grow.
d) What is it not, hate failure disappointment.
Tillie Morin

2) Equality- ​the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and

a) Looks.​ Sharing, caring and being there for someone. Sacrifice,
support, and being fair.
b) Sounds.​ “We can do this all of us.” “NO one left behind.” “What we
want depends on how hard we try to get it.”
c) Feels​. Safe, same, equal, not different.
d) Not. unfairness

3) Patience-the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering

without getting angry or upset.
a) Looks​. Peaceful, Calm, Taking your time, Attention, Consideration,
Caring, and Recognizing.
b) Sound. ​Silence, observant, keeping your cool.
c) Feels.​ Calming, Acceptance, Welcoming and warm.
d) Not. Being naggy.

4) Identity-the fact of being who or what a person or thing is.

a) Looks. Genuine, be yourself, confident
b) Sound. Tone, Voice
c) Feel. Respect for yourself, Pride,
d) Not. Not understanding

5) Humility-Humble
a) Looks. Joyful, involve other, team player
b) Sound. Soft tone, passionate, optimism
c) Feels. Kindness, caring, gentle, warming, comfort
d) Not. Not being helpful.

6) Trust- Trusting in someone

a) Looks. Trust falls, team work, hopeful,
b) Sound. Considerate, gentle, communication, “I am here for you.”
Tillie Morin

c) Feels. Respectful, warm, helpful.

d) Not. Not lying to each other

7) Loyalty- being loyal

a) Looks. Smiles, laughs, responsible.
b) Sound. Laughing, be honest, compliments.
c) Feels. Trusting, warm, comforting, partnership
d) Not. Not being trustworthy.

8) Family, people you love or care about.

a) Looks. Care, smile, happy, there for each other.
b) Sound. Laughs, joyful, arguments, tears, silence.
c) Feels. Emotional, Safety, comforting,joyful, calm, helpful.
d) Not lying to each other.

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