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Welcome to Arklan!

September 2019
Dear Families,
The 2019-2020 school year has arrived and we welcome all the students back to Arklan
Community Public School. We hope that you have had a truly enjoyable summer and that the
School Information
students are returning well rested and ready to meet all of the exciting challenges that this year
123 Patterson Cres., K7C 4R2 will bring. We are pleased to extend a special welcome to those students and families who are
Phone: 613-257-8113 new to the school community. Thank you for choosing Arklan Community Public School for your
Fax: 1-855-340-9074 children.
This is my first year at Arklan as well! For the last five years I have been principal of
Beckwith PS. My family includes two children, Celina who is 11 years old, Emmett who just
turned 9 and my wife Deborah. We live in Richmond so the daily commute to Carleton Place is
School Hours perfect!
I feel very fortunate to be working alongside Dana Boyer, vice-principal. Dana is new to
9:10 Yard open
Arklan as well. The whole staff has been very welcoming. They have worked hard to ensure that
for all students.
everything is in place for your children. There are over 30 staff members at Arklan PS. Did you
Teachers on supervision know that our beloved Mrs. Braiden, Office Administrator, has retired as of the end of August.
duty . Students are not to We thank her for all her years of service to the school community. We love her so much that we
be on the school grounds have asked her to stay for a little longer until a replacement can be hired! Other familiar faces
before 9:00 AM. retiring from Arklan this summer are Kate Thurston, teacher, and Terry Desarmia, evening custo-
dian. We wish all three of our retirees all the best in their new journey. Welcome to our new
staff members: Renee Champagne, Kate Fergusson, Jaiden Healey, Paul McCheyne, and Jody
9:25 AM instruction begins Trant.
11:55 Lunch /Recess My hope is that this will be a rewarding and enjoyable year full of successes. We look
12:35 Instruction begins forward to being a partner in your children’s education.
Michael Kennedy
1:50 - 2:30 Recess
3:45 Dismissal Meet the Team!
Jane Peters, Kate Fergusson, Learning Resource Coaches:
Paul McCheyne, Angie Flynn JK/SK Dana Boyer
*Please review our Safe Kate Fergusson
Sara Hudson, Melanie Duncan JK/SK
Arrival/Dismissal routine in Jane Peters
Karen Coleman, Tammy Reid JK/SK
this newsletter
Kelly Belisle 1 Educational Assistants:
Victoria McGregor 1 Karen Chenier
Meet the Teacher Lia Thompson 1-2 Cyndy Courtland
Tracy Pentz 2 Tamara Daigle
Thursday, September 12 Andrea Doherty 2-3 Darryl Lake
5:30 PM Linda Johnson 2-3 Christine Sonnenburg
Lauren Atkinson 3-4 Patti Skrepnek
to 6:30 PM Nancy Paul 4
Louisa McMunn 4-5 Custodial Staff:
Jody Trant 5-6 Mike Code
Kayla Jinkinson
Michelle Millar 5-6
Heather Strachan 6
Financial Assistant:
Nancy Clarke French Cathy Besharah
Sue Harron Music & Science
Wendy Younge Physical Education Office Assistant:
Dana Boyer Vice Principal Lynn Braiden (retiring)
Michael Kennedy Principal to be determined
Page 2 Arklan Community Public School

UCDSB Safe Arrival and Dismissal

We, as educators, and you as parents/guardians, Remember that you are responsible for your
all have a duty to ensure the safety of our stu- child’s safety and conduct prior to boarding the
dents. Safe Arrival procedures are a legislated re- bus and following drop-off at a designated stop.
quirement for elementary students in Ontario. This includes walking or driving your child to and
Within the UCDSB, protocols are required to be from the bus stop. In the case of a JK-SK student,
followed in all K-6, K-8 and 7-12 schools that serve or in a special situation that has been approved by
elementary students. While school departure pro- the school, STEO, and bus operator, a trusted re-
cedures are not a legislated requirement, there is sponsible person must accompany your child to
an expectation for schools to ensure an effective and from the bus stop. If no one meets the child at
student departure process as well. We recognize the bus stop, drivers are directed to take the child
that it is the responsibility of principals, office staff back to school or to the proper authorities. It is a
and parents to work diligently every day to ensure parental responsibility to ensure that children ar-
the safety of our students. To this end we would rive home safely from the bus stop.
like to remind parents/guardians to notify the We thank you for your commitment to student
school if: safety in Upper Canada.
1. your child is going to be late or absent****; ****Please leave a message via My Family Room,
2. alternative arrangements have been made for your child’s agenda, email, our Facebook page, or
your child at the end of the day, i.e. he/she is be- the school’s telephone message system. If we are
ing picked up instead of taking the bus; unable to contact you through the phone num-
3. your child is going to be picked up by another bers you provide, we will attempt to phone your
party. emergency contacts. If we are unsuccessful in
reaching any contact, the board protocol is to re-
For those students who are bused, please review
port unknown absences to the OPP.
STEO procedures:

