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Soft copy of ET Drawings.

List of successful vendor viz-a-viz material.

Soft copy of site survey drawing
Complete PTS/SOW.
Pre-bid and post-bid clarifications affecting the design scope.
Job Order Number, Plant Number and
Drawing block numbers.
Civil Engineering
IFinal Soil investigation report as per NG-SA requirements.

EOT crane vendor drawing

Soft copy of topographic layout and site spot levels details. Spot levels of the plot
20m outside of the plot/boundary limit shall also be provided and highest point of the
nearest asphalt road.

Precast supplier Roof design and drawings

Electrical Equipments
Power Transformer (50/67 MVA) :
a) General arrangement drawings from vendors

b) Base Frame details

c) Transformer weights including oil.
d) Requirements of skid plate and its fixing with the pedestal.
e) Transformer schematics.
f) OLTC Schematics (For AC/DC feeder requirement)
g) Cable Box details
h) Data Schedule
115 kV GIS & LCC :
a) General arrangement drawings and civil foundation vendor drawing, cutout
opening details.

b) AC/DC and Heat load details for GIS and LCC wise
c) Data schedule
d) Total weight and weight of the heaviest part and its influence.
13.8 kV Switchgear:
a) Vendor drawings GA, LA

b) AC/DC and Heat load details

b) Base Frame details
b) Cable cutout details and panel fixing Recommendations
c)Data schedule
d)Total weight of the panel

f) Vendor base design Submittal

115 kV /13.8kV and other(RTU,RM, BB panels) Control & Relay Panels:
(Including final Control & Relay Panel list)
a) Vendor drawings GA, LA
b) AC/DC and Heat load details panel wise

c) Weight of Panels
SAS Panels
a) Panel list with total number of panels
b) Vendor drawings GA, LA

c) AC/DC and Heat load details panel wise

d) Weight of Panels
Transformer RTCC Panels, ABTS
a) Vendor drawings GA, LA
b) AC/DC and Heat load details panel wise

c) Weight of Panels
108kV Surge Arrestor (SA) and 115 kV Cable Sealing End (CSE)
Vendor Drawing, Weight, Data schedule, & Characteristic curves.

13.8kV Capacitor Filter Bank with detuning reactor (7MVAR)/Neutral CT/18kV

surge arrestor
Vendor Drawing, , Data schedule, Weight, Capacitor bank vendor support reactions
for the foundation design
115kV Cable.
Data schedule & Catalogue

13.8kV Cable.

Data schedule & Catalogue

Station Service Transformer

Vendor Drawings, Weight including oil, Data schedule, Cable box details and damage
Grounding System:

Soil Resistivity test report

Indoor & Outdoor Lighting

Contractor shall confirm the lighting vendor . DAR will do the calculation
Communication Panel

a)Vendor drawings GA, LA

b)AC/DC and Heat load details panel wise

b) Weight of the panel

Battery & Battery Charger

Vendor Drawings G.A, Data Schedule. Battery curves (Current Factor or K-curves)
from the manufacturer, Heat Load dissipation details for Battery and Battery Charger.

ACDB, DCDB, Lighting Panels, Power Panels:

Vendor drawings (GA & LA), Heat dissipation load, weight of panels and Data

Lighting/Lightning poles:
Vendor drawings, poles reaction for the foundation design and Anchor bolts
requirement - size, no of bolts, pitch etc.
EOT Crane Data:

Vendor GA, AC power requirement, Fixing Details etc. Crane wheel load details and
clearance diagram

Heat Dissipation for indoor Electrical Equipment. (GIS/Control and relay panels and
13.8kV switchgears from manufacturer)
Building Outer wall and Roof details (for coefficient of heat transmission)

Confirmation of Availability of Municipality Water Supply and Sewer Lines Within

200m of substation boundary
Equipment and Lighting Heat Dissipation approved/certified from Vendor


Approved Relays and Meter list with catalogues for

a) 115KV Lines bay
b) Bus section & bus coupler bays
c) 115/13.8KV Transformer bay
d) Capacitor bank feeder
e) 13.8KV Switchgear system

a) Distance between Dhahran south home ownership Sub#1A and Dhahran home
ownership 380kv BSP.
b) The UG Cable/OHLT parameters (Positive sequence impedance and Zero sequence

