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A Proposal to Use X.

509 Mutual Authentication for

CCHS Connected Home Cloud Based Services
Stephen Mansfield, CCHS Senior Software Architect
August 2015

Abstract -- Cloud based services are becoming an

important business tool in the growth of enterprise
computing applications. The ability to build, deploy,
and scale large enterprise applications in a matter of
seconds is greatly appealing to today’s fast responding
internet based companies. Although cloud bases
computing services have inherent strong security and
support all of the industry security standards, special
considerations must be made before integration into
existing non-homogeneous enterprise server/networks
security architectures. This paper presents an Amazon
AWS cloud based computing services security
integration strategy into a CCHS enterprise
computing/network topology utilizing X.509 mutual
authentication. The motivation is to improve the service for the appliance at the customer’s convenience.
company’s 2 factor computer network authentication The central component to this new service is a newly
policy and make integration of cloud based services developed CCHS cloud based service management
easier by eliminating the need for white listed IP platform or SMP. The connection architecture is
security. highlighted in figure 1. Technically, the Connected
Home SMP is a cloud based Platform as a Service (PaaS).
Keywords -- Internet of Things (IoT), X.509, PKI, SSL, It orchestrates and manages the flow of diagnostic and
TLS, IPv4, IPv6, AWS, Elastic IP, Load Balancer, WiFi, service information across several platforms. Other
Zigbee, Zwave, Bluetooth, Symmetric Encryption, value add services can also be integrated onto this
Asymmetric Encryptions, Secure Hashing Encryption, platform such as home energy management, intelligent
comfort and lighting, as well as home security.

Introduction The service flow for this architecture starts with IoT
CCHS Connected Home is a new business venture that is enabled appliances. IoT appliances connects to the
focused on developing an end to end digital appliance internet either through WiFi or an internet connected
warranty service. The service, utilizing Internet of hub. These devices connect to a 3rd party IoT Device
Things (IoT) technology, enables a customer to monitor Service Platform (IoT DSP) that manage device
and control the operation and status of appliances in connectivity. The Service Management Platform
the home with a smartphone. If an appliance fails, the receives alerts from the IoT Device Service Platforms
customer is notified of the failure, taken through a and determines the appropriate actions. It can alert
service triage process, and automatically schedules customers using there smart phone or create service

June 2015 CCHS Connected Home 1

action through CCHS Timex ERP. Timx is an ERP
platform and manages virtually all service warranty Although white listing and static bearer token is
actions. It is used exclusively by CCHS service considered good security technology there are a
representatives to manage and support all warranty number of issues when used with dynamic cloud based
service claims. Once it has been determined that a systems. White listing is very difficult to manage with
service call is required the SMP signals a 3rd party dynamic cloud instances. One of the great benefits of
Service Support Platform (SSP). This platform forwards cloud computing is the ability to dynamically scale
service requests to the correct service trade, schedules processor instances. For web based instances these are
appointments, and reports on status of the repair. most usually internet facing and thus must have a
Status of the service call is sent back to the Service unique IP address. When an instance is created it is
Management Platform and made available to the given a dynamic IP address from a pool of IP addresses
customer. The customer can view scheduled service, provided by the cloud service provider. When an
re-schedule, cancel, and determine if the service instance is created it is given the next available IP
tradesman has been dispatched. address in the pool. When the instance is terminated it
returns the IP address back to the pool. Dynamic
CCHS Two Factor Authentication instance IP allocation is the most efficient internet
connection point for dynamic cloud services. Some
The Service Management Platform interfaces to a cloud service providers offer single point IP services, like
multitude of both internal and external platforms. A Amazon’s Web Services (AWS) elastic IP’s. Elastic IP are
later paper to this one will focus on the overall used in conjunction with Elastic Load Balancers (ELB)
Connected Home Service Management Platform and provide a single IP address externally with multiple
security architecture. This paper focuses on the private IP connections for internal processor instances.
security surface between the CCHS Timx ERP and the Amazon on provide 5 EIP’s. More can be obtained but
Service Management Platform API. permission from Amazon is required. ELB work well
with applications that have only a few public IP
Today the primary interface for consuming external addresses and the architecture is fairly stable. ELB’s do
services is through the Timx API. This API uses two not work well in multi-geography highly scalable
factor authentication --white listing of IP addresses, and platforms. White listing of IP with dynamic cloud
a static bearer token. White listing of IP address uses an instances are clearly problematic. They are also difficult
internet facing router or firewall to block any access to manage and require periodic auditing client platform
that don’t match an approved IP list. If an external security.
client or server with an IP address that is not on the
approved list tries to access the API endpoint the There are also issues with static bearer tokens. There is
request is blocked. only one token for all clients and the token never
changes. This makes token revocation management
A static bearer token is a secret token that is sent along difficult. The token is basically a single secret that is
with each TCP header. The API software verifies the shared among all internal and external users.
authenticity of the token by matching. If the token does Whenever you wish to revoke token credentials from a
not match the API command is rejected. single user, the single token must be revoked and a new
one re-distributed to all other clients. Static bearer
The API also used TLS encryption to protect the content tokens also misses the opportunity to utilize dynamic
of the data. A signed digital certificate is used to bearer tokens for authorization. Since each token is
exchange encryption keys but only the server is unique to a user, you can use dynamic bearer tokens to
required to have a valid certificate signed by a trusted allow certain user privileges depending on the role of
Certificate Authority (CA) like Symantec or Comodo. the client. It is recommend that future releases of the
We will talk more about certificates and key exchange API include Oauth2 authentication tokens.