Safe School’s Act

Parents and visitors are not to go to the emergency it is essential that all persons on
classrooms or other areas within the the premises have signed-in and are ac-
school unannounced. In order to comply counted for.
with the Safe School’s Act it is required As part of our safe school’s plan, there is
that all parents, guardians and other visi- buzzer system at the front doors with a
tors to the school must come to the office video screen in the main office. Visitors are
upon arrival. At that time, visitors sign in required to ring the buzzer to gain entry.
and put on a visitor/volunteer badge be- Your support of this procedure will assist
fore proceeding to any other part of the greatly in ensuring the safety of our stu-
building. Please sign-out before leaving the dents and staff and we thank-you for your
school premises. In the event of a school cooperation.
Administration of Medication

The Upper Canada District School Board has imple- Administration of Medication” form is includ-
mented a procedure for the administration of medica- ed in this newsletter. Please keep this form,
tion at school. as you may require it during this school year.
A memo outlining the details has been included in this If needed, we will be glad to supply additional
newsletter. A blank copy of the “Authorization for the forms.

Anaphylaxis...and other serious medical conditions

If your child has a life threatening medical condition that involves the use of an Epipen injector,
he/she must wear their Epipen at all times. Students are also required to wear their Epipen
while riding the school bus. Please keep the school informed of any serious medical conditions.

We would like to remind you that our school has students

Severe Allergies

and/or staff with nut allergies and other serious conditions, such
as egg allergies. We kindly ask that you do not send products
that contain nuts. There are food suppliers who are marketing
nut-free products that look, taste, and smell like peanut butter.
These peanut butter substitute products can cause confusion
and create an unsafe environment for our students and staff
that are peanut anaphylactic. Therefore, due to the difficulty in differ-
entiating between peanut butter and a peanut butter substitute, we do
not allow these products in our school. We thank you for your
support in keeping a safe environment for all.

Please avoid the use of perfume,

scented hairspray, cologne, and
other scented products The Upper Canada District School Board recogniz-
es concussions as a serious injury which requires
Scented products can aggravate
appropriate follow-up measures to reduce risk of
health problems for some peo-
potential additional injury. Concussion awareness,
ple especially those with asth-
prevention, identification and management are a
ma, allergies and other medical
priority for the Board.
For more information, please visit
Thank you for your cooperation.
We ask that you please notify the school if your

No Scents Makes Sense

child has suffered a concussion at any time, even
outside of the school schedule.

Since October 1, 2010 the Upper Canada District School Board no longer administers prescribed
oral medication for students without the authorization of a licensed physician and medication must
be received within a labeled pharmacy bottle.

The administration of prescription and / or non-prescription medication to a student is the respon-

sibility of the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s). Treatment regimes should, where possible, be ad-
justed to avoid administration of medication (prescription/non-prescription) during school hours.
The Board recognizes that there may be exceptional cases where a student must have medication
administered during regular school hours.

The following steps must be followed:

1. The Authorization for the Administration of Medication form must be completed and signed
by a licensed physician and/or the parent(s)/guardian(s). This form will need to be complet-
ed for every new school year and/or for each medication which requires administration by
the school. Should there be a dosage change for any medication a new form must be sub-

2. All prescribed medication must be received within a pharmacy bottle and the label on the
bottle must provide instruction on how to administer such medication. The pharmacist
medication information sheet must also be provided with the Authorization for Administra-
tion of Medication form. Non prescribed medication must be in its original packaging.

