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August 30, 2019•Volume 105, Issue 5•nique.



. .

technique Review: ‘Lover’ p12 CARE counseling services p8

News 2 Opinions 5 Life 8 Entertainment 12 Sports 20



In the absence of his annual insti-

tute address, President G.P. Bud Peter-
son bid farewell to the university as its
president and thanked the community
for his time in the position.
Peterson’s academic career spans
three institutions: Texas A&M, Rens-
selaer Polytechnic Institute, and the
University of Colorado at Boulder.
With a doctorate in mechanical engi-
neering, he has been widely published
in the field of phase change heat trans-
His selection as Tech’s next presi-
dent came after the 12 year tenure of
President Wayne Clough, who was
credited with bringing the institute
national and international recognition.
In the years since Peterson took of-
fice, he hoped to continue the institute
on a “trajectory of excellence.”
“I am honored by the opportunity
to serve as President of the Georgia In-
stitute of Technology,” said Peterson.
“As an engineer, this is, of course, a
great professional fulfillment. But as
someone who has spent a majority of
his career as an educator, it also pres-
ents an opportunity to continue to have
an impact on higher education nation-
ally. Georgia Tech is at the forefront
of innovation and discovery in a time
in our nation’s history where both are
great necessities, and I am privileged to
be a part of these efforts.” Peterson said
in a brief address shortly after the an-
nouncement of his appointment.
Under Peterson’s leadership, cam-
pus research has thrived. Total research
awards now exceed $1 billion, and
Tech has numerous partnerships with
government, industry and educational
See PETERSON, page 4
Top L: Republic Records; Top R: Taylor Gray Student Publications; Above: Taylor Gray Student Publications


Drafted Tech baseball standouts succeed in Minors

watched by millions of fans on There, he has demonstrated the far at the next level beyond Tech.
HARSHA SRIDHAR television, analysts will not dissect versatility that made him indis- nificant potential so far at the next
CONTRIBUTING WRITER their every at-bat appearance and pensable to the Jackets. English level beyond Tech.
perhaps only their team’s most has collected starts at first base,
September is just around the die-hard supporters will know third base and right field, not to
corner, which means that the when the players step foot on the mention six stints as a designated
pressure is about to ratchet up in field at all. These are the Tech ath- hitter. Unsurprisingly, English’s
the world of professional base- letes selected in the 2019 MLB hitting numbers have taken a
ball. Some Major League Baseball Draft, and their professional ca- dip at the professional level, but
teams are fighting for a place in reers have just begun — as well as they are still respectable. English
their respective divisions, others their journeys to the big leagues. is hitting for a .271 average, .338
for wild-card slots and another se- Do-it-all star Tristin English on-base percentage and, to his
lect bunch are fighting for home- was selected in the third round credit, is on track to ground into
field advantage in the playoffs. by the Arizona Diamondbacks fewer double plays than he has in
For a group of former Tech and sent out to Oregon where he any other season. He has dem- Photo by Jonathan Pennie Student Publications
baseball players, the stakes are plays for the Hillsboro Hops, a onstrated si-nificant potential so Kyle McCann, a former standout for Tech, was drafted in the
different. Their games are not Single-A level short-season league. See BASEBALL, page 18 fourth round of the MLB Draft by the Oakland Athletics in June.
NEWS EDITOR: GA Open Records Act technique
Josh Bowling
Appelate court rules General Assembly
does not have to give constituents access to 2
documents 4 3 August 30, 2019

Atlanta mayor declares “No Ride Zone” for scooters

POLLY OUELLETTE In the last few months, At- force traffic laws and ensure ev- ment of City Planning informed
STAFF WRITER lanta has seen at least four eryone is travelling safely. rental companies of the change
scooter-related deaths. Bottoms “We appreciate the role that in city law. Companies were ad-
Late night scooter rides in stated that there was a pattern in shared mobility, like scooters ditionally asked to disable de-
Midtown Atlanta are a thing of the fatalities involving scooters and bike share, play for last mile vices during these hours.
the past. On August 9, the City in that they all occurred after connectivity on campus,” said Uber, which operates Jump
of Atlanta mayor’s office put sunset. Lisa Safstrom, campus trans- electric scooters and bikes, was
into effect a daily No Ride Zone “This nighttime ban, while portation planner. “Our main one of such companies.
from 9 p.m. to 4 a.m. for rented we continue to develop further concern is the safety of the cam- “Uber is deeply committed
electric scooters and e-bikes. long-term measures, will ensure pus community, and we support to the safety of our customers
This regulation, which was the safest street conditions for the City’s initiatives of prevent- and all who share the road,” said
called for by Mayor Keisha scooter riders, motorists, cy- ing any further incidents. Cam- Evangeline George, a spokesper- JOSH BOWLING
Lance Bottoms and put into clists, those in wheelchairs and pus will continue to respect son from Uber. “We are focused NEWS EDITOR
action by Department of City pedestrians,” Bottoms said in a the rules the City implements, on a comprehensive approach to
Planning Commissioner Tim press release. and we affirm the need to im- road safety — one that focuses BIG MAN ON CAMPUS
Keane, is part of an effort to Rented scooters have become prove the quantity and quality on people, products and infra- Students flocked to the in-
make riding electric scooters one of the preferred methods of infrastructure in Atlanta for structure — and will continue tersection of 10th and State last
and bikes safer. Personal (not for Tech students to navigate micro-mobility transportation working with the Atlanta City Saturday to see former NBA star
rented) electric scooters and between classes and elsewhere options.” Council and the Administration Shaquille O’Neal make an ap-
bicycles are not subject to this in Atlanta. On campus, GTPD After the announcement of while complying with these new pearance at the Home Park Papa
ban. and PTS work together to en- the No Ride Zone, the Depart- rules.” John’s location across the street
The No Ride Zone is the lat- from the Krone Building.
est attempt to prevent scooter- Papa John’s CEO Steve Ritchie
related injuries and deaths. On and Atlanta mayor Keisha Lance
July 25, Bottoms issued an exec- Bottoms joined Mr. O’Neal in a
utive order that stated the City grand opening ceremony for the
of Atlanta would refuse to per- newly-renovated location, com-
mit any additional scooter rental plete with a giant ribbon cutting
companies for operation in the by O’Neal.
city. Ten companies are current- The ceremony transitioned
ly permitted. The No Ride Zone into a block party which lasted for
order will be integrated into this the rest of the afternoon, complete
executive order, pending the with music, complimentary pizza
passage of legislation. slices, and Papa John’s branded
In addition, sidewalks around swag for attendees.
the city sport signs telling riders O’Neal also shot free throws
to “never use sidewalks,” hoping on a goal set up in the blocked-off
to avoid civilian collisions. intersection, eliciting large cheers
A press release from the City from the crowd.
of Atlanta states that in the long After suffering multiple public
term the administration in- relations setbacks in 2018 follow-
tends to pursue an “accelerated ing incidents involving founder
plan for changes to our streets John Schnatter using an anti-
creating safer, dedicated spaces black slur and blaming police vio-
for cyclists and scooter riders” lence protests by NFL players on
as well as improvements to the declining company sales, Papa
selection of and collaboration John’s International Inc. took on
with dockless rental vendors. O’Neal as a member of the cor-
Tech students have periodic poration’s board of directors, and
opportunities to educate them- he immediately became the public
selves via safety classes held by face of the company.
PTS, GTPD and Bike GT. The O’Neal owns nine stores in the
next class will be held on Sept. Atlanta Metro area, including the
Photo by Taylor Gray Student Publications 19 at 11 a.m. in CRC room 240. location adjacent to Tech, which
The recently introduced e-scooters provide a quick, inexpensive method of urban For more information, refer to also services West and East Mid-
transportation, however, they have proved to be a public safety hazard for the city. town and the Old Fourth Ward.

sliver // your thoughts

Ma’am, those cost MONEY.
This lady actually asked if she could rescue Golden Doodles. technique
The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper
Josh Bowling
Every day, you must fight the ghost of mediocrity. OPINIONS EDITOR
gotta poop Zoie Konneker EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Vivian Wang
What kind of rendering support do y’all have? LIFE EDITOR
Jamie Francis
Tôi là m t cái cây ENTERTAINMENT
Founded in 1911, the Technique is the student newspaper of the EDITOR
I’ve seen bruh moments you people wouldn’t believe Georgia Institute of Technology, and is an official publication of Josh Trebuchon
help I can’t stop chanting “light wood laminate” the Georgia Tech Board of Student Publications. The Technique
Milk is the greatest drink known to man publishes on Fridays, weekly in the fall and spring and biweekly in SPORTS EDITOR
Snapchat needs an Impact font. the summer. John Edwards
Socialism is a simplistic worldview that thinks of economics as a
zero-sum game, and ascribes all the world’s problems to the rich. ADVERTISING: Information can be found online at PHOTO EDITOR
Applied, it is at best stifling and at worst corrupt dictatorship ads. The deadline for reserving ad space is Friday at 5 p.m. one Allie Ghisson
new student center needs a taco bell week before publication. To place a reservation, for billing infor- DESIGN EDITOR
GO JACKETSS mation or for any other questions please e-mail us at ads@nique. Beatrice Domingo
walter net. You may reach us at 404-894-2830, Monday through Friday
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Is Elder Scrolls 6 even worth the wait? ONLINE EDITOR
Will Byers is an asexual icon. Copyright © 2019, Zoie Konneker, Editor-in-Chief, and the Baylee Friedman
should i watch the zim movie bc idk Georgia Tech Board of Student Publications. No part of this pa-
skskskskskanoop per may be reproduced in any manner without written permission Jahziel
OK SO HOW DID LIZZO WIN NOTHING AT THE VMA’S from the Editor-in-Chief or from the Board of Student Publica-
tions. The ideas expressed herein are those of the individual au- Villasana-Espinoza
gamers rise up
thors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Board of HEAD COPY EDITOR
Student Publications, the students, staff or faculty of the Georgia Avni Shridhar
Institute of Technology or the University System of Georgia. First
copy free; for additional copies call 404-894-2830.
// NEWS technique • August 30, 2019• 3

