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OPINION Adolescent athletes: psychosocial challenges and
clinical concerns
Katherine A. Tamminen a, Nicholas L. Holt b, and Peter R.E. Crocker a

Purpose of review
To review the recent literature (over the past 18 months) regarding psychosocial challenges and clinical
concerns among adolescent athletes, and to address the advances made in understanding adolescent
athletes’ coping processes.
Recent findings
Coping research has moved from identifying discrete stressors and coping strategies to examining the
processes of coping over time. Parents and coaches play an important role in young athletes’ sport
experiences and athletes’ use and development of coping strategies. In terms of clinical concerns, findings
regarding the prevalence of disordered eating have been equivocal. However, disordered eating may be
of greater concern among athletes participating in ‘leanness’ sports. Sport participation may contribute to
increased alcohol consumption among adolescent athletes but decreased use of drugs and smoking
cigarettes, while steroid use appears to be relatively rare compared with athletes’ use of alcohol and
The reviewed studies have implications for future research by identifying opportunities for intervention and
education regarding clinical and nonclinical psychosocial challenges. Researchers have emphasized the
importance of athletes’ social context and relationships in coping with psychosocial challenges in sport.
One concern is that adolescent athletes’ disordered eating and substance use may reflect maladaptive
coping. Experimental and intervention research is limited; however, incorporating members of athletes’
social network into future research and interventions may be a practical avenue to achieving positive
outcomes among adolescent athletes.
coach, coping, disordered eating, parent, sport, stressors, substance abuse

INTRODUCTION Lazarus’s [8] transactional approach has been most

Sport participation can improve motor skills, widely used to study stressors and coping among
physical and mental health, and psychosocial devel- adolescent athletes [9,10]. From this perspective,
opment [1–3,4 ]. However, youth report both stressors are subjective appraisals influenced by
positive and negative experiences associated with the strength of an individual’s goal commitment
competitive sport participation [5]. In this review, and values concerning his or her sport participation
we examine psychosocial challenges and coping in and competition. Adolescent athletes report a num-
sport, with particular attention paid to the role of ber of stressors, including making physical or men-
parents and coaches, followed by a review of clinical tal errors, parent, teammate, and coach criticism,
concerns among adolescent athletes (disordered
eating and substance abuse). a
School of Kinesiology, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
British Columbia and bFaculty of Physical Education and Recreation,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Correspondence to Katherine A. Tamminen, PhD, Exercise and Sport
COPING AMONG ADOLESCENT ATHLETES Psychology Lab, School of Kinesiology, The University of British Colum-
Early research in this area focussed on the identifi- bia, 210 - 6081 University Boulevard, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1, Canada.
cation of psychosocial challenges or stressors associ- Tel: +1 604 822 9192; e-mail:
ated with sport participation and the ways in which Curr Opin Psychiatry 2012, 25:293–300
athletes attempt to cope with these demands [6,7]. DOI:10.1097/YCO.0b013e3283541248

0951-7367 ß 2012 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Child and adolescent psychiatry

