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Osmotic Loop Diuretics Thiazide Potassium- Sparing

Mannitol Furosemide – less potent, longer Late distal tubule
Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ)
Proximal tubule duration Spare potassium exchange for loss
Chlorthalidone of Na & H2O in urine
ICU patients Bumetanide- more potent, shorter Early distal tubule
Occurs in glomerulus duration Used in combo w/ thiazides &
 Remove fluid from Loop of henle Minor loss of water  Triamterence
intravascular spaces & MOST POTENT
 Blocks Cl- pump o Direct decrease ion transport
deliver large amounts of  Loss of Na+, H2O, K+
 Loss of sodium, Cl, K+, H2O o Non aldosterone antagonist
water into renal tubule  Acute situations o Quicker
 Increase uric acid (gout)
 Uses o Acute pulmonary edema  Treats
and glucose
o Decrease in tracranial o CHF edema o HTN &edema
 Treats hypertension (should
pressure o Cirrhosis  Side effects
only be the problem)
o Prevent renal failure  Useful in renal patients o Blue urine, hyperkalemia
 Ineffective when GFR less  Spirololactone
o Decrease intraocular
than 20 ml/min o Affects ion by blocking action
pressure Side effects
 Make sure urine is made of aldosterone in distal
o Promote movement of  Hypotension & dehydration
 Digoxin Toxicity nephron
toxic substances through  Hypokalemia
kidney  Narrow – index o Aldosterone antagonist
Side effects o Chronic slower (48 hrs)
 Side effects Nursing Implications
 Hypotension &  Treats
o Sudden drop in fluid  Monitor BP o HTN, edema, HF, primary
levels  Stagger meds hyperaldosteronism
o Hypotension  Hypokalemia
 Diet w/ K+  Side effects
o Headache Nursing Implications
 Take meds in the morning to o Gynecomastia , hirsutism ,
o Electrolyte imbalances  Monitor DM patient hyperkalemia
avoid noturia
glucose Nursing implications
 Teach about dehydration
 Monitor gout for uric acid  Don’t eat K+
 Teach about orthostatic
 Teach about dehydration  Don’t combine w/ ACE
 Teach about orthostatic  Drug overlapping toxicity
 Teach about noctuira

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