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Unit Social Learning Environments Literacy and ludic. Date September 10th to 14th 2018.
Title of the lesson The new schoool. Social Practices of the Language Vocabulary
I’m a brilliant at…. Ss read the story with some fluency. Playground, boring, exciting,
Speak and spell ( g/ j/ sound) funny, interesting, sad, scary,
Do you love computer ? sports, basketball, bracelet, break
time, brilliant, clasrrom music,
Springfill school.
swimming pool.
Key Achievements Achievements
Auxiiar verb : do. Subjects. Abilities SS understand the importance of helping new classmates and
giving opinions.
Curricular Standards Contents
Speaking , Reading and writing. Wh questions . Auxiliary do . Places in your school
Language Arts

I’m a brilliant at….

Warm up: SS listen , point and say the subjects. Repeat the name of the subject T ask do you study ICT at school? etc.
Pre: SS listen and sing “I’m brilliant at PE” and doing the actions. T ask what’s subject is Ravi good at ? repeat for Lily and Josh.
While. SS listen and follow . Make true sentences. T focus the Ss on the grammar table. SS listen the first table, pointing to the
corresponding parts of the sentence. Ss repeat the complete sentence and say if it is true or false for them. T repat the procedure with
other sentences. Ss go to page 9 and write the school subject.
Post: SS write 5 questions into their notebooks, ask another friends and record their answers. T and Ss review the activities from the
unit so far and ask the Ss to think of a question. For example are you good at ( skateboarding) ¡? The class moves around the room.
When T say Freze, the ss stop where they are. When T say Pair, they get into a pair with a Ss finally when T say Share, they ask an
answer their questions. Repeat several times.
Hw: Book: Hi 5. Activity. Page: 9. Activity 2. Correct the grammar table. Order and write the sentences.

Make questions.
Warm up: Lottery game. Ss review places in a school.
Pre: SS sing My school song. ( track 12 C1) SS sing and do the actions.
While: PB. Page 9 SS act out a dialogue then ask and answer questions about school. Ss look at the picture T asks: Where is Josh
and Ravi? ( the school song) Then T asks Do think Josh likes sports? ( yes) Ss practice the model dialogue (when do you …? / where
….and what?) when we ask about an object or an action, T using the cart on page 9, repeat the questions and give an answer. In pairs.
SS repeat the procedure with the other sentences. T explains the grammar clue as a class (auxiliary verb: do) helps the main verb to
make questions. SS complete the sentences in the grammar table
1. When __________ you study French.
2. ______ do listen the music
3. What you eat in the morning
provided by the teacher. In their notebooks.

Post: SS read and write. Draw their favorite places in school. T write on the board when, what and where. T and SS make brainstorm
different daily routines as a class and write these on the right side of the board. E.g. get up at 7am and complete the break code activity.

The new schoool
Warm up: Ss use the code to read the message from luck. “ 28 60 6016 -48-84-12-44 at your new school.”
Pre: T asks what lessons do you think the children have in the story. SS open their books on p. 10 PB. Listen and read the story about
my new school and identify the places.
While Ss act out the dialogue in pairs. T asks some comprehension questions about the story: Do you think Josh and Lily are nervous
of the star of the story? Why? Who helps Josh and Lily? How can you help new pupils at your school? and discuss in whole class.
SS go to the Activity Book p. 8, read and complete. Write Josh. Lily or Ravi, then listen the text about our adventure and circle the eight
mistakes. SS listen again and write the correct words.
Post: SS read out the first statement. Ss circle the adjective that best describes the story then complete the second sentence and give
a reason. They then rate the story from one to five stars.
“Speak and spell “
Warm up: Ss review the I’m brilliant at PE.
Pre: T writes the letter “G” on the board and asks What sound does this letter make? List the words that Ss know with the sound.
Explain that sometimes this letter makes another sound.
While: PB page 13. Ss look at the pictures and T ask What can you see? What’s this giraffe doing? What are these giraffes
doing? Ss listen to a tongue twister. SS follow the text in their books. Play the CD again and Ss join in with the tongue twister. T asks
how do you spell judo ( gym) etc. Highlight the two ways of spelling the /J/ sound and focus the class on the yellow note. Ss go to the
AB page. 10 and complete the tongue twister then find and circle the words snake which contain /j/ sound. Classify and write the words
according to whether they are written with /J/ and /G/. T
Post: Dictation. T makes statements about the class timetable. And Ss listen and decide whether the statement is true or false.
SS make their own timetable and to say which lesson they have and the times they have them. T and SS play Board pelmansim
(Memorama) with the places in a school.
“Join the roller hockey heroes”
Warm up: SS make spelling
Pre: SS look at the photo on the poster in PB page 14 and T asks what can you do at this club? SS describe what they can see.
While: SS think of a question to ask about the club. Read and listen the text about roller hockey. Ss go to AB p. 11 and work in pains
they have to read each statement about the previous text and identify the correct option. Ss look at the five pictures and find the words
on the poster and write down their answer. Read each question, answer and T chooses some volunteers and share their answer in
whole class.
Post: T gives a color o white paper for each student or for teams ( optional) Ss design a fun club. SS should list the activities. Share
their ideas with the rest of the class.