early and middle adolescents frequently reported

KEY POINTS stressors which included making a physical or men-
 Young athletes report a number of stressors associated tal error and receiving a wrong decision from an
with sport participation (e.g., making errors, criticism, official. However, some stressors early adolescents
pressure to perform, and fear of injury), and coping is reported more frequently than middle adolescents
important for performance, well being, and minimizing included observing an opponent cheat and observ-
sport withdrawal. ing another player perform well, whereas the types
 Researchers are investigating the development of of stressors middle adolescents reported more fre-
adaptive coping among adolescent athletes as well as quently included injury and criticism from coaches,
social influences on young athletes’ coping. parents, and other players. The differences in early
and middle adolescent athletes’ stressor appraisals
 Parents and coaches influence athletes’ sport
may reflect different developmental stages as well as
experiences through positive and negative behaviours;
however, experimental research is required to contextual changes associated with middle adoles-
determine whether targeting adults’ behaviours cents playing at higher competitive levels. Thus, the
improves athletes’ psychosocial experiences in sport. use of longitudinal designs in sport coping research
has drawn attention to the fluctuating nature and
 Participation in leanness sports such as gymnastics,
frequency of stressor appraisals within athletes’
ballet, and figure skating may contribute to disordered
eating among elite athletes, although more research is social environment, as well as the changing
required examining the trajectory and development of demands athletes face over the course of a season.
disordered eating among young athletes. Studies examining the effect of gender on cop-
ing have produced equivocal results [6,21,22]. How-
 Sport participation may protect against drug use and
ever, a limitation of these studies is that they have
smoking cigarettes, but it may also contribute to
increased alcohol consumption because of peer norms generally examined stressors as generic events at a
and social influences, particularly among male athletes. ‘macro level’, without fully examining the subjec-
tive appraisal processes associated with specific
stressors. An examination of stressors and coping
which takes into account stressors appraisals and
pressure to perform, fear of injury, viewing stressor sources may explain some differences in
opponents cheating or performing well, official male and female athletes’ coping [23]. One recent
and referee decisions, and organizational stressors, study helped produce a more refined understanding
including time management, travel, and balancing of gender differences in stressors and coping. Hoar
sport with school demands [11–14]. Coping is et al. [24] had 524 male and female adolescent team
defined as on-going conscious and deliberate sport athletes (n ¼ 274 male, n ¼ 250 female, mean
attempts to manage specific external and internal age ¼ 13.1 years) complete measures of coping
demands that are appraised as taxing or exceeding with interpersonal stressors in sport. There were
the resources of the person [8,15]. Coping is import- no significant differences in the amount of coping
ant for achieving subjectively and objectively suc- strategies male and female athletes used overall.
cessful sport performances [16], and in preventing However, there were gender differences across differ-
sport withdrawal or dropout [17,18]. ent sources of interpersonal stress. Female athletes
Some studies have examined variability in stres- used more instances of seeking social support in the
sors and coping over short periods of time (e.g., over context of stressors related to coach and personal
the course of one competition) [19,20], whereas social behaviour than male athletes. Female athletes
others have examined coping over longer periods, also reported using more cognitive reappraisal than
such as an entire season [14]. These studies showed male athletes, but only in the context of referee
that stressors fluctuate over time and stressor stressors. These findings draw attention to the differ-
appraisals also appear to change with development. ences between male and female athletes’ relation-
In a longitudinal study among early and middle ships and social connectedness goals; however, this
adolescent competitive soccer players [13], athletes study only focussed on gender differences in coping
(mean age ¼ 14.48 years) reported differences in with interpersonal stressors. It remains unclear how
both the nature and frequency of stressor appraisals gender differences would emerge in relation to other
depending on age; early adolescents reported a competitive stressors in sport.
higher mean stressor frequency than middle adoles- Few experimental or intervention studies have
cents over the entire season. Furthermore, early examined ways to improve coping among adoles-
adolescents reported more stressors in the early part cent athletes. One exception was a theoretically
of the season, whereas middle adolescents reported driven small-scale intervention among five male
soccer players (mean age ¼ 13.6 years) [25 ]. Using
more stressors in the mid-season to late season. Both

294 Volume 25  Number 4  July 2012

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Adolescent athletes Tamminen et al.