June 2015 CCHS Connected Home 2

Authentication tokens are not only user unique they are valid public key and create a chain of trust between the
also time persistent – typically 1 to 3 hours. certificate itself and the certificate authority that issued
the certificate. The certificate authority is often called
As an alternative to white listed IP’s, a new network the CA. The process goes something like this. The CA
security technology called mutual authentication is first creates a certificate with information about the
proposed. Mutual authentication allows authentication individual or company that has requested a certificate.
of clients and servers with any IP address. They use The CA also creates a public/private key pair and inserts
public certificate exchange to verify trust between both the pair into the certificate. A hash is also created to
the server and client. They are also easy to implement validate the integrity of the certificate. At this point the
and provide a number of security management certificate is called a Certificate Signing Request or CSR.
efficiencies that white listed IP do not. It also works out The CA then creates a public certificate called a CRT.
in the present CCHS Timx API that this service can be The CRT contains the owner’s information like before
implemented with no server side code changes. Some but also includes the information about the CA. The CA
minor code changes are required on the client side. hashes the certificate and encrypts the hash with its
private key. This private key comes from the CA’s Root
Overview of Digital Certificate Security certificate. Whenever anyone wants to validate the
certificate they simply create a hash of the certificate
Mutual client/server authentication utilizes several and decrypt the encrypted hash with the CA’s public
encryption technology standards. The most important root key. The user then compares the two hashes and if
is X.509, PKI, and TLS. X.509 basically describes digital they are both the same the certificate can be trusted.
certificates, the certificate content, creation, and the This is the key point. A root of trust has been created
concept of trust and a Certificate Authority. PKI stands between the certificate and the CA. When the hashes
or public key infrastructure and describes several match the user is assured that the certificate has not
algorithms that allow for public/private asymmetric been tampered with. The certificate does not
keys. The public/private key allows easy digital signing specifically validate its owner, company, address, or
of electronic documents or certificates and data other information. It simply verifies that the certificate
encryption. TLS stands for Transport Layer Security and is authentic, has not been tampered with, and the
is an encryption standard that defines what encryption public key is a valid public/private key pair. One
algorithms and how data packets in the IP frame are exception is the website listed on the certificate. If a
encrypted. TLS generally uses a single symmetric key browser is viewing an HTTPS site and using TLS, it does
for encryption. Triple DES, AES, and AES256 are verify the website URL in the server certificate against
common encryption algorithms for TLS. However, AES the actual browser URL. There is also information in the
or AES256 are recommend. An older version of IP certificate that provides expiration dates and a location
encryption is called SSL (Secure Socket Layer) security where the certificate can be checked for revocation.
and is considered obsolete. SSL and TLS are often used This certificate is also called a public certificate.
interchangeably but almost all IP security is TLS driven.
Self-Signed Certificates
Public Certificates
Public certificates are sometimes expensive to
Central to all modern encryption is the concept of purchase. The cost of the certificate is driven by the
digital certificates. In common literature I find he length of time the certificate is valid. There is also
definition of a digital certificate are often maligned. administrative effort needed to go to a CA to get a
The certificate is a document with administrative private CSR and public CRT and distribute between
information in English describing the owner, address, servers and clients. An alternative to public certificates
contact information, and additional information about is self-signed certificates. Widely available open
who generated the certificate. It also contains a secure software tools like Keytool or OpenSSL easily allow
and encrypted hash of the certificate along with a valid server administrators to create their own CSA and
public key. The certificates only duty is to provide a
June 2015 CCHS Connected Home 3
CRT’s. A self-signed certificate has both the owner and
the CA as the same. In other words the public key in the
public certificate can decrypt the self-signed certificate
hash – it verifies itself. The CA asserts that the
certificate is a public certificate relies on the integrity of
the CA manage the secrecy of its private key and the
chain of trust between the CA and the certificate. A
self-signed certificate relies on the trust of the server
administrator to manage the secrecy of the private key
and the chain of trust is between the server
administrator and the certificate.

