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. What is one thing in your house without which you could not live? why?

I could not live without water because it is very important with wáter I can wash my clothes,
dishes, and I can take a shower every day. I can also prepare my food. and it is not only important
for me. It is indispensable for humanity without it we couldn't live.

. If you had five thousand dollar…………………………..

First I would pay my house debt, then I would buy a refrigerator for my mother to refrigerate her
medications, inject insulin and with the rest of the money I would start a small business or buy
cows to get fat and then sell them. .

What will you do today after university?

Today I am going to stay in my house because I need to practice to pass the last English exam, then
I must help my mother with the cleaning of the house while I listen to music by Ricardo Arjona and
finally I can watch TV. . I just like to see ugly betty.

What are the most difficult parts of your job or your studies?

The hardest part of my study is when I take the oral exam because, I feel nervous, I am afraid and I
cannot express everything I think about the question the teacher asked me and I make many

Can you think of a time when a fault really worked well?

When I worked at Rosi's restaurant, I had to make the rice with an exact measure, but I added
more, the lady was a little upset because she had not done it as she wanted, but after a few hours
there was no rice because it was already sold, and she tipped me.

What is one thing you have never done but would like to do?

I've never been to an amusement park, I'd like to go to an amusement park, ride a roller coaster,
then ride the spinning wheel, but I'd like to go with my family. They have not gone either. I've
never been to an amusement park, I'd like to go to an amusement park, ride a roller coaster, then
ride the spinning wheel, but I'd like to go with my family. They have not gone either.vI've never
been to an amusement park, I'd like to go to an amusement park, ride a roller coaster, then ride
the spinning wheel, but I'd like to go with my family. They have not gone either.

If you know someone, who would it be?

I would like to meet Gracia Márquez because he is a great writer, I like his writings as chronicles of
an announced death or a hundred years of loneliness.

If you were on if twelve- hours flight………

I would choose, the chronicles of a death foretold, this story tells of a man who was murdered in
front of his house by angela's brothers, who is supposed to have taken his virginity, but she lied to
her brother and they decided to search for Santiago to pay for the honor of the bicario family.

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