Apollo Program Study Guide

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Apollo Program Study Guide

Test Date: Wednesday, September 11

The “Space Race” was the United States vs. Russia. They competed to see who
could get to the moon first.
Round 1 - Russia - launched a rocket into space
Round 2 - Russia - First man in space
Round 3 - USA - First men on the moon

President Kennedy’s “We Choose to go to the Moon” speech challenged

Americans to focus on getting men to the moon.

The First Astronauts were the Mercury 7.

Requirements: Men ONLY, married with children, background in the military
and worked as test pilots

Early space missions were part of the Gemini Program.

The Gemini Program tested the rocket to get to the moon.
Alan Shephard was the first man to go into space for the United States

Apollo Program came next.

-Apollo 1 disaster - all three astronauts died due to a fire on the launch pad
-Apollo 2-6 cancelled or not manned
-Apollo 7-10 practice missions to get to the moon
-Apollo 11 MEN ON THE MOON!! DATE: July 20, 1969
-Apollo 13 Disaster - Destruction of the Command Module - men returned safely,
but did not get to the moon
-Apollo 17 last moon mission - no more money or need to go to the moon

Astronauts to Know:
Neil Armstrong: First man on the moon
“One Small Step for Man…”
Buzz Aldrin: Second Man on the moon
Michael Collins: Stayed in the Command Module

Saturn 5 Rocket has 3 parts to get into space

2 parts are used in space - Lunar Module (LEM)/Command Module
12 Men in total walked on the moon

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