References and Technological Resources(Tic)

Hi five : Activity and Pupils book 3 . notebook, colors, wordcard, flascard , CD, speakers, color paper.

Cross-curricular links

Post activities: dictation, write 5 sentences using do you..? Exercise on AB page 8 about find a mistake. Class timetable. Fun
Curricular Adaptations and Observations

Unit Social Learning Environments Academic and ludic. Date September 10th to 14th ; 2018.
Title of the lesson The rock pool story. Social Practices of the Language Vocabulary
Ss listen, read and understan a story about sea life. Crab, tencables, sea, anemoe, look, like,
SS identify the five sense and their related sense carnivore, invertebate, living, there is…
near…some of the .. in the photo are..
Key Achievements Achievements
Living things review. - Ss investigate about living and non- living thing.
Our Senses - SS understand that our sense and our nervous system help us to
Sense : See find out about surrounding.
Curricular Standards Contents
Listening, speaking, reading. Living things review, our senses, and nervous system, colors,
describing appearance.
The rock pool
Warm up: SS say all the ocean animals
Pre: Page 12 and 13 SS listen and read the story the rock pool. T makes some comprehension questions: who can you see?, where
are they? Why are there? What do they see in the rock pool? What mustn’t they do? What do Clara and Nico find? What does the
animal eat?.
While: Listen and read about anemones. T repeat the CD and Ss read the text then write into their notebooks the following sentences
with true or false provided by the teacher.
1. Sea anemonas are vertebrates.
2. Sea anemonas eat other animals
3. Sea anemonas move a lot
4. Sea anemonas can hurt you
5. Its easy to tell if a living thing is a plant, animal or a plant.

Post: My science project. Write about living thing and non-living things around you. Ss can use a magazine or a photo ( collage) .
Write a text about living thing and non -living thing. SS copy and complete the word maps on book page 14-15 (review), complete the
sentences and answer true false in each sentence and identify the three life process.
How we use our senses.
Warm up: play Simon says.
Pre:T and SS make a brainstorm about five senses and use some cut outs.
While SS listen to Clara at the fair. T asks what Clara can see, what can Clara touch? What can she smell? What can Clara taste) Ss
listen and read about the five sentence and underline the important facts into the text. Say the five sense chant. Whole class. Talk about
how we use our senses. Say the five senses rap..
Post : SS match the organs to the senses. Write sentences about organs and the senses. T give some flashcards for each student and
ask them to stick them on the poster in the appropriate place. Write 5 sentences about how you use your sense . E.g I use my eyes to
read books

Warm up: play I spy , spy.
Pre: Ss listen and read about the parts of the eye.
While: Categorise the part of the eyes. T draw on the boar two pictures of the eyes on the boar. One showing the eyebrows,
eyeslashes and eyelids; the other showing the retina, iris and pupil.
Ss complete the chart about color irises have their classmate got. Copy this table into their notebooks.
How many children? Total
The most common iris colour is :

Post: eyes collage. Ss draw very large eyes on a piece of card. T give the pupils tissue paper ( white, black and blue, etc) and they
make eyes lashes. Label the eyes part and display around the classroom.
T gives a small piece of plasticine. Ss make a model of the eye with the plasticine. When Ss finished give them each three pieces of
paper and three cocktail stick and label the parts of the eyes. Refer them back to the picture of the eyes on page 18 on their pupils
book if is necessary.
Hw. Notebook: Science Complete the sentences provided by the teacher about life process

