Chapter One Background To The Study

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The worldwide constant innovative changes have shown that the future is unpredictable
especially as it concerns education, technology, skills and competencies which were considered
the bed rock of economic, social and political mobility and growth.The development of a nation's
economy is contingent on the quality of skilled human capital in the pool. Vocational education
provides student with life skills that will make them to be productive entrepreneurs as it
engenders creative and innovative ideas; enlarges the economic pie and increases personal
freedom. Vocational education also empower the people socially and economically so that they
will be able to participate in the making of decision regarding policies affecting their lives, to
make the citizens and nations to be self-reliant in the production, distribution and consumption of
goods and services.

Vocational education according to Ojimba (2012) is a form of education whose primary aim
is to prepare persons for employment in recognized occupation and this encompasses field of
study (agricultural education, fine and applied arts education, business education and vocational
trades in soap making, hairdressing, computer training among others). Iheanacho (2006) defined
vocational education as that aspect of education that deals with business education, farming,
book keeping, bricklaying, among others with aims of acquiring vocational skills in these fields.
Nuru, (2007) stated that changes in a country's economy is required to prepare young people for
the jobs of the future and vocational education have important roles to play in this
process,vocational education has been an integral part of national economy development. In the
views of Thompson, (2002) vocational education aims at the development of human abilities in
terms of knowledge, skills and understanding so efficiently in carrying on the activities in the
vocational pursuits of his choice. Winer, (2000) in his contribution opined that vocational
education is designed to develop skills, abilities, understanding, attitudes, work habits and
appreciation encompassing knowledge and information needed by workers to enter and make
progress in employment on a useful and productive basis. It is an integral part of the total
education programme and contributes towards the development of good citizens by developing
their physical, social civic, cultural and economic competencies.

For vocational education to be self-reliant and productive, it needs not be operated in a

vacuum. It has to be hooked unto factors that will help learners and all stakeholders in vocational
technical education to be practical and not only theoretical in their approach to making
vocational technical education meaningful and life-long. These factors according to Ezekiel &
Usoroh, (2009) are:

• Appreciation of dignity to work;

• Utility and culture in vocational education;

• Democracy in vocational education;

• Plights of school dropouts;

• Economics of vocational education;

• Needs of youths and adults;

• Needs of the society; and

• Basic rights of the citizenry

Vocational education also means educational training which comprehends knowledge, skills,
competencies, structural activities, abilities, capabilities and all other structural experiences
acquired through formal, on-the-job or off-the job which is capable of enhancing recipients
opportunity for securing jobs in various sector of the economy or even enabling the person to be
self-dependent by being a job creator. Federal Republic of Nigeria, (2004) preached that
vocational education is an aspect of the educational process, in addition to general education, the
study of technologies an d related sciences and the acquisition of practical skills, attitudes,
understanding and knowledge relative to occupations in various sectors of economic and social
life. Manfred & Jennifer, (2004) advocated that vocational education comprises all more or less
organized or structured activities that aim at providing people with the knowledge, skills and
competencies necessary to perform a job or a set of jobs whether or not they lead to a formal

Vocational education has a vital role to play in technological advancement of any country. It
is a known fact that the training, acquisition and utilization of relevant skills by the people is
indispensable for economic growth and national development. Also, the concept of vocational
and technical education has changed in scope and structure since its inception. As a component
of the overall educational system, it has since increased in both prominence and complexity. As
this growth occurred, the number of population which are served by vocational education has