The Authorization for the Administration of Medication Form has been included with this memo
and more information can be obtained by visiting

Keep this form for later use

Student Information Sheets
Every Arklan student will bring passed on from school to school provide a current email
home a “Student Info Verification” within the Board, right into high address. Please take a
sheet this week. This form repre- school. So, please take a few moment to ensure that
sents the information we currently minutes to make sure that your the email address on
have on the database for your child. child’s data is correct. All Student the Student Infor-
It is very important that this infor- Info Verification sheets, even mation Sheet is correct.
mation be correct and up-to-date. those without changes, are to be We strongly urge fami-
Accurate records are essential in the signed, dated and returned to the lies to register for My Family Room at
event of a medical or emergency school no later than Tuesday, Sep- This allows for sub-
situation. It is particularly important tember 17th, 2019. mitting your child’s attendance online,
that the school be kept aware of as well as future absence that you
any medical conditions (such as al- may be aware of. It also enables you
lergies) affecting your child. Also, as MY FAMILY ROOM: As we en- to make any updates or changes to
all school databases in the Upper hance our communication through your profile online, keeping the
Canada District School Board are technology, we ask that parents school’s information as current as
networked, this information is possible.
Dismissal Routine

For the safety of our children, the front driveway of

the school is for buses only between 8:50-9:30, and
again from 3:20-4:00.
Student dismissal is 3:45 PM. If you wish to pick up
your child before regular dismissal time, please
come into the main office to sign her/him out.
Whenever possible, please send a note in the agen-
da or call the office before 2:00 in order to we may
pass on end-of-the-day information in a timely man-
ner. Thank you for your attention to this policy.

Phoning Arklan

If your call to the school office goes unanswered during office hours,
please be assured that messages are checked frequently. Our voice mail
system is operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Messages may be
left at any time.
Arklan Community Public School Page 7

School Council and Board Officials have implemented “Drop-Off and Pick-
Up” procedure for our school. As we welcome many new families to Arklan
Community Public School, we have placed a diagram illustrating the routes
to follow. If you have any questions, please contact the school at 613-257-
8113. The safety of our children is our number one priority!

Transportation Procedure

Walkers exit onto the school yard or on the sidewalk in front of the daycare

Grades 1 to 6 only
9:30 AM and
to 3:50
and from 3:204:00
from 8:50 to 9:20
3:20 to


Kinder parking

Bus Safety Drills

• First Time Riders for Kindergarten students: September 10
• Emergency Bus Evacuation for all students: October 1
Here’s a “heads up” for upcoming
Picture Day:
Tuesday, October 8th .

Retakes are scheduled for Thursday,

November 7th.

Social Media

Keep up to date with the most current school news and

Please follow Arklan Community Public School on Facebook.
It’s not necessary to have a personal Facebook profile to look
us up. We’ll post our monthly newsletters, reminders and
lots of photos of school activities.
Don’t forget to “like” our school.
Also, visit our school website at
We are proud to participate in the annual Terry Fox Walk once
again this year. Arklan students will walk in support of cancer
research on Thursday, September 26th, 2019.
Please stay tuned for more information coming soon!

Student Accident Insurance

The Upper Canada District School Board does not provide accident insurance coverage for student injuries
that occur on school premises or during school activities. Accidents can and do happen. Some injuries in-
cur medical, dental or other expenses that are not covered by provincial health care or employer group
plans. As a parent or guardian, you become responsible for these expenses.
We do make available an Accident and Life Insurance Program for students. Participation in such a pro-
gram is voluntary and the costs are to be paid by the parent or guardian.
For your convenience, Upper Canada District School Board has arranged a Student Accident Insurance Poli-
cy exclusively through Reliable Life Insurance Company. This program offers a variety of plans and benefits
at affordable prices. Benefits included are:
• dental expenses (resulting from an accident)
• total and permanent disability
• paralysis/loss of use
• special disability benefit
• death benefits.
If your child participates in co-curricular activities or activities outside the school day, there is a plan tai-
lored to your needs. All rates are one-time annual premiums. Family rates for 3 or more children are also
The insurance agreement is between you and Reliable Life Insurance Company. If you wish to subscribe
you can apply directly on-line at: Any questions should be directed to Reliable
Life Insurance Company toll free at 1-800-463-KIDS (5437).
“Take a Break”….a lunch break!

