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Some people think that government funding should not be used to support art and culture.

Others think supporting cultural activities may be beneficial for the population.
Discuss + give opinions.

I. Opening (4 sentences)
1 – Context (government funding)
It is widely recognized that state funding should be directed towards the betterment of
citizens’ life quality.
2 – Topic (art & culture)
Because of this, what governments should spend on has always been a topic of debate.
3 – Paraphrase (opinion)
While some people argue that art and culture are unworthy of government subsidies, there
are those who fervently believe that investments in these fields would be of tremendous
benefit to the public.
4 – Answer
In this essay, I am going to demonstrate how it is unwise to undermine/ overlook the
importance of art and culture before showing the merits of injections in these domains.

II. Body
Body 1
1 – Topic sentence: It is understandable why some people deem art and culture trivial and
think that they do not merit government funding.
2 – Reason: The key rationale is that citizens are unlikely to benefit directly from progress in
these areas. Economy or healthcare, on the other hand, seem like sectors where the money
invested would yield immediate results for the population.
3 – Counter: However, such thinking is short-sighted, as artistic and cultural activities also
help drive economic growth.
4 – Example: Historical sites draw an enormous number of foreign visitors, for example, and
spawn thousands of jobs, contributing to the very lucrative tourism industry which is the
backbone of many economies.
5 – Meaning of example: This is a testament to how cutting financial support for art and
culture may actually do a country a disservice.
Body 2
1 – Topic (link to Body 1) In addition to being an economic driver, another reason why art
and culture should be given financial aid is the fact that they help preserve national identity.
2 – Explain – Obviously, a country’s distinctive culture is often manifested in its traditional
arts, and these values may be at stake (~ at risk) if more efforts are not put into protecting
artists and cultural heritage.
3 – (brain-drain phenomenon) If the citizens in a country are not aware of their art and
culture, it is likely that they may become less appreciative of their roots.
4 – Explain – generalize harm: This concern is quite pertinent (~ relevant) in this day and
age when foreign influences have wormed into/ permeated many different societies and
the brain-drain phenomenon seems to be getting worse.

III. Conclusion
In conclusion, while there may be some justifications for attaching less importance to the
arts and culture, I believe these fields are play a pivotal role in society and government
funding for artistic and cultural activities should be perpetuated.
Part 3 – Storytelling
1. Are you a good storyteller?
Well, to be honest, I am not much of a storyteller.
 I’m not very coherent when it comes to telling stories… I can recount what happened …
but I’m afraid I can’t add any interesting flavors that may draw the audience in
 My voice is quite monotonous (M –no – T – nous) -> … you’ll probably doze off when …
 not very animated -> cannot use body language efficiently
2. How are technology and storytelling related?
- Wow, wow wow wow, … intriguing question. My oh my.
I guess T kind of augments storytelling
 spread the story through many different platforms (get the word out)
 incorporate vivid images and graphics into stories … make them come alive
3. YouTube, FB… help stories become better?
- with the aid of visual effects, storyteller … engage the audience / create a more
immersive experience
- make your stories known to a larger audience.
4. Storytellers – natural or trained?
 some people are gifted with an innate ability to tell stories (gifted with/ endowed with/
bestowed with – have a knack for …)
 voice – a silky voice -> They are destined to become public speakers, narrators, radio
hosts, …
 K – ris – M (CHARISMA) -> which really draws the audience in
5. Can storytellers be trained?
 Absolutely. I think the ability to tell a good story can be acquired through hard work.
 intonation is something that comes with time and can be learnt and refined
 body language
6. Do you think stories can affect people’s lives?
Without a shred of doubt, some stories can be life-changing and uplifting
For example: folklore/ folk stories can impart lessons about moral behaviors
Some people’s testimony can be truly inspiring, esp. if you can identify with their stories
and what they’re going through. -> Ex: The first person that springs to mind …

Part 3 – Traditional Food

1. Describe a traditional food?
Wow, it’s funny you ask this question. I’m actually a foodie/ a food lover/ a food enthusiast
-> it’s tough to name just one dish in VNese cuisine -> Bun Dau Mam Tom, which is a
mouthful to pronounce -> Essentially, … noodles (thin strands of noodles) served with fried
tofu and a very special condiment called Mam Tom – shrimp paste. For first timers, the
shrimp paste can smell quite off-putting but it is definitely an acquired taste -> it’s
absolutely delicious (a platter of … )
2. fast food?
 banh mi -> ubiquitous fast food not only in VN but across the globe -> signature VNese
 essentially, a French baguette (B –get) stuffed with different cuts of meats, pickled
vegetables, your choice of sauce (chili is always a safe bet)

3. Fast food >< home cooking

I tend to lean towards home cooking
 it gives me peace of mind -> ingredients are always fresh >< fastfood restaurants:
heavily processed , preservatives

Part 3 – Water?
1. Is water important?
Well, I don’t want to state the obvious, but water is indispensable
 sustain our lives -> humans need to stay hydrated
 facilitate agricultural and trade activities -> It wouldn’t be an understatement to say
that water is the very livelihood of many people.
2. Jobs related to rivers?
Actually, many.
 fishing … a lucrative industry
 logistics and forwarding -> a substantial amount of goods is still transported by ships

3. popular water activities?

- swimming -> thousands of people flock to beaches to swim -> a big part of the tourism
- water sports -> kayaking
- floating markets -> where many vendors peddle their wares from small boats and

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