Appelate court rules Georgia General Assembly

not required to comply with Open Records Act
MASON FAVRO tives, the Office of the Secretary of transparency as to the workings tests from state schools, to things majority opinion in how it inter-
STAFF WRITER the Senate, the House Budget of their government. The federal that one would assume would be prets a state office, pointing to the
and Research Office, the Senate government, through the Free- available, such as record from the literal wording in the 1979 deci-
This past month, a Georgia ap- Budget and Evaluation Office, dom of Information Act (FOIA), offices of the General Assembly. sion, which says “state … office,”
pellate court ruled that the Gener- the Senate Research Office, and also provides a route for citizens to The appellate court’s basis for and interpreting that to include
al Assembly and its offices are not the Office of Legislative Coun- petition for access to information. their rejection of the Institute of offices of the General Assembly.
required to provide citizens with sel.” They sued the state for the Not all public information is ac- Justice’s claim was a precedent The decision has implications
records under the Open Records records, and in 2017, the IJ lost cessible through the ORA. set in 1975 (Coggin v. Davey) in for governmental transparency
Act (ORA). The decision comes in in court with the judge citing a There are several categories that relation to Georgia’s Sunshine in Georgia because there is now a
a case brought by the Institute for previous legal precedent in re- are protected by law, both state Law, the precursor to the cur- judicial barrier separating citizens
Justice (IJ), a nonprofit libertarian gards to open records laws and the and federal, to ensure the privacy rent ORA. Per the 1975 decision, from information about how the
legal activity group that litigates Georgia General Assembly. of individuals and the security of “The statute is applicable to the legislative process is functioning.
on behalf of people “denied their The Open Records Act is a their data. There are many such departments, agencies, boards, A similar transparency issue won
constitutional rights.” portion of the state code of Geor- protections in Georgia’s ORA; in bureaus, etc. of this state and its a victory in the 11th Circuit Court
The IJ was researching the pas- gia which allows for citizens and fact, almost 14 of the ORA’s 23 political subdivisions … it is not of Appeals and is now on its way
sage of a 2012 law that regulated groups to request information report pages are concerned with applicable to the General Assem- to the U.S. Supreme Court. The
the practice of music therapy, from public agencies, munici- what information may not be pro- bly.” This previous decision pulled state of Georgia sued an online le-
when they requested records from palities and boards. All 50 states vided to citizens. This information from language in the Sunshine gal transparency organization for
bodies “including the Office of the have freedom of information laws, ranges from obvious things, such Law which explicitly did not in- publishing the annotated Code of
Clerk of the House of Representa- guaranteeing citizens a degree of as medical records or the keys to clude the word ‘offices’ when it de- Georgia, a copyrighted version of
fined the organizations that were the laws of Georgia that contains
subject to the law. citations regarding legal prec-
This hole was then cleared by a edents that puts the laws them-
reference to a 1979 decision (Har- selves into context.
rison County v. Code Revision The state contended that the
Commission) about the general annotated version of the code
assembly. The decision said that, was the property of the original
“the General Assembly, includ- publishing company, LexisNexis,
ing its committees, commissions a legal research firm; the 11th
and offices, is not subject to a law Circuit Court of Appeals found
unless named therein or the in- that due to the content and pro-
tent that it be included be clear cess of creation “the People were
and unmistakable.” The court’s constructively the authors of the
reasoning, then, was that because annotations.” This was a win for
neither the offices of the General legal transparency in Georgia as
Assembly nor the Assembly itself it gave citizens access to and im-
were mentioned in the ORA they portant context for the laws that
are not included in the law. govern their lives without having
The dissenting opinion, writ- to pay for access.
ten by Judge Christopher Mc- The Supreme Court will hear
Fadden, hinges on the “clear this case next term. The case of
and unmistakable” line from the the Georgia ORA is expected to
1979 court decision, as McFad- be appealed to the Georgia Su-
den holds that the intention of preme Court, which means that
the ORA was to include the of- the IJ’s efforts to make the Gen-
Photo courtesy of OZinOH/flickr fices of the General Assembly, but eral Assembly more transparent
The Georgia General Assembly, consisting of the House and Senate, regularly not necessarily the General As- are likely to be in contention for
meets in the Capitol Building in downtown Atlanta to discuss state legislation. sembly itself. It differs from the the time being.
4 • August 30, 2019• technique // NEWS

PETERSON FROM PAGE 1 Peterson announced his inten-

tion to step down from his cur-
institutions. And in the past rent position into a faculty role
decade, total research expendi- as soon as his successor was in
tures and sponsored activities in- place. According to Peterson,
creased by 78% to $908 million. the exit process has been busy.
Enrollment and diversity have “I haven’t had a chance to feel
also increased under Peterson. much,” he commented, “[but]
Specifically, admission applica- I’ll miss being on the front-end
tions more than tripled, graduate of all of upcoming initiatives. I
enrollment increased by 159%, can’t think of a better job than
and the number of women in the being at a university.”
first-year class increased from When he steps down into
32 to 40%. Freshman-to-soph- his faculty role, Peterson can
omore retention rate has contin- resume researching and teach-
ued to increase. ing mechanical engineers about
“When we talk about creat- heat transfer. His specific topics
ing the next,” Peterson said, “it’s of choice include optimal sys-
about what Georgia Tech has tems in nature, applications of
been able to do, not what I’ve heat transfer to electronics, rapid
been able to do. This has been a temperature reductions and their
great platform to take some ideas clinical applications, and interfa-
and make them come from frui- cial transport phenomena.
tion.” Georgia Tech’s 12th president
He went on to describe novel- will be Dr. Angel Cabrera, previ-
ty of new programs like the On- ously president of Georgia Ma-
line M.S. in Computer Science son University. Cabrera earned
and the Create-X Program, and his Ph.D. and M.S. in cognitive
emphasized how unique it makes psychology at Georgia Tech and
the institute. his B.S. and M.S. in computer
“10% of the masters in com- and electrical engineering at
puter science in the country will Universidad Politécnica of Ma-
come from Georgia Tech,” he drid. He will be the second presi-
explained. dent who is also a Tech alumnus
In the last couple of years, the and will assume Georgia Tech’s
Tech administration has been presidency on September 1,
under scrutiny due to a variety of 2019.
crises, beginning with the death “Never in my wildest dreams,”
of Scout Schultz at the hands of Cabrera wrote in his first letter to
a Georgia Tech Police Depart- the community, “did it occur to
ment (GTPD) officer on Sept. me then that one day I would be
2017, continuing ethic scandals asked to return as president. But
revealed in summer 2018. Peter- what I know is that everything I
son believes he has made an am- have been able to achieve can be
ple short-term response to these traced back to my experiences at
issues and has set the foundation Georgia Tech.”
for long-term cultural shifts. Peterson is excited about Ca-
“We’ve made the changes, brera, who served on the Tech
we’ve incorporated them, we’ve Advisory Board for nearly a de-
put them in place,” Peterson cade.
said. “Now we just need to make “Tech is what it is today be-
sure they’re regularized and be- cause of the collective efforts of
come part of the DNA of how we the faculty, staff, students and Top: Photo by Allie Ghisson, Student Publications, Bottom: Photo by Taylor Gray Student Publications
operate.” leadership,” Peterson said, “and President G.P. “Bud” Peterson holds up the “T” with students at a football game
In January 2019, President I’d like to see that continue.” (top) and Peterson discusses his career in the Office of the President (bottom).
OPINIONS EDITOR: Vivian Wang technique