IMPORTANT ry month. It’s also posted on

Orders are placed in advance our Facebook page. There are
for the month. An order form always extra order forms at
for your October milk and the office.
lunch order is coming soon!
ABOUT THE LUNCH PROGRAM The order for October is due
on Monday, September 16th. WHEN IT BEGINS
Forget about that lunch routine,
Each month a lunch order This year our milk deliveries
and let us take care of things on
form (for the following begin Monday, September
Wednesdays & Fridays!
month) will be provided. 30th. Our first sub day is
Wednesday, October 2nd and
Beginning the first week of Oc-
For the remainder of the the first pizza day is Friday,
tober, we will be offering 6”
school year ALL MILK AND October 4th.
subs from Subway every
Wednesday and cheese pizza
ON (or nearest day) THE 15TH
slices every Friday. This year SPECIAL NOTE
Pizza will be ordered from Dom- OF THE MONTH. If the 15th
happens to fall on a weekend Please take the time to fill out
or holiday, the due date will your order form fully and ac-
fall on the immediately fol- curately. Also, please com-
Once again, we will also be
lowing Monday. In order to plete each one of your sub-
offering white and chocolate accommodate processing way order tickets as these
milk to be delivered daily. timelines LATE ORDERS WILL stubs are passed on to Sub-
NOT BE ACCEPTED! … NO EX- way in order for them to cus-
All of our lunches comply with CEPTIONS! tomize your child’s sandwich.
the Ministry of Education Nutri-
tion Guidelines. HOW TO ORDER
It’s easy to order! Just use
the lunch order that is sent
home at the beginning of eve-


Page 11 Arklan Community Public School

September 2019
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12Meet the 13 14
First Time Teacher
Riders 5:30-6:30

15 16 Milk & 17 18 19 20 21
orders School Council
Student Info Nomination
due Sheets due
forms due

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30 Oct 1 2 3 4 5
First Day of Milk
Council Mtg.
6:30 PM
Orange Shirt Day
Have you considered holding an elected position on the
Arklan School Council? Here are nominatin forms. If in-
terested, please return a completed form Thursday, Sep-
tember 26th, 2019 or call the school at 613-257-8113 x. 0.


I wish to declare my candidacy for an elected position as a parent/guardian representative on the
Arklan School Council
Phone Numbers:_________________________________________________
I am the parent/guardian of, _______________________________________who is currently
registered at Arklan Community Public School.
I am an employee of UCDSB: Yes No
Candidate’s signature:__________________________________________
Please include a brief autobiography on the back of this form.


I wish to nominate for an elected position as a parent/guardian representative on the Arklan School
Phone Numbers:_________________________________________________
I am the parent/guardian of, _______________________________________who is currently
registered at Arklan Community Public School.
________________________________is the parent/guardian of, ________________________
Is the nominated candidate an employee of UCDSB?: Yes No
Nominator’s signature:__________________________________________
Please include a brief autobiography of the individual you have nominated on the back of this form.
School Year Calendar 2019-2020
2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6
9 10 11 12 13 7 8 9 10 11 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

16 17 18 19 20 14 15 16 17 18 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

23 24 25 26 27 21 22 23 24 25 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
30 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 31



1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3
6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 9 10 11 12 13 6 7 8 9 10
13 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 16 17 18 19 20 13 14 15 16 17
20 21 22 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 23 24 25 26 27 20 21 22 23 24
27 28 29 30 31 30 31 27 28 29 30

MAY 2020 JUNE 2020 JULY 2020 AUGUST 2020

1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7

4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14

11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 21
18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 26 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 26 27 28

25 26 27 28 29 29 30 27 28 29 30 31 31

Instructional Days: Christmas Break: Professional Activity (PA) Days:

First Day of School: September 3, 2019 Designated on calendar as ‘PA’
First Day of School for Students: September 4, 2019 December 23, 2019 – January 3, 2020
September 3, 2019
Last Day of School: June 26, 2020
September 27, 2019
Last Day of School for Students: June 25, 2020 March Break:
October 25, 2019
November 29, 2019
Statutory Holidays: March 16, 2020 – March 20, 2020
January 31, 2020
September 2, 2019 - Labour Day
May 29, 2020
October 14, 2019 – Thanksgiving
June 26, 2020
February 17, 2020 - Family Day
April 10, 2020 - Good Friday
April 13, 2020 - Easter Monday
May 18, 2020 - Victoria Day

Designated on calendar as ‘H’

Important Notice!
This will be your LAST printed newsletter!

Arklan newsletters are published at the beginning of each

month. Every student receives a printed copy of the September
newsletter. However, we strongly encourage our families to ac-
cess the monthly newsletter electronically.

Please help us save resources! Review your monthly newsletter electronically. The news-
letter will be posted to our Facebook page, on our website or emailed directly to you.
for emailed or print copies please return this slip to the school:

Please send the monthly newsletter to this email address(es):

____________________________________ (please print clearly)
____________________________________ (please print clearly)

We are unable to access the monthly newsletter electronically. Please continue to send a
printed copy of the newsletter

Your child’s name: _________________________

Your child’s teacher: _________________________

If this slip is not returned, it will be our understanding that your family is accessing the
monthly newsletter electronically and does not require a printed copy.

FYI….every student will receive a printed copy of the monthly milk & lunch order form.

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