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Review questions halaman 144

General Anatomy Questions

1. There are four sets of motions that occur at the shoulder joint. Which motions occur
a. in the frontal plane around the sagittal axis?
Answer : shoulder abduction/adduction
b. in the transverse plane around the vertical axis?
Answer : shoulder medial/lateral rotation, horizontal abduction/adduction
c. in the sagittal plane around the frontal axis?
Answer : shoulder flexion/extension
2. Describe circumduction and the shoulder joint motions involved.
Answer : The circular arc of the upper extremity formed by a combination of the shoulder
motions flexion, abduction, extension, and adduction
3. Which fossa is located on the anterior surface of the scapula?
Answer : Subscapular fossa
4. The spine of the scapula divides the posterior surface into which two fossas?
Answer : Supraspinous and infraspinous fossas
5. What landmarks can be used to determine if a model of an unattached bone is a right or left
Answer : With the humerus in the vertical position, the bicipital groove facing anteriorly, and
the head facing medially, the right humeral head faces toward the left.
6. What are the SITS muscles, and why are they called “rotator cuff muscles”?
Answer : Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis muscles; they hold the
head of the humerus in toward the glenoid fossa as it moves within the socket.
7. Name the shoulder joint muscles attaching on the anterior surface of the scapula.
Answer : Subscapularis and coracobrachialis muscles and the short head of the biceps
brachii muscle
8. Name the shoulder joint muscles attaching on the posterior surface of the scapula.
Answer : Teres major, teres minor, infraspinatus, supraspinatus, posterior deltoid
9. Which shoulder joint muscles do not attach on the scapula?
Answer : Anterior deltoid, pectoralis major dan latissimus dorsi
10.Regarding the pectoralis major:
a. Which portion of it is effective in shoulder flexion?
Answer : Clavicular portion
b. What part of the range is it more effective? c. Why?
Answer : First part of range—to approximately 60 degrees
c. Why?
Answer : Its vertical line of pull makes it more effective in the early part of the range
and less so as it approaches a more horizontal line of pull.
Functional activity questions
1. Putting your billfold in your left back pocket with your left hand
a. Shoulder joint motion
Answer : Shoulder hyperextension and medial rotation
b. Shoulder girdle motion
Answer : Scapular tilt and protraction
2. Reaching up to get hold of your seat belt (driver’s side with left hand)
a. Shoulder joint motion
Answer : Shoulder abduction and lateral rotation
b. Shoulder girdle motion
Answer : Scapular upward rotation and retraction
3. Fastening your seat belt with your left hand
a. Shoulder joint motion
Answer : Shoulder adduction and medial rotation
b. Shoulder girdle motion
Aanswer : Scapular downward rotation and protraction
4. Placing a book on the upper bookshelf
a. Shoulder joint motion
Answer : Shoulder flexion
b. Shoulder girdle motion
Answer : Scapular upward rotation and protraction
5. Tucking and holding a book under your arm
a. Shoulder joint motion
Answer : Shoulder adduction
b. Shoulder girdle motion
Answer : Scapular downward rotation

Review questions halaman 279

General anatomy questions
1. List the bones that make up the
a. pelvis.
Answer : Two hip bones, sacrum, and coccyx
b. hip bone.
Answer : The fused bones of the ilium, ischium, and pubis
c. hip joint.
Answer : Acetabulum of the hip bone and head of the femur
d. acetabulum.
Answer : ilium, ischium, pubis
e. obturator foramen.
Answer : ischium and pubis
f. greater sciatic notch.
Answer : ilium and ischium
2. If you were handed an unattached hip bone, what landmarks would you use to determine if
it was a right or left hip bone?
Answer : With the greater sciatic notch posterior and the body of pubis anterior, the
acetabulum faces laterally. Therefore, if the acetabular opening is facing to the right in this
position, it is a right hip bone.
3. How would you determine if an unattached femur is a right or left one?
Answer : With the femur in the vertical position, the linea aspera and lesser trochanter are
posterior, and the head faces medially. Therefore, in this position the head of the right femur
faces toward the left.
4. Describe the hip joint:
a. Number of axes
Answer : 3
b. Shape of joint
Answer : ball and socket
c. Type of motion allowed
Answer : flexion/extension, abduction/adduction, and rotation
5. What hip motions occur in
a. the transverse plane around the vertical axis?
Answer : Medial and lateral rotation
b. the sagittal plane around the frontal axis?
Answer : Flexion/extension
c. the frontal plane around the sagittal axis?
Answer : Abduction/adduction
6. What is referred to as the Y ligament? Why?
Answer : The distal attachment of the iliofemoral ligament; because it splits into two parts,
forming an upsidedown Y
7. Why is the hip joint not prone to dislocation?
Answer : The acetabulum forms a deep socket holding most of the femoral head, and the
joint is surrounded by three very strong ligaments.
8. What is the direction of the line of attachment of the hip ligaments-vertical, horizontal, or
spiral? What does this line of attachment allow for?
Answer : The line of attachment of the ligaments is a spiral. This arrangement causes the
ligaments to become taut as the joint moves into extension and to slacken with flexion, thus
limiting hyperextension without impeding flexion.
9. Which two-joint hip muscles attach below the knee?
Answer : rectus femoris, sartorius, gracilis, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, biceps
femoris and tensor fascia latae muscles
10. Which hip joint muscles are not prime movers in any single action but are effective in a
combination of movements? List the movements.
Answer : The sartorius muscle is involved in hip flexion, abduction, and lateral rotation; the
tensor fascia latae muscle is involved in flexion and abduction.
11. What muscle(s) keeps your pelvis from dropping on one side when you lift one foot off the
floor? Describe what happens.
Answer : When you lift your right foot off the floor, the left hip abductors and right trunk
extensors contract to keep the right side of the pelvis from dropping. A force couple exists
when the hip abductors are pulling down while the trunk extensors are pulling up.
12. Does the femoral head surface glide in the same or opposite direction as the thigh during hip
flexion/ extension?
Answer : Opposite
13. What is the end feel of hip flexion? Hip extension?
Answer : Hip flexion : soft tissue approximation, hip extension : soft tissue stretch