Do your thing and don’t care if
they like it.
- Tina Fey
August 30, 2019

OUR VIEWS | Consensus Opinion

Students prep for jobs, not money The inflated

More emphasis on personal finance is needed in college
As the deadline for tuition payments While certainly not exciting to talk
social media effect
has passed and a new semester com- about, unlike dream careers in top com- This summer, I took an online Great Recession happened and
mences, issues related to personal finance panies, fundamental lessons in personal fi- psychology class where one essay witnessed the nation struggling to
assignment inquired about the live paycheck to paycheck. Over
remain topical to many students at Tech. nance are woefully lacking in college rhet- impact of social media on “hap- the course of my life so far, I have
Too often it seems, students rarely talk oric. These lessons are most effective when piness.” The prompt linked social watched climate change wreck
media usage to the observed rise our world; nearly every single year
about their financial situation, for under- instilled young. Students who work part- in depression rates and closed of my life has been the hottest on
standable reasons that are reflected in the time jobs can have a head-start in increased with “On social media, we see record, and natural disasters have
adult world. money conscientiousness, but everyone has everyone’s ‘Highlight Reel’ and seemingly become increasingly
compare that to our ‘Behind the frequent. Since I have started at-
The crux of the matter is that personal plenty to learn. Scenes’.” tending school, mass shootings of
finance is, well, personal. Talking about Knowledge about personal finance con- Don’t get me wrong — I think children have been on the news
money, even very generally, is capable of tinues to be a mindset still reserved for the that a plethora of issues related almost daily. The United States
to social media and privacy are has been engaged in a “War on
making most adults squirm. However, lucky few whose parents, or similar men- worth mentioning — monopolies, Terror” in the Middle East for as
this uncomfortable reticence about one’s tor figures, have passed on their valuable taxes, data collection and the list long as I can remember. I am go-
goes on and on. Still, as someone ing to college and trying to work
finances is particularly detrimental to col- knowledge and experience regarding bud- who struggles with depression, I for a better life than my parents,
lege students and should be emphasized geting, responsible spending, and in some am becoming tired of older gener- who work in factories, but to do
accordingly. privileged cases, investing and stock op- ations blaming my mental health so, I am putting myself in tens of
solely on social media. thousands of dollars of debt that I
In line with the efforts to create a uni- tions. It is no secret that depression is may never be able to pay off.
versal curriculum across GT 1000 classes, Ultimately, many students are ignorant an epidemic among younger peo- It is impossible for me to
dedicating a mandatory several-week long about basic good practices, resulting in as- ple. The Advisory Board analyzed imagine what it was like for past
Center of Dis- generations to pay
section related to personal finance for tronomical amounts of student and credit ease Control data their way through
freshman seminars across departments card debt that are not fully appreciated and found that “I am tired of older college by working
could be a useful way for new students to until one is working to pay-off a mortgage “rates of depres- people blaming my during the summer
sion, psychologi- (something that I
learn fiscal responsibility. Similar to NFL or looking to invest seriously. For a univer- cal distress and mental health solely on currently do that
players, recent Tech graduates are sud- sity that prides itself in placing students in suicidal thoughts social media.” barely covers my
and actions re- rent for the school
denly thrown into large sums of money, often high-power careers, it is strange that mained mostly
but only the former are receiving money there isn’t equal emphasis on creating the stable among
MAYA FLORES year). Planning for
my future often
older adults from STAFF WRITER seems trivial when
management training from their parent sound habits necessary for financial lon-
2005 to 2017, the Amazon rain-
institution. gevity. but increased significantly among forest is on fire, the arctic ice is
adolescents and younger adults.” melting, sea levels are rising and
The Consensus Opinion reflects the majority opinion of the Editorial Board of the The numbers are actually stagger- millions of animal species are go-
ing: in adolescents from 12 to 17, ing extinct.
Technique, but not necessarily the opinions of individual editors. major depression rose 52% from On top of that, the one avenue
2005 to 2017, and in adults from that I am supposed to have for
18 to 25, depression rose 63%. having an impact on the afore-
technique editorial board It is easy to look at these num- mentioned earth-shaking issues
bers and correlate this troubling is the ability to voice my opinions
Zoie Konneker EDITOR-IN-CHIEF phenomenon to the rise of social by voting for my representatives.
Will Finch MANAGING EDITOR media and place blame on Insta- Yet, with gerrymandering, poll-
Beatrice Domingo DESIGN EDITOR gram, Twitter and Facebook. It ing issues, election interference,
seems to me that this is a classic hacking and the electoral college
Josh Bowling NEWS EDITOR Jahziel Villasana-Espinoza WEB DEVELOPER case of correlation, not causa- it seems I have little to no say in
John Edwards SPORTS EDITOR Allie Ghisson PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR tion. It is all too convenient for that arena as well.
Jaimee Francis LIFE EDITOR Josh Trebuchon ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR people removed from the situa- When this is the kind of world
Vivian Wang OPINIONS EDITOR Avni Shridhar HEAD COPY EDITOR tion to shake their fists and blame a person grows up in, it is no won-
kids for having their noses stuck der they suffer from feelings of
in their phones, but I think the helplessness. To blame social me-
core cause of this depression runs dia is an all-too convenient and
INCENDIARY INDIFFERENCE BY WILL FINCH much deeper. As someone who commonly made attribution error.
hails from the current upcoming Social media, like all things, can
generation of young people and be abused. It can have an impact
actually suffers from depression, on mental health if not used wise-
I find that social media often of- ly. That does not mean that the
fers an escape, a place to find jokes root of my generation’s trauma lies
and share them with friends. entirely on our phones, and in in-
I grew up only knowing a post- vestigating such causes, we should
9/11 world of deeply-held anxiety take into account the state of the
and distrust. I was eight when the only world we have ever lived in.

Write to us: are responses to or commentaries on

content found within the pages of the Technique. Along with these letters,
we are open to receiving letters that
Got something to say? Then let focus on relevant issues that currently
your voice be heard with the Tech- affect Georgia Tech as a university, in-
nique. Sliver at, tweet us cluding its campus and student body.
@the_nique or check us out on Face- When submitting letters we ask
book at We that you include your full name, year
want to hear your opinion and want (1st, 2nd, etc.) and major. We ask that
to make it known to all of campus. letters be thought provoking, well
We also welcome your letters in written and in good taste. We reserve
response to Technique content as well the right to both reject or edit letters
as topics relevant to campus. We will for length and style.
print letters on a timely and space- For questions, comments or con-
available basis. cern, contact the Opinions Editor at
“Brazil can put out our own fires.” Each week we look for letters that
6 • August 30, 2019• technique // OPINIONS

Comments on Scheller?
Pitch it to me first.
prepare business students for these
“Try to stand up in front of a moments through “cold calls” in
full lecture hall and introduce class and ample public speaking
opportunities that would leave
yourself beyond an elevator many students in the engineering
pitch without forewarning.” school hyperventilating. On the
other hand, I would be the first
EMILY DYKSTRA to tell you that I cannot seem to
ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR ever grasp calculus despite taking Standing ATL United False Alarm
it multiple times, and that I strug- Fans of the local soccer For reasons still not entire-
gled to pass my CS 1371 class even club Atlanta United rejoiced ly clear to either the student
Rumor has it that the Schell- on working in groups to pres- after using “freshman forgiveness” as the team made club history body or employees at the Stu-
er College of Business at Tech is ent projects that often take pre- to retake it. These two things are by winning the US Open Cup dent Center, the fire alarm was
easier, more joyful and generally cedence over a multiple-choice crucial to an engineer’s education, title on Tuesday evening. This pulled at the Student Center
kinder than the rest of campus. exam done in silence. Are projects but it was not that I was “dumb” marks their third trophy in less earlier on Tuesday and lasted
But, as with most things in life, easier than tests? The two are hard or did not belong at Tech, I just than a year, and is indicative of longer than desired. Although
this rumor is dependent upon the to compare equally. A project can was not in the right school of edu- the consistent momentum the everyone was largely bewil-
observer. As a Scheller student force one person in a group of six cation. team has had. The team led dered, business continued as
myself, although my thoughts to complete the work if the rest I would like to argue that nei- Minnesota 2-1 for a final score. usual shortly after.
may be biased, I feel that I gained of the group does not pull their ther school is necessarily harder
perspective while struggling as an weight, and most Scheller profes- than the other, but that these views
engineering student for my first sors in upper-level classes tend to are based on the inner workings of
year and a half at Tech. stand by the idea that because this an individual. I found business
The first thing that comes to happens in the real world, there classes to be easier not because
mind when I think of the dispari- will be no excuses or arrange- there was less work, but because I
ties between the College of Busi- ments made to help the group — finally understood what was going
ness and the College of Engineer- instead, the group must figure out on and how it was applicable to
ing is the emphasis on different how to make it work. my life. If you are an engineering
Labor-less Weekend Literal Fire and Ice
As Labor Day weekend Since July 2019, according
strengths. Engineers must know With respect to communica- major reading this and thinking,
approaches, many students to Greenpeace, roughly 30
how to calculate, analyze and ma- tion and public speaking skills, “This girl is crazy,” I challenge
across campus are elated by the million acres of Siberia have
nipulate the hard data in front of there are quite a few engineers you to stand up in front of a full
prospect of getting a last taste burned due to wildfires, burn-
them. Business majors should not with minimal social skills who lecture hall of students and intro-
for summer in the form of a — ing the area of Belgium several
only have these critical thinking contribute to the idea that Tech is duce yourself beyond an elevator
perhaps undeserved — Mon- times over. Climate change
skills, but also must hone their a place full of nerds who are better pitch without forewarning, pres-
day off. ATL residents can has played a role in acceler-
communication in the forms of suited in front of a computer than ent for ten minutes without slides
look forward to parades, Drag- ating the release of trapped
networking and public speaking. an audience — not a good place or make networking a part of your
on Con, the Atlanta Black methane under permafrost,
Business majors, additionally, to be if you are trying to begin a daily routine. As the old saying
Pride Parade and a plethora of turning the Siberian icebox
still take tests but at a lesser rate startup or pitch an idea to inves- goes, “To each his/[her]/[their]
other events. into a tinderbox.
than engineers. Instead, we focus tors. Scheller takes the time to own.”
// OPINIONS technique • August 30, 2019• 7