Read and complete

a) Nutrition, all living things need ___food___for energy and to grow.
b) People and animals eat _________ or other anumals.
c) Plant use ____sunlight to make their own food.
d) Interactions: All living things _____ moving, touching and ___ are some forms of interactions.
e) Reproduction: _____ all living things reproduce. Reproductions means making new _____
Plants communication food living thing interact

The eye.
Warm up: T and Ss review of the parts of the eyes. Draw an eye on the board and Ss write the parts of the eye.
Pre: Ss follow the instructions on book page. 19. SS make a pinhole viewer.
While. Ss copy and complete this text about how to make a pinhole viewer in their notebooks. Whole class, discuss the results of an
Secure the foil over one end of the _____ with Secure the wax paper over the other end
the rubber band with another_____
Roll the ____ around the toilet roll tube . Make a small hole in the ______

Post : Solve a worksheet provided by the teacher about the part of the eyes. (Puzzle, label the eye part and complete the sentences.

References and Technological Resources(Tic)

Science book 3. Color paper, plasticine, stick, flashcard and worksheet.

Cross-curricular links

Review about living things, write sentences about how you use your sense, pinhole viewer, worksheet about eyes part.

Curricular Adaptations and Observations


Unit Social Learning Environments Academic and ludic Date September 10 to 14th ; 2018
Title of the lesson zero the hero Social Practices of the Language Vocabulary
mexican independence day. SS identify the important facts fo Taco, fiesta, freedom , party, parade , bell , hat
battle, flag , Delores , September , Spain , Mexico
mexican culture. games , food, red, green , white, eagle, serpent
cactus music dancing army soldiers
Key Achievements Achievements
key elements of Mexican culture. SS know about the history of the independence movement, the annual "el
Flag colours grito" reenactment, and key elements of Mexican culture.
Miguel hidalgo y Costilla
Curricular Standards Contents
Speaking and reading . Value: patriotims.
Social Studies.
Zero the Hero
Warm up: game: Chinese whispering.
Pre: SS look at the pictures and skim the text on p. 8 quietly for a few minutes. T asks who is the story about; What are the characters’
names? What is tom doing? What is zero doing. What else is in the bowl?
While: SS listen to the Cd and follow it in their books. T writes on the board Zero’s big adventures and SS help make a list of Zero’s
adventures in a poem. Into the text number each adventure. T gives a worksheet about zero. They have to draw lines from the
sentences to the correct picture.
Post: work in groups and T assign each group a category: land, water on both. Have each group research and make a poster showing
either creatures that can only breathe on land, creatures that can only breathe in water or both.
Extra: On the board. T write Real heroes and heroines, give examples from the class to make sure Ss understand e. g . Maria is
heroine. she goes to the hospital because mother is in the hospital or make a list of real heroes and heroines for examples; doctors,
farmers, etc.
Book: Selections. Page: 113. Activity: read each sentence and draw the picture from the story .

September 15th. Mexican independence Day
Warm up: play bingo Mexican words. Ss sing "Viva Mexico" Song Write one word in each square in any order:
Pre: brainstorm about Mexican independence party taco fiesta freedom party parade bell hat
battle flag Delores September Spain Mexico
While: Ss write some notes into their notebooks about the flag: The games food red green white eagle serpent
cactus music dancing army soldiers
flag of Mexico has changed somewhat over the years. The significance of
the colors has different meanings, too. Originally the green stood for independence and now stands for hope, the white stood for religion
and now stands for unity, and the red stood for union and now signifies the blood of all Mexican heroes.
Ss draw a Mexican flag and cuts out some china paper ( green , white and red) and paste into the flag.
Post: SS write a priest, Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, living in the town of Dolores, organized an uprising against the
Spaniards. He was famous for shouting, “Grito de Dolores" or the “Cry of Dolores" to incite the crowds to fight for freedom
from unfair taxes and slavery. It took 11 years for Mexico to gain independence. Create a cartoon strip using five of your word
in the conversations between the Father Hidalgo and the people of the revolution. Draw a map of Mexico showing the city of Dolores,
and the city of Chihuahua. Memorize a famous quote by Father Hidalgo or some other person in history who took a stand.
References and Technological Resources(Tic)
Worksheet about zero, selections book, color paper.
Cross-curricular links
youtube links for brief videos of “el grito”, as it occurs in Mexico City (2010 - 2015 versions)

Curricular Adaptations and Observations

____________________ _____________________________ _______________________

Miss Nelly Salvador Ruaro Miss Vianey García González Miss Rosa Martha Ramírez Murillo
English Teacher Languages Coordination Principal