Many people believe a self-signed certificate is not as

trustworthy as a public certificate. Technically this is
not true. A self-signed certificate is created using the
same algorithms and tools as a public certificate. The
only difference is that the root of trust belongs to the
server administrator. Matter of fact, almost all public
CA root certificates are self-signed. The root of trust
certificates that your browser uses to verify the
authenticity of a server public certificate are all self-
signed. The only risk you have with self-signed
certificates is that someone has tampered with your SSL
tools in your server or your server private key gets
exposed. Common server security measure can
significantly mitigate these issues.
The server then generates its own random number and
TLS Client/Server Authentication then also responds with a server hello, crypto
Let’s go into detail how a server and client mange key information, and the server random number. Next the
exchange and authentication in a TLS Server server send over its public certificate with its public key.
Authentication sequence. TLS security is the most The client extracts the CA information from the
common form of internet security. It sometimes goes certificate and uses the CA public key to validate the
by SSL or HTTPS security however the actual security server certificate. The client then uses the server public
protocol almost always used is TLS. This discussion will key to encrypt a hash of all of the messages sent back
be from the perspective between a server acting as an and forth between the server and the client and send it
endpoint and a client requesting API service. to the server. The server calculates its own hash and
verifies against the clients encrypted hash. This is make
TLS security utilizes a server certificate to principally sure all messages are accounted for and there was no
manage key secure exchange. It is possible for the man in the middle attack. The client then generates
client to authenticate the server but it is rarely done. pre-master secret random number, encrypts it with the
Code could be written for the client to verify the server public key and sends it to the server. Both the
server’s certificate. A TLS sequence diagram is shown in server and client multiply the client, server, and pre-
figure 2. When an HTTPS sequence starts the client master secret to generate the AES256 symmetric key.
sends in the clear a client hello message along with Both server and client have an identical AES symmetric
proposed client crypto information and a client random keys. Now the client signals the server to switch
number that will be later used for secure key exchange. encryption and use the AES key. It also ends the TLS
handshake. The server does the same with the client to
June 2015 CCHS Connected Home 4
end the TLS handshake. Then at this point both the
client and server exchange data using AES encryption
until the HTTPS session is shut down. At this point the
AES keys are thrown away and not to be used again.

Mutual Authentication
Mutual authentication between a server and client are
very similar except both the server and the client verify
each other’s certificates. Server client verification is
taken care of by the reverse proxy server. In the case of
the Timx API that would be a Tomcat server. Client
server authentication is done with specific code written
in the client application. Basically mutual
authentication works by both the client and the server
exchanging there public digital certificates before the
actual message exchange.