On better stewardship How college students should

of the great outdoors learn in the ‘Information Age’
As anyone who has spent any Access Fund and the Southeastern
time with me knows, my weekend Climbers Coalition work hard to “Colleges need to shift their that differentiates students
activity of choice is taking a trip make sure that climbers have ac- from one school from another.
up to Chattanooga to do some cess to beautiful land. They part- purpose from keepers of If institutes want to justify
rock climbing on cliffs in the sur- ner with indigenous communi- knowledge to havens of thousands of dollars of tuition,
rounding mountains. I usually ties to protect natural areas from their degree curricula need to
take some of my fellow climbers, overuse and development. These thinking. ” be more involved.
and we tend to spend the day are thankless jobs and organiza- Colleges need to shift their
climbing, relaxing in hammocks tions that are often overlooked, WILL FINCH purpose from keepers of knowl-
and jumping in rivers. and they are frequently starved for MANAGING EDITOR edge to havens of thinking.
This weekend, however, the fo- money and resources. Tech incorporates some
cus was not on scaling walls. In- So many other beautiful public form of this in their prestige as
stead, it was on spending the time spaces suffer from the same lack a research institution. The push
and effort to revitalize heavily- of interest and resources. Parks, for students on every level to be
trafficked trails and making areas trails, sidewalks and a myriad of The phrase, “self-taught,” is ideas as well as unveiling ad- involved in research on campus
safer to travel through. As climb- other places are open to the public as pointless on a resume as the ditional perspectives. And by encourages intellectual en-
ers, our eyes are usually trained and used by everyone but taken words “AP Scholar.” the end of their undergraduate gagement beyond what could
upwards. We watch our friends care of by a select few. Donating It is no secret that the In- studies, scholars often have as be found in a Khan Academy
execute hard moves and map out money is a valuable contribution, ternet revolutionized the way much an individual identity video.
routes on the wall. We often do but even better is donating time. that people live their lives, but as they have a unique style to ME 2110 is another in-
not think about where we put What the land needed most from what is not explored, maybe complement it. famous example at Tech
down our gear or us this weekend even ignored, is how students Meanwhile, when we apply of using a project-oriented
about the impact was our time and living in this Information the same perspective to STEM class for more open-ended
of our footprints as “To invest in your own effort. Even inten- Age learn. Universities are not curricula, the learning process problem solving.
we trek to the wall. tional attentive- the gatekeepers to knowledge is much less involved. With today’s ease of access
Each footprint community, all you ness to the con- anymore, and accessibility to Students are given over to information, these should
or careless climber have to do is show up.” sequences of our a near infinite amount of re- one hundred hours of be the types of experiences that
adds up; the im- actions can help. sources has redefined the idea memorizing methods and make college education attrac-
pact on the land
becomes evident
weeks, I am sure
of a complete education today. solving fixed problems.
College is still useful, but some Analysis rarely strays from the
tive to both students and em-
ployers. Universities should be
quickly. Dislodged NEWS STAFF WRITER that I will think subjects necessitate a collegiate guidelines that a mathemati- environments where their edu-
rocks allow erosion more about what environment more than others. cian or scientist set decades ear- cation is fluid with innovations
to wash away more I bring into the One defining lier. The only real in technology. Otherwise, cur-
of the soil. Trash and discarded forest. I will be more mindful to attribute of social style an engineer rent STEM programs do noth-
food is unsafe and disruptive to the work that went into planting science courses “The only real style learns to bring to ing to prevent their students
local plants and animals. Many trees and constructing walkways. and humanities their work is the from being victims of content
outdoor climbing areas become I will be more careful. I know that subjects: there is an engineer learns to legibility of their without context.
unsafe to humans because of loose it’s hard to consciously make the rarely a sole an- bring to their work is hClass
a ndwriting. Notwithstanding an anti-
rock and precarious trails. choice to volunteer when we have swer in analysis. discussion quated educational environ-
Fellow climbers and I spent the so many other things to worry In the absence the legibility of their is a casual test ment, students need to make
day constructing stairs that would about. of concrete cri- handwriting.” of whether stu- the most of their time at the
safely allow people to travel up a It helps me to be motivated to teria, readers dents are reading equivalent of expensive day
hill, while taking care to mitigate help out if I see causes like this as can extract new their textbooks. care. As mentioned earlier,
erosion and minimize our distur- an investment in myself and my concepts, themes But as they take taking humanities courses
bance of the environment. We community. Through volunteer- and ideas from excerpts that are their last dozen credit hours, are a great way to stay up to
chatted about ways to hold our- ing, I know that a bit of effort centuries old. Even in studying Capstone Design forces open- date on contemporary expres-
selves and our friends accountable now will result in a safer and more history, there are relationships ended analysis and creative so- sion. Moreover, the professors
for taking care of these spaces. enjoyable experience in the future between figures and events lutions onto students forced to of those classes offer a unique
It is easy to forget that it is for myself and my fellow climbers. that can be explored to varying color inside the lines through- perspective not readily avail-
necessary to be stewards of the re- Charitable organizations that degrees. out their entire undergraduate able on Twitter. Clubs or com-
sources that are so precious to us. take care of outdoor public spaces Critical thinking is built degree. petition teams are other excel-
We take for granted that we don’t are everywhere and prolific, espe- into liberal arts programs, Not all classes promote the lent ways to explore interests or
have to pay a tangible sum and cially at Tech. I would encourage and the educational experi- idea that solving problems learn new skills.
underestimate our impact on the anyone who has just a few hours ence they provide is as unique in the real world is beyond Universities as a whole are
land. In doing so, we put access free to invest into their own com- as it is necessary at universi- standard number crunch- the last academic environment
to these beautiful natural areas in munity. All you have to do is show ties. Moreover, class discussion ing. Truly, a majority of the most people experience. Like-
jeopardy. The vast majority of out- up. No matter how cold the winter within humanities has value. degree revolves around mas- wise, every available resource
door climbing areas are free to use is, the change of the weather is the Open dialogues about mean- tering concepts that can be should be used to learn while
for hiking, climbing and enjoying one constant and we always have ing and an author’s purpose found online. There’s nothing you can, whether it is about the
nature. Organizations such as the the promise of warmth again. are crucial in developing novel unique about the curricula world or yourself.
LIFE EDITOR: technique
Jaimee Francis The Hive’s first year on campus
Find out more about the organization that works out of the 8
IDC’s makerspace and offers free guidance with projects! 412 August 30, 2019

Addressing mental health: CARE offers

new counseling service on campus
LANE ELDER Students can also find help of the “A Path Forward — To- cerns within this unique commu- also promise to to continue to
CONTRIBUTING WRITER through CARE before a wellbe- gether” initiative started by Presi- nity. grow and adapt to the need on
ing concern becomes a crisis. The dent Bud Peterson to create a “Despite the literature that campus. Already working on
The rigors and transition of center’s walk-in assessments are more inclusive, safe, and healthy suggests that college students are feedback, CARE is currently in
college life present unique chal- confidential, and at no charge community at Tech. Some of not resilient and that they need to the process of hiring more staff to
lenges for many students. Finding for degree-seeking enrolled stu- the stated objectives in the April be coddled, I find many strengths better suit campus needs.
needed help to such challenges dents. Hughes-Troutman stressed 2018 report include, “monitoring in Georgia Tech students,” she While many students have be-
is oftentimes challenging. With the importance of finding help the needs of campus and campus said. “They have that internal come disillusioned with the no-
the opening of the Center for quickly. trends; improving mental health psychological capital: self-com- tion of administration checking
Assessment, Referral and Educa- “Some students believe they service provision, and reduc- passion, optimism, hope, grit, and items off an initiative, the opening
tion (CARE) at the beginning of have to have a diagnosis or serious ing what appears to be higher- resilience to thrive to meet their of a center like CARE offers a new
this school year, students at Tech problem before going to CARE. than-peer average rates of stress, goals.” opportunity for students to feel
now have another avenue available If you have a concern that’s affect- anxiety, and suicidal thinking.” In order to better address the genuine care.
when seeking guidance. ing your health and well-being of Given the singularity of the cam- mental health concerns on cam- For walk-in consulation, stu-
The Technique chatted with any nature, you can visit CARE,” pus environment at Tech, pus, CARE plans to help stu- dents can visit CARE at the bot-
Dr. Tiffiny Hughes-Troutman, said Hughes-Troutman. “You may Hughes-Troutman discussed dents use their strengths to help tom floor of the Smithgall Flag
the director of CARE to learn have symptoms, questions about her take on a solution to such con- improve their wellness. The center Building in room 102B.
more about how this resource can your emotional state and wonder
help students, especially in the af- if it’s serious. You may have mild
termath of the mental health cri- concerns, or you may have been in
ses of last year. treatment and have received sup-
“We are really streamlining ac- port in the past. Anywhere you
cess to services, reducing barriers fall, CARE is the place to start.”
and contributing to reduction of The physical location of CARE
stigma for help-seeking through used to be occupied by central
CARE,” said Hughes-Troutman. housing until just this year. While
“I’m really excited and thrilled to small in size, the space has been
offer a new pioneering solution to maximized for efficient use. Aside
students at Georgia Tech.” from a pleasant but private front
CARE uses a triage system to office space (tinted glass and a
assess students with mental health closed door protects students’ pri-
and well-being related concerns vacy), the center houses a confer-
and point them to a variety of ence consultation center and five
services depending on the case at offices.
hand. To then schedule appoint- The simplicity of the walk-
ments, the center partners with a in-only model brings a breath of
number of resources on and off fresh air to the bureaucracy of ac-
campus, such as The Counsel- cessing campus services.
ing Center under student life, “Before, students were often
STAMPS psychiatry and other shuffling back and forth between
wellbeing services ranging from and amongst a number of men-
academic to identity based. It tal health resources not knowing
therefore acts as point of access for where to go, and also incurred re-
mental health services on campus, ally long wait times,” explained
while also offering extensive case Hughes-Troutman. Photo by Taylor Gray, Student Publications
management if needed. CARE is one of many aspects A new mental health center opens in Smithgall Building in the aftermath of the wellness crises

teams, interest groups, religious If you find yourself scrolling MAKE YOUR OWN OPPORTUNITY!
organizations, honor societies, ways-get-involved. through the same newsfeed, The
Greek Life and more. Technique suggests adding the If you still struggle to find the
Finding the right organiza- TALK TO OTHER STUDENTS social media accounts of differ- right fit for you or you see an op-
tion for you can be daunting, ent organizations on campus to portunity missing from campus,
but don’t worry: the Technique Another great way to learn learn about upcoming events. you can create your own club on
has got you covered with these more about campus involvement Many organizations also host campus!
tips on getting involved on cam- can be as simple as talking to an- open events like shows, perfor- Using the aforementioned
pus! other student on campus. mances, fun activities and info Engage website, students can
Before your next class, try sessions. These open events can click the link to register an or-
VISIT ENGAGE chatting with the person sitting serve as a chance to meet new ganization. This will begin the
next to you. He might have the people and, at the very least, get process of starting a new group
Engage (formally Orgsync) is same interests as you, or she may free food. on campus. For more assistance
a database of information about even introduce you to something Needless to say, always check on creating a new organization,
every registered club and orga- you have never heard of before. out The Technique to discover The SGA Joint Campus Organi-
nization at Tech that is reach- Either way, talking to differ- opportunities that might spark zation Committee Policy guides
How to get able through its website, gatech.
ent students on campus is a great
way to learn more about getting
your interest! students through the chartering
more involved On the website, students can
look through all the registered
For first-year students, we
on campus organizations to find out more
about meetings and how to get
also recommend approaching
PLs and GT 1000 TLs to con-
As you are likely to have al-
ready noticed, clubs and orga- Tech’s central location in the
involved. To minimize findings, nect you to different opportuni- nizations regularly set up tables city of Atlanta also provides stu-
users can also filter organizations ties on campus, as they have ac- along certain areas of campus — dents with the opportunity to
ALEX BOYTER based on personal interests. cess to additional resources for most notably Skiles Walkway explore options within the local
CONTRIBUTING WRITER Engage also provides the con- new students. (the wide path in between the community. Whether it is volun-
tact information for the club of- CULC and the student center). teering at a local food bank or
Getting involved on campus ficers, so users can find out even USE MEDIA While tabling, groups give out joining Trees Atlanta for a clean-
is a great way to explore inter- more from people who have ex- information and advertise their up project, there are plenty of
ests, meet new friends, balance perience. Keep up to date with all of organization. options available within blocks
the stressors of academic life, The Division of Student Life the amazing events on campus While many students briskly of campus. Getting connected
and to find a community within also offers additional informa- with the different media outlets walk past the tablers with airpods with your surroundings, wheth-
Tech. tion on clubs, as well as differ- offered on campus, such as FAB in, try talking to some stations. er that be on Tech’s campus or
With over 500 student or- ent initiatives (such as diversity Weekly, Daily Digests, Campus By stopping by to have a chat, in the surrounding Atlanta area,
ganizations there are plenty of programs and outreach initia- Calendar and the different bul- you may find one you like and will help you to connect with
options — including athletic tives) that can be found at stu- letins located across campus. even get some free food out of it! other Tech students too!
// LIFE technique • August 30, 2019• 9