Functional Activity Questions

1. A right-handed tennis player strikes a ball with a forehand swing and follows through. The
left hip is moving into what positions (Fig. 18-35)?
Answer : Hip extension and medial rotation, and maybe some adduction
2. a. How is hip flexion affected by sitting on a low surface versus a higher one (e.g., a regular
versus a raised toilet seat)?
Answer : Greater hip flexion is required with a low surface.
b. What accompanying hip motions or positions may occur if a person has her feet apart,
knees together, and hands on her knees, and she pushes down to assist when standing (Fig.
Answer : Medial rotation and adduction may accompany the increased flexion.
3. Standing in anatomical position and keeping your pelvis fairly level, shift your weight to your
right foot.
a. What hip joint motion has occurred at your right hip?
Answer : Adduction
b. What muscle group initiates this action?
Answer : Right hip adductors
c. Is this an open- or closed-chain activity
Answer : Closed
4. While weight-bearing on the left leg, note the motions of your right hip as you swing your
right leg in the following activities:
a. Walking
Answer : Swing phase includes hip flexion, extension, and hyperextension
b. Stepping up onto a curb
Answer : Greater hip flexion than walking
c. Getting into a car
Answer : Hip flexion and abduction
d. Getting on what is commonly called a boy’s bicycle (bar between handlebars and seat)
Answer : Combination of hip hyperextension, abduction, flexion, adduction as you swing
your leg over the bike, and may also include some rotation
5. Lie supine on a table with knees bent and your feet flat. Note the position of your pelvis and
determine if you can put your hand on the small of your back.
a. If you cannot, what is the position of your pelvis?
Answer : Posterior tilt
b. If you can, what is the position of your pelvis and lumbar spine?
Answer : Anterior tilt with increased lumbar lordosis
6. From the position described in question 5, slowly slide your feet down the table until your
hips and knees are extended. Again, note the position of your pelvis and determine if you
can put your hand on the small of your back. Repeat this again, keeping your right knee and
hip flexed with your foot flat, while you move your left foot down until your left hip and knee
are extended.
a. What is accomplished at the pelvis by keeping your right hip and knee flexed?
Answer : It maintains the pelvis in a posterior tilt.
b. What can be said about left hip muscle length if you cannot rest your left thigh completely
on the table? In other words, why wouldn’t you be able to extend your left hip?
Answer : There is not sufficient length of the hip flexors to complete the range of motion.
c. What is the one-joint hip muscle attaching on the pelvis and lumbar spine that may be
responsible for this limitation?
Answer : Iliopsoas
d. What difference does the position of the pelvis have on anterior hip muscle length?
Answer : The anterior hip muscles must be elongated more when the pelvis is in a posterior
tilt position versus an anterior tilt position.
7. Pretend that you cannot completely extend your hip due to tight hip flexors. How might you
compensate for this when standing?
Answer : You may compensate by standing with the lumbar spine in lordosis and the pelvis
in anterior tilt, or by leaning forward in a slightly flexed hip position.
8. You are seated at a table. Stand up while turning to the right. Stop halfway through this
motion (before you move your feet).
a. The right hip is in what positions? (1) flexed/ extended, (2) abducted/adducted, or (3)
medially rotated/laterally rotated
Answer : The right hip is flexed, adducted, and medially rotated.
b. The left hip is in what positions? (1) flexed/ extended, (2) abducted/adducted, or (3)
medially rotated/laterally rotated
Answer : The left hip is extended, abducted, and laterally rotated.
9. When a tennis player hits the ball (see Fig. 18-35), what type of kinetic chain activity is
occurring at the hip? At the shoulder?
Answer : Hip : closed chain; shoulder : open chain

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