Unit Social Learning Environments Literacy and ludic. Date September 10th to 14th 2018.
Title of the lesson The new schoool. Social Practices of the Language Vocabulary
I’m a brilliant at…. Ss read the story with some fluency. Playground, boring, exciting,
Speak and spell ( g/ j/ sound) funny, interesting, sad, scary,
Do you love computer ? sports, basketball, bracelet, break
time, brilliant, clasrrom music,
Springfill school.
swimming pool.
Key Achievements Achievements
Auxiiar verb : do. Subjects. Abilities SS understand the importance of helping new classmates and
giving opinions.
Curricular Standards Contents
Speaking , Reading and writing. Wh questions . Auxiliary do . Places in your school
Language Arts

I’m a brilliant at….

Warm up: SS listen , point and say the subjects. Repeat the name of the subject T ask do you study ICT at school? etc.
Pre: SS listen and sing “I’m brilliant at PE” and doing the actions. T ask what’s subject is Ravi good at ? repeat for Lily and Josh.
While. SS listen and follow . Make true sentences. T focus the Ss on the grammar table. SS listen the first table, pointing to the
corresponding parts of the sentence. Ss repeat the complete sentence and say if it is true or false for them. T repat the procedure with
other sentences. Ss go to page 9 and write the school subject.
Post: SS write 5 questions into their notebooks, ask another friends and record their answers. T and Ss review the activities from the
unit so far and ask the Ss to think of a question. For example are you good at ( skateboarding) ¡? The class moves around the room.
When T say Freze, the ss stop where they are. When T say Pair, they get into a pair with a Ss finally when T say Share, they ask an
answer their questions. Repeat several times.
Hw: Book: Hi 5. Activity. Page: 9. Activity 2. Correct the grammar table. Order and write the sentences.

Make questions.
Warm up: Lottery game. Ss review places in a school.
Pre: SS sing My school song. ( track 12 C1) SS sing and do the actions.
While: PB. Page 9 SS act out a dialogue then ask and answer questions about school. Ss look at the picture T asks: Where is Josh
and Ravi? ( the school song) Then T asks Do think Josh likes sports? ( yes) Ss practice the model dialogue (when do you …? / where
….and what?) when we ask about an object or an action, T using the cart on page 9, repeat the questions and give an answer. In pairs.
SS repeat the procedure with the other sentences. T explains the grammar clue as a class (auxiliary verb: do) helps the main verb to
make questions. SS complete the sentences in the grammar table
4. When __________ you study French.
5. ______ do listen the music
6. What you eat in the morning
provided by the teacher. In their notebooks.

Post: SS read and write. Draw their favorite places in school. T write on the board when, what and where. T and SS make brainstorm
different daily routines as a class and write these on the right side of the board. E.g. get up at 7am and complete the break code activity.

The new schoool
Warm up: Ss use the code to read the message from luck. “ 28 60 6016 -48-84-12-44 at your new school.”
Pre: T asks what lessons do you think the children have in the story. SS open their books on p. 10 PB. Listen and read the story about
my new school and identify the places.
While Ss act out the dialogue in pairs. T asks some comprehension questions about the story: Do you think Josh and Lily are nervous
of the star of the story? Why? Who helps Josh and Lily? How can you help new pupils at your school? and discuss in whole class.
SS go to the Activity Book p. 8, read and complete. Write Josh. Lily or Ravi, then listen the text about our adventure and circle the eight
mistakes. SS listen again and write the correct words.
Post: SS read out the first statement. Ss circle the adjective that best describes the story then complete the second sentence and give
a reason. They then rate the story from one to five stars.
“Speak and spell “
Warm up: Ss review the I’m brilliant at PE.
Pre: T writes the letter “G” on the board and asks What sound does this letter make? List the words that Ss know with the sound.
Explain that sometimes this letter makes another sound.
While: PB page 13. Ss look at the pictures and T ask What can you see? What’s this giraffe doing? What are these giraffes
doing? Ss listen to a tongue twister. SS follow the text in their books. Play the CD again and Ss join in with the tongue twister. T asks
how do you spell judo ( gym) etc. Highlight the two ways of spelling the /J/ sound and focus the class on the yellow note. Ss go to the
AB page. 10 and complete the tongue twister then find and circle the words snake which contain /j/ sound. Classify and write the words
according to whether they are written with /J/ and /G/. T
Post: Dictation. T makes statements about the class timetable. And Ss listen and decide whether the statement is true or false.
SS make their own timetable and to say which lesson they have and the times they have them. T and SS play Board pelmansim
(Memorama) with the places in a school.
“Join the roller hockey heroes”
Warm up: SS make spelling
Pre: SS look at the photo on the poster in PB page 14 and T asks what can you do at this club? SS describe what they can see.
While: SS think of a question to ask about the club. Read and listen the text about roller hockey. Ss go to AB p. 11 and work in pains
they have to read each statement about the previous text and identify the correct option. Ss look at the five pictures and find the words
on the poster and write down their answer. Read each question, answer and T chooses some volunteers and share their answer in
whole class.
Post: T gives a color o white paper for each student or for teams ( optional) Ss design a fun club. SS should list the activities. Share
their ideas with the rest of the class.