Tech & Instagram: students weigh in on

increased use of social media on campus
even attributed the beauty within into the likes — and dislikes — ability to allow connections to spoke of the downfalls of these
Tech’s campus as a contributor to of social media use on campus, grow across physical distances. new communication platforms.
social media posts, mentioning the Technique also asked students “Social media allows us to Students expressed concerns that
the Culc as her favorite spot. to share their thoughts on online maintain contact with friends and such platforms might not be as ad-
“The roof garden on the fifth communication and its ever-in- family from anywhere. On cam- vantageous as many users think.
floor of the Culc is a special creasing popularity. pus specifically, it allows us to eas- Many concerns addressed the ad-
place,” Helper said. “It is so nice Many students cited an in- ily keep in touch with old friends dictive nature of social media.
and relaxing to look at the skyline, crease in social media use since from our hometowns and with “I like looking at pictures and
enjoy nice weather and reflect. starting college, attributing the our families, now that we won’t seeing what my friends are doing,
This is very much needed at Tech, ability of such platforms to al- see them very often anymore,” and, although I don’t like to admit
where the academic load can be low them to connect with friends said 4th-year AE Aidan Pastel. it, Instagram is very addicting!”
very heavy!” from back home. Students spoke Along with the benefits that 3rd-year Biology Julia Shuford
In order to gain more insight highly of these platforms for their social media offers, students also shared.
TAMIR COHEN The addictive nature of social
CONTRIBUTING WRITER media was not the only concern
students expressed about social
With the ever-increasing popu- media. Others weighed in the so-
larity of online communication, a cial burdens that can arise from
branch of AT&T analyzed social using such platforms, citing jeal-
media usage on college campuses ousy and insincerity as drawbacks
across the nation. The research of social media. Many students
revealed approximately 185,594 noted the detrimental affect of
data points relating to Tech, mak- this darker side of social media in
ing it the most Instagrammed col- their lives.
lege in the state of Georgia. “It [social media] leads to peo-
For some students, Tech’s ple comparing their lives to what
popularity on social media came they see on Instagram, or just gen-
as a surprise. 4th-year Business erally online, while in reality, peo-
major Emily Ilgenfritz stated that ple’s lives are different. Instagram
she would have expected UGA’s is edited and I think it causes a lot
campus to have a wider presence of jealousy issues, as well as an in-
on Instagram, noting the college- accurate perception of what life is
town feel of its campus. really like,” said 2nd-year CS ma-
“UGA has much more of a jor Nicole Williams.
traditional southern college look, Like any other product, social
with red bricks and large build- media comes with its advantages
ings,” said Ilgenfritz. and disadvantages. While some
Others, like 4th-year ME ma- caution against the addictive na-
jor Abigail Gianis, did not find ture and social concerns of plat-
Tech’s prevalence to be as surpris- forms like Instagram, others enjoy
ing, citing Tech’s location in the sharing experiences and connect-
city as driving social media posts. ing with others.
“Tech is an amalgamation of Despite the uncertainty in-
cityscape and beautiful landscap- volved with social media, it is safe
ing, which makes it unique,” Gia- Photo by Jonathan Pennie, Student Publications to say that the 185,594 data points
nis explained. The picture above reflects the high usage of technology on campus, which was demonstrated related to Tech will continue to
4th-year ME Kristen Hepler by a study finding Tech to be one of the most highly Instagrammed campuses in the U.S. trend.
10 • August 30, 2019• technique // LIFE

A look back at The Hive’s first year at Tech

where anyone can just walk in and offers free workshops throughout “Going into this workshop, I tion rather than creation, for the
say, ‘Hey, I really want to build the year in which participants can had never soldered before,” said most part. This was a refreshing
something. Can you guys help me take home their projects. Previ- Gale. “I had signed up on a whim way to build something again!”
with this?’” ous workshops have included col- — it’s unlike me to jump into new For both experienced build-
As part of The Hive’s vision, laborating with HackGT, creating things like that, but I’m very glad ers and hopeful candidates, The
there are approximately 140 vol- electronic sculptures, or even sol- I did. The workshop itself was Hive offers the opportunity to
unteers that serve as Peer Instruc- dering for a Valentine. fascinating. I feel like I don’t get turn ideas into projects: to walk in
tors (PIs) to assist the users who Second-year BME Mary Kate to do hands-on tasks and proj- with a question and to leave with
walk in asking for help. These PIs Gale shared her thoughts about ects very much anymore — since a creation.
serve as experts in their technical attending her first ever workshop middle school, education has been The first workshop will be held
fields — fields which include La- this past Valentine’s Day. about the conveyance of informa- on Sept. 3 at 6 p.m.
ser Cutting, Embedded Systems,
Machine Shop (wood & metal-
JAIMEE FRANCIS working) and PCB Fabrication.
LIFE EDITORR Second-year CS major Abhay
Cashikar works as the Master Peer
3D printers, saws, drills, oscil- Instructor for Embedded Sys-
loscopes, multimeters and wave- tems. He described his position
form generators are just a few of as helping users with the logistics
the tools available at the Inter- of their projects, explaining how
disciplinary Design Commons many students struggle to unite
(IDC) for no or little cost. In the technical aspect of their input
addition to equipment, the IDC with the tangible result of their
is also home to The Hive, a com- output.
pletely student-run and volunteer- Cashikar spoke about the dif-
based organization that works out ferent reasons which bring users
of the makerspace to help students into The Hive, as well his personal
with any project – both academic reasons to utilize the makerspace.
and personal. “There are people who come in
In celebration of the upcom- for labs, and there are also people
ing one-year anniversary of The who come in for personal projects,
Hive, the Technique chatted with like trying to work on a prototype
Hiba Moraley, a 2nd-year ECE for some business idea. For the
Master student who cofounded past week, I have been working
the organization back in 2016. on trying to move these mount-
“Our purpose is to provide ing holes on my bike by making
hands-on learning to all Georgia a CAD model and 3D printing it.
Tech students, regardless of their That’s been a struggle, I’m on [re-
major or technical background or vision] four,” he laughed. Photos courtesty of The Hive
anything like that,” Moraley said. In addition to providing equip- Pictures above showcase the makerspace of The Hive’s at the IDC, as well
“We really want to provide a space ment and expertise, The Hive also as student projects made with the help of the organization’s expertise.

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// LIFE technique • August 30, 2019• 11

Atlanta artist depicts the city’s past with

the help of Tech’s digital archive library
JAIMEE FRANCIS of his beloved building that dates Atlanta, but also on smaller the world around him, citing the Chris McLaughlin still works at
LIFE EDITOR back to the 1960s, as well as his towns across the Southeast, au- power of observation. The Varsity, where students can
childhood sketches that give the tomobiles, aircrafts, drive-in “I’m always observing stuff, not only meet him and view his
Known for its burgers, fries, barn new life. theaters, international destina like how I did when I was a kid collection, but can also observe
and famed “What’ll ya have?,” The episode of the burning tions, and more. The artist dis- with that barn,” McLaughlin the familiar surroundings of
The Varsity has attracted Tech barn began the artist’s long career cussed the way in which these said. “I walk around the town, Atlanta with a new historical
students for decades. What most in archiving the ever-changing works changed his perspective on and I observe things.” perspective.
students have yet to discover is landscapes and infrastructures
that the long-running drive-in of cities: McLaughlin’s detailed
not only serves appetizers with its drawings of iconic monuments
meals, but also artwork. and scenes of Atlanta reveal
While many artists prefer to how much the city has changed
work at countryside villas, Chris throughout his over 50 years as
McLaughlin set up his studio in an artist. His older works feature
the heart of Atlanta. He arrived to relics of the past, from buildings
the heavily-trafficked Varsity soon that have been demolished for
after the 1996 Olympics arrived newer construction to cars that
just blocks away from The Varsity. have been replaced by advanced
It was during this booming time models.
for the city that McLaughlin be- In recreating these older works
gan selling his art to the tourists of his, McLaughlin cited Tech’s
and locals of Atlanta. database of images that are avail-
In an interview with The Tech- able through the Department of
nique, McLaughlin explained how Facilities Management. Mclaugh-
his career with art began long be- in not only took images from the
fore Atlanta witnessed the historic Archives collection, but he also
lighting of the Olympic flame. added his own with his drawings
“I started in 2nd grade,” of the Greyhound Bus Station that
McLaughlin said. “On my way no longer exists, the old Piedmont
to school, there was a barn that I Hospital of the 1950s, and the
loved to draw: it just captured my pre-renovated Hotel Clermont.
fancy. I would go by that barn ev- “I used to look up the old pic-
eryday and that became a subject tures in the Archives collection
for me to draw.” [at Tech], but of course there’s a
The child who enjoyed sitting digital library now,” he laughed.
at the top of a hill to draw the barn “I’ve got some good, old pictures
below had no way of knowing that of Georgia Tech from the early
same barn would burn in an act of 1900s.” Photos Courtesy of Jaimee Francis, Student Publications
arson just years later. McLaughlin McLaughlin’s art not only Atlanta artist Chris McLaughlin recreates images of the city using
still has a black-and-white photo focuses on the monuments of sources available through Tech’s Department of Facilities Management.

