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Ladies and gentlemen , the jury and all of my friends. Good day to all of us. First of all,
let us praise and thank God for the almighty and blessing, we can gather ini this place. Before I
tell my speech, I will introduce my self, my name is Grace Sarah Situmeang from SMP N 2
Pandan Nauli. This morning in front of you, I will tell about Online games. What is online
games? Online games os defined as a digital game facility tha contains a variety of interesting
games. There are 2 types of online games that is ofcline file based installer online game and web
based online game. Where teenagers usually playing online games? In internet cafes, in phone
or computer. Why people playing online games? To fill the leisure time, because people playing
online game is a not confident personil, because people think that playing online game is cool,
because hobby, to make money. But now, the online game functions change to a daily activities
that may causes people or teenagers addicted. Why playing online game can make addiction?
Because online game is designed to be more interesting, boredom family relations that are not
good and make people happier. Who can yet addicted of online games? Online game addiction
can get anyone. Because that is addictive objects. When people can addicted? When playing
online game too long.

Positive effects :

 Can relieve stress

 can improve foreign language skills
 improve knowledge
 can make money
 can make people happier
 can add some friend

Negativeeffects :

 wasting money and time

 damage health such as eyeache, muscle pain, obesity, and acne.
 Reduce people focus
 Causing indifference toward the surroundingsaddicton, stealing, gambling and

How to stop of online game addiction? Must have intention to stop,doing usefull hobbies
like reading book, watching news and the other hobby can to increase knowledge, avoid playing
online games and make changes gradually, meet doctor/therapist. Research proves that in
Indonesia online game players reaches 34 million people and 19 million are addicted and spend
an average of 9,12 US dollars every day and can make some criminal cases. So, rather than we
playing online game, better we do useful activities like studying, practicing, dancing and other
activities and hobby.

The last, let’s stop addicting to online games! Don’t let online games take control of our

This is the end of my speech and I hope all of you can understand and do it. I say thank you for
your attention, and I am so sorry if there are words that are less than pleasing. And the last thank
you for the opportunity that was given to me. Good morning.

Ladies and gentlemen , the jury and all of my friends. Good day to all of us. First of all,
let us praise and thank God for the almighty and blessing, we can gather ini this place. Before I
tell my speech, I will introduce my self, my name is Grace Sarah Situmeang from SMP N 2
Pandan Nauli. This morning in front of you, I will tell about narcotic and drugs. What is drugs ?
Drug is substances cause unconsciousness and and can change moral and mental nervous sytem
of humans. What kind of drugs? Marijuana,shabu, Ecstasy, Heroin. There are 3 types of drugs
such as

 Group 1 : prohibited in medicine, limited to research and if misused can make

addicted be sentence to 14 years in prison. Example heroin, kokain.
 Group 2 : used in medicine, limited to research, and if missued can be sentence to
2 years in Prison. Example morfin and petidine.
 Group 3 : used in medicine,limited to research, and if misused can be sentence to
rehabilitation example : Kodein.

Why people use drugs? There are 3 reasons people use drugs :

 Environmental factor or have friend consume drug

 Family factor, like broken home
 Individual factor like stress

Who people used drugs? The research prove that drug user is 22,34 % unemployment,
27% student, 50 % the worker. Where is the law about drugs? There is the law about drugs in
constitution number 35 of 2009 paragraph said that people without legalice, plant, own,
maintain, store, controlor supply class 1 narcotics are punished with imprisonment of 4 to 12
years and criminal penalties of 800 million to 2 billion rupiahs. When drugs start entering
Indonesia? Drugs entering Indonesia around the 17th century. The type of first drugs in Indonesia
is marijuana type who brought by the Dutch in 1860 , the Dutch growing Marijuana on a large
scale in Java and Sumatera and until today. There are more than 4 million people who using
narcotics and drugs.
What is the result of drug abuse? Can cause overdose, can make sakaw, can cause
HIV,TBC and AIDS. Who is at risk of getting drugs? Smokers, unemployment and broken home
are risk to drug abuse.of course, many people wondering, ehy drugs have not destroyed from
Indonesia? Because drugs are also used for medicine within normal limits and some of food
ingredients also ci=ontain drugs.

How do how do we avoid drug abuse?

1. Get busy with positive activities

2. avoid promiscuity

3. strengthen faith by diligently worshiping

At least, Let’s stop the drug abuse to be better future.I think that all for this time. Thank
youyou’re your attention. I hope all of you never use or try drugs. I am so sorry if there are
words that are less than pleasing. And the last thank you for the opportunity that was given to
me. Good morning.

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