Although the process is a little more complex basically

both the server and the client pre-exchange public
certificates. The server add the client certificate to a
special list of allowed clients. Similarly the client stores
a copy of the server’s certificate to a special list of
allowed servers. The server administrator has given the
client the server’s public certificate manually by email
or by other electronic means. Similarly the client gives
the server administrator his public certificate. Both are
in the open. The client then uses the public key from
stored as a list of approved client/servers. There is trust
the CA that issued the server certificate to decrypt the
because server administrator can trust the client to give
server’s certificates hash value. The client then
him a valid and certificate. There is also trust of the
generates its own hash and compares it to the
client to receive a valid certificate from the server
decrypted one. If they are the same the certificate is
administrator. Also, there is trust that both certificates
considered trusted. It then compares the hash value to
are authentic because they both can be verified by a CA.
the one earlier saved by the client. If they compare
Both are stored as a list of approved client/servers.
then the client has authenticated the server. The client
also makes sure the certificate has not expired or it is
The exchange of certificates for Mutual Authentication
not on a Certificate Revoked List (CRL). If there is no
starts out the same as Client/Server Authentication.
comparison, the certificate is expired, or is on a CRL, the
The sequence diagram for the exchange is highlighted in
client closes the connection with no response. Next the
figure 3.
client then sends its public certificate and key to the
server in the clear. The serer then uses the public key
First the client creates a random number and bundles it
from the CA that issued the client certificate to decrypt
with a client hello message along with crypto
the client’s certificates hash value. The server then
information that it sends in the open to the server. The
generates its own hash of the certificate and compares
server then generates its own random number and
the two. If they are the same the certificate is
bundles it with a hello server message along with crypto
considered trusted. The server then compares he hash
information and sends it in the open to the client. The
value with the one saved previously. If they match then
server then send the client its public certificate and key
the server has successfully authenticated the client.
June 2015 CCHS Connected Home 5
The server also makes sure the certificate has not valid for a few years. Self-generated certificates are
expired or it is not on a Certificate Revoked List (CRL). If free. Server administrators can also assign very long
there is no comparison, the certificate is expired, or is expiration dates. The certificate administrator can
on a CRL, the server closes the connection with no assign very long expiration dates to self-signed
response. This point both the client and server have certificates. The management of CA certificates is only
authenticated each other. The client then generates a slightly more complex than self-signed.
pre-master key and sends it encrypted using the
server’s public key. Both the server and the client then At this point the next layer of authentication begins –
multiply the SRN, CRN, and PMS to generate a master static bearer tokens. This is done at the API level by the
key. This key is used for symmetric encryption – server API. If the client bearer token does not match
Typically AES256. Both client and server switch to the server bearer token the API rejects clients request,
symmetric encryption and end the TLS handshake. At closes the session, and returns a 401.
this point both client and server begin exchanging data.
Creating Certificates
What we have shown here is both the client and server
securely authenticate each other using secure digital The process of setting up the server to handle mutual
certificates. There are two levels of trust in this authentication begins with deciding what certificate
exchange. First, digital certificates that are signed by a type you will use – CA publicly signed certificate or self-
trusted CA validates that the certificates have not been signed certificates. In either case there are several
tampered with by either party and that they can be common steps before you receive your CRT. You must
trusted. Second, the server administrator provides his first generate your own public/private key-pair using an
certificate to the client. The client trusts that that open software tool like keytool or OpenSSL. The key-
server administrator has given him the correct pair file is .key, .jks or .p12 type. The file type depends
certificate. It is of course in the best interest of the on which toolset you are using and the server operating
server administrator to provide the correct certificate. system. Using the key-pair file, you then create a CSR
Similarly, the client provides the server with its containing the public key. The file type varies but is
certificate. It is in the best interest for the client to usually a .csr type. The CSR is what you send to the CA
make sure it provides the correct certificate to the to get digitally signed. The CA returns a CRT that is
server administrator. The secure exchange of digitally signed with the CA public key. The file-type
certificates are then used to generate a symmetric key again varies but is usually a .cer, crt, or .p10. If you are
so that both parties now have a way to securely using self-signed certificates you can generate your CRT
exchange data. from the key-pair file. It uses its own public key to sign
the CSR.
The certificates used can be either public CA certified
certificates or self-signed certificates. There are pro’s KeyStore and Certificates for Tomcat
and con’s for each method. CA generated and signed
certificates are considered slightly more secure. CA’s Tomcat is java based platform and the preferred key
expend lots of money and resources making sure that tool is keytool. First we will generate the client and
there process for generating key-pairs, creating server key-pair,
certificates, and guarding the CA’s private key is
absolutely secure. Some CA’s even use only hardware Server Key Generation
generated keys and certificates believing that they Keytool –genkeypair –alias serverkey –keyalg RSA
much more difficult to hack. Generating your own key –keypass password –keystore server.jks –storepass
pair and certificates does expose the server password
administrator to tampering with the servers open key
and certificate tools. CA certificates can be expensive. Client Key Generation
Most organizations only purchase certificates that are Keytool –genkeypair –alias clientkey –keyalg RSA