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Josh Trebuchon

12 August 30, 2019

Taylor Swift’s ‘Lover’ is a fresh fan pleaser

MUSIC been alluding to this album since
Lover her 2018 AMA acceptance speech
for Favorite Pop/Rock Album in
Taylor Swift which she teased that she was ex-
LABEL: Republic cited for “the next chapter.”
Since Swift’s crossover to pop
with her album “1989” her style
TRACK PICKS: “Lover,” “Soon has been unpredictable and con-
You’ll Get Better” and “The stantly evolving, even as she has
Man” stayed true to her honest and nar-
rative style of songwriting.
OUR TAKE: ««««« The title track “Lover” em-
bodies the storyline of being in
love with a fresh voice, mixing
ABIGAIL GUTIERREZ-RAY Swift’s acoustic roots with a pop-
CONTRIBUTING WRITER drenched coo as she sings out the
word “lover.” The sensation of a
Taylor Swift is a name most of live band paints the image of a
the general population has heard bride and groom’s first dance, a
before. Whether one of her ador- piano and steady drumbeat driv-
ing fans, who have called them- ing the song along with raw vocals
selves “swifites” since the star’s that feel both confident and frag-
breakout in 2006, or one of her ile at the same time.
outspoken critics, chances are that The power song off of this al-
everyone has heard her music at bum is “The Man” where Swift
some point in time over the past boldly points out the difference in
13 years. Starting her career at the the treatment of men and women,
young age of 16, Swift has been particularly in the language used
in the limelight for a large portion to describe the actions of men ver-
of her life. These years have shown sus women. Swift fearlessly sings
her painted a rainbow of colors by out “When everyone believes you/
the media, gaining both recogni- What’s that like?” referencing the
tion and harsh criticism for both tendency for society to leave men
her personal life and her career in uncontested in their claims and
music. accounts.
Last week Swift released her Staying true to her metaphor
7th studio album “Lover” with a of “opening up [her] diary” to Photo courtesy of Republic Records
track list of 18 songs making it her the world with her songwriting, Taylor Swift released her latest album last Friday. The album, titled ‘Lover,’ effectively
longest album to date. Swift has See LOVER, page 14 combines Swift’s reinvented style with her trademark narrative songwriting structure.

Chappelle special gets laughs, sparks controversy

Sticks and Stones
NETWORK: Netflix
WHEN: Aug. 26
STARRING: Dave Chappelle
OUR TAKE: «««««


On Monday, comedian Dave

Chappelle released a new Netflix
comedy special titled “Sticks and
Stones.” The special has already
sparked massive controversy, with
some cultural critics hailing it as a
nuanced look at what cancel cul-
ture — the movement to hold ce-
lebrities accountable for misdeeds,
both past and present — means
for society, and others deriding it
as grossly offensive and problem-
atic. To fully understand the new
special, however, one must con-
textualize it with the rest of Chap-
pelle’s career≠ and in particular
with his mainstream comeback in Photo courtesy of Netflix
2016. Comedian Dave Chappelle, of ‘Chappelle’s Show’ fame, appears on a 2016 episode of Jerry Seinfeld’s Netflix interview
When Dave Chappelle re- show ‘Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.’ Chappelle recently released a new hour-long stand-up comedy special on Netflix.
turned to TV — or, rather,
streaming — with a series of Net- lated himself; the people that were ond term. The comedy world had Chappelle has received wide- hard to watch. Some of the jokes
flix specials beginning in 2016, coming to his shows were fans changed around him, softening spread criticism for transphobic were overly mean-spirited, and
he entered a mainstream comedy of “Chappelle’s Show,” and they as it became aware of the harm of language he uses in those specials, fans were left asking “Can he say
world which is very different from knew exactly what to expect from which it was capable, but the co- and, for a time, it seemed as if that?” — and not in a good way.
the one he left when he ended the irreverent comic. In fact, they median had changed very little. Chappelle’s career might not sur- The question in 2019, then,
“Chappelle’s Show” in 2005. expected nothing less. Chappelle’s 2016 specials are full vive the controversy. Still, Chap- is whether or not Chappelle can
While Chappelle toured regu- The result of this is that watch- of jokes which, if delivered in pelle’s career has proven more learn from those mistakes. After
larly in his time away from TV, ing Chappelle in 2016 was like 2005, would have been perfectly resilient than most believed it the release of “Sticks and Stones,”
he rarely performed for a broad watching a man who had been acceptable for TV, but which felt would, and he has hung on. most cultural critics seem to have
audience. By sticking to comedy cryogenically frozen since the mean and insensitive in the new Those 2016 specials were, even decided that he cannot. To them,
clubs, Chappelle effectively insu- beginning of George Bush’s sec- era in which they were told. for diehard Chappelle fans, a bit See STICKS, page 15
// ENTERTAINMENT technique • August 30, 2019• 13

Snoop Dogg looks back with ‘I Wanna Thank Me’

MUSIC tween artists, West Coast hip hop
I Wanna Thank Me was also feuding with the down
Snoop Dogg South scene and big artists like
Outkast. Fast forwarding to today
LABEL: Doggystyle and Snoop is much more open to
GENRE: Hip hop collaboration and seems to just
want to create as much exposure
TRACK PICKS: “Wintertime for himself and for other artists as
in June,” “Let Bygones be possible.
Bygones” Out of his 22-track long al-
bum, he has features on all but
OUR TAKE: ««««« 5 tracks. He even worked with
Russ on “Take Me Away.” In an
ZAFIR SHARIF interview with Billboard, Snoop
CONTRIBUTING WRITER admitted he was trying to branch
out: “With this particular project,
Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr., I was thinking to myself, ‘Where
more commonly known by his do I fit in the rap game?’ I ain’t
stage name Snoop Dogg, released that young, fly rapper no more.
his latest album “I Wanna Thank I’m like a great uncle to a lot of
Me” on Aug. 16 via Doggystyle these rappers now.”
Records. Still, many of the songs feature
Snoop’s new album is the per- that same slow rhyme that is tradi-
fect way to remind the world of tionally associated with his port-
his continued relevance in the folio. Some songs tell stories of
modern hip hop scene. Not only his history with Death Row, and
is the title wrapped with an aura most pay homage to his twenty-
of egotism, it seems as if Snoop eight years of history in rap.
Dogg is trying to remind the au- The song “Let Bygones be By-
dience of his legacy. gones” starts with a simulated in-
Snoop Dogg hails from the terview with Snoop in which he Photo courtesy of the Doggystyle
rich tradition of West Coast gang- mentions, “I’m cool with Suge‚ Snoop Dogg settles into his new role as the elder statesman of the hip hop scene with his new
ster rap and is on some of the most I’m cool with Master P, Dr. Dre, album ‘I Wanna Thank Me’ in which he looks back on past fueds while lifting up younger artists.
iconic tracks in history. Snoop I’m cool with everybody.”
might even have the catchiest The mock interviewer responds Knight is accused forcing employ- also experiments with some Grammy — but he is a landmark
verses of all time on the Dr. Dre “Yeah‚ I mean, how could you not ees to drink urine as punishment Rastafarian sounds. The rapper in the rap landscape. The release
track “Still Dre.” be cool with Snoop?,” to which for making an error. touches on many topics — he fea- of “I Wanna Thank Me” comes
Snoop’s career essentially be- Snoop responds “but I had to go Following Dogg’s murder trial tures a posthumous verse from his around the same time as the re-
gan under the guiding hand of get that cool with him. I had to go after the death of 2Pac, relations long time collaborator Nate Dogg lease of Young Thug’s much an-
Death Row Records with the sit down with Suge.” with Death Row were strained, and also mentions the passing of ticipated album “So Much Fun,”
album “Murder Was the Case,” Suge Knight is broadly known and Snoop left on bad terms. Nipsey Hussle. In a way the al- which has dominated the atten-
roughly coinciding with the death as rap’s villain and is responsible Snoop uses this album to bum feels like an afterword sum- tion of most of the hip-hop audi-
of N.W.A. At this time, the West for complicating the relationship declare publicly that he has ming up Snoop Dogg’s journey. ence. Regardless, Snoop fans are
Coast gangster rap scene was cut- between Death Row Records and “squashed” the beef with Suge. Still, few believe that this already praising this album as one
throat and Snoop managed to Snoop Dogg. Stories of Suge re- The sound of the 22-track al- is his last album. Surprisingly of his most versatile, and it looks
rise to the forefront of the genre. call his harsh treatment of his em- bum is not limited to Snoop’s enough, Snoop has never been on set to surpass the streams of his
In addition to the many fueds be- ployees. Among other misdeeds, traditional G-funk sound. Snoop Billboard’s top 200 or received a last album “Bible of Love.”


Showcase, Present, and Inspire

14 • August 30, 2019• technique // ENTERTAINMENT


companied by a warm banjo and Swift defended the track by stat- 1 2 3
violin pairing. ing that she and Brendon Urie,
the song “Soon You’ll Get Better” As the first single off of the who features on the track, wanted
(feat. Dixie Chicks) is filled with album, “ME!” falls short when this song to “not really be fully
an emotionally raw voice that seated next to the remaining 17 taking itself seriously.” While it is
Swift has not rolled out since the tracks. Although in line with the easy to see what Swift was going 4 5
track “All Too Well” debuted on mainstream pop of today, the for, she instead comes off as not
her album “Red” in 2012. track lacks the level of sophistica- really taking her role as a song-
Believed to be about Swift’s tion fans often expect from Swift, writer seriously.
mother who has been battling leaving listeners disappointed. Ultimately, Taylor Swift is not
cancer for the past several years, The song is upbeat and fun but one to leave her audience disap- 6
the track pleads “soon you’ll get the simplicity of the lyrics feels pointed and has created an album
better, because you have to,” fol- tired rather than fresh and new. as dreamy and enticing as the pink
lowed by a breathy sigh that could Initially, the version of the track clouds drifting across the album’s
bring tears to anyone’s eyes. The that was released as a single con- cover. The album is the complete
contributions from the Dixie tained the line “Hey kids! Spell- embodiment of Swift’s talent as
Chicks bring Swift back to her ing is fun!,” but Swift has since a musician and songwriter, fully
beginnings in country music, removed the line from the song celebrating her talents and creativ-
complementing her heartfelt lyr- with the release of the full album ity in a way that elevates the genre
ics with gentle backup vocals ac- due to the backlash by the public. of pop to a new level.