a coping effectiveness training program, the authors wanted parents to maintain control of their
found that athletes’ coping self-efficacy improved, emotions. Athletes did not want parents to coach
whereas coping effectiveness and performance from the sidelines, argue with officials, or engage in
showed some improvements in effect sizes compared behaviours which might draw attention to them-
with baseline, but not all athletes reported improve- selves or the athlete. After competitions, athletes
ments. Interestingly, athletes’ perceptions of coping wanted parents to provide positive and realistic post-
effectiveness peaked following the intervention ses- game feedback. These findings offer some promising
sion on problem-focussed coping, which has been guidelines for parental behaviour, but to our knowl-
reported as most effective in dealing with stressors in edge there is no recent research which has adopted an
sport contexts [26]. This intervention was conducted intervention approach to target parental behaviour
among a small sample, and researchers have called for and to examine whether optimizing parental behav-
more studies which evaluate the effectiveness of iours results in more positive sport experiences or
interventions to improve athletes’ coping, achieve- performance outcomes among athletes.
& &
ment, and well being in a sport context [27 ]. Nicolas et al. [27 ] examined the perceptions of
supportive coaching behaviours, coping, and sport
achievement among 80 individual sport athletes
Role of parents and coaches (mean age ¼ 18.46 years) to investigate the influence
Parents help their children understand and interpret of coaches on athletes’ coping. Task-oriented coping
their experiences in sport by acting as role models of (i.e., thought control, mental imagery, relaxation,
behaviours, beliefs, and attitudes [28]. However, logical analysis, seeking social support, and effort
some young athletes report parental pressure as a expenditure) was associated with improved sport
stressor associated with sport participation [29]. achievement, whereas distraction-oriented coping
Recent research has focussed on identifying those (e.g., disengagement and resignation, venting of
parental behaviours which affect young athletes’ unpleasant emotions) was associated with decreased
experiences in sport and athletes’ perceptions about sport achievement. Perceptions of unsupportive
parental behaviours. Interviews with elite tennis coach behaviours prior to competition were associ-
players and their coaches and parents revealed ated with disengagement-oriented coping during
positive parental behaviours included providing competition, whereas supportive coach behaviours
social support, positive communication, providing were significantly associated with task-oriented
motivation, developing psychological and social coping during competition and sport achievement.
skills, and keeping sport in perspective [30]. Nega- Further analyses indicated perceptions of supportive
tive parental behaviours included being pushy or coaching had a prospective influence on athletes’
placing too much pressure on the athlete, yelling sport achievement during competition via the
or criticizing the athlete, over-involvement and initiation of task-oriented coping strategies. These
controlling behaviours, ineffective or negative findings suggest that perceptions of coaches as
communication, and an overemphasis on winning. either supportive or unsupportive may represent a
Mindful of the potential negative effects parents may factor in the use of adaptive or maladaptive coping
have on adolescent athletes, researchers continue to strategies among adolescent athletes.
focus on understanding the athlete–parent relation- Researchers have recently begun to examine the
ships to optimize parental involvement in sport. ways in which parents and coaches influence ado-
Researchers have sought adolescent athletes’ lescent athletes’ development of coping strategies.
perspectives to determine their preferences for Extending this line of research, Tamminen and Holt
parental behaviours. Athletes’ specific preferences [33 ] developed a grounded theory of the ways in
for parental involvement in sport include making which young athletes learn to cope with stressors in
comments on effort and attitude (not performance), sport and the role of parents and coaches in this
providing practical advice, and wanting parents to process. This study sampled 17 athletes (mean
match supportive comments with nonverbal behav- age ¼ 15.6 years), 10 parents (six mothers and four
iours [31]. Athletes also preferred specific behaviours fathers), and seven male coaches to qualitatively
before, during, and after competition [32]. Prior to investigate the development of adolescent athletes’
competitions, athletes wanted parents to help them coping. Findings suggested that athletes’ learning
prepare physically and mentally (e.g., ensuring about coping was an experiential process facilitated
proper hydration and helping the athlete to relax). by exposure to multiple sport experiences and by
During competitions, athletes wanted parents to reflecting on one’s coping. Parents and coaches
encourage the entire team, focus on athletes’ effort played an important role in helping athletes to
rather than on the outcome of the competition, learn about coping by creating a supportive context
interact positively with athletes, and athletes for learning and by using a number of specific

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Child and adolescent psychiatry

