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What is love?

Love is a presence, support when you need it. Love is sacrificing for the sake of
others. It is Encouragement and affection. Its being not only involved in their life but
also involved. Love looks like eye contact and smiles. It sounds like laughing, talking,
and hearing validation of love.
Love is being sincere with the words you say. Love is choosing one person over
the other 5 million people. Its smiling when the other is singing to their heart's content.
It is a passion, it is a joy. You open yourself up, you’re vulnerable. There are tears of
happiness, tears of saddness, tears of frustration. Love is platonic, its I got you. I hear
you. I'm here for you.
Love is cheering you on while you follow your dreams, while you grow. It's
believing in them, trusting they can handle themselves and that they will ask for more of
your support only if they need it. It's understanding boundaries, not getting mad when
you get told no. It shows in the tolerance you allow yourself to have.
It is feeling nervous, scary, safe, and mushy. Its being temporarily confused
before you communicate. Its acceptance of the other choices, regardless of what you
think. You feel a sense of peace in their presence. Love for another is knowing when
you must have hard conversations, and having the willingness to grow.
If you want to be better, I will help, but first, it's up to you to open your mind to
your flaws. Love is us, it isn't I or me.

What is equality

Equality isn’t taking more than you need. Equality is not taking resources to
climb to the top.
You can see equality when students catch each other up if one missed
something. Because it is equal chances. It is supportive because you may fall, but its
because you never hiked before, but your peer helps you up.
It sounds loud and quiet. You hear the truth because hiding it gives you an
advantage. Its also being quiet when you know the truth can tear them down, its
gradual growth.
If feels like a hug when you need it, like a pat on the back. But also leaving you to
figure it out on your own. I feels good and fair.

What is patience?
Patience looks like a pause when others are struggling. It is aiding when others
don't understand but with the absence of condescending tones.
It sounds like “take your time”, “it's okay”, “ try again”. “Don't worry, just focus” it
sounds like words of encouragement, ones that keep you from worrying that you'll mess
Patience feels like a presence, one you can lean on when needed. There is no
time limit.

What is identity
Confidence, consistency
. Being unique, being yourself
. Admitting flaws and growing.
Talking to yourself,
words of ownership.

Its your name.

Telling yourself you're fine.
“I am who i am”
“im okay the way i am”.

Your voice.
It feels like patting yourself on the back.
Self power

Stepping back
Silent celebration
Lack of vanity
Giving high fives, not showing off

Taking your flaws into consideration
Not being louder than the rest
Thank yous

Feeling worthy
Positive touch

It isnt rubbing your success in the face of others. It isnt trying to take over


Trust isnt being two-faced

A liar

Head nods

Words of confirmation
“You can count on me”
“ I got it done”
“ I trust you”
“I got you”
“Ill do it”

Getting the job done

Handing over your work
Being able to show for what you have done
High fives
A shoulder to lean on

Loyalty isnt switching sides, back and forth
Loyalty isnt breaking boundries
It isnt defaming

Loyalty looks like

Being honest
Defending friends
By your side

Sounds likes
Telling the whole truth
“I’ll follow you”
“ I got your back”
“ Ill do what you need”

Feels like
A constant presence


Family isnt doing what you can to bring others down, it isn't leaving others behind

There in times of need

Argues, then laughing

“I love you”
“Where are you?”
“ Are you okay”
“What if,” “can I do this?”
Happy caring
Physical- pushing hugging, disappointment, shame, learning

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