Try out our new crossword puzzle, specially

crafted by our staff for our readers. This week,
our crossword is brought to you by Zoie Kon-
neker, Editor-in-Chief. Once you finish, send a
picture of your completed puzzzle to our Insta-
gram, @gt_nique, for a chance to get featured
on our page! Good luck, and pick up our next
edition on Sept. 6 for the answers!
Across: Down:
1. A bulk beer delivery 1. Nipsey Hussle song,
container also known as “Mail-
4. The abbreviated
name of Tech’s weekly box Money”
student-run newspa- 2. Of the same value
per. 3. Estimate or suppose
6. Feeling of melan- 4. Organization re-
chony. Also, a genre of
music of black Ameri- sponsible for American
can orign professional basketball
7. A Scottish or 5. Employee self-ser-
Northern English vice
term for a young girl
Photo courtesy of Republic Records
8. The cause of the Ice
While some songs, like the shallow ‘ME!,’ fall short of Swift’s usual songwriting standards,
the pop singer is at her peak on personal, authentic tracks like ‘Soon You’ll Get Better.’
Bucket Challenge
// ENTERTAINMENT technique • August 30, 2019• 15

STICKS FROM PAGE 12 happen if Lebron James came out

as trans and started playing in
this special proves that Chappelle the WNBA — not a particularly
is simply a lost cause. Headlines original bit, but one made funnier
even refer to Chappelle’s new by Chappelle’s masterful delivery.
special as “doubling down” on While this joke sounds and feels
his transphobic and misogynistic harsh in the same way his previous
jokes from 2016. transphobic jokes did, it actually
This, however, is simply not asks very reasonable and thusfar
true. While Chappelle has not unresolved questions about what
given up on making the kinds of should happen when gender iden-
jokes about misogyny and LG- tity, sex and sports intersect.
BTQ issues that he mishandled Chappelle has also received
and got into trouble for in the criticism for questioning the ve-
past, he has softened his takes no- racity and severity of accusations
ticeably since his return. It seems of sexual misconduct against Mi-
that in order for Chappelle to chael Jackson and Louis C.K. in
please his most outspoken of crit- the new special. While these jokes
ics, he would have to stop talking can be difficult to listen to, they
about these issues altogether. In actually seems to be driving at a
this sense, Chappelle does double broader point about cancel cul-
down. He makes it clear with ture and what it means about hu-
“Sticks and Stones” that he will man nature.
not allow certain issues to become Chappelle tells the audience Photo courtesy of NBC
“off limits” to him. that he does not believe the Mi- Chappelle hosts a 2016 episode of ‘Saturday Night Live.’ While Chappelle’s new special has
He continues to discuss soci- chael Jackson accusers. He also sparked considerable controversy, it is actually toned down from his widely panned 2016 specials.
ety’s treatment of trans people in questions whether Louis C.K.’s
ways that some are bound to find sexual transgressions were as hei- and Louis C.K. because he feels a that people should not continue his points and make an actual ar-
offensive. However, he does not nous as most believe them to be. personal connection to them. To to hold celebrities accounatable; gument before canceling him.
express the same kind of need- Immediately after all this, how- him they are just regular friends, rather, he asks what this difference Ultimately, the real reason to
lessly insensitive transphobia that ever, Chappelle asserts that he not celebrities. says about society and its relation- watch “Sticks and Stones” is that
plagued his earlier specials. In fully believes all the accusations Chappelle drives this home ship to celebrity. it is just plain funny. No matter
fact, though cultural critics will against R. Kelly. Chappelle goes with a line from the Michael Jack- It is true that Chappelle goes how recklessly he dives into con-
struggle to see through the veneer on to explain that he does not son bit, in which he points out on to make more jokes which troversy, Chappelle continues to
of vulgarity under which he does have any personal relationship that “more than half the people seem to make light of Michael be a comedic genius unrivaled in
it, Chappelle makes several jokes with R. Kelly, and this holds the in this room have been molested Jackson’s crimes, but these seem his writing and delivery. While
that sympathize with trans people key to understanding all of these in their lives … All we get is awk- to fit largely into Chappelle’s style the new special is no “Killin’ them
and call out the prejudices they jokes together. ward Thanksgivings for the rest of of making light of dark subjects to Softly” — Chappelle’s legendary
struggle against. Chappelle is asking his audi- our lives.” The comic points out make them easier to handle. 2000 stand-up special — it may
Rather than asking offensive ence why people feel the need to that even though sexual abuse is There is no doubt that some be Chappelle’s best effort since.
questions about whether or not hold celebrities to a much higher widespread, people focus on ce- people will find “Sticks and Even the staunchest of Chap-
society should accept trans people standard than that to which they lebrities and other high profile Stones” offensive, but throughout pelle critics would have trouble
for who they are, Chappelle brings hold normal people. Chappelle perpetrators while much more his entire career, Dave Chappelle making it through even a fifth of
up more nuanced and compli- feels comfortable holding R. Kelly readily forgiving those they know has posed the question: does that the special without letting out a
cated questions about the impli- accountable because he is simply personally. mean specials like his should not bout of uproarious laughter, and
cations of that acceptance. At one a distant celebrity, while he has By pointing this out, Chap- exist? Chappelle thinks not, and that is the highest praise a comedy
point, he jokes about what would trouble vilifying Michael Jackson pelle does not necessarily imply the critics owe it to him to address show can receive.
16 • August 30, 2019• technique // COMICS





// COMICS technique • August 30, 2019• 17


18 • August 30, 2019• technique // SPORTS
and slashed for a .400 average — percent of his at-bats have ended something holding his production Game All-Americans for their ef-
BASEBALL FROM PAGE 1 to the Single-A Vermont Lake in walks. It is worth remembering at the plate back. Still, McCann’s forts during the 2019 season.
-far at the next level beyond Monsters. There, McCann has that McCann’s first year on the history of production at the col- Of the Braves’ first three
Tech. split time between catcher and Flats saw him hit for a nearly iden- lege level should buoy any evalua- picks, the one who has perhaps
Drafted in the fourth round first base. McCann has scuffled a tical .198 average. Given time, tion of his current talent level — it progressed the furthest is pitcher
by the Athletics, Kyle McCann bit with the bat, hitting .194 and there is plenty of reason for the takes a talented kind of player to Connor Thomas, who the St. Lou-
hardly had the chance to get to slugging .354. Similarly to his As to be optimistic about this par- put up the video game numbers is Cardinals grabbed in the fifth
know all of his teammates before time at the collegiate level, Mc- ticular newbie, but McCann must that McCann did in his last two round. Thomas does not physi-
he was promoted from the rookie- Cann’s good eye has enabled him first address his strikeout woes — seasons on the Flats against ACC cally profile as a dominant hurler
league Athletics Gold — where he to reach base via ball four with McCann has struck out in nearly competition. McCann and Eng- — he stands at a mere 5’11” —
hit two home runs in five games impressive frequency; nearly ten- 40 percent of his at-bats this year, lish were both named Perfect but he has demonstrated that his
skills perform at the professional
level. After going 2-0 in a pair of
starts for short-season Single-A af-
filiate State College, Thomas was
promoted to the Single-A Peoria
Chiefs. With the Chiefs, he has
pitched to a 3.70 ERA over 24
innings. His strikeout-walk ratio
is not ideal — 17 to 7 — but as
Thomas becomes more comfort-
able as a professional, it would be
reasonable to expect the former
number to increase and the latter
to decrease. After all, Thomas is
young, even for a Single-A base-
ball player. Thomas was a consis-
tent and efficient strike-thrower
for the Jackets in his time with
Tech, and that skill-set should fol-
low him wherever he goes in his
professional career.
Any praise or critique of these
athletes must be accompanied
with a caveat: it is early. Players go
through extended hot streaks and
slumps, and it will take years be-
fore these teams’ general manag-
ers, let alone the fans, know which
new faces will pan out and which
ones will bust. Additionally, there
are a number of other Tech play-
ers, from Xzavion Curry, who
is recovering from an injury, to
a few drafted outside the first
ten rounds, who could become
contributors as well. The minor
leagues are famously unreliable
indicators of a player’s ability to
contribute at the major-league
level, and the needle has been
known to swing both ways, with-
out warning. But one thing is for
certain – Tech’s newest pro base-
Photo by Jonathan Pennie Student Publications ball players certainly fit in on their
LHP Connor Thomas delivers a pitch for the Jackets this spring. Thomas was taken in the fifth round of the MLB Draft this June. new playing field.
// SPORTS technique • August 30, 2019• 19


and the Blue Devils have had
Tech’s number for years — so ex-
pect this to be one of the first true
tests for the Jackets after Clemson
in Week 1.