strategies to help athletes learn about coping, disorder), ‘symptomatic’ (individuals report disor-
including questioning and reminding athletes dered eating but not at a threshold for diagnosis),
about effective coping strategies, providing or ‘nonsymptomatic’ (individuals do not report any
perspective, sharing their own experiences, dosing criteria for diagnosis) [36]. Additional diagnoses
or structuring potentially stressful experiences for pertinent to athletic populations include anorexia
athletes, initiating informal conversations about athletica (characterized by reduced body mass
coping, creating learning opportunities, and direct or weight cycling for performance, dieting and
instruction about coping. This study suggested excessive exercise), exercise dependence, body dys-
ways in which adolescent athletes’ coping may be morphic disorder (a preoccupation with perceived
supported and guided by members of their social defects in appearance) [35], and the female athlete
networks, providing targets for intervention. How- triad (the co-occurrence of disordered eating, ame-
ever, this qualitative study was limited to team sport norrhea, and osteoporosis) [37]. The age of onset for
athletes, and the interviews were retrospective in athletes’ disordered eating has been suggested to
nature. Future longitudinal research could examine occur during adolescence; however, the prevalence
the correspondence between athletes’ day-to-day of adolescent athletes’ disordered eating is not well
(short-term) coping and its influence on long-term established [38,39].
psychosocial outcomes. To date, most research examining disordered
eating in sport has focussed on elite adult athletes;
however, there is cause for concern regarding young
CLINICAL CONCERNS athletes’ disordered eating. Adolescent athletes
Clinical sport psychology has recently emerged as experience physical changes associated with matu-
a distinct discipline separate from applied sport ration, including gains in height, weight, and body
psychology or performance enhancement. As such, fat; these changes may affect athletes’ perceptions
little research to date has specifically investigated of their physical appearance and physical ability,
clinical issues among adolescent athletes, particu- potentially contributing to restrictive eating practi-
larly within the past 18 months. More broadly, ces [38,40,41]. Disordered eating is more prevalent
researchers have found that the prevalence of among adolescent athletes participating in ‘lean-
psychological problems among high-performance ness’ sports (e.g., dance, gymnastics, swimming,
athletes (e.g., generalized anxiety disorder, depres- etc.) versus ‘non-leanness’ sports (e.g., alpine skiing,
sion, panic disorders) is not higher than in the soccer, basketball, etc.) [42]. Krentz and Warschbur-
general population, although specific social or ger [43 ] conducted a prospective study among
environmental stressors associated with competi- 65 male and female adolescent athletes (mean
tive contexts may contribute to the development age ¼ 14.0 years) participating in aesthetic or ‘lean-
of certain disorders [34]. Consequently, two clinical ness’ sports. Boys reported significantly lower levels
issues have emerged as significant areas of interest of disordered eating at 1-year follow-up, whereas
in the past 18 months among researchers and girls’ disordered eating remained stable. Overall,
practitioners: disordered eating and alcohol and athletes’ desire to be leaner in order to improve
drug abuse. sport performance was predictive of disordered eat-
ing, and not vice versa, which supports the notion
that athletes’ beliefs about leanness as being import-
Disordered eating ant for sport performance contribute to a higher
Researchers’ use of varying definitions and measures prevalence of eating disorders [44]. However,
of disordered eating has created some conceptual this study did not describe specific diagnoses of
confusion in the literature. Some researchers have anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, etc., but rather
made distinctions between anorexia nervosa, buli- it examined athletes’ levels of disordered eating
mia nervosa, eating disorders not otherwise speci- which included subclinical conditions. In another
fied (EDNOS, e.g., when some but not all criteria are recent study of adolescent aesthetic athletes
met for diagnosis of anorexia nervosa or bulimia (52 female and 16 male athletes aged 11–21), Van
nervosa), and subclinical conditions such as prob- Durme et al. [45] used three separate measures to
lematic eating behaviours and attitudes which do assess disordered eating pathologies and psychologi-
not meet the diagnostic criteria for disordered eating cal characteristics related to eating disorders
but are still associated with severe physical, psycho- (drive for thinness, bulimia, body dissatisfaction,
logical, and behavioural disturbances [35]. Other perfectionism, and interpersonal distrust). Female
researchers have made distinctions between diagno- aesthetic sport athletes reported significantly higher
ses of ‘eating disordered’ (including anorexia nerv- drives for thinness and more features of bulimia,
osa, bulimia nervosa, EDNOS, and binge eating engaged in more dieting behaviours, and had

296 Volume 25  Number 4  July 2012

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Adolescent athletes Tamminen et al.