Vocational education is designed to offer people the opportunity of improving themselves in

their general proficiency, especially in relation to their present or future occupation. Nuru (2007)
opined that changes in any nation’s economy are required to prepare young people for the jobs of
the future of which vocational education have crucial roles to play. May (2007) observed that
vocational education is very much still neglected in the aspect of adequate funding, personnel,
modern facilities, staff motivation which consequently are robbing the country of the economic
development to be contributed by graduates of vocational education. Asogwa & Diogu (2007)
maintained that there is an urgent need for the attention of Nigerians to be redirected towards self
reliant and sustainable means of livelihood which vocational education provides.
Vocational education is one of the courses being offered in many of the institutions of higher
learning in Nigeria; Kogi State University, Ayingba is not left out. Kogi, is a state in the central
region (Middle-Belt) of Nigeria. It is popularly called the Confluence State because of the
confluence of River Niger and River Benue at its capital, Lokoja, which is the first
administrative capital of modern-day Nigeria. Agriculture is the main part of the state economy
with fishing in the riverine areas like Lokoja, Idah, Baji. The state also has coal, petroleum, steel
and other mineral industries. The main ethnic groups are Igala, Ebira, and Okun. Kogi State
University is located at Anyigba, a state-owned university of Kogi, Nigeria. It was established in
1999 by Prince Abubakar Audu, the governor of the state between 1999 to 2003. At the time of
its establishment, it was known as Kogi State University, It was later named Prince Abubakar
Audu University (PAAU) in 2002, after the then governor of Kogi State, who heralded its
establishment, and later renamed Kogi State University (KSU) in 2003.


Vocational education cannot contribute greatly to the reduction of abject poverty, hunger and
unemployment because it is handicapped by numerous challenges (Eze, 2013). Oranu (2004)
observed that the good intentions of successive Nigerian governments about vocational
programmes are still fraught with a lot of challenges, it seems that teaching of vocational courses
have not been properly addressed and not well carried out in tertiary institutions in the Kogi State
university. Common observations have shown that there is more focus on theoretical aspects of
teaching as students are left stranded after graduation and depending on government because of
the lack of practical of the vocational courses. The problem of this study is finding a way out of
the problems encountered while teaching vocational courses in the KOGI state university,
Ayingba .


The purpose of the study is to;

1. identify different vocational courses in Nigeria tertiary institutions

2. examine the rate of availability of vocational teaching materials in Kogi State University

3. enumerate the problems hindering the teaching of vocational courses in Kogi state
university Ayingba

4. identify probable solutions to the problem of teaching vocational courses in Kogi State
University, Ayingba

The following research questions are stated to guide the study;

1. What are the different vocational courses in Nigerian tertiary institutions?

2. To what extent are vocational teaching materials available in Kogi State University?

3. What are the problems hindering the teaching of vocational courses in Kogi State

4. What are the probable solutions to the problem of teaching vocational courses in Kogi
State University,Ayingba?


The significance of this research cannot be over emphasized; this is because teaching of
vocational courses in Nigeria has suffered from years of neglect, mismanagement and
inadequacy of resources to commensurate with the needs, population growth and demand of the
Nigerian society. As a result, vocational education as a strategic priority for national growth and
development has not been effective in providing the desired socio-economic empowerment of
the people and the nation at large.

Vocational education cannot contribute greatly to the reduction of abject poverty, hunger and
unemployment because the teaching is handicapped by numerous problems.

This study is also expected to help the facilitators and teachers to base most part of their classes
on practical than theory so that students can stand on their own in future and also learn by doing.


The study was limited to Kogi State university alone due to financial constraint.


1. Teaching : This is the process of helping students to acquire knowledge, competence or
virtue. It's an instruction or delivering a particular skill or subject or something that
someone tells you to do, it is also the process of inculcating moral values, abilities, skills
by an experienced person to an inexperienced .
2. Vocational : This is relating to, or concerned with a vocation or undergoing training in a
skill or trade to be pursued as a career. It is an educational training that provides practical
experience in a particular occupational field.
3. Education : This is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge,
skills, values, beliefs, and habits. It is the act or process of imparting or acquiring general
knowledge and developing the powers of reasoning and judgment.
4. Facilitator : This is a person or an individual who helps an adult or student to learn in an
5. Institution : This is an organization founded for educational purposes. It is social
structure in which people cooperate and which influences the behavior of people and the
way they live. It is also an establishment, foundation, or organization created to pursue a
particular type of endeavor, such as education.

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