Miami trio of standout sopho-
more receivers — Mark Pope,
Brian Hightower and Dee Wig-
gins — lit up the Jackets last year
despite aggressive blitz packages JOHN EDWARDS
from the Jackets and press cover- SPORTS EDITOR
age attempting to mitigate yard-
age. While it’s unlikely that the GT GOLF RANKED NO. 3
players will run through Tech’s Tech golf was ranked as the
band for a second year straight No. 3 collegiate golf program in
now that program figurehead the country by the Golf Coaches
Mark Richt has departed the Association of America preseason
program, Miami still brings an poll released in August.
element of swagger to every game Hot off the heels of senior
and an away outing at Hard Rock Andy Ogletree’s upset win at the
will make for another formidable U.S. Amateur, Tech golf finished
opponent. just behind Texas and Arizona
State in the poll. The Jackets were
PITT — NOVEMBER 2 ranked ahead of reigning national
RB Quadree Ollison was elec- Photo by Allie Ghisson Student Publications champion Stanford. Ogletree
tric against the Jackets in 2017 Tech players tackle a Duke rusher during an October 13, 2018 game at Bobby Dodd. leads what looks to be a strong
and 2018. Regardless of scheme The Jackets have won just once in their past five meetings, a 38-35 win in 2016. Tech squad this year, rounded out
or personnel, his change-of-pace by experienced seniors Tyler Stra-
speed and ability to accelerate liers as a transfer and took the son game against Marshall so that State. Still, given that the Jackets faci and Luke Schniederjans as
off the ball has stymied defend- reigns of Virginia’s offense, lead- they would not have to practice for will have just a quick turnaround well as junior Noah Norton and
ers throughout his collegiate ca- ing the ACC in combined passing a postseason game. Given the cul- for this Thursday night game fol- sophomore Connor Howe.
reer and propelled him to be the and rushing touchdowns. Perkins ture that surrounded the program, lowing their VT match up, NC Tech’s season kicks off on Sept.
highlight of the Panthers’ offense again leads one of the better pro- it’s no surprise that at one point State may yet stand a chance 6 at the Carpet Capital Collegiate
since he took the starting role. grams in the ACC Coastal, and fourteen Hokies were registered against Tech. tournament in Rocky Face, Geor-
The good news? Ollison went to the Cavaliers represent a difficult in the NCAA transfer portal. But gia, before joining the Fighting Il-
the Atlanta Falcons with a fourth matchup for the Jackets. the new look Hokies might still UGA — NOVEMBER 21 lini Invitational later that month.
round pick this offseason. With pose a threat to the Jackets, who Please just let Tech keep it
his partner-in-crime RB Darrin VT — NOVEMBER 16 have dominated in the Techmo within three scores. FOOTBALL HONORS ADAMS
Hall also graduating, Pitt will Virginia Tech fielded one of bowl for the past decade — VT As experienced as this Tech Following the sudden death of
have difficulty gaining yards this the youngest teams in the nation has not defeated the Jackets since team may be at the end of their defensive tackle Brandon Adams
year against Tech with their wild during the 2018 season, leading a 23-21 victory in 2015. season, that will pale in com- earlier this year, Tech football will
QB and freshmen RBs. the FBS with 10 different players parison to the talent and pedi- honor his memory by selecting a
on defense recording their first ca- NC STATE — NOVEMBER 21 gree that the Dawgs bring to the player to wear and honor his num-
VIRGINIA — NOVEMBER 9 reer start at some point during the The second Atlantic Division table. Georgia controversially just ber each game this season based
Tech’s most exciting game of 2018 season. This naturally led to match up for the Jackets comes missed a college football playoff upon their behavior and actions as
last season was an overtime thriller inconsistent results, as the Hokies after the Wolfpack lost twelve of spot last year following a close loss a teammate. Adams wore No. 90
against the Cavaliers in which the averaged 439 yards per game al- their starting twenty-two from last to Alabama in the SEC champi- for Tech football before passing
deciding play was a field goal by lowed, and only barely snuck into last season to the NFL. NC State’s onship game, and the Dawgs like- away unexpectedly last March,
walk-on freshman Wesley Wells. the postseason with a 6-6 record. 2018 defense was single handedly ly have their sights set on bigger and his number will be featured
It should be tough for the rematch Still, with 11 returning defen- responsible for their ascent in the games than the Sugar Bowl. Their on helmet decals in his memory
to meet that same level of excite- sive players who started a game in polls — as high as No. 16 in the confidence is not unfounded, as throughout the season.
ment, but in the ACC Coastal, 2018, it’s possible that legendary country last year—though QB Georgia opens the season ranked The first player to wear Adams’
anything is possible. defensive coordinator Bud Foster Ryan Finley was no slouch either, no. 3 in the preseason AP poll. number will be fellow defensive
QB Bryce Perkins suffered a could stifle a Jackets offense that ending up an early 4th round se- Brutally book-ending their tackle Chris Martin, who is ex-
finger injury following Virginia’s might still be trying to find its lection in the 2019 Draft. schedule with possible playoff pected to take the field for Tech
bowl game last season, but should footing. However, the number of true contenders, Tech’s hopes of win- in their season-opener against
be fully prepared to lead the Cava- That being said, it might be or red-shirt freshmen for State— ning this game rest on nothing the Clemson Tigers. Martin, a
liers against the Jackets. Perkins, a difficult for the Hokies to regain an incredible 51 — is almost four less than divine intervention — red-shirt junior, is one of several
former QB for the Arizona State their mojo following a demoral- times as many the number of se- ESPN’s FPI gives Tech just a 5% players who had previously only
Sun Devils, transferred follow- izing season. An offseason report niors or grad transfers that the chance of winning. seen part-time action who are ex-
ing a freak accident in practice indicated that some players — Wolfpack stand to field this year, The odds are stacked against pected to step into a full-time role
in which Perkins broke his neck. players who are no longer with and with four key coaching staff the Jackets if they want to play this season. Martin appeared in
After an arduous road to recovery, VT — encouraged teammates to losses, it’s tough to see this as any- spoiler for Georgia’s college foot- six games in 2018, recording four
Perkins ended up with the Cava- intentionally lose their final sea- thing but a rebuilding year for NC ball playoff hopes. tackles, two of them solo.
SPORTS EDITOR: ew technique
John Edwards
Emily Dykstra
Friday, August 30, 2019

Previewing Tech’s remaining football schedule

JOSH FORBES The Citadel’s pedestrian 5-6
CONTRIBUTING WRITER 2018 season featured few bright
spots aside from tying Alabama
No matter the results of at halftime— a game they ended
Tech’s opener against Clem- up losing 50 to 17. One of the few
son, coach Geoff Collins will be remaining option teams in foot-
playing with house money this ball, the Bulldogs featured a 6:1
season. It’s a rebuilding year for rush-pass ratio last year en route
Tech, and with many big-name to averaging 284 rushing yards
transfers sitting out this year, it per game. The Jackets should have
will take a year or two for Col- little to no trouble handling their
lins’ vision to truly be realized. Southern Conference opponents.
But in the meantime Tech still
has twelve football games to play TEMPLE — SEPTEMBER 28
this fall — here’s how the Jack- The Collins Bowl! Coach Col-
ets shape up for the remaining lins returns to his former program
eleven. that he led to back-to-back bowl
game seasons in his two-year
USF — SEPTEMBER 7 tenure there before departing for
After undergoing a trial by fire warmer weather in a nicer city.
in Death Valley, Tech will host Collins took half his staff with
their first home game of the 2019 him during his move to GT, in-
season with a rematch against the cluding OC Dave Patenaude, DC
USF Bulls, an FCS opponent that Andrew Thacker, and the money
stunned the Jackets last year on down marker — the rest aban-
the shoulders of two special teams doned ship shortly after. Temple Photo by Taylor Gray Student Publications
touchdowns by return special- also enters the 2019 season with a Virginia QB Bryce Perkins lines up for a snap against the Jackets on November 17, 2018.
ist and 100m sprinter Terrence new coaching staff and QB after Perkins figures to lead the Cavaliers into action against Tech again this year on November 9.
Horne. the graduation of Frank Nutile
Horne suffered an ACL tear — it may be rough going for the Fedora and brought back former though Tech may yet have the Daniel Jones, Duke blew out
that ended his season the week af- Owls against their old coach. head coach Mack Brown for an- edge in the battle of new coaches. Temple during the Independence
ter playing Tech, so if he has lost other stint this offseason. Brown Bowl last season 56-27, but Col-
his acceleration and Tech remem- UNC — OCTOBER 5 had previously overseen one of DUKE — OCTOBER 12 lins was already in Atlanta start-
bers how to contain kick returners Unfortunately for the Tarheels, the most successful eras of UNC Collins may have dodged the ing to build up his new program.
the Jackets may take back a vic- this isn’t basketball season. The football during the nineties and Blue Devils in his first go-round, Despite losing Jones, Duke’s
tory from the team they hung 600 bottom feeders of the ACC finally he looks to rebuild alongside Col- but he won’t avoid them for long. receiving corps remains robust
yards rushing on in 2018. moved on from the woeful Larry lins and the Jackets in the ACC, Behind future first-round pick See FOOTBALL, page 19

NCAA should end football double standards

player to stay with his teammates
for an extra few years, or get more
playing time to prepare him for
the NFL Draft that he will hypo-
thetically be called up in, but at
what cost? If a player has missed a
season or more due to injury, that
is a year sat out that his peers are
progressing. Yes, a student-athlete
has every right to his five years
of eligibility that provide him an
education and platform to build
a more stable environment for
himself. But what about incoming
players that may be in need of that
EMILY DYSKTRA player’s scholarship spot?
ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR When comparing football to
other sports, the NCAA has a
After redshirt junior David much more relaxed definition of
Curry was granted a sixth year of competition as to determine if the
eligibility under Coach Paul John- player can take a redshirt season.
son, redshirt sophomore Lucas As of 2018, Division I college
Johnson was deemed eligible for football players can play in up to
a sixth year immediately prior to four games per season without us-
the beginning of the 2019 school ing a season of eligibility. In other
year. Both players were gifted this Division I sports, athletes lose a
opportunity after missing a season season as soon as they compete Photo by Taylor Gray Student Publications
each due to injury following pre- for one second. For example, if a Tech QB Lucas Johnson receives a snap during Tech’s spring game earlier this year. Johnson
vious redshirt seasons with Tech. baseball player appears in one in- was granted a sixth year of eligibility prior to the start of the 2019 season by the NCAA.
This waiver seems to be handed ning of one game, he loses a sea-
out more frequently these days as son of eligibility unless he applies tial or full scholarship. Theoreti- more than a piece of paper with more, the NCAA should make
players find a way to squeeze in for a hardship waiver. A swimmer cally, it is smart for the athletes to little knowledge to back up the sure that the student-athletes who
every last moment that they can loses her eligibility the moment stretch out their scholarship-sup- supposed learning experience? are granted this opportunity are
take from college football — why, she dives off of the block at a ported time at school for as long Instead, these scholarships may taking full advantage from an
then, are other sports not seeing meet, no matter how long the race as possible, achieving as many be more productive when put to- academic standpoint and uphold-
the same increase in athletes with is or how big the meet. Why does degrees as they can fit in while wards an incoming undergraduate ing a certain grade point average
six years of eligibility? football get not just one, but four competing. Yet most “regular” student-athlete with lesser knowl- without taking shortcuts. The love has a whole ar- games excused? students can attest to the fact that edge and higher potential to learn. of the game is a real thing, but all
ticle on accessing upwards of sev- Beyond the apparent skewness the majority of student-athletes It is doubtful that the NCAA players must call it quits eventual-
en years of eligibility and how it of the redshirt and eligibility rules are too busy with their practices, will go back on their allowance ly. At the end of the day, the pur-
can be accomplished, exemplified created by the NCAA stands the games and recovery to fully reap of a sixth or even seventh year pose of college is to get an educa-
by San Jose State running back thought of financial funding by the benefits of an education, espe- of eligibility for football, but it tion, especially with less than one
Deontae Cooper, who was grant- each institution. One may assume cially at a highly regarded school would be nice to see the commit- percent of college football players
ed a full seven years by the NCAA that most players staying an extra such as Tech. At what point do tee expand this opportunity to progressing to the next level and
back in 2016. It may be nice for a one, two or three years are on par- these degrees become nothing other sports programs. Further- even fewer in other sports.

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