greater concerns about their weight and body higher alcohol use among athletes but lower levels
shape compared with a female adolescent control of cigarette smoking and use of illicit drugs [52]. In
group. Competitive state anxiety (e.g., feelings of a longitudinal survey using data from a national
nervousness or worry prior to competition) [46], cohort of 11 741 American adolescents, Terry-McEl-
age, and eating concerns accounted for a significant rath and O’Malley [53 ] examined graduating high
amount of variance in dieting behaviour among school students’ sport and exercise participation
aesthetic sport athletes. Thus, cognitive concerns and its relationship to substance use, conducting
regarding one’s body and competition are import- four follow-up measurements at 1-year intervals.
ant as core features of adolescent athletes’ disor- Findings indicated that adolescents who initially
dered eating. (at age 18) participated in team sports reported
There are some contradictory findings despite higher alcohol use, and higher initial frequency of
the studies reported above. Martinsen et al. [47 ] alcohol use was related to significantly higher
examined dieting and disordered eating among frequency of use throughout young adulthood.
15–16-year-old elite athletes (n ¼ 606) and nonath- However, initial sport participation was also associ-
lete controls (n ¼ 355). Disordered eating was ated with decreased cigarette and drug use, and
examined through the assessment of athletes’ drive decreased drug use at age 18 was associated with
for thinness and body dissatisfaction, attempts to decreased drug use through adulthood. Terry-McEl-
lose weight, pathogenic weight control, or self- rath and O’Malley’s longitudinal study corroborates
reported menstrual dysfunction. Martinsen et al. findings which suggest that sport participation may
[47 ] classified athletes on the basis of having one contribute to alcohol consumption; however,
or more symptoms of disordered eating, under the participation in sport may also protect against
assumption that it is important to measure subclin- smoking and drug use [52].
ical eating disorders in addition to clinical eating Current research is focussed on identifying the
disorders. The non-athlete controls reported a higher factors which contribute to alcohol and drug use
incidence of dieting and disordered eating than elite among athletes. Male and female adolescent ath-
athletes. Furthermore, there was no difference in the letes may have different intentions to consume
prevalence of self-reported dieting or disordered eat- alcohol. Davies and Foxall [54] found that young
ing between athletes participating in leanness and men involved in sport were more likely to consume
non-leanness sports. One possible explanation for alcohol to the extent of getting drunk compared
this finding is that young athletes under-report dis- with their nonathletic male peers; however, find-
ordered eating symptoms, and disordered eating may ings were not significant for women. Parental and
appear and be diagnosed more frequently among peer subjective norms regarding drinking were also
older athletes in leanness sports because of a longer significant predictors of male and female athletes’
period of involvement in sport and extended intentions to consume alcohol. Although peer and
exposure to leanness requirements. parental norms have been found to predict athletes’
Generally, disordered eating has been investi- intention to consume alcohol [54], greater drives for
gated to a greater extent among older adolescents muscularity and thinness have been found to pre-
and adult athletes [48–50]. Clinical and subclinical dict stronger intentions to use doping substances,
disordered eating is more prevalent among elite ath- regardless of level of sport involvement [55]. Under-
letes compared with the general population, is higher standing the psychological and social contributors
among female athletes compared with male athletes, to alcohol and drug use as well as disordered eating
and is higher among athletes participating in lean- continues to be an important area of research.
ness sports than those participating in nonleanness Researchers have raised concerns about young
sports [51]. On the balance of evidence, young ath- athletes’ use of performance-enhancing substances
letes participating in ‘leanness’ sport may be at risk for and anabolic–androgenic steroids [56 ]. A number
& &
developing disordered eating. But, given that some of studies have examined the prevalence [57 ,58 ,
findings have been contradictory, further research is 59] and predictors [55,56 ] of adolescents’ use of
required to understand the development and trajec- performance-enhancing substances. Findings from
tory of disordered eating among athletes throughout studies within the past 18 months suggest that the
adolescence and into adulthood. prevalence of high school students’ steroid use is
& &
low, ranging from 0.9 [58 ] to 4% [57 ] of surveyed
adolescents, and the relationship between adolescent
Alcohol and drug abuse athletes’ sport participation and steroid use is not
Another clinical issue of concern is adolescent ath- clear. In one study, sport participation was not
letes’ alcohol and drug abuse. A recent review significantly related to Icelandic high school stu-
reported that sport participation was related to dents’ steroid use (n ¼ 10 918, 48.2% men, mean

0951-7367 ß 2012 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 297

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Child and adolescent psychiatry