References and Technological Resources(Tic)

Hi five : Activity and Pupils book 3 . notebook, colors, wordcard, flascard , CD, speakers, color paper.

Cross-curricular links

Post activities: dictation, write 5 sentences using do you..? Exercise on AB page 8 about find a mistake. Class timetable. Fun
Curricular Adaptations and Observations

Unit Social Learning Environments Academic and ludic. Date September 10th to 14th ; 2018.
Title of the lesson The rock pool story. Social Practices of the Language Vocabulary
Ss listen, read and understan a story about sea life. Crab, tencables, sea, anemoe, look, like,
SS identify the five sense and their related sense carnivore, invertebate, living, there is…
near…some of the .. in the photo are..
Key Achievements Achievements
Living things review. - Ss investigate about living and non- living thing.
Our Senses - SS understand that our sense and our nervous system help us to
Sense : See find out about surrounding.
Curricular Standards Contents
Listening, speaking, reading. Living things review, our senses, and nervous system, colors,
describing appearance.
The rock pool
Warm up: SS say all the ocean animals
Pre: Page 12 and 13 SS listen and read the story the rock pool. T makes some comprehension questions: who can you see?, where
are they? Why are there? What do they see in the rock pool? What mustn’t they do? What do Clara and Nico find? What does the
animal eat?.
While: Listen and read about anemones. T repeat the CD and Ss read the text then write into their notebooks the following sentences
with true or false provided by the teacher.
6. Sea anemonas are vertebrates.
7. Sea anemonas eat other animals
8. Sea anemonas move a lot
9. Sea anemonas can hurt you
10. Its easy to tell if a living thing is a plant, animal or a plant.

Post: My science project. Write about living thing and non-living things around you. Ss can use a magazine or a photo ( collage) .
Write a text about living thing and non -living thing. SS copy and complete the word maps on book page 14-15 (review), complete the
sentences and answer true false in each sentence and identify the three life process.
How we use our senses.
Warm up: play Simon says.
Pre:T and SS make a brainstorm about five senses and use some cut outs.
While SS listen to Clara at the fair. T asks what Clara can see, what can Clara touch? What can she smell? What can Clara taste) Ss
listen and read about the five sentence and underline the important facts into the text. Say the five sense chant. Whole class. Talk about
how we use our senses. Say the five senses rap..
Post : SS match the organs to the senses. Write sentences about organs and the senses. T give some flashcards for each student and
ask them to stick them on the poster in the appropriate place. Write 5 sentences about how you use your sense . E.g I use my eyes to
read books

Warm up: play I spy , spy.
Pre: Ss listen and read about the parts of the eye.
While: Categorise the part of the eyes. T draw on the boar two pictures of the eyes on the boar. One showing the eyebrows,
eyeslashes and eyelids; the other showing the retina, iris and pupil.
Ss complete the chart about color irises have their classmate got. Copy this table into their notebooks.
How many children? Total
The most common iris colour is :

Post: eyes collage. Ss draw very large eyes on a piece of card. T give the pupils tissue paper ( white, black and blue, etc) and they
make eyes lashes. Label the eyes part and display around the classroom.
T gives a small piece of plasticine. Ss make a model of the eye with the plasticine. When Ss finished give them each three pieces of
paper and three cocktail stick and label the parts of the eyes. Refer them back to the picture of the eyes on page 18 on their pupils
book if is necessary.
Hw. Notebook: Science Complete the sentences provided by the teacher about life process

Read and complete

f) Nutrition, all living things need ___food___for energy and to grow.
g) People and animals eat _________ or other anumals.
h) Plant use ____sunlight to make their own food.
i) Interactions: All living things _____ moving, touching and ___ are some forms of interactions.
j) Reproduction: _____ all living things reproduce. Reproductions means making new _____
Plants communication food living thing interact