Relay & Control Panels list

Vendor drawing,(Include GA, LA, AC, & DC Schematics. Relay manuals, meter)
Protection panels
Common Alarm panels
Synchro check,
AMR panel

Vendor schematic drawings of 115kV GIS Local control cubicle

filled data schedule for 115kV GIS
Vendor scheme drawing of power Transformers (115/13.8KV) MK and OLTC
Power Transformer (115/13.8KV) % Impedance, X/R Ratio, Damage curve (Current
vs. Time), Magnetic Inrush Curve and Over fluxing curve
Filled data schedule for power transformers
Vendor GA & LA, scheme drawings of 13.8kV Switchgear system
Filled data schedule for 13.8kV Switchgear system

Vendor GA & LA, scheme drawings of Communication system

Vendor CT parameters (Ual; lal, Rct, Rb, Kssc, K and Vk) , filled data schedule for
115KV GIS CT's,
Transformer BCT's parameters
13.8 KV SW.Gear CT's
CT Excitation Characteristics.

REMOTE ENDS - Dhahran South Home Ownership 380kV BSP

Existing Remote end substation DCS is required to identify the relevant drawings and
document for the SOW.
Existing Main SLD
Existing AC SLD
Existing DC SLD
Existing Equipment layout plan & section Substation.
Existing Equipment earthing layout
Existing Protection & metering CT Parameter ( Ual, lal, Rct. Kssc, K and Vk) &
Magnetizing Curves for Dhahran south home ownership Sub#1A feeder.
Existing station point list
Annunciation point list
SOE point list
TFR point list
DSM Point list
Existing drawing for the following
Bus bar Protection/Breaker Failure Protection
Bus PT's schematic drawings
GIS LCC Drawings
CB's DC Elementary (closing, tripping circuits)
CB'S AC Elementary (CT, VT circuits)
Composite three line diagram (if available)
TCS & SYNCH check Schemes
Annunciator interface drawing
SCADA interface
SOE interface
TFR interface drawing
DSM interface drawing

1 Week Soft Copy is Preferable in Auto

Cad / Micro-station format.
To start Borehole location
drawing we need ET drawings
Soft -files from NG immediately.

1 Week
2 Weeks

1 Week
2 Weeks

1 Week Ground water level need to be

verified to decide S/S crown
2 Weeks To decide building elevation.
2 Weeks Soft Copy is Preferable in Auto
Cad / Micro-station.

6 Weeks Confirm that total super structure

shall be precast or Cast in place.

1 Week Soft Copy is Preferable in Auto

Cad / Micro-station.

1 Week
2 Weeks
2 Weeks
2 Weeks
3 Weeks
2 Weeks
1 Week

1 Week Soft Copy is Preferable in Auto

Cad / Micro-station.

2 Weeks
1 Week
2 Weeks

1 Week Soft Copy is Preferable in Auto

Cad / Micro-station format.
Vendor Drawings must also
include Bottom Cable cutout
details, Panel fixing
recommendations & Base Frame

2 Weeks
3 Weeks
1 Week
1 Week
1 Week

1 Week

1 week
2 weeks

1 week

1 week
1 week

2 weeks

1 week

1 week
3 weeks

1 week

3 Weeks Soft Copy is Preferable in Auto

Cad / Micro-station.

3 Weeks Soft Copy is Preferable in Auto

Cad / Micro-station.
4 Weeks

4 Weeks

4 Weeks

3 Weeks

1 Week

1 Week

3 Weeks

3 Weeks

3 Weeks

Vendor details
required within
one week from
the issue of
Detail design

2 Weeks

1 Week

1 Week

1 Week

1 Week

1 Week

1 Week

1 Week

3 Weeks Soft Copy is Preferable in Micro-

station format.

3 Weeks Soft Copy is Preferable in Micro-

station format.

2 Weeks Soft Copy is Preferable in Auto

Cad / Micro-station.
1 Week

3 Weeks Soft Copy is Preferable in Auto

Cad / Micro-station.

2 Weeks Soft Copy is Preferable in Auto

Cad / Micro-station.

2 Weeks Dar will provide consolidated CT

parameters with in one week on
receipt of remote end CT
parameters and vendor to
provide all CT data within two


1 Week
1 Week

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