age ¼ 17.7 years), although steroid use was associated school). There is abundant research in recent years
with participation in informal physical fitness activi- examining the development of life skills and the
ties (e.g., exercise outside formally organized sports; potential for the transfer of life skills learned in sport
weightlifting, etc.). Conversely, according to analysis to other contexts [60,61]. Despite these advances,
of national data from the Youth Risk Behavior Sur- there is little research examining the transfer of the
veillance System, participation in multiple sports was coping skills athletes gain in sport contexts to other
associated with a higher probability of male athletes’ areas of their lives.
steroid use [57 ]. Generally speaking, it appears the Why do some adolescent athletes develop eating
prevalence of steroid use ‘is not rampant among disorders? Researchers have identified the import-
high school students’ and ‘compared to smoking ance of cognitive concerns as core features of ado-
and drinking, steroid use is relatively rare’ ([57 ], lescent aesthetic sport athletes’ disordered eating. It
p. 211). Adolescent athletes’ steroid use may be rela- would appear that cognitive concerns regarding
tively low compared with alcohol and cigarette use body weight and competitive anxiety about per-
[57 ]; however, steroid use could be part of a broader formance contribute to the development of disor-
experimentation with substances [58 ,59] or part dered eating [45]. Thus, perceptions that striving for
of adolescents’ motivation to secure a position on a thin body ideal will be beneficial for performance
& &
an elite team or to gain athletic scholarships [56 ,57 ]. may put athletes at risk for developing disordered
More research is needed to investigate young ath- eating [45,47 ]. Although disordered eating is
letes’ motivation and perceived incentives for steroid suggested to develop as a result of young athletes’
use, although adolescent athletes’ alcohol use desire to be leaner to improve performance
& &
appears to be a more pressing issue. [43 ,47 ], research among adolescent athletes is lim-
Researchers have focussed on establishing the ited in scope and has provided equivocal results. It
prevalence of disordered eating and alcohol and may be the case that disordered eating is diagnosed
drug use, as well as psychological and social factors more often in contexts which emphasize aesthetics
which contribute to these issues. However, to date and weight management. It should also be noted
there is little published research adopting interven- that most research examining athletes’ disordered
tion approaches which target adolescents’ disor- eating has been conducted with older, elite popu-
dered eating or alcohol and drug use in sport lations. Nonetheless, eating disorders diagnosed
contexts, which would be a valuable addition to among adult elite athletes may begin during ado-
the current research addressing clinical concerns lescence, particularly if pressures to perform con-
among adolescent athletes. tribute to young athletes’ cognitive concerns
regarding their body shape and weight. Further
longitudinal research which examines the trajectory
DISCUSSION of development of disordered eating is warranted.
Sport is viewed as a context for adolescents’ positive The definitions and diagnoses of clinical versus
development; however, there is a large body of subclinical eating disorders is an important issue to
literature revealing psychosocial challenges and be addressed. Subclinical eating disorders are those
clinical concerns associated with youth sport which are not considered diagnosable as a clinical
participation. Recent research has examined how eating disorder; yet, the athlete still presents symp-
young athletes cope with challenges in sport con- toms of disordered eating and may experience
texts and the process by which athletes learn to severe physical, psychological, and behavioural
cope, with parents and coaches being implicated disturbances as a result [35]. It is not entirely clear
as important social agents in athletes’ coping. This how subclinical eating disorders are different from
line of research may provide valuable information ‘eating disorders not otherwise specified’ (e.g. when
about adolescents’ coping in other contexts, some but not all criteria are met for diagnosis of
particularly in achievement contexts such as school anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa), and it is also
and academic settings. For example, task-oriented not clear how practitioners and researchers under-
coping (e.g., logical analysis, seeking social support, stand and apply these different definitions and
effort expenditure) is associated with improvements diagnoses. Petrie and Greenleaf [35] have previously
in sport achievement [27 ], and athletes’ percep- drawn attention to this issue, and we agree that
tions of coping effectiveness increased following greater clarity and consistency surrounding these
educational sessions dealing with problem-focussed definitions and diagnoses are needed.
coping [25 ]. Educating athletes about task-oriented Why do young athletes drink alcohol? Several
and problem-focussed coping may be useful in help- reasons have been offered to account for adolescent
ing athletes to deal with competitive demands, as athletes’ alcohol use. Young athletes’ increased
well as demands in other achievement contexts (i.e., social standing and pressure to maintain academic

298 Volume 25  Number 4  July 2012

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Adolescent athletes Tamminen et al.

and sport performances may create increased P.R.E.C. was supported by a standard research grant
demands, and socialization processes may encourage from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research
the association between sports and alcohol consump- Council of Canada.
tion [52,54]. Therefore, perceptions of increased
demands or greater difficulty in managing chal- Conflicts of interest
lenges, along with a ‘normalization’ of drinking, There are no conflicts of interest.
may contribute to an increase in adolescent athletes’
alcohol consumption. Peer group influence and
parental norms are important in predicting adoles- REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDED
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