The eye.
Warm up: T and Ss review of the parts of the eyes. Draw an eye on the board and Ss write the parts of the eye.
Pre: Ss follow the instructions on book page. 19. SS make a pinhole viewer.
While. Ss copy and complete this text about how to make a pinhole viewer in their notebooks. Whole class, discuss the results of an
Secure the foil over one end of the _____ with Secure the wax paper over the other end
the rubber band with another_____
Roll the ____ around the toilet roll tube . Make a small hole in the ______

Post : Solve a worksheet provided by the teacher about the part of the eyes. (Puzzle, label the eye part and complete the sentences.

References and Technological Resources(Tic)

Science book 3. Color paper, plasticine, stick, flashcard and worksheet.

Cross-curricular links

Review about living things, write sentences about how you use your sense, pinhole viewer, worksheet about eyes part.

Curricular Adaptations and Observations


Unit Social Learning Environments Academic and ludic Date September 10 to 14th ; 2018
Title of the lesson zero the hero Social Practices of the Language Vocabulary
mexican independence day. SS identify the important facts fo Taco, fiesta, freedom , party, parade , bell , hat
battle, flag , Delores , September , Spain , Mexico
mexican culture. games , food, red, green , white, eagle, serpent
cactus music dancing army soldiers
Key Achievements Achievements
key elements of Mexican culture. SS know about the history of the independence movement, the annual "el
Flag colours grito" reenactment, and key elements of Mexican culture.
Miguel hidalgo y Costilla
Curricular Standards Contents
Speaking and reading . Value: patriotims.
Social Studies.
Zero the Hero
Warm up: game: Chinese whispering.
Pre: SS look at the pictures and skim the text on p. 8 quietly for a few minutes. T asks who is the story about; What are the characters’
names? What is tom doing? What is zero doing. What else is in the bowl?
While: SS listen to the Cd and follow it in their books. T writes on the board Zero’s big adventures and SS help make a list of Zero’s
adventures in a poem. Into the text number each adventure. T gives a worksheet about zero. They have to draw lines from the
sentences to the correct picture.
Post: work in groups and T assign each group a category: land, water on both. Have each group research and make a poster showing
either creatures that can only breathe on land, creatures that can only breathe in water or both.
Extra: On the board. T write Real heroes and heroines, give examples from the class to make sure Ss understand e. g . Maria is
heroine. she goes to the hospital because mother is in the hospital or make a list of real heroes and heroines for examples; doctors,
farmers, etc.
Book: Selections. Page: 113. Activity: read each sentence and draw the picture from the story .

September 15th. Mexican independence Day
Warm up: play bingo Mexican words. Ss sing "Viva Mexico" Song Write one word in each square in any order:
Pre: brainstorm about Mexican independence party taco fiesta freedom party parade bell hat
battle flag Delores September Spain Mexico
While: Ss write some notes into their notebooks about the flag: The games food red green white eagle serpent
cactus music dancing army soldiers
flag of Mexico has changed somewhat over the years. The significance of
the colors has different meanings, too. Originally the green stood for independence and now stands for hope, the white stood for religion
and now stands for unity, and the red stood for union and now signifies the blood of all Mexican heroes.
Ss draw a Mexican flag and cuts out some china paper ( green , white and red) and paste into the flag.
Post: SS write a priest, Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, living in the town of Dolores, organized an uprising against the
Spaniards. He was famous for shouting, “Grito de Dolores" or the “Cry of Dolores" to incite the crowds to fight for freedom
from unfair taxes and slavery. It took 11 years for Mexico to gain independence. Create a cartoon strip using five of your word
in the conversations between the Father Hidalgo and the people of the revolution. Draw a map of Mexico showing the city of Dolores,
and the city of Chihuahua. Memorize a famous quote by Father Hidalgo or some other person in history who took a stand.
References and Technological Resources(Tic)
Worksheet about zero, selections book, color paper.
Cross-curricular links
youtube links for brief videos of “el grito”, as it occurs in Mexico City (2010 - 2015 versions)

Curricular Adaptations and Observations

________________________ ___________________________ _______________________

Teacher Esteban Malaquías Chavéz Miss Vianey García González Miss Rosa Martha Ramírez Murillo
English Teacher Languages Coordination Principal

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