June 2015 CCHS Connected Home 6

–keypass password –keystore client.jks -storepass Also a Spring Boot example is also shown in Appendix A.
The server key-pair would be stored in a secure location
for use with the Tomcat Server. The client key-pair
would be stored in a secure location for use on the
client platform. Next we need to generate both the
client and server public certificates and CRT’s.

Server CRT Generation

keytool –exportcert –alias serverkey –file server-
public.cer –keystore server.jks –storepass passoword

Client CRT Generation

keytool –exportcert –alias clientkey –file client-
public.cer –keystore client.jks –storepass password
Client Setup
Once the CRT’s have been generated they need to be As highlighted earlier, the client must specifically
inserted into the key-pairs – the server CRT is appended authenticate the server certificate. The client must
to the client key-pair file and the client CRT is appended have access to the file where the client public certificate
to the server key-pair file. The CRT’s are saved in the is stored as well as the key-pair file that includes an
key-pair file so they can be used in the certificate appended server public certificate. An example of client
authentication process. code is highlighted in Appendix B.

Client CRT Insertion

keytool –importcert –keystore server.jks –alias clientcert
–file client-public.cer –storepass password A proposal has been shown that allows mutual
-nonpromt authentication to be used in place of white listed IP.
The proposal uses X.509 digital certificates and mutual
Server CRT Insertion authentication between the server and the client. The
Keytool –importcert –keystore client.jks –alias servercert author asserts that digital certificates is a more
–file server-public.cer –storepass password convenient means to implement client/server
authentication. This is true especially in a dynamic
Tomcat Server Setup instance cloud computing platforms.

You must now set up the Tomcat server so that it will

correctly implement mutual authentication between
both the server and the client. Figure 5 shows how to
set up a port connector in config.xml.

June 2015 CCHS Connected Home 7

June 2015 CCHS Connected Home 8
June 2015 CCHS Connected Home 9
Client Mutual Authentication
package house.myconnected.sslclient;
Appendix B

import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.URI;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod;

public class SSLClient {

System.setProperty("", "c:/apachekeys/client1.jks");
System.setProperty("", "password");
System.setProperty("", "c:/apachekeys/client1.jks");
System.setProperty("", "password");

public static void main(String[] args) throws HttpException, IOException {

HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

GetMethod method = new GetMethod();
method.setURI(new URI("https://localhost:8443/restserver", false));


June 2015 CCHS Connected Home 10


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9. “X.509 and SSL – A look into the complex world of X.509 and SSL”, July 5th 2007, Phil Dibowitz.
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13. Samsung Press Release “The internet of Things Needs Openness and Industry Collaboration to Succeed”, January
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June 2015 CCHS Connected Home 11

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